Virtual Analyst & Investor Event | Tuesday November 3 at 0830 EST / 1330 
   DUBLIN, Ireland, and Boston MA, 29 October 2020, Amryt (Nasdaq: AMYT, 
AIM: AMYT), a global, commercial-stage biopharmaceutical company 
dedicated to developing and commercializing novel therapeutics to treat 
patients suffering from serious and life-threatening rare diseases, is 
pleased to announce positive results from its pivotal Phase 3 EASE trial 
of FILSUVEZ(R) (Oleogel-S10/previously AP101). Further to Amryt's 
announcement of September 9, 2020, the Company today releases additional 
data which will be presented as a late-breaking oral presentation on 
behalf of the trial investigators by Professor Dedee Murrell (Chair, 
Department of Dermatology, St George Hospital, UNSW, Sydney, Australia) 
at the 29(th) EADV (European Association of Dermatology and Venereology) 
Virtual Congress 2020 on October 31, 2020. The data will also be 
presented by Amryt at its forthcoming Virtual Analyst and Investor event 
on November 3, 2020. 
   -- The primary endpoint of the trial was met with statistical significance 
   -- The proportion of patients with first complete closure of EB target wound 
      within 45 days was 41.3% in the Oleogel-S10 group and 28.9% in the 
      control group (p value=0.013) 
   -- This translates to a 44% increase in the probability of target wound 
      closure with Oleogel-S10 compared to the control gel 
   -- The proportion of Recessive Dystrophic EB ("RDEB") patients with first 
      complete closure of EB target wound within 45 days was 44.0% in the 
      Oleogel-S10 group and 26.2% in the control group (nominal p value=0.008) 
   -- This translates to a 72% increase in the probability of target wound 
      closure with Oleogel-S10 compared to the control gel in RDEB patients 
   -- A greater reduction in pain associated with dressing changes was observed 
      in the Oleogel-S10 treatment group at each time point compared with the 
      control group.  At Day 14, this difference was nominally significant (p 
   -- There was a greater reduction in total body wound burden as measured by 
      EB Disease Activity and Scarring Index ("EBDASI") and total body surface 
      area of EB partial thickness wounds with Oleogel-S10 although the 
      differences were not statistically significant 
   -- Oleogel-S10 had an acceptable safety profile and was well tolerated when 
      compared with the control gel 
   Dr Joe Wiley, CEO of Amryt Pharma, commented: "Today's announcement of 
the positive data from EASE marks another significant milestone for 
Amryt as we seek approval for FILSUVEZ(R).  These results also represent 
a potentially important advancement for patients and families living 
with this rare and distressing disorder. Our existing commercial 
business is performing and growing and if FILSUVEZ(R) is approved, we 
already have the capacity, infrastructure and resources in place to 
commercialize FILSUVEZ(R) and our plans for full launch are well 
   We would like to extend our gratitude to all of the patients, their 
families, carers and physicians for their participation in the EASE 
trial and we look forward to working with regulatory authorities to 
potentially make FILSUVEZ(R) available as the first approved treatment 
for EB patients. The entire team at Amryt is very excited by today's 
results and the potential to help patients with this very distressing 
   Dr Mark Sumeray, Chief Medical Officer of Amryt commented: "It is very 
gratifying to see the results from the EASE trial regarding the effect 
of FILSUVEZ(R) on the speed of wound healing in such a complex clinical 
situation.  EASE is the fourth Phase 3 trial to demonstrate a 
statistically significant acceleration in healing of partial thickness 
wounds and the first in EB. We look forward to progressing our 
discussions with the respective regulatory authorities as we work to 
bring FILSUVEZ(R) to patients." 
   Primary Efficacy Endpoint 
   The proportion of patients with first complete closure of EB target 
wound within 45 days was 41.3% in the Oleogel-S10 group and 28.9% in the 
control group. This difference reached statistical significance (p 
value=0.013). This translates to a 44% increase in the probability of 
target wound closure with Oleogel-S10 compared to the control gel. 
   Proportion of patients with first complete closure of EB target wound 
within 45 days 
                   Oleogel-S10 Group  Control Group 
                         N=104            N=114 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------- 
Primary Endpoint               41.3%          28.9% 
-----------------  -----------------  ------------- 
  Relative Risk                  1.44 
     (95% CI)                 (1.01,2.05) 
-----------------  -------------------------------- 
p value*                                      0.013 
-----------------  -------------------------------- 
   *pre-specified adjustment to account for IDMC (Independent Data 
Monitoring Committee) interim sample size re-estimation 
   The difference observed in the proportion of target wounds healed within 
45 days between treatment groups for the primary endpoint was driven by 
the RDEB subgroup. The proportion of RDEB patients with first complete 
closure of EB target wound within 45 days was 44.0% in the Oleogel-S10 
group and 26.2% in the control group (nominal p value=0.008). This 
translates to a 72% increase in the probability of target wound closure 
with Oleogel-S10 compared to the control gel in RDEB patients. 
   Proportion of patients with first complete closure of target wound 
within 45 days by EB subtype 
Subtype    Oleogel-S10 Group    Control Group      Risk    p value* 
--------  -------------------  ----------------  --------  -------- 
           n    Closure Rate   n   Closure Rate 
--------  ---  --------------      ------------  --------  -------- 
RDEB**     91           44.0%  84         26.2%      1.72     0.008 
--------  ---  --------------      ------------  --------  -------- 
DDEB**      6           50.0%  14         50.0%      1.10     0.844 
--------  ---  --------------      ------------  --------  -------- 
JEB**      11           18.2%  15         26.7%      0.61     0.522 
--------  ---  --------------      ------------  --------  -------- 
   *Nominal p value 
   **Recessive Dystrophic EB (RDEB) / Dominant Dystrophic EB (DDEB) / 
Junctional EB (JEB) 
   Secondary Efficacy Endpoints 
   In wounds that achieved complete closure over the 90 day treatment 
period, the mean time to first closure in the Oleogel-S10 group was 37.7 
days compared to 44.5 days in the control group. During the entire 90 
day double-blind treatment period separation in target wound closure 
occurred around Day 30 with the difference narrowing around Day 90. The 
proportion of completely closed target wounds within the 90 day 
treatment period was 50.5% in the Oleogel-S10 group compared with 43.9% 
in the control group (p value=0.296).  The difference in the time to 
wound healing between the 2 treatment groups over the 90 days was not 
statistically significantly different (p value=0.302). 
   A greater reduction in pain associated with dressing changes was 
observed in the Oleogel-S10 treatment group at each time point compared 
with the control group.  At Day 14, this difference was nominally 
significant (p value=0.022).  At Day 90, the difference just missed 
nominal significance (p value=0.051). 
   Procedural pain mean change from baseline (Wong-Baker FACES pain rating 
   Patients >=4 years of age 
                     Day 14     Day 30     Day 45     Day 60    Day 90 
------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
                    n          n          n          n          n 
------------------      -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Oleogel-S10 Group   90  -1.44  90  -1.04  84  -0.93  84  -1.29  76  -1.32 
------------------      -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Control Group       95  -0.78  90  -0.27  85  -0.78  86  -0.56  78  -0.18 
------------------      -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
Nominal p value         0.022      0.152      0.805      0.095      0.051 
------------------      -----      -----      -----      -----      ----- 
   There was a greater reduction in total body wound burden as measured by 
EBDASI and total body surface area of EB partial thickness wounds with 
Oleogel-S10 although the differences were not statistically significant. 
   Reduction in total body wound burden (EBDASI) 
                          Day 30              Day 60        Day 90 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                         Mean change         Mean change         Mean change 
                    n    from baseline  n    from baseline  n    from baseline 
------------------      --------------      --------------      -------------- 
Oleogel-S10 Group   99            -2.3  91            -3.1  84            -3.4 
------------------      --------------      --------------      -------------- 
Control Group       99            -2.2  96            -2.0  85            -2.8 
------------------      --------------      --------------      -------------- 
   Reduction in total body surface area of EB Partial Thickness Wounds 
   (Body Surface Area Percentage) 
                          Day 30              Day 60        Day 90 
------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------ 
                         Mean change         Mean change         Mean change 
                    n    from baseline  n    from baseline  n    from baseline 
------------------      --------------      --------------      -------------- 
Oleogel-S10 Group   98           -2.56  92           -2.92  86           -4.32 
------------------      --------------      --------------      -------------- 
Control Group       98           -2.64  96           -1.69  85           -2.53 
------------------      --------------      --------------      -------------- 
   Target wound infections occurred infrequently (8 patients in total, with 
3 patients in the Oleogel-S10 group and 5 in the control group).  Five 
patients had a target wound infection reported as an Adverse Event 
("AE"). Four of these occurred in the control group of which 3 were 
classified as 'moderate' and 1 'severe'. The single target wound 
infection reported in the Oleogel-S10 group was classified as 'mild'. 
   In patients >=14 years of age, both treatment groups experienced an 
improvement in itch, however the pattern across the six assessment 
domains did not suggest a consistent effect in favour of either 
treatment group.  In patients between 4 and 13 years of age, there was a 
modest improvement in itch in both treatment groups with a small 
difference favouring the control group (not statistically significant). 
   Safety Profile 
   The incidence of patients with AEs was similar in the treatment groups. 
As expected in this patient population, approximately 80% of patients 
experienced at least one AE. The majority of these AEs were classed as 
mild or moderate in severity. There were 13 patients with severe (grade 
3/4) AEs in the Oleogel-S10 group compared to 6 in the control group. 
However, this imbalance was mainly due to reports of 'anaemia', a very 
common baseline finding in this population, and one that frequently 
requires treatment. The incidence of patients with related AEs and 
patients with AEs leading to study withdrawal was similar in the 2 
treatment groups. 
   Summary of Adverse Events during 90 day treatment period 
                               Oleogel-S10   Control   All Patients 
                                 (N=109)     (N=114)      (N=223) 
Adverse Event Category            n (%)       n (%)        n (%) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
Patients with any adverse 
 event                           89 (81.7)  92 (80.7)    181 (81.2) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
      Mild AEs (grade 1)         46 (42.2)  41 (36.0)     87 (39.0) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
      Moderate AEs (grade 2)     30 (27.5)  45 (39.5)     75 (33.6) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
      Severe AEs (grade 3/4)     13 (11.9)    6 (5.3)      19 (8.5) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
Any Related AEs                  27 (24.8)  26 (22.8)     53 (23.8) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
Any AE leading to study 
 withdrawal                        3 (2.8)    2 (1.8)       5 (2.2) 
-----------------------------  -----------  ---------  ------------ 
   The most frequently reported AEs (Oleogel-S10 vs Control) were wound 
complication (61.5% vs 53.5%), pyrexia (8.3% vs 13.2%), wound infection 
(7.3% vs 8.8%), pruritus (7.3% vs 5.3%) and anemia (7.3% vs 3.5%). 
   Next Steps 
   Amryt intends to complete the submission of its rolling New Drug 
Application ("NDA") to the US Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") and 
request priority review for FILSUVEZ(R). FILSUVEZ(R) previously received 
Fast Track Designation and Rare Paediatric Disease Designation from the 
FDA. This means that if an NDA for FILSUVEZ(R) is approved, the Company 
expects to be eligible to apply for a Rare Pediatric Disease Priority 
Review Voucher that can be used, sold or transferred.  Amryt also 
intends to pursue an accelerated assessment in the EU. Regulatory 
submissions in the US and the EU are expected to be filed by late Q1 
   FILSUVEZ(R) has been granted Orphan Drug status for the treatment of EB 
in the EU and the US. Should FILSUVEZ(R) be granted approval, it should 
be entitled to Orphan Drug exclusivity for the treatment of EB, 
extending seven years in the US and ten years in the EU from the date of 
approval in the respective jurisdictions. 
   About EB 
   EB is a rare, chronic and distressing genetic skin disorder that causes 
the skin layers and internal body linings to separate and affects 
infants, children and adults. The global incidence of all EB subtypes is 
estimated to be approximately 1 in 20,000, which implies that there are 
as many as 30,000 affected individuals in the US and over 500,000 
worldwide. There are currently no approved treatments. 
   About EASE 
   The EASE trial ( 
NCT03068780) is the largest ever global Phase 3 trial conducted in 
patients with EB, performed across 58 sites in 28 countries. It 
comprises a 3 month double-blind randomised controlled phase followed by 
a 24 month open-label, single-arm phase. Patients with dystrophic and 
junctional EB target wounds of between 10 and 50cm(2) in size that were 
present for > 21 days and < 9 months were randomized in the double-blind 
phase to study treatment in a 1:1 ratio and wound dressings applied 
according to standard of care.  223 patients were enrolled into the 
trial including 156 pediatric patients.  Of those that completed the 
double-blind phase, 100% entered the open label safety follow up phase. 
   Virtual Analyst & Investor Event 
   Amryt will host a virtual Analyst and Investor Event on Tuesday, 
November 3 2020 from 0830 EST (1330 GMT) - 1030 EST (1530 GMT) to 
present data from the EASE trial. Amryt will address the following 
   -- EASE Phase 3 trial data 
   -- Regulatory agency engagement and timelines 
   -- Commercialization and launch plans 
   Amryt management will be joined at the event by Professor Jemima 
Mellerio (Consultant Dermatologist & Honorary Professor of Paediatric 
Dermatology, Chief St John's Institute of Dermatology, Guy's and St 
Thomas' Hospital, London) who will discuss the EASE data.  The group 
will also be joined by Brett Kopelan (Executive Director, debra of 
America and President, DEBRA International) and Jimmy Fearon (CEO, DEBRA 
Ireland and VP, DEBRA International) who will be available to answer 
questions from participants. 
   You may 
register for the virtual analyst and investor event by clicking 
Amryt Pharma plc                              +353 (1) 518 0200 
Joe Wiley, CEO 
 Rory Nealon, CFO/COO 
  LifeSci Advisors, LLC                       +1 (212) 915 2564 
Tim McCarthy 
  Consilium Strategic Communications       +44 (0) 20 3709 5700 
Amber Fennell, Matthew Neal, Ashley Tapp 
   About Amryt 
   Amryt is a biopharmaceutical company focused on developing and 
delivering innovative new treatments to help improve the lives of 
patients with rare and orphan diseases. Amryt comprises a strong and 
growing portfolio of commercial and development assets. 
   Amryt's lead development candidate, FILSUVEZ(R) is a potential treatment 
for the cutaneous manifestations of EB, a rare and distressing genetic 
skin disorder affecting young children and adults for which there is 
currently no approved treatment.  In September 2020, Amryt reported 
positive top line results from its pivotal global phase 3 trial of 
FILSUVEZ(R) in EB.  FILSUVEZ(R) has been granted Rare Pediatric Disease 
Designation and has also received a Fast Track Designation from the U.S. 
Food and Drug Administration. 
   Myalept(R) / Myalepta(R) (metreleptin) is approved in the US (under the 
trade name Myalept(R)) as an adjunct to diet as replacement therapy to 
treat the complications of leptin deficiency in patients with congenital 
or acquired generalized lipodystrophy (GL) and in the EU (under the 
trade name Myalepta(R)) for the treatment of leptin deficiency in 
patients with congenital or acquired GL in adults and children two years 
of age and above and familial or acquired partial lipodystrophy (PL) in 
adults and children 12 years of age and above for whom standard 
treatments have failed to achieve adequate metabolic control. 
Metreleptin is also approved for lipodystrophy in Japan. Generalised and 
partial lipodystrophy are rare disorders characterised by loss or lack 
of adipose tissue resulting in the deficiency of the hormone leptin, 
produced by fat cells and are associated with severe metabolic 
abnormalities including severe insulin resistance, diabetes, 
hypertriglyceridemia and fatty liver disease. 
   Juxtapid(R)/ Lojuxta(R) (lomitapide) is approved as an adjunct to a 
low-fat diet and other lipid-lowering medicinal products for adults with 
the rare cholesterol disorder, Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia 
("HoFH") in the US, Canada, Columbia, Argentina and Japan (under the 
trade name Juxtapid(R)) and in the EU (under the trade name Lojuxta(R)). 
HoFH is a rare genetic disorder which impairs the body's ability to 
remove low density lipoprotein ("LDL") cholesterol ("bad" cholesterol) 
from the blood, typically leading to abnormally high blood LDL 
cholesterol levels in the body from before birth - often ten times more 
than people without HoFH - and subsequent aggressive and premature 
cardiovascular disease. 
   In March 2018, Amryt in-licenced a pre-clinical gene-therapy platform 
technology, AP103, which offers a potential treatment for patients with 
Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa, a subset of EB, and is also 
potentially relevant to other genetic disorders. 
   For more information on Amryt, including products, please visit 
   This announcement contains inside information for the purposes of 
article 7 of the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) 596/2014. 
   The person making this notification on behalf of Amryt is Rory Nealon, 
CFO/COO and Company Secretary. 
   Financial Advisors 
   Shore Capital (Edward Mansfield, Daniel Bush, John More) are NOMAD and 
Joint Broker to Amryt in the UK. Stifel (Ben Maddison) are Joint Broker 
to the company in the UK.  Davy (John Frain, Daragh O'Reilly) act as 
Joint Broker to the company. 
   Forward-Looking Statements 
   Statements in this announcement with respect to Amryt's business, 
strategies, timing for completion of and announcing results from the 
EASE trial, the potential impact of closing enrollment in the EASE trial, 
as well as other statements that are not historical facts are 
forward-looking statements involving risks and uncertainties which could 
cause the actual results to differ materially from such statements. 
Statements containing the words "expect", "anticipate", "intends", 
"plan", "estimate", "aim", "forecast", "project" and similar expressions 
(or their negative) identify certain of these forward-looking 
statements. The forward-looking statements in this announcement are 
based on numerous assumptions and Amryt's present and future business 
strategies and the environment in which Amryt expects to operate in the 
future. Forward-looking statements involve inherent known and unknown 
risks, uncertainties and contingencies because they relate to events and 
depend on circumstances that may or may not occur in the future and may 
cause the actual results, performance or achievements to be materially 
different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking 
statements. These statements are not guarantees of future performance or 
the ability to identify and consummate investments. Many of these risks 
and uncertainties relate to factors that are beyond each of Amryt's 
ability to control or estimate precisely, such as future market 
conditions, the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, currency fluctuations, 
the behaviour of other market participants, the outcome of clinical 
trials, the actions of regulators and other factors such as Amryt's 
ability to obtain financing, changes in the political, social and 
regulatory framework in which Amryt operates or in economic, 
technological or consumer trends or conditions. Past performance should 
not be taken as an indication or guarantee of future results, and no 
representation or warranty, express or implied, is made regarding future 
performance. No person is under any obligation to update or keep current 
the information contained in this announcement or to provide the 
recipient of it with access to any additional relevant information that 
may arise in connection with it. Such forward-looking statements reflect 
the Company's current beliefs and assumptions and are based on 
information currently available to management. 

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

October 29, 2020 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

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