RNS Number : 9746T

Prime Focus London PLC

20 December 2012

Prime Focus London Plc

(the "Company" or "Prime Focus London")


The Board of Prime Focus London plc, the visual entertainment and advertising services group, is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months to 30 September 2012. An overview of the financial statements is set out below and full version is available on the Company's website at www.pflplc.com


-- Profit before tax of GBP0.183m on turnover of GBP10.389m (6 months to 30 September 2011: GBP1.795m on turnover of GBP20.348m)

-- After adjusting for discontinued operations and exceptional items the loss before tax is GBP0.643m. Like for like sales in the prior year 6 month period of GBP14.118m generated an equivalent profit before tax of GBP0.591m.

-- Trade debtors and creditors reduced from the March 2012 position of GBP26.714m to GBP18.482m and from GBP19.944m to GBP10.510m, respectively.

-- Consolidated indebtedness owed to the PLC from the majority shareholder reduced to GBP4.094m from the March 2012 position of GBP5.320m, and remains higher than the September 2011 position of GBP1.523m

-- Net debt, including external debt and intra company debt, reduced to GBP5.451m when compared to the same period last year, GBP6.890m.

Bernard Kumeta, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"The Company that I joined in April of this year had lost its way in an increasingly demanding and competitive market place and a lack of a clear strategy had created a malaise within the business and disaffection amongst shareholders. A re-structuring of the Company was completed in October which has resulted in significant annual cost savings and placed the business on a much more sound financial footing.

"The remaining core operations of the Company possess great skills and the wider Prime Focus network provides us with a real competitive edge. With the right support from our major shareholders and employees, I believe that we can create a strong position in an ever changing market place for the benefit of all shareholders in the medium term."

For further information, please contact

Prime Focus London Plc

Bernard Kumeta Chief Executive Officer +44 (0) 20 7565 1000

Northland Capital Partners Limited

Tim Metcalfe / Edward Hutton / Lauren Kettle +44 (0) 20 7796 8800

Newgate Threadneedle

Graham Herring / Josh Royston +44 (0) 20 7653 9850

Interim Management Report

The Board of Prime Focus London Plc, the visual entertainment and advertising services group, is pleased to announce its unaudited interim results for the six months to 30 September 2012.


In the six months to 30 September 2012, Prime Focus London and its subsidiaries (together "the Group") made a profit before tax of GBP0.183 million on turnover of GBP10.389 million, compared to a profit before tax of GBP1.795 million on turnover of GBP20.348 million for the 6 months to 30 September 2011.

Basic earnings per share were 0.56p (6 months to 30 September 2011: 5.46p).

A summary of key figures is shown below:

                                                     30 September            30 September 
                                                          2012                   2011 
                                                        GBP`000                GBP'000 
 Continuing Operations                                          10,389                 14,118 
 Discontinued Operations (View D)                                    -                  6,230 
 Discontinued Operations (Meanwhile Q4,2011)                         -                      - 
 Total Revenue                                                  10,389                 20,348 
                                                ----------------------  --------------------- 
 Profit / (Loss) before tax after exceptional 
  Items                                                            183                  1,795 
 Adjustments for non recurring items 
 Profit on Sale of View D                                                             (1,204) 
 Write off of residual liabilities following 
  closure of View D subsidiary                                 (1,240) 
 Release of restructuring provision (partial) 
  and correction of errors                                         414                      - 
 Adjusted profit / (loss) before tax                             (643)                    591 
                                                ----------------------  --------------------- 
 Net Debt 
 Parent and associate 
 Payable balance                                                11,134                 10,353 
 Receivable balance                                           (15,228)               (11,876) 
                                                ----------------------  --------------------- 
 Total parent and associate balance                            (4,094)                (1,523) 
                                                ----------------------  --------------------- 
 Other debt 
 Bank of India                                                   7,011                  5,632 
 Bibby Financial Services                                        1,465                  1,464 
 Finance Leases                                                  1,069                  1,317 
 Total Other debt                                                9,545                  8,413 
                                                ----------------------  --------------------- 
 Total Net Debt                                                  5,451                  6,890 
                                                ----------------------  --------------------- 


Sales in the period reduced by GBP9.959m to GBP10.389m and cost of sales reduced by GBP2.481m compared to the same period last year.

 Sales Analysis by 
  Channel                                                                                              % 
                                    Six months                 Six months 
                                  to 30 September            to 30 September 
                                       2012                        2011                Variance 
                                     GBP`000                     GBP`000               GBP`000 
 Continuing Operations: 
 Commercials                                    3,055                       3,751            (696)   -19% 
 Broadcast                                      2,382                       2,297               85    4% 
 Content Services                                 760                         664               96    14% 
 Independent Film                               3,293                       6,911          (3,617)   -52% 
 Broadcast VFX                                    899                         493              405    82% 
 Meanwhile                                          -                           2              (2) 
 Total continuing 
  operations                                   10,389                      14,118          (3,729)   -26% 
 Discontinued Operations: 
 View D                                             -                       6,230          (6,230)   -100% 
 Total Turnover                                10,389                      20,348          (9,959)   -49% 
                            =========================  ==========================  =============== 

In the six months to 30 September 2011, sales included GBP6.230m, cost of sales included GBP1.690m and administration expenses included GBP4.825m in respect of the 2D to 3D conversion of a major feature film undertaken by the View D business disposed of later in the year.

Of the continuing operations, Independent film sales in the period reduced by GBP3.617m compared to the same period last year, accounting for the majority of the shortfall in sales. In the 2011 period, nine individual projects were undertaken compared to five in the period under review. Variability of earnings and the size of each project is not unusual in this channel.

Other channels performed slightly ahead of expectations and the decline in commercials turnover, although severe, was not as dramatic as had been expected to this point in time.

Cost base and restructuring

Administrative expenses have reduced year on year by GBP6.161m. Of this reduction, GBP4.825m related to the disposed of View D business. The like for like reduction in costs was therefore GBP1.336m (down 13.7%) and is a proportional reduction linked to a lower volume of activity.

The operational restructuring of the Commercials business announced previously has been completed. This has had no effect on the numbers being reported here but provides an annualised saving of around GBP3m which will serve to insulate the business from the effects of negative industry trends in the TV advertising sector.

Exceptional item

The Group generated an exceptional gain of GBP1.24m by the write off of the assets and liabilities of the View D subsidiary company which was liquidated on 17(th) April 2012.

Future progress

Although the full benefit will not be felt until the new financial year, the cost reduction program completed in October was the first step in the process of repositioning the Company with the aim of improving the underlying trading performance and generating a long term sustainable business.

Among a number of key initiatives, over the coming months, the Company will seek to exploit the full advantage of potential margin and operational gains associated with the use of Prime Focus' facilities in India.

In the Broadcast and Broadcast VFX channel the Company is witnessing upwards sales momentum linked to new client wins. In Broadcast a new "facility within a facility" has been built outside of Soho providing dedicated client embedded service and speed of response. In Broadcast VFX the development of new, high value creative assets specifically for the television documentary makers is gaining industry-wide recognition. Additionally, the Commercials business has been newly rostered as a preferred partner of a major international consumer goods company offering the prospect of high volumes of work in the future and the further development of our World Versioning activities.

In the face of the continuing challenges posed by the difficult trading environment, there is still much work to do to get our businesses operating to their full potential. Each of our business channels has its own strengths and issues to deal with, but each now has a clear development route and the recovery of the business is underway.

I am confident of achieving improved shareholder returns over the medium term.

Bernard Kumeta

Chief Executive Officer

19 December 2012

 Consolidated income statement 
 For the six months ended 30 September 
                                           Unaudited    Unaudited     Audited 
                                            6 months     6 months   12 months 
                                            ended 30     ended 30    ended 31 
                                          Sept. 2012   Sept. 2011   Mar. 2012 
                                             GBP'000      GBP'000     GBP'000 
                                Revenue       10,389       20,348      31,230 
                          Cost of sales      (2,497)      (4,978)     (7,266) 
                           Gross Profit        7,892       15,370      23,964 
                Administration expenses      (8,424)     (14,585)    (25,751) 
                 Group operating profit        (532)          785     (1,787) 
                           Other Income           94           93         246 
                         Finance Income           35          175         310 
                          Finance costs        (654)        (572)     (1,210) 
  Income from fellow group undertakings            -            -       3,000 
                     Exceptional Income        1,240        1,799         573 
                    Exceptional Charges            -        (485)       (148) 
                 Profit before taxation          183        1,795         984 
             Taxation - Corporation Tax            -            -           - 
                           Deferred tax            -            -           - 
          Profit on ordinary activities 
                         after taxation          183        1,795         984 
               Basic earnings per share        0.56p        5.46p       2.99p 
             Diluted earnings per share        0.55p        5.42p       2.97p 
 Consolidated balance sheet 
 As at 30 September 2012 
                                      Unaudited   Unaudited    Audited 
                                          As at       As at      As at 
                                       30 Sept.    30 Sept.    31 Mar. 
                                           2012        2011       2012 
                                        GBP'000     GBP'000    GBP'000 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible Assets                        2,641         907      1,409 
 Property, plant and equipment           14,254       6,486     14,862 
 Deferred Tax Assets                          -           -          - 
 Other Receivables                            -           -          - 
 Available for sale investments               5          32          5 
                                         16,900       7,425     16,276 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventory                                   19          38         41 
 Trade and other receivables             18,482      28,554     26,714 
 Cash and cash equivalents                  173       1,612      1,228 
                                         18,674      30,204     27,983 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total Assets                            35,574      37,629     44,259 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Capital and reserves attributable 
  to equity shareholders 
 Share capital                            1,644       1,642      1,643 
 Share premium                            6,515       6,515      6,515 
 Capital redemption reserve                 270         270        270 
 Fair value reserve                        (17)        (10)       (17) 
 Retained earnings                          357         985        174 
 Total equity                             8,769       9,402      8,585 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                              14,193       7,793     15,125 
 Trade and other payables                10,510      18,766     19,944 
 Current tax liabilities                      -           -          - 
                                         24,703      26,559     35,069 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                               2,010       1,576        515 
 Other payables                               -           -          - 
 Deferred tax liability                      92          92         90 
                                          2,102       1,668        605 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
 Total equity and liabilities            35,574      37,629     44,259 
                                     ----------  ----------  --------- 
   Consolidated cash flow statement 
 for the six months ended 30 September 
                                           Unaudited   Unaudited      Audited 
                                            6 months    6 months    12 months 
                                            ended 30    ended 30     ended 31 
                                          Sept. 2012   Sept.2011    Mar. 2012 
                                             GBP'000     GBP'000      GBP'000 
 Cashflow from operating activities 
 Operating profit before taxation                183       1,795          984 
 Net Finance Cost                                619         397          900 
 Depreciation and amortization                 1,198         570        2,128 
 Share based payment                               -           -            - 
 Prior period adjustments                          -           -            - 
 (increase) / decrease in trade 
  and other receivables                        8,231     (6,966)      (5,151) 
 Increase / (decrease) in trade 
  and other payables                         (9,433)       3,077        4,254 
 (Increase) / decrease in inventories             22           -          (3) 
                                         -----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Net cash inflow from operations                 820     (1,127)        3,112 
 Net interest paid                             (619)       (397)        (900) 
 Net cash inflow/(outflow) from 
  operations                                     201     (1,524)        2,212 
 Taxation                                          -           -            - 
 Cashflow from investing activities 
 Purchase of tangible fixed assets             (508)     (1,829)     (11,644) 
 Purchase of investments available 
  for sale                                   (1,314)       (200)            - 
 Proceeds from sale of property, 
  plant and equipment                              -       2,745        1,969 
 Purchase of intangible assets                     -           -            - 
 Purchase of subsidiaries (net of                                           - 
  cash acquired)                                   -           - 
 Net cash inflow from investing 
  activities                                 (1,822)         716      (9,675) 
                                         -----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Cashflow from financing activities 
 Cash flow from decrease in debt 
  and lease financing                          (563)       (367)         (52) 
 Net receipts / (repayment) in respect 
  net parent & associate Loan                    898       (417)        4,388 
 Receipts of Bank and other loans                230       1,877        3,027 
 Cashflow from issue of shares at 
  premium                                          1          27           28 
 Net cash inflow from financing 
  activities                                     566       1,120        7,391 
                                         -----------  ----------  ----------- 
 Net cash inflow                             (1,055)         312         (72) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  start of the period                          1,228       1,300        1,300 
 Cash and cash equivalents at the 
  end of the period                              173       1,612        1,228 
                                         -----------  ----------  ----------- 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the six months ended 30 September 2012

                                                                          Capital                   Fair 
                              Share                  Share             Redemption                  Value   Retained     Total 
                            capital                premium                Reserve                Reserve   earnings    equity 
                            GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000                GBP'000    GBP'000   GBP'000 
 At 01 April 
  2012                        1,643                  6,515                    270                   (17)        174     8,585 
  income for 
  period                          -                      -                      -                      -        183       183 
  during the 
  period                          1                      -                      -                      -          -         1 
 At 30 Sept 
  2012                        1,644                  6,515                    270                   (17)        357     8,769 
              ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------------------  ---------  -------- 

Notes to the interim results


Prime Focus London Plc (the "Company") is a company domiciled in England whose registered office address is 64 Dean Street, London W1D 4QQ. The condensed consolidated half-yearly financial statements of the Company for the six months ended 30 September 2012 comprise the Company and its subsidiaries (together referred to as "the Group").

The condensed consolidated half-yearly financial statements were authorised for issue on 19th December 2012.


Basis of Preparation

The interim financial report comprises the results and balances of the Company and its subsidiaries (the Group) for the six month period ended 30 September 2012. They are unaudited and do not comprise statutory accounts in accordance with Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006.

The comparative period for the six months ended 30 September 2011 are also unaudited.

This set of interim financial statements has been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the European Union. As required, the condensed set of financial statements has been prepared applying the accounting policies and presentation that were applied in the preparation of the Group's published consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 March 2012 and should be read in conjunction with those annual financial statements, which have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by the European Union.

                                           Unaudited    Unaudited      Audited 
                                            6 months     6 months    12 months 
                                               ended                     ended 
                                                  30     ended 30           31 
                                               Sept.                 Mar. 2012 
                                                2012   Sept. 2011 
                                              ('000)       ('000)       ('000) 
                                                 No.          No.          No. 
 Weighted average number of 5p ordinary 
 in issue during the period                   32,882       32,848       32,864 
 For basic earnings per share 
 Share Option                                    262          257          241 
 Weighted diluted average number of 
  5p ordinary shares                          33,144       33,105       33,105 
 Profit for the financial period 
 Profit for the period ended                     183        1,795          984 
 Profit for earnings per share                   183        1,795          984 
 Basic earnings per share                      0.56p        5.46p        2.99p 
 Diluted earnings per share                    0.55p        5.46p        2.97p 


A copy is available on the Company's website at www.pflplc.com

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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