RNS Number : 8833R

Thames River Multi Hedge PCC Ltd

23 November 2012


(a closed-ended, umbrella investment, protected cell company incorporated with limited liability under the laws of Guernsey with registered number 41511)

Unaudited Statement of Results

for the half-year ended 30 September 2012

The Board of Directors of Thames River Multi Hedge PCC Limited announces unaudited results for the six months ended 30 September 2012. These are extracts taken from the unaudited accounts for the six months ended 30 September, approved by the Board of Directors on 22 November 2012.

Chairman's Report

I would like to welcome our investors to this interim report for the Hedge+ Cell of Thames River Multi Hedge PCC Limited covering the period 1 April to 30 September 2012. As this has been a somewhat unusual period in the Company's history culminating in the vote to wind-down our investment portfolio at the end of the interim period I shall keep the market environment and performance analysis sections of my report somewhat briefer than usual.

The first half of our review period proved to be challenging for financial markets as political instability in Europe was triggered by a back-lash against the austerity measures required by the EU. Weaknesses in the European banking system, particularly in Spain, where the government effectively nationalised Bankia, and Greece, renewed fears of a Eurozone break up leading to pressure on the euro and Eurozone equity markets. Macro-economic data flow was disappointing, showing signs of deterioration in the US growth and employment picture, and a moderation in Asian growth. Safe haven bond markets rallied and 10-year yields touched record lows in the US and Germany whilst equities struggled to make headway. At the start of the second half of our review period it became clear that a number of Spanish regional governments had become insolvent which would increase the need for bail-out capital in Spain. This event led to the ECB making an unprecedented commitment to support the euro at all costs and cap the borrowing costs of all Eurozone member countries. Risk asset prices oscillated around an upward trend as the impact of negative economic data was offset by increasing clarity on the ESM implementation and the ECB bond purchasing scheme. The period ended with the Fed instigating a third phase of quantitative easing with an open-ended commitment to purchase $40bn of mortgage securities per month. Equity and credit markets rallied in August and September and bond markets sold off in reaction to the quantitative easing programme.

This interim reporting period has been a relatively weak period for hedge fund performance as hedge fund managers have for the most part been running relatively low levels of net exposure to risk assets and operating at levels of leverage considerably lower than historic norms. This has been reflected in the HFRX Hedge Fund Index losing 0.44% for the period and the HFRI Fund of Funds Composite Index gaining only 0.05% over the review period. The NAV of the underlying Sterling Share Class of your Company has fallen by 1.11% over this period. This is a creditable performance given that we have marked the portfolio down by approximately 2.55% to reflect our best estimates of liquidation value.

I mentioned in my annual report in June that your Board would be recommending to you that the Company should enter a managed wind-down as we felt that we would not achieve our double-digit performance target given the difficult market conditions. We followed this up with an EGM circular in July that recommended that the Company should realise its assets in an orderly fashion in a manner consistent with the principles of prudent portfolio management. Your Board was pleased to see the level of shareholder support for its proposal at the EGM in September. Your investment manager is now on track to realise the bulk of your portfolio assets during the first half of 2013. We anticipate making a substantial distribution to shareholders early in the New Year. To maximise the size of the distribution we expect to suspend FX hedging operations following this distribution.

This would avoid the need to hold a cash reserve to meet hedging losses. We will then enact a compulsory share class consolidation to reduce operating costs.

I am pleased to report that the Investment Manager has offered to waive its fee on cash balances held by the Company from 1 November 2012 and to maintain the management fee rate at 1.0% rather than reverting to the contracted level of 1.5%. Your Board has been pleased to accept this offer.

Chairman's Report (continued)

The last two years have been a testing period for the hedge fund industry, which has seen industry growth concentrated in the hands of a few large players. The fund of hedge funds industry has not been immune to this trend with the closure of a number of smaller open-ended and closed-ended funds of hedge funds. Whilst your Board is saddened to see the demise of yet another listed hedge fund company, we have never forgotten that our first responsibility is to maximise shareholder returns and we feel that an adroit liquidation of our portfolio meets this goal. I would like to thank our loyal shareholders for their support for the Company and the Board.

William Backhouse

22 November 2012

Forward -looking statements

This interim report may contain forward-looking statements with respect to the financial condition, results of operations and business of the company. Such statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to future events and circumstances that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied by forward-looking statements. The forward looking statements are based on the Directors' current view and on information known to them at the date of this report. Nothing should be construed as a profit forecast.

Balance Sheet

                                                                          September                              March 
                                                                               2012                               2012 
                                                                           US$000's                           US$000's 
 Current assets 
 Cash                                                                        14,806                             23,558 
 Margin cash                                                                      -                              4,856 
 Debtors                                                                        522                                580 
 Financial assets at fair value 
  through profit or loss                                                     76,853                            155,578 
 Total assets                                                                92,181                            184,572 
                                       --------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Redemptions payable                                                              -                           (90,807) 
 Creditors                                                                    (860)                            (2,146) 
 Financial liabilities at fair 
  value through profit or loss                                                (558)                               (67) 
 Total liabilities                                                          (1,418)                           (93,020) 
                                       --------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
 Total net assets                                                            90,763                             91,552 
                                       ============================================  ================================= 
 Capital and revenue attributable to the Fund's 
  equity holders 
 Share capital                                                                    -                                  - 
 Share premium & other distributable 
  reserves                                                                  281,016                            281,608 
 Retained earnings                                                        (190,253)                          (190,056) 
 Total equity                                                                90,763                             91,552 
                                       ============================================  ================================= 
 Shares in issue 
 Sterling shares                                                         40,764,369                         39,663,834 
 Euro shares                                                                577,511                            875,930 
 Dollar shares                                                            1,718,785                          3,969,241 
 Net asset value per share 
 Sterling shares                                                          GBP1.3358                          GBP1.3508 
 Euro shares                                                              EUR1.2139                          EUR1.2297 
 Dollar shares                                                              $1.1234                            $1.1378 

Statement of Changes in Equity

                                                         & Other 
                                                   Distributable    Retained 
                                  Share Capital         Reserves    Earnings 
                                       US$000's         US$000's    US$000's   Total US$000's 
 Management Shares                            -                -           -                - 
                                ===============  ===============  ==========  =============== 
 Sterling Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2012                                        -          269,065   (183,464)           85,601 
 Subscriptions                                -            1,358           -            1,358 
 Redemptions                                  -            (647)           -            (647) 
 Switches                                     -            1,646           -            1,646 
 Net loss for the period                      -                -        (28)             (28) 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2012                                        -          271,422   (183,492)           87,930 
                                ===============  ===============  ==========  =============== 
 Euro Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2012                                        -              407       1,028            1,435 
 Redemptions                                  -            (287)           -            (287) 
 Switches                                     -            (120)        (72)            (192) 
 Net loss for the period                      -                -        (54)             (54) 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2012                                        -                -         902              902 
                                ===============  ===============  ==========  =============== 
 Dollar Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2012                                        -           12,136     (7,620)            4,516 
 Redemptions                                  -          (1,088)           -          (1,088) 
 Switches                                     -          (1,454)           -          (1,454) 
 Net loss for the period                      -                -        (43)             (43) 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2012                                        -            9,594     (7,663)            1,931 
                                ===============  ===============  ==========  =============== 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2012                                        -          281,608   (190,056)           91,552 
 Subscriptions                                -            1,358           -            1,358 
 Redemptions                                  -          (2,022)           -          (2,022) 
 Switches                                     -               72        (72)                - 
 Net loss for the period                      -                -       (125)            (125) 
                                ---------------  ---------------  ----------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2012                                        -          281,016   (190,253)           90,763 
                                ===============  ===============  ==========  =============== 

Statement of Changes in Equity (continued)

                                                          Share Premium 
                                                                & Other 
                                                          Distributable      Retained 
                                         Share Capital         Reserves      Earnings 
                                              US$000's         US$000's      US$000's   Total US$000's 
 Management Shares                                   -                -             -                - 
                                       ===============  ===============  ============  =============== 
 Sterling Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2011                                               -          465,847     (151,023)          314,824 
 Purchase of shares for cancellation                 -         (77,465)             -         (77,465) 
 Switches                                            -              852             -              852 
 Net loss for the period                             -                -      (41,916)         (41,916) 
                                       ---------------  ---------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2011                                               -          389,234     (192,939)          196,295 
                                       ===============  ===============  ============  =============== 
 Euro Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2011                                               -            2,837         1,550            4,387 
 Purchase of shares for cancellation                 -            (556)             -            (556) 
 Switches                                            -            (440)             -            (440) 
 Net loss for the period                             -                -         (637)            (637) 
                                       ---------------  ---------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2011                                               -            1,841           913            2,754 
                                       ===============  ===============  ============  =============== 
 Dollar Shares 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2011                                               -           21,334       (6,266)           15,068 
 Purchase of shares for cancellation                 -          (2,475)             -          (2,475) 
 Switches                                            -            (412)             -            (412) 
 Net loss for the period                             -                -       (1,659)          (1,659) 
                                       ---------------  ---------------  ------------  --------------- 
 Closing balance 30 September 
  2011                                               -           18,447       (7,925)           10,522 
                                       ===============  ===============  ============  =============== 
 Opening balance 1 April 
  2011                                               -          490,018     (155,739)          334,279 
 Purchase of shares for cancellation                 -         (80,496)             -         (80,496) 
 Switches                                            -                -             -                - 
 Net loss for the period                             -                -      (44,212)         (44,212) 
                                       ---------------  ---------------  ------------  --------------- 
   Closing balance 30 September 
   2011                                              -          409,522     (199,951)          209,571 
                                       ===============  ===============  ============  =============== 

Income Statement

                                            6 months to   6 months to 
                                              Sept 2012     Sept 2011 
                                               US$000's      US$000's 
 Other income                                         -           188 
 Net gain/(loss) on financial assets and 
  liabilities at fair value 
 through profit or loss                             995      (40,798) 
                                           ------------  ------------ 
 Total investment income                            995      (40,610) 
                                           ------------  ------------ 
 Management fees                                    447         2,138 
 EGM circular costs                                 185             - 
 General expenses                                   104            36 
 Directors' fees                                     87            86 
 Provision for wind-down costs                       84             - 
 Administration fee                                  79           140 
 Custody fees                                        32            83 
 Directors' and Officers' Insurance                  15            37 
                                           ------------  ------------ 
 Total operating expenses                         1,033         2,520 
                                           ------------  ------------ 
 Operating loss                                    (38)      (43,130) 
 Finance costs - interest expense                  (87)       (1,082) 
                                           ------------  ------------ 
 Net loss for the period attributable to 
  the Fund's equity holders                       (125)      (44,212) 
                                           ============  ============ 
                                                                                   September 2012 
 Earnings per share                                               Sterling Shares   Euro Shares   US Dollar Shares 
 Net loss attributable to the Fund's equity holders (US$000's)               (28)          (54)               (43) 
 Number of shares in issue (weighted average in the period)            40,128,335       679,888          2,797,359 
 Basic earnings per share (expressed in US cents per share)                (0.07)        (7.94)             (1.54) 
 Basic earnings per share in share class currency                          (0.04)        (6.27)             (1.54) 
                                                                                   September 2011 
 Earnings per share                                               Sterling Shares   Euro Shares   US Dollar Shares 
 Net loss attributable to the Fund's equity holders (US$000's)           (41,916)         (637)            (1,659) 
 Number of shares in issue (weighted average in the period)           116,405,151     1,985,693         10,609,155 
 Basic earnings per share (expressed in US cents per share)               (36.01)       (32.08)            (15.64) 
 Basic earnings per share in share class currency                         (22.17)       (22.42)            (15.64) 

Cash flow Statement

                                                           6 months        6 months 
                                                       to Sept 2012    to Sept 2011 
                                                           US$000's        US$000's 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Purchase of financial assets and settlement 
  of financial liabilities                                 (11,564)        (58,966) 
 Proceeds from sale of financial assets at 
  fair value through profit or loss and forward 
  foreign currency contracts                                 90,212         123,716 
 Movements in margin accounts                                 4,856           2,225 
 Other operating expenses                                     (570)         (2,054) 
 Interest received                                                -               2 
                                                     --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash inflow from operating activities                   82,934          64,923 
                                                     --------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Interest paid                                              (1,836)             (6) 
 Proceeds from participating shares issued                    1,358               - 
 Redemption of participating shares                        (92,829)        (80,496) 
                                                     --------------  -------------- 
 Net cash outflow from financing activities                (93,307)        (80,502) 
                                                     --------------  -------------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents                 (10,373)        (15,579) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the start of 
  the period                                                 23,558        (43,028) 
 Exchange gain/(loss) on cash and cash equivalents            1,621            (64) 
                                                     --------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the 
  period                                                     14,806        (58,671) 
                                                     ==============  ============== 
 Cash at the end of the period is comprised 
 Cash at bank                                                14,806          24,329 
 Bank borrowings                                                  -        (83,000) 
                                                     --------------  -------------- 
                                                             14,806        (58,671) 
                                                     ==============  ============== 


Stephen Rouxel at State Street (Guernsey) Limited: + 44 1481 704544

Tracy Fennell at Thames River Capital LLP: + 44 207 011 4455

The Company is an authorised closed-ended investment scheme domiciled in Guernsey. As an existing closed-ended fund the Company is deemed to be granted an authorisation declaration in accordance with section 8 of the Protection of Investors (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Law 1987, as amended and rule 6.02 of the Authorised Closed-ended Investment Schemes Rules 2008 on the same date as the Company obtained consent under the Control of Borrowing (Bailiwick of Guernsey) Ordinance 1959 to 1989.

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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