RNS Number : 3816S

Angel Mining PLC

30 November 2012

30 November 2012

Angel Mining plc

("Angel Mining" or the "Company")

Un-audited financial information

for the six months ended

31 August 2012

The Directors of Angel Mining, the Greenland-focused mining and exploration company, report the Company's unaudited interim results for the six months ended 31 August 2012.


The Company recorded a loss of $14,600,000 for the period, compared to $1,654,000 for the same period a year ago.

Since the end of the period under review, the Company has also:

-- raised an additional $2,000,000 in the form of funding from Cyrus Capital Partners, which together with a loan of $1,750,000 drawn on 23 July 2012 is repayable on 15 February 2013.

-- Issued 25,000,000 shares at par value to Yorkville which has reduced the value of the loan outstanding at 29 November to $1,234,000.


The loss for the period amounts to $14,600,000 (2011: $1,654,000), the Company's cash and bank balances amounted to $625,000 compared to $252,000 at 31 August 2011. The loss includes a provision of $10,805,000 for the impairment of the value of assets at Nalunaq Gold Mine. This is a conservative estimate of the total investment in Nalunaq which may not be recovered from future cash generation. The result for the period has benefited by the impact of the accounting treatment of the Company's Joint Ownership Share Plan ("JSOP") equity incentive scheme. As a result of the significant drop in the Company's share price and a change in the fair value of the associated JSOP liability, there was a positive impact of $419,000 (2011: $834,000) on the profit and loss statement.

The Directors have set a production target of 1,500 - 2,000 ounces of gold per month and now believe that this will be achieved consistently from Q1 2013. Although the Company has been producing and selling gold on a regular basis since September 2011, it has not yet, for accounting purposes, reached 'commercial production'. In keeping with IFRS guidance and normal practice for companies within the mining sector, the Company will commence commercial production when it can consistently achieve 70% of its monthly minimum production target (i.e. 1,050 ounces per month).

Until this is achieved, the operating costs less revenue will be capitalised as development costs. For this reason, no revenue from gold sales or costs of production has been recognised in the income statement during the six months ended 31 August 2012 or the comparable periods.

The latest assessment of recoverable gold at Nalunaq and our best understanding of the associated income, based on an average gold price of $1,700 per ounce, and of the operating costs to extract the gold, suggests that the mine should generate at least $25,000,000 of free cash before we have to face the possibility of mine closure. Consequently, we have taken an impairment charge of $10,805,000 against the assets at Nalunaq, reducing the value carried forward at 31 August 2012 to $25,000,000. It is highly likely that in future months the resource assessment will change. It is possible that we could find additional high grade ore to mine, particularly in the Mountain Block. If this is the case, the life of mine may be extended and all or part of the impairment charge may be reversed.

The geologist who first discovered the Nalunaq deposit believes that there may be other gold bearing intrusions in the Nalunaq mountain and we are working with Nuna Minerals A/S to see if there is any geological evidence to justify a more extensive exploration programme. In September this year, a team of geologists from Nuna Minerals traversed the mountain taking rock samples to see if they could find other outcrops of gold bearing quartz or other indicative evidence. We expect to get their report before the end of 2012.



The AGM was held on 31 August 2012 and, at that date, the Company made a production forecast for September, October and November, which assumed that the mine would be able to access higher grade ore from pillars during this period. Unfortunately, the BMP took longer than expected to provide the mining permit and an essential piece of equipment was delivered late. The situation was compounded in September by operational problems encountered by the Company's fuel supplier, Polaroil, such that they were unable to deliver oil as consistently as required. In consequence, all solid material in the plant was pumped to tailings in case the tank agitators had to be switched off. This would have resulted in material settling in the tanks and there would have been a very expensive and time consuming task to dig the material out. This was avoided but the site went for a week with no mining or processing activity until the fuel arrived. It then took two weeks to recharge the processing system before gold stripping could recommence.

Fortunately, these problems are now behind us and both mine and process plant are back in production. Pillar mining is scheduled to commence in December 2012 and, provided no major problems are encountered with the first selected pillars, this will be one of the principle sources of high grade ore during 2013 together with material from Mountain Block.

The table below sets out the production and sales data for Nalunaq from the first gold pour up to the date of this announcement.

 Doré produced 
  (kilograms)                  339.1 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Doré shipped 
  (kilograms)                  339.1 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Gold recovered (ounces)       9,877 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Gold content of doré 
  (%)                          90.6% 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Gold sold (ounces)            9,877 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Average gold price 
  achieved (per ounce)        1,665.51 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Silver recovered (ounces)      856 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Silver content of 
  doré (%)                 7.9% 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Silver sold (ounces)           856 
---------------------------  --------- 
 Average silver price 
  achieved (per ounce)         30.89 
---------------------------  --------- 

There have been some important changes to the Nalunaq management team in recent months. Steve Ainsworth left the Company in June and Alex Hamilton left in October. In July, Nigel Handley joined as Deputy General Manager. He is a mining engineer with extensive experience of mine management and since he joined he has led the mining team and, in particular, has directed the preparations for pillar mining. Since Alex left, Nigel has also taken full responsibility for the General Manager role. In late October, Jonathan White joined us as plant manager. He is a metallurgist with over 20 years experience of managing gold processing plants.

The Company has appointed Peter Connery as Chief Operating Officer and Peter will commence work in mid December. He had a distinguished military career and then took his team building expertise into the mining industry where he has been general manager for a number of large mines in Africa. He will immediately take full responsibility for the day to day running of Nalunaq and Nigel Handley will support him as Deputy General Manager. Nigel will also start work in the New Year on permit applications and other project work for Black Angel. In January Bob Austin joins as mine manager. Bob is a mining engineer and has worked as a mine manager for many years with Anglo American Corporation, mainly on mines in Africa.

Black Angel

The decline in commodity prices, with zinc now trading below $2,000 per tonne and lead just above $2,000 per tonne, has had a detrimental impact on the economic viability of the Black Angel project. In order to address this issue the Company is looking increase the life/scale of the operations by expanding the JORC compliant resource base and also by reducing operating costs to below $1,000 per tonne.

The resource issue may be solved by drilling some additional exploration holes in the Deep Ice Zone and work is proceeding to see if this could be achieved in 2013. An initial internal assessment indicates that the geologists will probably need another 10 holes to be drilled. A more detailed assessment is currently being undertaken.

A substantial component of the operating costs is the cost of fuel oil. Each year, at today's prices, the plan suggest that the annual cost for fuel will be in excess of $15 million and that this could be reduced to below $4 million, if the power could be supplied through an in-situ hydro-electric operation. A study was undertaken by Cominco in the 1970s and this indicated that there is sufficient water in the South Lake to generate electricity for the project. Niras Greenland A/S has been commission to produce a pre-feasibility study of the scheme based on existing data. Their report will indicate what work needs to be done to complete a full design and feasibility study and will also estimate the cost of building a plant capable of generating approximately 6MHZ of electricity throughout the year.

The enlarged resource and the potential impact of hydro-electric power could then enable the Company to produce a new Bankable Feasibility Study which should then significantly improve the Company's ability to raise the funds necessary to take the project into production.


The recent funding, provided by Cyrus, amounting to $3,750,000 has enabled the Company to overcome its recent setbacks and, it is now expected that Nalunaq will generate cash to meet all Group funding needs.

Discussions are ongoing with Cyrus Capital Partners with regard to the refinancing of Angel Mining plc, which will include the renegotiation of the short term debt repayment terms. It had been hoped that a financial restructure plan could have been agreed by the end of November but this is now expected to be finalised in the New Year. Cyrus is our largest stakeholder and a long-term investor in the business. We anticipate that they will play a significant role in the future development of the Company.

Issue of new shares

On 3 April 2012, 71,428,565 new ordinary shares were issued at 1.4p as the result of a private placing, raising $1,616,454.

On 5 April 2012, 15,588,998 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.66p per share, being the first draw on the new SEDA facility, raising $415,424.

On 4 May 2012, 18,618,073 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.4p per share, being the second draw on the new SEDA facility, raising $420,848.

On 16 August 2012, 25,800,000 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.0p per share raising $404,579 which was used to repay a portion of the outstanding promissory note with Yorkville.

New borrowings

On 23 July 2012, FBC agreed to advance a further $1.75 million, which was treated as a further tranche of the short-term loan, increasing the total outstanding to $28.3 million plus accrued interest. This new tranche was due to be repaid prior to 30 November 2012 with the balance of the loan repayable prior to 31 December 2012.


Issues of new shares

On 22 October 2012, 25,000,000 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.0p per share raising $400,000 which was used to repay $392,000 of the outstanding promissory note with Yorkville plus interest accrued.

New borrowings

On 2 October, Cyrus agreed to extend the short term loan facility by an additional $2.0 million and to extend the repayment date of the entire facility to 15 February 2013. The aggregate amount now repayable by the Company to Cyrus on 15 February 2013 is $30.4 million plus accrued interest.

One of the conditions to Cyrus making the additional funds available to the Company was that the Company grant to Cyrus an option entitling Cyrus to acquire 75% of the issued share capital of Arctic Mining Limited in exchange for GBP1 and a write-down of a portion of the short term loan to be agreed at the time of exercise. Arctic Mining Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company that owns 100% of the share capital of Black Angel Mining A/S. It does not include the Nalunaq license which is held separately in another wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

This option is exercisable by Cyrus on or after 15 February 2013 in the event that the Company has not, on or before such date, repaid at least $3.85 million of the short term loan and also complied with certain other conditions, including the raising of further equity.


The Directors have prepared the financial information on a going concern basis. The ability of the Company and the group to continue as a going concern is dependent upon the following:

-- having the continued support of its current debt provider, Cyrus, and its existing trade creditors;

   --      being able to draw down fully on the SEDA facility; 
   --      having the ability to raise new finance; and 
   --      being able to achieve target production at the Nalunaq gold mine in Q1 2013. 

New finance will also be required to implement the planned redevelopment of the Black Angel zinc/lead mine.

This is discussed further in Note 1 to the financial information.


2012 has been a year of setbacks and frustrations and the Company has been grateful for the support of Cyrus. The Company is also grateful for the support of Yorkville and various trade creditors.

I believe that despite the difficulties encountered in 2012, the strengthened management team will be able to take advantage of the higher grade ore at Nalunaq and hit the long established production target, which will generate the cash needed to meet all of our financial commitments. We also have the prospect of finding more gold at Nalunaq than we had expected, if the results of mining Mountain Block and/or the exploration initiative with Nuna Minerals prove that there is further development potential.

Market conditions have forced the Company to revise our view on the financing of Black Angel but we expect it is possible, albeit with increased capital expenditure, to develop a more attractive project with a life expectancy of over 25 years that will use mainly renewable energy. I also believe that the concept of building the process plant underground and putting tailings safely in the old workings of the mine will make Black Angel a model of operational and environmental efficiency.

There is a great deal of work to be done. But we have the prospect of being cash generative in 2013, having a new bankable feasibility study for Black Angel by the end of that year and having a refinanced balance sheet to build a new future.

Working in Greenland presents some significant operational challenges. We have a team who are learning all the time and I am confident that we will succeed.

Frank Chapman



 Angel Mining plc 
  Nicholas Hall, Chief Executive 
   Officer                           07931 709 053 
  Kevin McNair, Chief Financial 
   Officer                            07900 690 908 
 Fox-Davies Capital (Nominated 
  Adviser and Broker) 
  Simon Leathers 
  Daniel Fox-Davies                   0203 463 5000 
 Bishopsgate Communications 
  Nick Rome                           0207 562 3350 

Consolidated information of comprehensive income

Six months ended 31 August 2012

                                      6 months          6 months   12 months 
                                         ended             ended       ended 
                                       31 Aug.           31 Aug,     29 Feb, 
                                          2012    2011 Unaudited        2012 
                                     Unaudited              $000     Audited 
                                          $000                          $000 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Continuing operations 
 Other operating costs                (12,134)               407     (2,804) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Operating loss                       (12,134)               407     (2,804) 
 Finance costs                         (2,672)           (2,144)     (3,074) 
 Finance income                            206                83         344 
 Loss before tax                      (14,600)           (1,654)     (5.534) 
 Taxation                                    -                 -           - 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Retained loss for the period         (14,600)           (1,654)     (5,534) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Other comprehensive income 
  for the year 
 Exchange translation difference 
  on foreign operations                  1,385                30         188 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total comprehensive income 
  for the year attributable 
  to ordinary equity holders 
  of the company                      (13,215)           (1,624)     (5,346) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Earnings/(loss) per share 
 Basic                                  (1.48)            (0.24)      (0.75) 
 Diluted                                (1.48)            (0.24)      (0.75) 
---------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 

Consolidated information of financial position

As at 31 August 2012

                                       6 months          6 months   12 months 
                                          ended             ended       ended 
                                        31 Aug.           31 Aug,     29 Feb, 
                                           2012    2011 Unaudited        2012 
                                      Unaudited              $000     Audited 
                                           $000                          $000 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and equipment           56,746            60,592      64,802 
 Note receivable                          2,983             4,104       2,803 
 Rehabilitation asset                     4,000             4,640       4,326 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
                                         63,729            69,336      71,931 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                              1,247             2,430       1.355 
 Trade and other receivables                 32               328          44 
 Other financial asset                    1,240             1,219       1,257 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  625               252         667 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
                                          3,144             4,229       3,323 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables              (12,475)          (10,903)    (10,163) 
 Current borrowings                    (29,792)          (23,198)    (29,206) 
 Current provisions                       (429)             (471)       (722) 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
                                       (42,697)          (34,572)    (40,091) 
 Net current (liabilities)/assets      (39,552)          (30,343)    (36,768) 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total assets less current 
  liabilities                            24,177            38,993      35,163 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Non-current borrowings                 (8,233)           (7,526)     (7,846) 
 Non-current provisions                 (4,020)           (4,425)     (4,831) 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
                                       (12,253)          (11,951)    (12,677) 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Net assets                              11,924            27,043      22,486 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                           17,004            13,277      14,915 
 Share premium                           48,491            49,219      47,904 
 Own shares held by EBT                 (2,568)           (2,568)     (2,568) 
 Convertible borrowings 
  - equity component                      7,371             7,371       7,371 
 Share option reserve                         -                 -          23 
 Translation reserve                        356               (6)     (1,029) 
 Retained deficit                      (58,730)          (40,250)    (44,130) 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Total equity                            11,924            27,043      22,486 
----------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 

Consolidated information of changes in equity

Six months ended 31 August 2012

                                           Own    Convertible                                          attributable 
                 Ordinary               shares     borrowings      Share                                         to 
                    share      Share      held       - equity     option    Translation    Retained          equity      Total 
                  capital    premium        by      component    reserve        reserve     deficit         holders     equity 
                    $'000      $'000       EBT           $000      $'000          $'000       $'000              of      $'000 
                                          $000                                                                  the 
-------------  ----------  ---------  --------  -------------  ---------  -------------  ----------  --------------  --------- 
 At 28 
  2011              8,052     39,455   (2,568)          7,371          -          (841)    (38,596)          12,873     12,873 
 Loss for the 
  year                  -          -         -              -          -              -     (5,534)         (5,534)    (5,534) 
  issued            6,863      9,125         -              -          -              -           -          15,988     15,988 
 Cost of 
  issued                -      (676)         -              -          -              -           -           (676)      (676) 
 Share option 
  expense               -          -         -              -         23              -           -              23         23 
  operations            -          -         -              -          -          (188)           -                        835 
-------------  ----------  ---------  --------  -------------  ---------  -------------  ----------  --------------  --------- 
 At 29 
  2012             14,915     47,904   (2,568)          7,371         23        (1,029)    (44,130)          22,486     22,486 
 Loss for the 
  period                -          -         -              -          -              -    (14,600)        (14,600)   (14,600) 
  issued            2,089        747         -              -          -                                      2,836      2,836 
 Cost of 
  issued                -      (160)         -              -          -              -           -           (160)      (160) 
 Share option 
  expense               -          -         -              -       (23)              -           -            (23)       (23) 
  operations            -          -         -              -          -          1,385                       1,385      1,385 
-------------  ----------  ---------  --------  -------------  ---------  -------------  ----------  --------------  --------- 
 At 31 August 
  2012             17,004     48,491   (2,568)          7,371          -            356    (58,730)          11,924     11,924 
-------------  ----------  ---------  --------  -------------  ---------  -------------  ----------  --------------  --------- 

Consolidated information of cashflow

Six months ended 31 August 2012

                                         6 months          6 months   12 months 
                                            ended             ended       ended 
                                          31 Aug.           31 Aug,     29 Feb, 
                                             2012    2011 Unaudited        2012 
                                        Unaudited              $000     Audited 
                                             $000                          $000 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Operating activities 
 (Loss)/profit before tax                (14,600)           (1,654)     (5,534) 
 Adjusted for: 
 Depreciation of property, 
  plant and equipment                           -                 -           5 
 Finance income                             (206)              (83)       (344) 
 Finance costs                              2,672             2,144       3,074 
 (Increase)/decrease in 
  inventories                                 108           (1,568)       (493) 
 (Decrease)/increase in 
  trade and other receivables                  12             (191)         128 
 Increase/(decrease) in 
  trade and other payables                  2,312             1,525       3,077 
 Share-based payments                        (23)             (834)       (678) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Cashflows from operating 
  activities                              (9,726)             (661)       (765) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                           (3,951)          (12,295)    (14,063) 
 Impairment of property,                   10,805                 -           - 
  plant and equipment 
 Interest received                              -                83          17 
 Cashflows from investing 
  activities                                6,854          (12,212)    (14,046) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Equity share capital subscription, 
  net                                       2,676             6,031       7,519 
 Draw down from Socius facility                 -                 -       5,000 
 New borrowings, net of 
  costs                                     1,750             6,225       2,972 
 Repayments of borrowings                 (1,623)                 -       (358) 
 Cashflows from financing 
  activities                                2,803            12,256      15,133 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Net increase/(decrease) 
  in cash and cash equivalents               (69)             (617)         322 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at start of year                            667               441         441 
 Exchange movements                            27               428        (96) 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of year                              625               252         667 
------------------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 

Notes to the financial statements

Six months ended 31 August 2012

General information

Angel Mining plc ("Angel" or the "Company") is incorporated and domiciled in the United Kingdom and, together with its subsidiaries, forms "the Group".

The principal accounting policies applied in the preparation of the financial information are set out below.

1. Basis of preparation

The half-yearly financial information for the six months ended 31 August 2012 is unaudited and that for the equivalent period is also unaudited. The comparatives for the full year ended 29 February 2012 are not the Group's full statutory accounts for that year. The financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2012 contained an unqualified auditors' report in accordance with s235 of the Companies Act 1985. However, the auditor's report did contain a paragraph entitled "Emphasis of matter - Going concern" which made reference to the accounting policy regarding going concern and the existence of a material uncertainty.

The half-yearly financial information was approved by the board on 29 November 2012.

The annual financial statements of Angel Mining plc for the year ended 28 February 2013 will be prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards ("IFRS") as adopted by the European Union, and with those parts of the Companies Act 2006 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. Accordingly the half-yearly financial information has been prepared using accounting policies consistent with those which will be adopted by the group in the financial statements.

Going concern

For the purpose of their going concern assessment, the Directors have assumed that the Company will:

   --      have the continued support of its current debt provider, Cyrus and its affiliate, FBC; 
   --      be able to draw down on the Yorkville facilities; 
   --      have the ability to raise new finance; and 
   --      be able to bring the Nalunaq gold mine up to target production by Q1 2013. 

The Directors have concluded that the combination of these circumstances represents a material uncertainty that casts significant doubt upon the Company's and Group's ability to continue as a going concern and that, therefore, the Company and the Group may be unable to realise its assets and discharge its liabilities in the normal course of business.

Nevertheless, after making enquiries and considering the uncertainties described above, the Directors have a reasonable expectation that the Group and the Company have adequate resources to continue in operational existence for the foreseeable future and are supported by the following opinions and post balance sheet events:

-- the Group has completed a number of gold pours at Nalunaq and subsequent gold sales. Based on the current plan for exploiting the resource at Nalunaq, the Directors believe that the Group will quickly achieve and sustain commercial production and cash generation;

-- following the move into commercial production, the Group's ability to raise money via the equity markets should be significantly improved;

-- further draw downs on the Yorkville facilities are possible if needed once approved by the majority shareholder and this has occurred based on history of draw downs and approvals received; and

-- Cyrus and the Company have entered into discussions about extending the repayment terms of its loans and capitalised interest beyond February 2013.

For these reasons, they continue to adopt the going concern basis in preparing its interim financial information. The Directors believe that the Group now has sufficient resources for continuing operations and it will be able to attract additional finance for the development of the Black Angel and other projects in the foreseeable future.

2. Accounting policies

All accounting policies are the same as those reported in the annual financial statements for the year ended 29 February 2012.

The Directors have set a production target of between 1,500 and 2,000 ounces of doré per month which they expect to achieve in Q1 2013. Although the Company is now producing and selling gold on a regular basis, for accounting purposes it has not reached 'commercial production'. In keeping with IFRS guidance and normal practice for companies within the mining sector, the Company will commence commercial production when it consistently achieves 70% of its monthly production target. Until this milestone has been reached, the process plant at Nalunaq is still considered under construction. Costs incurred up to the point of commercial production will continue to be capitalised. Revenue realised during the period will be treated in the same fashion. For this reason, no revenue from gold sales or costs of production have been recognised in the income statement during the six months ended 31 August 2012 or in the comparable periods.

3. Earnings/(loss) per share

The basic and diluted loss per share is calculated by dividing the loss attributable to equity holders of the parent by the weighted average number of ordinary shares in issue during the year.

                                     6 months          6 months     12 months 
                                        ended             ended         ended 
                                      31 Aug.           31 Aug,       29 Feb, 
                                         2012    2011 Unaudited          2012 
                                    Unaudited                         Audited 
-------------------------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Profit attributable to 
  equity holders of the parent 
  ($000)                             (14,600)           (1,654)       (5,534) 
 Weighted average number 
  of shares                       983,251,285       681,069,135   736,873,684 
-------------------------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 
 Earnings/(loss) per share 
  (cents)                              (1.48)            (0.24)        (0.75) 
-------------------------------  ------------  ----------------  ------------ 

In the periods where the Group has made a loss, share options were anti--dilutive and have not been included in the loss per share calculation.

4. Borrowings

                             6 months          6 months   12 months 
                                ended             ended       ended 
                              31 Aug.           31 Aug,     29 Feb, 
                                 2012    2011 Unaudited        2012 
                            Unaudited              $000     Audited 
                                 $000                          $000 
------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Current borrowings            29,793            23,198      29,206 
 Non-current borrowings         8,233             7,526       7,846 
------------------------  -----------  ----------------  ---------- 

On 23 July 2012, FBC agreed to advance a further $1.75 million, which was treated as a further tranche of the short-term loan, increasing the total outstanding to $28.3 million plus accrued interest. This new tranche was due to be repaid on or before 30 November 2012 with the balance of the short term loan repayable prior to 31 December 2012.

5. Share capital

Ordinary shares

                                    Shares                              GBP 
                       --------------------------------  -------------------------------- 
                        6 months   6 months   12 months   6 months   6 months   12 months 
                           ended      ended       ended      ended      ended       ended 
                         31 Aug.    31 Aug,     29 Feb,    31 Aug.    31 Aug,     29 Feb, 
                            2012       2011        2012       2012       2011        2012 
                           (000)      (000)       (000)      (000)      (000)       (000) 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
 At beginning of 
  period                   5,172      5,172       5,172     51,720     51,720      51,720 
 Increased in period           -          -           -          -          -           - 
 At end of period          5,172      5,172       5,172     51,720     51,720      51,720 
---------------------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ---------  ---------  ---------- 
                            6 months   6 months   12 months 
                               ended      ended       ended 
                             31 Aug.    31 Aug,     29 Feb, 
                                2012       2011        2012 
                               (000)      (000)       (000) 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 
 At beginning of period      903,652    478,326     478,326 
 Issued in period            131,436    325,327     425,326 
 At end of period          1,035,088    803,653     903,652 
------------------------  ----------  ---------  ---------- 

The Company also has 1 'B share' of GBP1.00 which was issued on 21 August 2009 as a result of the conversion of the original Cyrus loan into a convertible loan note. The B share has voting rights equivalent to 577,275,625 ordinary shares.

Issue of new shares

On 3 April 2012, 71,428,565 new ordinary shares were issued at 1.4p as the result of a private placing, raising $1,616,454.

On 5 April 2012, 15,588,998 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.66p per share, being the first draw on the new SEDA facility, raising $415,424.

On 4 May 2012, 18,618,073 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.4p per share, being the second draw on the new SEDA facility, raising $420,848.

On 16 August 2012, 25,800,000 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.0p per share raising $404,579 which was used to repay a portion of the outstanding promissory note with Yorkville.

6. Post balance sheet events

Issues of new shares

On 22 October 2012, 25,000,000 new ordinary shares were issued to YA Global Master SPV at 1.0p per share raising $400,000 which was used to repay a portion of the outstanding promissory note with Yorkville.

New borrowings

On 2 October, Cyrus agreed to extend the short term loan facility by an additional $2.0 million and to extend the repayment date of the entire facility to 15 February 2013. The aggregate amount now repayable by the Company to Cyrus on 15 February 2013 is $30.4 million plus accrued interest.

One of the conditions to Cyrus making the additional funds available to the Company was that the Company grant to Cyrus an option entitling Cyrus to acquire 75% of the issued share capital of Arctic Mining Limited in exchange for GBP1 and a write-down of a portion of the short term loan to be agreed at the time of exercise. Arctic Mining Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Company that owns 100% of the share capital of Black Angel Mining A/S. It does not include the Nalunaq license which is held separately in another wholly owned subsidiary of the Company.

This option is exercisable by Cyrus on or after 15 February 2013 in the event that the Company has not, on or before such date, repaid at least $3.85 million of the short term loan and also complied with certain other conditions, including the raising of further equity.


This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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