RNS Number : 6630N

Swan(John) & Sons PLC

31 July 2014




 The outcome for the year can be summarised as follows:                                           2014         2013 
                                              GBP          GBP 
   Loss before tax 
   John Swan Limited - profit/(loss)       13,657    (114,082) 
   John Swan & Sons PLC - loss          (346,794)    (230,095) 
   IAS 19 pension adjustment             (36,000)     (28,000) 
                                       ----------  ----------- 
   Loss before tax                      (369,137)    (372,177) 
                                       ==========  =========== 
  I reported at the half year an encouraging uplift in our trading 
  results, offset to some extent by increased professional costs 
  relating to corporate activities, which are neither predictable 
  nor wholly controllable by your board given our listed status. 
  It is particularly disappointing, therefore, to report that virtually 
  all the progress made in livestock auctioneering in that period 
  has been extinguished by a single bad debt, incurred in the second 
  half of the year, despite considerable debtor control effort and 
  in circumstances all too prevalent in the industry. 
  Apart from the financial impact of its size relative to our trading 
  base, this bad debt has had two further undesirable consequences. 
  Firstly, it has undoubtedly masked a significant improvement in 
  our mart performance with a resultant effect on the morale of 
  our management team. I have sought to reassure them that this 
  setback need not affect our future performance and, realistically, 
  reflects the experience of most businesses in this industry, to 
  one degree or another. Secondly, this very point serves to highlight 
  for shareholders our relative vulnerability, no matter what safeguards 
  we employ, and at our size as a listed company, we must accept 
  that there are limitations to our ability to control risk. 
  We have been active on the property front, against a background 
  of growing recovery in land values, and, although nothing is in 
  a completed form at the time of writing, I hope to be in a position 
  to say more to shareholders on this subject in the next month 
  or two. We have a healthy pipeline of work in progress in our 
  external property business, although we have yet to fully cover 
  costs, but much work has been done internally on our own land 
  assets, which otherwise would have attracted significant professional 
  fees. Shareholders will be aware of the impact of this work on 
  our underlying asset value, particularly in the light of the focus 
  on potential developments to the west of Edinburgh, where we have 
  sizeable land interests. 
  Despite the loss for the year, the board intends to maintain the 
  dividend policy established in recent years. Accordingly, the 
  directors are pleased to declare a final dividend for the year 
  of 5 pence per ordinary share to be paid on 10 October 2014 to 
  shareholders on the register at 12 September 2014. The ex dividend 
  date will be 10 September 2014. As no interim dividend was paid, 
  this amounts to a total dividend for the year of 5 pence per ordinary 
  share (2013: 5 pence). 
  Alastair J Ritchie 


 I am pleased to report a small profit for the year of GBP13,657 
  compared to a loss of GBP114,082 last year. This profit would 
  have been substantially higher had it not been for a provision 
  for a doubtful debt. Commission receivable was up on the year 
  and administrative expenses, excluding the doubtful debt, were 
  well down. 
  Throughput of livestock remained static during the year but we 
  are hopeful of maintaining and building on these numbers. The 
  market is still the best place to sell stock as the average prices 
  achieved are used by the whole industry. With the wholesale industry 
  in fewer hands, it is important that competition is maintained 
  between prime stock sales. 
  With the forthcoming reform of the C.A.P. and the continuing decline 
  in both breeding cattle and sheep, the outlook is challenging 
  but we are making good progress in reducing costs and running 
  the markets as efficiently as possible. 
  Swan & Turner continues to grow its business with increased lots 
  this year and a record number of buyers. It is now one of the 
  leading auction houses in the Borders for antiques and collectables. 
  Finally, I would like to thank all the staff for their enthusiasm 
  and hard work during the past year and to thank customers for 
  their continued support. 
  James D Allen 


The Annual General Meeting will be held on Friday, 10 October 2014 at The Lodge Hotel, Carfraemill, Lauder at 12 noon.


Transfer books will be closed from 10 September to 12 September 2014, both dates inclusive, for the preparation of dividend warrants. Warrants for the proposed dividend, if approved at the Annual General Meeting, will be posted on 10 October 2014 to shareholders on the register at the close of business on 12 September 2014.


Rate of dividend on ordinary shares - 5p (2013 - 5p)

No interim dividend was paid during the year (2013 - Nil).


Contact: Sandy Fraser, N+1 Singer

Telephone number: 0131 529 0272



30 July 2014

Consolidated income statement

For the year ended 30 April 2014

                                                   2014              2013 
                   GBP                              GBP               GBP 
 Revenue                                      1,833,587         1,764,154 
                                         --------------  ---------------- 
 Staff costs                                    921,380           927,486 
 Depreciation                                    96,845           108,876 
 Other operating expenses                     1,184,359         1,101,669 
                                         --------------  ---------------- 
                                              2,202,584         2,138,031 
                                         --------------  ---------------- 
 Operating loss                               (368,997)         (373,877) 
 Investment revenues                                587             1,700 
 Finance costs                                    (727)                 - 
 Loss before tax                              (369,137)         (372,177) 
 Tax                                              7,220            12,797 
 Loss for the year attributable 
  owners of the Company                       (361,917)         (359,380) 
                                         ==============  ================ 
 Basic and diluted earnings per 
  share                                        (59.43p)        (59.01p) 
                                         ==============  ================ 

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

For the year ended 30 April 2014

                                                2014            2013 
                                                 GBP             GBP 
 Loss for the year                         (361,917)       (359,380) 
                                        ------------  -------------- 
 Gain on property revaluation                      -       1,544,885 
 Actuarial loss on defined benefit 
  pension scheme                            (24,000)        (32,000) 
 Other comprehensive (expense)/income 
  for the year                              (24,000)       1,512,885 
                                        ------------  -------------- 
 Total comprehensive (expense)/income 
  attributable to owners of the 
  Company                                  (385,917)       1,153,505 
                                        ============  ============== 

Consolidated balance sheet

At 30 April 2014

                                              2014          2013 
                                               GBP           GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and motor vehicles      3,576,513     3,646,423 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables             2,328,050     2,334,127 
 Cash and cash equivalents                 114,968       593,257 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
                                         2,443,018     2,927,384 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
 Total assets                            6,019,531     6,573,807 
                                      ============  ============ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                  209,943       269,627 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
 Net current assets                      2,233,075     2,657,757 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liabilities                   15,935        23,155 
 Deferred income                            12,000        12,800 
                                            27,935        35,955 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                         237,878       305,582 
                                      ============  ============ 
 Net assets                              5,781,653     6,268,225 
                                      ============  ============ 
 Share capital                             153,000       168,000 
 Revenue reserve                            70,000        70,000 
 Employee Benefit Trust reserve           (57,224)      (39,815) 
 Revaluation reserve                     1,531,039     1,544,885 
 Capital redemption reserve                 15,000             - 
 Retained earnings                       4,069,838     4,525,155 
                                      ------------  ------------ 
 Total equity - attributable 
  to owners of the Company               5,781,653     6,268,225 
                                      ============  ============ 

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

For the year ended 30 April 2014

 Equity attributable to equity holders of 
                the Company 
                                                    Benefit                       Capital       Retained 
                             Share     Revenue        Trust    Revaluation     redemption       earnings         Total 
                           capital     reserve      reserve        reserve        reserve     (restated)        equity 
                               GBP         GBP          GBP            GBP            GBP            GBP           GBP 
 Balance at 1 
  May 2012                 168,000      70,000     (39,815)              -              -      4,946,985     5,145,170 
 Loss for the 
  year                           -           -            -              -              -      (359,380)     (359,380) 
 Other comprehensive 
  income for the 
  year                           -           -            -      1,544,885              -       (32,000)     1,512,885 
 Total comprehensive 
  income for the 
  year                           -           -            -      1,544,885              -      (391,380)     1,153,505 
 Dividends paid                  -           -            -              -              -       (30,450)      (30,450) 
 Balance at 30 
  April 2013               168,000      70,000     (39,815)      1,544,885              -      4,525,155     6,268,225 
 Loss for the 
  year                           -           -            -              -              -      (361,917)     (361,917) 
 Other comprehensive 
  expense for 
  the year                       -           -            -              -              -       (24,000)      (24,000) 
 Total comprehensive 
  expense for 
  the year                       -           -            -              -              -      (385,917)     (385,917) 
 Purchase and 
  of deferred 
  shares                  (15,000)           -       39,815              -         15,000       (52,796)      (12,981) 
 Purchase of 
  shares in Employee 
  Benefit Trust                  -           -     (26,574)              -              -              -      (26,574) 
 Purchase of 
  shares in Employee 
  Benefit Trust                  -           -     (30,650)              -              -              -      (30,650) 
 Transfer to 
  retained earnings              -           -            -       (13,846)              -         13,846             - 
 Dividends paid                  -           -            -              -              -       (30,450)      (30,450) 
 Balance at 30 
  April 2014               153,000      70,000     (57,224)      1,531,039         15,000      4,069,838     5,781,653 

Consolidated cash flow statement

For the year ended 30 April 2014

                                           Notes         2014        2013 
                                                          GBP         GBP 
 Net cash used in operating activities       1      (356,106)   (357,771) 
                                                  -----------  ---------- 
 Investing activities 
 Interest received                                        587       1,700 
 Proceeds from disposal of plant 
  and motor vehicles                                   10,500      38,806 
 Purchases of plant and motor vehicles               (32,615)   (115,945) 
 Net cash used in investing activities               (21,528)    (75,439) 
                                                  -----------  ---------- 
 Financing activities 
 Dividends paid                                      (30,450)    (30,450) 
 Fees and tax in respect of deferred 
  shares purchased                                   (12,981)           - 
  from Employee Benefit Trust 
 Purchase of ordinary shares within 
  Employee                                           (57,224)           - 
  Benefit Trust 
 Net cash used in financing activities              (100,655)    (30,450) 
                                                  -----------  ---------- 
 Net decrease in cash and cash equivalents          (478,289)   (463,660) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of year                                             593,257   1,056,917 
 Cash and cash equivalents at end 
  of year                                    2        114,968     593,257 
                                                  ===========  ========== 


 1    Notes to the cash flow statement 
                                                        2014          2013 
                                                         GBP           GBP 
  Loss before tax                                  (369,137)     (372,177) 
      Adjustments for: 
  Investment revenues                                  (587)       (1,700) 
      Finance costs                                      727             - 
  Pension scheme employee expense                     36,000        28,000 
  Pension scheme contribution paid                  (60,000)      (60,000) 
  Depreciation of property, plant and motor 
   vehicles                                           96,845       108,876 
  (Profit)/loss on sale of plant and motor 
   vehicles                                          (4,820)         2,384 
  Deferred income released in the year                 (800)         (800) 
                                                  ----------  ------------ 
  Operating cash flows before movement in 
   working capital                                 (301,772)     (295,417) 
  Decrease/(increase) in receivables                    6077     (112,226) 
  (Decrease)/increase in payables                   (59,684)        57,293 
                                                  ----------  ------------ 
  Cash used in by operations                       (355,379)     (350,350) 
  Tax paid                                                 -       (7,421) 
      Interest paid                                    (727)             - 
  Net cash used in operating activities            (356,106)     (357,771) 
                                                  ==========  ============ 
 2    Cash and cash equivalents 
                                                  2014      2013 
                                                   GBP       GBP 
  Bank and cash balances                       114,968   593,257 
                                              --------  -------- 
  Cash and cash equivalents in the cash 
   flow statement                              114,968   593,257 
                                              ========  ======== 
 The Royal Bank of Scotland plc holds a bond and floating 
  charge over the assets of the subsidiary company, John Swan 
  Limited, for the provision of overdraft facilities during 
  peak trading periods. 
  Following the closure of the John Swan Limited Retirement 
  Benefits Scheme to future accrual on 30 April 2012, the subsidiary 
  company, John Swan Limited, granted a floating charge over 
  its assets in favour of the Trustees of the Scheme. 

Notes (continued)

 3   Retirement benefit scheme 
 The Group operates a defined benefit scheme for employees. 
  The scheme closed to new members and to future accrual for 
  existing members on 30 April 2012. 
  IAS 19 (revised) 'Employee Benefits', which is applicable 
  for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2013, 
  has been applied for the first time this year. The revised 
  standard combines interest on obligation and expected return 
  on scheme assets and requires the disclosure of the net interest 
  on liability. It also requires the separate disclosure of 
  expense for running the scheme. As a result, asset returns 
  are based on the discount rate instead of the expected rate 
  of return on assets. This change has meant the restatement 
  of the prior year results and the effect on the Consolidated 
  Income Statement for 2013 is an increase in operating costs 
  of GBP28,000 and a decrease in finance costs of GBP18,000. 
  There is a corresponding decrease in the actuarial loss recognised 
  in the Statement of Comprehensive Income of GBP10,000. There 
  is no change to scheme assets or liabilities. 
  IFRIC 14 issued by the International Financial Reporting 
  Interpretations Committee of the International Accounting 
  Standards Board deals with how pension surpluses under IAS 
  19 should be disclosed in company accounts. IFRIC 14 only 
  allows a surplus to be recognised if an employer has an unconditional 
  right to the surplus at some future date and requires an 
  additional liability to be recognised if the employer is 
  obliged to pay future contributions, which it will not be 
  able to recover. Following the closure of the pension scheme 
  to future accrual as at 30 April 2012, it is no longer considered 
  appropriate to recognise the surplus in the balance sheet. 
 4   Note to the preliminary announcement 
        The abridged financial information set out above has been 
         extracted without material adjustment from financial statements 
         approved by the Directors of John Swan & Sons PLC on 30 July 
         2014, which received an unqualified audit report by the independent 
         auditor and which will be delivered to the Registrar of Companies. 
         The financial statements for the year ended 30 April 2013 
         have been filed with the Registrar of Companies. 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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