RNS Number : 5183D

Swan(John) & Sons PLC

30 January 2015



For the six months ended 31 October 2014


 The results for the first six months of the trading 
  year can be summarised as follows: 
                                           31 October   31 October 
                                                 2014         2013 
                                                  GBP          GBP 
   John Swan Limited - profit before 
    tax                                        15,822      124,911 
   John Swan & Sons PLC - profit/(loss) 
    before tax                                329,798    (212,370) 
   Profit/(loss) before tax                   345,620     (87,459) 
                                          ===========  =========== 
  This outcome has been influenced by a number 
  of factors, of which the most significant is 
  the profit of GBP492,901 arising from the sale 
  of the lairage field at Chesser, Edinburgh. 
  Whilst our livestock auctioneering business achieved 
  a trading profit of GBP100,822 against GBP124,911 
  in the same period last year, it is disappointing 
  to report that in the interests of prudence, 
  the board has thought it necessary to make two 
  specific provisions. Firstly, the existing provision 
  against the bad debt incurred last year has been 
  increased by GBP35,000, against the possibility 
  that the final recovery may be less than forecast 
  at the time the original was made. Secondly, 
  we continue robustly to defend a historical claim 
  from a former customer, relating to unauthorised 
  activity at Wooler some years ago, and legal 
  costs of GBP50,000 have been provided for this 
  defence. The combined effect of these is a reduction 
  in reported profit from auctioneering to GBP15,822. 
  PLC costs reduced from GBP212,370 to GBP163,103, 
  principally as a result of lower professional 
  fees, 2014 having been a period of exceptional 
  corporate activity, as I reported at the time. 
  On December 18(th) , we announced an approach 
  by H&H Group plc regarding a possible cash offer 
  for the Company at GBP13.50 per share, perhaps 
  with a partial share alternative. I should emphasise 
  that a formal offer has not yet been made and, 
  as is not unusual in these cases, we have agreed 
  an extension to the regulatory timescale within 
  which one is required. The process is complex, 
  involving considerable legal, accounting, pensions 
  and corporate advisory work on both sides. Whilst 
  discussions to date have made steady progress, 
  there is no certainty regarding the receipt of 
  a formal offer, nor the terms on which it might 
  be based, nor, indeed, within what timescale 
  it may be made, if at all. A further statement 
  will be made to the Stock Exchange, as events 
  Finally, as in the last few years, no interim 
  dividend is proposed and, subject to the outcome 
  of discussions with H&H Group, the board will 
  consider the final dividend after the full year 
  results become available. 
  AJ Ritchie 


 As already reported in the Chairman's Statement, 
  our trading results have been affected by two 
  matters for which we felt provision should be 
  made in the figures for the six months ended 
  31 October 2014. These provisions have had the 
  effect of reducing our profit before tax from 
  GBP100,822 to GBP15,822. 
  During the summer and early autumn, both prime 
  cattle and prime sheep prices fell to a level 
  which made it very difficult for our finishing 
  customers to make a significant return - and 
  in some cases, any profit at all. This, of course, 
  also had an effect on the commission which the 
  company earned from marketing these animals. 
  However, I am pleased to report that breeding 
  and store stock saw a strong trade during the 
  period, which is very encouraging and shows a 
  growing confidence for the coming months. 
  As has been well publicised in the media, dairy 
  farmers are at present facing a very difficult 
  time with milk prices at a record low. This, 
  in my opinion, shows the importance of auction 
  markets for setting the price of livestock to 
  ensure that our beef and sheep farmers get the 
  best return for their stock and to avoid a further 
  reduction in livestock numbers in the U.K. 
  I would like to take this opportunity to thank 
  all our staff for their continued hard work. 
  I am confident that we can continue to build 
  our business at both St Boswells and Wooler in 
  the future. 
  Finally, I would like to thank all our customers 
  for their valued custom and wish them every success 
  in 2015. 
  SJ Wilson 


For the six months ended 31 October 2014

                                        31 October               31 October 
                               Notes            2014               2013 
                                                 GBP                    GBP 
 Revenue                         3           951,422                959,039 
                                      --------------  --------------------- 
 Staff costs                                 446,997                449,536 
 Depreciation                                 50,289                 48,375 
 Other operating expenses                    601,669                548,995 
 Profit on sale of land                    (492,901)                      - 
                                      --------------  --------------------- 
                                             606,054              1,046,906 
                                      --------------  --------------------- 
 Operating profit/(loss)                     345,368               (87,867) 
 Investment revenues                             252                    408 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  tax                                        345,620               (87,459) 
 Tax                                               -                      - 
 Profit/(loss) for the 
  period attributable to 
  owners of the Company                      345,620               (87,459) 
                                      ==============  ===================== 
 Basic and diluted earnings 
  per share                                    56.8p                (14.4p) 
                                      ==============  ===================== 
 For the six months ended 31 October 2014 
       31 October   31 October 
             2014         2013 
              GBP          GBP 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                 345,620      (87,459) 
                                          -----------  ------------ 
 Pension contributions paid 
  in respect of closed 
  final salary scheme                        (36,000)      (30,000) 
                                          -----------  ------------ 
 Other comprehensive expense 
  for the period                             (36,000)      (30,000) 
                                          -----------  ------------ 
 Total comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period attributable 
  to owners of the Company                    309,620     (117,459) 
                                          ===========  ============ 


As at 31 October 2014

                                 31 October    30 April    31 October 
                                       2014        2014          2013 
                                        GBP         GBP           GBP 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and motor 
  vehicles                        3,555,954   3,576,513     3,608,060 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables      3,510,726   2,328,050     3,504,848 
 Cash and cash equivalents           57,835     114,968        25,023 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                  3,568,561   2,443,018     3,529,871 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total assets                     7,124,515   6,019,531     7,137,931 
                                ===========  ==========  ============ 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           434,998     209,943       330,669 
 Bank overdraft                     601,159           -       690,991 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                  1,036,157     209,943     1,021,660 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Net current assets               2,532,404   2,233,075     2,508,211 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Deferred tax liabilities            15,935      15,935        23,155 
 Deferred income                     11,600      12,000        12,400 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
                                     27,535      27,935        35,555 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total liabilities                1,063,692     237,878     1,057,215 
                                ===========  ==========  ============ 
 Net assets                       6,060,823   5,781,653     6,080,716 
                                ===========  ==========  ============ 
 Share capital                      153,000     153,000       153,000 
 Revenue reserve                     70,000      70,000        70,000 
 Employee Benefit Trust 
  reserve                          (57,224)    (57,224)      (39,815) 
 Revaluation reserve              1,524,116   1,531,039     1,537,815 
 Capital redemption reserve          15,000      15,000        15,000 
 Retained earnings                4,355,931   4,069,838     4,344,716 
                                -----------  ----------  ------------ 
 Total equity - attributable 
  owners of the Company           6,060,823   5,781,653     6,080,716 


For the six months ended 31 October 2014

   Equity attributable to equity 
       holders of the Company 
                                      Revenue     Employee    Re-valuation        Capital     Retained        Total 
                            Share     reserve      Benefit         reserve     redemption     earnings       equity 
                          capital                    Trust                        reserve 
                              GBP         GBP          GBP             GBP            GBP          GBP          GBP 
  Balance at 
   1 May 2013             168,000      70,000     (39,815)       1,544,885              -    4,525,155    6,268,225 
 Loss for the 
  period                        -           -            -               -              -     (87,459)     (87,459) 
 Other comprehensive 
  expense for 
  the period                    -           -            -               -              -     (30,000)     (30,000) 
 Total comprehensive 
 expense for 
  the period                    -           -            -               -              -    (117,459)    (117,459) 
                       ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -------------  -----------  ----------- 
  of deferred 
  shares                 (15,000)           -            -               -         15,000     (39,600)     (39,600) 
 Transfer to 
  retained earnings             -           -            -         (7,070)              -        7,070            - 
  paid                          -           -            -               -              -     (30,450)     (30,450) 
 Balance at 
  31 October 
  2013                    153,000      70,000     (39,815)       1,537,815         15,000    4,344,716    6,080,716 
  Balance at 
   1 May 2014             153,000      70,000     (57,224)       1,531,039         15,000    4,069,838    5,781,653 
 Profit for 
  the period                    -           -            -               -              -      345,620      345,620 
 Other comprehensive 
  expense for 
  the period                    -           -            -               -              -     (36,000)     (36,000) 
 Total comprehensive 
 income for 
  the period                    -           -            -               -              -      309,620      309,620 
                       ----------  ----------  -----------  --------------  -------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Transfer to 
  retained earnings             -           -            -         (6,923)              -        6,923            - 
  paid                          -           -            -               -              -     (30,450)     (30,450) 
 Balance at 
  31 October 
  2014                    153,000      70,000     (57,224)       1,524,116         15,000    4,355,931    6,060,823 


For the six months ended 31 October 2014

                                 Notes    31 October    31 October 
                                                2014          2013 
                                                 GBP           GBP 
 Net cash used in operating 
  activities                       4     (1,093,413)   (1,184,391) 
                                        ------------  ------------ 
 Investing activities 
 Interest received                               252           408 
 Proceeds from disposal 
  of motor vehicles                           12,190        10,500 
 Proceeds from disposal                      542,901             - 
  of land (net of legal fees) 
 Purchases of plant and 
  motor vehicles                            (89,772)      (15,692) 
                                        ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash from/(used in) 
  investing activities                       465,571       (4,784) 
                                        ------------  ------------ 
 Financing activities 
 Dividends paid                    5        (30,450)      (30,450) 
 Acquisition of deferred 
  shares                                           -      (39,600) 
                                        ------------  ------------ 
 Net cash used in financing 
  activities                                (30,450)      (70,050) 
                                        ------------  ------------ 
 Net decrease in cash and 
  cash equivalents                         (658,292)   (1,259,225) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                     114,968       593,257 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                 6       (543,324)     (665,968) 
                                        ============  ============ 


For the six months ended 31 October 2014

 1   Basis of preparation 
     The condensed financial information for the 
      six months ended 31 October 2014 does not 
      constitute statutory accounts as defined in 
      Section 434 of the Companies Act 2006 and 
      has not been audited. No statutory accounts 
      for the period have been delivered to the 
      Registrar of Companies. 
      The financial information for the year ended 
      30 April 2014 does not constitute the company's 
      statutory accounts for that year but is derived 
      from those accounts. Statutory accounts for 
      the year ended 30 April 2014 have been delivered 
      to the Registrar of Companies. The auditor's 
      report on those accounts was unqualified, 
      did not include a reference to any matters 
      to which the auditors drew attention by way 
      of emphasis without qualifying their report 
      and did not contain a statement under section 
      498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006. 
 2   Accounting policies 
     The condensed financial statements have been 
      prepared using accounting policies consistent 
      with International Financial Reporting Standards 
      (IFRS) and in accordance with International 
      Accounting Standard 34 'Interim Financial 
      The same accounting policies, presentation 
      and methods of computation are followed in 
      the condensed financial statements as applied 
      in the latest audited financial statements. 
      A copy of these financial statements is available 
      from the company's registered office at 6 
      St Colme Street, Edinburgh EH3 6AD. 
 3    Revenue 
                                            31 October   31 October 
                                                  2014         2013 
                                                   GBP          GBP 
      An analysis of the Group's revenue 
       is as follows: 
  Commissions                                  870,703      889,049 
  Estate agency and valuation 
   fees                                         33,482       23,007 
  Interest from customers                       15,962       14,430 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
                                               920,147      926,486 
  Other operating income                        14,414       16,904 
  Property rental income                        16,861       15,649 
                                           -----------  ----------- 
                                               951,422      959,039 
                                           ===========  =========== 


For the six months ended 31 October 2014 - continued

 4    Notes to the cash flow statement 
                                                31 October    31 October 
                                                      2014          2013 
                                                       GBP           GBP 
  Profit/(loss) before tax                         345,620      (87,459) 
      Adjustments for: 
  Investment revenues                                (252)         (408) 
  Pension contributions paid (closed 
   final salary scheme)                           (36,000)      (30,000) 
  Depreciation of property, plant 
   and motor vehicles                               50,289        48,375 
  Profit on sale of motor vehicles                 (2,148)       (4,820) 
      Profit on sale of land                     (492,901)             - 
  Deferred income released in 
   the period                                        (400)         (400) 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
  Operating cash flows before 
   movement in working capital                   (135,792)      (74,712) 
  Increase in receivables                      (1,182,676)   (1,170,721) 
  Increase in payables                             225,055        61,042 
                                              ------------  ------------ 
  Net cash used in operating activities        (1,093,413)   (1,184,391) 
                                              ============  ============ 
 5    Dividends 
                                     31 October       31 October 
                                           2014             2013 
                                            GBP              GBP 
      Dividend on ordinary shares 
       paid on 17 October 2014: 
  Final 2014                             30,450           30,450 
                                    ===========  =============== 
 6    Cash and cash equivalents 
                                   31 October       31 October 
                                         2014             2013 
                                          GBP              GBP 
  Bank and cash balances               57,835           25,023 
  Bank overdraft                    (601,159)        (690,991) 
                                  -----------  --------------- 
                                    (543,324)        (665,968) 
                                  ===========  =============== 
 7   Interim financial statements 
     The interim financial statements were approved 
      by the Board of Directors on 29 January 2015. 
      The interim financial report is available 
      to the public for a period of one month from 
      the date of this announcement from the Secretaries 
      at the Company's registered office. 
  Registered Office : 
  6 St Colme Street 
  Edinburgh EH3 6AD 
  Company registered in Scotland: 
   No. SC007893 
  Enquiries : 
  John Swan & Sons PLC 
  Euan Fernie                        0131 225 4681 
  N+1 Singer 
  (Nominated Adviser and 
                                     +44 (0) 20 
  Sandy Fraser                       7496 3176 

This information is provided by RNS

The company news service from the London Stock Exchange



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