RNS Number : 4309V

BUPA Finance PLC

07 August 2020

Bupa Finance plc (Bupa Finance):



 o Half Year 2020 results reflect the impact of the COVID-19 
  pandemic across all of Bupa, although the operational impact 
  varied by line of business and by geography 
  o Disruption caused by COVID-19 to our healthcare provision 
  and aged care businesses during the period, along with reduced 
  investment earnings, more than offset the improved profit performance 
  in our insurance businesses 
  o Our priority has been to focus on the welfare of our customers, 
  our people and society, and play our part in government and 
  public health responses to COVID-19 
  o Revenue ([1]) GBP5.8bn, down 3% at AER (2019: GBP6bn); flat 
  at constant exchange rates ([2]) (CER) (2019: GBP5.8bn) 
  o Statutory profit before taxation GBP191m, down GBP66m at 
  actual exchange rates (AER) (2019 profit before taxation: GBP257m) 
 o Underlying profit before taxation ([3]) GBP178m, down 26% 
  at AER (2019: GBP242m); down 26% at CER (2019: GBP240m) 
  o Solvency II capital coverage ratio ([4]) of 169% (FY 2019: 

Performance review: "Our results reflect the disruption caused by COVID-19 across our businesses. We are very proud of how our people have responded to the challenge of the pandemic. They have focused on our customers, while contributing to national responses, often in the toughest of circumstances.

Across our insurance businesses, claims temporarily reduced due to restrictions on access to hospitals. W e expanded telehealth and digital healthcare services so customers could continue to access care. In insurance, we have reserved prudently as we expect to pay increased claims as our customers access treatments delayed by lockdowns. As restrictions have started to ease, we have reopened our healthcare provision services, with the requisite safety measures in place, and activity levels are returning.

COVID-19 means we are operating in a time of significant uncertainty. We are actively managing our financial position, ensuring Bupa remains financially strong, so we can continue to invest in organic growth in our chosen markets, in technology capabilities and operational resilience."

Bupa Finance plc is the main financing company, and an intermediate holding company, in The British United Provident Association Limited group (Bupa/the Bupa Group). The Bupa Group financial results are published separately.

Market performance ([5]) (CER)

o Australia and New Zealand: revenue up by 4% to GBP2,238m at CER with the new Australian Defence Force (ADF) contract driving growth. Underlying profit was GBP60m, a decrease of 32% at CER driven by losses in our Australian aged care businesses mainly due to occupancy challenges arising from the previously reported compliance issues which we have been successfully addressing, and from COVID-19, along with higher costs of operations.

o Europe and Latin America: revenue is up by 3% to GBP1,827m and underlying profit growth of 2% to GBP85m at CER mainly driven by growth in our insurance businesses offset by how our provision and aged care businesses were impacted by lockdowns and restrictions caused by COVID-19.

o Bupa Global and UK: revenue was down by 7% to GBP1,532m, with underlying profit down 57% to GBP26m at CER mainly due to the impact of COVID-19 related lockdowns and restrictions, particularly in our aged care, dental and clinics businesses.

o Other businesses: Revenue is stable at GBP243m. Underlying profit is up 84% to GBP35m, mainly reflecting the growth in Bupa Arabia.

Financial position

o Net cash generated from operating activities was GBP930m, up GBP424m on prior year (2019: GBP506m) reflecting the delay in claims outflows in the first half

o Solvency II capital coverage ratio of 169% (FY 2019: 159%)

o Leverage ratio of 29.1% (FY 2019: 26.6%). Leverage is 36.4% (FY 2019: 34.6%) when IFRS 16 lease liabilities are taken into account

o In March Fitch downgraded Bupa Finance plc's Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (LT IDR) to 'A-' from 'A', and senior and unguaranteed subordinated bonds to BBB+ and BBB- respectively. In April, Moody's affirmed the senior and subordinated debt ratings of Bupa Finance plc, while changing outlook from stable to negative

Operational responses to COVID-19

Our focus on our customers and our people, together with the continued emphasis on Bupa's values, was an important foundation of our response to the pandemic.

o In health insurance , we accelerated our telehealth and digital healthcare services so customers could continue to access care and advice . We also took targeted action in our markets such as removing pandemic exclusions as they relate to COVID-19, delaying approved premium increases, reviewing excess clauses, and supporting those experiencing financial hardship.

o In health provision , our hospitals and clinics supported the national public health response across different countries, treating COVID-19 patients and providing capacity to the public health systems. Our hospitals in Spain, Poland and Chile treated thousands of COVID-19 patients as part of the national responses. In Spain, we doubled the number of Intensive Care Unit (ICU) beds and constructed two field hospitals. In the UK, the Cromwell Hospital treated cancer and cardiology patients on behalf of the NHS, and some of our clinical staff were deployed to the NHS 111 helpline. Although many of our dental practices were closed for a period in line with local public health advice, we kept services open for emergency treatments.

o In our four aged care businesses we have supported and cared for residents, while ensuring our people could operate safely, always working in close collaboration with local health authorities.

o Our people have played a huge part in the COVID-19 response, working on the front line to support customers and contribute to the national responses. We swiftly enacted remote working capabilities wherever possible, and nearly all our people worldwide have been able to continue to work effectively through the pandemic.

Operational highlights

o Our total number of health insurance customers grew to 18m (FY 2019: 17.5m)

o In June, we enhanced our liquidity and capital position through two bond issues together raising GBP650m

o In June, w e announced an agreement to increase our shareholding in Bupa Arabia by 4% to 43.25%

o We sharpened our focus on Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) priorities with the creation of a Healthy Communities Fund



Rupert Gowrley (Corporate Affairs) rupert.gowrley@bupa.com


Gareth Evans (Treasury): ir@bupa.com

About Bupa Finance plc

Bupa Finance plc (the Company) is a company incorporated in England and Wales. The condensed consolidated half year financial statements comprise the financial results and position of the Company and its subsidiary companies (together referred to as the Group). The immediate and ultimate parent of the Company is The British United Provident Association Limited (the Parent), which is also the ultimate parent company of the Bupa Group (Bupa).

Bupa's purpose is helping people live longer, healthier, happier lives. With no shareholders, our customers are our focus. We reinvest profits into providing more and better healthcare for the benefit of current and future customers.

Health insurance accounts for the major part of our business with 18m customers and contributes 74% of revenue. We operate clinics, dental centres and hospitals in some markets. We run aged care businesses in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Spain.

We directly employ around 83,000 people, principally in the UK, Australia, Spain, Chile, Poland, New Zealand, Hong Kong, Turkey, Brazil, the US, Middle East and Ireland. We also have associate businesses in Saudi Arabia and India.

For more information, visit www.bupa.com .

Disclaimer: Cautionary statement concerning forward-looking statements

This document may contain certain 'forward-looking statements'. Statements that are not historical facts, including statements about the beliefs and expectations of The British United Provident Association Limited (Bupa) and Bupa's directors or management, are forward-looking statements. In particular, but not exclusively, these may relate to Bupa's plans, current goals and expectations relating to future financial condition, performance and results.

By their nature, forward-looking statements involve risk and uncertainty because they relate to events and depend upon future circumstances that may or may not occur, many of which are beyond Bupa's control and all of which are solely based on Bupa's current beliefs and expectations about future events. These circumstances include, among others, global economic and business conditions, market-related risks such as fluctuations in interest rates and exchange rates, the policies and actions of governmental and regulatory authorities, the impact of competition, the timing, impact and other uncertainties of future mergers or combinations within relevant industries. Such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause the actual future condition, results, performance or achievements of Bupa or its industry to be materially different to those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Other than as required by law, Bupa expressly disclaims any obligations or undertakings to release publicly any updates or revisions to any forward-looking statements to reflect any change in the expectations of Bupa with regard thereto or any change in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based.

Forward-looking statements in this document are current only as of the date on which such statements are made.

Neither the content of Bupa's website nor the content of any other website accessible from hyperlinks on Bupa's website is incorporated into, or forms part of, this document.

Management review

COVID-19 is a major global health, socio-political and economic challenge. We are hugely appreciative and proud of the way our people have responded. They have been focused on supporting our customers, while contributing to national responses, often in the toughest of circumstances.

The Group's Half Year 2020 results reflect the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic across all of Bupa, although the operational impact varied by line of business and by geography. Revenue was flat at GBP5.8bn at CER, and underlying profit was GBP178m, down 26% on prior year (GBP240m at CER). The disruption caused by COVID-19 to our healthcare provision and aged care businesses, along with reduced investment earnings, more than offset the improved profit performance in our insurance businesses. Across all our insurance businesses claims volumes were reduced due to the temporary restrictions on access to hospitals for elective surgery during the various lockdowns. The Group expect to see increased claims as customers access the treatments and procedures delayed by the lockdowns as restrictions are lifted. We have used past claims experience to arrive at a best estimate for the necessary provision for delayed claims that were restricted due to the pandemic.

Revenue growth from the new ADF contract and our health insurance businesses in Turkey, Chile and Spain was offset by a decline in the revenue in our Australian and UK health insurance, UK dental and Chile provision businesses.

The Group's operational responses to COVID-19 and the impact on performance by business lines was as follows:

-- Our insurance businesses saw improved profits as claims were reduced by the restrictions on access to hospitals for elective surgery. We accelerated the offering of telehealth and digital healthcare services so customers could continue to use their cover and access care and advice. As the restrictions are eased, w e are supporting our customers in accessing treatment and providing guidance to businesses on employee health and wellbeing. We have reserved for the expected cost of delayed claims in respect of customers accessing treatments. We have taken a range of targeted actions to support our customers. This includes removing pandemic exclusions for COVID-19, delaying approved premium increases, premium rebates, reviewing excess clauses, and supporting those experiencing financial hardship.

-- Our healthcare provision businesses, particularly dental and clinics, were significantly impacted by government-mandated lockdowns and were largely closed for a number of months . As restrictions have started to ease, we have reopened our services, with the requisite safety measures in place, and the activity levels are recovering . Our hospitals in Spain, Poland and Chile treated thousands of COVID-19 patients as part of the national responses. In Spain, we doubled the number of ICU beds and constructed two field hospitals, treating thousands of patients. In the UK, the Cromwell Hospital treated cancer and cardiology patients on behalf of the NHS, and some of our clinical staff were deployed to the NHS 111 helpline.

-- In our aged care businesses in Spain, the UK, Australia and New Zealand, we temporarily closed homes to new admissions to protect our residents and our people . These restrictions, and the tragic loss of some residents to COVID-19, are reflected in reduced occupancy. Our people did an outstanding job taking care of our residents and supporting their families at this challenging time. We have higher operating costs as we ensure that staff and visitors have the additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) they need and that our homes maintain very high standards for cleaning and hygiene. Our homes are largely now open to admissions with new operating protocols in place, although we remain prepared for further local lockdowns . In Australia, we continued to invest to improve clinical standards and we now have no care homes under regulatory sanction.

-- Investment returns were impacted by comparatively lower interest rates reducing underlying profit by GBP18m compared to 2019 thus contributing to 8% of the overall reduction in Group's underlying profit.

-- We continue to invest in technology capabilities as part of a multi-year programme to enhance security and privacy, digitalise the customer experience and improve service.

   --    Statutory profit before taxation was GBP191m compared to GBP257m at the half year in 2019. 

Our focus on our customers and our people, together with the continued emphasis on Bupa's values, was an important foundation for our response to the pandemic. Our scale and global footprint, and the more streamlined global organisation structure we put in place during 2019, have enabled us to share insights rapidly, respond quickly, and ensure business continuity and operational resilience during this period. The Group's investment in technology capabilities enabled us to ramp up our offerings of digital healthcare and telehealth across the organisation and to move quickly to remote working, all the time maintaining high standards of customer service.

We have closely managed our financial position, ensuring Bupa remains financially strong, and our solvency capital coverage has remained stable. We are managing liquidity tightly and have cancelled or delayed non-essential capital expenditure where appropriate. In June, we improved our debt maturity profile through a senior bond and Tier 2 bond issue together raising GBP650m.

When we published our 2019 Results on 5 March, we outlined how we were navigating challenges in some of our key markets, notably Australian health insurance and aged care, UK dental and Chile, and making significant investments in technology capabilities. The Group has made progress in many of these areas, and continues to do so, notwithstanding COVID-19.

In June, Bupa announced the agreement to increase its shareholding in Bupa Arabia by 4% to 43.25%, subject to regulatory approvals. This is in line with the Group's strategy of investing in existing market positions to deliver sustainable growth. We expect this transaction to complete in August.

Environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations are central to society's recovery from COVID-19. We are reassessing our ESG priorities, to bring sharper focus to activity and delivery. We are focusing particularly on the role we can play in supporting mental health and wellbeing, and on climate change. Our Healthy Communities Fund is supporting our businesses in different countries to fund long-term flagship programmes. We are defining the next level of detail for our 2021-2025 Environment and Climate Change Action Plan particularly our focus on the health impacts of climate change.


The ongoing effects of COVID-19 mean we are operating in a time of significant disruption and uncertainty. The timing and effectiveness of potential vaccines are still highly uncertain. The ongoing pandemic, and public health responses, will continue to affect all human behaviour, including that of our customers and our people. It will directly influence the health systems in which we operate and continue to generate significant economic volatility.

Underlying profit from operating segments is likely to be broadly in line with our pre-pandemic expectations although market conditions will remain challenging with the potential for significant volatility. While we have reserved appropriately in our health insurance businesses, the timing and level of future claims is uncertain, including the impact of customers accessing delayed treatment and the potential costs of treating late diagnosed or under-treated illness. Performance in our provision businesses will improve in the second half of the year as they re-open for service, but we are prepared for further disruption from COVID-19 with local lockdowns. We continue to address challenges in our Australian health insurance business where sector-wide issues remain, and in our Australian aged care, UK dental and Chilean businesses. We continue to monitor the future EU-UK trading relationship and its impact on the UK economy.

Notwithstanding these challenges, Bupa is resilient and well placed to navigate this environment in service of our customers.

We have a strong solvency position, a solid balance sheet and healthy cashflow.

The Group will continue to invest in organic growth in our chosen markets, in technology capabilities and operational resilience. We are prioritising investment in digital and virtual health and enhancing our services in health and wellbeing, particularly mental health, for the benefit of our customers and our people.


Australia and New Zealand

                              Revenue                  Underlying profit 
HY 2020                       GBP2,238m                GBP60m 
HY 2019 (AER)                 GBP2,254m                GBP92m 
% growth/(decline) 
 (AER)                        (1)%                     (35)% 
HY 2019 (CER)                 GBP2,153m                GBP88m 
% growth/(decline) 
 (CER)                        4%                       (32)% 

In Australia and New Zealand, revenue increased by 4% to GBP2,238m at CER. Underlying profit was GBP60m, a decrease of 32% at CER driven by losses in our Australian Aged Care businesses. Entering the year we had seen lower occupancy rates than historical averages as a result of compliance issues we had been addressing, and these had been improving. This operational progress was set back by admissions restrictions and higher costs of operations caused by COVID-19, but stands us in good stead for the future.

In Australian health insurance, revenue was marginally down and underlying profit was in line with the prior year. The combined operating ratio ([6]) (COR) for the first six months of 2020 was 95% ([7]) (HY 2019: 95%). We maintained our position as a leading health insurer in Australia, with 26% ([8]) market share, and 4m customers.

We are focused on acting in the interests of our customers and communities. In April, w e delayed the planned premium rate increase for six months and launched a GBP26m financial hardship scheme (GBP9m impact on HY results), with more than 32,000 customers so far receiving support. We extended coverage for COVID-19 related claims to all customers and used telehealth to support delivery of ancillary services such as mental health and physiotherapy. Around 80,000 customers have accessed online fitness and nutrition support at no cost for three months through a partnership with an Australian fitness expert. Claims reduced for approximately six weeks, due to restrictions on health providers and on non-urgent elective surgery but started to return strongly when the restrictions were lifted during May. We have reserved prudently at the half year for the expected rebound in claims during future periods.

Our Health Services business delivered revenue growth with the inclusion of the new ADF contract. Underlying profit declined, driven by the temporary suspension of the majority of our dental, optical and audiology services. The majority of these services have now reopened with new operating procedures to protect customers and our people. We supported the ADF throughout the pandemic, and our Medical Visa Services business continued to deliver essential services to customers, albeit at a reduced capacity.

Revenue in Australian Aged Care was down, with an operating loss arising largely from reduced occupancy and increased staff costs. Admission restrictions were also introduced to protect residents and our people from COVID-19. We incurred higher operating expenses along with investments in compliance and additional PPE. Significant progress was made on strengthening the operating model and, as at the time of reporting, none of our homes were under regulatory sanction. Our closing occupancy rate was 82% (HY 2019: 88%).

At the start of 2020, bushfires impacted many parts of Australia and we responded with a relief package to help support our customers and the communities affected.

Our New Zealand aged care business largely performed in line with expectations. Revenue increased despite the impact of COVID-19 on occupancy. Underlying profit decreased due to higher staffing and COVID-19 related costs. Our closing occupancy rate at June 2020 was 89% (HY 2019: 91%).

Europe and Latin America

                       Revenue     Underlying profit 
 HY 2020               GBP1,827m   GBP85m 
 HY 2019 (AER)         GBP1,890m   GBP84m 
 % growth/(decline)    (3)%        1% 
 HY 2019 (CER)         GBP1,782m   GBP83m 
 % growth/(decline)    3%          2% 

In Europe and Latin America, revenue grew by 3% and underlying profit grew by 2% at CER mainly driven by our insurance businesses offset by the performance in our provision and aged care businesses.

Our health insurance business in Spain, Sanitas Seguros, delivered solid revenue growth as it started the year with a bigger portfolio than last year. Underlying profit grew mainly because of lower claims, and although a provision is being held for the best estimate of claims that will rebound, the COR improved to 84% ([9]) (HY 2019: 90%). We significantly enhanced our digital health offer, Blua, by expanding our network of doctors to around 3,000. This helped ensure that customers could continue to access support for all types of conditions during lockdowns in Spain. From December 2019 we grew Blua customers to more than 1.7 million. We waived pandemic exclusion clauses in our insurance policies as they related to COVID-19, and provided premium relief to those in financial hardship. We maintained our number two position with a market share of over 20% ([10]) .

Our Sanitas dental business had the majority of its centres closed due to lockdowns during Q2. Revenue and underlying profit were down. We adapted quickly, launching a dental video consultation service and we kept over 40 centres open for emergencies. Our centres gradually reopened during April with activity recovering quickly, notwithstanding the new operating protocols in place to ensure patient safety.

In Hospitals and New Services in Spain, revenue declined during the lockdown period. We made an underlying loss mainly as a result of the temporary suspension of elective treatments. As part of the national response, we doubled ICU bed capacity by creating two 'field hospitals' in Madrid, attached to our La Moraleja and La Zarzuela hospitals, to support both the public and private health systems. We treated over 9,300 patients with COVID-19 in our facilities and delivered around 230,000 video consultations.

Our aged care business, Sanitas Mayores, had a year-on-year decline in revenue and made a small underlying loss due to reduced occupancy levels. Sadly, COVID-19 caused the deaths of a number of residents. Occupancy was also affected by admission restrictions, essential to protect residents and our people. Our closing occupancy rate was 78% (HY 2019: 95%). We took many measures to reduce the spread of infection, we worked closely with the public health system and we connected our residents with their families by expanding the availability of apps and videocalls.

In Chile, revenue declined in our hospitals and clinics businesses because of COVID-19 reducing volumes, leading to an underlying loss. We are working closely with the government and health authorities to provide additional capacity where needed. Our i nsurance business saw strong revenue and profit performance, reflecting lower claims during the pandemic. The delay in implementing the agreed Isapre premium increase across the sector helped alleviate financial pressures on customers.

In Poland, LuxMed delivered revenue growth as the corporate medical subscription business held up very well. Underlying profit was stable. We adapted our services to support our customers safely through COVID-19, including enhancing and expanding telehealth services and offering new digital health advice services.

Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta, the health insurance business in Turkey, continued to perform well. Our portfolio grew strongly by 9% since June 2019 to around 650,000 customers. Claims were reduced for a period due to restrictions on access to treatment in private hospitals.

We are restructuring what was Bupa Global Latin America (BGLA) into three business units, a new BGLA, Care Plus in Brazil and Bupa Mexico. The new BGLA, our Miami based operation, ran a programme to reduce costs and improve technology. It delivered improved underlying performance due to lower claims. Care Plus increased telehealth services for customers and grew Net Promoter System (NPS) scores year-on-year. It delivered good revenue growth, while underlying profit remained stable. Bupa Mexico also delivered improved results.

Bupa Global and UK

                     Revenue    Underlying profit 
HY 2020              GBP1,532m  GBP26m 
HY 2019 (AER)        GBP1,647m  GBP58m 
% growth/(decline)   (7)%       (55)% 
HY 2019 (CER)        GBP1,652m  GBP60m 
% growth/(decline)   (7)%       (57)% 

Revenue in Bupa Global and UK was down by 7%, with underlying profit down 57% at CER. This mainly reflected the impact of COVID-19 on our provision businesses. We have used past claims experience to arrive at a best estimate for the necessary provision for claims that were delayed due to the pandemic.

UK Insurance revenue on an underlying basis was up on last year driven by growth in customer numbers in 2019 and early 2020. Our commitment to pass back to UK Insurance customers any exceptional financial benefit ultimately arising as a result of COVID-19 reduces reported revenue. Underlying profit was lower as we continued to invest in technology capabilities together with the prudent approach to reserving for claims delayed due to the pandemic. As hospitals start resuming elective treatment, we expect claims to increase. In the first half, we enhanced remote services to allow customers quick, direct access to GPs, physiotherapists, consultants and nurses, via video or phone. Digital GP appointments more than doubled during lockdown and calls to our Anytime Healthline more than doubled on last year. We also launched our new brand campaign, 'Is it normal?', to tackle stigma around mental health and underline how we can support our customers. In August, we announced an agreement with CS Healthcare, a friendly society, to transfer its 18,500 health insurance members and business to Bupa. This agreement is subject to approvals by regulators and by CS Healthcare's members.

In Bupa Global, our IPMI business, revenue was stable compared to 2019 while underlying profit grew reflecting favourable claims performance. We saw a significant increase in customers using our Global Virtual Care app which provides remote access to a global network of doctors.

The COR for Bupa Insurance Limited, the UK-based insurance entity that underwrites both domestic and international insurance, improved marginally to 94% due to better international performance (HY 2019: 95%).

In UK dental, revenue reduced on 2019 and we incurred an underlying loss because of the temporary closure for around three and a half months of practices for routine care. During the lockdown, we partnered with the NHS to provide telephone advice to patients, prescribe medicines and provide emergency care, including in 11 urgent dental centres. We also provided these services in the Republic of Ireland. The majority of our practices reopened in late May and June with new safety measures for our customers and people. We continue to address the ongoing challenge of recruiting dentists and are positioning ourselves as the best place to work within the industry.

Revenue in UK care services was down on last year, and the business made a marginal underlying loss (small profit in the prior year), due to the impact of COVID-19. Our closing occupancy rate at June 2020 was down to 78% (HY 2019: 87%), due to reduced admissions and the sad loss of a number of residents from COVID-19. Property sales were also down in Richmond Villages, where viewings were impacted by lockdown restrictions. We are following Government guidance to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and have supplied hundreds of iPads and phones to help keep residents connected with loved ones.

Performance in Health Services was down, reflecting the temporary closure of clinics. We adapted our services to protect our people and customers, including expanding virtual appointments for musculoskeletal conditions and GP services. We reopened our clinics for health assessments in June. We also launched new services to s upport employers with return-to-work policies and are offering antibody testing. At the Cromwell we worked in partnership with NHS England to provide care for NHS patients and to support the Royal Marsden Cancer Hub to deliver urgent treatment through our new ICU.



Revenue was GBP5.8bn, in line with prior year (GBP5.8bn at CER), and underlying profit was GBP178m, down 26% on prior year (GBP240m at CER). The Group's underlying results reflected difficult trading conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, materially impacting our provision businesses.

Our half year statutory profit before tax was GBP191m, compared to a statutory profit of GBP257m (at AER) at the half year in 2019, as we continued to invest in technology capabilities to enhance security, ensure operational resilience and digitalise the customer experience.

We generated cash from operating activities of GBP930m, up GBP424m on prior year.

In March, Fitch downgraded our senior and subordinated debt ratings by one notch and in April, Moody's placed our ratings on negative outlook.

On 25 June 2020, Bupa issued two tranches of debt: GBP300 million 1.750% fixed rate senior notes due 2027 and GBP350 million 4.125% fixed rate, Tier 2, subordinated notes due 2035. These bonds improve our liquidity and debt maturity profiles. We have now given notice that we intend to redeem the GBP330m restricted Tier 1 bond on its call date in September.

Our Parent's Solvency II capital coverage ratio of 169% at 30 June 2020 remained strong and comfortably within a target working range of 140-170%. This is regarded as the range within which Bupa would expect to operate in normal circumstances. The impact of the planned purchase of an additional 4% shareholding in Bupa Arabia which is expected to complete in August 2020, along with the call of the Tier 1 bond in September 2020 will decrease the coverage ratio by around 4% and 13% respectively.

Revenue (CER)

Revenue was broadly flat year on year as a result of growth seen in our Australia and New Zealand and Europe and Latin America Market Units, offset by a decline in Bupa Global and UK.

By business lines, revenue in our health insurance businesses grew by 1% compared to last year, largely driven by our Europe and Latin America Market Unit following the acquisition of Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta in 2019 and growth in our health insurance businesses in Spain, Chile, Brazil and Hong Kong. This growth was offset by COVID-19 impacts globally where we took a range of targeted actions to support customers and deliver value, including delaying approved premium increases, support for customers experiencing financial hardship, and provisions for passing back value to customers .

Our provision businesses (other than aged care) saw a decline in revenue of 2% year-on-year as many of our clinics were closed due to COVID-19 restrictions. This was partly offset by the contribution of the Australian Defence Force contract that came into effect from 1 July 2019.

In our four aged care businesses, revenue was down 4% on 2019. Across the businesses the impacts of the pandemic resulted in reduced occupancy from restrictions on new resident admissions and, in the case of Spain and the UK, we sadly lost a number of our residents to COVID-19.

Underlying profit (CER)

Underlying profit declined by 26% to GBP178m (2019: GBP240m at CER). Overall, our provision and aged care businesses made losses in the first six months of 2020 reflecting the significant disruption to services from lockdowns and restrictions following the outbreak of COVID-19.

For our largest line of business, health insurance, underlying profit was up given the reduced levels of claims since the outbreak of COVID-19 as countries applied lockdown measures and elective procedures were postponed. Although claims volumes were lower in the first half, it is expected that a significant majority will return as access to medical provision continues to open up, and as such we are accounting appropriately to ensure the reserves will meet our obligations to our customers. The total provision held at half year was GBP389m for deferred claims, however estimating the quantum and timing of when the claims will rebound is a key judgement and has been modelled carefully by our actuarial teams. Actual outcomes will be linked to the extent of lockdowns, consumer behaviour, and government policy, and we will update our estimates as time moves on.

We incurred an underlying loss in our healthcare provision businesses due to COVID-19 restrictions. For example, in UK dental we saw the majority of our operations closed for around three and a half months. In addition, our outpatient services in Chile were severely impacted. In Spain, our clinics and most of our dental practices were closed.

We recognised an underlying loss in aged care due to a decline in occupancy and higher COVID-19 related costs including from PPE in all markets. At the end of June, the number of residents in our care homes was down by around 10% on 2019 mainly due to admission restrictions following the outbreak of COVID-19. In addition, in Australia, operating costs were higher following actions taken to address a number of compliance issues in our aged care business in 2019.

Central expenses and net interest margin were GBP28m, higher than the prior year (GBP10m at CER) as comparatively lower interest rates adversely impacted investment returns (GBP18m worse than prior year). This was partially offset by corporate restructuring that took place in 2019 to remove the International Markets Market Unit, thus lowering central costs.

Statutory Profit (AER)

Statutory profit before taxation was GBP191m compared to GBP257m at the half year in 2019. This reflects the decline in underlying profit. Investment in technology capabilities continued at broadly the same level as prior year.

                                                            2020    2019 
                                                             GBPm    GBPm 
 Australia and New Zealand at CER                            60      88 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Europe and Latin America at CER                             85      83 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Bupa Global and UK at CER                                   26      60 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Other businesses at CER                                     35      19 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Underlying profit for reportable segments 
  at CER                                                     206     250 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Central expenses and net interest margin at 
  CER                                                       (28)    (10) 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Consolidated underlying profit before taxation 
  at CER                                                     178     240 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Foreign exchange re-translation on 2019 results 
  (CER/AER)                                                   -       2 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Consolidated underlying profit before taxation 
  at AER                                                     178     242 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Net loss on disposal of businesses and transaction 
  costs on business combinations                              (5)     (2) 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Net property revaluation gains                              10       8 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Realised and unrealised foreign exchange gains/(losses)     14      (9) 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 (Losses)/gains on return-seeking-assets, net 
  of hedging                                                 (5)     24 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Centre non-underlying items                                 (1)     (6) 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Total non-underlying items                                  13      15 
                                                           ------  ------ 
 Statutory profit before taxation at AER                     191     257 
                                                           ------  ------ 

In 2020, non-underlying items totaled GBP13m profit, compared with GBP15m profit in 2019. The key items in 2020 were foreign exchange gains, and marginal property valuation gains in some of our New Zealand care homes. This was offset by minor losses in our return seeking assets as credit spreads widened following the onset of COVID-19 (this was in contrast to gains made on these assets in 2019 when credit spreads had narrowed).


The Group's effective tax rate for the period was 24% (HY 2019: 30%, FY 2019: 440%), which is higher than the current UK corporation tax rate of 19%. This is mainly due to profits arising in jurisdictions with a higher rate of corporate income tax and deferred tax adjustments arising from changes to the enacted UK corporation tax rate .


Net cash generated from operating activities increased by GBP424m to GBP930m as a result of the lower claims paid due to COVID-19 disruption on elective healthcare procedures and a one-off tax settlement in 2019. Operational cashflow earnings before interest, depreciation and amortisation declined broadly in line with the reduction in pre-tax profit as we have established a provision for the proportion of claims that have been delayed and are expected to return in future periods.

Net cash used in investing activities increased by GBP217m to GBP523m in the first half of the year with higher deposits being made than during the same period last year as a result of lower claims paid. We have continued to invest in IT infrastructure during 2020 and have made a small number of dental and clinic acquisitions in the period. In 2019 we completed the purchase of Acıbadem Sigorta.

Net cash generated from financing activities increased to GBP178m, a change of GBP252m from last year.


We manage our funding prudently to ensure a strong platform for continued growth. A key element of our funding policy is to target an A-/A3 senior credit rating for the Company, the main issuer of Bupa's debt.

The Company's senior debt ratings are A3 (negative) by Moody's and BBB+ (stable) by Fitch. Fitch and Moody's reviewed our credit ratings in the period. The Fitch rating was downgraded to A- in March and the Moody's rating moved from stable to negative outlook in April.

Fitch downgraded our Long-Term Issuer Default Rating (LT IDR) to 'A-' from 'A', and senior and Tier 2 bonds one notch to BBB+ and BBB- respectively. Fitch affirmed Bupa Insurance Limited's Insurer Financial Strength (IFS) rating and LT IDR as A+ (Strong) and A respectively. The outlooks on both our LT IDR and Bupa Insurance Limited's IFS rating are stable. Moody's affirmed Bupa Insurance Limited's Insurance Financial Strength Rating at A1 and affirmed our senior and subordinated debt ratings of, while changing the outlook from stable to negative. The senior and Tier 2 bond ratings stand at A3 and Baa1.

The key development in the first half of 2020 was our issuance of both a GBP300m senior and a GBP350m Tier 2 bond in June. These transactions enhance both our liquidity and capital positions.

At 30 June 2020, we had no drawings under our GBP800m revolving credit facility, which is due to mature in August 2022. The bond proceeds were received in June and were partly used to repay all remaining drawings under that facility. The remainder of the proceeds are held in cash. We have now given notice that we intend to redeem the GBP330m restricted Tier 1 bond on its call date in September and will use the remaining cash balances from the recent bond issuance to fund the repayment.

We focus on managing our leverage in line with our credit rating targets. Leverage excluding operating leases at 30 June 2020 was 29.1% (FY 2019: 26.6%). Leverage is 36.4% (FY 2019: 34.6%) when IFRS 16 lease liabilities are taken into account. The increase in leverage is primarily due to the timing of the bond issue and the temporary grossing up of the balance sheet in advance of the September 2020 call date and June 2021 bond maturity.

Coverage of financial covenants remains well within the levels required in our bank facilities.

Solvency ([11])

The sensitivity of our Parent's solvency capital coverage ratio to individual market risks is summarised below. The overall sensitivity to these risks remains low as has been demonstrated in the first half of 2020. Property continues to be the most material sensitivity for our solvency coverage.

The Group Capital risk appetite seeks to ensure that Bupa has sufficient resources to withstand a 1-in-20-year event and still meet regulatory capital requirements. Earlier this year, the Bupa Board adopted a capital working range of 140% - 170% of Solvency Capital Requirement (SCR), taking into consideration the Group's capital risk appetite. This is a solvency coverage range that Bupa expects to operate within under normal circumstances.

 Risk Sensitivities                                 Solvency 
                                                   II coverage 
 Solvency coverage ratio                              169% 
 Property values -10%                                 154% 
 Loss ratio worsening by 2%                           162% 
 Interest rate -100bps                                165% 
 Group Specific Parameter (GSP) ([12]) +0.2%          167% 
 Credit spreads +100bps (no credit transition)        167% 
 Pension risk +10%                                    169% 
 Sterling depreciates by 10%                          169% 
 Equity markets -20%                                  169% 

Business risks

We describe our main risks in the Risks section of the Bupa Annual Report and Accounts 2019. In the period to 30 June 2020 the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant uncertainty for society as a whole and for Bupa, but the principal risks and themes identified at the year-end also remain. Across Bupa we have implemented our crisis management plans, which have focused on ensuring our critical business services continue to operate effectively throughout an extended period of disruption. To date, this has operated effectively.

COVID-19 has had a significant impact on the half year results of our businesses as set out in the CEO Statement and Financial Review sections. Despite lockdown restrictions easing in many key markets the pandemic is not behind us. We operate in a number of markets that have still to move beyond the peak of the pandemic and, in others, the risk of further waves, nationally or locally, is still high. We continue to monitor the situation carefully and run stress and scenarios to examine potential impacts across all businesses and remain prepared to take appropriate actions, if the situation worsens, to manage the impact on our customers and people.

The pandemic has served to validate our understanding of the existing risk profile whilst accelerating and accentuating a number of trends. These are the vulnerability of global supply chains, a move away from globalisation, the rise in the provision of technologically enabled remote clinical consultations and the ability for a large part of the workforce to work effectively from home. It has also demonstrated how quickly issues can escalate and how critical it is that we were able to adapt and respond quickly together with effective and dynamic governance structures playing a role in how we have managed this situation. The strengthening of the Chief Medical Officer's role and clinical governance across the Group has helped ensure we have strong clinical advice and guidance, which has been crucial to our response to the crisis. As we move through the crisis, we update our existing risk profile to reflect the impact of the pandemic, no longer reporting COVID-19 as a separate risk.

Strategic and financial risks and risks impacting our ability to deliver for our customers:

The macroeconomic environment is challenging in most markets, and this will be compounded by COVID-19. It is uncertain how severe the impacts will be and how long they will last but any reduction in consumer or government spending may impact our businesses. Weakened economic environments are also likely to compound the existing affordability challenges in health insurance as medical inflation continues to increase at a higher rate than premiums. This is particularly true in Australia, where the government continues to approve premium increases below medical inflation. At the same time, customer expectations are accelerating as ease of access, particularly through digital innovation, and quality of service are increasing. We have significantly increased our digital offerings for customers during the pandemic and this will remain an area of focus in the future. We regularly review our products and offerings to ensure that we continue to provide value to our customers despite the economic challenges.

The availability of healthcare professionals, particularly dentists in the UK and staff in our aged care businesses globally, continues to pose a challenge for our businesses. It is unclear how the pandemic, and future government funding decisions may impact this. Our people make the difference and deliver on our promise to our customers. We continue to focus in this area to ensure that we attract, develop and retain outstanding people and leaders to mitigate this risk.

While the Group is currently seeing lower claims due to short term delays to elective surgery, the cost of claims could increase in the long run due to deferred costs of treating under-treated illnesses. We have established reserves for the best estimate of the proportion of the claims that have been delayed that are likely to return in future periods, reflecting Bupa's intent and commitment to fulfil obligations to policyholders. As with any reserve of this nature there is inherent uncertainty in the key judgements which may impact future results particularly should further lockdowns or significant restrictions to private health care manifest in future. Details of the reserve established are set out on page 44.

We have undertaken a range of stress and scenario analysis on our businesses to understand the potential impact of the pandemic on our business performance, solvency capital and liquidity position. This has helped us understand and mitigate the impact of the pandemic as far as possible and develop appropriate targeted actions to respond to these challenges. We will continue to do so in the second half of the year.

We have significantly de-risked our liquidity and capital positions, having issued senior and Tier 2 bonds in June 2020. However, the state of the bond markets and the pricing of issuances was highly volatile during many periods in Q2 and that could recur in the event of either a second wave of COVID-19 or a further downturn in the global economic environment. This could create a risk in the event that further funding is required in the short to medium term.

Governmental and regulatory policy risks:

Changes in governmental and regulatory policy has consistently been one of our top risks given the nature of our businesses and this remains true. The significant governmental and regulatory responses to the pandemic has shown that future legislation, regulations and government funding decisions could have a material impact on the Group, and any measures put in place may improve or reduce the attractiveness and affordability of private health insurance. These may include any restrictions on price increases, increased minimum wage levels, higher costs of operating healthcare provision businesses, changes in the tax system or restrictions on dividend payments. We continue to engage governments and regulators in the markets we operate in to understand and influence potential changes to ensure we are able to continue to deliver high quality care and value for our customers and providers.

We are continuing to prepare for the operational, commercial and legal implications of an exit from the EU under different scenarios, including a situation where the UK leaves the EU with no trade deal in place. We are examining a number of potential issues and working through steps to protect Bupa's position in these areas.

Operational risks:

Information Security and Privacy remain key risks for the Group. Our focus on information security, technology and operational resilience in recent years, supported by significant investment to uplift capability and capacity in this area across the Group, has been critical in our response to this crisis. This investment has equipped us to effectively enhance digital and telehealth services and enabled our people to work remotely. Our information security efforts have been focused on the increased privacy and information security risks associated with people working from home. Operationally, this has proven effective and been well supported by our technology infrastructure.

Litigation risks:

Following the pandemic we are likely to see extensive and wide ranging reviews into all aspects of the public and private response. These responses will often be judged in hindsight and this increases the risk of potential future litigation for all participants in the health care sector, including Bupa.

Social and environmental risks:

The pandemic has further demonstrated the importance of managing our reputation, with higher scrutiny on the actions of businesses in respect of customers, employees; and their contributions to society. There is also a risk that responses to the pandemic will be judged in hindsight in the future. It is more important now than ever that we continue to deliver on our purpose and serve and support our customers, our people and the communities we operate in.

In order to ensure issues in one business or Market Unit do not spread and impact the trust in our brand in another, contagion risk remains prominent in our operational and reputational risk management agenda with a focus on resolving and learning from issues faced.

Climate change remains one of the major risks we face as a society and is a key area of focus for us. We closely manage our environmental impacts and promote positive environmental practices. The Group's longer term exposure to climate change falls into two broad categories. Physical risks, particularly to the Group's property assets arising from severe weather events; and transition risks from the move to a low carbon economy, which will impact the value of those investments associated with higher levels of greenhouse gas emissions and affect the broader macroeconomic environment.

We do not have a material direct exposure to investments which may be affected by transitional risks, but we may be affected by impacts on the economy, which negatively impacts on the ability of customers to afford our products. Physical risks may impact the value of property assets in the longer term but increasing weather events will also have an impact on the ability to operate and maintain business continuity in these businesses, particularly the care homes and hospitals which are occupied by vulnerable customers.

There are also potential longer term implications of climate change on the health of our customers. The short-tailed nature of our products allows us to respond to these developments, although this can be limited by pricing controls in some markets. We continue to work to ensure our business is equipped to anticipate and mitigate the health impacts of climate change. In 2019, we established a Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability Committee as a management advisory committee to advise management on actions to address the wider ESG agenda, including addressing environment and climate change risks. It's chaired by Nicholas Lyons, Non-Executive Director, and membership includes a mix of management, including the Group CEO and CFO, and Non-Executive Directors.

Our approach to risk management:

We have a well-established process for identifying and managing all business risks, including all types of operational risk such as information security and privacy. Monitoring and managing our risks is key to ensuring that we achieve our strategic objectives in the long-term, meeting the evolving expectations of our customers, people, bondholders and regulators. The pandemic has reinforced that our Risk Management Framework remains appropriate for Bupa and has operated effectively, even during these extraordinary times. Internal controls, particularly regarding customer conduct and information security and privacy, continue to be key areas of focus.

As we hold significant goodwill, intangibles and financial investments on our balance sheet, the crystallisation of the risks set out above could lead to impairments being recognised in future reporting periods. The lack of certainty that exists as a result of the pandemic means that there is significant uncertainty relating to key judgements in the valuation of goodwill in particular. These are set out in detail on page 37 of the condensed consolidated half year financial statements, including sensitivities to movements to these underlying assumptions. A review of goodwill was carried out as at 30 June 2020, with a further assessment planned at the year end.


Bupa is organised into three Market Units:

Australia and New Zealand

-- Bupa Health Insurance, with four million customers, is a leading health insurance provider in Australia and also offers health insurance for overseas workers and visitors

-- Bupa Health Services is a health provision business, comprising dental, optical, audiology, medical assessment services and health care for the Australian Defence Force

-- Bupa Villages and Aged Care Australia cares for around 6,000 residents across 72 homes. Bupa Villages and Aged Care New Zealand cares for around 3,400 residents in 48 homes and 7 rehabilitation centres and provide independent living in 32 retirement villages in New Zealand

Europe and Latin America

   --    Sanitas Seguros is the second largest health insurance provider in Spain, with 1.8m customers 
   --    Sanitas Dental provides dental services through 194 centres and third-party networks in Spain 

-- Sanitas Hospitales and New Services comprise four private hospitals, 25 private medical clinics, 18 fertility clinics (in Spain and Portugal), and one public hospital under a Public-Private partnership model

-- Sanitas Mayores cares for around 4,900 people in 47 care homes and operates six daycare centres in Spain

-- LuxMed is a leading private healthcare business in Poland, operating in health funding and provision through 8 hospitals and 233 private clinics.

-- Bupa Chile is a leading health insurer serving 800,000 customers and offering provision services across four hospitals and 34 medical clinics

-- Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta is Turkey's second largest health insurer, with products for corporate and individual customers, and has around 650,000 customers

-- Care Plus is a leading health insurance company in Brazil, with around 120,000 customers, concentrated in São Paulo

-- Bupa Mexico is a health insurer offering private medical insurance to individuals and corporates in Mexico, with around 60,000 customers

-- Bupa Global Latin America provides international health insurance, local health insurance, and travel insurance to around 80,000 customers. Main operations include Guatemala, Panama, Dominican Republic, Colombia, Ecuador, Bolivia and Chile, as well as a health provision business in Peru

Bupa Global and UK

   --    Bupa UK Insurance is a leading health insurer, with 2.3m customers 

-- Bupa Dental Care is the leading provider of private dentistry in the UK with 493 dental centres across the UK and the Republic of Ireland

-- Bupa Care Services has around 5,800 residents in 124 care homes, and nine Richmond care villages in the UK

   --    Bupa Health Services comprises 48 health clinics, and the Bupa Cromwell Hospital 

-- Bupa Global serves over 550,000 IPMI customers and administers travel insurance and medical assistance for individuals, small businesses and corporate customers

Other businesses

We also have associate health insurance businesses in Saudi Arabia and India, an interest in MyClinic in Saudi Arabia, a health insurance and provision business in Hong Kong SAR and a representative office and medical centre in mainland China.

Bupa Finance plc

(Company No. 2779134)

Condensed Consolidated Half Year Financial Statements (unaudited)

Six months ended 30 June 2020

Bupa Finance plc

Condensed Consolidated Income Statement (unaudited)

for six months ended 30 June 2020

                                             For six 
                                              months         For six       For year 
                                               ended    months ended          ended 
                                             30 June         30 June    31 December 
                                                2020            2019           2019 
                                     Note       GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Gross insurance premiums                      4,387           4,483          9,077 
 Premiums ceded to reinsurers                   (47)            (38)           (79) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Net insurance premiums earned                 4,340           4,445          8,998 
 Care, health and other customer 
  contract revenue                             1,467           1,566          3,287 
 Other revenue                                    33              14             31 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Total revenues                       3        5,840           6,025         12,316 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Claims and expenses 
 Insurance claims incurred                   (3,308)         (3,598)        (7,239) 
 Reinsurers' share of claims 
  incurred                                        31              24             56 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Net insurance claims incurred               (3,277)         (3,574)        (7,183) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Share of post-taxation results 
  of equity accounted investments                 36              17             48 
 Impairment of goodwill and 
  intangible assets                                -             (1)          (449) 
 Other operating expenses                    (2,355)        (2,19 1)        (4,592) 
 Other income and charges             4          (5)             (2)           (42) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Total claims and expenses                   (5,601)         (5,751)       (12,218) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Profit before financial income 
  and expense                                    239             274             98 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Financial income and expense 
 Financial income                     5           39              71            110 
 Financial expense                    5         (78)            (79)          (162) 
 Net impairment loss on financial 
  assets                                         (9)             (9)           (11) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Net financial expense                          (48)            (17)           (63) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Profit before taxation expense                  191             257             35 
 Taxation expense                     6         (45)            (78)          (154) 
 Profit/(loss) for the financial 
  period                                         146             179          (119) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Attributable to: 
 Bupa Finance plc                                145             177          (121) 
 Non-controlling interests                         1               2              2 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 
 Profit/(loss) for the financial 
  period                                         146             179          (119) 
==================================  =====  =========  ==============  ============= 

Notes 1-18 form part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bupa Finance plc

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income (unaudited)

for six months ended 30 June 2020

                                           For six    For six 
                                            months     months       For year 
                                             ended      ended          ended 
                                           30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                              2020       2019           2019 
                                              GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
                                         =========  =========  ============= 
 Profit/(loss) for the financial 
  period                                       146        179          (119) 
=======================================  =========  =========  ============= 
 Other comprehensive income/(expense) 
 Items that will not be reclassified 
  to the Income Statement 
 Remeasurement losses on pension 
  schemes                                        -          -            (2) 
 Unrealised (losses)/gains 
  on revaluation of property                   (2)          1             18 
 Taxation charge on income 
  and expenses recognised directly 
  in other comprehensive income                  -          -            (2) 
 Items that may be reclassified 
  subsequently to the Income 
 Foreign exchange translation 
  differences on goodwill                       72          6          (107) 
 Other foreign exchange translation 
  differences                                  177         18          (188) 
 Net (losses)/gains on hedge 
  of net investment in overseas 
  subsidiary companies                        (68)          4             51 
 Change in fair value of financial 
  investments through other 
  comprehensive income                           1          4              5 
 Change in fair value of underlying 
  derivative of cash flow hedge                  -          1              1 
 Taxation charge on income 
  and expenses recognised directly 
  in other comprehensive income                  -          -            (1) 
=======================================  =========  =========  ============= 
 Total other comprehensive 
  income/(expense)                             180         34          (225) 
=======================================  =========  =========  ============= 
 Comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                               326        213          (344) 
=======================================  =========  =========  ============= 
 Attributable to: 
 Bupa Finance plc                              325        211          (344) 
 Non-controlling interests                       1          2              - 
=======================================  =========  =========  ============= 
 Comprehensive income/(expense) 
  for the period                               326        213          (344) 
=======================================  =========  =========  ============= 

Notes 1-18 form part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bupa Finance plc

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (unaudited)

as at 30 June 2020

                                         At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                               2020             2019         2019 
                                  Note         GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Goodwill and intangible 
  assets                           7          3,842            3,759        4,285 
 Property, plant and equipment     8          4,245            4,170        4,224 
 Investment property                            574              522          491 
 Equity accounted investments                   804              716          725 
 Post-employment benefit 
  net assets                       9              2                2            4 
 Restricted assets                 10           123              117          109 
 Financial investments             11         2,796            2,331        2,519 
 Derivatives assets                              26               59           27 
 Deferred taxation assets                        47               44           42 
 Current taxation asset                           5                8           25 
 Assets arising from insurance 
  business                         12         2,069            1,416        1,994 
 Inventories                                    104               98          109 
 Trade and other receivables                    656              739          761 
 Cash and cash equivalents         13         1,843            1,234        1,679 
 Assets held for sale              14           292              278            4 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total assets                                17,428           15,493       16,998 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Subordinated liabilities          15       (1,595)          (1,245)      (1,261) 
 Other interest bearing 
  liabilities                      15       (1,171)          (1,105)      (1,180) 
 Lease liabilities                          (1,081)          (1,062)      (1,106) 
 Post-employment benefit 
  net liabilities                  9            (7)              (7)          (8) 
 Provisions arising from 
  insurance contracts              16       (4,060)          (2,836)      (3,663) 
 Derivative liabilities                        (86)             (34)         (49) 
 Provisions for liabilities 
  and charges                                 (191)            (176)        (182) 
 Deferred taxation liabilities                (189)            (250)        (261) 
 Current taxation liabilities                 (126)             (64)         (89) 
 Other liabilities arising 
  from insurance business                     (188)            (146)        (198) 
 Trade and other payables                   (1,839)          (1,898)      (1,888) 
 Liabilities associated 
  with assets held for sale        14         (202)            (193)            - 
 Total liabilities                         (10,735)          (9,016)      (9,885) 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net assets                                   6,693            6,477        7,113 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Called up share capital                        200              200          200 
 Property revaluation reserve                   705              692          696 
 Income and expenditure 
  reserves                                    5,348            5,310        5,685 
 Cash flow hedge reserve                         21               21           21 
 Foreign currency translation 
  reserve                                       401              237          491 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Equity attributable to 
  Bupa Finance plc                            6,675            6,460        7,093 
 Equity attributable to 
  non-controlling interests                      18               17           20 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total equity                                 6,693            6,477        7,113 
===============================  =====  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Notes 1-18 form part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bupa Finance plc

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows (unaudited)

for six months ended 30 June 2020

                                                   For six    For six 
                                                    months     months       For year 
                                                     ended      ended          ended 
                                                   30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                                      2020       2019           2019 
                                           Note       GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
 Cash flow from operating activities 
 Profit before taxation expense                        191        257             35 
 Adjustments for: 
 Net financial expense                                  48         17             63 
 Depreciation, amortisation and 
  impairment                                           235        234            921 
 Other non-cash items                                 (39)        (3)           (34) 
 Changes in working capital and 
 Increase in provisions and other 
  liabilities arising from insurance 
  contracts                                          1,179        777             17 
 Increase in assets arising from 
  insurance business                                 (621)      (554)           (25) 
 Funded pension scheme employer 
  contributions                                          -          -            (1) 
 Increase in trade and other 
  receivables, and other assets                       (34)       (76)          (129) 
 Increase/(decrease) in trade 
  and other payables, and other 
  liabilities                                           36        (2)            267 
 Cash generated from operations                        995        650          1,114 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
 Income taxation paid                                 (59)      (142)          (242) 
 Increase in cash held in restricted 
  assets                                    10         (6)        (2)           (10) 
 Net cash generated from operating 
  activities                                           930        506            862 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
 Cash flow from investing activities 
 Acquisition of subsidiary companies, 
  net of cash acquired                      17        (17)      (140)          (215) 
 Investment in equity accounted 
  investments                                            -        (4)            (8) 
 Dividends received from associates                      -          -             13 
 Disposal of subsidiary companies, 
  net of cash disposed of                              (5)        (3)              - 
 Divestment in equity accounted 
  investments                                            -          -              4 
 Purchase of intangible assets              7         (43)       (31)          (130) 
 Purchase of property, plant 
  and equipment                                       (85)       (91)          (291) 
 Proceeds from sale of property, 
  plant and equipment                                    2          9             12 
 Purchase of investment property                      (27)       (24)           (58) 
 Disposal of investment property                         1          -              4 
 Net proceeds from sale, maturities 
  and (purchases) of financial 
  investments, excluding deposits 
  with credit institutions                            (11)         56            157 
 Net investment into deposits 
  with credit institutions                           (355)      (111)           (92) 
 Interest received                                      17         33             83 
 Net cash used in investing activities               (523)      (306)          (521) 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
  Cash flow from financing activities 
 Proceeds from issue of interest 
  bearing liabilities and drawdowns 
  on other borrowings                                  686        162            113 
 Repayment of interest bearing 
  liabilities and other borrowings                   (272)       (48)           (30) 
 Principal repayment of lease 
  liabilities                                         (59)       (74)          (114) 
 Repayment of interest on lease 
  liabilities                                         (27)        (1)           (57) 
 Interest paid                                        (37)       (42)           (91) 
 (Payments)/receipts on settlement 
  of hedging instruments                               (3)          9           (35) 
 Dividends paid                                      (110)       (76)          (154) 
 Acquisition of non-controlling 
  interests in subsidiary company           17           -        (2)            (2) 
 Dividends paid to non-controlling 
  interests                                              -        (2)            (3) 
 Net cash generated from/(used) 
  in financing activities                              178       (74)          (373) 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
 Net increase/(decrease) in cash 
  and cash equivalents                                 585        126           (32) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  the beginning of period(1)                         1,451      1,552          1,552 
 Effect of exchange rate changes                        58        (1)           (69) 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                             13       2,094      1,677          1,451 
========================================  =====  =========  =========  ============= 
      Includes cash balances classified as held for sale of GBP252m 
       (HY 2019: GBPnil; FY 2019: GBP218m) and bank overdrafts 
       of GBP1m (HY 2019: GBP2m; FY 2019: GBP1m) which are not 
       considered as a component of cash and cash equivalents within 
 1.    Note 13. 

Notes 1-18 form part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bupa Finance plc

Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity (unaudited)

for six months ended 30 June 2020

                                                                                     Total            Equity 
                                          Income       Cash        Foreign    attributable      attributable 
                         Property            and       flow       exchange         to Bupa                to 
                      revaluation    expenditure      hedge    translation         Finance   non-controlling     Total 
                          reserve       reserves    reserve        reserve             plc         interests    equity 
                    -------------  -------------  ---------  -------------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 For six months 
 30 June 2020                GBPm           GBPm       GBPm           GBPm            GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance as at 1 
  2020                        692          5,310         21            237           6,260                17     6,277 
 Profit for the 
  period                        -            145          -              -             145                 1       146 
 Unrealised loss 
  on revaluation 
  of property                 (2)              -          -              -             (2)                 -       (2) 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences on 
  goodwill                      -              -          -             72              72                 -        72 
 Other foreign 
  differences                  15              2          -            160             177                 -       177 
 Net loss on hedge 
  net investment 
  in overseas 
  companies                     -              -          -           (68)            (68)                 -      (68) 
 Change in fair 
  of financial 
  through other 
  income                        -              1          -              -               1                 -         1 
  income for the 
  net of taxation              13              3          -            164             180                 -       180 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
  income for the 
  period                       13            148          -            164             325                 1       326 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Dividends to 
  holders of the 
  company                       -          (110)          -              -           (110)                 -     (110) 
 Balance as at 30 
  2020                        705          5,348         21            401           6,475                18     6,493 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Share capital at 
  and end of 
  period                                                                                                           200 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Total equity                                                                                                    6,693 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
                                                                                     Total            Equity 
                                          Income       Cash        Foreign    attributable      attributable 
                         Property            and       flow       exchange         to Bupa                to 
                      revaluation    expenditure      hedge    translation         Finance   non-controlling     Total 
                          reserve       reserves    reserve        reserve             plc         interests    equity 
                    -------------  -------------  ---------  -------------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 For year ended 31 
 2019                        GBPm           GBPm       GBPm           GBPm            GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance as at 1 
  2019, as 
  reported                    700          5,640         20            464           6,824                20     6,844 
 Opening balance 
  adjustments                 (3)           (61)          -              -            (64)                 -      (64) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance as at 1 
  2019, as 
  restated                    697          5,579         20            464           6,760                20     6,780 
 (Loss)/profit for 
  financial period              -          (121)          -              -           (121)                 2     (119) 
 Unrealised gain 
  on revaluation 
  of property                  18              -          -              -              18                 -        18 
  profit on 
  disposal of 
  property                    (2)              2          -              -               -                 -         - 
  loss on 
  pension schemes               -            (2)          -              -             (2)                 -       (2) 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences on 
  goodwill                      -              -          -          (107)           (107)                 -     (107) 
 Other foreign 
  differences                (18)              3          -          (171)           (186)               (2)     (188) 
 Net gain on hedge 
  net investment 
  in overseas 
  companies                     -              -          -             51              51                 -        51 
 Change in fair 
  of financial 
  through other 
  income                        -              5          -              -               5                 -         5 
 Change in fair 
  of underlying 
  of cash flow 
  hedge                         -              -          1              -               1                 -         1 
 Taxation charge 
  on income 
  and expense 
  directly in 
  income                      (3)              -          -              -             (3)                 -       (3) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
  the period, net 
  of taxation                 (5)              8          1          (227)           (223)               (2)     (225) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
  the period                  (5)          (113)          1          (227)           (344)                 -     (344) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Dividends to 
  holders of the 
  company                       -          (154)          -              -           (154)                 -     (154) 
 Acquisition of 
  interests                     -            (2)          -              -             (2)                 -       (2) 
 Dividends paid to 
  interests                     -              -          -              -               -               (3)       (3) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance as at 31 
  2019                        692          5,310         21            237           6,260                17     6,277 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Share capital at 
  and end of 
  period                                                                                                           200 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Total equity                                                                                                    6,477 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
                                                                                     Total            Equity 
                                          Income       Cash        Foreign    attributable      attributable 
                         Property            and       flow       exchange         to Bupa                to 
                      revaluation    expenditure      hedge    translation         Finance   non-controlling     Total 
                          reserve       reserves    reserve        reserve             plc         interests    equity 
                    -------------  -------------  ---------  -------------  --------------  ----------------  -------- 
 For six months 
 30 June 2019                GBPm           GBPm       GBPm           GBPm            GBPm              GBPm      GBPm 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance as at 1 
  2019, as 
  reported                    700          5,640         20            464           6,824                20     6,844 
 Opening balance 
  adjustments                 (3)           (61)          -              -            (64)                 -      (64) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance as at 1 
  2019, as 
  restated                    697          5,579         20            464           6,760                20     6,780 
 Profit for the 
  period                        -            177          -              -             177                 2       179 
 Unrealised gain 
  on revaluation 
  of property                   1              -          -              -               1                 -         1 
  profit on 
  disposal of 
  property                    (2)              2          -              -               -                 -         - 
 Change in fair 
  of financial 
  through other 
  income                        -              4          -              -               4                 -         4 
 Foreign exchange 
  differences on 
  goodwill                      -              -          -              6               6                 -         6 
 Other foreign 
  differences                   -              1          -             17              18                 -        18 
 Net gain on hedge 
  net investment 
  in overseas 
  companies                     -              -          -              4               4                 -         4 
 Change in fair 
  of underlying 
  of cash flow 
  hedge                         -              -          1              -               1                 -         1 
  the period, net 
  of taxation                 (1)              7          1             27              34                 -        34 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
  the period                  (1)            184          1             27             211                 2       213 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Dividends to 
  holders of the 
  company                       -           (76)          -              -            (76)                 -      (76) 
 Acquisition of 
  interests                     -            (2)          -              -             (2)                 -       (2) 
 Dividends paid to 
  interests                     -              -          -              -               -               (2)       (2) 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2019                   696          5,685         21            491           6,893                20     6,913 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Share capital at 
  and end of 
  period                                                                                                           200 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 
 Total equity                                                                                                    7,113 
==================  =============  =============  =========  =============  ==============  ================  ======== 

Notes 1-18 form part of these Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements.

Bupa Finance plc

Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements (unaudited)

for six months ended 30 June 2020

   1      Financial information and basis of preparation 
   1.1   Basis of preparation 

Bupa Finance plc (the 'Company'), a company incorporated in England and Wales, together with its subsidiaries (collectively the 'Group') is an international healthcare business, providing health insurance, treatment in clinics, dental centres and hospitals, and operating care homes. The immediate and ultimate parent of the Company is The British United Provident Association Limited (the 'Parent' or 'Bupa' and together with its subsidiaries, the 'Bupa Group').

The condensed consolidated half year financial statements of the Company as at and for the six months ended 30 June 2020 comprise those of the Company and its subsidiary companies.

The interim financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules of the Financial Conduct Authority and with International Accounting Standard ('IAS') 34 Interim Financial Reporting, as adopted by the European Union ('EU') and should be read in conjunction with the annual financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2019, which have been prepared in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS') as adopted by the EU.

The interim financial statements were approved by the Board of Directors of Bupa Finance plc on 6 August 2020.

The financial information contained in these interim results does not constitute statutory accounts of Bupa Finance plc within the meaning of Section 435 of the Companies Act 2006. The comparative figures for the financial year ended 31 December 2019 are not the Company's statutory accounts for the financial year. Those accounts have been reported on by the Company's auditor and delivered to the Registrar of Companies. The report of the auditor was (i) unqualified, (ii) did not include a reference to any matters to which the auditor drew attention by way of emphasis without qualifying their report, and (iii) did not contain a statement under section 498 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

   1.2   Going concern 

Management has conducted a detailed assessment of the Group's going concern status based on its current position and forecast results. They have concluded that the Group has adequate resources to operate for the next twelve months. In making this assessment, management have considered forecasts which take account of reasonably possible changes in trading performance, liquidity and solvency capital as well as detailed stress and scenario testing. In doing this, the Group has explicitly considered further possible impacts of COVID-19 related risks.

Details of the Group's business activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position are set out in the Half Year 2020 Results Announcement. This includes changes to key risks and uncertainties in light of the COVID-19 pandemic within the Business Risks section. The financial position of the Group, its cash flows, liquidity position and borrowing facilities are also described in the Financial Review of the Half Year 2020 Results Announcement.

   1.3   Accounting estimates and judgements 

The preparation of financial statements requires the use of certain accounting estimates and assumptions that affect the reported assets, liabilities, income and expenses. It also requires management to exercise judgement in applying the Group's accounting policies.

Areas that have been recognised as being particularly sensitive to the impact of COVID-19 are set out below, with more detail on any judgements taken included in the related notes.

Goodwill and intangible assets

Goodwill and intangible assets are recognised on business combinations and are tested for impairment on an annual basis, or where there are indicators of impairment. The key assumptions within this process include the discount rate, terminal growth rate and the forecast cash flows. In the current environment, these are key sources of estimation uncertainty and goodwill impairment tests have been carried out for cash generating units with limited headroom. The outcome of Goodwill impairment test reviews and sensitivities to reasonably possible changes in assumptions are included in Note 7.

Property valuations

The Group has a significant portfolio of care home, hospital and office properties. Significant assumptions for freehold properties include average occupancy and capitalisation rates, whereas for investment property key assumptions include discount and capital growth rates. Given the lack of recent observable market transactions and that the longer term economic and social impacts of COVID-19 are not yet fully known, these valuations are subject to a high degree of judgement and uncertainty.

Provisions arising from insurance contracts

Across the Group's insurance businesses, claims volumes were reduced due to the restrictions on access to hospitals for elective surgery during the various lockdowns. Reserves have been established prudently at the half year, as increased claims are expected to be paid in future, as customers access the treatments and procedures that have been deferred due to the lockdowns. Further details of the reserving approach are included in Note 16.

   1.4   Changes in accounting policies 

Except for the changes below, the Group has consistently applied the accounting policies to all periods presented in these condensed consolidated financial statements.

   1.4.1        2019 Transitional impacts 

The Group adopted IFRS 16 Leases with a date of initial application of 1 January 2019.

For the majority of leases, the Group applied IFRS 16 using the modified retrospective approach, where the right-of-use assets equal the lease liabilities on transition, adjusted by the amount of any prepayments, intangible assets and onerous lease provisions. For a small proportion of leases, the modified retrospective approach for the right-of-use asset was determined as if IFRS 16 had been applied since the lease commencement date but discounted using the lessee's incremental borrowing rate at the date of initial application. The cumulative impact of initially applying IFRS 16 was recognised as an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings.

On transition to IFRS 16 on 1 January 2019, leases previously classified as finance leases under IAS 17 were recognised as a right-of-use asset and lease liability based on the carrying amount of the finance lease asset and liability as at 31 December 2018. These leases are subsequently measured under IFRS 16 principles. Other reclassifications related to previously recognised lease intangible assets/liabilities arising on business combinations due to favourable/unfavourable lease terms, prepayments and accruals, which were all reclassified to the right-of-use asset on transition.

The impact of implementing IFRS 16 on 1 January 2019 is set out below:

                                                                 Measurement adjustments   Reclassifications     Total 
                                                                                    GBPm                GBPm      GBPm 
==============================================================  ========================  ==================  ======== 
 Goodwill and intangible assets                                                        -                (18)      (18) 
 Property, plant and equipment (right-of-use assets)                               1,017                  28     1,045 
 Property, plant and equipment (leasehold property/equipment)                          -                (11)      (11) 
 Investment property (right-of-use asset)                                              -                   2         2 
 Deferred taxation assets                                                             13                   -        13 
 Trade and other receivables                                                           -                (23)      (23) 
 Other interest bearing liabilities                                                    -                   4         4 
 Lease liabilities                                                               (1,094)                 (1)   (1,095) 
 Trade and other payables                                                              -                  19        19 
==============================================================  ========================  ==================  ======== 
 Total impact on net assets                                                         (64)                   -      (64) 
==============================================================  ========================  ==================  ======== 

In addition, GBP3m was reclassified from the property revaluation reserve to the income and expenditure reserves as a result of reclassifying finance leased property assets to right-of-use assets on implementation of IFRS 16.

   1.5   Foreign exchange 

The following significant exchange rates applied during the period:

                                     Average rate                               Closing rate 
                      =========================================  ========================================= 
                       At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June   At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                             2020             2019         2019         2020             2019         2019 
====================  ===========  ===============  ===========  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Australian dollar           1.92             1.84         1.83         1.80             1.89         1.81 
 Brazilian real              6.17             5.03         4.97         6.72             5.32         4.87 
 Chilean peso            1,024.77           898.47       873.84     1,016.91           995.54       861.30 
 Danish krone                8.54             8.52         8.55         8.22             8.82         8.34 
 Euro                        1.14             1.14         1.15         1.10             1.18         1.12 
 Hong Kong dollar            9.79            10.00        10.15         9.59            10.31         9.92 
 Mexican peso               27.19            24.58        24.79        28.49            25.03        24.35 
 New Zealand dollar          2.01             1.94         1.93         1.92             1.97         1.89 
 Polish zloty                5.04             4.90         4.92         4.90             5.02         4.74 
 Turkish lira                8.16             7.25         7.27         8.49             7.88         7.35 
 US dollar                   1.26             1.28         1.29         1.24             1.32         1.27 
====================  ===========  ===============  ===========  ===========  ===============  =========== 
   2      Operating segments 

During the second half of 2019, the Group announced a simplification of the organisational structure, to manage the Group through three Market Units based on geographic locations and customers: Australia and New Zealand; Europe and Latin America; and Bupa Global and UK. Management monitors the operating results of the Market Units separately to assess performance and make decisions about the allocation of resources. The segmental disclosures below are reported consistently with the way the business is managed and reported internally.

Businesses previously part of International Markets have been reallocated. Bupa Global Business Unit is now part of Bupa Global and UK. Bupa Global Latin America and Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta are now part of Europe and Latin America and from 30 June 2020 Bupa Global Latin America has been split to report business in Brazil and Mexico separately . All remaining International Markets business units, including Bupa Hong Kong, Bupa China and the Group's associate investments, Bupa Arabia and Max Bupa , are reported within Other businesses. Comparative information has been restated accordingly.

 Reportable Segments   Service and Products 
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 Australia and         Bupa Health Insurance: Domestic health insurance 
  New Zealand           and international health cover in Australia. 
                        Bupa Health Services: Health provision services 
                        relating to dental, optical, audiology and medical 
                        assessments and therapy. 
                        Bupa Villages and Aged Care - Australia: Nursing, 
                        residential and respite care. 
                        Bupa Villages and Aged Care - New Zealand: Nursing, 
                        residential, respite care and residential villages. 
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 Europe and Latin      Sanitas Seguros: Health insurance and related 
  America               products in Spain. 
                        Sanitas Dental: Insurance and dental services 
                        through clinics and third-party networks in 
                        Sanitas Hospitales and New Services: Management 
                        and operation of hospitals and health clinics 
                        in Spain. 
                        Sanitas Mayores: Nursing, residential and respite 
                        care in care homes and day centres in Spain. 
                        LuxMed: Medical subscriptions, health insurance, 
                        and the management and operation of diagnostics, 
                        health clinics and hospitals in Poland. 
                        Bupa A cıbadem Sigorta: Domestic health 
                        insurance in Turkey. 
                        Bupa Chile: Domestic health insurance and the 
                        management and operation of health clinics and 
                        hospitals in Chile. 
                        Care Plus: Domestic health insurance in Brazil. 
                        Bupa Mexico: Domestic health insurance in Mexico. 
                        Bupa Global Latin America: International health 
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 Bupa Global and       Bupa UK Insurance: Domestic health insurance, 
  UK                    and administration services for Bupa health 
                        Bupa Dental Care UK: Dental services and related 
                        Bupa Care Services: Nursing, residential, respite 
                        care and care villages. 
                        Bupa Health Services: Clinical services, health 
                        assessment related products and management and 
                        operation of a private hospital. 
                        Bupa Global: International health insurance 
                        to individuals, small businesses and corporate 
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 
 Other businesses      Bupa Hong Kong: Domestic health insurance, primary 
                        healthcare and day care clinics including diagnostics. 
                        Bupa China : Clinical services. 
                        Associates: Bupa Arabia (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia) 
                        and Max Bupa (India): Health insurance. 
--------------------  -------------------------------------------------------- 

A key performance measure of operating segments utilised by the Group is underlying profit. This measurement basis distinguishes underlying profit from other constituents of the IFRS reported profit before taxation not directly related to the trading performance of the business.

Underlying profit

The following items are excluded from underlying profit:

            -   Impairment of intangible assets and goodwill arising on 
                 business combinations - impairment reviews are performed 
                 at least annually. Goodwill impairments are considered 
                 to be one-off and not reflective of the in-year trading 
                 performance of the business. 
            -   Net gains/losses on disposal of businesses and transaction 
                 costs on business combinations - gains/losses on disposal 
                 of businesses that are material and one-off in nature 
                 to the reportable segment are not considered part of the 
                 continuing business. Transaction costs that relate to 
                 material acquisitions or disposals are not related to 
                 the ongoing trading performance of the business. 
            -   Net property revaluation gains/losses - short-term fluctuations 
                 which would distort underlying trading performance. Includes 
                 unrealised gains or losses on investment properties, deficit 
                 on revaluations and property impairment losses. 
            -   Realised and unrealised foreign exchange gains/losses 
                 - short-term fluctuations outside of management control, 
                 which would distort underlying trading performance. 
            -   Gains/losses on return-seeking assets, net of hedging 
                 - fluctuations on investments that are not considered 
                 to be directly related to underlying trading performance. 
            -   Other Market Unit/Group non-underlying items - includes 
                 items that are considered material to the reportable segment 
                 or Group and are not reflective of ongoing trading performance. 

The total underlying profit of the reportable segments is reconciled below to the profit before taxation expense in the Consolidated Income Statement.

                                 Australia        and 
                                       and      Latin   Bupa Global         Other 
                               New Zealand    America        and UK    businesses   Total 
                             -------------  ---------  ------------  ------------  ------ 
 For six months ended 
  30 June 2020                        GBPm       GBPm          GBPm          GBPm    GBPm 
===========================  =============  =========  ============  ============  ====== 
 (i) Revenues 
 Gross insurance premiums            1,756      1,326         1,108           197   4,387 
 Premiums ceded to 
  reinsurers                             -       (11)          (34)           (2)    (47) 
 Internal reinsurance                    -          -            24          (24)       - 
===========================  =============  =========  ============  ============  ====== 
 Net insurance premiums 
  earned                             1,756      1,315         1,098           171   4,340 
 Care, health and other 
  customer contract 
  revenues                             459        510           430            68   1,467 
 Other revenues                         23          2             4             4      33 
 Total revenues for 
  reportable segments                2,238      1,827         1,532           243   5,840 
===========================  =============  =========  ============  ============  ====== 
 Consolidated total 
  revenues                                                                          5,840 
===========================  =============  =========  ============  ============  ====== 
 (ii) Segmental result 
 Underlying profit 
  for reportable segments               60         85            26            35     206 
 Central expenses and 
  net interest margin                                                                (28) 
 Underlying profit 
  for reportable segments                                                             178 
 Non-underlying items: 
 Net losses on disposal 
  of businesses and 
  transaction costs 
  on business combinations               -        (3)           (2)             -     (5) 
 Net property revaluation 
  gains                                 10          -             -             -      10 
 Realised and unrealised 
  FX gains                               -          8             5             1      14 
 Losses on return-seeking 
  assets, net of hedging                                                              (5) 
 Central non-underlying 
  items                                                                               (1) 
 Total non-underlying 
  items                                                                                13 
===========================  =============  =========  ============  ============  ====== 
 Consolidated profit 
  before taxation expense                                                             191 
===========================  =============  =========  ============  ============  ====== 
                                                           and          Bupa 
                                       Australia         Latin        Global         Other 
                                             and       America        and UK    businesses         Total 
                                     New Zealand    (restated)    (restated)    (restated)    (restated) 
                                   =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
 For six months ended 
  30 June 2019                              GBPm          GBPm          GBPm          GBPm          GBPm 
=================================  =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
 (i) Revenues 
 Gross insurance premiums                  1,851         1,317         1,137           178         4,483 
 Premiums ceded to reinsurers                  -          (10)          (28)             -          (38) 
 Internal reinsurance                          -             -            27          (27)             - 
=================================  =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
 Net insurance premiums 
  earned                                   1,851         1,307         1,136           151         4,445 
 Care, health and other 
  customer contract revenues                 395           581           508            82         1,566 
 Other revenues                                8             2             3             2            15 
 Total revenue for reportable 
  segments                                 2,254         1,890         1,647           235         6,026 
=================================  =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
 Net reclassifications 
  to other expenses or 
  financial income and 
  expense                                                                                            (1) 
 Consolidated total 
  revenues                                                                                         6,025 
=================================  =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
 (ii) Segmental result 
 Underlying profit for 
  reportable segments                         92            84            58            18           252 
 Central expenses and 
  net interest margin                                                                               (10) 
 Underlying profit for 
  reportable segments                                                                                242 
 Non-underlying items: 
 Net losses on disposal 
  of businesses and transaction 
  costs on business combinations               -             -           (2)             -           (2) 
 Net property revaluation 
  gains                                        8             -             -             -             8 
 Realised and unrealised 
  FX losses                                    -             -           (9)             -           (9) 
 Gains on return-seeking 
  assets, net of hedging                                                                              24 
 Central non-underlying 
  items                                                                                              (6) 
 Total non-underlying 
  items                                                                                               15 
=================================  =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
 Consolidated profit 
  before taxation expense                                                                            257 
=================================  =============  ============  ============  ============  ============ 
                                       Australia        and      Bupa 
                                             and      Latin    Global         Other 
                                     New Zealand    America    and UK    businesses    Total 
                                   -------------  ---------  --------  ------------  ------- 
 For year ended 31 December 
  2019                                      GBPm       GBPm      GBPm          GBPm     GBPm 
=================================  =============  =========  ========  ============  ======= 
 (i) Revenues 
 Gross insurance premiums                  3,731      2,685     2,295           366    9,077 
 Premiums ceded to reinsurers                  -       (21)      (57)           (1)     (79) 
 Internal reinsurance                          -          1        49          (50)        - 
=================================  =============  =========  ========  ============  ======= 
 Net insurance premiums 
  earned                                   3,731      2,665     2,287           315    8,998 
 Care, health and other 
  customer contract revenues                 906      1,184     1,028           169    3,287 
 Other revenues                               15          4         8             4       31 
 Total revenue for reportable 
  segments                                 4,652      3,853     3,323           488   12,316 
=================================  =============  =========  ========  ============  ======= 
 Consolidated total 
  revenues                                                                            12,316 
=================================  =============  =========  ========  ============  ======= 
 (ii) Segmental result 
 Underlying profit for 
  reportable segments                        185        178       131            49      543 
 Central expenses and 
  net interest margin                                                                   (18) 
 Underlying profit for 
  reportable segments                                                                    525 
 Non-underlying items: 
 Impairments of intangible 
  assets and goodwill 
  arising on business 
  combinations                             (177)       (24)     (242)             -    (443) 
 Net losses on disposal 
  of businesses and transaction 
  costs on business combinations               -       (26)       (3)             -     (29) 
 Net property revaluation 
  gains/(losses)                               9        (1)       (2)             -        6 
 Realised and unrealised 
  FX losses                                    -        (6)      (17)             -     (23) 
 Group non-underlying 
  items                                                                                 (29) 
 Gains on return-seeking 
  assets, net of hedging                                                                  28 
 Total non-underlying 
  items                                                                                (490) 
=================================  =============  =========  ========  ============  ======= 
 Consolidated profit 
  before taxation expense                                                                 35 
=================================  =============  =========  ========  ============  ======= 
   3      Revenue 

Revenue has been analysed at Business Unit level reflecting the nature of services provided by each geography that is reported internally to management.

                                         and other          Net 
                                          customer    insurance 
                                          contract     premiums      Other       Total 
                                           revenue       earned    revenue    revenues 
 For six months ended 30 June 2020            GBPm         GBPm       GBPm        GBPm 
                                       ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Bupa Health Insurance                           3        1,756          1       1,760 
 Bupa Health Services                          239            -         12         251 
 Bupa Villages and Aged Care - 
  Australia                                    149            -          3         152 
 Bupa Villages and Aged Care - 
  New Zealand                                   68            -          7          75 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Australia and New Zealand                     459        1,756         23       2,238 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Sanitas Seguros                                 4          592          -         596 
 Sanitas Dental                                 32           32          1          65 
 Sanitas Hospitales and New Services            98            -          -          98 
 Sanitas Mayores                                70            -          -          70 
 LuxMed                                        192            5          -         197 
 Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta                      -          104          -         104 
 Bupa Chile                                    109          342          1         452 
 Care Plus                                       1           91          -          92 
 Bupa Mexico                                     -            7          -           7 
 Bupa Global Latin America                       4          142          -         146 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Europe and Latin America                      510        1,315          2       1,827 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Bupa UK Insurance                               7          719          2         728 
 Bupa Dental Care UK                           166            -          -         166 
 Bupa Care Services                            192            -          -         192 
 Bupa Health Services                           65            -          -          65 
 Bupa Global                                     -          379          2         381 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Bupa Global and UK                            430        1,098          4       1,532 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Bupa Hong Kong                                 68          171          -         239 
 Other                                           -            -          4           4 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Other businesses                               68          171          4         243 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
 Consolidated total revenues                 1,467        4,340         33       5,840 
=====================================  ===========  ===========  =========  ========== 
                                          and other           Net 
                                           customer     insurance 
                                           contract      premiums         Other 
                                            revenue        earned       revenue       Total 
                                         (restated)    (restated)    (restated)    revenues 
 For six months ended 30 June 2019             GBPm          GBPm          GBPm        GBPm 
                                       ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa Health Insurance                            4         1,851             1       1,856 
 Bupa Health Services                           151             -             1         152 
 Bupa Villages and Aged Care - 
  Australia                                     170             -             -         170 
 Bupa Villages and Aged Care - 
  New Zealand                                    70             -             6          76 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Australia and New Zealand                      395         1,851             8       2,254 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Sanitas Seguros                                  4           570             -         574 
 Sanitas Dental                                  42            30             1          73 
 Sanitas Hospitales and New Services            112             -             -         112 
 Sanitas Mayores                                 72             -             -          72 
 LuxMed                                         183             5             -         188 
 Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta                       -            82             -          82 
 Bupa Chile                                     166           372             1         539 
 Care Plus                                        1            99             -         100 
 Bupa Mexico                                      -             7             -           7 
 Bupa Global Latin America                        1           142             -         143 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Europe and Latin America                       581         1,307             2       1,890 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa UK Insurance                                8           760             1         769 
 Bupa Dental Care UK                            224             -             -         224 
 Bupa Care Services                             204             -             -         204 
 Bupa Health Services                            72             -             -          72 
 Bupa Global                                      -           376             2         378 
 Bupa Global and UK                             508         1,136             3       1,647 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa Hong Kong                                  82           151             -         233 
 Other                                            -             -             2           2 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Other businesses                                82           151             2         235 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Net reclassifications to other 
  expenses or financial income and 
  expense                                         -             -           (1)         (1) 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Consolidated total revenues                  1,566         4,445            14       6,025 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
                                          and other           Net 
                                           customer     insurance 
                                           contract      premiums         Other 
                                            revenue        earned       revenue       Total 
                                         (restated)    (restated)    (restated)    revenues 
 For year ended 31 December 2019               GBPm          GBPm          GBPm        GBPm 
                                       ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa Health Insurance                            8         3,731             2       3,741 
 Bupa Health Services                           428             -             -         428 
 Bupa Villages and Aged Care - 
  Australia                                     330             -             -         330 
 Bupa Villages and Aged Care - 
  New Zealand                                   140             -            13         153 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Australia and New Zealand                      906         3,731            15       4,652 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Sanitas Seguros                                  8         1,149             1       1,158 
 Sanitas Dental                                  83            62             1         146 
 Sanitas Hospitales and New Services            230             -             1         231 
 Sanitas Mayores                                148             -             -         148 
 LuxMed                                         383            10             -         393 
 Bupa Acıbadem Sigorta                       -           185             -         185 
 Bupa Chile                                     330           744             1       1,075 
 Care Plus                                        2           205             -         207 
 Bupa Mexico                                      -            15             -          15 
 Bupa Global Latin America                        -           295             -         295 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Europe and Latin America                     1,184         2,665             4       3,853 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa UK Insurance                               15         1,537             3       1,555 
 Bupa Dental Care UK                            454             -             1         455 
 Bupa Care Services                             408             -             -         408 
 Bupa Health Services                           150             -             1         151 
 Bupa Global                                      1           750             3         754 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa Global and UK                           1,028         2,287             8       3,323 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Bupa Hong Kong                                 169           315             -         484 
 Other                                            -             -             4           4 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Other businesses                               169           315             4         488 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
 Consolidated total revenues                  3,287         8,998            31      12,316 
=====================================  ============  ============  ============  ========== 
   4      Other income and charges 
                                                                                 For year 
                                           For six months   For six months          ended 
                                                    ended            ended    31 December 
                                             30 June 2020     30 June 2019           2019 
                                                     GBPm             GBPm           GBPm 
                                          ===============  ===============  ============= 
 Net loss on disposal and restructuring 
  of businesses(1)                                    (5)              (3)           (24) 
 Deficit on revaluation of 
  property                                              -                -           (19) 
 Net gains on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                   -                1              1 
========================================  ===============  ===============  ============= 
 Total other income and charges                       (5)              (2)           (42) 
========================================  ===============  ===============  ============= 
      Net loss on disposal and restructuring of businesses includes 
       a loss of GBP3m (FY 2019: loss of GBP26m) in respect of 
       a provision business in the Europe and Latin America segment 
 1.    classified as held for sale. 
   5      Financial income and expense 

Financial income

                                                        For six 
                                             For six     months       For year 
                                        months ended      ended          ended 
                                             30 June    30 June    31 December 
                                                2020       2019           2019 
                                                GBPm       GBPm           GBPm 
                                      --------------  ---------  ------------- 
 Interest income: 
  Investments at fair value through 
   profit or loss                                 12         13             28 
  Investments at fair value through 
   other comprehensive income                      -          3              1 
  Investments at amortised cost                   15         28             51 
 Net realised (losses)/gains: 
 Net realised (losses)/gains 
  on financial investments at 
  fair value through profit or 
  loss                                           (3)          1              9 
 Net realised gains on financial 
  investments designated at fair 
  value through other comprehensive 
  income                                           2          -              - 
 Net increase in fair value: 
  Investments at fair value through 
   profit or loss                                  -         27             13 
  Investment property                             11          8             25 
 Net foreign exchange translation 
  gains/(losses)                                   2        (9)           (17) 
====================================  ==============  =========  ============= 
 Total financial income                           39         71            110 
====================================  ==============  =========  ============= 

Included within financial income is a net loss, after hedging, on the Group's return-seeking asset portfolio of GBP5m (HY 2019: net gain of GBP24m; FY 2019: net gain of GBP28m).

Financial expense

                                                                         For year 
                                   For six months   For six months          ended 
                                            ended            ended    31 December 
                                     30 June 2020     30 June 2019           2019 
                                             GBPm             GBPm           GBPm 
                                  ===============  ===============  ============= 
 Interest expense on financial 
  liabilities at amortised cost                49               48            100 
 Finance charges in respect 
  of leases and restoration 
  provisions                                   28               29             58 
 Other financial expenses                       1                2              4 
================================  ===============  ===============  ============= 
 Total financial expenses                      78               79            162 
================================  ===============  ===============  ============= 
   6      Taxation expense 

The Group's effective tax rate for the period was 24% (HY 2019: 30%; FY 2019: 440%), which is higher than the current UK corporation tax rate of 19%. This is mainly due to profits arising in jurisdictions with a higher rate of corporate income tax and deferred tax adjustments arising from changes to the enacted UK corporation tax rate.

   7      Goodwill and intangible assets 
                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                          2020             2019         2019 
                                          GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
                                   ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net book value at beginning 
  of period                              3,759            4,197        4,197 
 Adoption of IFRS 16 Leases 
  (Note 1.4)                                 -             (18)         (18) 
 Assets arising on business 
  combinations                              11              206          130 
 Additions                                  43              130           31 
 Disposals                                   -              (4)          (1) 
 Amortisation for the period              (70)            (148)         (71) 
 Impairments                                 -            (449)          (1) 
 Other                                       6              (2)            6 
 Foreign exchange                           93            (153)           12 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net book value at end of period         3,842            3,759        4,285 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

The net book value of intangible assets comprises:

                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                          2020             2019         2019 
                                          GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
                                   ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Goodwill                                2,626            2,544        3,049 
 Computer software                         284              259          247 
 Brands and trademarks                     176              181          228 
 Customer relationships                    552              575          576 
 Other                                     204              200          185 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net book value at end of period         3,842            3,759        4,285 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Intangible assets of GBP3,842m (HY 2019: GBP4,285m; FY 2019: GBP3,759m) includes GBP932m (HY 2019: GBP989m; FY 2019: GBP956m) attributable to other intangible assets arising on business combinations. This comprises customer relationships, brands and trademarks and other in the above table.

Impairment testing of goodwill

Goodwill is tested at least annually for impairment in accordance with IAS 36 Impairment of Assets and IAS 38 Intangible Assets. A review of goodwill was carried out as at 30 June 2020, which resulted in no impairments. It has highlighted some cash generating units ('CGU') where a reasonably possible change in assumptions could give rise to an impairment in future, as set out below.

Goodwill by CGU is as follows:

                                             At 30 June                     At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                                   2020                               2019         2019 
                                                   GBPm                               GBPm         GBPm 
============================  =========================  =================================  =========== 
 Australia and New Zealand 
 Bupa Australia Health 
  Insurance                                         883                                840          875 
 Bupa Health Services 
  Australia                                         308                                292          297 
 Bupa Villages and Aged 
  Care - Australia                                   84                                 80          268 
 Europe and Latin America 
 Bupa Chile                                         146                                150          173 
 LuxMed                                             260                                250          255 
 Sanitas Seguros                                    102                                 95          102 
 Sanitas Mayores                                     22                                 21           22 
 Bupa Acıbadem 
  Sigorta                                            49                                 53           57 
 Care Plus                                           20                                 24           27 
 Bupa Global and UK 
 Bupa Care Services 
  UK                                                 90                                 90           90 
 Bupa Dental Care UK                                468                                463          677 
 Bupa Global                                         68                                 68           68 
 Bupa Cromwell Hospital                               -                                  -           16 
 Other                                                2                                  3            3 
 Other businesses 
 Hong Kong(1)                                       124                                115          119 
============================  =========================  =================================  =========== 
 Total                                            2,626                              2,544        3,049 
============================  =========================  =================================  =========== 
                              From 2019, the Hong Kong Quality HealthCare and Insurance 
                               businesses are being managed as a single business unit, 
                               and are now treated as a single Hong Kong CGU reflecting 
                         1.    the operating structure of the business. 

COVID-19 has caused significant disruption across the Group's provision and aged care businesses, particularly the closure of a number of provision businesses during the peak period of lockdown in their given geography. Goodwill impairment testing has therefore been carried out on CGUs where there is evidence that there is limited headroom at 30 June 2020.

A key judgement in performing this testing is the assumptions underlying the five year cashflow forecasts of the businesses. For aged care, key drivers are occupancy rates, fee rates, staff costs and operating expenses. For provision business these are driven by available clinician hours, fee rates and operating expenses. For UK Dental, cashflows are particularly sensitive to the availability of dentists for the Group to recruit.

The goodwill tests have been performed using the latest cashflow forecasts for the CGUs as at 30 June 2020. These reflect the anticipated recovery of the businesses over the medium term along-side the impacts of management actions, such as delaying capital expenditure, that have been implemented in the short term. Given the uncertainty regarding potential second wave lockdowns, and acknowledging that the longer term economic and social impact of COVID-19 is not yet fully known, projecting future cash flows is inevitably judgemental and will require periodic further review. For further details of current business risks, see page 15.

The tests have not indicated that an impairment of goodwill is required for any of the CGUs. Sensitivities have been provided below for CGUs where a reasonably possible change to the discount rate, terminal growth rate or cash flows could give rise to an impairment in the future.

                                                               Reduction    in headroom 
                                                             in headroom           from 
                                                                    from           0.5%        Reduction 
                                                                    0.5%      reduction      in headroom 
                                                 Terminal       increase    in terminal             from 
                                      Discount     growth    in discount         growth    10% reduction 
                           Headroom       rate       rate           rate           rate     in cashflows 
                               GBPm          %          %           GBPm           GBPm             GBPm 
========================  =========  =========  =========  =============  =============  =============== 
 Bupa Villages and 
  Aged Care - Australia          14        9.5        3.0           (36)           (30)             (48) 
 Bupa Chile                      52       10.3        3.0           (45)           (37)             (75) 
 LuxMed                          41        9.0        3.6           (50)           (43)             (51) 
 Bupa Care Services 
  UK                             45        6.5        2.6           (89)           (79)             (63) 
 Bupa Dental Care 
  UK                              2        6.5        2.6          (103)           (91)             (82) 
========================  =========  =========  =========  =============  =============  =============== 
   8      Property, plant and equipment 
                                        At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                              2020             2019         2019 
                                              GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
                                       ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net book value at beginning 
  of period                                  4,170            3,181        3,181 
 Adoption of IFRS 16 Leases 
  (Note 1.4)                                     -            1,034        1,034 
 Additions through business 
  combinations                                   1               15            2 
 Additions                                     110              431          140 
 Transfer to assets held for 
  sale                                         (1)              (3)          (1) 
 Disposals                                     (2)             (11)          (3) 
 Revaluations                                  (2)              (1)            1 
 Remeasurement of lease right-of-use 
  assets                                        28                -           25 
 Depreciation charge for the 
  period                                     (164)            (324)        (162) 
 Other                                         (2)                4          (3) 
 Foreign exchange                              107            (156)           10 
=====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net book value at end of period             4,245            4,170        4,224 
=====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Property, plant and equipment are the physical assets utilised by the Group to carry out business activities and generate revenues and profits. Most of the assets held relate to care homes, hospital properties, office buildings and equipment. Lease right-of-use assets, recognised on transition to IFRS 16 Leases, relate primarily to property leases.

Care home and hospital freehold property valuations are determined based on a capitalisation of earnings approach (i.e. each facility's normalised earnings are divided by an appropriate capitalisation rate to determine a value in use). All other properties are valued by external valuers, based on observable market values of similar properties. Given the lack of recent observable market transactions and that the longer term economic and social impact of COVID-19 is not yet fully known, the valuations are subject to a high degree of judgement and uncertainty and will require periodic further review. A review of property valuations at 30 June 2020 resulted in write-downs of GBP2m in respect of owned property.

Right-of-use assets in relation to property leases, are carried at historical cost less depreciation. An assessment for indicators of impairment of right-of-use assets is made at the CGU level of the business concerned, based on value in use. If impairment testing is required, key assumptions include future projected cash flows and discount rates. Whilst no indicators of impairment have been identified as at 30 June 2020, as with other key accounting judgements, there is future uncertainty as the longer term economic and social impacts of COVID-19 are fully understood.

   9      Post-employment benefits 

The Group operates several funded defined benefit and defined contribution pension schemes for the benefit of employees and Directors.

The defined benefit pension schemes provide benefits based on final pensionable salary. The Group's net obligation in respect of the defined benefit pension is calculated separately for each scheme and represents the present value of the defined benefit obligation less, for funded schemes, the fair value of scheme assets. The discount rate used is the yield at the balance sheet date on high-quality corporate bonds denominated in the currency in which the benefit will be paid. When the calculation results in a benefit to the Group, the recognised asset is limited to the present value of any future refunds from the scheme or reductions in future contributions to the scheme.

Amount recognised in the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement

The amounts credited to other operating expenses for the period are:

                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                          2020             2019         2019 
                                          GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
================================  ============  ===============  =========== 
 Current service cost                        -                1            - 
 Gain on settlement                          -              (2)          (1) 
================================  ============  ===============  =========== 
 Total amount credited to the 
  Condensed Consolidated Income 
  Statement                                  -              (1)          (1) 
================================  ============  ===============  =========== 

Assets and liabilities of schemes

The assets and liabilities in respect of the defined benefit funded pension schemes are as follows:

                                        At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                              2020             2019         2019 
                                              GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
                                       ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Present value of funded obligations          (79)             (78)         (74) 
 Fair value of scheme assets                    74               73           70 
=====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net recognised liabilities                    (5)              (5)          (4) 
=====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Represented on the Condensed 
  Consolidated Statement of 
  Financial Position: 
 Net liabilities                               (7)              (7)          (8) 
 Net assets                                      2                2            4 
=====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net recognised liabilities                    (5)              (5)          (4) 
=====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
   10    Restricted assets 
                                  At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                        2020             2019         2019 
                                        GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Non-current restricted assets            44               44           42 
 Current restricted assets                79               73           67 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total restricted assets                 123              117          109 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Restricted assets are amounts held in respect of specific obligations and potential liabilities and may be used only to discharge those obligations and potential liabilities should they crystallise. The non-current restricted assets balance of GBP44m

(HY 2019: GBP42m; FY 2019: GBP44m) consists of cash deposits held to secure a charge over the non-registered pension arrangement (held in the Parent company). Included in current restricted assets is GBP77m (HY 2019: GBP65m; FY 2019: GBP72m) in respect of claims funds held on behalf of corporate customers.

   11    Financial investments 

The Group generates cash from its underwriting, trading and nancing activities and invests the surplus cash in nancial investments. These include government bonds, corporate bonds, pooled investments funds and deposits with credit institutions.


All financial investments are initially recognised at fair value, which includes transaction costs for financial investments not classified at fair value through profit or loss.

Financial investments are derecognised when the rights to receive cash flows from the financial investments have expired or where the Group has transferred substantially all risks and rewards of ownership.

Financial investments at initial recognition are recorded using trade date accounting.

The Group has classified its financial investments into the following categories: at fair value through profit or loss ('FVTPL'), at fair value through other comprehensive income ('FVOCI') and at amortised cost.


Entities are required to recognise an allowance for either 12-month or lifetime expected credit losses ('ECL'), depending on whether there has been a significant increase in credit risk since initial recognition. The measurement of ECL reflects a probability-weighted outcome, the time value of money and the best available forward-looking information. The ECL should be based on reasonable and supportable information that is available without undue cost or effort. An entity may assume that the credit risk on a financial instrument has not increased significantly since initial recognition if the financial instrument is determined to have low credit risk at the reporting date (e.g. it is investment grade).

As the Group's financial investments at FVOCI and amortised cost are all either investment grade or short term, 12-month ECL is applied. For financial investments, an option pricing probability model is used as the basis for assessing ECL. ECL for trade and other receivables is measured at lifetime ECL using a provision matrix.

                                       At 30 June      At 31 December          At 30 June 
                                             2020                2019                2019 
-----------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                                Carrying     Fair   Carrying     Fair   Carrying     Fair 
                                   value    value      value    value      value    value 
                                    GBPm     GBPm       GBPm     GBPm       GBPm     GBPm 
=============================  =========  =======  =========  =======  =========  ======= 
 Fair value through 
  profit or loss 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                  311      311        335      335        349      349 
 Government debt securities           49       49         52       52         47       47 
 Pooled investment funds             221      221        220      220        220      220 
 Deposits with credit 
  institutions                         1        1          1        1          2        2 
 Other loans                           6        6          5        5          9        9 
 Equities                             12       12         13       13         21       21 
 Fair value through 
  other comprehensive 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                  100      100         31       31         30       30 
 Government debt securities           35       35         52       52         66       66 
 Amortised cost 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                  650      656        627      631        702      705 
 Government debt securities          139      141        129      130        155      159 
 Deposits with credit 
  institutions                     1,271    1,278        865      867        917      921 
 Other loans                           1        1          1        1          1        1 
=============================  =========  =======  =========  =======  =========  ======= 
 Total financial investments       2,796    2,811      2,331    2,338      2,519    2,530 
=============================  =========  =======  =========  =======  =========  ======= 
 Non-current                         990      998        767      770        837      840 
 Current                           1,806    1,813      1,564    1,568      1,682    1,690 
=============================  =========  =======  =========  =======  =========  ======= 

The performance of the Group's financial investments has been resilient during the period, largely due to the proportion invested in high credit quality bank deposits and liquidity funds. Certain insurance businesses in the Group also invest in smaller return-seeking asset portfolios of bonds and loans, where there has also not been a significant decline in value.

Fair value of financial investments

Fair value is a market-based measurement of assets based on observable market transactions where market information might be available. The objective of a fair value measurement is to estimate the price at which an orderly transaction to sell the asset or to transfer the asset would take place between market participants at the measurement date under current market conditions (i.e. an exit price at the measurement date from the perspective of a market participant that holds the asset).

The fair values of quoted investments in active markets are based on current bid prices. The fair values of unlisted securities and quoted investments for which there is no active market are established by using valuation techniques supported by market transactions and observable market data provided by independent third parties. These may include reference to the current fair value of other investments that are substantially the same and discounted cash flow analysis.

Financial investments carried at fair value are measured using different valuation inputs categorised into a three-level hierarchy. The different levels have been defined by reference to the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement, as follows:

 --   Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for 
       identical assets or liabilities. 
 --   Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included within 
       level one that are observable for the asset or liability, 
       either directly (i.e. as prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived 
       from prices). 
 --   Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not 
       based on observable market data (unobservable inputs). 

An analysis of financial investment by hierarchy level is as follows:

                                      Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
 As at 30 June 2020                      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm    GBPm 
                                     ========  ========  ========  ====== 
 Fair value through profit 
  or loss 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                        14       297         -     311 
 Government debt securities                49         -         -      49 
 Pooled investment funds                   47       167         7     221 
 Deposits with credit institutions          1         -         -       1 
 Other loans                                -         -         6       6 
 Equities                                   -         -        12      12 
 Fair value through other 
  comprehensive income 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                       100         -         -     100 
 Government debt securities                35         -         -      35 
 Amortised cost 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                       653         3         -     656 
 Government debt securities               140         1         -     141 
 Deposits with credit institutions          -     1,278         -   1,278 
 Other loans                                -         1         -       1 
===================================  ========  ========  ========  ====== 
 Total financial investments            1,039     1,747        25   2,811 
===================================  ========  ========  ========  ====== 
                                      Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
  As at 31 December 2019                 GBPm      GBPm      GBPm    GBPm 
                                     ========  ========  ========  ====== 
 Fair value through profit 
  or loss 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                        18       317         -     335 
 Government debt securities                52         -         -      52 
 Pooled investment funds                   48       168         4     220 
 Deposits with credit institutions          1         -         -       1 
 Other loans                                -         -         5       5 
 Equities                                   -         -        13      13 
 Fair value through other 
  comprehensive income 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                        31         -         -      31 
 Government debt securities                52         -         -      52 
 Amortised cost 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                       629         2         -     631 
 Government debt securities               129         1         -     130 
 Deposits with credit institutions          -       867         -     867 
 Other loans                                -         1         -       1 
===================================  ========  ========  ========  ====== 
 Total financial investments              960     1,356        22   2,338 
===================================  ========  ========  ========  ====== 
                                      Level 1   Level 2   Level 3   Total 
 As at 30 June 2019                      GBPm      GBPm      GBPm    GBPm 
                                     ========  ========  ========  ====== 
 Fair value through profit 
  or loss 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                        26       323         -     349 
 Government debt securities                47         -         -      47 
 Pooled investment funds                   46       171         3     220 
 Deposits with credit institutions          2         -         -       2 
 Other loans                                -         -         9       9 
 Equities                                   -         -        21      21 
 Fair value through other 
  comprehensive income 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                        30         -         -      30 
 Government debt securities                66         -         -      66 
 Amortised cost 
 Corporate debt securities 
  and secured loans                       703         2         -     705 
 Government debt securities               158         1         -     159 
 Deposits with credit institutions          -       921         -     921 
 Other loans                                -         1         -       1 
===================================  ========  ========  ========  ====== 
 Total financial investments            1,078     1,419        33   2,530 
===================================  ========  ========  ========  ====== 

The Group currently holds Level 3 financial investments totalling GBP25m (HY 2019: GBP33m; FY 2019: GBP22m). The majority of investments are unlisted equities and convertible notes valued at the recent subscription value and conversion price, which are deemed to be unobservable inputs. Reasonably possible changes to the valuation assumptions applied could result in a change in fair value of plus or minus GBP2m.

The table below shows movement in the Level 3 assets measured at fair value:

                                  At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                        2020             2019         2019 
                                        GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Opening balance                          22               32           32 
 Additions                                 2               17            - 
 Net decrease in fair value                -             (17)            - 
 Disposals                                 -              (9)            - 
 Foreign exchange                          1              (1)            1 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total Level 3 assets measured 
  at fair value                           25               22           33 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

There have been no transfers in or out of Level 3 during the period.

   12    Assets arising from insurance business 
                               At 30 June                At 31 December                    At 30 June 
                                     2020                          2019                          2019 
                                     GBPm                          GBPm                          GBPm 
============================  ===========  ============================  ============================ 
 Insurance debtors                  1,744                         1,143                         1,684 
 Ceded insurance provisions 
  (see Note 16)                        54                            24                            45 
 Deferred acquisition costs           188                           160                           173 
 Medicare Rebate                       74                            73                            68 
 Risk Equalisation Special 
  Account recoveries                    9                            16                            24 
============================  ===========  ============================  ============================ 
 Total assets arising from 
  insurance business                2,069                         1,416                         1,994 
============================  ===========  ============================  ============================ 
 Non-current                           12                            27                            15 
 Current                            2,057                         1,389                         1,979 
============================  ===========  ============================  ============================ 

Due to the nature of the Group's insurance business and the timing of renewals, half year balances are higher than year end.

   13    Cash and cash equivalents 
                                    At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                          2020             2019         2019 
                                          GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Cash at bank and in hand                1,132              807        1,098 
 Short-term deposits                       711              427          581 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total cash and cash equivalents         1,843            1,234        1,679 
=================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash balances, call deposits and other short-term highly liquid investments (including money market funds) with original maturities of three months or less, which are subject to an insignificant risk of change in value.

Bank overdrafts of GBP1m (HY 2019: GBP2m; FY 2019: GBP1m) that are repayable on demand are reported within other interest bearing liabilities (Note 15) on the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, although these are considered as a component of cash and cash equivalents for the purpose of the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows.

   14    Assets and liabilities held for sale 
                                       At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                             2020             2019         2019 
                                             GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Assets held for sale 
 Property, plant and equipment                  5                7            4 
 Financial investments                          6                6            - 
 Deferred taxation assets                       1                1            - 
 Inventories                                    6                4            - 
 Trade and other receivables                   22               42            - 
 Cash and cash equivalents                    252              218            - 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total assets classified as 
  held for sale                               292              278            4 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Liabilities associated with 
  assets held for sale 
 Other interest bearing liabilities          (17)             (18)            - 
 Lease liabilities                              -              (2)            - 
 Deferred taxation liabilities                (2)              (3)            - 
 Trade and other payables                   (182)            (170)            - 
 Current taxation liabilities                 (1)                -            - 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total liabilities classified 
  as held for sale                          (202)            (193)            - 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Net assets classified as 
  held for sale                                90               85            4 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Held for sale assets and liabilities primarily comprise a provision business in the Europe and Latin America segment. The sale is currently expected to be completed during 2020 following receipt of regulatory approval.

   15    Borrowings 
                                       At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                             2020             2019         2019 
                                             GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Subordinated liabilities 
 Callable subordinated perpetual 
  guaranteed bonds                            346              336          346 
 Fair value adjustment in respect 
  of hedged interest rate risk                  3                9           16 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Callable subordinated perpetual 
  guaranteed bonds at carrying 
  value                                       349              345          362 
 Subordinated unguaranteed bonds            1,246              900          899 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total subordinated liabilities             1,595            1,245        1,261 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Other interest bearing liabilities 
 Senior unsecured bonds                       992              695          700 
 Fair value adjustment in respect 
  of hedged interest rate risk                 11                3            2 
 Bank loans and overdrafts                    168              407          478 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total other interest bearing 
  liabilities                               1,171            1,105        1,180 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total borrowings                           2,766            2,350        2,441 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Non-current                                2,334            1,679        2,095 
 Current                                      432              671          346 
====================================  ===========  ===============  =========== 

Subordinated liabilities

On 25 June 2020, Bupa Finance plc issued GBP350m of unguaranteed subordinated bonds which mature on 14 June 2035. Interest is payable on the bonds at 4.125%. In the event of the winding up of Bupa Finance plc the claims of the bondholders are subordinated to the claims of other creditors of that company.

Other interest bearing liabilities

On 25 June 2020, Bupa Finance plc issued GBP300m of senior unsecured bonds which mature on 14 June 2027. Interest is payable on the bonds at 1.75%.

The Group maintains a GBP800m revolving credit facility which matures in August 2022. At 30 June 2020 the facility was undrawn (HY 2019: GBP295m; FY 2019: GBP230m). The GBP30m bilateral loan facility matured in November 2019 and was refinanced with a two year GBP40m bilateral loan facility, which was fully drawn down at half year end (HY 2019: GBP30m; FY 2019: GBP40m).

Fair value of financial liabilities

                                  At 30 June   At 31 December   At 30 June 
                                        2020             2019         2019 
                                        GBPm             GBPm         GBPm 
                                 ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Subordinated liabilities              1,653            1,279        1,346 
 Senior unsecured bonds                1,012              707          721 
 Bank loans and overdrafts               168              407          478 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
 Total fair value of financial 
  liabilities                          2,833            2,393        2,545 
===============================  ===========  ===============  =========== 
   16    Provisions arising from insurance contracts 
                                                         At 31 December 
                           At 30 June 2020                    2019                   At 30 June 2019 
                     ===========================  ===========================  =========================== 
                                     Re-                          Re-                          Re- 
                      Gross    insurance     Net   Gross    insurance     Net   Gross    insurance     Net 
                       GBPm         GBPm    GBPm    GBPm         GBPm    GBPm    GBPm         GBPm    GBPm 
===================  ======  ===========  ======  ======  ===========  ======  ======  ===========  ====== 
 General insurance 
  for unearned 
  premiums            2,797         (43)   2,754   1,937         (15)   1,922   2,636         (37)   2,599 
  for claims          1,227         (11)   1,216     865          (9)     856     991          (8)     983 
 Life insurance 
  liabilities            36            -      36      34            -      34      36            -      36 
===================  ======  ===========  ======  ======  ===========  ======  ======  ===========  ====== 
 Total insurance 
  provisions          4,060         (54)   4,006   2,836         (24)   2,812   3,663         (45)   3,618 
===================  ======  ===========  ======  ======  ===========  ======  ======  ===========  ====== 

Provision for unearned premiums

The provision for unearned premiums primarily represents premiums written that relate to periods of risk in future accounting periods. It is released to the Income Statement on a straight-line basis, which is not materially different from a calculation based on the pattern of incidence of risk.

In circumstances where a return of premiums is due to policyholders, a provision for the return of premium is established within the provision for unearned premiums, reducing gross premium income.

Provision is also made for unexpired risks when unearned premiums, net of associated acquisition costs, are insufficient to meet expected claims and administrative expenses. The expected cash flows are calculated having regard only to contracts commencing prior to the balance sheet date. At 30 June 2020, the unexpired risk provision is estimated to be GBP50m.

Provision for claims

The gross provision for claims represents the estimated liability arising from claims episodes in current and preceding financial years which have not yet given rise to claims paid. The provision includes an allowance for claims management and handling expenses.

In setting the provisions for claims outstanding, a best estimate is determined on an undiscounted basis and then a margin of prudence is added such that there is confidence that future claims will be met from the provisions. The level of prudence set is either one required by regulation or one that provides an appropriate degree of confidence. The gross provision for claims is estimated based on current information and the ultimate liability may vary as a result of subsequent information and events.

Where the expected provision of treatment has been deferred as a result of COVID-19 related lockdowns and disruption to healthcare services, claims provisions have been established for those treatments that are ultimately still expected to be provided. These provisions totalled GBP389m as at 30 June 2020. Provisions have been established on a prudent basis, taking into account both, regulatory obligations, and customer commitments . Provisions have also been estimated on a basis that is relevant to the local situation, taking into account the nature and extent of disruption to healthcare provision and the subsequent treatment levels that will be required. The calculated provision for each business is based on a deferral factor multiplied by the observed shortfall in incurred claims, compared with pre-COVID-19 statistical expectations. Related future claims experience may differ significantly from these estimates.

   17    Acquisitions and disposals 

A summary of material acquisitions is provided below. There have been no material disposals in the six month period ended 30 June 2020, nor were there material disposals during the year ended 31 December 2019.

   a)      2020 acquisitions 

During the period the Group made acquisitions for a total consideration of GBP10m, recognising net assets on acquisition of GBP1m. This comprised dental and clinic acquisitions in Poland generating goodwill of GBP4m and further dental acquisitions in Australia and the UK generating goodwill of GBP5m. The acquisition balance sheets of these acquisitions are provisional and will be finalised during 2020. Adjustments to goodwill in respect of prior period acquisitions amounted to GBP2m.

   b)      2019 acquisitions 

Refer to the Financial Statements for the year ended 31 December 2019 for full details of the acquisitions made during 2019.

On 17 January 2019, the Group acquired 100% of the ordinary share capital of Turkish company, Acıbadem Sa lık ve Hayat Sigorta A.S., the holding company of Acıbadem Grubu Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri A (together "Acıbadem"), for cash consideration of GBP138m. Acquired intangible assets of GBP42m comprised key direct customer relationships and distribution channels (relationships with agents and brokers) of GBP34m, brand of GBP5m and software of GBP3m. The associated goodwill of GBP57m reflects expected future synergies from the integration of Acıbadem into the Bupa Group.

During 2019, Bupa Dental Care UK acquired 23 further dental centres for a total consideration of GBP83m, of which GBP9m was deferred and contingent. Identified intangible assets including customer relationships of GBP45m and goodwill of GBP40m were recognised which represents the continued future growth expected to be achieved through the development of the Group's dental insurance business.

Further minor acquisitions across the Group included the acquisitions of hospitals, clinics and dental centres in Poland which generated further goodwill of GBP11m and the continued expansion in dental centres in Australia which generated goodwill of GBP10m.

Acquisition transaction costs expensed in the year ended 31 December 2019, within other operating expenses, totalled GBP4m.

   18    Commitments and contingencies 

Capital commitments

Capital expenditure for the Group contracted at 30 June 2020 but for which no provision has been made in the financial statements amounted to GBP158m (HY 2019: GBP273m; FY 2019: GBP268m), primarily due to aged care facilities and retirement village project commitments in the Australia and New Zealand Market Unit and the Bupa Global & UK Market Unit.

Contingent assets and contingent liabilities

The Group currently has no contingent assets.

The Group has contingent liabilities arising in the ordinary course of business, including losses which might arise from litigation, disputes, regulatory compliance (including data protection) and interpretation of tax law. It is not considered that the ultimate outcome of such contingent liabilities will have a significant adverse impact on the financial condition of the Group.

The Australian dental business currently has a contingent liability arising as a result of a recent court appeal in relation to historical superannuation entitlements of a dental practitioner under a service agreement. The relevant business will further appeal the decision as it considers the position it has adopted is in accordance with the relevant superannuation legislation. At this stage, it is not practicable to assess the potential financial exposure and, as with any legal dispute, the risk of a liability crystallising in future periods remains.

Bupa Finance plc

Statement of Directors' responsibilities

for the six months ended 30 June 2020

We confirm that to the best of our knowledge:

-- The condensed set of financial statements have been prepared in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU.

-- The interim management report includes a fair review of the information provided in accordance with the requirements of:

(a) DTR 4.2.7R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being an indication of important events that have occurred during the first six months of the financial year and their impact on the condensed set of financial statements; and a description of the principal risks and uncertainties for the remaining six months of the year.

(b) DTR 4.2.8R of the Disclosure and Transparency Rules, being related party transactions that have taken place in the first six months of the current financial year and that have materially affected the financial position or performance of the entity during that period; and any changes in the related party transactions described in the last annual report that could do so.

The Directors of Bupa Finance plc are listed in the Directors' Report for the year ended 31 December 2019. There have been no changes in Directors since the publication of the Company's Annual Report and Accounts for the year ended 31 December 2019.

By order of the Board

Gareth Roberts Joy Linton

Director Director

6 August 2020

Independent review report to the members of Bupa Finance plc ("The Company") for six months ended 30 June 2020


We have been engaged by Bupa Finance plc ("The Company") to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2020 which comprises the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position, the Condensed Consolidated Income Statement, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows, the Condensed Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity and the related explanatory notes.

Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six months ended 30 June 2020 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with IAS 34 Interim Financial Reporting as adopted by the EU and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules ("the DTR") of the UK's Financial Conduct Authority ("the UK FCA").

Scope of review

We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410 Review of Interim Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the UK. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. We read the other information contained in the half-yearly financial report and consider whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the condensed set of financial statements.

A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion.

Directors' responsibilities

The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the DTR of the UK FCA.

As disclosed in note 1, the annual financial statements of the Group are prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the EU. The directors are responsible for preparing the condensed set of financial statements included in the half-yearly financial report in accordance with IAS 34 as adopted by the EU.

Our responsibility

Our responsibility is to express to the company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report based on our review.

The purpose of our review work and to whom we owe our responsibilities

This report is made solely to the company in accordance with the terms of our engagement to assist the company in meeting the requirements of the DTR of the UK FCA, as if the Company were required to comply with these rules. Our review has been undertaken so that we might state to the company those matters we are required to state to it in this report and for no other purpose. To the fullest extent permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company for our review work, for this report, or for the conclusions we have reached.

Philip Smart

For and on behalf of KPMG LLP

Chartered Accountants

1 5 Canada Square London, E 14 5GL

6 August 2020

[1] Revenues from associate businesses are excluded from reported figures. Customer numbers and economic share of post-tax profits from our associate businesses are included.

[2] All figures are at constant exchange rates (CER) unless stated. We use CER to compare trading performance in a consistent manner to the prior year. We have restated 2019 results to 2020 average exchange rates.

[3] Underlying profit is a non-GAAP financial measure. This means it is not comparable to other companies. Underlying profit reflects our trading performance and excludes a number of items included in statutory profit before taxation, to facilitate year-on-year comparison. These items include impairment of intangible assets and goodwill arising on business combinations, as well as market movements such as gains or losses on foreign exchange, on return-seeking assets, on property revaluations and other material items not considered part of trading performance. A reconciliation to statutory profit before taxation can be found in the notes to the condensed consolidated financial statements.

[4] The 2020 Solvency II capital coverage ratio is an estimate and unaudited. It represents the position of the Parent (The British United Provident Association Ltd)

[5] At the 2019 half year, we announced the simplification of our organisation into three Market Units: Australia and New Zealand; Europe and Latin America; and Bupa Global and UK. We are reporting in accordance with this new structure and have restated our comparator results, where applicable.

[6] Combined Operating Ratio is an alternative performance metric for insurance businesses. It is calculated based on incurred claims and operating expenses divided by net earned premiums.

[7] Bupa HI Pty Ltd (Australia): based on S.05.01 Prudential Regulation Authority (SII) form (estimated and unaudited).

([8]) Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA), Operations of private health insurers annual report (June 2019).

[9] Sanitas S.A de Seguros (Spain): Prepared under local GAAP (unaudited).

   [10]   ICEA (Investigación Cooperativa entre Entidades Aseguradoras y Fondos de Pensiones). 

[11] The 2020 solvency II capital coverage ratio is an estimate and unaudited. It represents the position of the Parent (The British United Provident Association Ltd).

[12] Group Specific Parameter (GSP) is substituted for the insurance premium risk parameter in the standard formula, reflecting the Group's own loss experience.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

August 07, 2020 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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