RNS Number : 6553H

Renewable Energy Generation Ltd

02 December 2015

Renewable Energy Generation Limited

("REG", "the Company" or "the Group")

Final Results for the year ended 30 June 2015

Renewable Energy Generation Limited (AIM: WIND), the renewable energy group, today announces its final results for the year ended 30 June 2015.

The Company has separately announced today the recommended disposal of the entire business of the Company for cash in a transaction with a fund managed by BlackRock. This announcement relates to the Company's financial results for the year ended 30 June 2015.

The Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 30 June 2015 have been posted to shareholders today and will shortly be available to download from the Company's website, www.reg-power.com.


 Renewable Energy Generation Limited 
  Andrew Whalley, Chief Executive Officer        +44 (0)1483 901 
  David Crockford, Finance Director               790 
 Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Limited 
  (Nominated Adviser)                            +44 (0)117 376 
  Martyn Fraser                                   2213 
 Cenkos (Corporate Broker)                       +44 (0)20 7397 
  Bobbie Hilliam/Max Hartley                      8900 

Chairman's Statement

At the time of writing, the UK renewable energy industry is reeling from a slew of damaging energy policy changes announced since the Conservative Party was elected in May 2015. Prematurely and retrospectively withdrawing support across a wide range of low carbon and energy efficiency technologies, the sudden reversals of policy have most severely affected onshore wind and ground-mounted solar energy investments.

Widely condemned as irrational by business and environmental groups, the sudden announcement of subsidy withdrawals led to the public abandonment of more than 3,000MW of renewable energy projects and the closure of many businesses in the sector. By contrast, renewable energy investment worldwide has grown almost 20% in the past year with 100,000MW of capacity added. Mostly wind and solar power, this renewable energy capacity made up half of all new power generation added worldwide, as governments prepare for new measures to enhance energy security, economy and environmental impact in light of worsening socio-political instability in oil-producing regions and accelerating global warming.

On 18 June 2015, the newly elected UK Government announced the start of a process of dismantling green incentives. The proposed policy changes include the early closure of the Renewables Obligation (RO) to onshore wind and ground-mounted solar projects, continued reductions to the small scale wind feed in tariff (FIT), elimination of onshore wind from feed-in tariff contracts for difference (CFS FIT), and elimination of the climate change levy (CCL) exemption for renewable generators. Any one of these factors would have a significant adverse impact on the Group but taken together, the impact has been profound.

These financial measures have effectively shut off the renewable energy sector's access to the capital markets and this together with simultaneous changes to the UK Planning regime has halted the rapid acceleration of wind and solar energy technologies towards grid price parity in the UK and with it the parallel trajectories towards economic sustainability of many of the companies which deploy those technologies to harvest clean, free energy.

The Group's stated strategy has been to transition from a windpower development business to a windpower generator. As at 18 June 2015 the Group had 34.7MW of operating wind plant, 0.8MW of projects under construction and 42MW of consented projects awaiting funding to construction. Funding was to be provided by a mix of project finance, a ZDP share issue and the sale of a final tranche of selected assets to BlackRock, to whom the Group has previously sold some 60.5MW of assets, generating net proceeds of GBP53.8 million as part of its strategy to "develop and sell to develop and hold".

The Government policy announcements had an immediate impact on delivery of this strategy:

-- the Group has made provision for approximately GBP12.8 million of impairments to investment in certain of its projects which risked being incapable of completion before the premature closure of the RO. This covered approximately 200MW of wind projects and 80MW of solar projects which, based on the historic consenting levels, would have been expected to create considerable value to Shareholders;

-- the Group reported an immediate reduction in EBITDA from its operating plant of GBP0.4 million;

-- the Board cancelled the GBP30 million ZDP share issuance when investors, reacting to policy chaos, demanded terms which the Board considered detrimental to ordinary shareholders. and

-- a redundancy programme was implemented to reduce the Group overhead by approximately GBP1.3 million per annum.

Your company has benefited from an enduring relationship with leading fund managers Blackrock and we find them to be well-capitalised and competitive in our transactions. During discussions on a joint venture with them to salvage our preliminary investment in the some of our 42MW of consented projects awaiting construction, Blackrock made an approach to acquire all of REG's business and assets. Although not subject to the City Code the approach has been treated by your Board as if it was and following consultation with key shareholders the Board engaged Smith & Williamson Corporate Finance Ltd to advise the Independent Directors as to its merits.

At the date of this report, your Board has issued a shareholder circular recommending disposal of the entire business of REG in a transaction valuing the Group, before exit costs, at GBP64.5 million. This circular provides you with the background to and reasons for the disposal and convenes the Extraordinary General Meeting for the purpose of seeking Shareholder approval of the Proposals.

Business & Financial Review

Strategy and objectives

On 1 December 2015, the board announced it had reached agreement on the terms of a recommended offer for the entire business and assets of the Company by a fund controlled by BlackRock. The offer is subject to shareholder approval as set out in a circular convening a General Meeting of the Company on 18 December 2015, a copy of which has been sent to shareholders and other persons entitled to receive it. Consequently, this strategic report principally covers matters concerning the year end 30 June 2015.

The Company provides its investors with an exposure to renewable energy projects within the overall energy market. This is achieved through in-house development of new renewable projects covering three principal areas; smaller onshore wind energy projects, generation plant powered by fuel recovered from waste cooking oil and ground-mounted solar projects. Within the Wind business, the Company operates an asset management department which manages REG's own renewable energy projects as well as projects for external third parties.

REG maintains a prudent overall capital structure for its businesses, with sound liquidity at all times. The Group uses a mixture of equity and long term finance, both recourse and non-recourse, whilst supplementing its equity base by recycling capital from selected projects to release cash and value gains.

In general terms REG has tended to develop its own business opportunities with acquisitions only undertaken on an opportunistic basis where the Company's existing skills can be leveraged. These acquisitions have generally been small in the context of REG's overall capital structure and have been funded from the Company's internal resources.

REG places Health and Safety at the forefront of its activities and we are pleased to report that no notifiable incidents occurred over the year.

Group financial performance

REG's earnings for the year benefited from continued good performance from our operational wind fleet and from the sale of 28MW of wind farms to a fund run by BlackRock, our long term strategic partner.

Revenues for the year were GBP12.0m (2014: GBP11.6m), with gross profits increasing to GBP4.4m (2014: GBP4.1m). Profits on the sale of subsidiaries, representing the sale of 3 wind farms totalled GBP15.4m (2014: GBP9.5m).

Our central administration costs were GBP1.8m (2014: GBP1.9m). Exceptional administrative costs of GBP0.3m (2014 - GBPnil) represent the professional fees and other costs incurred arranging the aborted issue of a Zero Dividend Preference share. Wind administrative expenses were up slightly against prior years at GBP4.1m (2014: GBP3.4m). Bio-Power administration fell slightly to GBP0.6m (2014: GBP0.8m).

The Government's intention, announced in June, to close the Renewables Obligation (RO) one year early for onshore wind created considerable uncertainty for the UK renewables industry. Whilst Government has provided some clarity regarding grace periods for projects meeting certain criteria, the legislation will not be binding until reaching Royal Assent, expected next year.

The changes to the RO, together with the retroactive removal of Levy Exemption Certificates for renewable energy generators and removal of support for large scale solar schemes, is impacting the industry's cost of capital and is additionally creating some difficulty in securing long term finance for certain projects, at least until the legislation has reached Royal Assent.

In addition to early removal of the RO, the Government announced substantial changes to both the planning system for onshore wind projects and early closure of the small scale solar feed in tariff. As a result of these changes the Group has undertaken a detailed assessment of the carrying value of capitalised development costs and booked an impairment charge against the carrying value of intangible development assets of GBP12.8m (2014: GBP1.9m).

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December 02, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

Furthermore, in light of said Government changes to renewable incentives, the increased uncertainty around the wider environment for renewables projects and continued low power prices, the group considers that the cost of capital for its Bio-Power business has increased over prior years and as such has booked an impairment charge against the intangible goodwill asset relating to its Bio-Power assets totalling GBP1.9m (2014: GBPnil).

The sale of various assets resulted in an overall increase in cash resources to the Group with unrestricted cash at the year end of GBP19.2m (2014: GBP11.0m) with restricted cash held as security against project finance debt and construction letters of credit of GBP2.7m (2014: GBP2.7m).


REG's wind fleet delivered a strong performance over the year with excellent turbine availability complementing good wind speeds.

Political factors currently constraining consent rates for renewable energy schemes in England have led us to rationalise our development activities and focus, as far as possible, on projects elsewhere in the United Kingdom.

Following the year end REG has further curtailed investment in new onshore wind and solar development whilst initiating a redundancy programme within those divisions.

REG Asset Management

Our asset management business grew in the year due to our team securing management contracts for the projects we sold to third parties. Once again, turbine availability was excellent and our in-house operations and maintenance systems proved extremely reliable.

REG Bio-Power

Construction of our 18MW Bio-Power plant at Whitemoor in Yorkshire was completed in the year and is now fully operational under a long term contract with The National Grid Company to provide services under their STOR programme. The plant will utilise significant quantities of waste cooking oil, which is all derived from REG's oil collection business.

Our employees

We have built up a team of highly skilled employees that have risen to the challenge of helping the UK meet its onerous long-term energy goals. We are extremely grateful to them for their dedication and endurance, often under very challenging operational and political conditions.

Health and Safety

The Board believes that REG's health and safety performance has to be our top priority. Making sure that our employees work in a safe environment is absolutely critical to the credibility and success of our Company. We also operate in an environment where members of the public may come into close proximity to our projects, both during construction and also operation. We believe that the current health and safety practices that we are employing will continue to maintain a safe environment both for our own employees and also the wider public.

Equality and diversity

The Group is committed to promoting diversity and ensuring equality of opportunity for all within the workplace, regardless of race, sex, age, sexual orientation, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy, religion, belief or disability. The Group is also committed to ensuring that its procedures and selection processes in respect of recruitment, terms and conditions of employment, access to training and promotion and the terms upon which it offers access to facilities and services are free from discrimination.

Regulatory and political outlook

The regulatory and political outlook for renewables in the UK has deteriorated markedly since the last Annual Report and the recent General Election.

In summary, the following are the most significant changes made to renewables since the election.

o Proposed early closure of the Renewables Obligation ("RO") being the main support mechanism for onshore wind. The proposals withdrew support for new on-shore wind projects from the end of March 2016 with the exception of projects that meet certain grace periods, currently still under discussion by Government.

o Proposed closure of the RO to ground mounted solar projects. The main impact on REG being the removal of the option to convert redundant wind sites to solar sites, which could have preserved value for shareholders.

o Continued reductions to the small scale wind feed in tariff, again impacting the options open to the Group for alternative routes to market.

o The expected elimination of onshore wind from Feed in tariff - Contracts for Difference ("CfD") removing the expected replacement subsidy scheme for the closing RO system.

o As noted above, the Government have also implemented various changes to the planning regulations, applicable to England reducing the likelihood of achieving successful planning permissions for onshore wind farms.

o Retrospective elimination of Climate Change Levy (CCL) exemption for renewable generators from 1 August 2015. The CCL had been a key component of the renewable support regime in the UK since 2001 and all parties in the renewable industry had understood that phase-out would not commence until after 2020.

The predominant results of these regime changes has been, as noted above, the considerable reduction of the Group's development activities and related portfolio. The early removal of the RO, and proposed changes to the CfD have resulted in a reduction in the number and value of consented sites the group will be able to build out, however we expect to generate some value from the proposed sale discussed elsewhere in this report. The impact on the Group's operational wind farms has been less profound, but of course the removal of the CCL has reduced the future income generation of the portfolio.

Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss

For the year ended 30 June 2015

                                              2015      2014 
                                            GBP000    GBP000 
 Revenue                                    12,041    11,556 
 Cost of sales                             (7,645)   (7,411) 
 Gross profit                                4,396     4,145 
 Central administrative expenses           (1,788)   (1,858) 
 Exceptional administrative                  (303)         - 
------------------------------------     ---------  -------- 
 Total central administrative 
  expenses                                 (2,091)   (1,858) 
 Bio-Power administrative 
  expenses                                   (648)     (760) 
 Wind administrative expenses              (4,096)   (3,367) 
 Development costs                           (749)     (823) 
 Impairment of development 
  assets                                  (12,803)   (1,874) 
 Impairment of goodwill                    (1,880)         - 
 Trading loss                             (17,871)   (4,537) 
 Other operating income                          -        84 
 Operating loss                           (17,871)   (4,453) 
 Profit on disposal of subsidiaries         15,388     9,483 
 Finance revenue                                63        53 
 Finance costs                             (1,938)   (2,219) 
 (Loss) / profit before taxation           (4,358)     2,864 
 Tax (charge) / credit                       (899)     1,015 
 (Loss) / profit for the 
  year                                     (5,257)     3,879 
 Attributable to: 
     Equity holders of the parent          (5,257)     3,879 
     Non-controlling interests                   -         - 
                                           (5,257)     3,879 
 (Loss) / earnings per share 
 Basic                                     (5.08p)     3.74p 
 Diluted                                   (5.08p)     3.66p 

Consolidated Statement of Total Comprehensive Income

For the year ended 30 June 2015

                                               2015        2014 
                                             GBP000      GBP000 
 (Loss) / profit for the year               (5,257)       3,879 
 Items that may be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or 
 Cash flow hedges: 
     (Loss) / gain on foreign 
      currency                                (653)         579 
     Loss on interest rate swaps              (154)       (504) 
                                              (807)          75 
 Income tax relating to items 
  that may be reclassified 
  subsequently to profit or 
  loss                                          160          29 
 Other comprehensive expense 
  net of tax                                  (647)       (104) 
 Total comprehensive (expense) 
  / income for the year                     (5,904)       3,775 
 Attributable to: 
     Equity holders of the parent           (5,904)       3,775 
     Non-controlling interests                    -           - 
                                            (5,904)       3,775 

Consolidated Balance Sheet

For the year ended 30 June 2015

                                           2015       2014 
 ASSETS                                  GBP000     GBP000 
 Non-current assets 
 Goodwill                                 3,010      4,890 
 Development costs                        1,095     19,096 
 Property, plant and equipment           61,699     50,093 
 Deferred tax asset                       1,752      2,347 
                                         67,556     76,426 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                              1,798        782 
 Trade and other receivables              8,889      4,326 
 Intangibles                              1,339      1,848 
 Restricted cash                          2,644      2,737 
 Cash and cash equivalents               19,248     10,987 
 Assets classified as held for 
  sale                                      279     11,652 
                                         34,197     32,332 
 TOTAL ASSETS                           101,753    108,758 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                 4,727      6,034 
 Borrowings                               1,796      1,108 
 Liabilities directly associated 
  with assets classified as held 
  for sale                                   26      2,389 

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December 02, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

                                          6,549      9,531 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                              24,589     21,495 
 Provisions                               3,256      3,321 
 Derivative financial instruments         2,263        753 
 Deferred tax liabilities                     -          5 
                                         30,108     25,574 
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                       36,657     35,105 
 Share capital                           10,374     10,374 
 Share premium                           79,952     79,952 
 Own shares                               (200)      (200) 
 Share-based payment reserve                702        528 
 Hedging reserve                        (1,881)    (1,234) 
 Retained earnings                     (23,851)   (16,320) 
 Equity attributable to the 
  equity holders of the parent           65,096     73,100 
 Non-controlling interests                    -        553 
 Total equity                            65,096     73,653 
 TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES           101,753    108,758 

Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity

For the year ended 30 June 2015

                                      Share                Share-based                                    Non- 
                         Share      premium          Own       payment     Retained      Hedging   controlling        Total 
                       capital      account       shares       reserve     earnings      reserve      interest       Equity 
                        GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000       GBP000       GBP000        GBP000       GBP000 
 At 1 July 
  2013                  10,345       79,792         (60)           338     (18,062)      (1,130)           550       71,773 
 Profit for 
  the year                   -            -            -             -        3,879            -             -        3,879 
  expense                    -            -            -             -            -        (104)             -        (104) 
                    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
  income / 
  (expense)                  -            -            -             -        3,879        (104)             -        3,775 
                    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 Issue of 
  new equity                29          160            -             -            -            -             -          189 
  of own shares              -            -        (140)             -            -            -             -        (140) 
  payments                   -            -            -           174            -            -             -          174 
  in fair 
  value                      -            -            -             -            -            -             3            3 
  transfer                   -            -            -            16         (16)            -             -            - 
 Dividends                   -            -            -             -      (2,121)            -             -      (2,121) 
                    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 At 30 June 
  2014                  10,374       79,952        (200)           528     (16,320)      (1,234)           553       73,653 
 Loss for 
  the year                   -            -            -             -      (5,257)            -             -      (5,257) 
  expense                    -            -            -             -            -        (647)             -        (647) 
                    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
  expense                    -            -            -             -      (5,257)        (647)             -      (5,904) 
                    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
  payments                   -            -            -           176            -            -             -          176 
  transfer                   -            -            -           (2)            2            -             -            - 
 Dividends                   -            -            -             -      (2,276)            -             -      (2,276) 
  interest                   -            -            -             -            -            -         (553)        (553) 
                    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ----------   ----------    ----------   ---------- 
 At 30 June 
  2015                  10,374       79,952        (200)           702     (23,851)      (1,881)             -       65,096 

Consolidated Cash Flow statement

For the year ended 30 June 2015

                                                     2015               2014 
                                                   GBP000             GBP000 
 Net cash from operating activities               (3,778)              (801) 
 Investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                  (12,051)           (19,366) 
 Capitalised development costs                    (3,585)            (6,974) 
 Acquisition of non-controlling 
  interest / subsidiary                             (628)               (30) 
 Net proceeds from sale of 
  subsidiary                                       25,744             14,187 
 Interest received                                     63                 53 
 Movement in restricted cash 
  accounts                                          (111)              5,316 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                        9,432            (6,814) 
 Financing activities 
 New bank loans raised                              7,389              6,495 
 Repayment of borrowings                          (1,398)              (989) 
 Interest paid (including interest 
  rate swap)                                      (1,547)            (1,775) 
 Purchase of own shares                                 -              (140) 
 Proceeds of own shares                                 -                 38 
 Dividends paid                                   (2,276)            (2,121) 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Net cash from financing activities                 2,168              1,508 
 Net (decrease) / increase 
  in cash and cash equivalents                      7,822            (6,107) 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at the beginning of the year                     11,426             17,533 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of year                                   19,248             11,426 
 Split as follows: 
 Cash included in disposal 
  group classified as held for 
  sale                                                  -                439 
 Cash included in continuing 
  operations                                       19,248             10,987 
                                         ----------------   ---------------- 
                                                   19,248             11,426 


   1.      Report & Accounts 

The Group's financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as issued by the IASB as they apply to the financial statements of the Group for the year ended 30 June 2015. The accounting policies which follow set out those policies which apply in preparing the financial statements for the year ended 30 June 2015 and are consistent with those applied for the year ended 30 June 2014.

The Group financial statements are presented in Sterling because that is the currency of the primary economic environment in which the group operates. All values are rounded to the nearest thousand pounds (GBP) except when otherwise indicated.

The financial information in this announcement which was approved by the Board of Directors does not constitute the Group's financial statements for the years ended 30 June 2014 or 2015 but is derived from those accounts.

The auditors have reported on the 2015 financial statements and their report was unqualified. The report contained the following paragraph:

Emphasis of matter - Going concern

In forming our opinion on the financial statements, which is not modified, we have considered the adequacy of the disclosure made in note 3 to the financial statements concerning the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The Group has received a non-binding offer for its trading subsidiaries, representing the business, assets and undertakings of the Group. If this transaction is voted for by the Shareholders, the Group will cease trading and the Company will be placed into members' voluntary liquidation. These conditions indicate the existence of a material uncertainty which may cast significant doubt about the Company's ability to continue as a going concern. The financial statements do not include the adjustments that would result if the Company was unable to continue as a going concern.

This preliminary announcement is based on the Report & Accounts which are prepared in accordance with IFRS. However, this announcement does not, in itself, contain enough information to comply with IFRS.

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December 02, 2015 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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