RNS Number : 8350N

TransGlobe Energy Corporation

26 May 2020




Calgary, Alberta, May 26, 2020 - TransGlobe Energy Corporation ("TransGlobe" or the "Company") announces that on May 22, 2020, David Cook, Carol Bell, Ross Clarkson, Edward LaFehr, Tim Marchant and Steven Sinclair all Directors of the Company received Deferred Share Units ("DSUs") as part of the Company's director compensation program and will count towards their respective shareholding requirements.

 Director              Number of      Price     Number of DSUs      % of Company's 
                     DSUs issued    Granted     held following        issued share 
                                     ($Cdn)    the transaction        capital held 
                                                                 DSUs are settled 
                                                                    in cash and 
                                                                   have no effect 
 David Cook               80,137      $0.73            335,036    on share capital 
                   -------------  ---------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Carol Bell               62,329      $0.73             93,235 
                   -------------  ---------  -----------------  ------------------ 
 Ross Clarkson            62,329      $0.73             93,235 
                   -------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 Edward LaFehr            62,329      $0.73             93,235 
                   -------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 Tim Marchant             62,329      $0.73             62,329 
                   -------------  ---------  ----------------- 
 Steven Sinclair          62,329      $0.73            148,594 
                   -------------  ---------  -----------------  ------------------ 

The DSUs were issued in accordance with the Deferred Share Unit Plan of the Company. No shares will be issued upon retirement or vesting of any of the share units as the instruments are settled in cash.

The Company has also issued stock options ("Options") on May 22, 2020 to the President and Chief Executive Officer, the Vice President Finance and Chief Financial Officer and the Vice President and Chief Operating Officer (collectively referred to as the "PDMRs").

The Company has also issued Performance Share Units ("PSUs") on May 22, 2020 to the PDMRs in accordance with the Performance Share Unit Plan of the Company. No shares will be issued upon exercise or vesting of any of the share units as the instruments are settled in cash.

     PDMR             Position           Type     Quantity     Exercise     Number Held 
                                                   Awarded    Price/Price    Following 
                                                               of Grant        Grant 
                President and 
                 Chief Executive 
 Randy Neely     Officer                Option    315,696       $0.79        1,254,284 
               ----------------------  --------  ---------  -------------  ------------ 
   PSU                                            402,188       $0.73         738,605 
  ---------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------  ------------ 
                Vice President 
                 Finance and Chief 
 Edward Ok       Financial Officer      Option    157,258       $0.79         422,524 
               ----------------------  --------  ---------  -------------  ------------ 
   PSU                                            200,342       $0.73         350,365 
  ---------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------  ------------ 
                Vice President 
 Geoffrey        and Chief Operating 
  Probert        Officer                Option    188,710       $0.79         350,508 
               ----------------------  --------  ---------  -------------  ------------ 
   PSU                                            240,411       $0.73         320,630 
  ---------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------  ------------ 

The notifications set out below are provided in accordance with the requirements of the EU Market Abuse Regulation.

Notification of a Transaction pursuant to Article 19(1) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014

      1) Details of PDMR                      David Cook             Carol Bell           Ross Clarkson 
       a) Name 
      2) Reason for the                        Director               Director               Director 
       a) Position / status 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Initial notification            Initial notification   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / amendment 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      3) Details of the                   TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy 
       issuer                                 Corporation            Corporation            Corporation 
       a) Name 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Legal Entity                    549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      4) Details of transaction             Deferred Share         Deferred Share         Deferred Share 
       a) Description of                         Units                  Units                  Units 
       financial instrument 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Identification                  ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe 
       code                               Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation 
                                          Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares: 
                                          CA8936621066           CA8936621066           CA8936621066 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      c) Nature of the                    Grant of Deferred      Grant of Deferred      Grant of Deferred 
       transaction                            Share Units            Share Units            Share Units 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      d) Price(s) and                    Price: Cdn $0.73       Price: Cdn $0.73       Price: Cdn $0.73 
       volume(s)                          Volume: 80,137         Volume: 62,329         Volume: 62,329 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
            e) Aggregated information:   Price: $0.73           Price: $0.73           Price: $0.73 
             i) Price                     Cdn per DSU            Cdn per DSU            Cdn per DSU 
             ii) Volume                   Volume: 80,137         Volume: 62,329         Volume: 62,329 
                                          DSUs                   DSUs                   DSUs 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      f) Date of the transaction             May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      g) Place of Transaction             Outside a trading      Outside a trading      Outside a trading 
                                                 venue                  venue                  venue 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      1) Details of PDMR                    Edward LaFehr           Tim Marchant         Steven Sinclair 
       a) Name 
     2) Reason for the                         Director               Director               Director 
      a) Position / status 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Initial notification            Initial notification   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / amendment 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      3) Details of the                   TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy 
       issuer                                 Corporation            Corporation            Corporation 
       a) Name 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Legal Entity                    549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
     4) Details of transaction              Deferred Share         Deferred Share         Deferred Share 
      a) Description of                          Units                  Units                  Units 
      financial instrument 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
     b) Identification                   ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe 
      code                                Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation 
                                          Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares: 
                                          CA8936621066           CA8936621066           CA8936621066 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
     c) Nature of the                     Grant of Deferred      Grant of Deferred      Grant of Deferred 
      transaction                             Share Units            Share Units            Share Units 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
     d) Price(s) and                     Price: Cdn $0.73       Price: Cdn $0.73       Price: Cdn $0.73 
      volume(s)                           Volume: 62,329         Volume: 62,329         Volume: 62,329 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
            e) Aggregated information:   Price: $0.73           Price: $0.73           Price: $0.73 
             i) Price                     Cdn per DSU            Cdn per DSU            Cdn per DSU 
             ii) Volume                   Volume: 62,329         Volume: 62,329         Volume: 62,329 
                                          DSUs                   DSUs                   DSUs 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      f) Date of the transaction             May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      g) Place of Transaction             Outside a trading      Outside a trading      Outside a trading 
                                                 venue                  venue                  venue 
                                        ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

Notification of a Transaction pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014

      1) Details                 Randy Neely             Edward Ok           Geoffrey Probert 
       of PDMR 
       a. Name 
      2) Reason for             President and          Vice President         Vice President 
       the notification         Chief Executive       Finance and Chief     and Chief Operating 
       a. Position                  Officer           Financial Officer           Officer 
       / status 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
     b. Initial              Initial notification   Initial notification   Initial notification 
      / amendment 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
       3) Details             TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy 
        of the issuer             Corporation            Corporation            Corporation 
        a. Name 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
       b. Legal Entity       549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      4) Details                   Options                Options                Options 
       of transaction 
       a. Description 
       of financial 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b. Identification      ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe 
       code                   Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation 
                              Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares: 
                              CA8936621066           CA8936621066           CA8936621066 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
       c. Nature of            Grant of Options       Grant of Options       Grant of Options 
        the transaction 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      d. Price(s)            Exercise Price:        Exercise Price:        Exercise Price: 
       and volume(s)          Cdn $0.79              Cdn $0.79              Cdn $0.79 
                              Volume: 315,696        Volume: 157,258        Volume: 188,710 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
             e. Aggregated   Exercise Price:        Exercise Price:        Exercise Price: 
              information:    $0.79 Cdn per          $0.79 Cdn per          $0.79 Cdn per 
              i. Price        Option                 Option                 Option 
              ii. Volume      Volume: 315,696        Volume: 157,258        Volume: 188,710 
                              Options                Options                Options 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
       f. Date of                May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020 
        the transaction 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
       g. Place of            Outside a trading      Outside a trading      Outside a trading 
        Transaction                  venue                  venue                  venue 
                            ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

Notification of a Transaction pursuant to Article 19(3) of Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014

      1) Details                Randy Neely             Edward Ok           Geoffrey Probert 
       of PDMR 
       a) Name 
      2) Reason for            President and          Vice President         Vice President 
       the notification        Chief Executive       Finance and Chief     and Chief Operating 
       a) Position                 Officer           Financial Officer           Officer 
       / status 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Initial            Initial notification   Initial notification   Initial notification 
       / amendment 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      3) Details             TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy      TransGlobe Energy 
       of the issuer             Corporation            Corporation            Corporation 
       a) Name 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Legal Entity       549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03   549300QMNS6BDY8UUB03 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      4) Details             Performance Share      Performance Share      Performance Share 
       of transaction               Units                  Units                  Units 
       a) Description 
       of financial 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      b) Identification     ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe    ISIN for TransGlobe 
       code                  Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation     Energy Corporation 
                             Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares:       Ordinary Shares: 
                             CA8936621066           CA8936621066           CA8936621066 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      c) Nature of             Grant of PSUs          Grant of PSUs          Grant of PSUs 
       the transaction 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      d) Price(s)           Price: Cdn $0.73       Price: Cdn $0.73       Price: Cdn $0.73 
       and volume(s)         Volume: 402,188        Volume: 200,342        Volume: 240,411 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
            e) Aggregated 
             i) Price         Price: $0.73           Price: $0.73           Price: $0.73 
             ii) Volume       Cdn per PSU            Cdn per PSU            Cdn per PSU 
                              Volume: 402,188        Volume: 200,342        Volume: 240,411 
                              PSUs                   PSUs                   PSUs 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      f) Date of                May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020           May 22, 2020 
       the transaction 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 
      g) Place of            Outside a trading      Outside a trading      Outside a trading 
       Transaction                  venue                  venue                  venue 
                           ---------------------  ---------------------  --------------------- 

About TransGlobe

TransGlobe Energy Corporation is a cash flow focused oil and gas exploration and development company whose current activities are concentrated in the Arab Republic of Egypt and Canada. TransGlobe's common shares trade on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange under the symbol TGL and on the NASDAQ Exchange under the symbol TGA.

 For further information, please 
 TransGlobe Energy                                                   Via FTI Consulting 
 Randy Neely, President and Chief 
  Executive Officer 
 Eddie Ok, Chief Financial Officer 
 Canaccord Genuity (Nomad & Sole 
  Broker)                                                          +44 (0) 20 7523 8000 
 Henry Fitzgerald-O'Connor 
 James Asensio 
 FTI Consulting (Financial PR)                                     +44 (0) 20 3727 1000 
 Ben Brewerton                                       transglobeenergy@fticonsulting.com 
 Genevieve Ryan 
 Tailwind Associates (Investor Relations) 
 Darren Engels                                             darren@tailwindassociates.ca 
                                                                        +1 403.618.8035 
                                                                        +1 403.264.9888 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

May 26, 2020 02:01 ET (06:01 GMT)

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