RNS Number : 5111E

West Bromwich Building Society

31 May 2012

West Bromwich Building Society

Preliminary results announcement for the year ended 31 March 2012

The West Brom today announces its results for the financial year ended 31 March 2012, reporting continued progress with its Back to Basics strategy.

Key highlights from the 2011/12 financial year include:

- An increase in the Group's Core Tier 1 capital ratio from 12.8% to 13.3%, remaining one of the highest among UK banks and building societies

   -     Strong levels of high quality liquidity balances maintained 

- Market-leading rates delivered to our savings members, with savers earning on average 1.86% higher than Bank Rate

- Retail savings inflows of GBP2.4bn, attracting some 52,300 new savers, with residential mortgages covered 1.31 times by retail deposits

   -     Net interest margin improved slightly to 0.47% (2010/11: 0.43%) 
   -     A reduction of 38% in credit impairment charges 
   -     Pre-tax losses further reduced, by 31% to GBP9.5m (2010/11: GBP13.8m) 

Jonathan Westhoff, Chief Executive, commented:

"The West Brom has shown continued progress over the past year in line with our Back to Basics strategy and its emphasis on the core building society priorities of retail savings, investments and prime residential mortgages. This has resulted in the Society once again being able to reduce pre-tax losses and, more significantly, deliver a strong improvement in underlying performance.

While turbulence and instability in the economy prevails, our focus continues to be on providing our members with excellence in products and service.

For savers, we have sought to cushion the consequences of the challenging interest rate environment, where Bank Rate remains at its historically low level, by consistently offering a range of market-leading accounts. At the same time, the majority of our residential mortgage borrowers have benefited significantly from very low rates linked to Bank Rate.

We have made tremendous advances with our branch modernisation programme, delivering a much improved quality of service. In addition, we completed the necessary work to re-establish ourselves in the prime residential mortgage market.

This willingness to invest in rejuvenating the branch network also reflects the Society's confidence in our position as the leading building society in Birmingham and the Black Country, and the sixth largest in the UK."

31 May 2012


   The West Brom                                                            0870 220 7785 Jonathan Westhoff - Chief Executive 

Mark Gibbard - Group Finance Director

Chief Executive's Review


Given the challenging economic environment, it is pleasing to report that the West Brom has again shown progress over the last year. Our Back to Basics strategy and its emphasis on the core building society priorities of retail savings, investments and prime residential mortgages has delivered increased capital ratios and strong levels of high quality liquidity.

The Group's financial results showed another improvement with a reduction of some 31% in the pre-tax loss figure, to GBP9.5m.

An integral part of our Back to Basics strategy is looking after the financial interests of our members through a range of savings and investment products, alongside the offer of prime residential mortgages.

Bank Rate remains historically low and while this does bring a benefit for many of our residential mortgage borrowers it also places pressure on those seeking to maximise the return on their savings.

Our commitment to savers has seen the West Brom feature consistently in the Best Buy tables over the course of the year, providing competitive products to customers whichever way they prefer to manage their accounts, be it through a branch, directly by telephone or post, or via the internet.

The Society's ability to attract retail deposits which, in the 12 months to 31 March 2012, amounted to a gross inflow of some GBP2.4bn, meant we were more than able to maintain the proportion of our funding that comes directly from members' deposits. At 86.6% of total funding, these deposits have enabled us to comfortably fund residential mortgages at 1.31 times cover.

Shortly after the year end, we were able to complete a securitisation transaction of residential mortgage assets, the Society's first for six years, to diversify and extend the term of our funding sources.

Non-core activities

At the heart of the Society's Back to Basics strategy is an orderly withdrawal from those areas of operation into which we previously diversified - notably commercial lending, residential property letting and second charge lending.

Continued progress is evident, with a reduction of almost 30%, to GBP1.2bn, over the last three years in the Group's total exposure to commercial lending. Whilst maintaining a prudent level of provisions against our commercial loans, we were able to reduce the level of impairment charges in the year to GBP6.2m (2010/11: GBP8.7m).

We intend to exit the residential letting operation - West Bromwich Homes - when market conditions are opportune. However, the current state of the property market is not likely to lead to a portfolio sale in the near future. Thanks to more efficient management the division reported a very pleasing increase in its underlying trading profit, to GBP0.6m (2010/11: GBP0.2m).

In terms of the Group's second charge mortgage business - Insignia - it was decided, in 2009, that we would not do any further lending. Since then, careful management of the existing loans has seen balances reduce from GBP56.1m to GBP39.6m.

Moving ahead with confidence

A renewed emphasis on the Society's strengths as a traditional regionally-based building society does not preclude innovation and development.

We have lived up to our promise of upgrading our branch network, and the feedback from staff and customers alike suggests the project has exceeded expectations. The modernisation programme has given West Brom branches a vibrant profile that is more than a match for our competitors in high streets across the region.

The Society took another step forward after completing the necessary work to re-establish ourselves in the prime residential mortgage market. This involved the implementation of a new highly automated processing and support system, which is now live and enabling the delivery of a new range of mortgage products.

It is still very much our intention to relocate the Society to new head office premises. Progress has been frustrating and negotiations with potential partners have been protracted. However, we are clear that we will only sign up for premises that are right for our business and are in the best long-term interests of our members and staff.

Outlook - playing to our strengths

The overall economic situation both here in the UK and across much of Europe remains unsettled and it would be unwise to predict any immediate upturn. This will have inevitable repercussions for the financial services sector, especially if Bank Rate remains at its all-time low level, and means that the Society's financial performance will continue to be constrained.

Our strengths are embodied in our Back to Basics strategy, which has produced a framework for stability and renewal. The Society's performance over the last year does give some grounds for optimism, while the impressive modernisation of our branches and the re-establishment of the West Brom in the prime residential mortgage market are two noteworthy achievements that will stand us in good stead going forward.

Jonathan Westhoff

Chief Executive

31 May 2012

 Income Statement 
 for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                                                  Group     Group 
                                                                   2012      2011 
                                                                   GBPm      GBPm 
 Interest receivable and similar income                           180.8     190.7 
 Interest expense and similar charges                           (145.9)   (156.3) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 Net interest receivable                                           34.9      34.4 
 Fees and commissions receivable                                    6.1       5.7 
 Other operating income                                             4.4       4.1 
-------------------------------------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 Total operating income                                            45.4      44.2 
 Fair value losses on financial instruments                       (3.0)     (9.1) 
 Net realised profits from financial instruments                    5.2      15.6 
-------------------------------------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 Total income                                                      47.6      50.7 
 Administrative expenses - ongoing                               (38.2)    (36.1) 
 Administrative expenses - restructuring                          (0.1)     (0.3) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                    (4.7)     (5.0) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 Operating profit before impairments, provisions 
  and revaluation losses                                            4.6       9.3 
 Losses on investment properties                                  (1.0)     (1.9) 
 Impairment losses on loans and advances                         (10.5)    (16.8) 
 Provisions for liabilities - FSCS Levy                           (2.9)     (2.2) 
 Provisions for liabilities - other                                 0.3     (1.5) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 Loss before tax                                                  (9.5)    (13.1) 
 Taxation                                                           0.3       3.4 
 Loss for the financial year from continuing 
  operations                                                      (9.2)     (9.7) 
-------------------------------------------------  --------------------  -------- 
 Discontinued operations 
 Loss from discontinued operations                                    -     (0.7) 
 Loss for the financial year                                      (9.2)    (10.4) 
=================================================  ====================  ======== 
 Statement of Comprehensive Income 
 for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                                    Group    Group 
                                                     2012     2011 
                                                     GBPm     GBPm 
 Loss for the financial year                        (9.2)   (10.4) 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
 Available for sale investments 
   Valuation gain taken to equity                    10.5     14.0 
   Amounts transferred to Income Statement          (5.2)   (15.6) 
 Actuarial (loss)/gain on retirement benefit 
  obligations                                       (4.3)      0.7 
 Cash flow hedge gains/(losses) taken to equity       0.1    (0.3) 
 Tax on items taken directly to equity              (0.5)      1.1 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Other comprehensive income for the financial 
  year, net of tax                                    0.6    (0.1) 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Total comprehensive income for the financial 
  year                                              (8.6)   (10.5) 
================================================  =======  ======= 
 Statement of Financial Position 
 at 31 March 2012 
                                                             Group                    Group 
                                                              2012                     2011 
                                                              GBPm                     GBPm 
 Cash and balances with the Bank of England                  769.2                    385.4 
 Loans and advances to credit institutions                   117.5                    124.7 
 Investment securities                                       924.5                    918.6 
 Derivative financial instruments                             64.5                     73.4 
 Loans and advances to customers                           5,373.6                  5,880.1 
 Current tax assets                                              -                      1.9 
 Deferred tax assets                                          25.7                     23.8 
 Trade and other receivables                                   4.3                      5.8 
 Intangible assets                                             7.5                      7.2 
 Investment properties                                       112.7                    113.7 
 Property, plant and equipment                                17.6                     12.6 
 Retirement benefit assets                                       -                      1.8 
--------------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total assets                                              7,417.1                  7,549.0 
============================================  ====================  ======================= 
 Shares                                                    5,672.8                  5,711.9 
 Amounts due to credit institutions                           48.6                     64.3 
 Amounts due to other customers                              129.7                    131.6 
 Derivative financial instruments                            107.8                     79.8 
 Debt securities in issue                                    927.4                  1,025.3 
 Deferred tax liabilities                                      8.2                      6.2 
 Trade and other payables                                     19.9                     18.6 
 Provisions for liabilities                                    6.4                      6.8 
 Retirement benefit obligations                                0.4                        - 
--------------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total liabilities                                         6,921.2                  7,044.5 
 Profit participating deferred shares                        175.0                    177.3 
 Subscribed capital                                           74.9                     74.9 
 General reserves                                            241.1                    251.3 
 Revaluation reserve                                           3.7                      3.7 
 Available for sale reserve                                    1.2                    (2.6) 
 Cash flow hedging reserve                                       -                    (0.1) 
--------------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total equity attributable to members                        495.9                    504.5 
--------------------------------------------  --------------------  ----------------------- 
 Total liabilities and equity                              7,417.1                  7,549.0 
============================================  ====================  ======================= 

Included above are GBP262.8m of commercial mortgage balances held in two bankruptcy remote Special Purpose Entities (SPEs), Sandwell Commercial Finance No. 1 Plc (Sandwell 1) and Sandwell Commercial Finance No. 2 Plc (Sandwell 2). The Group's exposure to losses in Sandwell 1 and Sandwell 2 is capped by a first loss at GBP3.75m and GBP7.0m respectively. Loans and advances to customers are shown net of provisions of GBP5.3m in Sandwell 1 and GBP15.2m in Sandwell 2. The excess over the first loss has been deducted from the carrying value of debt securities which funded the SPEs.

 Statement of Changes in Members' Interest 
 for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                      Profit                                          Available       Cash 
                               participating                                                for       flow 
                                    deferred   Subscribed     General   Revaluation        sale    hedging 
                                      shares      capital    reserves       reserve     reserve    reserve    Total 
 Group                                  GBPm         GBPm        GBPm          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
 At 1 April 2011                       177.3         74.9       251.3           3.7       (2.6)      (0.1)    504.5 
 Loss for the financial 
  year                                 (2.3)            -       (6.9)             -           -          -    (9.2) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the period 
 Available for sale 
  investments: valuation 
  gain taken to equity                     -            -           -             -         3.8          -      3.8 
 Actuarial loss on 
  retirement benefit 
  obligations                              -            -       (3.3)             -           -          -    (3.3) 
 Cash flow hedge 
  gains taken to equity                    -            -           -             -           -        0.1      0.1 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income                                   -            -       (3.3)             -         3.8        0.1      0.6 
---------------------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year                  (2.3)            -      (10.2)             -         3.8        0.1    (8.6) 
 At 31 March 2012                      175.0         74.9       241.1           3.7         1.2          -    495.9 
===========================  ===============  ===========  ==========  ============  ==========  =========  ======= 
                                      Profit                                                          Cash 
                               participating                                          Available       flow 
                                    deferred   Subscribed     General   Revaluation    for sale    hedging 
                                      shares      capital    reserves       reserve     reserve    reserve    Total 
 Group                                  GBPm         GBPm        GBPm          GBPm        GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
 At 1 April 2010                       179.9         74.9       258.5           3.8       (2.3)        0.2    515.0 
 Loss for the financial 
  year                                 (2.6)            -       (7.8)             -           -          -   (10.4) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the period 
 Available for sale 
  investments: valuation 
  loss taken to equity                     -            -           -             -       (0.3)          -    (0.3) 
 Realisation of previous 
  revaluation gains                        -            -         0.1         (0.1)           -          -        - 
 Actuarial gain on 
  retirement benefit 
  obligations                              -            -         0.5             -           -          -      0.5 
 Cash flow hedge 
  losses taken to 
  equity                                   -            -           -             -           -      (0.3)    (0.3) 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income                                   -            -         0.6         (0.1)       (0.3)      (0.3)    (0.1) 
---------------------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ------- 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the year                  (2.6)            -       (7.2)         (0.1)       (0.3)      (0.3)   (10.5) 
---------------------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  ------------  ----------  ---------  ------- 
 At 31 March 2011                      177.3         74.9       251.3           3.7       (2.6)      (0.1)    504.5 
===========================  ===============  ===========  ==========  ============  ==========  =========  ======= 
 Statement of Cash Flows 
 for the year ended 31 March 2012 
                                                                 Group       Group 
                                                                  2012        2011 
                                                                  GBPm        GBPm 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities 
  (see below)                                                    465.8     (368.8) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of investment securities                           (2,018.8)   (3,756.7) 
 Proceeds from disposal of investment securities               2,201.4     3,781.9 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment and 
  intangible assets                                             (10.3)       (4.4) 
 Proceeds from disposal of property, plant and 
  equipment                                                        0.2         1.7 
 Purchase of investment property                                     -       (0.3) 
 Proceeds from disposal of investment properties                     -         0.7 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash flows from investing activities                        172.5        22.9 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Net (repayment)/issue of other debt securities                 (27.6)       216.0 
 Repayment of mortgage backed loan notes                        (52.1)      (63.1) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net cash flows from financing activities                       (79.7)       152.9 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash                                 558.6     (193.0) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                  575.2       768.2 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                      1,133.8       575.2 
==========================================================  ==========  ========== 
                                                                 Group       Group 
                                                                  2012        2011 
                                                                  GBPm        GBPm 
 Analysis of cash balances 
 Cash in hand (including Bank of England reserve 
  account)                                                       763.7       379.6 
 Loans and advances to credit institutions                       116.1       124.7 
 Investment securities                                           254.0        70.9 
                                                               1,133.8       575.2 
==========================================================  ==========  ========== 
                                                                 Group       Group 
                                                                  2012        2011 
                                                                  GBPm        GBPm 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Loss on ordinary activities before tax from continuing 
  activities                                                     (9.5)      (13.1) 
 Loss on ordinary activities before tax from discontinued 
  activities                                                         -       (0.7) 
 Movement in prepayments and accrued income                      (0.8)         0.4 
 Movement in accruals and deferred income                          4.3       (3.1) 
 Impairment losses on loans and advances                          10.5        16.8 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                     4.7         5.0 
 Disposal of fixed assets and investment properties                  -       (0.4) 
 Revaluations of investment properties, land and 
  buildings                                                        1.0         1.9 
 Movement in provisions for liabilities                          (0.4)         0.8 
 Movement in derivative financial instruments                     36.9      (11.9) 
 Movement in fair value adjustments                             (15.0)        11.9 
 Change in retirement benefit obligations                        (2.1)       (3.1) 
----------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ---------- 
 Cash flows from operating activities before changes 
  in operating assets and liabilities                             29.6         4.5 
 Movement in loans and advances to customers                     517.1       518.0 
 Movement in loans and advances to credit institutions           (1.1)           - 
 Movement in shares                                             (38.1)     (831.8) 
 Movement in deposits and other borrowings                      (42.8)      (70.4) 
 Movement in trade and other receivables                           2.3       (0.2) 
 Movement in trade and other payables                            (3.3)        11.1 
 Tax received                                                      2.1           - 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from operating activities             465.8     (368.8) 
==========================================================  ==========  ========== 
 for the year ended 31 March 2012                               Group              Statutory 
                                                                 2012                  limit 
                                                                    %                      % 
 Lending limit                                                   19.1                   25.0 
 Funding limit                                                   13.4                   50.0 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 
                                                                Group                  Group 
                                                                 2012                   2011 
                                                                    %                      % 
 As a percentage of shares and borrowings: 
  Gross capital                                                  7.57                   7.58 
  Free capital                                                   5.83                   5.86 
  Liquid assets                                                 27.64                  21.47 
 As a percentage of mean total assets: 
  Loss for the financial year                                  (0.12)                 (0.13) 
  Management expenses                                            0.57                   0.52 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 
 Core liquidity buffer as a percentage of total 
  liquidity                                                      62.4                   47.0 
 Solvency ratio                                                  16.2                   15.6 
 Tier 1 capital ratio                                            15.7                   15.1 
 Core Tier 1 capital ratio                                       13.3                   12.8 
------------------------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------- 

This information is provided by RNS

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