RNS Number : 2182D

Housing Development Fin. Corp. Ltd.

19 June 2023

Ref. No.: SE/2023-24/106

June 19, 2023

BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited

   P J Towers,                                                     Exchange Plaza, 
   Dalal Street,                                                    Bandra-Kurla Complex, 
   Mumbai - 400001.                                          Bandra (E), Mumbai - 400051. 
   Kind Attn: Sr. General Manager                Kind Attn: Head - Listing 

DCS - Listing Department

Dear Sir / Madam,

Sub: Disclosure under Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, as amended ("SEBI Listing Regulations") - sale of stake in HDFC Credila Financial Services Limited

Ref: Composite scheme of amalgamation ("Scheme") for the amalgamation of: (i) HDFC Investments Limited and HDFC Holdings Limited, wholly-owned subsidiaries of Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited ("the Corporation") with and into the Corporation; and (ii) the Corporation with and into HDFC Bank Limited ("HDFC Bank") ("Ongoing Amalgamation")

This is in furtherance to our earlier intimation dated April 4, 2022 informing about the decision taken by the Board of Directors of the Corporation approving the Scheme under Sections 230 to 232 of the Companies Act, 2013, and rules and regulations thereunder, subject to receipt of various statutory and regulatory approvals.

We also refer to our earlier intimation dated April 21, 2023, wherein we had informed that HDFC Bank had made certain requests to the Reserve Bank of India ("RBI") and that the RBI vide its letter dated April 20, 2023, had provided certain forbearances/ clarifications to HDFC Bank. Under the said letter, RBI had inter alia advised that shareholding in HDFC Credila Financial Services Limited ("HDFC Credila") (a wholly-subsidiary of the Corporation) be brought down to 10% within two years from the effective date of the Scheme.

In this regard and pursuant to Regulation 30 read with Para A of Part A of Schedule III of the SEBI Listing Regulations, we wish to inform you that the Corporation has executed definitive documents on June 19, 2023 for proposed disinvestment/ sale of approximately 13,29,49,207 equity shares of HDFC Credila representing approximately 90% of HDFC Credila's total issued and paid-up share capital as on date, to the Acquirers (as defined below) (the "Proposed Transaction"), subject to regulatory approvals and dispensations (including the RBI and Competition Commission of India) in connection with the Proposed Transaction and continuation of HDFC Credila's business. Pursuant to the Proposed Transaction, HDFC Credila will cease to be a subsidiary of the Corporation, and the Corporation's shareholding in HDFC Credila will be less than 10% of HDFC Credila's total issued and paid-up share capital.

The details required to be disclosed under Regulation 30 of the SEBI Listing Regulations read with Circular No. CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015, in relation to the Proposed Transaction are enclosed as Annexure - I and Annexure - II to this letter.

Kindly take the same on record.

Thank you,

Yours faithfully,

For Housing Development Finance Corporation Limited

Ajay Agarwal

Company Secretary

cc: London Stock Exchange,

10, Paternoster Square, London, EC4M 7LS


Details pursuant to Paragraph 1 of Part A, Schedule III of the SEBI Listing Regulations read with SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015.

 Sr.       Particulars of disclosure                        Disclosure 
 1.     The amount and percentage          HDFC Credila: 
         of the turnover or revenue         Total revenue of HDFC Credila during 
         or income and net worth            FY 2022-23: Rs. 1,352.18 crore 
         contributed by such unit           Net-worth of HDFC Credila as on March 
         or division of the listed          31, 2023: Rs. 2,435.09 crore 
         entity during the last 
         financial year 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 2.     Date on which the agreement        The Investment Agreement was executed 
         for sale has been entered          on June 19, 2023 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 3.     The expected date of completion    The closing of the Proposed Transaction 
         of sale/ disposal                  shall take place on such date which 
                                            falls 15 (fifteen) Business Days from 
                                            the completion of all conditions precedent 
                                            (including receipt of regulatory approvals) 
                                            or such other date as may be mutually 
                                            agreed between the parties. The Long 
                                            Stop Date is March 31, 2024. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 4.     Consideration received             Approximately INR 9060,48,84,570.50 
         from such sale/ disposal           (Rupees Nine thousand Sixty crore Forty 
                                            Eight lacs Eighty Four thousand Five 
                                            Hundred Seventy and paise Fifty)* 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 5.     Brief details of buyers            Brief details of the buyers (collectively 
         and whether any of the             referred to as the "Acquirers") are 
         buyers belong to the promoter/     set out below: 
         promoter group/group companies.    (a) Kopvoorn B.V. 
         If yes, details thereof.           (b) Moss Investments Limited 
                                            (c) Defati Investments Holding B.V. 
                                            (d) Infinity Partners 
                                            Kopvoorn B.V. is part of the BPEA EQT 
                                            group. Moss Investments Limited, Defati 
                                            Investments Holding B.V. and Infinity 
                                            Partners are part of the ChrysCapital 
                                            The Acquirers do not belong to the promoter/ 
                                            promoter group/ group companies. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 6.     Whether the transaction            The transaction would not fall within 
         would fall within related          related party transactions. 
         party transactions? If 
         yes, whether the same 
         is done at "arm's length" 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 7.     Additionally, in case              Not applicable 
         of a slump sale, indicative 
         disclosures provided for 
         amalgamation/merger, shall 
         be disclosed by the listed 
         entity with respect to 
         such slump sale 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 

*Additionally, HDFC Credila will receive a subscription amount of upto Rs. 2003,61,00,000 (Rupees Two thousand and Three crore Sixty One lacs) as a part of the Proposed Transaction.


Details pursuant to Paragraph 5 of Part A, Schedule III of the SEBI Listing Regulations read with SEBI Circular CIR/CFD/CMD/4/2015 dated September 9, 2015.

 Sr.       Particulars of disclosure                        Disclosure 
 1.     Name(s) of parties with            The Corporation has entered into an 
         whom the agreement is              Investment Agreement and Shareholders' 
         entered                            Agreement (collectively, the "Transaction 
                                            Documents") on June 19, 2023, with the 
                                            following parties: 
                                            (a) HDFC Credila Financial Services 
                                            (b) HDFC Bank Limited 
                                            (c) Kopvoorn B.V. 
                                            (d) Moss Investments Limited 
                                            (e) Defati Investments Holding B.V. 
                                            (f) Infinity Partners 
                                            Kopvoorn B.V. is part of the BPEA EQT 
                                            group. Moss Investments Limited, Defati 
                                            Investments Holding B.V. and Infinity 
                                            Partners are part of the ChrysCapital 
                                            Kopvoorn B.V., Moss Investments Limited, 
                                            Defati Investments Holding B.V., and 
                                            Infinity Partners are collectively referred 
                                            to as the "Acquirers." 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 2.     Purpose of entering into           The Transaction Documents record the 
         the agreement                      sale of approximately 13,29,49,207 equity 
                                            shares of HDFC Credila by the Corporation 
                                            to the Acquirers, and the respective 
                                            terms/ obligations/ rights of the Acquirers, 
                                            HDFC Credila, HDFC Bank Limited and 
                                            the Corporation in connection with the 
                                            Proposed Transaction. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 3.     Shareholding, if any,              As on the date of this disclosure, the 
         in the entity with whom            Corporation holds 100% of HDFC Credila's 
         the agreement is executed          total issued and paid-up share capital. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 4.     Significant terms of the           (a) The Corporation shall have the right 
         agreement (in brief) special       to nominate 1 (one) non-executive nominee 
         rights like right to appoint       director on the board of HDFC Credila 
         directors, first right             on terms as agreed under the Shareholders' 
         to share subscription              Agreement. 
         in case of issuance of 
         shares, right to restrict          (b) The Corporation shall have customary 
         any change in capital              pre-emptive rights under the Shareholders' 
         structure etc.                     Agreement. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 5.     Whether, the said parties          The Corporation does not have any promoters. 
         are related to promoter/           100% of the shareholding of the Corporation 
         promoter group/ group              is held by public shareholders. 
         companies in any manner. 
         If yes, nature of relationship. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 6.     Whether the transaction            The transaction would not fall within 
         would fall within related          related party transactions. 
         party transactions? If 
         yes, whether the same 
         is done at "arm's length." 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 7.     In case of issuance of             N.A. 
         shares to the parties, 
         details of issue price, 
         class of shares issued. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 
 8.     Any other disclosures              Please refer to sub-point 4 of this 
         related to such agreements,        Annexure II above. 
         viz., details of nominee 
         on the board of directors 
         of the listed entity, 
         potential conflict of 
         interest arising out of 
         such agreements, etc. 
       ---------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------- 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

June 19, 2023 13:32 ET (17:32 GMT)

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