RNS Number : 7095F

Petrol AD

19 June 2012






(This document is a translation of the original Bulgarian text,

in case of divergence the Bulgarian original shall prevail)

May 2012

Table of contents

Selected performance indicators.................................................................................................... 3

Group profile......................................................................................................... ....................... 5

Operating and financial review..................................................................................................... 13

Outlook......................................................................................................... ............................ 37

Corporate governance...................................................................................................... ........... 38

Environmental commitments..................................................................................................... ... 41

Responsibility of the management................................................................................................ 43

Independent auditor's report on the consolidated financial statement............................................... 44

Consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2011........................................................... 49

Notes to the consolidated financial statements............................................................................... 57

Selected performance indicators

 Financial highlights                     2011      2010      2009      2008      2007 
 Revenue                    BGN mln    1,439.1   1,218.3   1,015.2   1,365.6   1,383.8 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                735.8     622.9     519.1     698.2     707.5 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Gross margin from sales 
  of goods                  BGN mln       66.1      94.0      75.4     109.9      82.8 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                 33.8      48.1      38.6      56.2      42.3 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  %                                        4.6       7.8       7.5       8.1       6.2 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 EBITDA                     BGN mln        1.9      40.5      14.7     415.0      40.5 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                  1.0      20.7       7.5     212.2      20.7 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  %                                        0.1       3.3       1.4      23.6       2.9 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 EBIT                       BGN mln     (12.9)      24.0     (3.5)     394.4      22.9 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                (6.6)      12.3     (1.8)     201.7      11.7 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  %                                      (0.9)       2.0     (0.3)      22.4       1.6 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Net profit (loss)          BGN mln     (44.7)     (0.5)    (22.2)     226.2    (32.9) 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                               (22.9)     (0.3)    (11.4)     115.7    (16.8) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  %                                      (3.1)    (0.04)     (2.2)      12.9     (2.4) 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Share price                BGN           7.97      7.96      6.99     10.99      5.28 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR                                     4.07      4.07      3.57      5.62      2.70 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Assets                     BGN mln      557.8     549.7     417.4     389.0     658.6 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                285.2     281.1     213.4     198.9     336.7 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Debt                       BGN mln      296.1     288.3     216.5     212.1     275.2 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                151.4     147.4     110.7     108.4     140.7 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Shareholders' equity       BGN mln     (20.1)      25.4      25.5      36.7     103.7 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                               (10.3)      13.0      13.0      18.8      53.0 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Capital expenditure        BGN mln       11.0      11.5      17.7      38.8      43.8 
-------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
  EUR mln                                  5.6       5.9       9.0      19.8      22.4 
 -----------------------------------  --------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Financial ratios                                    2011    2010     2009     2008    2007 
 Return on average capital employed (ROACE) (%)    (8.78)   14.87   (1.41)   138.25    6.60 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Return on assets (ROA) (%)                        (2.34)    4.97   (0.87)    75.30    3.49 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Debt to assets ratio (%)                           53.09   52.44    51.86    54.51   41.79 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Shareholders' equity to Total assets (%)          (3.60)    4.63     6.10     9.44   15.75 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Current ratio                                       0.68    0.54     0.94     1.06    1.05 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Inventories turnover (days)                           17      20       17       26      39 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Accounts receivable collection period (days)          16      13       19       17      22 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Accounts payable payment period (days)                59      56       47       15      59 
------------------------------------------------  -------  ------  -------  -------  ------ 
 Operating data                                     2011    2010    2009    2008    2007 
 Volume of fuel sales (million litres)               789     759     732     741     846 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Volume of fuel sales (thousand tonnes)                1      33      58      79      55 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Market share in retail fuel sales                   14%     15%     15%     16%     20% 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Market share in wholesale fuel sales                22%     23%     20%     14%     12% 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Number of fuel stations                             357     371     392     445     519 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Number of storage facilities, including              80      80      44      44      45 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Storage facilities operating during the period       12      12      12      12      13 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Number of fuel tank trucks                           36      36      36      37      34 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Percentage of credit card sales (%)                 29%     32%     31%     31%     24% 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Number of personnel (at the end of the period)    2,223   2,254   1,923   2,082   3,126 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 

Group profile

Petrol today - energy for people

The Group of Petrol is one of the biggest participants in the oil business in Bulgaria. At the end of 2011 the Petrol Group comprised, besides the Parent company Petrol AD, twelve subsidiaries (see also Group's structure). The main activities of the Group include wholesale and retail trading and storage of fuels and petroleum products. Besides its core activities the Group also performs transportation of fuels, repair and maintenance of fuel stations and fuel storage facilities, etc. The Group owns at present a well-developed network for distribution of petroleum products, both wholesale and retail, and is among the biggest owners of available capacity for storage of fuels and petroleum products in the country.

As of December 31, 2011 the retail trade network includes 357 stations spread throughout the territory of the country. After the privatization of the Parent company, a huge investment program was started, as a result of which a significant number of retail stations were reconstructed and modernised. In 2011 one new fuel station was built and another fully reconstructed. In addition, during the last year a LPG module system was constructed. As a result during the last three years 15 trade sites were modernized. The appearance of all sites was changed and in 8 sites the tanks were replaced with new ones. All sites are equipped with systems for collection of vapour emitted during unloading of fuels complying with all environment protection requirements. As of December 31, 2011 more than a half of the sites were reconstructed into modern European style. All kinds of unleaded gasoline and Euro diesel are sold in all trade sites, LPG is offered in 150 of the fuel stations. The sites also offer the full range of Bulgarian and imported motor and transmission lubricants, brake and antifreeze fluids, automobile cosmetics, spare parts and accessories. In addition the newly built and reconstructed sites have fast-food places and some provide internet access to customers. Most of the stores at the sites offer more than 4,000 items of leading Bulgarian and world producers of food, personal cosmetics, gifts, accessories, newspapers, magazines and others. In many sites additional facilities were provided such as car washes, inspection/service pits, pits for dismounting, mounting and balance of tyres and other auto services. In all sites Visa, MasterCard and Transcard are accepted. Customers can also withdraw and pay in cash.

The Group's wholesale sales are made through a network of own storage facilities. As of December 31, 2011 the Group owns 80 fuel storage facilities situated on a total area of 3,215 thousand m(2) with total tank capacity of 1,197 thousand m(3) . Currently the Group uses 12 of these facilities, 2 facilities were leased out to third parties and the remaining facilities belong to the group of the so-called" reserve storage facilities". In order to implement its investment programme and to develop its storage activity, in 2011 the Group finished modernization of SD Plovdiv. In compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No 3 for specific requirements and control by the customs authorities of the means of measurement of excise goods, part of the SD Plovdiv was separated into a licensed tax warehouse under the Excise Duty and Tax Warehouses Act (EDTWA), intended only for storage of fuels under the Mandatory Stocks of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Act (MSCOPPA). In compliance with the requirements of Ordinance No 3 for specific requirements and control by the customs authorities of the means of measurement of excise goods, SD Varna and SD Burgas were equipped with additional automated measurement and level measuring systems during 2011. In SD Varna automated systems for blending of liquid fuels of crude oil origin with biofuels for meeting the requirements of the Energy from Renewable Sources Act and automated systems for marking of gas oil under EDTWA were mounted.

As of December 31, 2011 three of the operated fuel storage facilities have the status of tax warehouses according to the EDTWA, which provides opportunity for temporary suspension of excise duty taxation. In addition, at the end of 2011 the Group holds licenses under the MSCOPPA for storage of diesel oil, gasoline, heating oil and aviation fuel in tanks of 7 storage facilities with total capacity of 314 thousand m(3) . The Group operates on three port-terminals for loading and unloading of fuels, 2 of which are situated on the Black sea coast and one on the Danube river.

The uncompromising quality of the offered fuels is guaranteed by 4 laboratories, where with the help of modern technologies, the strict control and quality analysis of fuel and petroleum products are carried out. The laboratory in Varna is licensed to perform examinations on a state level, thus able to provide internationally acknowledged certificates. Group's retail stations are being tested 4 to 6 times annually by experts on fuels quality.

As of December 31, 2011 the Group operates the largest fuel transportation fleet in Bulgaria. The totally renewed fleet includes 36 tanker trucks with capacity for transport of 780 thousand liters light fuels and 180 thousand liters LPG and complies with the latest European requirements for transport of dangerous loads and environment protection.

The activities of the Group concerning fuels trade and transport are subject to strict control regarding the implementation of ecological requirements for environmental protection. In that relation the Group continues to invest in constructing and renewing of systems for collection and recovery of vapours (VRU) in the retail stations and storage facilities under the requirements of Ordinance No 16 for restriction of the emissions of volatile organic compounds in storing, loading or unloading and transportation of petrol. In 2011, such installations were fitted at SD Burgas.

Group Structure

As of December 31, 2011 the Petrol Group consists of 12 subsidiaries and 2 special purpose entities:

Naftex Petrol EOOD is a solely owned limited liability company incorporated under the laws of Bulgaria and registered at the Varna District Court under company court file 3464/2003. The company is one of the leading participants on the wholesale market of fuels and petroleum products in Bulgaria. As of December 31, 2011 Petrol AD owns 100% of the issued share capital of Naftex Petrol EOOD. Naftex Petrol EOOD has fully controlling the capital of Eurocapital - Bulgaria AD, acquired by the means of an in-kind contribution of assets which belonged to former fuel storage facilities at the end of 2007 as well as participation of 79.95% in the capital of Jurex Consult AD. As of December 31, 2011 Naftex Petrol EOOD is the sole owner of Naftex Security EAD and Naftex Petrol Trade EOOD;

Petrol Trans Express EOOD is a solely owned limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of Bulgaria and registered at the Burgas District Court under company court file number 3203/2000, which specialises in fuel transportation. The company transports fuels to Petrol AD's network of trade sites as well as to the other customers of Naftex Petrol EOOD and Petrol Gas EOOD. As of December 31, 2011 Petrol Trans Express EOOD is wholly owned by Petrol AD;

Petrol Technics EOOD is a solely owned limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of Bulgaria and registered at the Sofia City Court under company court file number 3671/2001, which specialises in construction, maintenance and servicing of fuel stations and fuel storage facilities owned and managed by the Group. As of December 31, 2011 Petrol Technics EOOD was wholly owned by Petrol AD;

Petrol Gas EOOD is a limited liability company, incorporated under the laws of Bulgaria and registered at the Sofia City Court under company court file number 7833/2007, which specialises in wholesale trade with LPG. As of December 31, 2011, Petrol AD owns 100% of the issued share capital of Petrol Gas EOOD;

Petrol Properties EOOD is a solely owned limited liability company incorporated under the law of Bulgaria and registered at the Sofia City Court under company court file 20902/2007, which specialises in trade with movable property and real estates. As of December 31, 2011 Petrol Properties EOOD was wholly owned by Petrol AD;

Elit Petrol AD is a joint-stock company incorporated and registered at the Registry Agency in November 2008. The company specialises in the management, running and renting of real estates. In 2011 finished a procedure for increasing the share capital of the company. As of December 31, 2011 Petrol AD owns 99.99% of its share capital;

BPI EAD was registered in Sofia District Court in 1997. As of December 31, 2011 the sole owner of the company's share capital is Petrol AD. The company is the owner of the administration building, situated on Cherni Vrah Blvd, 43 in Sofia;

Eurocapital Bulgaria EAD is a company owning a number of real estate properties. Among them are the hotel complex Interhotel Bulgaria in Burgas and the administration building in Varna. As of December 31, 2011 100% of the share capital of the company is owned by Naftex Petrol EOOD;

Naftex Security EAD was registered in Sofia in 2001 as a solely owned limited liability company and became a solely owned joint-stock company in 2003. As of December 31, 2011 the sole owner of Naftex Security EAD is Naftex Petrol AD as a result of the deal accomplished between Petrol Holding Ad and Nafex Petrol EOOD in 2010;

Jurex Consult AD is a joint-stock company registered in Sofia District Court in 2001. The company is specializes in providing legal services, management and consulting. As of December 31, 2011 Naftex Petrol EOOD owns 79.95% of the company's share capital;

Petrol Trade EOOD is a solely owned limited liability company incorporated under the law of Bulgaria and registered in Sofia in 2001, which specialises in wholesale trade with crude oil and petroleum products. As of December 31, 2011 the share capital of the company is solely owned by Petrol Holding AD. Since October 2009, Petrol Trade EOOD has operated as a special purpose entity, specialising in the import of fuels, and is controlled by Naftex Petrol EOOD. Therefore, in compliance with the applicable accounting standards, the company's financial statements are consolidated in the Group's consolidated financial statements (see also note 32 to the consolidated financial statements);

Naftex Trade EOOD is a solely owned limited liability company incorporated under the law of Bulgaria and registered in Sofia in 2009, which specialises in wholesale trade with crude oil and petroleum products. As of December 31, 2011 the share capital of the company is solely owned by Petrol Holding AD. Since its foundation, Naftex Trade EOOD has operated as a special purpose entity, specialising in the import of fuels, and is controlled by Naftex Petrol EOOD. Therefore, in compliance with the applicable accounting standards, the company's financial statements are consolidated in the Group's consolidated financial statements (see also note 32 to the consolidated financial statements).

Varna Storage EOOD was registered in Sofia District Court in 2011. The company specialises in processing and trading with petroleum products. As of December 31, 2011 sole owner of the company is Petrol AD.

Naftex Petrol Trade EOOD is solely owned limited liability company incorporated under the Bulgarian law and registered in Sofia in 2010. The company specialises in processing and trading with petroleum products. As of December 31, 2011 sole owner of the company is Naftex Petrol EOOD.

Management Bodies

The Parent company has two-tier board structure, which includes Management Board (MB) and Supervisory Board (SB). Below are presented the names and the functions of the members of the SB and MB of Petrol AD. For each member is presented short biographical information.

 Supervisory Board 
 Mitko Sabev          Chairman 
 Stoyan Krastev       Member 
 Ivan Neykov          Member 
 Denis Jersov         Member 
 Nedelcho Yanakiev    Member 
 Management Board 
 Svetoslav Yordanov   Chairman of MB, Chief Executive Officer 
 Ivan Kostadinov      Deputy Chairman of MB, Sales and Marketing 
 Kaloyan Karshev      Member, Investments and Technical Support 
 Svetodar Yosifov     Member 
 Orlin Todorov        Member 

Mitko Sabev was born on October 8, 1961. He graduated from the Naval Academy Nikola Vaptsarov in Varna and worked as a capitan's mate at Navigation Maritime Bulgare. He was the co-founder and Manager of Festa Holding AD. He has been Executive Director of Yukos Petroleum Bulgaria AD and a Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Naftex Bulgaria Holding AD. During the period 2003 - 2005, he was the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Eurobank AD (currently known as Piraeus Bank Bulgaria AD).

Stoyan Krastev was born on August 8, 1956 in Sofia. He graduated from Law School at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. He has been working for the biggest companies and banking institutions in Bulgaria. He is the Chairman of the Board of directors of Jurex Consult AD. He has been member of the Supervisory Board of United Bulgarian Bank and a member of the Management Board of Bulgarian Association of Licensed Investment Intermediaries.

Ivan Neykov was born on April 17, 1955 in Haskovo. He graduated from Law School at Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski. He is an expert in labour law and insurance law, and has additional qualifications in industrial relations, collective labour disputes, and pension funds management. He is a Chairman of the Management Board of Balkan Institute for Labour and Social Policy. He was a Minister of Employment and Social Affairs, vice chairman of Confederation of independent trade unions in Bulgaria - CITUB. From 2007 till 2011 he is a municipal councillor of Sofia Municipality. He is the author of a number of publications in the national press and publications of the International Labour Organization about different aspects of social policy, labour law, collective labour bargaining and agreements, and labour disputes. He has a working level knowledge of Russian language.

Denis Jersov was born on April 12, 1966 in Cheliyabinsk, Russia. In 1988 he graduated from the Tumen Industrial University as a mine engineer - an expert in developing oil fields. In 1989 he started business activities and during the period 1990 - 1991 held the position Vice-president of foreign trade at Conex, where the majority share was held by a Russian state-owned oil trust, being one of the biggest Russian crude oil exporting companies in those days. At the end of 1991 he founded the Naftex Group.

Nedelcho Yanakiev was born on August 2, 1950. He graduated from the University of National and World Economic with a PhD degree in Economic Sciences. He was a Chairman of the Bulgarian Union for Physical Culture and Sport and Director of the Bulgarian Sport Totalizer.

Svetoslav Yordanov was born on May 28, 1960 in Burgas. He graduated from the University of Economics in Varna in Accounting and control. He worked in Neftochim Burgas AD as Deputy Chief Accountant, Financial Director and Commercial Director. He has been the Executive Director of Multigroup AD. From 1999 he has been the Chief Executive Officer of Petrol AD. He is fluent in Russian and English.

Orlin Todorov was born on January 18, 1962. He graduated the Institute of Economics in Sofia with a Master's degree in International economic relations. His career started in Intercommerce as expert on merchandise, then manager of department. He worked as a director in Tradicom D. Since 1995 he has taken several positions in ING Bank N.V. Sofia branch, the last one being Director corporate banking. In 2003 he became Chief Financial Officer of Petrol AD. Since 2005 he has been Chief Executive Officer of Petrol Holding AD.

Ivan Kostadinov was born on May 28, 1974. He has Master's degree in Insurance and Social Work at the University of National and World Economy in Sofia. For several years he held different positions in the Commercial Department. His previous position was as a Sales Supervisor.

Kaloyan Karshev was born on November 5, 1969. He has Master's degree in Oil Technology from the University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy in Sofia and Master's degree in Ecology and Sustainable Development from Queen Mary University in London. He has held several different positions in Petrol AD. His current position is the Head of Technical Department. He is responsible for the fuel quality control.

Svetodar Yosifov was born on August 4, 1978. He has Bachelor's Degree in Industrial Engineering from the Technical University in Sofia and he has a Master's Degree in Business Administration with profile "Strategic Planning" from the University of Buckingham, in the United Kingdom. He has worked for Petrol AD since 2005 till May 2011 as a Director of Marketing and Advertising.


The mission of Petrol Group is to accomplish a stable growth on shareholders' return in a long term along with commitment to its clients, employees, partners and generally to the society.

To achieve its corporate goals, the Group's Management relies significantly on the professional behaviour, ethics and business integrity towards its partners. The Management of the Group is led by its striving to high quality. All projects in the investment program are being implemented on an innovative basis and in compliance with the highest international standards for business management and environmental protection.


The Group's main strategic objective is to maintain and to develop its leading position in the Bulgarian retail and wholesale fuel distribution market. To achieve this strategic goal, a long-term strategy has been adopted, which includes several key elements:

   --   Increasing the efficiency of existing assets; 
   --   Optimizing and expanding the retail distribution network; 
   --   Expanding the product range; 
   --   Strengthening and increasing the market presence; 
   --   Developing the fuel storage business line. 

Increasing the efficiency of existing assets

The Group will continue investing in modernisation and reconstruction of the existing trade sides included in the retail and wholesale distribution networks. The budgeted investment will be aimed not only at improving the technical condition and appearance of trade sites, but also on reducing technological losses from operation of equipment and compliance with environmental requirements.

Optimizing and expanding the retail distribution network

The Group intends to continue expansion of the retail distribution network. This will be achieved by opening new sites on new locations and also by consolidation of the Group's smaller independent competitors through franchise/ dealership arrangements. At the same time the process of optimising the distribution network will continue to be aimed at identifying unprofitable sites, suspending their operations and eventually selling them.

Expanding the product range

The Management of the Group places a high priority on being at the forefront of customer demand for cleaner and improved performance fuels to the task to respond as quickly. In that relation the Group plans to increase rapidly its sales of compressed natural gas (CNG). Since 2009 the Group offers a full range of branded Force Fuels - Blue Force Gas, 96 Extra Force and Pro Force Diesel.

The innovative fuels contain additives which accelerate power of automobiles, reduce expense by up to 10% by improving system efficiency, decrease carbon deposits in the fuel system and the discharge of harmful emissions (CO2, CO, NOX) by approximately 70%.

In addition the Group intends to expand its product range by offering non-petroleum products and services to attract new customers and generate additional profit for trade sites. The additional services include rental of a part of the commercial areas (for example car-washes and billboards), insurances etc.

Strengthening and increasing market presence

The Group plans to continue development of loyalty programs for retail customers. By increasing advertising of the newly offered products and services under the Petrol brand, the Group aims to strength the image of Petrol AD as an innovative company working to care for the customer, society and the environment.

Regarding the wholesale trade, the strategic goal is the increase of market share of the Group, by achieving a continuous growth in volume of sales by increasing the volume of fuels sold to existing and new customers. For this purpose the Group largely relies on the quality of offered fuel. Various facilities to provide convenience to the customer were worked out such as electronic ordering and information, transportation of the products to the customer's warehouse, a possibility to defer payment and cash payment at the fuel storage facilities immediately prior to dispatch. In addition the Group provides complex services such as fuel storage, tanker handling and laboratory analyses.

Developing the fuel storage business line

The Group is planning to capitalise on the opportunity provided to it by its dominant position in fuel storage capacity and the increased storage requirements imposed on Bulgarian producers and importers by the implementation of EU Stock Directives 68/414/EU and 98/93/EU through the MSCOPPA 2003 (see also Analysis of the market environment). The Group's strategy for exploiting this opportunity includes organising and conducting marketing campaigns among existing and potential customers to execute long-term storage contracts for storage of petroleum products, the gradual reconstruction and operation of old fuel tanks, investing in key centralised storage, licensing of additional fuel tanks and others.

Operating and financial review

   1.         Analysis of the market environment 

The Group's results from operations are affected by a number of factors, including macroeconomic conditions in Bulgaria, competition, variation of gross margins, fluctuations in crude oil and petroleum product prices, product mix, relationships with suppliers, legislative changes, changes in currency exchange rates, weather conditions and seasonality.

Macroeconomic conditions in Bulgaria

The Group's operations are influenced by the overall economic situation in the country and in particular the degree of successful implementations by the government of market-driven economic reforms, Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth and changes in purchasing power of Bulgarian consumers. In 2011, the real GDP of Bulgaria reported an annual increase for second consecutive year. After the GDP had risen by 0.4% in 2010, it increased its growing rate to 1.7% in 2011. Main contribution to the positive trend had the growth in export of goods by 12.8% in 2011.

Despite the moderate stabilising of the consumer consumption in 2010, the household consumption decreased by 0.6% in 2011. The unfavourable international economic situation significantly worsened the expectations towards the Bulgarian economy, especially the recovery of the labour market. As a result of the worsening business climate in services, in particular trading, transport, hotel and restaurant management, the employment decreased by 4.2% in 2011 (2010:4.7%).

According to the National Statistical Institute (NSI) the unemployment reported an increase compared to 2010, and reached 11.2%. In 2011, as in 2010, the dynamics of the international energy and food prices continued to influence the growth in consumer prices in Bulgaria. The average annual inflation reached 3.4% (2010:3.0%) and the inflation rate at end of 2011 was 2.0% (2010:4.4%).

In 2011, the real gross value added of the Bulgarian economy increased by 1.8%. Main contribution for the growth in gross value added had the industry increase by 9.1% in 2011. The moderate domestic demand had a negative impact on the services which decreased by 0.1% in 2011 after growth of 4.4% in 2010. The expectations are that in 2012 Bulgarian economy will continue to recover, reflected the growing investment activity and better business climate.


In 2011, the retail fuel market in Bulgaria has continued to reflect the negative impact of the financial crisis. The moderate consumer demand and the worsening business climate led to decrease of fuels consumption by less than 1%. Shrinking consumption led to decline in sales of the leading players and small independent players, some of which were forced to drop out of business or to sign franchise/dealership arrangements with the major companies in the sector. The significant drop in sold volumes to corporate clients is due to both the narrowed economic activity and the higher criteria of the oil companies in signing contracts for commodity credit. As a result of the overall slowdown economic activity and the implementation of additional legislation control by the government, the market share of the small independent players dropped to 15%. The absence of strategic deals in the retail sector and significant investment programmes by the major players led to minimum change in the retail market shares of the companies. In 2011, six major companies dominated on the retail market -, LUKoil Bulgaria EOOD, Petrol AD, OMV Bulgaria EOOD, Shell Bulgaria EAD, Eko Bulgaria EAD and Rompetrol Bulgaria AD.

In 2011, the wholesale market followed the trend and volatility of crude oil prices on international markets. The dominating influence of the sole fuel producer in the country remained, despite the observed increase in the imported volumes by the other market players. The main companies operating on the wholesale fuel market in Bulgaria are Naftex Petrol EOOD, Rompetrol Bulgaria AD, OMV Bulgaria EOOD and LUKoil Bulgaria EOOD as an exclusive distributor of the product of Lukoil Neftochim Burgas AD.

Trade margins

The extreme volatile international crude oil prices, the insecure economic and political situation in Bulgaria and abroad and the low ability-to-pay Bulgarian customers led to unprecedented government intervention on the retail market fuel pricing. At the beginning of the second quarter of 2011, agreed with the sole producer of fuels in Bulgaria (Lukoil Bulgaria), the government imposed a moratorium on the increase of the retail fuel prices, continued more than a month. This led to a significant shrinkage of the gross margins of the retailers in the whole 2011. During the year, new environmental standards and additional means of control were gradually applied by the government. On one hand, the new legislation obligations raised the sales and distribution costs, but on the other hand reduced to a minimum the unfair competition, eliminating the market players, which were part of the grey economy. The steady international market prices of crude oil had additional influence on the market stabilization.

Fluctuation in the crude oil and petroleum product prices

Since the international quotations of crude oil are used as a base for purchase price and sales price calculation, fluctuations in prices of crude oil and oil products significantly affect the Group's sales and cost of sales. In the first half of 2011 the international prices continued their two-year upward trend and in July the price of the Brent crude oil reached 116 US dollars per barrel. In the second half of the year followed a price downtrend and at the end of 2011 the price varies around 105 US dollars per barrel.

Product mix

In 2011, the Bulgarian fuel market did not witness a significant change, as the last-years tendency of shifting from all types of gasoline to diesel oil and LPG remained. The extended diesel oil consumption is accounted for by modern diesel-engines entering the market, as well as increasing use of diesel in transport industry. The branded fuels and CNG came widely into the market. Due to their better quality, these fuels can offer acceleration of automobile power, expense reduction, increased engine life, etc.

Relationships with suppliers

After Naftex Petrol EOOD changed its logistic scheme and redirect to import of fuels under contracts with supplies from Greece, Romania, Turkey and Israel in 2009, the close relations with the suppliers and the gained experience, reasserted the position of Naftex Petrol EOOD as the leading fuel importer in the country in 2011.

According to concluded agreement, since March 2008, the subsidiary Naftex Petrol EOOD is the sole supplier for the retail network of fuels. From September 2008, the subsidiary took up the full logistics related to the supply process. After the commercial activities of the subsidiary Petrol Gas EOOD were discontinued in the beginning of 2011, LPG supplies to the retail network were sourced directly from end suppliers.

Legislation changes

The Group's results from operations reflected the amendments in the existing legislation in Bulgaria. The most important piece of legislation which will influence the Group's business is the voted in 2003 MSCOPPA, which requires all obliged persons (importers and producers) and the state to accumulate and maintain compulsory stock of products covering 90 days of their respective annual sales for the preceding year. According to the law this process is gradual and starts with 10 days in 2004 and has to reach 90 days by 2012. During 2011 the Group stored 94,541 m(3) of petroleum products (own and for external clients) in compliance with the law (2010: 92,280 m(3) ). The increase is entirely due to the increase in the imported fuels by the Group in 2010 compared to 2009.

The need for fulfilment of the legislation requirements as set out in the EDTWA, MSCOPPA and the new Renewable Energy Sources Act (RESA), as well as the influence of the international fuel prices continue to increase the end fuel prices. For example, in compliance with the assumed amendments in Ordinance No 18 of 13 December 2006 on Registration and Reporting of Sales in Commercial Outlets with the Means of Fiscal Devices, from the beginning of 2011 all entities engaged in sales of liquid fuels are obliged to submit electronically data from the daily reports from every fiscal memory to the Local Administration of the National Revenue Agency till the end of the following day. From March 31, 2012 the companies are also obliged to submit information about the sold fuels quantities. According to the requirements of the RESA, effective from May 2011 and replacing the Law in the Renewable and Alternative Sources of Energy and the Biofuels, the traders with liquid fuels from petroleum origin for transportation purposes, should supply fuels for diesel and gasoline motors blended with bio additive. With regard to the admission of Bulgaria as a member of European Union effective January 1, 2007, the requirements for the quality of the petroleum products and the ecological standards have been raised. According to the Ordinance of Requirements for Liquid Fuel Quality, the Conditions, the Procedure and the Method of Control over Liquid Fuels since January 1, 2009 the diesel motor fuel and the motor gasoline should be with a maximum sulfur content of 10 mg/kg (10ppm).

One of the conditions for Bulgaria's accession to the European Union was the implementation of a step-by-step increase of excise duties on petroleum products in order to reach the minimum levels permitted in existing EU member states. In January 2011, Bulgaria fulfilled the minimum requirement levels regarding the gasoline fuel, increasing the excise rate to 710 BGN for 1,000 liters. The excise rate of diesel fuel is still below the minimum excise rates for EU (645 BGN for 1,000 liters), but in January 2013 it should be fulfilled. The increase of the excise duties additionally led to further reductions in gross margins of the Group. Excise duties, tax base and methods of payments are set in EDTWA. The same law provides an opportunity for suspension of duty obligations. The excise duty suspension arrangement was introduced in compliance with the requirements of Council Directive 92/12/EES dated February 25, 1992 and provides for an opportunity for temporary suspension of excise duty taxation in case the person, obligated to pay it, is a licensed warehouses keeper. In accordance with the last amendments in the EDTWA every licensed storage holder should by its own and at its expenses to provide an Internet access for the Customs authorities to its automated accounting system, aiming to provide control in real time over the stored excise goods and to ensure compliance of the regime for deferred payment of excise.

Weather conditions and seasonality

The Group's results of operations are affected by weather conditions and seasonal variations in demand for certain oil products. The fuel consumption is highest in the second and third quarters, which is due to the annual vacations during the summer months as well as to the agricultural producers, who increase their consumption during autumn months.

   2.         Results from operations 


The Group's consolidated revenue for 2011 increased to BGN 1,445.6 million (EUR 739.1 million) which is an increase of 18% compared to 2010. The growth in total revenue is entirely due to the greater sales revenue by 18% partly offset by the other income decrease by 12% to BGN 6.5 million (EUR 3.3 million). The increase in revenue of sales is mainly explained with the higher selling prices of fuels in 2011 compared to 2010. Despite the severe economic conditions in the country and weak domestic demand, the volumes of light fuels sold by the Group reported increase by 4%.

The table below presents the change of the amounts of revenue during the period 2009 - 2011 on a consolidate base and also by separate business segments.

                                            2011      2010      2009 
---------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Sales revenue                BGN mln    1,439.1   1,218.3   1,015.2 
---------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
   EUR mln                                 735.8     622.9     519.1 
  ------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Other income                 BGN mln        6.5       7.4       8.8 
---------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
   EUR mln                                   3.3       3.8       4.5 
  ------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Total revenue, including     BGN mln    1,445.6   1,225.7   1,024.0 
---------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
   EUR mln                                 739.1     626.7     523.6 
  ------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
  Retail                      BGN mln      524.1     508.6     480.4 
 --------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
   EUR mln                                 268.0     260.0     245.6 
  ------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
  Wholesales                  BGN mln      916.9     715.1     541.8 
 --------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
   EUR mln                                 468.8     365.7     277.1 
  ------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 
  Other activities            BGN mln        4.6       2.0       1.8 
 --------------------------  ---------  --------  --------  -------- 
   EUR mln                                   2.3       1.0       0.9 
  ------------------------------------  --------  --------  -------- 

As in all former years, the major part of Group's sales revenue is generated by the sales of goods (99%). In 2011, the latter amounted to BGN 1,427.9 million (EUR 730.1 million), and compared to 2010 they have increased by 19%. Sales of goods comprise mainly of retail and wholesale sales of fuel (98%), which amounts, after excluding intra-Group sales are as follows:

                                      2011      2010    2009 
 Retail                 BGN mln      492.4     475.4   441.8 
---------------------  ---------  --------  --------  ------ 
  EUR mln                            251.8     243.1   225.9 
 -------------------------------  --------  --------  ------ 
 Wholesale              BGN mln      908.0     702.0   532.4 
---------------------  ---------  --------  --------  ------ 
  EUR mln                            464.2     358.9   272.2 
 -------------------------------  --------  --------  ------ 
 Total sales of fuel    BGN mln    1,400.4   1,177.4   974.2 
---------------------  ---------  --------  --------  ------ 
  EUR mln                            716.0     602.0   498.1 
 -------------------------------  --------  --------  ------ 

The increase in sales of fuels is more considerable in the wholesale sales, which rose by 29%. The retail sales increased by 4% compared to the retail sales in 2010 (see also Retail Sales and Wholesale Sales). As a result, during the current year, the relative share of wholesale sales increased for second consecutive year at the expense of the decreased share of retail sales. While in 2010 the wholesale sales had amounted to 60%, in 2011 they rose to 65% of the consolidated Group's sales of fuels.

The dynamics of sales revenue of the major type of oil products, traded by the Group during the period 2009 - 2011 are presented on the following graph:

Retail market

The Group's retail sales are made through a network of retail stations owned and/or operated by Petrol AD. These retail stations are evenly spread throughout the country giving the Group comprehensive geographic coverage. As of December 31, 2011 the Group operated 357 working retail stations (2010: 371 retail stations).

The results for the period 2009 - 2011 are as it follows:

                                                2011    2010    2009 
 Volume of retail sales (million 
  litres)                                        272     293     323 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 incl. corporate clients                          78      84     100 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Revenue from retail sales          BGN mln    492.4   475.4   441.8 
---------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      251.8   243.1   225.9 
 -------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Market share                                    14%     15%     15% 
--------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 

During the last few years a decreasing trend is observed in the realised volume of retail sales. This negative trend of volumes sold is due to both the reduced consumption of fuels, caused by the deepening economic crisis in the country and to the reduction of the sites, consequence of closing some of the sites, which do not participate in the long-term Group's strategy. Despite the decrease in the sales volumes, the growth in the average selling prices in 2011 entirely compensated for the negative impact of the drop in sales. In 2011 the Group reported an increase in revenue from retail sales of fuels of 4%.

The following table sets out the number of retail stations operated by the Group, the ownership of those sites and the volume of fuel sold in 2010 and 2011:

                                           2011                  2010 
                                   --------------------  -------------------- 
                                       number   million      number   million 
                                     of sites    litres    of sites    litres 
 Group owned and Group operated           181       177         188       192 
---------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
 Franchisee operated                       70        32          70        33 
---------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
 Group owned and dealer operated          106        63         113        68 
---------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 
 Total                                    357       272         371       293 
---------------------------------  ----------  --------  ----------  -------- 

In 2011, the Group continued developing its franchise programmes (joining independent owners of single stations or small chain of stations under the Petrol trade mark) and also leased its own retail stations for operation by dealers. At the same time the Group takes measures aiming at reorganising of the retail network, including suspension of operations and sale of unprofitable sites, termination of franchise and dealership contracts with inappropriate partners and concluding agreements with new counterparties on the same franchise and dealership programmes, etc.

The following table sets out the Group's retail sales of fuel by major types of oil products for the period 2009 - 2011:

                                           2011    2010    2009 
 Gasoline A-95                 BGN mln    170.8   169.3   167.7 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                  87.3    86.6    85.8 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Gasoline 96 Extra Force       BGN mln     19.8    21.7    19.8 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                  10.1    11.1    10.1 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Gasoline A-98                 BGN mln      3.2     3.4     4.2 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                   1.6     1.7     2.1 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Blue Force LPG                BGN mln     44.9    43.5    37.9 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                  23.0    22.2    19.4 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Pro Force Diesel oil          BGN mln    252.3   236.6   211.3 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                 129.0   121.0   108.0 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Other fuel                    BGN mln      1.4     0.9     0.9 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                   0.8     0.5     0.5 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Total retail sales of fuel    BGN mln    492.4   475.4   441.8 
----------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                 251.8   243.1   225.9 
 --------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 

As in all the previous years the sales of diesel oil generated approximately 51% of the total fuel sales. This is a result of the widespread use of diesel in the transportation industry and the follow-up growth in consumption. The revenue from sales of gasoline 95 Extra Force have also a considerable share of 35% in total sales. In 2011, the Group reported growth in revenue from sales of all fuels except gasoline 96 Extra Force and gasoline 98. The highest growth of 56% achieved the revenue from sales of other fuels, in particular CNG, which is explained with the growth of 42% in volume of sales, reflecting the increasing demand of the alternative fuel. Contribution to the significant growth in revenue from sales of CNG has the increase of 8% in average selling prices in 2011. The revenue from sales of Pro Force diesel grew by 7%, which is also due to the overall upward trend in fuel prices. After the introduction of gasoline 96 Extra Force on the Bulgarian market at the end of 2007, the revenue from sales of this branded fuel increased for two consecutive years. In 2011, for the first time the revenue from sales of gasoline 96 Extra Force decreased by 9% entirely due to the drop in volume of sales.

The movement in revenue from retail sales of the major types of oil products during the period 2011 - 2009 is presented on the following diagram:

Wholesale market

The Group's wholesale sales are made through a network of storage facilities operated by the subsidiary Naftex Petrol EOOD. During 2011 the Group used 12 of its storage facilities for own trade activities and 2 other facilities were leased out to third parties.

The table below sets out the result of the period 2009-2011:

                                                    2011    2010    2009 
 Volume of wholesale sales (million 
  litres)                                            517     466     409 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Volume of wholesale sales (thousand 
  tonnes)                                              1      33      58 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Revenue from wholesale sales           BGN mln    908.0   702.0   532.4 
-------------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                          464.2   358.9   272.2 
 -----------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Market share                                        22%     23%     20% 
------------------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 

In 2011, the sales volumes of light fuels rose by 51 mln. litres compared to the previous year. The increase in sales is due entirely to the growth in sales of gasoline 95 (49%) and diesel fuel (7%), which compensates for the decline in sales volumes of gas oil (85%). The growth in sales of gasoline 95 is mainly due to the higher sales volumes to the key wholesale clients. Regarding the diesel fuel the Group reported increase in volume of sales to both key clients and to other clients. As a result, in 2011 the Group reported the highest sales over the last five years and the total light fuels volumes sold on the wholesale segment increased by 11% to 517 million litres. In 2011, the revenue from wholesale sales of fuels increased by 29% to BGN 908.0 million (EUR 464.2 million). The increase is due to both the higher average selling prices, set on first place by the higher average prices on the international markets, and to the growth in volume of sales of gasoline 95 and diesel fuel.

In 2011, the operating activities of subsidiary Petrol Gas EOOD were discontinued. As a result of this the volume of sales of LPG decreased by 96% to 787 tonnes in 2011.

The following table sets out Group's wholesale sales revenue by major types of petroleum products for the period 2009 - 2011:

                                              2011    2010    2009 
 Gasoline A-95H                   BGN mln    210.6   118.1   104.1 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                    107.7    60.4    53.2 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Jet A1                           BGN mln      0.1     0.1     3.1 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      0.1     0.1     1.6 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Diesel oil                       BGN mln    692.3   526.7   358.2 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                    353.9   269.3   183.2 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Gas oil                          BGN mln      3.3    17.4    21.5 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      1.7     8.8    11.0 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Heating oil                      BGN mln      0.2     5.0     4.2 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      0.1     2.6     2.1 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 LPG                              BGN mln      1.2    30.1    31.9 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      0.6    15.4    16.3 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Other fuel                       BGN mln      0.3     4.6     9.4 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      0.1     2.3     4.8 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Total wholesale sales of fuel    BGN mln    908.0   702.0   532.4 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                    464.2   358.9   272.2 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 

The highest growth of 78% in wholesale revenue came from gasoline 95. The increase to a great extent is due to the growth by 49% of volume of sales and to a lesser extent to the higher by 19% average selling prices in 2011. An increase of 31% in wholesale segment also reported the revenue from sales of diesel fuel, which is mainly due to the higher (23%) average selling prices. The sales volumes of diesel fuel increased by 7% in 2011. The Group reported decrease by 96% in revenue from sales of LPG in 2011. The decline of LPG sales is due to the above mentioned drop in sales volumes, despite the increase in the average selling price by 7%, compared to the previous year.

The movement in revenue from wholesale sales of the major types of petroleum products during the period 2009 - 2011 is presented on the following diagram:

Gross margin

The Group's total gross margin calculated as a percentage of consolidated net revenue from sales of goods decreased from 7.8% in 2010 to 4.6% in 2011. The decline in absolute amount is BGN 27.9 million (EUR 14.3 million) and is mainly due to the drop of consolidated gross margin from sales of fuels. The latter decreased by 31% to BGN 61.1 million (EUR 31.2 million) in 2011 compared to BGN 88.4 million (EUR 45.2 million) in 2010. On the retail market, the decline is BGN 17.0 million (EUR 8.7 million). The gross margin decreased to BGN 41.3 million (21.1 million), and as a percentage of revenue from sales decreased to 8.4% (2010: 12.3%). The latter is mainly due to the imposed by the government moratorium on the retail fuel prices, which led to gross margin freezing in the sector. On the wholesale market, the gross margin from sales of fuels decreased by 34% or BGN 10.3 million (EUR 5.3 million) to BGN 19.8 million (EUR 10.1 million) and as a percentage of revenue from sales decrease to 2.2% (2010: 4.2%). The latter is primarily due to the higher trade discounts granted to Group's key clients. (see also Analysis of the market environment)

Operating expenses

Hired services

In 2011, the hired services decreased by BGN 5.4 million (EUR 2.8 million) to BGN 27.2 million (EUR 13.9 million), as the decrease is observed in all expenses, except state and municipal fees, advertising costs, cash collection and other hired expenses. The most significant contribution to the overall reduction of hired services by 16%, have the Group's rent and security expenses, which dropped by BGN 3.2 million (EUR 1.6 million). The latter is a result of both the intragroup corrections in 2011 on account of the acquisition of the subsidiaries Naftex Security EAD, BPI EAD and Eurocapital - Bulgaria EAD by the Parent company in November 2010 and of the discontinuing of the commercial activities of the Petrol Gas EOOD in February 2011. In addition, the software licenses costs decreased by 69%, which is mainly due to the purchase of the corporate ERP system in 2010. Before that the software licenses were rented from the Parent company. During the current year, the Group reported a drop in insurance, consulting and training expenses by BGN 0.8 million (EUR 0.4 million). The decrease of 24% compared to the previous year is referred to the reduction of personnel expenses for accident health insurance and to the decrease of consulting expenses in 2011.

Employee benefits expenses

In 2011, staff expenses increased by 21% to BGN 26.2 million (EUR 13.4 million). The increase is due to the higher personnel expenses of BGN 3.2 million (EUR 1.6 million) and to the higher social expenses of BGN 1.3 million (EUR 0.66 million). The increase in personnel expenses is mainly due to the acquisition of the subsidiaries by the Parent company in November 2010.

Depreciation and amortization

Depreciation and amortization charges on fixed tangible and intangible assets are calculated on the basis of the useful life of assets by applying the straight-line method (see also note 3.1. to the consolidated financial statements). In 2011 the Group reported decrease in depreciation expenses by 10 % to BGN 14.8 million (EUR 7.6 million) compared to BGN 16.5 million (EUR 8.4 million) in 2010.

Materials and consumables

In 2011, these expenses decreased by BGN 0.4 million (EUR 0.2 million) to BGN 8.6 million (EUR 4.4 million). The decline of 4% is due to both the decrease by BGN 1.1 million (EUR 0.6 million) in advertising materials and low-cost assets and to the increase by BGN 0.7 (EUR 0.4 million) in fuels, lubricants, electricity and heating. The decline in advertising materials is mainly due to the absence of promotion in 2011 (free fuels with every civil liability insurance contracted in Group's sites). Impact on the overall decrease in the materials expenses has also the lower value of the written-off assets, which did not meet the recognition criteria for non-current assets at the amount of BGN 0.3 million (EUR 0.2 million). During the year, decline is reported in spare parts (6%), office consumables (5%) and advertising materials (17%). The increase in fuels costs by BGN 0.4 million (EUR 0.2 million) is mainly due to the increase of the average purchase price of the diesel fuel in 2011

Impairment of assets

In 2011, the Group reported increase in expenses for impairment of assets to BGN 9.5 million (EUR 4.9 million). The increase is mainly due to the recognized impairment losses of trade and other receivables and interest-bearing loans granted, based on conducted intragroup analysis, as a result of which serious indications for inability to collect these receivables were determined.

Other operating expenses

In 2011, the other operating expenses amounted to BGN 10.4 million (EUR 5.3 million), which is an increase of 36% compared to 2010. The increase is due mainly to the greater amount of the expenses for local taxes and taxes on expenses, business trips and sponsorship, and written-off receivables by BGN 1.3 million (EUR 0.7 million) and to the reported by the Group expenses for assets expropriation from Parent company on behalf of the country with carrying amount of BGN 1.5 million (EUR 0.8 million).

Profit from operations

The Group's earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) decreased from BGN 40.5 million (EUR 20.7 million) in 2010 to BGN 1.9 million (EUR 1 million) in 2011. The decline of EBITDA by BGN 38.6 million (EUR 19.7 million) is due to the decrease of the gross margin from sales of goods by BGN 27.8 million (EUR 14.2 million), and to the increase of the Group's operating expenses (without the depreciation expenses) by BGN 7.2 million (EUR 3.7 million). The decrease of the Group's gross margin in 2011 is a result of the retail and wholesale segments (see also Gross margin). The increase of the operating expenses is mainly due to the increase in impairment of assets (see also Operating expenses).

The higher EBITDA has a negative effect on Group's earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).The latter decreased by BGN 37.0 million (EUR 18.9 million) in 2011 to loss of BGN 12.9 million (EUR 6.6 million), compared to profit of BGN 24.0 million (EUR 12.3 million) in 2010. Positive influence on this indicator has the decrease of depreciation and amortization expenses by 10%.

Net finance costs

In 2011, the Group reported net finance costs of BGN 28.1 million (EUR 14.4 million), compared to BGN 23.6 million (EUR 12.1 million) in 2010. The increase of BGN 4.5 million (EUR 2.3 million) is due mainly to the increase in interest expenses by BGN 10.7 (EUR 5.5 million). During the year, the Group reported increase of BGN 2.1 million (EUR 1.1 million) in interest income and profit from repurchased notes issued by the Parent company of BGN 5.8 million (EUR 3.0 million).

In 2011, the Group's consolidated interest expenses rose by 49% to BGN 32.8 million (EUR 16.8 million). The increase is due to the arising bank and trade loans from third parties during the year resulting in a higher interest expenses and to the higher interest expenses on overdue trade payables. The contracted margins on bank loans granted to the Group varied in the range between 4% and 10%. After the extension of the maturity of the Parent company's debenture loan to 2017 the annual coupon rate remained unchanged at a rate of 8.375%.

In 2011, the Group's interest income increased by 26% to BGN 9.9 million (EUR 5.1 million), compared to BGN 7.8 million (EUR 4 million) in 2010. The growth is due to the increase in interest income on bank deposits by BGN 2.7 million (EUR 1.4 million).

   3.         Liquidity and capital resources 

In 2011, accounts receivable collection period increased to 16 days compared to 13 days in 2010. The latter reflected both, the worsening business climate in the country and the inability of many companies to pay their liabilities in time. As a result of this the end balance of trade receivables from non-related parties increased by higher pace (42%), compared to the increase of the revenue from non-related parties (18%) for the same period. However, as a result of the optimization of the commercial activities the Group managed to improve the inventories turnover period to 17 days in 2011 (2010: 20 days).

In 2011, the current liquidity ratio increased to 0.68. The improvement of the index is completely due, to the decrease in current liabilities by BGN 103.1 million (EUR 52.7 million), and in particular to the decrease in Group's liabilities on debenture loans. The decrease of the latter is due to the successful restructuring of the guaranteed Eurobonds issued by the Parent company and the extension of the maturity to January 2017. Trade payables increased by BGN 53.1 million (EUR 27.2 million), primarily driven by the larger import of fuels in the end of 2011. The decrease in the amount of the current assets is a result of the decrease of the inventories, cash and cash equivalents and short-term receivables on interest bearing loans granted by BGN 29.27 million (EUR 14.97 million) as well as of the increase in end balance of trade and other receivables by BGN 25.4 million (EUR 12.97 million), and end balance of trade receivables by BGN 19.4 million (EUR 9.9 million).

In 2011, the consolidated indebtedness of the Group increased by BGN 7.9 million (EUR 4.0 million) to BGN 296.1 million (EUR 151.4 million). The growth is completely due to the increase in obligations under bank loans. In December 2011 the Group has fully utilized a long-term loan of USD 80,250 thousand under a syndicated loan contract with two Bulgarian banks. The proceeds from the loan were used for purchasing guaranteed notes from Petrol AD's Eurobond issue due 2017. As a result of this the Group's obligations under debenture loans decreased by BGN 142.0 million (EUR 72.6 million). In addition, during the year the Group utilised a credit limit up to USD 50,000 thousand for financing of the Group's operating activities. As a result of paying off a part of trade loans from related parties in 2011 these liabilities decreased by BGN 5.1 million (EUR 2.6 million). In 2011, the debt to assets ratio reported a minimum increase to 53%, which is due to the increase of the total amount of the Group's assets by BGN 8.0 million (EUR 4.1 million).

Disclosure of additional information in compliance with regulatory requirements

In compliance with the requirements of Appendix 10 to the Regulation No 2 of the Financial Supervision Commission, as presented below the Group discloses information about received or granted by the issuer, its subsidiary or the Parent company (the ultimate controlling party), loans contracts, including their terms maturity and purpose, as well as information about guarantees received and provided and liabilities assumed, including such to related parties. When analyzing the disclosed information it should be taken into account that the below-presented balance-sheet and contingent receivables and payables were not eliminated between the entities belonging to Petrol Group, whose financial statements were consolidated in the financial statements of the Parent company.

Loans granted by the issuer

 Type of borrower        Annual interest   Maturity     Principal 
                          rate                           December 
                                                         31, 2011 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR 
  company                 plus 2%          21.10.2017      23,152 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Subsidiary              9.50%             26.01.2017      51,850 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Subsidiary              9.50%             26.01.2017      55,000 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Subsidiary              9.50%             17.02.2013       1,568 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Subsidiary              9.50%             29.04.2013          63 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total loans granted                                      131,633 
----------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 

Loans received by the issuer

 Type of lender/depositor    Annual interest   Maturity     Principal 
                              rate                           December 
                                                             31, 2011 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Subsidiary                  9.60%             25.11.2018     121,531 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Corporate bond holders      8.375%            26.01.2017      62,336 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total loans received                                         183,867 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 

Guarantees provided by and received by the issuer

                               December     Up to        From 1        From 3         Over 5 
                                    31,    1 year    to 2 years    to 5 years          years 
                                                                                 and without 
                                BGN'000   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000        BGN'000 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
  Avalized promissory 
  notes issued in favour 
  of financing institutions 
  under finance lease 
  agreements of subsidiary       24,175     5,546             -        18,629              - 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
  Guarantees granted 
  in favour of financing 
  institutions under 
  bank loans and finance 
  lease agreements of 
  subsidiaries and other 
  related parties               204,758     3,000             -        75,579        126,179 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total guarantees provided      228,933     8,546             0        94,208        126,179 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
  Guarantee received 
  from the ultimate 
  controlling company 
  in favour of financing 
  institutions under 
  bank loan agreements            3,000         -             -             -          3,000 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total guarantees received        3,000         0             0             0          3,000 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 

Loans granted by companies controlled by the issuer

 Type of borrower        Annual interest rate   Maturity     Principal 
                                                              31, 2011 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling 
  company                9.00%                  17.08.2012       8,935 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling 
  company                9.50%                  31.12.2012       6,842 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR plus 
  company                 1%                    31.12.2012      34,622 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR plus 
  company                 1%                    31.12.2012       5,542 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR plus 
  company                 1%                    31.12.2012      15,415 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR plus 
  company                 1%                    31.12.2012      14,579 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR plus 
  company                 1%                    31.12.2012         170 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Parent company          9.60%                  25.11.2018     121,531 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Trade company           9.50%                  23.01.2012       2,025 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                         3-month SOFIBOR plus 
 Trade company            1%                    19.08.2011          40 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Individuals             8.00%                  31.12.2011          19 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total loans granted                                           209,720 
----------------------  ---------------------  -----------  ---------- 

Loans received by companies controlled by the issuer

 Type of lender          Annual interest rate     Maturity     Principal 
                                                                31, 2011 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                         3-month. EURIBOR plus 
 Commercial bank          3.1%                    28.02.2018       3,441 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                         3-month. EURIBOR plus 
 Commercial bank          7.5%                    26.12.2014      14,669 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Commercial bank         9.00%                    01.07.2014      49,429 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Commercial bank         8.50%                    25.11.2018     121,289 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Leasing company         BIR plus 1.75%           31.12.2020       4,578 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                         1-month. EURIBOR (min. 
 Leasing company          3%) plus 2.25%          01.04.2023       5,642 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                         1-month. EURIBOR (min. 
 Leasing company          3%) plus 2.25%          01.04.2023       9,247 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                         1-month. EURIBOR (min. 
 Leasing company          3%) plus 2.25%          01.07.2023      21,905 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Ultimate controlling    3-month SOFIBOR plus 
  company                 1%                      31.12.2012       1,472 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Parent company          9.50%                    26.01.2017      51,850 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Parent company          9.50%                    26.01.2017      55,000 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Parent company          9.50%                    04.10.2012       5,506 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Parent company          9.50%                    29.04.2013          63 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Individuals             9.10%                    07.03.2012       8,900 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total loans received                                            352,991 
----------------------  -----------------------  -----------  ---------- 

Guarantees provided and received by companies controlled by the issuer

                               December     Up to        From 1        From 3         Over 5 
                                    31,    1 year    to 2 years    to 5 years          years 
                                                                                 and without 
                                BGN'000   BGN'000       BGN'000       BGN'000        BGN'000 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Guarantees granted 
  in favour of financing 
  institutions under 
  bank loan agreements 
  of company under common 
  control                       121,289         -             -             -        121,289 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total guarantees provided      121,289         0             0             0        121,289 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Promissory notes avalized 
  by ultimate controlling 
  company and Parent 
  company issued in favour 
  of financing institutions 
  under finance lease 
  agreements                    112,235    11,092             -        23,061         78,082 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Guarantees granted 
  in favour of financing 
  institutions under 
  bank loan and finance 
  lease agreements of 
  ultimate controlling 
  company and companies 
  under common control          452,226     3,000             -        75,579        373,647 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 
 Total guarantees received      564,461    14,092             0        98,640        451,729 
----------------------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------------  ------------- 

Loans granted by the ultimate controlling company

 Type of borrower             Annual interest      Maturity     Principal 
                               rate                              December 
                                                                 31, 2011 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Individuals                  9%                   28.08.2018          49 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                              3-month SOFIBOR 
 Individuals                   plus 5%             31.12.2010          38 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Companies under common       3-month SOFIBOR 
  control                      plus 1%             31.12.2011      18,659 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Companies under common 
  control                     9%                   30.06.2011       5,580 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Companies under common 
  control                     BIR plus 3.5%        31.12.2012         678 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Companies under common       3-month SOFIBOR 
  control                      plus 1%             30.06.2011       7,089 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Companies under common 
  control                     BIR plus 4.8%        28.07.2009       1,178 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                              3-month SOFIBOR 
 Associate of the ultimate     plus 5%, BIR plus 
  controlling company          6%                  31.03.2010         365 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                              3-month SOFIBOR 
 Trade company                 plus 4%             31.12.2011      11,675 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
                              3-month SOFIBOR 
 Trade company                 plus 6%             31.07.2011       1,822 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total loans granted                                               47,133 
---------------------------  -------------------  -----------  ---------- 

Loans and deposits received by the ultimate controlling company

 Type of lender/depositor    Annual interest   Maturity     Principal 
                              rate                           December 
                                                             31, 2011 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
                             3-month SOFIBOR 
 Individuals                  plus 1%          Not agreed       1,893 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Company under common 
  control                    9.50%             21.01.2017      23,152 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Company under common        3-month SOFIBOR 
  control                     plus 1%          Not agreed      95,230 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Company under common        1-month EURIBOR 
  control                     plus 2.85%       18.10.2019      19,787 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Company under common 
  control                    9%                17.08.2012       8,935 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Company under common 
  control                    9.50%             31.12.2012       6,842 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Commercial bank             9%                20.07.2012       4,850 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
                             3-month EURIBOR 
 Commercial bank              plus 9.914%      26.09.2012       4,694 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
                             3-month SOFIBOR 
 Trade company                plus 1%          Not agreed           2 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 
 Total loans and deposits 
  received                                                    165,385 
--------------------------  ----------------  -----------  ---------- 

Guarantees provided by the ultimate controlling company

                                  December      Up to       From       From           Over 
                                       31,     1 year       1 to       3 to        5 years 
                                                         2 years    5 years    and without 
                                      2011                                         BGN'000 
                                              BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Avalized promissory 
  notes issued in favour 
  of financing institutions 
  under bank loan and 
  finance lease agreements 
  of related parties               437,811      5,546     31,742     48,677        351,846 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Issued corporate guarantees, 
  including, in favour 
  of suppliers of subsidiaries       1,135          -          -          -          1,135 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Other guarantees granted, 
  including, in favour 
  of:                                    -          -          -          -              - 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 A trustee bank under 
  a debenture loan emission 
  of a related party                 7,823      7,823          -          -              - 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Related party under 
  option contract for 
  sale of receivables                8,250      8,250          -          -              - 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 
 Total guarantees provided         455,019     21,619     31,742     48,677        352,981 
-------------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ------------- 

The financial risks which the Group is exposed to are discussed in detail in note 34 to the consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2011.

   4.         Share capital 

The registered and fully paid-in share capital of Petrol AD as of December 31, 2011 amounts to BGN 109.25 million (EUR 55.86 million) and is distributed into 109,249,612 personal dematerialized ordinary registered shares, with a par value of BGN 1 each. Each share provides a voting right in the GMS, right to dividend and right to liquidation share. The shares, issued by the Company are transferable with no limitations or conditions, by its owner's free will, in accordance with the Bulgarian legislation, and according to the rules of Central Depository AD concerning the acquiring and ordering with registered shares, as well as in compliance with the regulations of the market they are traded on. Detailed information about the rules and procedures for trading Petrol's shares is available in the published prospectuses of the Company.

The following table sets out information about the changes in the structure of share capital:

 In percentage                 2011     2010     2009 
 Petrol Holding AD            55.48    55.48    55.47 
--------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Naftex Petrol EOOD           41.89    41.82    41.82 
--------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Ministry of Economics         0.66     0.66     0.70 
--------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Other minor shareholders      1.97     2.04     2.01 
--------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Total                       100.00   100.00   100.00 
--------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 

In 2008 and 2009 Naftex Petrol EOOD, a subsidiary, made deals on Bulgarian Stock Exchange and hence acquiring and subsequently selling shares of the Parent company. As of December 31, 2011 the share capital of the Parent company, reduced by the shares purchased by the Group, amounted BGN 63.5 million (EUR 32.5 million).

Shares owned by other minor shareholders are held by investors, which have acquired them through trading at the regulated stock market and there is none of them who owns more than 5% of Company's shares. Petrol AD does not have shareholders with special controlling rights.

Petrol AD did not grant any options over the shares in favour of the members of the MB and the SB. There are no agreements about participation of employees in the share capital of Petrol AD, including through issuing stocks, options or other financial instruments.

On February 18, 2011, pursuant to a share repo agreement signed on December 14, 2010, Central Cooperative Bank AD transfers back to Mitko Vasilev Sabev 7,700,000 shares (7.05% of the issued capital) of Petrol AD.

Pursuant to a share repo agreement signed on April 14, 2011, Mitko Vasilev Sabev transfers to Central Cooperative Bank AD 9,000,000 shares (8.24% of the issued capital) of Petrol AD, the agreed buyback date being June 17, 2011.

Persons or entities directly or indirectly controlling Petrol AD

By the meaning of paragraph 1, point 13 of the Public Offering of Securities Act (POSA), one person or entity exercises directly or indirectly control over the company, when that person or entity holds over 50% of the votes of the GMS or may appoint directly or indirectly more than half of the members of the company's bodies, or may otherwise exercise a decisive influence on decision-making in relation to the business of the legal entity. Petrol Holding AD, with address of registered office 22A Bratya Miladinovi Street Varna, registered under company file No. 3320/1995 in the Varna District Court, holds directly voting shares equal to 55.48% of the votes of the GMS of the Company.

Stock market information

In 1998 the issue of shares of Petrol AD in the amount of registered capital of the Company is registered for trading on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange as since January 15, 2007 the shares are traded on the "B" segment of the Official market of the Bulgarian stock exchange - Sofia. In 2009 the shares of Petrol AD are included in the Bulgarian stock exchange index BG-40.

The following table sets out summarized market information about the trading of Parent company's shares on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia:

                                              2011    2010    2009 
 Share capital as at December, 
  31                              BGN mln    109.3   109.3   109.3 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                     55.9    55.9    55.9 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Share price as at December, 
  31                              BGN         7.97    7.96    6.99 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR                                         4.07    4.07    3.57 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Market capitalization as 
  at December, 31                 BGN mln      871     870     764 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR mln                                      445     445     391 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Average daily volume of 
  traded shares                   number     1,535   1,277   3,016 
                                 ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Highest price throughout 
  the year                        BGN         8.15    8.20   10.59 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR                                         4.17    4.19    5.41 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Lowest price throughout 
  the year                        BGN         3.21    2.50    3.24 
-------------------------------  ---------  ------  ------  ------ 
  EUR                                         1.64    1.28    1.66 
 -----------------------------------------  ------  ------  ------ 

In 2011, the shares of the Parent company did not change significantly. In the end of 2011 the shares were traded at BGN 7.97 (EUR 4.07) compared to the previous year BGN 7.96 (EUR 4.07), which accounts for an increase in the market capitalization of the Parent company by BGN 1 million (EUR 0.5 million).

   5.         Human resources 

Human resources management

The Management believes that the employees of the Group play key role in the development of the business and the achievement of common corporate goals and pays a special attention to elaboration and development of general strategy and policies regarding human resources management. The policies in this field are oriented towards achieving of responsibility and commitment of the personnel during its performance of assigned tasks and goals. Simultaneously the senior executive staff makes efforts to support the mid-level management and the employees in order to fulfil the Group's Management priorities.

The goals of the human resources development strategy and policies are:

-- Keeping the employees with a high potential and assisting their professional growth by planning their careers and introducing bonus package systems;

   --     Selection of new employees with significant potential and result-oriented personality; 
   --     Broadening the scope of the traineeship programmes; 
   --     Improvement of communications between the separate organizational bodies; 
   --     Development and introducing of new systems for career management of the key employees; 
   --     Development of programme for introducing training for newly employed personnel. 

The Group applies adequate criteria for selection of personnel and has a professional and motivated team, which is capable for pursuing the defined strategic and operational goals. An organization network has been created for fair evaluation of the personnel's individual and collective contribution, as well as for evaluation of its content grade. The Group invests in its employees by offering them adequate programmes for training and development of the necessary professional and management skills. The Group's policy is oriented towards providing of safe and healthy work conditions, adequate remuneration and motivation system, and opportunities for professional growth.

The number of payroll staff has decreased significant during the last few years. While in 2006 and 2007 the decrease is mainly due to fact that the Parent company sold its shares in a number of subsidiaries, in 2008 and 2009 the drop is explained to a great extent by the sale of a part of the operated trade sites.

In 2011 the personnel decreased by 31 employees (1%) to 2,223 employees. Most of the employees worked in the Parent company (1,490 employees). Among the other companies in the Group, the one with the largest number of staff by the end of 2011 was Naftex Petrol EOOD (304 employees) and Naftex Security EAD (251 employees).

Information about the Group's senior executive staff

In compliance with the requirements of Art. 187d and Art. 247 from the Commercial Act, Petrol AD presents the following information about its management bodies' members:

-- The total amounts of remuneration to the members of the Management Board and the Supervisory Board through the year amount to BGN 1.2 million (EUR 0.6 million) and BGN 0.4 million (EUR 0.2 million), respectively;

   --     Mitko Sabev owns 121,147 shares of Petrol AD. 

-- Kaloyan Karshev owns 3,480 shares of Petrol AD. None of other members of management bodies own shares of Petrol AD;

-- The statute of Petrol AD makes no provisions for specific rights of the members of The Management Board and Supervisory Board to gain shares and bonds of the Parent company;

-- The MB and SB members unlimited liability partnership in other companies, their ownership of more than 25 % of the capital of other companies, as well as their participation in the management of other companies and cooperatives as procurators, managers or board members are, as follows:

Mitko Sabev - Chairman of the Board of Directors (BD) of Petrol Holding AD, Trans Operator AD, Trasncard Payment Services EAD, Elit Petrol AD and PSFC Chernomorets Burgas AD, member of BD Federal Bulgaria Management AD, Sportelit AD, Chairman of BD and representing of Real Estate Pomorie ADSIC, Chairman of the BD and representing of Bottling Company Izvor AD, Manager of Ros Oil EOOD, Manager of Civil Partnership, under the Obligations and Contracts Act, Balkan Petrol Consortium, representing Petrol Holding AD as a Chairman of the BD of Transinvestment ADSIC and Trans Operator AD. Mitko Sabev owns 100% of the capital of Sportelit, 99.99% of the Real Estate - Pomorie ADSIC, 47.5% of the capital of Petrol Holding AD;

Stoyan Krastev - chairman of the BD of Jurex Consult AD and Eurocapital - Bulgaria EAD, member of BD of Petrol Holding AD and Elit Petrol AD, member of the MB of "Family" National Association, chairman of "Union of Private Petrol Companies" Association, Manager of the Law company Tony Krastev. He owns 50% of the capital of Pas Consult OOD, 50% from the capital of the Law company Tony Krastev;

Ivan Neykov - chairman of MB of "Balkan Labor and Social Policy Institute" Association, member of MB of "Institute for Regional Economic Research" Association and "Social Politics" Foundation, member of BD of Human Power AD, Manager of National Working Conditions Survey in Bulgaria. He does not own more than 25% of other company capital;

Denis Jersov - member of BD of Petrol Holding AD.

Svetoslav Yordanov -member of the MB of "St. Nikola" Foundation, "Panteleymon" Foundation and "Bulgarian Oil and Gas" Association, representing Petrol AD as a chairman of the Board of Directors of BPI EAD, member of the BD of Jurex Consult AD. He owns 50% of the capital of Albatros Tours OOD, 50% of the capital of "St. Panteleymon" Specialized Surgery Clinic and 25% from the capital of S.M.M. AD;

Orlin Todorov - CEO and representing Petrol Holding AD member of the BD of Petrol Holding AD and Eurocapital - Bulgaria EAD, CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Elit Petrol AD, Manager of Naftex Storage EOOD, Naftex Trade EOOD, Naftex Petrol Trade EOOD.

Kaloyan Karshev - he is not a member of management or supervisory bodies of any other company and he is not a procurator of other legal entity. Mr. Karshev does not own more than 25% of other company capital;

Ivan Kostadinov- Manager of the Econotech Engineering OOD and Econotech Development OOD. Mr. Ivan Kostadinov does not own more than 25% of other company capital;

Svetodar Yosifov - chairman of the MB of "Society of Bulgarian students in Great Britain" Association, member of the Board of Directors of Devin AD, Manager of Case Study Lab EOOD, CEO and member of the Board of Directors of Devin Royal EAD. He owns 33.2% of the capital of Sondazhi OOD, 34% of the capital of TSM Sondazhi OOD and 100% of the capital of Case Study Lab EOOD;

Nedelcho Yanakiev - chairman of the Pro Pro Art Association, member of MB of the "St. Panteleimon" Foundation, Manager of AnBM EOOD. He own 100% from the capital of AnBM EOOD.

Transactions with members of the management bodies

Except for the aforementioned, no other transactions have been contracted during the current year with any members of the boards that are out of the scope of the ordinary activities of the Parent company or materially deviate from the normal market conditions.

   6.         Events after the reporting period 

All other events after the reporting period and prior to the date of issuance of the annual report are disclosed in note 34 and note 39, respectively to the separate and consolidated financial statements as of December 31, 2011.


The expectations of the Group's Management are that during the following years the trend of consolidation on the retail market will intensify as a result of the economic crisis and the amendments in legislation requirements. The weak domestic demand and the complicated market environment will force some of the smaller independent traders to abandon their business or to join the networks of the big players. In the meantime, the expectations concerning the trade margin levels, especially the ones on the retail market, are that they shall continue stabilizing showing the tendency of reaching the mean EU levels.

The need for fulfilment of the legislation requirements as set out in the EDTWA, MSCOPPA and the new Renewable Energy Sources Act (RESA) from May 2011, as well as the influence of the international fuel prices continue to increase the end fuel prices. For example, in compliance with the assumed amendments in Ordinance No 18 of 13 December 2006 on Registration and Reporting of Sales in Commercial Outlets with the Means of Fiscal Devices, from March 31, 2012 all entities engaged in sales of liquid fuels are obliged to install volume measuring systems of liquid fuels for monitoring of the actual fuels quantities by the Local Administration of the National Revenue Agency In accordance with the requirements of the RESA effective from May 2011, the traders with liquid fuels from petroleum origin for transportation purposes, should supply fuels for diesel and gasoline motors combined with bio additive in line with the following relative proportions: effective from January 1, 2012 - diesel fuel with minimum 5% vol. biodiesel, effective from June 1, 2012 - diesel fuel with minimum 6% vol. biodiesel and gasoline with minimum 2% vol. bioethanol or ethers produced by bioethanol. The law provides for gradual increasing of the requirements regarding the relative share of the bio additive in the gasoline up to 9% vol., effective from March 1, 2016.

Following the strategy for expansion of its retail market share, the Group plans to attract 15 new fuel stations under the Petrol brand within the franchising program. With regard to the implementation of corporate quality management and environment standards, the Group will continue the installation of energy-saving systems on the existing sites. The plans for reconstruction and modernization of the own retail network include additional capital expenditure in the amount of BGN 7.7 million (EUR 3.9 million).

Regarding the wholesale trading, the Group will continue to expand its strategy for further expansion of its market presence and development of its fuel storage business. In pursuance of the goals set, the Group intends to continue investments in modernization and reconstruction of the fuel storage facilities. The planned budget for capital expenditures for the period 2012 totals BGN 1.4 million (EUR 0.7 million). Premises for the expanding of the fuel storage facility business are the Group's competitive advantage arising due to the significant storage capacity in relation to the legislation requirements under MSCOPPA. The budgeted investment will result not only in adherence to the environmental and anti-fire requirements but also in reduction of technological losses and increase of efficiency from operation of equipment.

Corporate governance

In its activity the Management of the Petrol AD follows and fulfils the approved Program for Good Corporate Governance (the Program). The Management believes that such standards are essential to business integrity and performance.

The Program is developed in accordance with the Bulgarian commercial law, the principles for corporate governance of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development, the International standards for good corporate governance adopted by the Financial Supervision Commission, The Code for Corporative Governance adopted by the Board of Directors of the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia, the By-laws of Petrol AD and the rules and procedures for functioning of the management bodies of the Parent company.

The Program is updated in 2012, and its implementation is monitored and controlled by the Supervisory Board (SB) of Petrol AD. The Program sets out the main principles and policies of the Company that the management bodies should comply with in order to achieve the goals set in the Program, namely:

-- Protection of the shareholders' rights and guaranteeing equity amongst them (including minor and foreign shareholders);

-- Timely and accurate disclosure of information about all issues relevant to Petrol AD in compliance with the POSA, Law on Measures against Market Abuse with Financial Instruments and the other acts;

-- Providing strategic management of the Company, efficient control over the work of the MB and the accountancy of the MB and the SB to the GMS;

-- Creating interactive connection between the Management of Petrol AD and its shareholders and potential investors.

The main principles of the Program are set below.

Shareholders' rights

The Program sets clearly the rights of the shareholders of Petrol AD and the main goal of the managers' team is to ensure their observation. The shareholders have the right to:

   --     Participate and vote in the GMS; 
   --     Be equally treated in the GMS; 
   --     Request convocation of regular or extraordinary GMS; 
   --     Access the materials in writing, relevant to the agenda of the GMS; 
   --     Access to the records of the previous sessions of the GMS; 
   --     Make proposals for election of members of the SB and to vote for their electing; 

-- Take part in the distribution of the Company's profit commensurably to their participation of the share capital;

-- Receive regularly and timely information about corporate events related to the activities and condition of Petrol AD;

   --     Participate in the increase of the capital of Petrol AD and in tender offers. 
   --     Receive timely information in respect of notifications about tender offers. 

Board Structure

Petrol AD has two-tier board structure, which includes Management Board (MB) and Supervisory Board (SB).

Management Board

The Company is managed and represented by a MB, whose 5 members are elected by the SB for a 5-year period.

The MB has the authority to prepare the annual report and financial statements of the Company and submit them for approval by the GMS; to adopt projects and programs for the activity of the Company; to make proposals for increase or decrease of the Company's capital to the GMS; to elect and dismiss the executive directors; to elect and dismiss the chairman and the deputy chairman of the MB; to appoint on a labour agreement the Investor Relationship Manager and to assist him in exercising his functions, and to control their implementation; to approve the organizational and management structure of the Company and other internal regulations; to open and close down branches and to make decisions to acquire or terminate participations in the capital of other domestic or foreign companies; to make decisions for concluding deals under art. 114, paragraph 1 from the POSA, in cases when it is authorized for that by the GMS, etc.

For all MB resolutions is needed qualified majority of [3/4] of all members, unless consensus is needed. MB holds its sessions at least once a month and reports for its activity to the SB at least on a quarterly basis.

The MB authorises the rules for its activities, which strictly determine all the rights, obligations and functions of the members of the MB.

Supervisory Board

The SB administrates and controls the activities of the MB in view of the conformity of its actions with the legislation, the By-laws of the Petrol AD and the decisions of the GMS. The SB is a collective body, elected by and directly reporting to the GMS.

SB's mandate is 5 years; at least 1/3 of its members should be independent persons under the definition of the POSA.

The SB controls generally and continuously the activities of the Company, revises the annual reports and financial statements of the Company, submits written annual reports for the final results from the audits and analyses of the business to the GMS, elects and dismisses the members of the MB, approves the financial plans and investment programs of the Company, approves the empowerment of ECOs to represent the Company authorized by MB, defines the number of the ECOs, approves the financial plans and investment programs of the Company, etc.

The SB holds its sessions at least on a quarterly basis and reports for its activity to the GMS. The SB takes its decisions in accordance with the authorities given to it by the GMS, the By-laws and the current legislation.

Members of the MB and SB can be re-elected without any limitations.

GMSdetermines the remuneration of the members of the SB and the MB, taking into consideration the responsibility, the engagement and the involvement of each board member with the Management of the Company.

Disclosure of information

Being a public company Petrol AD submits to the Financial Supervision Commission and the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia periodical reports and notifications about insider information under the Law on Measures against Market Abuse with Financial Instruments. At the same time, the Company reveals regular information to the public in way that ensures it to reach the widest possible number of people simultaneously and in a way that does not discriminate them. For that purpose the Company uses the services of the Service Finance Markets EOOD, which ensures effective spreading of regular information to the public in all EU member states. The Company submits individual and consolidated quarterly financial statements, annual report and individual and consolidated annual financial statements as the MB present the latter for verification and audit to the SB and to the elected by the GMS certified auditor. The elected by the GMS auditor should be independent of the MB and in particular of the executive director of the Company and it should act independently of the shareholders who have elected him.

According to the requirements of the published prospectus for the Euro notes issue made at the end of October 2006, the Company prepares and submits to the Trustee (The Bank of New York Mellon) and to the Noteholders consolidated quarterly and annual financial statements and annual report.

The management bodies of the Parent company and the Investor Relations Director should provide easy and timely access of the shareholders and investors to the information, to which they are legally entitled being shareholders and/or investors in order to take informed and adequate investment decisions.

The information reported by the Company to the Finance Supervising Commission and to the public should be included on the web site of the Company for consideration by the shareholders and those who are interested to invest in the shares of the Company.

Control over the fulfilment of the Program

The control over the Program is exercised by the MB. The effectiveness and efficiency of the Program is assessed annually by the MB. The results of this assessment and further measures proposed should be noticed in the annual report provided to Financial Supervision Commission and to the Bulgarian Stock Exchange - Sofia.

With a view to improving and extending the Program, the MB follows the trends in the theory, practice and legislation in the field of corporate governance, which guarantees the timely informing of the Company on the matters in the fields and updating of the Program.

Environmental commitments

Following its privatisation in 1999, Petrol AD started the implementation of an investment programme aimed to bring the Group's facilities in line with the requirements of the best environmental practices in European Union. The Group's operations include a number of activities which are governed by environmental or health and safety laws in Bulgaria, which also cover historic environmental liabilities associated with past environmental damage, storage and handling of petroleum products, soil and groundwater contamination, waste management, water supply, waste water management, atmospheric emissions, use and disposal of hazardous materials and land use and planning requirements, including community issues, associated with the development of new green field retail stations.

The principal legislation acts in Bulgaria which set out the framework for environmental protection and sustainable development are the Law on Environment Protection, the Law on Waste Management and sector-specific legislation, including the Law on Ambient Air Purity, the Law on Water, the Law on Soil Protection, the Law on Underground Resources, RESA and various regulations on their implementation. As part of Bulgaria's preparation for accession to the European Union, each of these laws has been brought into line with European Union standards, with the new standards being phased in over time. Any failure by the Group to comply with such laws may be a ground for civil and/or administrative liability.

With regard to the Group's retail stations, Bulgarian law requires that a number of air, water, land and noise emissions are monitored and recorded and processes established for minimising such emissions and rendering them harmless. The following are monitored pursuant to these obligations:

-- Air emissions are monitored for dust, hydrogen sulphide, sulphurous dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, lead aerosols, ammonia, carbolic acid and hydrocarbon;

-- Water emissions are monitored for temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, conductance, turbidity, phosphates, copper, zinc, lead and oil products;

-- Surrounding soil is monitored for pH, nitrate nitrogen, copper, chlorides, phosphates, zinc, lead and oil products; and

   --     Noise levels are monitored. 

The Group is in compliance in all material respects with environmental requirements currently applicable to its operations and, with the planned additional investment, believes it will be able to maintain compliance with known forthcoming requirements. The Group's intention is to continue to ensure environmental compliance and pollution prevention in advance of regulatory requirements.

Vapour recovery systems

One of the major areas in which the Group has invested, and will continue to invest, is the meeting of the Bulgarian and European Union requirements for the control of volatile organic compounds (known as VOCs). VOCs are compounds containing carbon that evaporate into the air, such as vapour arising from certain petroleum products. European Union Directive 94/63/EC Directive on VOCs emissions resulting from storage and distribution of petrol set limits on the permitted levels of such emissions. The Directive has been implemented in Bulgarian legislation in the form of Ordinance No16 dated August 12, 1999, which limits the emissions of VOCs connected with the storage, loading or unloading and transportation of petrol.

The legal acts set up very strict requirements to fuel stations, fuel storage terminals, and fuel tank trucks. Pursuant to these standards the tanks of fuel stations are made with double walls willed with inert liquid. The Group installed level measuring systems reacting to the slightest changes in the level of fuel, as well as systems for sending vapours back into the fuel tank truck during unloading of the fuel. Thus all dangers of fuel leaks and pollution with carbon oxides are minimized.

In order for the Group to be in line with the environmental criteria, the loading and storage terminals are currently being reconstructed. Floating roofs limiting the vapours to a minimum are installed, new mounting platforms for down filling of fuel trucks and vapour recovery system are built.

European Directive 94/63/EC also requires that fuel tanker trucks used to transport fuels must meet certain ecological criteria which aim to keep VOC emissions into the atmosphere at a minimum level during loading and unloading. In order to comply with these requirements, the Group operates 36 new fuel tank trucks from IVECO Spa and Mercedes, which meet the requirements of the Directive and Euro 3 emission standards. This standard requires compliance with significant restrictions on noise and nitrogen, carbon oxides and hydrocarbon emissions.

With a view to promote the consumption of biofuels and other renewable fuels in transport sector and in compliance with the adopted amendments to the RESA, since the beginning of 2012 the Group offers fuel for diesel engines with a minimum biodiesel content of 5% vol (see also Outlook)

ISO Certification

In December 2004, the Management of the Group decided to obtain certifications for quality management standards under ISO 9001:2000 and environmental management system under ISO 14001:1996 for the Parent company and the subsidiary Naftex Petrol EOOD. This intention confirms the commitment of the Management to implement the best European practices in process management. This process includes the preparation, documentation and implementation of written rules and procedures and an audit of the procedures by an independent third party. In October 2007 the both companies obtained an ISO 9001:2000 certification. In September 2010 the Group is recertified under ISO 9001:2008.

Responsibility of the Management

According to the Bulgarian Law, the Management must prepare annual report on the activity, as well as financial statements for each financial year, which present in true and fair view the Company`s financial position as of the end of the year, its financial performance and cash flows, in compliance with the applicable accounting framework. For reporting purpose under Bulgarian accounting legislation the Company applies the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as approved by the European Union.

This responsibility includes: design, implementation and maintenance of internal control system, related to the preparation and truthful presentation of the financial statements, which do not contain material errors, deviations and discrepancies, whether due to fraud or error; selection and application of relevant accounting policies; and preparation of accounting estimates, which are reasonable in the particular circumstances.

The Management confirms that has acted according to its responsibilities and that the Financial statements have been prepared in full compliance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as approved by the European Union. The Management also confirms, that in the preparation of the report on the activity has presented in true and fair view the development and performance of the Company for the past period, as well as its position and the risks which it is exposed to. The Managements have been approved for issue the report on the activity and the financial statements for 2011.

Svetoslav Yordanov,

Executive Director

May 2012

independent auditor's report

on the consolidated financial statements

Independent Auditors' Report

To the shareholders of

Petrol AD

Report on the Consolidated Financial Statements

We have audited the accompanying consolidated financial statements of Petrol AD and its subsidiaries ("the Group", "Petrol Group") as set out on pages 49 to 118, which comprise the consolidated statement of financial position as at 31 December 2011, the consolidated statements of comprehensive income, changes in equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes, comprising a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information.

Management's Responsibility for the Consolidated Financial Statements

Management is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of consolidated financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.

Auditor's Responsibility

Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free from material misstatement.

An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the consolidated financial statements. The procedures selected depend on our judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the consolidated financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, we consider internal control relevant to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting principles used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements.

We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our qualified audit opinion.

Basis for Qualified Opinion

1 As disclosed in note 2.6 and note 32 to the consolidated financial statements, Petrol Group considers that by substance it controls two companies, which are entirely owned by a company outside the Group (by the controlling company Petrol Holding AD) and therefore Petrol Group consolidates these two companies as special purpose entities (SPE) since 1 January 2009. The definition of control allows that only a single company controls another company and IAS 27 Consolidated and separate financial statements suggests that control exists when the company owns , directly or indirectly, more than half of the voting power of an entity unless, in exceptional circumstances it can be clearly demonstrated that such ownership does not constitute control. Lack of formal limitations on the activities of the two companies as well as the power of Petrol Holding AD to solely amend each aspect of these activities and to make decisions, including changing the articles of association or termination of the companies, complicates to a great extent the possibility to reject the presumption of IAS 27, that control exists when more than half of the voting power of the entity is owned. Additionally, due to the fact that Petrol Holding AD issues separate guarantees to secure the financial obligations of the two companies considered as SPE of Petrol Group, it can be concluded that Petrol Holding is exposed to a great extent to the basic risk related to the operations of the two companies - namely credit risk. In view of the above, we were unable to obtain such evidence that would convince us to a sufficient extent that Petrol Group controls the two special purpose entities and that their inclusion in consolidation is appropriate.

Qualified Opinion

In our opinion, except for the possible effect of the matter described in the Basis for Qualified Opinion paragraph, the consolidated financial statements give a true and fair view of the consolidated financial position of the Group as at 31 December 2011, and of its consolidated financial performance and its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the European Union.

Emphases of Matter

Without further qualifying our opinion, we draw attention to the following:

1 As disclosed in Note 36 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements, the Group restated the corresponding information for 2010 and for prior periods presented in relation to errors, including impairment of trade and other receivables and interest-bearing loan receivables. As part of our audit we audited the adjustments described in Note 36 that were applied to restate the corresponding figures. In our opinion, such adjustments are appropriate and have been properly applied.

2 Notes 2.1.2 and 34 to the consolidated financial statements disclose various types of risks, including liquidity risk and credit risk, to which the Company is exposed in its normal course of commercial activities. Multiple assumptions are included in the analysis of these risks, including access to bank loans, certain price and time ranges, the realisation of which, due to the dynamic and unpredictable market environment and relationships between the shareholders of the controlling company may significantly differ and may have a negative impact on the Group's business including its ability to operate as a going concern.

3 As disclosed in Note 23 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements, Petrol AD reports a receivable from the tax administration in the amount of BGN 5,972 thousand including additional expenses. The tax assessment act regarding this receivable has been appealed by the company and rejected by the court of first instance but confirmed at the court of second instance. As at the reporting date the decision of the Bulgarian court has been appealed in front of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Uncertainty exists regarding the timing and the outcome of the legal case and when the receivable will be recovered.

4 Note 39 Subsequent events discloses a study of the wholesale trade of fuels in the country undertaken by the Commission for protection of competition (CPC). As a result of the research the CPC concluded that four basic market participants, including one of the subsidiaries of Petrol AD, Naftex Petrol EOOD, restrict or distort free competition. If the CPC concludes that there has been a breach of the rules than it may impose a penalty up to the amount of 10% of the revenue of Naftex Petrol EOOD of the previous year.

Other Matter

The consolidated financial statements of the Group as at and for the year ended 31 December 2010, prepared prior to the restatements disclosed in Note 36 to the accompanying consolidated financial statements, were audited by another auditor who expressed a modified opinion on those statements on 9 May 2011.

Report on Other Legal and Regulatory Requirements

Annual report of the activities of the Company prepared in accordance with the requirements of article 33 of the Accountancy Act

As required under the Accountancy Act, we report that the historical financial information disclosed in the consolidated annual report of the activities of Petrol AD, prepared by Management as required under article 33 of the Accountancy Act, is consistent, in all material aspects, with the consolidated financial information disclosed in the audited consolidated financial statements of the Group as of and for the year ended 31 December 2011. Management of Petrol AD is responsible for the preparation of the consolidated annual report of the activities of the Group which was approved by the Management Board of Petrol AD on 17 May 2012.

  Margarita Goleva      Tzvetelina Koleva 
  Manager               Registered auditor 
  KPMG Bulgaria OOD 
  Sofia, 18 May 2012 

Consolidated financial statements

for the year ended December 31, 2011


For the year ended December 31, 2011

                                          Note      December      December 
                                                         31,           31, 
                                                        2011          2010 
                                                     BGN'000       BGN'000 
Revenue                                    6       1,439,052     1,218,291 
Other income                               7           6,501         7,428 
Cost of goods sold                         8     (1,361,739)   (1,110,412) 
Materials and consumables                  9         (8,652)       (9,013) 
Hired services                             10       (27,249)      (32,617) 
Employee benefits expenses                 11       (26,182)      (21,716) 
Depreciation and amortization expenses   16, 17     (14,802)      (16,510) 
Impairment of assets                       12        (9,517)       (3,792) 
Other expenses                             13       (10,355)       (7,637) 
Finance income                             14         15,731         7,828 
Finance costs                              14       (43,862)      (31,404) 
Share of profit of associates              18              -            53 
                                                 -----------   ----------- 
Profit (loss) before taxes                          (41,074)           499 
                                                 -----------   ----------- 
Income tax expense                         15        (3,661)         (979) 
                                                 -----------   ----------- 
Net loss for the year                               (44,735)         (480) 
                                                 -----------   ----------- 
Owned by: 
     Owners of the Parent company                   (44,744)         (281) 
     Non-controlling interest                              9         (199) 
Total comprehensive income for the 
 year                                               (44,735)         (480) 
                                                 ===========   =========== 
Loss per share (BGN)                       25         (0.70)        (0.01) 

These consolidated financial statements were approved on behalf of Petrol AD by:

 Svetoslav Yordanov   Daniela Taskova-Stoykova 
 Executive Director   Chief Accountant 

May 17, 2012

In accordance with an independent Auditors' Report:

 Margarita Goleva    Tzvetelina Koleva 
 Manager             Registered Auditor 
 KPMG Bulgaria OOD   KPMG Bulgaria OOD 

The notes on pages 57 to 118 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


As of December 31, 2011

                                      Note    December    December     January 
                                                   31,         31,          1, 
                                                  2011        2010        2010 
                                               BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000 
                                                          restated    restated 
Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment 
     and intangible assets             16      162,890     172,051     168,173 
    Investment properties              17       33,467      30,703           - 
    Investments in associates          18            -           -      15,299 
    Goodwill                           20       18,332      18,332      18,297 
    Deferred tax assets                15          668       2,495       1,034 
    Interest-bearing loans granted     21       21,034      34,902      21,034 
    Compulsory inventory               22       69,081      34,939      13,398 
Total non-current assets                       305,472     293,422     237,235 
                                            ----------   ---------   --------- 
Current assets 
    Inventories                        22       53,178      77,095      47,668 
    Interest-bearing loans granted     21      104,437     107,545      44,917 
    Trade and other receivables        23       85,681      60,313      68,248 
    Cash and cash equivalents          24        9,075      11,321      19,363 
Total current assets                           252,371     256,274     180,196 
                                            ----------   ---------   --------- 
Total assets                                   557,843     549,696     417,431 
                                            ==========   =========   ========= 
Shareholder's equity 
    Share capital                      25       76,321      76,401      76,401 
    Legal reserves                              18,864      18,914      18,914 
    Accumulated loss                         (115,264)    (69,881)    (69,834) 
                                            ----------   ---------   --------- 
Total equity, attributable 
 to the owners of the Parent 
 company                                      (20,079)      25,434      25,481 
                                            ----------   ---------   --------- 
Non-controlling interest              33.3          52       4,301       (101) 
                                            ----------   ---------   --------- 
Total equity and reserves                     (20,027)      29,735      25,380 
Non-current liabilities 
    Interest-bearing loans             26      205,028      43,485     195,505 
    Obligations under finance 
     lease                             27        1,705       2,379       3,935 
    Retirement benefits obligations    28          328         190         205 
Total non-current liabilities                  207,061      46,054     199,645 
                                            ----------   ---------   --------- 


As of December 31, 2011 (continued)

                                      Note  December    December     January 
                                                 31,         31,          1, 
                                                2011        2010        2010 
                                             BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000 
                                                        restated    restated 
Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables           29    281,318     227,913     174,703 
    Interest-bearing loans             26     88,466     240,894      15,290 
    Obligations under finance 
     lease                             27        949       1,517       1,746 
    Retirement benefits obligations    28         22          21          35 
    Current income tax payable         30         54       3,562         632 
Total current liabilities                    370,809     473,907     192,406 
                                            --------   ---------   --------- 
Total liabilities                            577,870     519,961     392,051 
                                            --------   ---------   --------- 
Total equity and liabilities                 557,843     549,696     417,431 
                                            ========   =========   ========= 

These consolidated financial statements were approved on behalf of Petrol AD by:

 Svetoslav Yordanov   Daniela Taskova-Stoykova 
 Executive Director   Chief Accountant 

May 17, 2012

In accordance with an independent Auditors' Report:

 Margarita Goleva    Tzvetelina Koleva 
 Manager             Registered Auditor 
 KPMG Bulgaria OOD   KPMG Bulgaria OOD 

The notes on pages 57 to 118 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


For the year ended December 31, 2011

                                            Equity attributable to the owners                Non-controlling     Total 
                                                   of the Parent company                            interest    equity 
                                   Share       Other       Legal        Retained     Total 
                                 capital    reserves    reserves        earnings 
                                 BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000         BGN'000   BGN'000          BGN'000.   BGN'000 
 Balance at January 
  1, 2010                         76,401      20,657      18,914        (83,918)    32,054             (101)    31,953 
                               ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  --------  ----------------  -------- 
 Prior year error                      -    (20,657)           -          14,084   (6,573)                 -   (6,573) 
                               ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  --------  ----------------  -------- 
 Balance at January 
  1, 2010, restated               76,401           -      18,914        (69,834)    25,481             (101)    25,380 
 Comprehensive income 
 Loss for the year, 
  restated                             -           -           -           (281)     (281)             (199)     (480) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                               -           -           -           (281)     (281)             (199)     (480) 
                               ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  --------  ----------------  -------- 
 Transactions with 
  shareholders in 
 Dividends payable 
  written off                          -           -           -             234       234                 -       234 
 Acquisition of 
  interest in acquired 
  subsidiaries                         -           -           -               -         -             4,601     4,601 
                               ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  --------  ----------------  -------- 
 Total transactions 
  with shareholders 
  in equity                            -           -           -             234       234             4,601     4,835 
 Balance at December 
  31, 2010, restated              76,401           -      18,914        (69,881)    25,434             4,301    29,735 
                               =========  ==========  ==========  ==============  ========  ================  ======== 


For the year ended December 31, 2011 (continued)

                                           Equity attributable to the owners                Non-controlling      Total 
                                                 of the Parent company                             interest     equity 
                                 Share       Other       Legal        Retained      Total 
                               capital    reserves    reserves        earnings 
                               BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000         BGN'000    BGN'000           BGN'000    BGN'000 
 Balance at December 
  31, 2010, restated            76,401           -      18,914        (69,881)     25,434             4,301     29,735 
 Comprehensive income 
 Loss for the year                   -           -           -        (44,744)   (44,744)                 9   (44,735) 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                             -           -           -        (44,744)   (44,744)                 9   (44,735) 
                             ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Transactions with 
  shareholders in 
 Redemption of own 
  shares                          (80)           -           -           (385)      (465)                 -      (465) 
 Dividends paid                      -           -           -            (64)       (64)                 -       (64) 
 Dividends payable 
  written off                        -           -           -              45         45                 -         45 
 Acquisition of 
  interest without 
  change in control                  -           -           -           (285)      (285)           (4,258)    (4,543) 
                             ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Total transactions 
  with shareholders 
  in equity                       (80)           -           -           (689)      (769)           (4,258)    (5,027) 
                             ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Other changes 
 Loss covered                        -           -        (50)              50          -                 -          - 
 Total other changes                 -           -        (50)              50          -                 -          - 
                             ---------  ----------  ----------  --------------  ---------  ----------------  --------- 
 Balance at December 
  31, 2011                      76,321           -      18,864       (115,264)   (20,079)                52   (20,027) 
                             =========  ==========  ==========  ==============  =========  ================  ========= 

These consolidated financial statements were approved on behalf of Petrol AD by:

 Svetoslav Yordanov   Daniela Taskova-Stoykova 
 Executive Director   Chief Accountant 

May 17, 2012

In accordance with an independent Auditors' Report:

 Margarita Goleva    Tzvetelina Koleva 
 Manager             Registered Auditor 
 KPMG Bulgaria OOD   KPMG Bulgaria OOD 

The notes on pages 57 to 118 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


For the year ended December 31, 2011

                                                       December    December 
                                                            31,         31, 
                                                           2011        2010 
                                                        BGN'000     BGN'000 
Cash flows from operating activities 
       Net profit (loss) before taxes                  (41,074)         499 
Adjustments for: 
     Depreciation/amortization of property, plant 
      and equipment and intangible assets                14,802      16,510 
     Interest expense, bank fees and commissions, 
      net                                                26,438      17,762 
     Shortages and normal loss, net of excess 
      assets                                                486       1,503 
     Provisions for unused paid leave and retirement 
      benefits                                              515         310 
     Impairment of assets                                 9,517       3,792 
     Provisions                                              79           - 
     Assets with low value written-off                      149         441 
     Receivables written-off                                758         441 
     Loss on liquidation of assets                        1,667         150 
     Net effect from applying the equity method               -        (53) 
     Loss on transactions with derivatives                    -         121 
     Remeasurement to fair value of investment 
      in associate                                            -     (1,650) 
     Gain on acquisition of subsidiary                        -        (26) 
     Gain on sale of property, plant and equipment        (563)     (1,051) 
     Gain on transactions with own bonds                (5,795)           - 
     Unrealized foreign exchange differences              3,249       1,266 
                                                       --------   --------- 
                                                         10,228      40,015 
      Change in trade payables                           78,196      54,255 
      Change in inventories                            (10,645)    (52,013) 
      Change in trade receivables                      (17,230)       3,051 
Cash flows provided by operating activities              60,549      45,308 
      Interest and bank fees and commissions paid      (30,688)    (23,066) 
      Income taxes paid                                 (5,260)     (1,137) 
                                                       --------   --------- 
Net cash provided by operating activities                24,601      21,105 


For the year ended December 31, 2011 (continued)

                                                        December        December 
                                                             31,             31, 
                                                            2011            2010 
                                                         BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
     Payments for acquisition of property, plant 
      and equipment and intangible assets                (7,611)        (10,997) 
     Proceeds from sale of property, plant and 
      equipment                                              998           1,352 
     Interest received on loans and deposits 
      granted                                              5,367           1,972 
     Net payments for transactions with derivatives            -           (121) 
     Dividends received                                        -             260 
     Payments for loans and deposits granted, 
      net                                               (26,772)        (48,812) 
 Net cash used in investing activities                  (28,018)        (56,346) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from bank and trade loans                      157,492          39,659 
 Repayment of bank, trade and debenture loans          (153,318)        (10,285) 
     Proceeds from leaseback agreements                      411               - 
     Payments under leaseback agreements                 (1,245)           (106) 
 Payments for redemption of own shares                     (465)               - 
 Dividends paid                                              (2)             (2) 
 Lease payments                                          (1,553)         (1,785) 
 Net cash provided by financing activities                 1,320          27,481 
 Net increase (decrease) in cash for the 
  year                                                   (2,097)         (7,760) 
 Cash at the beginning of the year (restated)             11,172          18,932 
 Cash at the end of year (see also note 24)                9,075          11,172 
                                                      ==========      ========== 

These consolidated financial statements were approved on behalf of Petrol AD by:

 Svetoslav Yordanov   Daniela Taskova-Stoykova 
 Executive Director   Chief Accountant 

May 17, 2012

In accordance with an independent Auditors' Report:

 Margarita Goleva    Tzvetelina Koleva 
 Manager             Registered Auditor 
 KPMG Bulgaria OOD   KPMG Bulgaria OOD 

The notes on pages 57 to 118 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.


to the consolidated financial statements

for the year ended December 31, 2011

   1.         Legal status and main activity 

Petrol AD (the Parent company) was registered in Sofia, Bulgaria. The address of registration of the Company is 43 Cherni Vrah Blvd., Sofia. As at the end of the reporting period the majority shareholder of the Company is Petrol Holding AD (Controlling company) with 55.48% ownership of the share capital (see also note 25).

Since July 1, 1998 Petrol AD has been registered as a public company in the public register of the Commission for Financial Supervision.

The main activity of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) is retail trade with petroleum products and non-petroleum goods, transport and other services. The Parent company is one of the biggest trade companies in the Republic of Bulgaria which owns the largest network of fuel stations in the country.

These consolidated financial statements were approved for issue by the Management board on May 17, 2012.

   2.         Basis of preparation of the financial statements and accounting principles 
   2.1.      General 
   2.1.1.   Compliance 

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as adopted by the European Union.

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a historical cost basis, except for the provisions and the defined benefit liability recognised at present value of expected future payments.

   2.1.2.   Going concern assumption 

These consolidated financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis. This assumes that the Group will be able to repay regularly its bond liabilities, commercial loans and interest due in accordance with the contractual agreements.

The trade activities of the Group are performed in highly dynamic environment in economic and political aspect, leading to a steady increase in oil prices in international markets. At the same time, the Group has an obligation to store certain volumes of inventory in compliance with Mandatory Stocks of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Act (MSCOPPA), as well as repaying its current liabilities in the ordinary course of business. The last depends on the Group's access to finance including bank loans. In 2011 the worrying economic conditions led to the realisation of loss amounted to BGN 44,735 thousand and negative figure of net assets of BGN 20,027 thousand. In the analysis of liquidity and credit risk, the Group has used numerous assumptions, including access to bank loans, certain price and time ranges, which realisation may differ materially and may have an adverse effect on the business because of the dynamic and unpredictable market environment and relationship between the shareholders of the Controlling company, including on its ability to continue to operate on a going concern basis.

   2.1.2.   Going concern assumption (continued) 

As disclosed in note 26, a decision to prolong the term of the bond issue up to January 26, 2017 was taken at general bond holders meetings conducted in October and December, 2011. Risks and uncertainties in relation with financial instruments are disclosed in note 34 to the consolidated financial statements.

There are legal proceedings initiated between Petrol Holding AD (Controlling company) and its shareholders in relation with publicly announced disputes about the control over the management of Petrol Holding AD. This might become a reason for the impeded fulfilment of planned actions of strategic and operating nature.

   2.2.      Application of new and revised IFRS 
   2.2.1.   Standards and interpretations effective and applied during the current reporting period 

Some new standards, amendments and interpretations have been effective for reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2011, and have been applied in the preparation of these financial statements. The adoption of these amendments to existing standards has not led to changes in the accounting policy of the Company.

2.2.2. Standards and interpretations, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) not yet applied

The following IFRSs, amendments to IFRSs and interpretations are endorsed for adoption by the European Commission (EC) as at the date of approval of these financial statements, but are not yet effective:

-- Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure - Transfer of Financial Assets (effective for reporting periods beginning on or after July 1, 2011).

The Group has chosen not to apply this standard before its effective date. The Management expects that the application of the standard in the period of initial application would not have material effect on the financial statements of the Company.

Standards and interpretations issued by IASB and not yet endorsed by the European Commission

The following new and revised standards, interpretations and amendments to existing standards were not endorsed by the EC as of the reporting date and have not been taken into consideration by the Company in the preparation of these financial statements. Their effective dates will depend on the endorsement decision of the EC.

-- IFRS 9 Financial Instruments (issued in November, 2009) and Additions to IFRS 9 issued in October, 2010 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2015;

-- IFRS 10 Consolidated Financial Statements, IFRS 11 Joint Agreements, IFRS 12 Disclosure of Interest in Other Enterprises and IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement, issued in May 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after, January 1, 2013);

-- IAS 27 Separate Financial Statements (2011) amending IAS 27 (2008) and IAS 28 Investments in associates and joint ventures (2011) amending IAS 28(2008), issued in May 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013);

-- Amendments to IFRS 1 First-time adoption of IFRS - severe hyperinflation and removal of fixed dates for first-time adopters, issued in December 2010 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2012);

-- Amendments to IAS 1Presentation of Financial Statements - Presentation of items in Other Comprehensive Income, issued in June 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after July 1, 2012);

2.2.2. Standards and interpretations, issued by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) not yet applied (continued)

-- Amendments to IAS 12 Income taxes - Recovery of Underlying Assets, issued in December 2010 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2012);

-- Amendments to IAS 19 Employee benefits - Improvements in accounting for employee benefits, issued in June 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013);

-- IFRIC 20 Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine, issued in December 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013);

-- Amendments to IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Presentation - compensation of financial assets and liabilities, issued in December, 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after, January 1, 2014);

-- Amendments to IFRS 7 Financial Instruments: Disclosure - offsetting financial assets and liabilities, issued in December, 2011 (effective for annual periods beginning on or after January 1, 2013).

   2.3.      Functional and presentation currency of the consolidated financial statements 

Functional currency is the currency of the primary economic environment, in which the Group operates and primarily generates and disburses cash. It reflects the main transactions, events and conditions considered significant for the Group.

The Group's companies keep its records and prepare its financial statements in the national currency of the Republic of Bulgaria - Bulgarian Lev (BGN), which is adopted by the Company as a functional currency.

These consolidated financial statements are presented in thousands of BGN.

   2.4.      Foreign currency 

Transactions in foreign currency are initially recorded at amounts denominated in BGN at the official exchange rate of the Bulgarian National Bank as of the date of the transaction. Foreign exchange rate differences arising from settlement of foreign exchange positions or from reporting these positions at rates different from those of the initial recording, are reported in profit and loss for the respective period.

Since January 1, 1999 the Bulgarian Lev has been fixed against the Euro at rate 1.95583 BGN for 1 Euro.

The monetary positions denominated in foreign currency as at December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010 are stated in the present consolidated financial statements at the closing exchange rate of the Bulgarian National Bank. The closing exchange rates of the BGN against USD as at the end of current and prior reporting periods are as follows:

 December 31, 2011:    1 USD = 1.51158 BGN 
 December 31, 2010:    1 USD = 1.47276 BGN 
 January 1, 2010:      1 USD = 1.36409 BGN 
   2.5.      Accounting assumptions and estimates 

The application of IFRS requires that the Management makes certain reasonable assumptions and accounting estimates in the preparation of these consolidated financial statements, in order to determine the value of some assets, liabilities, revenue and expenses. These estimates and assumptions are based on the best estimate of the Management, taking into consideration the historical experience and analysis of all factors impacting the circumstances as of the date of preparation of the consolidated financial statements. The actual results could differ from the estimates presented in these consolidated financial statements.

Information about the uncertainties of assumptions and estimates, that have a significant risk of resulting in material adjustments in the consolidated financial statements, includes the following note:

   --    Note 27 - leases 

Information about the uncertainties of assumptions and estimates, that have a significant risk of resulting in material adjustments within the next financial year are included in the following notes:

   --    Note 15 - recoverability of deferred tax assets 

-- Note 20 - measuring the recoverable amount of the recognised goodwill acquired in business combinations

   --    Note 23 - regarding the period of recovering a receivable from the tax administration 
   --    Note 34 - regarding the credit risk assessment and management. 
   2.6.      Subsidiaries and consolidation 

The consolidated financial statements incorporate the financial statements of the Parent company and the companies which are controlled by the Parent Company (subsidiaries and special purpose entities). Control is the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an enterprise, so as to obtain benefits from its activities.

In compliance with SIC 12 Consolidation - Special Purpose Entities, the financial statements of two entities are consolidated in their capacity of special purpose entities as of January 1, 2009 (see also note 32).

For consolidation purposes, the separate financial statements of the Parent company, its subsidiaries and the controlled special purpose entities have been combined on a line-by-line basis by adding together items of assets, liabilities, equity, income and expenses.

All intragroup balances as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 and January 1, 2010 and intragroup transactions as of December 31, 2011 and 2010, as well as all intragroup profits and losses, including unrealised profits and losses are eliminated in full.

The carrying amount of the investments in each subsidiary, hold by the Parent company or any of the subsidiaries and the Parent company's portion of equity of each subsidiary are eliminated.

The results of subsidiaries, which have been acquired or disposed by the Group during the reporting period, are included in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income from the date of the acquisition, till the date at which control ceases.

   2.7.      Non-controlling interest 

Non-controlling interest is the equity in a subsidiary not attributable, directly or indirectly to the Parent company. Non-controlling interest is represented within equity in the consolidated statement of financial position, separately from the equity of the owners of the Parent company.

   2.7.      Non-controlling interest (continued) 

In each business combination the Group measure any non-controlling interest in the acquiree either at fair value or by the proportional share of the non-controlling interest in the identifiable net assets of the acquiree.

Acquisitions of non-controlling interests are accounted for as transactions with owners in their capacity as owners and therefore no goodwill is recognised as a result. Adjustments to non-controlling interests arising from transactions that do not involve the loss of control are based on a proportionate amount of the net assets of the subsidiary.

   2.8.      Loss of control 

On the loss of control, the Group derecognises the assets and liabilities of the subsidiary, any non-controlling interests and the other components of equity related to the subsidiary. Any surplus or deficit arising on the loss of control is recognised in profit or loss. If the Group retains any interest in the previous subsidiary, then such interest is measured at fair value at the date that control is lost. Subsequently it is accounted for as an equity-accounted investee or as an available-for-sale financial asset depending on the level of influence retained.

   2.9.      Associates 

An associate is an enterprise over which the Group has significant influence. Significant influence is the right of participation in, but not control over, the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee.

Investments in associates are presented in the statement of financial position in accordance with IAS 28 Investments in Associates, using the equity method of accounting, according to which the investment is recorded initially at cost and adjusted by post-acquisition changes in the investor's share in the net assets of the associate.

When the Group's share of losses exceeds its interest in an equity-accounted investee, the carrying amount of that interest, is reduced to zero, and the recognition of further losses is discontinued except to the extent that the Group has an obligation or has made payments on behalf of the investee.

   2.10.    Goodwill 

Goodwill, arisen in business combination, is recognised as an asset at the date when control over the company, subject to business combination, is acquired. Goodwill represents the excess of the aggregate of the consideration transferred, the amount of any non-controlling interest in the acquiree and the acquisition date fair value of the acquirer's previously held equity interest in the acquiree over the net acquisition date amounts of the identifiable assets acquired and the liabilities assumed. When the acquisition cost is lower than the fair value of the net assets acquired by the Group, the acquirer should reassess the identification and measurement of the acquiree's identifiable assets, liabilities and the cost of the business combination and any excess remaining after that reassessment should be recognised immediately in profit or loss.

Subsequent to its initial recognition goodwill is not amortised, in compliance with IFRS 3 Business combinations, applicable for reporting periods after March 31, 2004. At the end of each reporting period a test for impairment is performed (see also note 4).

   2.11.    Prior period errors 

Prior period errors are omissions from and misstatements in a Group's financial statements for prior periods arising from a failure to use or misuse of reliable information. This is information, which was available when the financial statements for those periods were authorised for issue and could reasonably be expected to have been obtained and taken into account in the preparation and presentation of these financial statements. Prior period errors may occur at recognition, measurement, presentation or disclosure of items in the financial statements. They are corrected by retrospective restatement of comparative data or the opening balances of assets, liabilities and equity (in case of errors arisen in prior periods, which have not been presented in the financial statements). Corrections are recognised in the first set of financial statements authorised for issue after their discovery including a statements of financial position at the beginning of the earliest comparative period.

   2.12.    Changes in accounting policies 

The Group changes its accounting policies only if the change is required by an IFRS or an interpretation, results in the financial statements providing reliable and more relevant information about the effects of transactions, other events or conditions on the Group's financial position, financial performance or cash flows. Change in accounting policies arising from initial application of an IFRS or an interpretation, is applied in compliance with the transitional requirements in that IFRS or an interpretation.

When specific transitional provisions applying to that change are not available or changes in accounting policy are voluntarily, such changes are applied retrospectively by adjusting the opening balance of each affected component of equity for the earliest prior period presented and the other comparative amounts disclosed for each prior period presented as if the new accounting policy had always been applied. When applying an accounting policy retrospectively, in its consolidated financial statements, the Group presents an additional statement of financial position at the beginning of the earliest comparative period.

   2.13.    Reclassifications 

Reclassifications are changes in the presentation of certain items in the financial statements, in order to improve the true and fair presentation of information. These reclassifications are made retrospectively with restatement in the opening balances of each affected item in the financial statements. Additional statement of financial position as of the earliest comparative period is prepared and presented.

3. Definition and valuation of the statement of financial position and the statement of comprehensive income items

   3.1.      Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 

Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are measured initially at acquisition cost comprising purchase price, import duties and non-refundable taxes, as well as any costs which are directly attributable to bringing the asset to the location and condition necessary for operating in the manner intended by Management. Assets acquired through a business combination are measured at fair value. After initial recognition property, plant and equipment and intangible assets are carried at cost less depreciation and amortisation and any impairment losses (see also note 3.3).

   3.1.      Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets (continued) 

When parts of an item of property, plant and equipment have different useful lives, they are accounted for as separate assets.

Subsequent costs including replacement of asset's components are capitalised in the cost of the asset, only if they meet the criteria for recognition of property, plant and equipment. The carrying amount of the replaced items is derecognised in accordance with the requirements of IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment. All other subsequent costs are expensed in the period when incurred.

Gains or losses on disposal of property, plant and equipment (determined as a difference between the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount of the asset) are recognised net within other income/ expenses in profit or loss for the period. When the use of a property changes from owner-occupied to investment property, it is reclassified as investment property.

Depreciation and amortisation are recognised over the estimated useful lives applying the straight-line method. Depreciation and amortisation are recognised in profit or loss of the current period.

As at the end of each reporting period, the Group's Management reviews useful lives and the depreciation/amortisation method of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets. In case the Management identifies differences between expectations and previous accounting estimates, changes are made in accordance with the requirements of IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and Errors.

The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows:

 Useful life                                  2011           2010 
 Administrative and trade buildings       25 years       25 years 
 Machinery, plant and equipment       2 - 25 years   2 - 25 years 
 Vehicles                             4 - 10 years   4 - 10 years 
 Office equipment                          7 years        7 years 
 Intangible assets                     2 - 7 years    2 - 7 years 

Depreciation/amortisation commences from the beginning of the month following the month when the asset is available for use, and ceases at the earlier of the date when the asset is classified as held for sale in accordance with IFRS 5 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations and the date of its derecognition.

Land, assets under construction and fully depreciated assets are not depreciated/ amortised.

   3.2.      Investment properties 

Investment property is a property held by the Group to accumulate rent income or to increase the equity value, or both (including property under construction for future use as investment property).

Investment properties are carried at cost less depreciation and amortisation and any impairment losses (see also note 3.3).

   3.2.      Investment properties (continued) 

Depreciation and amortisation of investment properties are recognised in profit or loss of the current period over the estimated useful lives applying the straight-line method.

The estimated useful lives for the current and comparative periods are as follows:

 Useful life                                 2011          2010 
 Administrative and trade buildings      25 years      25 years 
 Machinery, plant and equipment       2, 3 and 25   2, 3 and 25 
                                            years         years 
 Office equipment                         7 years       7 years 

As at the end of each reporting period, the Group's Management reviews useful lives and the depreciation/amortisation method of investment property. In case the Management identifies differences between expectations and previous accounting estimates, changes are made in accordance with the requirements of IAS 8 Accounting policies, Changes in Accounting estimates and Errors.

Gains or losses on disposal of investment property (determined as a difference between the proceeds from disposal with the carrying amount of the property) are recognised in profit or loss for the period.

   3.3.      Impairment of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and goodwill 

As of the end of the reporting period, the Group's management estimates if there are any indications of impairment of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and goodwill. If any such indication exists, then the asset's recoverable amount is estimated. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the Group estimates the recoverable amount of the cash-generating unit to which the asset belongs.

The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset's fair value less costs to sell and its value in use. If the recoverable amount of a certain asset (or a cash-generating unit) is lower than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (or a cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. Impairment loss is immediately recognised as expense in the profit or loss.

If the impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the assets (or the cash-generating unit) is increased to the revised recoverable amount. This increase cannot exceed the carrying amount which would have been determined had no impairment loss been recognized for the asset (cash generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairment loss is recognised immediately as income in the profit or loss.

Impairment loss is recognised for a cash-generating unit to which goodwill was allocated only if the recoverable amount is lower than its carrying amount. The impairment loss reduces the carrying amount of the assets in the cash-generating unit, first the carrying amount of goodwill is reduced and then, the carrying amount of other assets in the unit, pro rata on the basis of the carrying amount of each asset to the total amount of the unit. The impairment loss of goodwill could not be reversed.

   3.4.      Inventories 

Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost comprises purchase price, transportation costs, customs duties, excise duties and other similar costs. Net realisable value represents the estimated selling price less estimated selling expenses.

Upon consumption, the cost of inventories is calculated using the following methods:

 Retail of fuels             weighted average cost 
 Wholesale of fuels          first in, first out 
 Materials and other goods   weighted average cost 
   3.5.      Financial instruments 

A financial instrument is any contract which gives rise to a financial asset of one entity and a financial liability or equity instrument of another entity.

Financial assets and liabilities are recognised in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Group becomes a party to the contractual agreements of the instrument. Financial assets are derecognised from the statement of financial position when, and only when, the contractual rights to the cash flows from the asset expire or the asset is transferred and the transfer meets the derecognition criteria under IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement. Financial liabilities are derecognised from the statement of financial position only when they are extinguished, i.e. the liability as per contractual agreement has been discharged, cancelled or expires.

Upon initial recognition financial assets (liabilities) are measured at fair value and all transaction costs directly attributable to the acquisition or issue of the financial assets (liabilities) except for financial assets (liabilities) at fair value through profit or loss.

Financial assets and liabilities are offset and the net amount presented in the statement of financial position when, and only when, the Company has a legal right to offset the amounts and intends either to settle on a net basis or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

For the purpose of subsequent measurement in accordance with the requirements of IAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement, the Company classifies its financial assets and liabilities in the following categories: loans granted and receivables, financial liabilities at amortised cost. The Group does not apply this classification of financial assets and liabilities in their presentation in the statement of financial position. Information about the respective categories of financial instruments is included in note 34.

   3.5.1.   Loans granted and receivables 

Loans granted and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable terms of settlement, which are not quoted at an active market. In the statement of financial position of the Group assets of this category are presented as receivables on interest-bearing loans, trade and other receivables and cash.

Interest-bearing loans, trade and other receivables

Subsequent to initial recognition, trade receivables and receivables on interest-bearing loans are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method less any impairment loss. Current receivables are not amortised. Impairment loss is recognised, if any objective evidence exists that the asset is impaired, for instance significant financial difficulties of the debtor, probability that the debtor is entered into liquidation, etc. (see also note 3.5.2).

   3.5.1.   Loans granted and receivables (continued) 

Cash and cash equivalents

For the purpose of the statement of cash flows, cash comprises cash in hand, cash at banks and cash in transit, except for restricted cash, which the Group temporary has no right to use.

   3.5.2.   Impairment of financial assets 

As at the end of the reporting period the Management of the Group reviews whether there are any objective indications of impairment of all financial assets. A financial asset is considered impaired, only when there is objective evidence that as a result of one or more events occurred after its initial recognition expected cash flows have decreased.

The Group considers evidence of impairment for financial assets measured at amortised cost (loans and receivables) at both a specific asset and collective level. All individually significant assets are assessed for specific impairment. All individually significant loans and receivables found not to be specifically impaired are then collectively assessed for any impairment that has been incurred but not yet identified. Assets that are not individually significant are collectively assessed for impairment by grouping together assets with similar risk characteristics.

In assessing collective impairment the Group uses historical trends of the probability of default (usually overdue over a year), the timing of recoveries and the amount of loss incurred, adjusted for management's judgment as to whether current economic and credit conditions are such that the actual losses are likely to be greater or less than suggested by historical trends.

When such indications are identified, an impairment loss in respect of the financial asset measured at acquisition cost is calculated as the difference between its carrying amount and the present value of the estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market interest rate for similar assets.

Impairment loss for loans granted and receivables carried at amortised cost is calculated as difference between carrying amount and present value of future cash flows discounted with the initial effective interest rate. Impairment loss is recognised in profit or loss. It is recovered if the subsequent increase of the recoverable amount can be objectively related to an event after the date on which the impairment loss was recognised.

   3.5.3.   Financial liabilities carried at amortised cost 

Subsequent to initial recognition, the Group measures all financial liabilities at amortised costs, except for financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss, financial liabilities that arise when a transfer of a financial asset does not meet the derecognition requirements, financial guarantee contracts, commitments to provide a loan at a below-market interest rate. In the statement of financial position these liabilities are presented as trade and other payables and interest-bearing loans.

Trade and other payables

Trade and other payables arise as a result of purchase of goods and services. Current liabilities are not amortised.

   3.5.3.   Financial liabilities carried at amortised cost (continued) 

Interest-bearing loans

Interest-bearing loans are initially recognised at fair value determined by the cash proceeds less transaction costs. Subsequent to initial recognition, interest-bearing loans are measured at amortised cost and any difference between initial and maturity value is recognised in profit or loss over the loan period using the effective interest rate method.

Finance costs including direct costs for obtaining the loan are recognised using the effective interest rate method.

The effective interest rate method is a method of calculating the amortised cost of a financial asset or liability and of allocation interest income or expense over the relevant period. The effective interest rate is the rate that exactly discounts the expected future cash flows or proceeds to net carrying amount of the asset and of the liability throughout the life of the financial instrument, or where appropriate throughout a shorter period. In calculation the effective interest rate the Group estimates cash flows considering all contractual terms of the financial instrument except for expected potential credit impairment losses. The calculation takes into account taxes, transaction costs, premiums and discounts paid or received between parties to the contract, which are an integral part of the effective interest rate.

Interest-bearing loans are classified as current when they are expected to be settled within a twelve-month period from the reporting period.

   3.5.4.   Share capital and redemption of own shares 

The share capital is the capital of the Parent company, presented at historical cost as of the date of its registration. The share capital also comprises the equity of the special purpose entities presented at historical cost as of the date of its registration.

When at the end of the reporting period the Group - through Parent company or subsidiary - has reacquired shares of the Parent company, their par value is presented as decrease of share capital, and the difference below or above the par value - in retained earnings, according to IAS 32 Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation.

   3.6.      Deferred income and deferred expenses 

Deferred income and deferred expenses in the statement of financial position comprises revenue and expenses prepaid in the current period but relating to future periods, such as guarantees, insurance, subscriptions, rent, etc.

   3.7.      Retirement benefits obligations 

The Government of the Republic of Bulgaria is responsible for providing pensions under a defined benefit pension plan. Costs related to payment of contributions under these schemes are recognised in the profit or loss in the period they are incurred.

In accordance with the Labour Code, the Group has an obligation to pay retirement benefits to its employees upon retirement, based on the length of service, age and labour category. Since these benefits qualify for defined benefits plan in accordance with IAS 19 Employee benefits, in accordance with the requirements of this standard the Group recognises the present amount of the benefits calculated by an actuary expert as a liability. All actuary gains and losses and past service costs are recognised immediately in profit or loss.

   3.8.      Income tax 

Income tax comprises current income tax and deferred tax.

The current income tax is based on taxable profit for the year by totalling of the current tax of each company within the Group specified in the individual tax returns of the Parent company and its subsidiaries by applying the effective tax rate according to the tax legislation as of the date of the consolidated financial statements.

Deferred tax is the income tax expected to be payable (recoverable) on taxable (deductible) temporary differences. Temporary differences are the differences between the carrying amount of an asset and a liability in the statement of financial position, and the corresponding tax basis. Deferred tax is calculated using the balance sheet liability method.

Deferred tax liabilities are recognised in respect of all taxable temporary differences, whereas deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences and tax loss are recognised only if there is a probability for their reversal and if the Group will be able to generate enough profit, from which they can be deducted. Deferred tax assets are reviewed at each reporting date and are reduced to the extent that it is no longer probable that the related tax benefit is realised.

As at each reporting date the Group reviews its unrecognised deferred tax assets. The Group recognises deferred tax assets not recognised in prior periods to the extent to which a probability has occurred the future taxable profit to allow the recovery of the deferred tax asset.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are calculated using the tax rates that are expected in the period when the asset will be realised or the liability settled, based on the information the Group is provided for as at the date of financial statements preparation. Deferred tax is recognised in profit or loss except when it relates to a transaction or an event recognised in the same or other period outside profit or loss in other comprehensive income or directly in equity. In such cases the deferred tax is also recognised in other comprehensive income or in equity without reflecting it in profit or loss.

Although the taxation in Bulgaria is not performed on a consolidation basis, the Group has adopted a policy to recognise deferred tax assets (liabilities) on all temporary differences arising from the elimination of intra-group unrealised profits from sales of property, plant and equipment treated as temporary differences. The reversal of these temporary differences reflects in subsequent adjustments of depreciation costs in the acquirer or when the Group derecognises these assets and relevant margins are realised.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are presented on a net basis if they are related to taxes on profit imposed by the same tax authorities.

In accordance with the tax legislation enforceable for the years ended 2011 and 2010 the tax rate applied in calculation of the tax payables of the Group is 10%. For the calculation of the deferred tax assets and liabilities as at December 31, 2011 and 2010 a tax rate of 10% has been used.

In determining the current and deferred tax the Group takes into account the effect of uncertain tax positions and whether additional taxes or interests may be due. The Group believes that the accruals for tax payables are adequate for all open tax periods for a number of factors, including interpretations of tax law and prior experience. This assessment relies on estimates and assumptions and may involve a series of judgments about future events. New information may become available that causes the Group to change its judgment regarding the adequacy of existing tax liabilities; such changes to tax liabilities will impact tax expense in the period that such a determination is made.

   3.9.      Revenue and expenses recognition 
   3.9.1.   Revenue from sales of goods, services and other income 

Revenue and expenses are accounted for on an accrual basis, regardless of the date of cash receipts and payments.

Revenue is recognised at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable net of any granted discounts and including the gross economic benefits received by or due to the Group. The amounts gathered on behalf of third parties such as sales taxes (value added tax) are excluded from revenue. Revenue generated from sale of fuel is reported at its gross amount with the excise due, which is considered an integral part of the price of the goods.

Revenue from sales of goods is recognised when:

   --   The significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the buyer; 

-- The Company has not retained continual participation and effective control over the management of the goods;

-- It is probable that the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Company;

-- The amount of revenue and expenses incurred in respect of the transaction can be reliably measured.

When the result of a transaction for services rendering can be estimated reliably, revenue is recognised by reference to the stage of completion of the transaction at the end of the reporting period. When the outcome of a transaction cannot be reliably estimated, the revenue is recognised to the extent that the expenses recognised are recoverable.

Gain or loss from sales of property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and materials is reported as other income or other expense.

When economic benefits are expected to arise during few reporting periods and their relation with the revenue can be determined generally or indirectly, expenses are recognised in profit or loss on the basis of procedures for systematic and rational distribution.

In exchange of assets, revenue (expense) is reported as a result of the exchange transaction to the amount of the difference between the fair value of the received asset and the carrying amount of the exchanged asset.

   3.9.2.   Finance income and finance costs 

Borrowing costs, which may be directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset, shall be capitalised in the cost of the asset. All other finance income and costs are accrued through profit or loss for all instruments measured at amortised cost using the effective interest rate method.

Gains and losses from exchange rate differences are reported net.

   3.10.    Lease 
   3.10.1.             Finance lease 

Finance lease is a lease agreement which substantially transfers all risks and rewards incidental to the ownership of an asset.

Assets acquired under finance lease are recognised at the lower of their fair value as of the date of acquisition or the present value of the minimum lease payments. The initial direct expenses incurred by the lessee are included in the cost of the asset. The corresponding liability to the lessor is included in the Group's statements of financial position as obligations under finance leases.

Lease payments are divided in interest payments and payments on principal so that a constant interest rate of the residual lease liability is obtained.

Finance lease causes depreciation expense for depreciable assets as well as finance expense for each reporting period. The depreciation policy for depreciable leased assets is consistent with the same for owned depreciable assets.

For the purpose of presenting the financial instruments in categories, defined in accordance with IAS 39 Financial Instruments: Recognition and measurement, liabilities under finance lease are classified as financial liabilities at amortised cost.

3.10.2. Operating lease

Costs incurred for assets leased under operating lease contracts are recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis for the contract term.

Revenue realised from assets under operating lease contracts is recognised in profit or loss on a straight-line basis for the contract term. Initial costs directly related to agreement conclusion are capitalised in the cost of the asset and are recognised as expenses on a straight-line basis for the operating lease contract term.

3.10.3. Leaseback agreements

A leaseback transaction is related to the sale of an asset and the hiring back the same asset. The accounting treatment of the leaseback depends on the type of the respective lease contract and the nature of the transaction.

If the leaseback is a finance lease, the transaction is a mean of granting financing to the lessee by the lessor and the asset serves as collateral. If according to the provisions of the finance lease contract there are no changes in the right of use of the asset by the seller/lessee before and after the transaction, then the transaction is not within the scope of IAS 17 Leases and is, in fact, financing. In this case, the proceeds received from the transaction are presented as Borrowings in the statement of financial position, while the direct costs incurred by the lessee during the transaction are deferred for the period of the lease contract.

   3.11.    Segments reporting 

The information about operational segments in these consolidated financial statements is presented likewise the operating reports submitted to Group's management. Based on these reports decisions are taken in respect of the resources to be allocated to the segment and the results of its activity are evaluated.

   4.         Determination of fair values 

A number of the Group's accounting policies and disclosures require the determination of fair value, for both financial and non-financial assets and liabilities. Fair values have been determined for measurement and/or disclosure purposes based on the following methods. When applicable, further information about the assumptions made in determining fair values is disclosed in the notes specific to that asset or liability.

   4.1.      Investment property 

The fair value of the investment properties is determined by using services of a licensed expert valuer with required professional qualification and experience in the location and category of property to be valued. The fair value is based on a market price, which is the estimated price at which a property could be exchanged on the date of valuation between knowledgeable, willing parties in normal market conditions after appropriate marketing, in which the counterparties have acted consciously.

The fair value of land is determined based on the comparative method and real estate agencies database. Buildings are valued at more than one method as the market value is defined as the weighted value of the results obtained by different methods and expert weights according to the reliability of the information used and the valuation experience. The valuation of other assets - machines, equipment, fixtures and other, comes from the information available and its reliability and faithfulness. The new recoverable amount is taken from manufacturers or brokers, exchanges, and foreign trade organisations, adjusted by coefficients reflecting the condition of valued assets. For assets with developed secondary market, the method of market analogues is used.

   4.2.      Trade and other receivables 

Determining the fair value of trade and other receivables includes the following:

   --     analysis of analytical trail balances and reporting of internal transformations; 

-- differentiation between receivables and payables, excluding the presumption of future offsetting of receivables from different customers;

   --     valuation of receivables based on their collectability; 

-- revaluation of receivables in foreign currencies at the respective rates as at the date of the financial statements.

   4.3.      Debenture loan 

The fair value of the bond liability is determined on the basis of a quotable price as at the date of the financial statement, in case the instrument is quoted at an active market. In case it is not actively traded, the fair value is determined on the basis of alternative valuation techniques. The valuation techniques used include analysis of discounted cash flows through expected future cash flows and discount level in relation with the market, the credit rating of the issuer, etc. The fair value is determined only for disclosure purposes.

   4.4.      Trade and other payables 

Determining the fair value of trade and other payables includes the following:

   --     complete review of payables as at the date of valuation; 
   --     identification of overdue payables and determination of interests and penalties due; 

-- revaluation of payables in foreign currencies at rates as at the date of the financial statements.

   4.5.      Receivables and payables in relation with interest-bearing loans 

Fair values of received and granted trade loans are determined for the purposes of disclosure and are calculated on the basis of the present value of future cash flows of principals and interest discounted at a market interest rate as at the date of the financial statements.

   5.         Segments reporting 

The Group has identified the following operating segments based on the reports presented to the Group's management which are used in the process of strategic decision making:

-- Wholesale of fuels - wholesale of oil products in Bulgaria in own storage facilities of the Group; fuel bunkering abroad;

-- Retail of fuels - retail of oil and other products in network of own petrol stations; servicing of petrol stations and the belonging commercial objects;

-- Other activities - transportation of fuel with own and hired vehicles; rental income and other activities.

Segment information, presented to the Group's management for the years ended as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 is as follows:

 December 31, 2011            Wholesale      Retail   All other    Total for 
                               of fuels    of fuels    segments    the Group 
                                BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000      BGN'000 
 Total segment revenue        1,570,677     550,998      14,763    2,136,438 
 Intra-group revenue            653,743      26,926      10,216      690,885 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                     916,934     524,072       4,547    1,445,553 
 Adjusted EBITDA                  7,052       2,596       1,728       11,376 
 Depreciation/amortization        2,399      10,726       1,677       14,802 
 Impairment                       5,487       2,680       1,350        9,517 
 December 31, 2010,           Wholesale      Retail   All other    Total for 
  restated                     of fuels    of fuels    segments    the Group 
                                BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000      BGN'000 
 Total segment revenue        1,412,641     539,009       4,577    1,956,227 
 Intra-group revenue            697,506      30,452       2,550      730,508 
 Revenue from external 
  customers                     715,135     508,557       2,027    1,225,719 
 Adjusted EBITDA                 21,998      20,763       1,563       44,324 
 Depreciation/amortization        2,511      13,269         730       16,510 
 Impairment                       1,231       1,908         653        3,792 

The policies for recognition of revenue from intra-group sales and sales to external clients for the purposes of the reporting by segments are not differing from these applied by the Group for revenue recognition in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income.

The Management of the Group evaluates the results from the performance of the segments on the basis of the adjusted EBITDA. In the calculation of the adjusted EBITDA the effect of impairment of assets is not taken into account.

The reconciliation of the adjusted EBITDA and the profit (loss) before tax is presented below:

   5.         Segments reporting (continued) 
                                       December        December 
                                            31,        31, 2010 
                                           2011         BGN'000 
                                        BGN'000        restated 
 Adjusted EBITDA reporting segments       9,648          42,761 
 Adjusted EBITDA all other segments       1,728           1,563 
 Depreciation/amortization             (14,802)        (16,510) 
 Impairment of assets                   (9,517)         (3,792) 
 Finance expense, net                  (28,131)        (23,576) 
 Share of profit of associates                -              53 
                                      ---------      ---------- 
 Profit (loss) before tax              (41,074)             499 
                                      =========      ========== 

The revenue from sales to external customers in segment Wholesale of fuels in 2011 includes sales to the largest customer of the segment amounting to BGN 197,638 thousand (2010: BGN 289,941 thousand).

   6.         Revenue 
              December        December 
                   31,             31, 
                  2011            2010 
               BGN'000         BGN'000 
 Goods       1,427,868       1,204,369 
 Services       11,184          13,922 
            ----------      ---------- 
             1,439,052       1,218,291 
            ==========      ========== 

The revenue from sale of goods by type is presented in the table below:

                                December        December 
                                     31,        31, 2010 
                                    2011         BGN'000 
 Fuels                         1,400,413       1,177,421 
 Lubricants and other goods       27,455          26,948 
                              ----------      ---------- 
                               1,427,868       1,204,369 
                              ==========      ========== 
   7.         Other income 
                                                Note   December        December 
                                                            31,        31, 2010 
                                                           2011         BGN'000 
 Surplus of assets                                        3,294           2,463 
 Gain from remeasurement to fair value 
  of investment in associate                     33           -           1,650 
 Gain from sales of property, plant and 
  equipment, incl.                                          563           1,051 
   Income from sales                                      1,173           1,370 
   Carrying amount                                        (610)           (319) 
 Insurance claims                                           537             287 
 Income from penalties                                      221             353 
 Gain on acquisition of controlling interest 
  in subsidiary                                  33           -              26 
 Other                                                    1,886           1,598 
                                                      ---------      ---------- 
                                                          6,501           7,428 
                                                      =========      ========== 
   8.         Cost of goods sold 
                                December        December 
                                     31,        31, 2010 
                                    2011         BGN'000 
 Fuels                         1,339,273       1,089,042 
 Lubricants and other goods       22,466          21,370 
                              ----------      ---------- 
                               1,361,739       1,110,412 
                              ==========      ========== 
   9.         Materials and consumables 
                            December        December 
                                 31,        31, 2010 
                                2011         BGN'000 
 Fuels and lubricants          3,581           3,159 
 Electricity and heating       3,121           2,841 
 Office consumables              565             597 
 Spare parts                     550             586 
 Working clothes                 204             205 
 Low-cost assets                 149             441 
 Water supply                    146             142 
 Advertising materials            98             856 
 Other                           238             186 
                           ---------      ---------- 
                               8,652           9,013 
                           =========      ========== 
   10.       Hired services 
                             December        December 
                                  31,        31, 2010 
                                 2011         BGN'000 
 Fees and commissions           6,429           6,603 
 Transportation                 2,964           3,154 
 Rents                          2,754           4,392 
 Maintenance and repairs        2,550           2,809 
 Holding fee                    2,367           2,419 
 State and municipal fees       1,773           1,448 
 Advertising costs              1,498           1,249 
 Consulting and training        1,351           1,876 
 Cash collection expenses       1,318           1,287 
 Insurances                     1,311           1,626 
 Communications                 1,058           1,320 
 Security                         563           2,173 
 Software licences                438           1,435 
 Other                            875             826 
                            ---------      ---------- 
                               27,249          32,617 
                            =========      ========== 
   11.       Employee benefits expenses 
                                               December        December 
                                                    31,        31, 2010 
                                                   2011         BGN'000 
 Wages and salaries                              21,376          18,174 
 Social security contributions and benefits       4,806           3,542 
                                              ---------      ---------- 
                                                 26,182          21,716 
                                              =========      ========== 
   12.       Impairment 
                                               Note   December        December 
                                                           31,        31, 2010 
                                                          2011         BGN'000 
                                                       BGN'000        restated 
 Impairment loss on goodwill                    20           -           1,243 
 Impairment loss on financial assets, 
  incl.:                                                 9,541           2,564 
  Impairment loss on trade receivables                   4,290           2,564 
  Impairment loss on interest-bearing loans              5,251 
   granted                                                                   - 
 Reversal of impairment loss on financial                 (24) 
  assets, incl.:                                                             - 
  Reversal of impairment loss on trade                    (24) 
   receivables                                                               - 
 Reversal of impairment loss on inventories                  -            (15) 
                                                         9,517           3,792 
                                                     =========      ========== 

As at the end of the reporting period the Group made a detailed analysis of the collectability of trade and other receivables and interest-bearing loan granted. As a result of this it has been identified that there were indications for impairment of a loan to related party and trade and other receivables at the amount of BGN 5,251 thousand and BGN 4,290 thousand respectively. As a result of a prior period error impairment loss at the amount of BGN 2,382 thousand is recorded retrospectively in 2010 (see also note 36.3).

   13.       Other expenses 
                                             December        December 
                                                  31,        31, 2010 
                                                 2011         BGN'000 
 Shortages and assets written-off               3,780           3,966 
 Local taxes and taxes on expenses              1,680           1,155 
 Expropriated assets                            1,473               - 
 Penalties and indemnities                        727             869 
 Business trips                                   389             403 
 Written off receivables                          758             441 
 Entertainment expenses and sponsorship           646             212 
 Loss from liquidation of property, plant 
  and equipment                                   194             150 
  Income from sale                               (36)           (112) 
  Carrying amount                                 230             262 
 Other                                            708             441 
                                            ---------      ---------- 
                                               10,355           7,637 
                                            =========      ========== 

In 2011, assets with a carrying amount of BGN 1,473 thousand were expropriated by the state.

   14.       Finance income and costs 
                                                    December        December 
                                                         31,        31, 2010 
                                                        2011         BGN'000 
                                                     BGN'000        restated 
 Finance income 
 Interest income, including:                           9,878           7,814 
 Interest income on loans granted                      6,452           6,568 
  Interest income on trade receivables                   705           1,123 
 Interest income on deposits                           2,693              14 
 Other interest income                                    28             109 
 Gain on transactions with own bonds                   5,795               - 
 Other finance income                                     58              14 
                                                   ---------      ---------- 
                                                      15,731           7,828 
                                                   ---------      ---------- 
 Finance costs 
 Interest expenses, including:                      (32,772)        (22,062) 
  Interest expenses on debenture loans              (13,805)        (17,798) 
  Interest expenses on trade and other payables      (3,806)         (1,190) 
  Interest expenses on bank loans                    (4,221)           (983) 
  Interest expenses on trade loans                   (6,262)           (457) 
  Interest expenses on obligations under finance 
   lease                                               (129)           (173) 
  Interest expenses on leasebacks                    (2,373)           (172) 
  Interest expenses to the state budget              (2,176)         (1,289) 
 Loss from dealings with derivatives, including:           -           (121) 
  Loss on transactions                                     -           (121) 
 Foreign exchange rate losses, net                   (7,488)         (5,693) 
 Bank fees, commissions and other financial 
  expenses                                           (3,602)         (3,528) 
                                                   ---------      ---------- 
                                                    (43,862)        (31,404) 
                                                   ---------      ---------- 
 Finance costs, net                                 (28,131)        (23,576) 
                                                   =========      ========== 
   15.       Taxation 
   15.1.    Tax expenses 

Tax expense recognised in profit or loss includes the amount of current and deferred income tax expenses in accordance with IAS 12 Income taxes.

                                               December        December 
                                                    31,        31, 2010 
                                                   2011         BGN'000 
                                                BGN'000        restated 
 Current tax expense                              1,834           4,059 
 Change in deferred taxes, incl.:                 1,827         (3,080) 
    Temporary differences recognized during 
     the year                                       283             363 
    Temporary differences originated during 
     the year                                   (3,816)         (3,720) 
 Prior year adjustments                           5,360             277 
                                              ---------      ---------- 
 Total tax expense                                3,661             979 
                                              =========      ========== 
   15.2.    Effective tax rate 

The reconciliation between accounting profit (loss) and tax expense, and the calculation of the effective tax rate as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 is presented in the table below:

                                                     December        December 
                                                          31,        31, 2010 
                                                         2011         BGN'000 
                                                      BGN'000        restated 
 Accounting profit (loss)                            (41,074)             499 
 Applicable tax rate                                      10%             10% 
 Tax expense (benefit) at the applicable 
  tax rate                                            (4,107)              50 
 Aggregate tax effect from permanent differences      (3,394)             339 
 Tax effect from unrecognized during the 
  current year temporary difference originated 
  during the current period                             3,290               7 
 Tax effect on tax assets/liabilities adjustments 
  recognized in the current reporting period 
  but originated in prior reporting periods             5,382             277 
 Tax effect from consolidation adjustments              2,490             306 
                                                    ---------      ---------- 
 Tax expense                                            3,661             979 
                                                    =========      ========== 
 Effective tax rate                                     8.91%         196.19% 
                                                    =========      ========== 

Tax authorities may inspect the companies in the Group within a five-year period following the reported tax year and may impose additional taxes or penalties in accordance with the interpretation of the tax legislation. The Management of the Group is not aware of any circumstances which may give rise to a contingent additional liability in this respect.

   15.3.    Recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities 

The deferred tax asset (liability) presented in the consolidated statement of financial position arises as a result of income tax charges on deductible(taxable) temporary differences, the effect of which is as follows:

                                    December 31, 2011       December 31, 2010 
                                    Temporary       Tax     Temporary        Tax 
                                   difference    effect    difference     effect 
                                      BGN'000   BGN'000       BGN'000    BGN'000 
                                                             restated   restated 
 Balance at the beginning 
  of the period 
 Property, plant and equipment       (27,401)   (2,740)      (22,594)    (2,261) 
 Tax loss carry forward                33,270     3,328         1,944        195 
 Unused paid leave and 
  other provision                       1,238       125         2,087        210 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA              18,807     1,879        30,990      3,098 
 Investments in associates           (16,869)   (1,687)      (16,869)    (1,687) 
 Impairment of assets                  15,354     1,535        13,730      1,373 
 Other, incl. unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                          550        55         1,052        106 
                                 ------------  --------  ------------  --------- 
                                       24,949     2,495        10,340      1,034 
                                 ============  ========  ============  ========= 
 Acquired through business 
 Property, plant and equipment              -         -      (16,497)    (1,649) 
 Unused paid leave and 
  other provisions                          -         -           111         10 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA                   -         -            19          2 
 Impairment of assets                       -         -           162         17 
 Other, incl. unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                            -         -             6          1 
                                 ------------  --------  ------------  --------- 
                                            -         -      (16,199)    (1,619) 
                                 ============  ========  ============  ========= 
   15.3.    Recognised deferred tax assets and liabilities (continued) 
                                    December 31, 2011       December 31, 2010 
                                    Temporary       Tax     Temporary        Tax 
                                   difference    effect    difference     effect 
                                      BGN'000   BGN'000       BGN'000    BGN'000 
                                                             restated   restated 
 Originated during the 
 Property, plant and equipment            379        39           825         82 
 Tax loss carry forward                15,099     1,510        33,270      3,327 
 Unused paid leave and 
  other provisions                        449        42           256         25 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA                   -         -            25          2 
 Subsequent measurement 
  of assets                             2,366       237             -          - 
 Impairment of assets                  11,819     1,181         2,341        234 
 Other, incl. unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                        8,066       807           501         50 
                                 ------------  --------  ------------  --------- 
                                       38,178     3,816        37,218      3,720 
                                 ============  ========  ============  ========= 
 Recognized during the 
 Property, plant and equipment          1,912       191        10,865      1,088 
 Tax loss carry forward                     -         -         (713)       (71) 
 Unused paid leave and 
  other provisions                      (369)      (37)       (1,216)      (120) 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA               (261)      (26)      (10,690)    (1,069) 
 Subsequent measurement 
  of assets                                 -         -             -          - 
 Impairment of assets                 (3,735)     (373)         (879)       (89) 
 Other, incl. unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                        (382)      (38)       (1,009)      (102) 
                                 ------------  --------  ------------  --------- 
                                      (2,835)     (283)       (3,642)      (363) 
                                 ============  ========  ============  ========= 
 Tax loss carry forward              (33,270)   (3,328)       (1,231)      (123) 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA            (18,546)   (1,853)       (1,537)      (154) 
 Impairment of assets                 (1,793)     (179)             -          - 
                                 ------------  -------- 
                                     (53,609)   (5,360)       (2,768)      (277) 
                                 ============  ========  ============  ========= 
 Balance at the end of 
  the period 
 Property, plant and equipment       (25,110)   (2,510)      (27,401)    (2,740) 
 Tax loss carry forward                15,099     1,510        33,270      3,328 
 Unused paid leave and 
  other provisions                      1,318       130         1,238        125 
 Excess of interest payments 
  in accordance with CITA                   -         -        18,807      1,879 
 Investments in associates           (16,869)   (1,687)      (16,869)    (1,687) 
 Subsequent measurement 
  of assets                             2,366       237             -          - 
 Impairment of assets                  21,645     2,164        15,354      1,535 
 Other, incl. unpaid benefits 
  to individuals                        8,234       824           550         55 
                                 ------------  --------  ------------  --------- 
                                        6,683       668        24,949      2,495 
                                 ============  ========  ============  ========= 

The Group has the right to carry forward tax loss arisen in 2011 at the amount of BGN 15,099 thousand in the next reporting periods from 2012 to 2016 inclusive.

   15.4.    Unrecognised deferred tax assets 

As of December 31, 2011 the Group reviews the recoverability of deductible temporary differences, forming tax assets. As a result of this review, the Group estimates that there might be no sufficient taxable profits in the near future against which the assets will be utilised. As a result, the Group does not recognize tax assets on the following deductible temporary differences and tax loss incurred during the current and previous periods.

The effects of unrecognized tax assets are as follows:

                                              December        December 
                                                   31,        31, 2010 
                                                  2011         BGN'000 
 Tax loss carry forward                          5,020             201 
 Excess of interest payments in accordance 
  with CITA                                      3,920             262 
 Impairment of receivables                           -             820 
                                                 8,940           1,283 
                                             =========      ========== 

The Group is allowed to carry forward its tax loss and to recognise for tax purposes unrecognised interests expenses resulting from application of the thin capitalisation regime in accordance with Corporate Income Tax Act, as follows:

 Reporting periods          Tax loss         Unrecognised 
                       to be carried     for tax purposes 
                             forward    interest expenses 
 Up to 2012                   50,198               39,198 
 Up to 2013                   50,119               39,100 
 Up to 2014                   49,457               38,216 
 Up to 2015                   48,963               37,472 
 Up to 2016                   14,966               17,885 
   16.       Property, plant and equipment and intangible assets 
                        Land   Buildings         Plant   Vehicles      Other           Assets   Intan-gible      Total 
                                                   and                assets            under        assets 
                                            equip-ment                          construc-tion 
                                               BGN'000                                BGN'000       BGN'000 
                     BGN'000     BGN'000                  BGN'000    BGN'000                                   BGN'000 
 Balance at 
  1, 2010             38,855      50,634       147,361     24,752     13,528            9,781         2,415    287,326 
 Additions               298         633         1,711         56        378            5,636         2,740     11,452 
  combinations         5,936       3,836           129          -        156              109            10     10,176 
 Transfers              (15)       2,925         5,199          -        648          (8,803)            46          - 
 Disposals             (462)       (172)       (1,677)    (5,987)      (302)              (2)             -    (8,602) 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  31, 2010 
  (restated)          44,612      57,856       152,723     18,821     14,408            6,721         5,211    300,352 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Additions                93          56         1,265        442        133            8,651           394     11,034 
 Transfers           (1,801)       (508)         9,509         39        238         (12,855)            60    (5,318) 
 Disposals             (272)       (348)       (5,887)    (3,711)      (526)            (388)         (158)   (11,290) 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  31, 2011            42,632      57,056       157,610     15,591     14,253            2,129         5,507    294,778 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  1, 2010                  -      19,888        70,715     18,116      8,748                -         1,686    119,153 
 Charged for the 
  period                   -       1,616        11,193      2,139      1,289                -           224     16,461 
 Transfers                 -         309         (311)          -          2                -             -          - 
 Disposals for 
  the period               -        (99)       (1,297)    (5,852)       (64)                -           (1)    (7,313) 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  31, 2010 
  (restated)               -      21,714        80,300     14,403      9,975                -         1,909    128,301 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Charged for the 
  period                   -       1,828         8,483      1,681      1,091                -         1,069     14,152 
 Transfers                 -       (179)       (1,751)          -       (20)                -             -    (1,950) 
 Disposals for 
  the period               -       (250)       (4,214)    (3,521)      (473)                -         (157)    (8,615) 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Balance at 
  31, 2011                 -      23,113        82,818     12,563     10,573                -         2,821    131,888 
                   ---------  ----------  ------------  ---------  ---------  ---------------  ------------  --------- 
 Carrying amount 
  January 1, 2010     38,855      30,746        76,646      6,636      4,780            9,781           729    168,173 
                   =========  ==========  ============  =========  =========  ===============  ============  ========= 
 Carrying amount 
  at December 31, 
  2010 (restated)     44,612      36,142        72,423      4,418      4,433            6,721         3,302    172,051 
                   =========  ==========  ============  =========  =========  ===============  ============  ========= 
 Carrying amount 
  at December 31, 
  2011                42,632      33,943        74,792      3,028      3,680            2,129         2,686    162,890 
                   =========  ==========  ============  =========  =========  ===============  ============  ========= 

According to judgment of the Group's management as of December 31, 2011, property, plant and equipment with a carrying amount of BGN 3,368 thousand, which were not used in core business, were reclassified as investment property.

Vehicles with carrying amount of BGN 2,585 thousand (2010: 3,877 thousand) were acquired under finance lease contracts.

As of December 31, 2011 property, plant and equipment with carrying amount of BGN 41,165 thousand serve as collaterals under bank and trade loans extended to the Group and related parties (see also note 26).

   17.       Investment properties 
                                                    2011        2010 
                                                BGN '000    BGN '000 
 Balance at the beginning of the year             30,752           - 
 Acquisitions through business combinations            -      30,839 
 Additions                                            47           - 
 Transfers                                         5,318           - 
 Disposals                                          (23)        (87) 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Balance at the end of the year                   36,094      30,752 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Accumulated Depreciation 
 Balance at the beginning of the year                 49           - 
 Charged for the period                              650          49 
 Transfers                                         1,950           - 
 Disposals                                          (22)           - 
 Balance at the end of the year                    2,627          49 
                                              ----------  ---------- 
 Carrying amount at the beginning of the 
  year                                            30,703           - 
                                              ==========  ========== 
 Carrying amount at the end of the year           33,467      30,703 
                                              ==========  ========== 

Investment properties amounting to BGN 30,839 thousand were acquired in 2010 through business combinations. The properties were measured at fair value determined by licensed valuation expert.

As a result of a prior period error, property, plant and equipment with a carrying amount of BGN 2,233 thousand are reclassified in investment properties (see also note 36.6).

The management of the Group make periodic estimation of the investment properties fair value. Part of the investment properties were last appraised as at December 31, 2010 and the other part as at December 31, 2011. As there was no significant increase or decrease of the price levels on the real estate market in 2011, the management believes that the valuation as at December 31, 2010 still can be used as of the date of these consolidated financial statements. Estimates of the fair value are made using the methods of comparable amounts and capital expenditure method for land and buildings and net asset value and discounted net cash flows for the petrol storage facilities. For disclosure purposes, fair value of investment properties of the Group as of December 31, 2011 is around BGN 45,110 thousand.

As of December 31, 2011, investment properties with carrying amount of BGN 24,658 thousand serve as collaterals under interest-bearing loans and related party loan received by the Group (see also note 26).

   18.       Investments in associates 

As of January 1, 2010 the Group reports as investment in associates the ownership of 36.92% from the equity of Eurocapital Bulgaria EAD. In November 2010 the Group acquires additional 53.05% and as of December 31, 2010 its share in the equity is 89.97% (see also note 33).

                                                  November         January 
                                                       30,              1, 
                                                      2010            2010 
                                                   BGN'000        BGN '000 
 Investment at the beginning of the period          15,299          15,776 
 Group's share in the profit of the associate           53             289 
 Share of distributed dividends from associate       (260)           (766) 
                                                 ---------      ---------- 
 Investment at the end of the period                15,092          15,299 
                                                 =========      ========== 

The total amount of assets, liabilities, income and financial results of associates as of November 30, 2010 and January 1, 2010 are as follows:

                                                 November         January 
                                                      30,              1, 
                                                     2010            2010 
                                                  BGN'000        BGN '000 
 Assets                                            91,218          92,829 
 Liabilities                                     (29,590)        (30,641) 
                                                ---------      ---------- 
 Net assets                                        61,628          62,188 
                                                =========      ---------- 
 Income                                             1,546           5,779 
 Profit for the period                                144             782 
                                                ---------      ---------- 
 Group's share in the profit of the associate          53             289 
                                                =========      ========== 
   19.       Investments in other companies 

As of December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010 the Group owns 6.92% of the equity of Capital 3000 AD. The investment in Capital 3000 AD has been fully impaired in prior reporting periods.

   20.       Goodwill 
                                         December        December         January 
                                         31, 2011        31, 2010              1, 
                                         BGN '000        BGN '000            2010 
                                                                         BGN '000 
 Cost at the beginning of the year         19,575          18,297          18,297 
 Goodwill recognised during the 
  year through business combinations            -           1,278               - 
                                       ----------      ----------      ---------- 
 Cost at the end of the year               19,575          19,575          18,297 
                                       ----------      ----------      ---------- 
 Impairment loss 
 Impairment loss at the beginning 
  of the year                             (1,243)               -               - 
 Recognised during the year                     -         (1,243)               - 
                                       ----------      ----------      ---------- 
 Impairment loss at the end of the 
  year                                    (1,243)         (1,243)               - 
                                       ----------      ----------      ---------- 
                                           18,332          18,332          18,297 
                                       ==========      ==========      ========== 

As of December 31, 2011 goodwill with carrying amount of BGN 18,332 thousand (2010: BGN 18,332 thousand and January 1, 2010: BGN 18,297 thousand) has arisen as a result of the acquisition of the subsidiary Naftex Petrol EOOD and BPI EAD.

In November 2010 the Group acquired control in BPI EAD and Naftex Security EAD and as a result goodwill at the amount of BGN 35 thousand and BGN 1,243 thousand respectively was recognised (see also note 33.4.). Goodwill arising from the acquisition of Naftex Security EAD was completely impaired as at the date of the acquisition.

A review for impairment of the carrying amount of goodwill originated as a result of the acquisition of Naftex Petrol EOOD is performed as of December 31, 2011 and the method of discounted net cash flows is used. The method is based on the cash flows forecasts prepared by the subsidiary's management for four-year period after December 31, 2011. The assumption that the net cash flows after the last forecast period will be constant is used. The used discount rate of 9.5% is calculated as subsidiary's weighted average cost of capital of the subsidiary. The result of the applied method shows that the recoverable amount of the cash flows generated by Naftex Petrol EOOD exceeds the carrying amount of the goodwill as of December 31, 2011 and therefore no impairment loss on goodwill is recognized.

   21.       Interest-bearing loans granted 
                                          December        December         January 
                                               31,             31,              1, 
                                              2011            2010            2010 
                                           BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                                          restated        restated 
 Long-term loans granted 
 Interest-bearing loans to related 
  parties                                   21,034          34,902          21,034 
 Initial cost                               25,262               -               - 
 Impairment loss                           (4,228)               -               - 
                                            21,034          34,902          21,034 
                                         ---------      ----------      ---------- 
 Short-term loans granted 
 Interest-bearing loans and deposits 
  to related parties                       102,299         107,428          44,866 
 Initial cost                              103,322               -               - 
 Impairment loss                           (1,023)               -               - 
 Interest-bearing loans to non-related 
  parties                                    2,138             117              51 
                                           104,437         107,545          44,917 
                                         ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                                           125,471         142,447          65,951 
                                         =========      ==========      ========== 

In 2011 the Group granted to non-related party interest-bearing loan to the amount of BGN 2,500 thousand and annual interest rate 9.5% with maturity date October 31, 2012. As of December 31, 2011 the utilized amount of the loan is BGN 2,025 thousand and BGN 48 thousand interest payables due.

As of the end of the reporting period the management of the Group has made a review for impairment of loans granted to related parties. As a result of this review, impairment loss at the amount of BGN 5,251 thousand has been recognized (see also note 12).

Receivables on interest-bearing loans granted to related parties are disclosed in note 35.

The Group consider that the carrying amount of interest-bearing loans granted does not differ substantially from their fair value as of December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010.

   22.       Inventory 
                               December        December         January 
                                    31,             31,              1, 
                                   2011            2010            2010 
                                BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                               restated        restated 
 Non-current assets 
 Compulsory stock of fuel        69,081          34,939          13,398 
                              ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                                 69,081          34,939          13,398 
                              ---------      ----------      ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Goods, including:               50,705          74,709          44,903 
 Fuels                           43,510          63,852          37,383 
 Lubricants and other goods       7,195          10,857           7,520 
 Materials                        2,473           2,386           2,765 
                                 53,178          77,095          47,668 
                              ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                                122,259         112,034          61,066 
                              =========      ==========      ========== 
   22.       Inventory(continued) 

As of December 31, 2011 the Group stores compulsory stock of fuel in compliance with the Mandatory Stock of Crude Oil and Oil Products Act. As of December 31, 2011 such inventory is presented as non-current assets amounting to BGN 69,081 thousand (2010: BGN 34,939 thousand; January 1, 2010: BGN 13,398 thousand).

As of December 31, 2011 fuels at the amount of BGN 98,643 thousand are pledged as collateral for bank loans received by the Group (see also note 26).

   23.       Trade and other receivables 
                                        December        December         January 
                                             31,             31,              1, 
                                            2011            2010            2010 
                                         BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                                        restated        restated 
 Receivables from customers, incl.        61,172          42,955          53,808 
     Initial cost                         67,181          51,810          61,331 
     Allowance for doubtful debts        (6,009)         (8,855)         (7,523) 
 Litigations and writs                     8,964           8,395           2,649 
     Initial cost                          3,563           3,037           2,904 
     Allowance for doubtful debts          (571)           (430)           (255) 
 Tax audit act                             5,972           5,788               - 
 Receivables from related parties          3,359           3,668           4,543 
     Initial cost                          7,197           5,522           5,630 
     Allowance for doubtful debts        (3,838)         (1,854)         (1,087) 
 Guarantees for tender participation       2,217           2,284           3,844 
 Refundable taxes, incl.                   1,560           1,118             547 
 VAT                                       1,512             922             356 
 Other taxes                                  48             196             191 
 Advances granted                            686             810             994 
     Initial cost                          1,735               -               - 
     Allowance for doubtful debts        (1,049)               -               - 
 Other                                     7,723           1,083           1,863 
     Initial cost                          8,634           1,912           2,668 
     Allowance for doubtful debts          (911)           (829)           (805) 
                                       ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                                          85,681          60,313          68,248 
                                       =========      ==========      ========== 
   23.       Trade and other receivables (continued) 

Receivables from related parties are disclosed in note 35.

Litigations and writs include collected amount in 2010 by the tax authorities and related additional expenses of BGN 5,972 thousand. The tax audit report regarding the court receivable was appealed by the Group and was rejected by the court at first instance but approved at the second one. As at the reporting date, the decision of the Bulgarian Court is appealed in front of the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Based on experts' opinion, the Management of the Group considers that it is highly probable that the incorrectly collected amount will be recovered in favour of the Group together with the interest set by law. Despite that, due to the complexity of the claim, uncertainty exists regarding the time of the outcome of the legal case and time of the recovery of the amount.

In accordance with the adopted policy, the Group grants to its customers a credit period after the expiry of which penalty interest for overdue payment is accrued on the unsettled balance to the amount set in each individual contract.

As at the end of each reporting period the Group performs a detailed review and analysis of overdue trade receivables, as a result of which receivables evaluated as uncollectable are impaired. Other trade receivables usually overdue by more than 360 days are completely impaired, since the historical experience indicates they are not recoverable.

Overdue receivables as of the date of these consolidated financial statements at the amount of BGN 23,742 thousand (December 31, 2010: BGN 20,045 thousand; January 1, 2010: BGN 20,536 thousand) are included in the balance of the trade and other receivables as of December 31, 2011.

The Group has no collateral for these receivables since there is no significant change in the quality of the creditworthiness of the counterparties and they are still considered recoverable.

Ageing analysis of overdue, but not impaired receivables is presented in the table below:

                   December        December         January 
                        31,             31,              1, 
                       2011            2010            2010 
                    BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                   restated        restated 
 Up to 30 days       12,358           6,337           8,141 
 31 - 120 days        3,784           4,106           4,384 
 121 - 210 days         880           2,235           1,787 
 Over 211 days        6,719           7,367           6,224 
                  ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                     23,741          20,045          20,536 
                  =========      ==========      ========== 

As of December 31, 2011 receivables at the amount of BGN 36,271 thousand serve as collateral under utilized bank loans (see also note 26).

The Group considers that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables does not significantly differ from their fair value as of December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010.

   24.       Cash and cash equivalents 
                                       December       December        January 
                                            31,            31,             1, 
                                           2011           2010           2010 
                                        BGN'000        BGN'000        BGN'000 
 Cash at banks                            5,826          7,628         14,704 
 Cash in transit                          3,126          3,410          4,085 
 Cash on hand                               123            134            143 
                                      ---------      ---------      --------- 
 Cash as per cash flow statement          9,075         11,172         18,932 
                                      ---------      ---------      --------- 
 Restricted cash                              -            149            431 
                                      ---------      ---------      --------- 
 Cash as per statement of financial 
  position                                9,075         11,321         19,363 
                                      =========      =========      ========= 

As of December 31, 2010 cash at the amount of BGN 149 thousand is presented as restricted cash which serves as collateral for the excise duty payable. As at January 1, 2010 the amount of restricted cash mainly includes an excise liability and bank guarantees.

Cash in transit consists of cash collected from the petrol stations as of the end of the reporting period which is to be received on the Group's accounts in the beginning of the next reporting period

As of December 31, 2011 cash at the amount of BGN 5,206 thousand serve as collateral under utilized bank loans (see also note 26).

   25.       Share capital 

The share capital of the Group is presented at its nominal value, according to the court decision for registration.

As of December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010 the shareholders of the Parent company are as follows:

 Shareholder                       December          December           January 
                                        31,               31,                1, 
                                       2011              2010              2010 
                                 % of share        % of share        % of share 
                                    capital           capital           capital 
 Petrol Holding AD                   55.48%            55.48%            55.47% 
 Naftex Petrol EOOD                  41.89%            41.82%            41.82% 
 Ministry of Economics                0.65%             0.66%             0.70% 
 Other minority shareholders          1.98%             2.04%             2.01% 
                                    100.00%           100.00%           100.00% 
                               ============      ============      ============ 

Loss per share are calculated by dividing the net loss for the period by the weighted average number of ordinary shares held during the reporting period. The Parent company has not issued any potential ordinary shares.

   25.       Share capital (continued) 
                                       December    December 
                                       31, 2011    31, 2010 
 Weighted average number of shares       63,559      63,566 
 Loss (BGN'000)                        (44,735)       (480) 
                                     ----------  ---------- 
 Loss per share (BGN)                    (0.70)      (0.01) 
                                     ==========  ========== 

Weighted average number of shares in circulation in 2011, 2010 and 2009 is as follows:

                                      December       December       January 
                                           31,            31,            1, 
                                          2011           2010          2010 
 Number of shares at the beginning 
  of the year                           63,566         63,566        63,471 
 Effect from redeemed own shares           (7)              -            57 
                                     ---------      ---------      -------- 
 Weighted average number of shares      63,559         63,566        63,528 
                                     =========      =========      ======== 
   26.       Interest-bearing loans received 
                                           December        December         January 
                                                31,             31,              1, 
                                               2011            2010            2010 
                                            BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                                           restated        restated 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Loans from financial institutions          118,663           3,442           3,822 
 Debenture loans                             47,379               -         191,683 
 Liabilities under leaseback agreements      38,986          40,043               - 
                                            205,028          43,485         195,505 
                                          =========      ==========      ========== 
 Current liabilities 
 Loans from financial institutions           69,265          27,326          10,895 
 Debenture loans                              6,165         195,505           3,100 
 Liabilities under leaseback agreements       1,561           1,512               - 
 Trade loans from related parties            11,475          16,551           1,295 
                                          ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                                             88,466         240,894          15,290 
                                          =========      ==========      ========== 
                                            293,494         284,379         210,795 
                                          =========      ==========      ========== 

The liabilities to related parties are disclosed in note 35.

Additional information about interest, currency and liquidity risk, to which the Group is exposed as a result of the loans received, is disclosed in note 34.

   26.1.    Debenture loans 

In October, 2006 the Parent company issued 2,000 registered transferable bonds with fixed annual interest rate of 8.375% and issue value 99.507% of the face value, which is determined at EUR 50,000 per bond. The bond term is 5 years and the maturity date is in October 2011. The principal is due in one payment at the maturity date. At the general meetings of the bondholders conducted in October and December 2011, it was decided to extend the term of the issue until January 26, 2017.

   26.1.    Debenture loans (continued) 

The issue is secured by the Group's receivables on granted loans to related parties and a corporate guarantee issued by a subsidiary. The bond issuance costs amount to BGN 3,049 thousand. Interest is paid once a year. The annual effective interest rate after the extension is 8.7%. The purpose of issue is providing of working capital, financing in investment projects and restructuring of a previous Group's debt.

In 2011 the Group repurchased bonds with face value EUR 73,772 thousand. As at December 31, 2011 the remainder of the issued bonds is with nominal value EUR 87,038 thousand. For presentation purposes in these consolidated financial statements they are reduced by the repurchased principal at nominal value EUR 61,993 thousand, of which EUR 55,166 thousand will be cancelled legally in December 2012, as it serves as a collateral of a loan of a related party. As a result of the repurchase of issued bonds the Group realised net gain to the amount of BGN 5,795 thousand.

The debenture loans are presented in the financial statements at amortised cost.

The fair value of the debenture loans liability is BGN 45,145 thousand as at December 31, 2011.

   26.2.    Leaseback agreements 

In prior reporting periods, the Group has signed several contracts for sale of property in which the seller agrees to repurchase the assets under finance lease. That scheme, also known as leaseback, in fact is a mean of granting financing and the asset serves as collateral. Proceeds from leaseback agreements are presented as liabilities on received interest-bearing loans (see also note 3.10.3).

                             Nominal interest   Maturity   December        December 
                                                                31,             31, 
                                                               2011            2010 
                                                            BGN'000         BGN'000 
                            1m Euribor 
 Hotel complex in Burgas     + 2.25% 
   (min 0.25%)                                   07.2023     21,515          21,939 
 Administrative building    1m Euribor 
  in Varna                   + 2.25% 
   (min 5.25%)                                   04.2023      5,513           5,598 
 Administrative building    1m Euribor 
  in Sofia                   + 2.25% 
   (min 5.25%)                                   04.2023      9,047           9,249 
 Fuel storage depot in 
  Svilengrad                BIR + 1.75%          12.2020      4,472           4,769 
                                                          ---------      ---------- 
                                                             40,547          41,555 
                                                          =========      ========== 

The effective interest rate on leaseback agreements is within the range of 5.57% to 5.71%.

The obligations under leaseback agreements are secured by the Controlling company.

   26.3.    Bank loans 
                      Nominal interest   Maturity   December        December 
                                                         31,             31, 
                                                        2011            2010        January 
                                                     BGN'000         BGN'000           2010 
                                                                    restated        BGN'000 
 Investment loan                  8.5%    11.2018    120,279               -              - 
                            3m Euribor 
                           + 3.1% (min 
 Investment loan                   7%)     2.2018      3,441           4,069          4,355 
 Working capital 
  loan                              9%     7.2014     49,528               -              - 
                            3m Euribor 
 Working capital           + 7.6% (min 
  loan                             9%)    12.2014     14,680               -              - 
 Revolving working 
  capital loan                      9%    12.2011          -          16,200              - 
 Bank overdraft                     9%     2.2011          -          10,002              - 
                      1m Libor/Euribor 
                             Sofibor + 
 Bank overdraft                  3.75%    12.2011          -               -          9,998 
 Advances received 
  on factoring 
  agreement                3m Libor+5%                     -             497            364 
                                                     187,928          30,768         14,717 
                                                   =========      ==========      ========= 

The average effective interest rate on loans from financial institutions is within the range of 4% to 10% (2010: from 4% to 10%; 2009: from 3.5% to 7%).

In December 2011 long-term bank loan is utilized at the amount of USD 80,240 thousand, with maturity in November 2018 and interest of 8.5%. The loan is secured with a pledge of the commercial enterprise of the subsidiary to the amount of BGN 163,937 thousand, pledge on receivables of the Group in bank accounts at the amount of minimum 150% of the credit commitment, pledge of all current and future receivables from the Parent company, arising from the fuel stations lease contract. The loan is secured also with a pledge of the shares of the subsidiary, owned by the Parent company, total 70,915,161 shares, BGN 1 each, as well as by the Controlling company and related party.

In 2011 the Group signed an agreement for short-term bank loan - overdraft. As of December 31, 2011 the amount of USD 32,700 thousand (BGN 49,429 thousand) has been utilized. Interest due as of December 31, 2011 is BGN 99 thousand. A mortgage on an immovable property, pledge on receivables and a guarantee were concluded in favour of the bank as collateral.

In December 2011 the Group signed an agreement for long-term bank loan-overdraft, with maturity in 2 years under the conditions of decreasing ceiling at the amount of EUR 7,500 thousand (BGN 14,669 thousand). Interest due as of December 31, 2011 is BGN 11 thousand. As collateral the Group has made a mortgage of immovable property, pledge on plant and equipment in favour of the bank and promissory note, avalled by the Parent company.

The received in 2010 short-term bank loans at the amount of USD 11,000 thousand (BGN 16,200 thousand) and BGN 10,002 thousand are fully repaid by the end of June 2011.

Except the above mentioned collaterals, liabilities of the Group on loans received from financial institutions are secured with property, plant and equipment, inventory, cash and receivables of the Group, as well as guarantees, promissory notes and assets of related parties.

   27.       Obligations under finance lease 
                            Minimum lease payments              Present value of minimum 
                                                                     lease payments 
                       December    December     January     December    December     January 
                            31,         31,          1,          31,         31,          1, 
                           2011        2010        2010         2011        2010        2010 
                        BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000      BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000 
 Amounts payable 
  under finance 
 Within one year          1,051       1,634       1,916          949       1,517       1,746 
 From one to two 
  years                     791         986       1,669          723         920       1,560 
 From three to 
  five years              1,026       1,515       2,488          982       1,459       2,375 
 Less: Interest 
 Within one year          (102)       (117)       (170)            -           -           - 
 From one to two 
  years                    (68)        (66)       (109)            -           -           - 
 From three to 
  five years               (44)        (56)       (113)            -           -           - 
                                  ---------                            --------- 
 Present value 
  of finance lease 
  obligations             2,654       3,896       5,681        2,654       3,896       5,681 
                      ---------   ---------   ---------    ---------   ---------   --------- 
 Less: Present 
  value of finance 
  lease obligations 
  with maturity 
  less than 1 year                                             (949)     (1,517)     (1,746) 
                                                           ---------   ---------   --------- 
 Present value 
  of finance lease 
  obligations with 
  maturity over 
  1 year                                                       1,705       2,379       3,935 
                                                           =========   =========   ========= 

Assets acquired by the Group under finance leases comprise of vehicles. The lease term of the contracts is between 3 to 6 years. As of December 31, 2011 the average effective interest rate under finance lease agreements is 4.04% (2010: 3.57%; 2009: 4.76%).

Management of the Group believes that the fair value of the obligations under finance leases does not differ significantly from their carrying amount.

Liabilities under finance lease agreements are secured by promissory notes issued by the Group in favour of the lessors and expire at the termination date of the respective agreements. The promissory notes issued by the Group are avalled by the Parent company and Controlling company.

   28.       Retirement benefits obligations 

In the current period the Group has accrued liabilities for retirement benefits at the amount of BGN 350 thousand (BGN 22 thousand as short-term portion and BGN 328 thousand as long-term portion). The amount of the liabilities is based on an actuary valuation, taking into consideration assumptions for mortality, disability, employment turnover, salaries' growth, etc. The present value of the liability is calculated by applying a discount factor of 4%.

The amount of liabilities for retirement benefits consists of as follows:

                                     December       December        January 
                                          31,            31,             1, 
                                         2011           2010           2010 
                                      BGN'000        BGN'000        BGN'000 
 Balance in the beginning of the 
  period                                  211            240            371 
 Interest accrued for the period            9             10             15 
 Retirement benefits paid for 
  the period                             (67)           (83)           (51) 
 Current service cost                      50             33             42 
 Actuarial loss (gain)                    147             11          (137) 
                                    ---------      ---------      --------- 
 Balance at the end of the period         350            211            240 
                                    =========      =========      ========= 

The effect of accrued compensation upon retirement in the statement of comprehensive income, included in employee benefits expenses, is as follows:

                                    December       December        January 
                                         31,            31,             1, 
                                        2011           2010           2010 
                                     BGN'000        BGN'000        BGN'000 
 Interest accrued for the period           9             10             15 
 Current service cost                     50             33             42 
 Actuarial loss (gain)                   147             11          (137) 
                                   ---------      ---------      --------- 
                                         206             54           (80) 
                                   =========      =========      ========= 
   29.       Trade and other payables 
                                     December        December         January 
                                          31,             31,              1, 
                                         2011            2010            2010 
                                      BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                                     restated        restated 
 Payables to suppliers                204,339         151,218         116,606 
 Tax payables, incl.:                  53,907          49,888          43,481 
 VAT                                   14,330          18,278          17,056 
 Excise duties and other taxes         39,577          31,610          26,425 
 Advances received                     15,538          18,161           2,032 
 Payables to personnel and social 
  security funds                        3,145           2,932           4,186 
 Related party payables                 1,805           2,239           2,195 
 Deferred income                          295             174             209 
 Other                                  2,289           3,301           5,994 
                                    ---------      ----------      ---------- 
                                      281,318         227,913         174,703 
                                    =========      ==========      ========== 
   29.       Trade and other payables (continued) 

Related party payables are disclosed in note 35.

Liabilities for excise duties and part of the payables to suppliers are secured by bank and corporate guarantees.

The Group accrues liabilities for unused annual paid leave of employees in compliance with IAS 19 Employee Benefits. The movement of these liabilities for the reported periods is as follows:

                                      December       December        January 
                                           31,            31,             1, 
                                          2011           2010           2010 
                                       BGN'000        BGN'000        BGN'000 
 Balance at the beginning of the 
  period                                   747          1,568          1,798 
 Acquisitions through business               -            111 
  combinations                                                             - 
 Accrued during the period                 309            256            906 
 Utilized during the period              (368)        (1,188)        (1,135) 
 Other changes                               -              -            (1) 
                                     ---------      ---------      --------- 
 Balance at the end of the period, 
  including:                               688            747          1,568 
                                     =========      =========      ========= 
 Paid leave                                588            605          1,297 
 Social security contributions             100            142            271 

The balance at the end of the period is presented in the consolidated statement of financial position together with the current liabilities for employee benefits.

The management believes that the carrying amount of the current liabilities, presented in the consolidated statement of financial position, approximates their fair value.

   30.       Current income tax payable 

Current income tax includes corporate income tax accruals for the current period and prior periods up to the amount, which is not settled at the end of the reporting period.

                                      December        December         January 
                                           31,             31,              1, 
                                          2011            2010            2010 
                                       BGN'000         BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                                      restated        restated 
 Income tax payable (recoverable) 
  as of January 1                        3,562             632           1,193 
 Accrued corporate income tax            1,834           4,059           1,337 
 Corporate income tax paid             (5,260)         (1,137)         (7,472) 
 Acquisitions through business 
  combinations                               -               8               - 
 Income tax receivable used for 
  settlement of other tax payables        (82)               -           5,574 
                                     ---------      ----------      ---------- 
 Income tax payable as of December 
  31                                        54           3,562             632 
                                     =========      ==========      ========== 
   31.       Subsidiaries 

The subsidiaries, included in the consolidation, over which the Group has control as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 are as follows:

 Subsidiary              Main activity                        Investment        Investment 
                                                          as of December    as of December 
                                                                31, 2011          31, 2010 
 Naftex Petrol EOOD      Wholesale with fuels                       100%              100% 
 Petrol Trans Express 
  EOOD                   Transport services                         100%              100% 
                         Service and maintenance 
 Petrol Technika EOOD     of fuel stations                          100%              100% 
 Petrol Gas EOOD         Wholesale with fuels                       100%               90% 
 Petrol Properties       Real estate and moveable 
  EOOD                    property trade                            100%              100% 
                         Management, rent and 
 Elite Petrol AD          sale of properties                      99.99%            99.99% 
                         Management, rent and 
                          sale of properties and 
 Eurocapital-Bulgaria     construction works through 
  EAD                     sub-contractors                           100%            89.97% 
 BPI EAD                 Rent of property                           100%              100% 
                         Security services - personal 
 Naftex Security EAD      and properties                            100%              100% 
                         Legal advises, management 
 Jurex Consult AD         and consulting services                 79.95%            79.95% 
 Varna Storage EOOD      Trade with oil and oil 
                          products                                  100%                 - 
 Naftex Petrol Trade     Processing and trade 
  EOOD                    with oil and oil products                 100%                 - 

At the extraordinary General Meeting in November, 2010, the shareholders of Petrol AD took a decision for a contribution in-kind to increase the capital of the subsidiary Naftex Petrol EOOD. The contribution in-kind was a part of a receivable on a loan contract - principal and interest to the amount of BGN 200,000 thousand and is against BGN 20,000 thousand of the shares at nominal value of BGN 10 each. As at the date of the financial statements the increase in the capital of Naftex Petrol EOOD was registered in the Trade Register and the Parent company recognised increase in the amount of investments in subsidiaries.

In January 2011, the Management Board took a decision to tender purchase of the shares of the minority equity owner of Petrol Gas EOOD for BGN 1. The offer was accepted by the counter-part, the transaction was fulfilled and as a result, the legal form of the subsidiary was changed to sole limited liability company.

In May 2011 Petrol AD registered a single limited liability company Varna Storage EOOD with a capital of BGN 5 thousand. As at the reporting date Petrol AD is the sole owner of the capital of the company.

   31.       Subsidiaries (continued) 

In December 2011 the Management Board of the Parent company passed a resolution to increase the capital of its subsidiary Varna Storage EOOD by BGN 18,732 thousand through in-kind contribution of property, plant and equipment with carrying amount of BGN 3,055 thousand, located in Varna fuel storage depot. As at the date of these financial statements, the increase in the capital is in process of registration.

The fair value of the investments in subsidiaries is not disclosed due to lack of a quoted price at an active market.

   32.       Special purpose entities 

In compliance with SIC 12 Consolidation - Special Purpose Entities (SPE) and the approved accounting policy, the Group of Petrol AD consolidates such entities because the substance of the relationship between the Group and the SPEs indicates that they are controlled by the Group, as follows:

-- The activities of the SPEs are being conducted on behalf of Naftex Petrol EOOD according to its specific business needs so that Naftex Petrol obtains benefits from the SPEs' operations,

-- Naftex Petrol EOOD has the decision-making powers to obtain the majority of the benefits of the activities of the SPEs,

-- Naftex Petrol has rights to obtain the majority of the benefits of the SPEs and is therefore exposed to risks incident to their activities.

The consolidated SPEs controlled by the Group as at December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010 are as follows:

 Name of SPE         Main activity 
 Petrol Trade EOOD   Domestic and foreign trade with petroleum 
 Naftex Trade EOOD   Domestic and foreign trade with petroleum 

Summarised and integrated separate financial statements of the consolidated SPEs as of December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010 are as follows:

Statement of Financial Position   December   December    January 
                                       31,        31,    1, 2010 
                                      2011       2010    BGN'000 
                                   BGN'000    BGN'000 
Non-current assets                     784        751        117 
Current assets                      58,740    107,174     54,355 
Total assets                        59,524    107,925     54,472 
Share capital                       12,835     12,835     12,835 
General reserves                         -         50         50 
Retained earnings                  (1,022)    (1,983)    (2,248) 
Total equity and reserves           11,813     10,902     10,637 
Non-current liabilities              1,831      2,317          - 
Current liabilities                 45,880     94,706     43,835 
Total liabilities                   47,711     97,023     43,835 
Total equity and liabilities        59,524    107,925     54,472 
   32.       Special purpose entities (continued) 
Statement of Comprehensive Income   December   December    January 
                                         31,        31,    1, 2010 
                                        2011       2010    BGN'000 
                                     BGN'000    BGN'000 
Profit before taxes                    1,596        307        431 
Income tax benefit (expense)           (621)       (42)        109 
Net profit for the year                  975        265        540 
Total comprehensive income               975        265        540 
Statement of Cash Flows                 December   December    January 
                                             31,        31,    1, 2010 
                                            2011       2010    BGN'000 
                                         BGN'000    BGN'000 
Cash generated from operations            10,471     13,982    (2,182) 
Income tax paid                            (498)      (105)          - 
Net cash provided by (used in) 
 operating activities                      9,973     13,877    (2,182) 
Net cash used in investing activities   (12,349)   (29,049)    (6,878) 
Net cash provided by financing 
 activities                                2,673     14,778      9,902 
Net increase (decrease) in cash 
 for the year                                297      (394)        842 
Cash at the beginning of the 
 year                                         42        814          1 
Effect of foreign exchange rate 
 fluctuations                              (291)      (378)       (29) 
Cash at the end of the year                   48         42        814 
   33.       Acquisition of subsidiaries and non-controlling interest 
   33.1.    Subsidiaries acquired 
Subsidiaries           Main activity                Investment      Increase   Consideration 
                                                         as of        during     transferred 
                                                      December    the period 
                                                      31, 2010                       BGN'000 
BPI EAD                Rent of property                   100%          100%           5,364 
Naftex Security        Security services - 
 EAD                    personal and properties           100%          100%              50 
                       Management, rent and 
                        sale of properties 
Eurocapital-Bulgaria    and construction works 
 EAD                    through sub-contractors         89.97%        53.05%          24,055 
Jurex Consult          Legal advices, management 
 AD                     and consulting services         79.95%        79.95%             205 
   33.2.    Acquired assets and recognised liabilities at the date of acquisition 
                                      BPI EAD     Naftex  Eurocapital-Bulgaria     Jurex    Total 
                                                Security                   EAD   Consult 
                                                     EAD                              AD 
                                      BGN'000    BGN'000               BGN'000   BGN'000  BGN'000 
Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment 
     and intangible assets                  -         22                   459         1      482 
    Investment property                 7,901          -                32,627         -   40,528 
    Deferred tax assets                    12         10                     -         6       28 
Total non-current assets                7,913         32                33,086         7   41,038 
Current assets 
    Inventories                             -          1                     1         -        2 
    Interest-bearing loans 
     granted                            5,641          -                35,639       170   41,450 
    Trade and other receivables         1,292      1,175                 6,193       262    8,922 
    Income tax receivable                  21          -                     -         -       21 
    Cash                                    9          9                    11        40       69 
Total current assets                    6,963      1,185                41,844       472   50,464 
Total assets                           14,876      1,217                74,930       479   91,502 
Non-current liabilities 
    Liabilities on interest-bearing 
     loans                              9,010          -                26,666         -   35,676 
    Deferred tax liabilities                -          -                 1,647         -    1,647 
Total non-current liabilities           9,010          -                28,313         -   37,323 
Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables              272        938                   419       189    1,818 
    Liabilities on interest-bearing 
     loans                                265      1,472                   830         -    2,567 
    Income tax payable                      -          -                    28         1       29 
Total current liabilities                 537      2,410                 1,277       190    4,414 
Total liabilities                       9,547      2,410                29,590       190   41,737 
Net assets                              5,329    (1,193)                45,340       289   49,765 

As at the acquisition date the assets and liabilities of the companies are presented at fair value based on a valuation made by a licensed expert. According to the valuation report, difference between carrying and fair values was identified only in respect of the property, plant and equipment, intangible assets and investment properties in BPI EAD and Eurocapital-Bulgaria EAD.

   33.3.    Non-controlling interest 

As a result of the acquisition of the subsidiaries, the Group recognises non-controlling interests as of December 31, 2010 as follows:

                                         Fair value   Non-controlling   Non-controlling 
                                             of net          interest          interest 
                                            BGN'000                 %           BGN'000 
 Eurocapital-Bulgaria EAD                    45,340             10.03             4,543 
 Jurex Consult AD                               289             20.05                58 
 Increase of non-controlling interest 
  as at November 30, 2010                                                         4,601 

In April 2011 the Group acquired from the Ultimate controlling company 10.03% from the share capital of Eurocapital Bulgaria EAD, increasing its share from 89.97% to 100%. The carrying amount of the net assets of Eurocapital Bulgaria EAD in the consolidated financial statements at the date of the acquisition is BGN 4,532 thousand.

In January 2011, the Management Board took a decision to tender purchase of the shares of the minority equity owner of Petrol Gas EOOD for BGN 1. The offer was accepted by the counter-part, the transaction was fulfilled and as a result, the legal form of the subsidiary was changed to sole limited liability company.

As a result of the acquired shares, the non-controlling interest decreased with BGN 4,258 thousand and retained earnings decreased with BGN 285 thousand.

Changes in the non-controlling interest in 2011 and 2010 are summarized in the following table:

                                           Financial  Non-controlling  Non-controlling 
                                              result         interest         interest 
                                             for the 
                                             BGN'000                %          BGN'000 
Non-controlling interest as of January 
 1, 2010                                                                         (101) 
Effect of acquisition of controlling 
 interest                                                                        4,601 
Share of comprehensive income 
Petrol Gas EOOD                              (1,688)            10.00            (169) 
Eurocapital-Bulgaria EAD                       (149)            10.03             (15) 
Jurex Consult AD                                (74)            20.05             (15) 
Loss attributable to the non-controlling 
 interest                                                                        (199) 
Non-controlling interest as of December 
 31, 2010                                                                        4,301 
Effect from increase in controlling 
 interest of the Group                                                         (4,258) 
Share of comprehensive income 
Jurex Consult AD                                  47            20.05                9 
Loss attributable to the non-controlling 
 interest                                                                            9 
Non-controlling interest as of December 
 31, 2011                                                                           52 
   33.4.    Goodwill arising on acquisition 
                                      BPI EAD     Naftex  Eurocapital-Bulgaria     Jurex 
                                                Security                   EAD   Consult 
                                                     EAD                              AD 
                                      BGN'000    BGN'000               BGN'000   BGN'000 
Consideration transferred               5,364         50                24,055       205 
 (+) Fair value of the investment 
  before acquisition                        -          -                16,742         - 
 (+) Non-controlling interest 
  at November 30, 2010                      -          -                 4,543        58 
 (-) Fair value of the identifiable 
  net assets as of November 
  30, 2010                              5,329    (1,193)                45,340       289 
Goodwill (Income)                          35      1,243                     -      (26) 

As of November 30, 2010 the Group owned an investment of 36.92% of the capital of Eurocapital-Bulgaria EAD amounted to BGN 15,092 thousand. As a result of remeasurement to fair value of pre-existing interest in acquiree the Group recognises gain of BGN 1,650 thousand (see also note 7).

The difference between the consideration transferred on acquisition of a controlling interest in Jurex Consult AD and the fair value of net assets is a negative amount of BGN 26 thousand which the Group recognised as other income in the consolidated statement of comprehensive income (see also note 7).

   33.5.    Net cash inflow on acquisition of subsidiaries 
                            BPI     Naftex  Eurocapital-Bulgaria     Jurex     Total 
                            EAD   Security                   EAD   Consult 
                                       EAD                              AD 
                        BGN'000    BGN'000               BGN'000   BGN'000   BGN'000 
Consideration paid                                                                 - 
 in cash                      -          -                     -         - 
Cash balance acquired       (9)        (9)                  (11)      (40)      (69) 
                            (9)        (9)                  (11)      (40)      (69) 

In relation with the acquisition of 10.03% of Eurocapital-Bulgaria EAD, the Group set off receivable on loan granted to the Controlling company at the amount of BGN 4,543 thousand and as a result cash outflow is not reported.

In relation with the acquisition of the four companies in 2010, the Group has set off the considerations against receivables on interest-bearing loans from related parties amounting to BGN 29,265 thousand and also receivables on trade loans amounting to BGN 409 thousand.

   34.       Financial instruments and risk management 

The carrying amounts of assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 by categories are set in accordance with IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement and are presented in the following tables:

Loans granted and receivable     Note  December    December 
                                            31,         31, 
                                           2011        2010 
                                        BGN'000     BGN'000 
Interest-bearing loans granted    21    125,471     142,447 
Trade and other receivables       23     76,216      57,985 
Cash and cash equivalents         24      9,075      11,321 
                                        210,762     211,753 
At amortized cost                       Note   December        December 
                                                    31,             31, 
                                                   2011            2010 
                                                BGN'000         BGN'000 
Trade and other payables                 29     208,139         156,329 
Liabilities on interest-bearing loans    26     293,494         284,379 
Finance lease liabilities                27       2,654           3,896 
                                                504,287         444,604 
                                              =========      ========== 

The use of financial instruments exposes the Group to market, credit and liquidity risk. The current note represents information about risk management goals, politics and processes as well as equity management.

The Group is a part of a complex structure of companies with complex financial and legal relationship between the Parent company (Controlling company) and the companies under common control. The strategic management of financial risks is directed by the Board of Directors of the Controlling company. The operating implementation of adopted policies and realisation of risk management processes is managed by the Cash Flows and Global Markets Departments of Petrol Holding AD. Due to the complexity of these mutual relationships and their possible developments, the existing risks in respect to financial instruments cannot be completely estimated and reliably measured.

As a result of global financial crisis, a decrease in economic development of Bulgarian economy is perceived which affects wide range of industrial sectors. This leads to noticeable aggravation of cash flows, decline in income and as a result to substantial worsening of economic environment in which the Group operates. In addition the Group is exposed to significantly higher price, market, credit, liquidity, interest, operative and other risks.

As a result, uncertainty for ability of clients to pay their liabilities in compliance with contracted terms increases. In this way the scale of impairment losses on granted interest-bearing loans, receivables on sales, financial assets available for sale, other financial instruments and the value of other accounting estimates in subsequent periods could substantially vary compared to these determined and recorded in these consolidated financial statements. The management of the Group applies all necessary procedures to control these risks.

   34.       Financial instruments and risk management (continued) 

Market risk

Market risk is the risk of changes in the fair value of financial instruments or their future cash flows due to fluctuations in market prices and could result in currency, interest and other price risk. Because of the nature of its activity, the Group is exposed to price, currency and interest rate risk.

Price risk

The Group is exposed to risk of frequent and sharp changes in the prices of fuels and other goods that are traded. In order to decrease the sensitivity of the Group to the volatility of the fuel prices, management constantly updates the selling prices on a daily basis and in accordance with the geographical region and the selling prices of the main competitors.

The Group has very high turnover of its inventory - for approximately 17 days whole inventory changes, which limits the price risk.

Foreign currency risk

The Group performs transactions in currency different than its functional currency and therefore it is exposed to foreign currency risk related to possible foreign currency fluctuations. Such risk arises mainly from the fluctuations in the exchange rate of USD, because the Group performs purchases and sales transactions and has liabilities on received interest-bearing loans and derivative instruments, denominated in USD. The transactions, denominated in EUR, do not expose the Group to foreign currency risk, as the Bulgarian Lev is fixed to the EUR since January 1, 1999.

The financial assets and liabilities, denominated in USD are presented in the following table:

                                     December 31, 2011        December 31, 2010 
                                     USD'000      BGN'000     USD'000      BGN'000 
                                                             restated     restated 
Financial assets 
Trade and other receivables               42           63       1,141        1,680 
Cash and cash equivalents                175          265       1,065        1,568 
                                  ----------               ----------  ----------- 
                                         217          328       2,206        3,248 
                                  ==========               ==========  =========== 
Financial liabilities 
Trade and other payables            (68,733)    (103,895)    (60,486)     (89,081) 
Liabilities on interest-bearing 
 loans                             (112,336)    (169,805)    (11,086)     (16,327) 
                                   (181,069)    (273,700)    (71,572)    (105,408) 
                                  ==========               ==========  =========== 

The sensitivity analysis of the foreign currency risk is calculated based on an 11% difference in the exchange rate of the USD to the BGN. The management believes that this is a reasonable possible difference calculated on the basis of the statistical data for the dynamics of the fluctuations in the currency rate for the past year, on basis of the daily deviation, calculated for 250 days. If the exchange rate of the USD to BGN as of December 31, 2011 was 11% lower/higher on the condition that all other risk variables were constant, the net loss after taxes would decrease/increase by BGN 27,066 thousand, mainly as a result of exchange rate differences from revaluations of trade payables and liabilities on loans received in USD.

   34.       Financial instruments and risk management (continued) 

Interest rate risk

The Group is exposed to interest rate risk because part of its loans have floating interest rate, agreed as a base interest rate and increased by a certain margin.

The Group performs continuous monitoring and analysis of the significant interest-bearing exposures by developing different scenarios for optimization, for example - refinancing, renewing of existing loans, alternative financing (contracts for sale and lease-back agreements) and also the Group calculates the impact of the interest rate change on the financial result within a certain range. In 2011 and 2010 loans with variable interest rates are denominated in euro.

As of the date of the present consolidated financial statement the structure of the interest-bearing financial instruments is as follows:

                                            December        December 
                                                 31,             31, 
                                                2011            2010 
                                             BGN'000         BGN'000 
Instruments with fixed interest rate 
Financial assets                              17,821          44,141 
Financial liabilities                      (232,152)       (236,137) 
                                          ----------      ---------- 
                                           (214,331)       (191,996) 
                                          ==========      ========== 
Instruments with variable interest rate 
Financial assets                              93,520          85,198 
Financial liabilities                       (62,783)        (51,451) 
                                          ----------      ---------- 
                                              30,737          33,747 
                                          ==========      ========== 

The sensitivity analysis of the interest rate risk is prepared on the basis of presuming that interest positions with variable interest rates as of the end of the reporting period have existed in the same amount during the entire year and the reasonable possible increase/decrease of the interest rate is by 12 base points. If the interest rates were higher/lower by 12 base points, and all other variables were constant, the loss after tax would have been by BGN 33 thousand lower/higher.

Credit risk

Credit risk is the risk that one party to a financial instrument will cause a financial loss for the other party by failing to discharge its obligations. Financial assets which potentially expose the Group to credit risk are mainly trade receivables and granted interest-bearing loans.

The maximum exposure to credit risk of the receivables from clients as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 as per type of clients is as follows:

   34.       Financial instruments and risk management (continued) 
                                    December        December 
                                         31,             31, 
                                        2011            2010 
                                     BGN'000         BGN'000 
Clients of wholesale of fuels         36,515          14,399 
Clients of retail sales of fuels      24,399          27,819 
Other                                    258             737 
                                   ---------      ---------- 
                                      61,172          42,955 
                                   =========      ========== 

The retail sales to clients are mainly paid in cash or by using credit cards. The Group's policy regarding deferred payments is focused on performing sales to customers with good credit standing. In order to limit the credit risk the Group has adopted a policy of preliminary evaluation of these customers. In compliance with this policy, clients are estimated by taking into consideration the information from different sources - client's counterparties, servicing banks, estimates by rating agency, etc. The contracts with clients stipulate certain credit limits, agreed individually with each client, which cannot be exceeded and credit periods within the framework of particularly defined number of days, and after their expiration and in the event of default, penalty interests are charged.

The receivables from related parties as of December 31, 2011 and 2010 include mainly receivables on granted interest-bearing loans and deposits, which are not secured and cause a significant concentration of credit risk. The management believes the risk is controllable as the loans are granted to the Controlling company and to companies under common control.

A number of assumptions have been made in the analysis, including certain price and time ranges, the realisation of which may differ substantially due to the dynamic and difficult to foresee market environment and the interrelations between shareholders of the Controlling entity.

The credit risk on cash at banks is minimised, as the Company holds accounts at banks of high credit rating only.

The carrying amount of financial assets net of impairment losses represents the maximum credit risk the Company is exposed to.

Liquidity risk

Liquidity risk is the risk that the Group fails to meet its obligations associated with financial liabilities when they become due. The policy in this area aims to ensure the availability of sufficient liquid resources to pay the liabilities when they become due, including in emergency and unforeseen situations. Management's objective is to maintain a constant balance between continuity and flexibility of financial resources, using various forms of financing. Liquidity risk management includes the maintenance of sufficient cash, contracting adequate credit facilities, preparing, analyzing and updating the expected future cash flows.

The following table presents the agreed maturity of the Group's financial liabilities on a basis of the earliest dates on which the Group may be obliged to pay them. The table includes the undiscounted cash flows, including principal and interest, excluding offsetting agreements effect:

   34.       Financial instruments and risk management (continued) 
December 31,                Fair     Cash    Up to      From      From      Over 
 2011                      value     flow   1 year      1 to      3 to   5 years 
 BGN'000                                             2 years   5 years 
Bank loans               187,928  235,862   81,908    30,228    85,028    38,698 
Debenture loans           53,544   74,801    5,307     4,102    12,305    53,087 
Lease-back liabilities    40,547   60,868    4,009     3,696    11,090    42,073 
Trade loans               11,475   11,692   11,692         -         -         - 
Finance lease 
 liabilities               2,654    2,868    1,051       791     1,026         - 
Trade and other 
 liabilities             208,209  208,209  208,209         -         -         - 
                         504,357  594,300  312,176    38,817   109,449   133,858 
December 31,                Fair     Cash    Up to      From      From      Over 
 2010                      value     flow   1 year      1 to      3 to   5 years 
 BGN'000                                             2 years   5 years 
Bank loans                30,768   33,226   29,048       897     2,033     1,248 
Debenture loans          195,505  210,298  210,298         -         -         - 
Lease-back liabilities    41,555   64,195    3,825     3,697    11,089    45,584 
Trade loans               16,551   17,370   17,370         -         -         - 
Finance lease 
 liabilities               3,896    4,135    1,634       986     1,515         - 
Trade and other 
 liabilities             156,259  156,259  156,259         -         -         - 
                         444,534  485,483  418,434     5,580    14,637    46,832 
   35.       Disclosure of related parties and transactions 

The related parties which the Parent company controls and has significant influence on are disclosed in notes 18, 31, 32 and 33.

The Parent company is controlled by Petrol Holding AD.

The following transactions with related parties have been performed during the reporting period:

Related party 
Petrol Holding AD             Controlling company and Parent company 
New Co Zagora EOOD            Company under common control 
Interhotel Bulgaria Burgas    Company under common control 
BC Izvor AD                   Company under common control 
Ross Oil EOOD                 Company under common control 
Air Lazur - General Aviation 
 EOOD                         Company under common control 
Transcard D                   Company under common control 
Morsko Kazino D               Company under common control 
Transat AD                    Company under common control 
Varna Business Services 
 EOOD                         Company under common control 
rans Operator D               Company under common control 
Transcard Financial Services 
 EAD                          Company under common control 
ma Sport E D                  Company under common control 
Balneohotel Pomorie AD        Company under common control 
PSFC Chernomoretz D           Company under common control 
Black Sand Resort AD          Company under common control 
SOCCRAT EAD                   Company under common control 
Federal Bulgaria Management 
 AD                           Company under common control 
Petrol Card Service EOOD      Company under common control 
Vratzata OOD                  Company under common control 
Transcard Payment Services    Company under common control 
Bulgarian Rose Gardens EOOD   Company under common control 
Francis Residence EOOD        Company under common control 
Naftex Petrol Trade EOOD      Company under common control 
Trans Telecom AD              Associate of Petrol Holding AD 
Rex Loto AD                   Associate of Petrol Holding AD 
Petrol Engineering AD         Associate of Petrol Holding AD 
Tema News AD                  Associate of Petrol Holding AD 
   35.       Disclosure of related parties and transactions (continued) 

The transactions performed relate primarily to:

   --   purchase and sale of liquid fuels; 
   --   granting and receiving loans; 
   --   purchase and sale of property, plant and equipment; 
   --   holding fees and services. 

The volume of the transactions performed with related parties for 2011 2010 is as follows:

Related party             December   December   December   December 
                          31, 2011   31, 2010   31, 2011   31, 2010 
                           BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000 
                             Sales      Sales  Purchases  Purchases 
Controlling company            379        249     43,650     36,230 
Companies under common 
 control                     2,289      1,380      1,970      1,938 
Associates of Petrol 
 Holding AD                     26        210          1         22 
Key management staff             -          5          -        125 
                             2,694      1,844     45,621     38,315 
Related party              December    December    December    December 
                           31, 2011    31, 2010    31, 2011    31, 2010 
                            BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000     BGN'000 
                            Finance     Finance     Finance     Finance 
                             income      income        cost        cost 
Controlling company           6,064       6,588          71           6 
Companies under common 
 control                        450         149           7           8 
Associates of Petrol 
 Holding AD                       6          12           -           - 
Key management staff              1           -         959         451 
                              6,521       6,749       1,037         465 
                         ==========  ==========  ==========  ========== 

In 2010 the Group has received a dividend from an associate at the amount of BGN 260 thousand.

As of December 31, 2011, 2010 and January 1, 2010 the outstanding balances with related parties are as follows:

Related party                           December         December          January 
                                        31, 2011         31, 2010               1, 
                                         BGN'000          BGN'000          BGN'000 
                                     Receivables      Receivables      Receivables 
                                                         restated         restated 
Controlling company, incl.               124,268          138,255           66,139 
  Long-term interest-bearing loans        21,034           30,727           21,034 
Short-term interest-bearing loans        102,299          107,124           44,866 
Companies under common control, 
 incl.                                     1,253            6,499            1,895 
  Long-term interest-bearing loans             -            4,175                - 
Short-term interest-bearing loans              -              304                - 
Associates of Petrol Holding 
 AD                                           18              141            1,937 
Key management staff                       1,153            1,103              472 
                                         126,692          145,998           70,443 
   35.       Disclosure of related parties and transactions (continued) 
Related party                         December        December        January 
                                      31, 2011        31, 2010             1, 
                                       BGN'000         BGN'000        BGN'000 
                                      Payables        Payables       Payables 
                                                      restated       restated 
Controlling company, incl.               3,318           3,626          1,629 
Short-term interest-bearing loans        1,869           1,993              - 
Companies under common control             182             461            541 
Associates of Petrol Holding 
 AD                                          2              20             25 
Key management staff, incl.              9,778          14,683          1,295 
Short-term interest-bearing loans        9,606          14,558          1,295 
                                    ----------      ----------      --------- 
                                        13,280          18,790          3,490 

In 2011 the Group has granted to the Controlling company interest-bearing loan at the amount of BGN 15,220 thousand. Interest rates are between 4.54% and 9.5% and maturity in 2012. During the current period the Controlling company has repaid principal at the amount of BGN 1,415 thousand together with interest due at the amount of BGN 1,158 thousand.

In 2011 the Group repaid received in 2010 short-term unsecured loan from related individual at the amount of BGN 4,200 thousand with annual interest rate 9% together with interest due of BGN 416 thousand.

The total amount of management remuneration of the members of the Board of Directors and of the Supervisory Board of the Parent company, included in the employee benefits expenses amount to BGN 1,564 thousand (2010: BGN 1,441 thousand).

   36.       Restatement of comparative information 
   36.1.    IFRS transition reserve reclassified to retained earnings 

The IFRS transition reserve as at December 31, 2010 at the amount of BGN 20,657 thousand is formed as a result of revaluation of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets performed in the period 1998-2001 using the coefficient method, as well as revaluation as at December 31, 2002 in relation with the first-time adoption of IFRS in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements of the Group. In accordance with the requirements of IFRS 1 First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards adjustments due to differences between carrying amount and the value of property, plant and equipment as at the transition date shall be recognised in the retained earnings. As at period end the amount of the reserve is reclassified to retained earnings. The effect of the error is reflected in the current period retrospectively as a prior period error.

   36.2.    Presentation of interest receivables from trade and other receivables to loans granted 

In the current period, the Group adopted to reclassify interest receivable on loans granted from trade and other receivables to interest-bearing loans granted. As of December 31, 2010 and January 1, 2010 the interest receivable amount to BGN 13,108 thousand and BGN 2,078 thousand respectively. The Management believes that this reclassification will improve the presentation of the financial statements. For comparability purposes, the prior period information has been reclassified accordingly.

   36.3.    Impairment loss on trade and other receivables 

As at the end of the reporting period the Group made a detailed analysis of the collectability of trade and other receivables and interest-bearing loan granted. As a result of this it has been identified that there were indications for impairment of receivables in prior periods at the amount of BGN 9,947 thousand. The effects of the error are restated in the current period retrospectively as a prior period error. The correction represents recognition of impairment losses at the amount of BGN 2,382 thousand for 2010 and BGN 7,565 thousand for 2009 and an adjustment to the balance of trade and other receivables and interest-bearing loan receivables with the same amount.

As a result of the recorded impairment loss a deferred tax asset was recognised at the amount of BGN 189 thousand for 2010 and BGN 962 thousand for 2009, as well as a change in income taxes at the amount of BGN 67 thousand as at December 31, 2010 and BGN 31 thousand as at January 1, 2010.

   36.4.    Offsetting of receivables and payables 

As a result of the review of the Group's other receivables, it was identified that they were wrongly offset with other payables to the amount of BGN 187 thousand in the statement of financial position for 2010. The error was corrected retrospectively as a prior period error.

As part of its trade activity the Group sells vignette stickers on consignment. The payables to the vignette stickers' supplier and the stickers in stock have to be presented net. As a result the amounts of BGN 638 thousand and BGN 259 thousand were netted and presented retrospectively as an error for 2010 and for 2009 respectively

   36.5.    Interest for delayed payments 

During the current period the Parent company delayed in payment of advance instalments for corporate income tax payable for 2010. The interest for delay amounting to BGN 431 thousand is recognised in the present consolidated financial statement as prior period error.

   36.6.    Reclassification of property, plant and equipment to investment property 

At the end of the reporting period the management of the Group performed a review of the property, plant and equipment owned by the Group. It was found that property, representing a factory for production of soft drinks and adjacent terrain in previous periods have been incorrectly presented as property, plant and equipment in the statement of financial position. This land and buildings are not used in the operating activities of the Group and management's intentions are to be rented or sold. Land and buildings with carrying amount of BGN 439 thousand are reclassified to investment property. The reclassification is treated as prior period error in these consolidated financial statements and the information for 2010 is restated (see also notes 16 and 17).

In 2010 the Group acquired property, plant and equipment and investment property through business combinations. In the presentation of these transactions in the consolidated financial statements an error was made and the carrying amount of land and buildings was overstated by BGN 1,794 thousand and the carrying amount of investment properties was understated by BGN 1,794 thousand. The error is corrected retrospectively and the information for 2010 is restated (see also notes 16 and 17).

   36.6.    Effects of changes in the accounting policy and accounting errors 

The effects of changes in the accounting policy and the accounting errors identified in the Group's consolidated statement of financial position as of December 31, 2010 are presented in the table below:

                                                 December   December    December 
                                                      31,        31,         31, 
                                                     2010       2010        2010 
                                                  BGN'000    BGN'000     BGN'000 
                                       before restatement 
                                                              effect    restated 
Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment 
     and intangible assets                        174,284    (2,233)     172,051 
    Investment property                            28,470      2,233      30,703 
    Investments in associates                           -          -           - 
    Goodwill                                       18,332          -      18,332 
    Deferred tax assets                             1,344      1,151       2,495 
    Interest-bearing loans granted                 34,902          -      34,902 
    Compulsory inventory                           34,939          -      34,939 
Total non-current assets                          292,271      1,151     293,422 
Current assets 
    Inventories                                    77,733      (638)      77,095 
    Interest-bearing loans granted                 94,437     13,108     107,545 
    Trade and other receivables                    83,181   (22,868)      60,313 
    Cash and cash equivalents                      11,321          -      11,321 
Total current assets                              266,672   (10,398)     256,274 
Total assets                                      558,943    (9,247)     549,696 
Shareholder's equity 
    Share capital                                  76,401          -      76,401 
    Reserve from adoption of IFRS                  20,456   (20,456)           - 
    Legal reserves                                 18,914          -      18,914 
    Accumulated loss                             (81,177)     11,296    (69,881) 
Total equity, attributable the 
 owners of the Parent company                      34,594    (9,160)      25,434 
Non-controlling interest                            4,301          -       4,301 
Total equity and reserves                          38,895    (9,160)      29,735 
Non-current liabilities 
    Interest-bearing loans                         43,485          -      43,485 
    Obligations under finance lease                 2,379          -       2,379 
    Retirement benefits obligations                   190          -         190 
Total non-current liabilities                      46,054          -      46,054 
   36.6.    Effects of changes in the accounting policy and accounting errors (continued) 
                                                 December   December    December 
                                                      31,        31,         31, 
                                                     2010       2010        2010 
                                                  BGN'000    BGN'000     BGN'000 
                                       before restatement 
                                                              effect    restated 
Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables                      228,620      (707)     227,913 
    Interest-bearing loans                        240,207        687     240,894 
    Obligations under finance lease                 1,517          -       1,517 
    Retirement benefits obligations                    21          -          21 
    Current income tax payable                      3,629       (67)       3,562 
Total current liabilities                         473,994       (87)     473,907 
                                                            --------   --------- 
Total liabilities                                 520,048       (87)     519,961 
                                                            --------   --------- 
Total equity and liabilities                      558,943    (9,247)     549,696 
                                                            ========   ========= 

The effects of changes in the accounting policy and the accounting errors identified in the Group's consolidated statement of financial position as of January 1, 2010 are presented in the table below:

                                                January    January    January 
                                                     1,         1,         1, 
                                                   2010       2010       2010 
                                                BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000 
                                     before restatement     effect   restated 
Non-current assets 
    Property, plant and equipment 
     and intangible assets                      168,173          -    168,173 
    Investments in associates                    15,299          -     15,299 
    Goodwill                                     18,297          -     18,297 
    Deferred tax assets                              72        962      1,034 
    Interest-bearing loans granted               21,034          -     21,034 
    Compulsory inventory                         13,398          -     13,398 
Total non-current assets                        236,273        962    237,235 
Current assets 
    Inventory                                    47,927      (259)     47,668 
    Interest-bearing loans granted               42,839      2,078     44,917 
    Trade and other receivables                  77,891    (9,643)     68,248 
    Cash and cash equivalents                    19,363          -     19,363 
Total current assets                            188,020    (7,824)    180,196 
Total assets                                    424,293    (6,862)    417,431 
   36.6.    Effects of changes in the accounting policy and accounting errors (continued) 
                                                 January    January    January 
                                                      1,         1,         1, 
                                                    2010       2010       2010 
                                                 BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000 
                                      before restatement     effect   restated 
Shareholder's equity 
    Share capital                                 76,401          -     76,401 
    Reserve from adoption of IFRS                 20,657   (20,657)          - 
    Legal reserves                                18,914          -     18,914 
    Accumulated loss                            (83,918)     14,084   (69,834) 
Total equity, attributable the 
 owners of the Parent company                     32,054    (6,573)     25,481 
Non-controlling interest                           (101)          -      (101) 
Total equity and reserves                         31,953    (6,573)     25,380 
Non-current liabilities 
    Interest-bearing loans                       195,505          -    195,505 
    Obligations under finance lease                3,935          -      3,935 
    Retirement benefits obligations                  205          -        205 
Total non-current liabilities                    199,645          -    199,645 
Current liabilities 
    Trade and other payables                     174,962      (259)    174,703 
    Interest-bearing loans                        15,290          -     15,290 
    Obligations under finance lease                1,746          -      1,746 
    Retirement benefits obligations                   35          -         35 
    Current income tax payable                       662       (30)        632 
Total current liabilities                        192,695      (289)    192,406 
Total liabilities                                392,340      (289)    392,051 
Total equity and liabilities                     424,293    (6,862)    417,431 
   36.6.    Effects of changes in the accounting policy and accounting errors (continued) 

The effects of changes in the accounting policy and the accounting errors identified in the Group's consolidated statement of comprehensive income as of December 31, 2010 are presented in the table below:

                                              December   December      December 
                                                   31,        31,           31, 
                                                  2010       2010          2010 
                                               BGN'000    BGN'000       BGN'000 
                                    before restatement     effect      restated 
Revenue                                      1,218,291          -     1,218,291 
Other income                                     7,428          -         7,428 
Cost of goods sold                         (1,110,412)          -   (1,110,412) 
Materials and consumables                      (9,013)          -       (9,013) 
Hired services                                (32,617)          -      (32,617) 
Employee benefits expenses                    (21,716)          -      (21,716) 
Depreciation and amortization 
 expenses                                     (16,510)          -      (16,510) 
Impairment of assets                           (1,410)    (2,382)       (3,792) 
Other expenses                                 (7,637)          -       (7,637) 
Finance income                                   7,828          -         7,828 
Finance costs                                 (30,973)      (431)      (31,404) 
Share of profit of associates                       53          -            53 
Profit before taxes                              3,312    (2,813)           499 
Income tax (expense) benefit                   (1,205)        226         (979) 
Net profit (loss) for the year                   2,107    (2,587)         (480) 
Owned by: 
     Owners of the Parent company                2,306    (2,587)         (281) 
     Non-controlling interest                    (199)          -         (199) 
Total comprehensive income for 
 the year                                        2,107    (2,587)         (480) 
Earnings (loss) per share (BGN)                   0.03          -        (0.01) 
   36.6.    Effects of changes in the accounting policy and accounting errors (continued) 

The effects of changes in the accounting policy and the accounting errors identified in the Group's consolidated statement of cash flows as of December 31, 2010 are presented in the table below:

                                                December   December   December 
                                                     31,        31,        31, 
                                                    2010       2010       2010 
                                                 BGN'000    BGN'000    BGN'000 
                                             restatement     effect   restated 
Cash flows from operating activities 
  Net profit (loss) before taxes                   3,312    (2,813)        499 
Adjustments for: 
  Depreciation/amortization of 
   property, plant and equipment 
   and intangible assets                          16,510          -     16,510 
  Interest expense, bank fees and 
   commissions, net                               17,331        431     17,762 
  Shortages and normal loss, net 
   of excess assets                                1,503          -      1,503 
  Provisions for unused paid leave 
   and retirement benefits                           310          -        310 
  Impairment of assets                             1,410      2,382      3,792 
  Assets with low value written-off                  441          -        441 
  Receivables written-off                            441          -        441 
  Loss on liquidation of assets                      150          -        150 
  Net effect from applying the 
   equity method                                    (53)          -       (53) 
  Loss on transactions with derivative               121          -        121 
  Remeasurement to fair value of 
   investment in associate                       (1,650)          -    (1,650) 
  Gain on acquisition of subsidiary                 (26)          -       (26) 
  Gain on sale of property, plant 
   and equipment                                 (1,051)          -    (1,051) 
  Unrealized foreign exchange differences          1,266          -      1,266 
                                                  40,015          -     40,015 
  Increase in trade payables                      54,447      (192)     54,255 
  Increase in inventories                       (52,392)        379   (52,013) 
  Decrease (increase) in trade 
   receivables                                     3,238      (187)      3,051 
                                                           --------   -------- 
Cash flows provided by operating 
 activities                                       45,308          -     45,308 
  Interest and bank fees and commissions 
   paid                                         (23,066)          -   (23,066) 
  Income taxes paid                              (1,137)          -    (1,137) 
                                                           --------   -------- 
Net cash provided by operating 
 activities                                       21,105          -     21,105 
   36.6.    Effects of changes in the accounting policy and accounting errors (continued) 
                                                 December       December        December 
                                                      31,            31,             31, 
                                                     2010           2010            2010 
                                                  BGN'000        BGN'000         BGN'000 
                                              restatement         effect        restated 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
     Payments for acquisition of property, 
      plant and equipment and intangible 
      assets                                     (10,997)              -        (10,997) 
     Proceeds from sale of property, 
      plant and equipment                           1,352              -           1,352 
     Interest received on loans and 
      deposits granted                              1,972              -           1,972 
     Net payments for transactions 
      with derivatives                              (121)              -           (121) 
     Dividends received                               260              -             260 
     Payments for loans and deposits 
      granted, net                               (48,812)              -        (48,812) 
 Net cash used in investing activities           (56,346)              -        (56,346) 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Proceeds from bank and trade 
  loans                                            39,659              -          39,659 
 Repayment of bank, trade and 
  debenture loans                                (10,285)              -        (10,285) 
     Payments under leaseback agreements            (106)              -           (106) 
 Dividends paid                                       (2)              -             (2) 
 Lease payments                                   (1,785)              -         (1,785) 
 Net cash provided by financing 
  activities                                       27,481              -          27,481 
 Net decrease in cash for the 
  year                                            (7,760)              -         (7,760) 
 Cash at the beginning of the 
  year                                             18,932              -          18,932 
 Cash at the end of year                           11,172              -          11,172 
                                                               =========      ========== 
   37.       Contingent assets and liabilities 
   37.1.    Contingent assets 

In 2006 the Group invoiced and recognized income from penalties at the amount of BGN 8,196 thousand which were accrued to counterparty due to quantitative non-execution of a contract for fuel supply. As of December 31, 2006 this recorded income was reversed as the management estimated that the criteria for income recognition in compliance with IAS 18 Revenue were not met. In this relation a contingent receivable at the amount of BGN 8,196 thousand occurred for the Group because the receivable from the Counterparty has not been recognized in the consolidated financial statements.

   37.2.    Contingent liabilities 

As a result of the import of fuels in 2011 the Group is obliged to establish and store fuels for a period of one year starting from May 1, 2012, under the Mandatory Stocks of Crude Oil and Petroleum Products Act (MSCOPPA).

As of December 31, 2011 the Group has contingent liabilities, including mortgages and pledges on land and buildings with a carrying amount of BGN 13,477 thousand which are used as collateral on bank loans, granted to related parties.

As a security of its payables on contracts in relation with the Public Procurement Act the Group has set up bank guarantees at the amount of BGN 826 thousand as at the end of the reporting period.

   38.       Environment 

After the privatisation of in 1999 Petrol AD started the implementation of its investment programme aiming to achieve its trading objects' compliance with the best environmental practices in the EU. In relation with the privatisation of the Group, for the majority of its objects (petrol depots and petrol stations) reports on valuation of the influence on the environment were prepared and approved by a council of experts to the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW). As a result of these reports MoEW issued permissions for exploitation. The Group has been implementing a large-scale investment programme as a result of which its stations (petrol depots and petrol stations) have been reconstructed so as to comply with the requirements of the European directive 94/63/EU, which has been implemented in the Bulgarian legislation through Ordinance #16 from August 12, 1999. The Ordinance's subject is control over emissions of volatile organic compounds as a result of storage, loading and unloading and transportation of petrol, issued on the basis of art. 9, para. 1 of the Clean Air Act. The reconstruction of the petrol stations is preceded by preparation of environmental characteristics of each object, which are submitted to the Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water (RIEW) for a construction permission. In 2012 the investment programme of the Group will mainly be focused on turning the trade objects into modern places delivering complex customer service facilities. The urgent reconstruction programme for outdated petrol stations is still being developed. According to the Management's plans a considerable number of petrol stations will be renewed under this programme in 2012.

The Management of the Group is of the opinion that after performing the planned additional investments, the Group will continue to comply with the future environmental requirements. The intentions of the Management are that the Group will continue to be in compliance with the environmental requirements by protecting environment from pollution.

In September 2010 the Parent company and its subsidiaries were successfully recertified under the new standard ISO 9001:2008.

   39.       Events after the reporting period 

In March 2012 the Group has repaid a loan from a related party at the amount of BGN 8,900 thousand (see also note 26).

In March 2012 Commission on Protection of Competition (the Commission) investigated the wholesale trade of fuel in the country. As a result of the investigation, the Commission reached the conclusion that the four major players on the fuel market, including the subsidiary Naftex Petrol EOOD, restrict or distort the free competition. The subsidiary submitted written objection to the allegations. After their examination, the Commission will give a hearing of the parties concerned and subsequently will pronounce a final statement. In case of finding infringement, the Commission could impose penalty at the amount of up to 10% of the total income for the previous year. The subsidiary company may appeal against the decision before a three-member panel of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC), and its decision - before a five-member panel of the SAC. The Management of Naftex Petrol EOOD and Petrol AD believes that the probability of reaching an unfavourable decision by the Commission is minimum, because the subsidiary company has always independently determined the line of its market behaviour in compliance with the market conditions and has never engaged in any prohibited arrangements or coordinated practices with the other market participants against free competition.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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