RNS Number : 2237O

Challenger Energy Group PLC

29 September 2023


29 September 2023

Challenger Energy Group PLC

("Challenger Energy" or the "Company")

Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2023

Challenger Energy (AIM: CEG), the Caribbean and Atlantic -margin focused oil and gas company, with oil production, appraisal, development and exploration assets across the region, announces its Interim Results for six months to 30 June 2023.

The Interim Results and Chief Executive Officer's commentary are set out in full below and are also available on

the Company's website   https://www.cegplc.com/ . 

For further information, please contact:

 Challenger Energy Group PLC              Tel: +44 (0) 1624 647 
  Eytan Uliel, Chief Executive Officer     882 
 WH Ireland - Nomad and Joint Broker      Tel: +44 (0) 20 7220 
  Antonio Bossi / Darshan Patel            1666 
 Zeus Capital - Joint Broker              Tel: +44 (0) 20 3829 
  Simon Johnson                            5000 
 Gneiss Energy Limited - Financial        Tel: +44 (0) 20 3983 
  Adviser                                  9263 
  Jon Fitzpatrick / Paul Weidman / Doug 
 CAMARCO                                  Tel: +44 (0) 20 3757 
  Billy Clegg / Hugo Liddy / Sam Morris    4980 

Notes to Editors

Challenger Energy is a Caribbean and Americas focused oil and gas company, with a range of oil production, development, appraisal, and exploration assets in the region. The Company's primary assets are located in Uruguay, where the Company holds high impact offshore exploration licences, and in Trinidad and Tobago, where the Company has a number of producing fields and earlier-stage exploration / appraisal projects.

Challenger Energy is quoted on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.




Dear fellow Shareholders,

The dominant themes of the first half of 2023 were the technical work program and farm-out process in relation to our AREA OFF-3 licence in Uruguay, ongoing efforts to reshape and improve our oil production business in Trinidad and Tobago, and the implications of these two activities on the financial position of the Company, as reflected in the unaudited interim financial statements for the half year ended 30 June 2023.

Exploration Acreage in Uruguay - primary focus and near-term value driver

Challenger Energy secured the AREA OFF-1 licence, offshore Uruguay, in May 2020. This was in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic, when Uruguay was not yet on the global industry's radar. At that time, this made us the sole licence holder in Uruguay.

Since the start of 2022, however, Uruguay has rapidly emerged as a global exploration "hotspot". This followed directly as a result of sizeable discoveries made by two global supermajors (TotalEnergies and Shell) from respective "wildcat" exploration wells drilled offshore Namibia. Those successful Namibian wells greatly de-risked the presence of a high-quality, oil-prone source rock and charge, not just in Namibia but on the other side of the South Atlantic conjugate margin, and in particular in Uruguay's offshore area, which is the geological "mirror" of where these Namibian discoveries were made.

As a result, and immediately following these Namibian discoveries, the industry view on Uruguay changed dramatically. Thus, in the rst Uruguayan bidding round after the Namibian discoveries (May 2022), three licences were bid on and awarded to majors Shell and APA Corporation (formerly, Apache). Then, in November 2022, a further two licences were bid on and awarded, one to a consortium of Shell and APA, and the other to YPF, the Argentinian national oil company. The new entrants offered signi cant work program to secure their licences (as compared to the very modest work program we had bid to secure AREA OFF-1), and a number of other energy majors also registered to bid in the two Uruguayan open rounds held in 2022, but were unsuccessful.

These industry developments - globally significant discoveries offshore Namibia, interest from several majors in Uruguayan offshore acreage, and a resulting surge in Uruguayan licensing activity - validated our rst-mover, low-cost entry into Uruguay, and con rmed that we had secured highly prospective frontier acreage, on advantageous terms, and with potential for considerable near-term value uplift. We thus rapidly moved to prioritise our Uruguay business through the first half of 2023, and achieved the following:

-- First, we undertook an accelerated work program on the Area OFF-1 block (over and above the minimum work obligations), with a view to generating proprietary intellectual property and upgrading technical knowledge of the area, specifically in light of the new conjugate margin discoveries. The program of work included reprocessing of legacy 2D seismic data, advanced attribute variation with offset (AVO) analysis, seabed geochemical and satellite seep studies, full reinterpretation and remapping of all data, and an initial volumetric assessment. This work was largely completed during the period under review (January - June 2023), and was a resounding success, in that we have identified three technically robust primary prospects in the AREA OFF-1 licence area, that in aggregate represent a prospect inventory of approximately 2 billion barrels (Pmean) and up to 5 billion barrels (P10) - thus establishing that AREA OFF-1 is a material, world-class asset.

-- Second, in view of the fact that taking AREA OFF-1 forward to 3D seismic acquisition and ultimately exploration well drilling, especially on an expedited basis, will be a technically demanding and capital-intensive undertaking, we resolved to seek an industry and funding partner. Thus, through the first half of 2023, we began preparing for a farm-out process, and commenced a formal, adviser-led process in June 2023. Since then, this process has proceeded well, and we have seen a high level of interest form a wide variety of industry participants. We remain confident that we will succeed in our effort to secure an industry partner by the end of 2023.

-- Finally, we sought ways to expand our presence in Uruguay, given our developing knowledge base and energy understanding, the excellent working relationship established with ANCAP, and the attractive conditions in that country for hydrocarbon industry activity. In furtherance of this objective, in April 2023 we made an application for another shallow water offshore exploration block in Uruguay, AREA OFF-3, and in June 2023, we were awarded the block. AREA OFF-3 was the last available offshore acreage in Uruguay, and were able to secure it on attractive terms. The block has existing 2D and 3D seismic coverage, and based on initial assessment an estimated resource potential of up to 500 million barrels of oil equivalent ("mmboe") and up to 9 trillion cubic feet gas ("TCF"), from multiple exploration plays. Formal signing of the licence is expected by the end of 2023, and once formalised, our Company will be the second largest acreage holder in Uruguay, with two high-quality assets in what has fast become a global exploration focus area.

In summary, therefore, the first half of 2023 represented a period of exciting progress for our operations in Uruguay. We undertook excellent technical work on AREA OFF-1 that firmly established the block's prospectivity, we moved into a formal farm-out process for that block which we hope to conclude in the coming months, and we secured a second high quality block, AREA OFF-3, thus cementing our long-term position in Uruguay.

Focused Production onshore Trinidad and Portfolio Rationalisation

In August 2020, the Company completed the acquisition of Columbus Energy Resources Plc ("Columbus"), which significantly expanded the Company's business through the addition of a portfolio of assets in Trinidad and Tobago and Suriname, including oil fields in active production.

During 2021 and 2022, work focussed on the task of integrating and operating those assets, "cleaning up" various legacy issues, and seeking to achieve organic growth in production from the existing onshore elds. However, as I observed in our last Annual Report, while we have been reasonably successful on the first two items, we struggled to achieve our objective of organic production growth. This was because our oil elds are mature, and having produced oil for many decades they are characterised by depressurised reservoirs, where the rate at which the remaining resource is produced cannot easily be increased. Thus, despite our efforts - which have ranged from application of efficient mature oil eld management practices and eld improvements to enhanced oil recovery (EOR) initiatives and targeted production enhancement activities - production growth has proved elusive.

On the other hand, what we did observe is that notwithstanding eld maturity, our production performance is reasonably consistent and predictable. And consequently, in late 2022 we reassessed our Trinidad operations and decided to focus on areas where we have a competitive advantage. This meant dividing our Trinidad portfolio in two parts, being "core" - consisting of the Goudron and Inniss-Trinity fields in south-east Trinidad, which represented about 85% of our production along with vast majority of resource allocation (manpower, rigs and so on), and "non-core" - consisting of our assets in central and south-west Trinidad, and our appraisal block in Suriname.

In relation to those assets considered "core", we continued our focus on stabilising production, while at the same time looking for ways to increase production from "new oil" opportunities in and around our core area of operations in south-east Trinidad, with the following results during 1H 2023:

-- core production from the Goudron and Inniss-Trinity fields averaged approximately 300 barrels of oil per day through the period, almost exactly the same as in the same period in 2022, and

-- With a view to growing production in our primary geographical area of focus, we bid for the Guayaguayare block, one of the largest onshore exploration and production blocks in Trinidad (c. 306 km(2) ). Our bid for this block was premised on (i) the fact that it is strategically and operationally synergistic with the Company's existing presence in south-east Trinidad, (ii) we see good prospectivity in the block, it being amongst the largest remaining underexplored / undrained contiguous onshore areas in Trinidad, and (iii) the block contains approximately 65 historic wells, many of which the Company believes can be reactivated and serviced from existing operations, thus offering the opportunity for near-term production uplift at minimal incremental cost. In May 2023 we were notified that the Government of Trinidad has authorised the Trinidadian Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries to enter into negotiations for the potential award of the licence to the Company - these discussions are ongoing, and we will advise further on completion of negotiations with MEEI.

In relation to those assets considered "non-core", we began a process to either monetise or exit from the assets, and made considerable progress during the first half of 2023. Thus, in Q1 2023 we completed the sale of South Erin asset, and through the period we continued to advance discussions with the Trinidadian Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries in relation to the proposed sale of Cory Moruga asset, which we hope to be able to complete in the coming months. We also continued to work on similar exit options for the remaining non-core assets we hold and most recently, in August 2023, we exited the Weg Naar Zee ("WNZ") block onshore Suriname. The rationalisation of our portfolio is allowing us to focus fully on those assets of much higher potential impact, that offer greater scale and opportunity for near-term value creation from deployment of the same capital.

It is worth noting that our HSE&S performance in this period remained exemplary with zero LTI or reportable incidents. Following extensive preparatory work and audit, the Company achieved a two-year STOW-TT ( "Safe to Work in Trinidad & Tobago") certification in 3Q 2021, and through the first half of 2023 we prepared for the recertification process and audit, which has now commenced. STOW certification provides a standardised, independent system for certifying operators and contractors with respect to Health, Safety and Environmental delivery, which Heritage Petroleum Company Limited (the state-owned entity) requires of all contractors/operators, and is a central component of our "licence to operate" in Trinidad.

Therefore, in relation to our Trinidadian operations, the first half of 2023 represented a period of measured progress: core business production was constant and consistent, we began the process of monetising or exiting form non-core assets, we were able to advance new business opportunities in support of growing core business production, and we maintained our excellent performance track record when it comes to HSE&S. Overall, we continue to believe that an opportunity exists to create a pro table and growing production business in Trinidad, but to do this we need to be able to access "new oil" - that is, either nding places within our existing elds that have not been drained effectively and drilling new wells, or by getting new licences, and we saw the first successes in this journey during the first half of 2023.

Financial Review

The unaudited interim financial statements for the half year ended 30 June 2023 present details on the financial performance of the Company for the period, to which I add the following commentary, so that shareholders may better be able to contextualise the figures presented:

-- The Company sold approximately 58,000 barrels ("bbls") of oil during 1H 2023 (1H 2022: approximately 60,900 bbls), equating to approximately 320 barrels of oil per day ("bopd") (1H 2022: 336 bopd). However, the Company divested its South Erin field in February 2023, resulting in lower oil sales during 1H 2023 as compared to 1H 2022. Oil sales from the Company's fields excluding the South Erin field were approximately 56,000 bbls during 1H 2023 - in comparison, 1H 2022 oil sales excluding the South Erin Field were approximately 53,800 bbls. In other words, on a like-for-like basis, there was a 4% increase in barrels of oil sold, reflecting operational efficiencies achieved as a consequence of the Company's strategy to focus on core assets.

-- The Company's revenue for the period was $1.9 million (1H 2022: $2.7 million). All revenue is attributable to oil sales in Trinidad, net of Government-take and other deductions and therefore reflect the Company's cash revenue entitlement from oil sales. This represents a decrease of 30% as compared to the comparable period in 2022. Again, on a like for like basis (i.e., excluding the South Erin field), 1H 2023 revenue was approximately $1.8 million compared to $2.3 million in 1H 2022 representing a decrease of approximately 22% compared to 1H 2022. The reduction in revenue is largely attributable to approximately 30% lower average realised oil prices in 1H 2023 (of $63.52 per barrel) as compared to $90.50 per barrel in 1H 2022. Oil prices have since risen in 2H 2023, and we thus expect higher realised oil prices and revenues during 2H 2023.

-- Through the period, the Company's Trinidad business operated on a roughly "break-even" basis, in that total cash revenues met total cash costs, which ranged between $275,000 - $325,000 per month, the variance depending on field activity and the level of workovers, repairs and maintenance required in response to field performance each month. In an accounting sense however, certain non-cash charges (including depreciation, abandonment provisions and accrued interest on outstanding taxes (which the Company does not expect to crystalise in cash, in view of submissions made during Trinidadian Tax Amnesty period to offset against refunds due to the Company) are reflected in the income statement, which give rise to the reported operating loss.

-- Excluding Trinidad, the Company's net cash spend during 1H 2023 was approximately $2.3 million. Of this, approximately $1.2 million was in relation to the Company's AREA OFF-1 licence in Uruguay ($0.5 million retained as restricted cash collateral for the work program performance bond, and the balance of $0.7 million spent on accelerated and expanded technical work program as described earlier in this report). The remainder $1.1 million largely reflects the Company's corporate overheads and miscellaneous expenses, reflecting a corporate overhead run rate ranging between $175,000 and $200,000 per month.

Cash Position & Funding

In March 2022, in conjunction with completion of a comprehensive corporate restructuring, the Company raised approximately US$10 million, which was at that time "sized" for approximately 12 months of future operations. However, as a result of prudent management of capital, a significant reduction in corporate overheads, and the sale of identified non-core assets, the Company did not require any additional external funding during the first half of 2023, and ended the period with available cash of $1.6 million.

Subsequently, in August 2023, the Company established a GBP3.3 million unsecured convertible loan note funding facility (the "Facility") to provide financing flexibility for various initiatives being pursued by the Company as well as to bridge working capital needs through to delivery of a number of cash generative options in the near-term, including those that may result from a successful Area OFF-1 farm-out process, and those anticipated from completion of the sale of the Cory Moruga asset in Trinidad.

In addition, the Company has approximately $0.8 million in restricted cash, being cash held as collateral in support of performance bonds for the various assets - notably, this includes $0.5 million in support of minimum work obligations for the Company's AREA OFF-1 licence offshore Uruguay which have largely been satisfied.

Strategic Direction

In Uruguay, our early entry has transformed from being little more than "option value" to being a near-term opportunity for substantial value-creation. Looking ahead, the focus for the balance of 2023 in Uruguay is unambiguously on securing a farm-out partner for the AREA OFF-1 block, such that we can expedite future technical work program on the block and in particular a 3D seismic acquisition - we see this as the path to signi cant near-term value creation for shareholders.

In Trinidad the focus for the remainder of 2023 will be to continue the work of the last two years: maintain current production, drive improved nancial performance, dispose of remaining non-core assets, and seek to strategically access "new oil" opportunities so as to expand the production base and create a bigger, more sustainable business.

As a significant shareholder myself - I now hold over 6% of the Company - I am fully aligned with all shareholders, and I remain optimistic about the prospects of Challenger Energy. We will continue to work diligently towards delivering on our objectives, and I am con dent that eventually the equity market will pay attention and reward the value we are creating.

Eytan Uliel

Chief Executive Officer

29 September 2023

Financial Statements



                             Six months ended 30 June 2023 (Unaudited)                         Six months           Year ended 
                                                                           ended 30 June 2022 (Unaudited)     31 December 2022 
                     Note                                       $000's                            $ 000's              $ 000's 
 Net petroleum 
  revenue                                                        1,884                              2,680                4,266 
 Cost of sales*                                                (2,343)                            (2,522)              (4,737) 
                           -------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
  profit/(loss)                                                  (459)                                158                (471) 
  expenses**                                                   (2,141)                            (4,720)              (8,027) 
  charges                                                            -                                  -              (2,201) 
 Operating foreign 
  exchange gains/ 
  (losses)                                                     (1,528)                            (1,378)                6,458 
                           -------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
 Operating loss                                                (4,128)                            (5,940)              (4,241) 
 Other income         2                                             26                              8,567                8,743 
 Finance income/ 
  (costs), net        2                                           (88)                              1,652                1,675 
  before taxation                                              (4,190)                              4,279                6,177 
 Income tax 
  expense                                                            -                                  -                 (28) 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
  from continuing 
  operations                                                   (4,190)                              4,279                6,149 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Gain/loss after 
  tax for the year 
  operations          7                                          1,934                                  -              (1,767) 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for 
  the year 
  attributable to 
  equity holders 
  of the parent 
  company                                                      (2,256)                              4,279                4,382 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Items to be 
 subsequently to 
 profit or loss 
  differences on 
  translation of 
  operations                                                       958                              1,105              (5,742) 
                           -------------------------------------------  --------------------------------- 
  for the period 
  net of taxation                                                  958                              1,105              (5,742) 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
  for the period 
  attributable to 
  equity holders 
  of the 
  parent company                                               (1,298)                              5,384              (1,360) 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
 per share (cents) 
 Basic loss 
 (earnings) per 
 -From continuing 
  operations                                                    (0.04)                               0.07                 0.08 
  operations                                                      0.02                                  -               (0.03) 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Total                                                          (0.02)                               0.07                 0.05 
 Diluted earnings 
 (loss) per share 
 -From continuing 
  operations                                                         -                               0.06                 0.07 
  operations                                                         -                                  -               (0.02) 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 
 Total                                                               -                               0.06                 0.05 
                           -------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------  ------------------- 

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these financial statements.

*Cost of sales includes amortisation and depreciation of oil and gas assets of $632,000 (2022 half year: $859,000; 2022 full year: $1,720,000)

** Administrative expenses include various non-cash items including depreciation charges of $222,000 (2022 half year: $234,000; 2022 full year: $542,000) and interest on taxes owed in Trinidad of $176,000 (2022 half year: $528,000; 2022 full year: $908,000) which the Company does not expect to crystalise in cash in view of submissions made during Trinidadian Tax Amnesty for the offset of taxes owed against refunds due to the Group (see Note 8)



                                                            At              At              At 
                                                       30 June         30 June     31 December 
                                                          2023            2022            2022 
                                                   (Unaudited)     (Unaudited)       (Audited) 
                                          Note          $000's         $ 000's         $ 000's 
 Non-current assets 
 Intangible exploration and evaluation 
  assets                                   4            95,231          94,389          94,660 
 Goodwill                                  4             4,610           4,610           4,610 
 Tangible assets                           5            18,777          21,874          19,556 
 Right of use assets                       6                 -               6               - 
 Escrow and abandonment funds                            1,575           1,601           1,532 
 Deferred tax asset                                      7,418           6,998           7,375 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total non-current assets                              127,611         129,478         127,733 
 Current assets 
 Trade and other receivables                             2,755           5,428           2,721 
 Inventories                                               221             270             165 
 Restricted cash                                           827             434             824 
 Cash and cash equivalents                               1,645           5,308           2,453 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total current assets                                    5,448          11,440           6,163 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Assets held for sale                      7             1,114               -           2,591 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total assets                                          134,173         140,918         136,487 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Trade and other payables                  8           (8,300)        (11,985)         (8,099) 
 Lease liabilities                                           -            (27)            (22) 
 Borrowings                                                  -            (77)               - 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total current liabilities                             (8,300)        (12,089)         (8,121) 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                                                  -           (147)               - 
 Provisions                                            (5,657)         (6,164)         (5,545) 
 Deferred tax liability                                (7,459)         (7,009)         (7,415) 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total non-current liabilities                        (13,116)        (13,320)        (12,960) 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Liabilities directly associated 
  with the assets held for sale            7           (4,364)               -         (6,449) 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total liabilities                                    (25,780)        (25,409)        (27,530) 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Net assets                                            108,393         115,509         108,957 
                                                ==============  ==============  ============== 
 Shareholders' equity 
 Called-up share capital                   9             2,540           2,540           2,540 
 Share premium reserve                     9           180,240         180,272         180,240 
 Share based payments reserve                            5,635           5,411           5,635 
 Retained deficit                                     (98,521)        (97,102)        (96,999) 
 Foreign exchange reserve                              (4,785)           1,104         (5,743) 
 Convertible debt option reserve                             -               -               - 
 Other reserves                                         23,284          23,284          23,284 
                                                --------------  --------------  -------------- 
 Total equity attributable to 
  equity holders of the parent 
  company                                              108,393         115,509         108,957 
                                                ==============  ==============  ============== 
 The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part 
  of these financial statements. 
  These Interim Financial Statements were approved and authorised for 
  issue by the Board of Directors on 29 September 2023 and signed on its 
  behalf by: 
 Eytan Uliel                          Simon Potter 
 Director                             Director 



                                                 Six months           Six months      Year ended 
                                              Ended 30 June        ended 30 June     31 December 
                                                       2023     2022 (Unaudited)            2022 
                                                (Unaudited)                            (Audited) 
                                                     $000's              $ 000's         $ 000's 
 Cash flows from operating activities 
 Profit/(loss) before taxation                      (4,190)                4,279           6,177 
 (Increase)/decrease in trade and 
  other receivables                                    (77)                (539)             658 
 (Decrease) in trade and other 
  payables                                              201              (1,188)         (2,176) 
 (Increase) in inventories                             (56)                 (11)            (13) 
 Impairment of tangible and intangible 
  assets                                                  -                    -           2,201 
 Depreciation of property, plant 
  and equipment                                         841                1,077           1,784 
 Depreciation of right of use asset                       -                    9              14 
 Loss on disposal of property, 
  plant and equipment                                     -                   10              78 
 Amortisation                                            13                   16              27 
 Share settled payments                                   -                1,113           1,266 
 Other income                                          (26)              (8,567)         (8,743) 
 Finance income/ (costs), net                            88              (1,652)         (1,675) 
 Share based payments                                     -                   99             323 
 Income tax received/(paid)                               -                    -               - 
 Foreign exchange (gain)/loss on 
  operating activities                                1,528                1,378         (6,458) 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Net cash outflow from operating 
  activities                                        (1,678)              (3,976)         (6,537) 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from investing activities 
 Purchase of property, plant and 
  equipment                                            (37)                (212)           (626) 
 Proceeds from sale of property, 
  plant and equipment                                     -                    5              57 
 Payments for exploration and evaluation 
  assets                                              (583)                    -           (282) 
 (Increase)/Decrease in restricted 
  cash                                                  (2)                  125           (354) 
 Proceeds from sale of subsidiaries,                  1,194                    -               - 
  net of 
  cash sold 
 Other income received                                   26                    -              18 
 Net cash outflow from investing 
  activities                                            598                 (82)         (1,187) 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Cash flows from financing activities 
 Issue of ordinary share capital                          -                8,508           9,114 
 Share issue costs                                        -                    -               - 
 Principal elements of lease payments                  (22)                  (9)            (14) 
 Finance costs                                          (9)                (265)            (46) 
 Repayment of borrowings                                  -                (144)           (181) 
 Net cash inflow from financing 
  activities                                           (31)                8,090           8,873 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Net increase in cash and cash 
  equivalents                                       (1,111)                4,032           1,149 
 Effects of exchange rate changes 
  on cash and cash equivalents                          303                (279)           (252) 
 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning 
  of period                                           2,453                1,555           1,555 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents included 
  in disposal group                                       -                    -               1 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 
 Cash and cash equivalents at 
  end of period                                       1,645                5,308           2,453 
                                           ----------------  -------------------  -------------- 

The accompanying accounting policies and notes form an integral part of these financial statements.



                   Called up        Share       Share     Retained     Foreign   Convertible        Other        Total 
                       share      premium       based      deficit    exchange   debt option     reserves       Equity 
                     capital      reserve    payments                  reserve       reserve 
                     $ 000's      $ 000's     $ 000's      $ 000's     $ 000's       $ 000's      $ 000's      $ 000's 
 At 1 January 
  2023                 2,540      180,240       5,635     (96,999)     (5,743)             -     23,284        108,957 
 Loss for the 
  period                   -            -           -      (2,256)           -             -            -      (2,256) 
  differences              -            -           -          734         958             -            -        1,692 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
  expense                  -            -           -      (1,522)         958             -            -        (564) 
 Total                     -            -           -            -                         -            -            - 
 contributions                                                               - 
 by and 
 to owners of 
 the Company 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2023            2,540      180,240       5,635     (98,521)     (4,785)             -       23,284      108,393 
                   Called up        Share       Share     Retained     Foreign   Convertible        Other        Total 
                       share      premium       based      deficit    exchange   debt option     reserves       Equity 
                     capital      reserve    payments                  reserve       reserve 
                     $ 000's      $ 000's     $ 000's      $ 000's     $ 000's       $ 000's      $ 000's      $ 000's 
 At 1 January 
  2022                   218      171,734       5,312    (101,381)         (1)           114     23,284         99,280 
 Loss for the 
  period                   -            -           -        4,279           -             -            -        4,279 
  differences              -            -           -            -       1,105             -            -        1,105 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
  expense                  -            -           -        4,279       1,105             -            -        5,384 
 Issue of 
  shares               2,322        8,538           -            -           -             -            -       10,860 
 Realisation of 
  feature                  -            -           -            -           -         (114)            -        (114) 
 Share based 
  payments                 -            -          99            -           -             -            -           99 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
  by and 
  to owners of 
  the Company          2,322        8,538          99            -           -         (114)            -       10,845 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Balance at 30 
  June 2022            2,540      180,272       5,411     (97,102)       1,104             -       23,284      115,509 



                   Called up        Share       Share     Retained     Foreign   Convertible        Other        Total 
                       share      premium       based      deficit    exchange   debt option     reserves       Equity 
                     capital      reserve    payments                  reserve       reserve 
                     $ 000's      $ 000's     $ 000's      $ 000's     $ 000's       $ 000's      $ 000's      $ 000's 
 As at 31 
  December 2020          123      152,717       5,228     (77,684)         147           396       23,284      104,211 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Loss for the 
  year                     -            -           -     (23,697)           -             -            -     (23,697) 
  differences              -            -           -            -       (148)             -            -        (148) 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
  expense                  -            -           -     (23,697)       (148)             -            -     (23,845) 
 Share capital 
  issued                  95       19,017           -            -           -             -            -       19,112 
 Recognition of 
  feature                  -            -           -            -           -           505            -          505 
 Realisation of 
  feature                  -            -           -            -           -         (787)            -        (787) 
 Share based 
  payments                 -            -          84            -           -             -            -           84 
  by and 
  to owners of 
  the Company             95       19,017          84            -           -         (282)            -       18,914 
 As at 31 
  December 2021          218      171,734       5,312    (101,381)         (1)           114       23,284       99,280 
 Profit for the 
  year                     -            -           -        4,382           -             -            -        4,382 
  differences              -            -           -            -     (5,742)             -            -      (5,742) 
  Income                   -            -           -        4,382     (5,742)             -            -      (1,360) 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 Share capital 
  issued               2,322        8,506           -            -           -             -            -       10,828 
 Realisation of 
  feature                  -            -           -            -           -         (114)            -        (114) 
 Shared based 
  payments                 -            -         323            -           -             -            -          323 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
  by and 
  to owners of 
  the Company          2,322        8,506         323            -           -         (114)            -       11,037 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 
 At as 31 
  December 2022        2,540      180,240       5,635     (96,999)     (5,743)             -       23,284      108,957 
                 -----------  -----------  ----------  -----------  ----------  ------------  -----------  ----------- 


 1   Basis of preparation 
     The financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost 
      basis, except for the measurement of certain assets and financial instruments 
      at fair value as described in the accounting policies below. 
      The financial statements have been prepared on a going concern basis, 
      refer to the Going Concern section below for more details. 
      The financial statements are presented in United States dollars ($) 
      and all values are rounded to the nearest thousand dollars ($'000) 
      unless otherwise stated. 
     Basis of consolidation 
        The financial statements incorporate the results of the Company and 
         its subsidiaries (the "Group") using the acquisition method. Control 
         is achieved where the Company is exposed to, or has rights to, variable 
         returns from its involvement with the entity and has the ability to 
         affect those returns through its power over the entity. 
         Inter-company transactions and balances between Group companies are 
         eliminated in full. 
         Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of 
         subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used in line with those 
         used by the Group. 
            Going Concern 
             The Group had incurred a comprehensive loss of $1.3 million for the 
             half year ended 30 June 2023 and the Group's current liabilities exceeded 
             current assets by approximately $2.9 million as of 30 June 2023. At 
             30 June 2023 the CEG Group had approximately $1.6 million in unrestricted 
             cash funding and approximately a further $0.8 million in restricted 
             cash holdings in support of performance guarantees for the various 
             licences including the minimum work obligations in Uruguay ($0.5 million) 
             for which the work has been substantially completed as at the date 
             of this report. 
             On 30 August 2023 the Group announced establishment of a GBP3.3 million 
             convertible loan note funding facility of which GBP0.55 million has 
             initially been drawn down, with future drawdown of the remainder at 
             the Group's option, subject to certain drawdown conditions. This facility 
             provides the Group with cash resources to cover the funding requirements 
             of the Group and bridge any funding gaps over the course of the next 
             12 months. 
             In addition, The Group has several high-probability sources of cash 
             inflows expected over the next 12 months to enable the Group to continue 
             as a going concern for the foreseeable future. These include: 
             1. Contracted proceeds from sale of Cory Moruga licence in Trinidad. 
             In December 2022, the Group announced the sale of Cory Moruga licence 
             onshore Trinidad and Tobago for a consideration of up to US$3 million 
             of which US$1 million is payable upon completion, US$1 million in six 
             months from completion and a further US$1 million contingent upon Cory 
             Moruga field achieving 100 barrels of oil per day production. Cory 
             Moruga licence is presently a dormant licence with previously discovered 
             and tested oil resource. The sale is fully documented and not subject 
             to any conditions to completion other than consent from the Trinidadian 
             Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries ("MEEI"), which remains outstanding. 
             The Group, in conjunction with the acquirer, have been in discussions 
             with MEEI and anticipates consent being obtained and completion of 
             the sale transaction by the end of 2023. A successful completion would 
             result in the Group receiving US$2 million in cash consideration within 
             six months from completion. 
             2. Potential inflows from successful farm-out of the AREA OFF-1 licence 
             in Uruguay. 
             The Group has been in discussions with various industry participants 
             in relation to potential farm-out / partnership options for the AREA 
             OFF-1 licence in Uruguay. In June 2023, a formal adviser-led process 
             was commenced with the objective of securing an industry partner to 
             farm-out the AREA OFF-1 licence by the end of 2023. In the event of 
             a successful farm-out, the Group expects certain upfront cash consideration, 
             consistent with typical transactions of this nature in the international 
             oil and gas industry. The Group is confident that a farm-out transaction 
             can be successfully achieved in this timeframe, because (i) multiple 
             high-quality energy majors are presently engaged in the farm-out process, 
             undertaking due diligence as at the date of this report; (ii) the Group's 
             technical work to-date has resulted in identification and definition 
             of three prospects with an estimated recoverable resource of approximately 
             2 billion barrels (Pmean) and up to 5 billion barrels in an upside 
             case (P10) establishing that AREA OFF-1 is a high-quality asset of 
             scale, material to any player in the global industry, and (iii) the 
             Directors consider successful completion of the farm-out process to 
             be highly probable in light of the recent industry developments - namely 
             significant offshore discoveries in Namibia (Uruguay is considered 
             to be geological mirror of the offshore Namibia basins), and substantial 
             industry interest in offshore Uruguay acreage in the past 12 months, 
             evidenced by licencing activity in the recent Uruguayan licencing rounds 
             that has resulted in all available acreage now having been awarded 
             to industry majors (Shell, APA Corporation and YPF) along with several 
             other interested global oil majors not securing any acreage. 
             3. Sale of other non-core assets 
             The Group is also in discussions in relation to the potential sale 
             of other non-core assets in its portfolio. A successful completion 
             of any transaction of this nature would result in the Group receiving 
             cash consideration, thus increasing its available cash resources. 


 1   Basis of preparation (continued) 

Going Concern (continued)

In addition to the above, the Director notes that the Group is a publicly listed company on a recognised stock exchange, thus affording the ability to raise capital equity, debt and/or hybrid financing alternatives as and when the need arises. The Group has a robust track record in this regard, having raised in excess of US$100 million in equity and alternative financing in the past five years. Based on the Group's attractive asset portfolio and history of capital raising, the Directors are of the view that if required (i.e., in the event sources of cash inflows discussed above do not materialise as and when expected) the Group will be able to source fresh capital on short notice. As such, the Director has prepared the financial statements on a going concern basis and consider it to be reasonable.

 2   Other income and Finance income 
     Other income and Finance income predominantly comprise discounts secured 
      from the Group's historical creditors and a secured financier, as part 
      of negotiated settlements agreed pursuant to the Group's restructuring 
      and recapitalisation exercise. 
 3   Turnover and segmental analysis 
     Management has determined the operating segments based on the reports 
      reviewed by the Board of Directors that are used to make strategic 
      decisions. The Board has determined there is a single operating segment: 
      oil and gas exploration, development and production. However, there 
      are four geographical segments: Trinidad & Tobago & Suriname including 
      a single operating segment and a separate disposal group for the period 
      ended 30 June 2023 (refer to note 7), The Bahamas (operating), Uruguay 
      (operating) and The Isle of Man, UK, Spain, Saint Lucia, Cyprus, Netherlands 
      & USA (all non-operating). 
      The segment including Trinidad & Tobago has been reported as the Group's 
      direct oil and gas producing and revenue generating operating segment. 
      The Bahamas segment includes the Bahamian exploration licences on which 
      drilling activities were conducted in 2020 and 2021. The Uruguay segment 
      includes the exploration licences and appraisal works which have commenced 
      in 2022. The non-operating segment including the Isle of Man (the Group's 
      parent), which provides management service to the Group and entities 
      in Saint Lucia, Cyprus, Spain, the Netherlands, and the U.S.A. all 
      of which are non-operating in that they either hold investments, or 
      are dormant. Their results are consolidated and reported on together 
      as a single segment. As part of an ongoing group wide rationalisation 
      plan there is an ongoing process to wind up a number of companies in 
      the Group in Spain, Cyprus and the USA. 
 Six months to 30 June                 Trinidad    Trinidad                                                     Total 
  2023                               & Suriname           &       Bahamas       Uruguay     Non-Operating 
                                      Operating    St Lucia     Operating     Operating          Entities 
                                                   Disposal                                           (*) 
                                          $'000       $'000         $'000         $'000             $'000       $'000 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  by geographical area 
 Net petroleum revenue 
  (**)                                    1,884           -             -             -                 -       1,884 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Operating profit/(loss)                (2,319)           -          (32)           (3)           (1,774)     (4,128) 
 Other income                                 5           -            21             -                 -          26 
 Finance (costs) / income, 
  net                                      (85)           -             -             -               (3)        (88) 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  taxation                              (2,399)           -          (11)           (3)           (1,777)     (4,190) 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Other information 
 Loss after tax for the 
  year from discontinued 
  operations                                  -       1,934             -             -                 -       1,934 
 Depreciation, amortisation 
  and impairment                          (828)           -           (1)             -              (24)       (853) 
 Capital additions                           32           -             -           583                 5         620 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Segment assets 
 Tangible and intangible 
  assets                                 18,734           -        93,964           798             5,122     118,618 
 Deferred tax asset                       7,418           -             -             -                 -       7,418 
 Escrow and abandonment 
  funds                                   1,575           -             -             -                 -       1,575 
 Trade and other receivables              2,192           -           500             -                63       2,755 
 Inventories                                221           -             -             -                 -         221 
 Restricted cash                            301           -             -             -               526         827 
 Cash                                       638           -             2             -             1,005       1,645 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Assets held for sale                         -       1,114             -             -                 -       1,114 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Consolidated total assets               31,079       1,114        94,466           798             6,716     134,173 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Segment liabilities 
 Trade and other payables               (6,385)           -       (1,051)             -             (864)     (8,300) 
 Deferred tax liability                 (7,459)           -             -             -                 -     (7,459) 
 Lease liabilities                            -           -             -             -                 -           - 
 Provisions                             (3,224)           -             -             -           (2,433)     (5,657) 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Liabilities directly associated 
  with the assets held for 
  sale                                        -     (4,364)             -             -                 -     (4,364) 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 
 Consolidated total liabilities        (17,068)     (4,364)       (1,051)             -           (3,297)    (25,780) 
                                   ------------  ----------  ------------  ------------  ----------------  ---------- 


 3   Turnover and segmental analysis (continued) 
 Six months to 30                 Operating   Operating                        Total 
  June 2022                                                 Non-Operating 
                                   Trinidad     Bahamas 
                                 & Suriname 
                                      $'000       $'000             $'000      $'000 
 Operating profit/(loss) 
  by geographical area 
 Net petroleum revenue 
  (**)                                2,680           -                 -      2,680 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 
 Operating profit/(loss)            (1,316)       (127)           (4,497)    (5,940) 
 Other income                         1,937           -             6,630      8,567 
 Finance (charges)                     (86)           -             (189)      (275) 
 Finance income                           1           -             1,926      1,927 
 Profit/(loss) before 
  taxation                              536       (127)             3,870      4,279 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 
 Other information 
 Depreciation, amortisation 
  and impairment                      1,079           5                18      1,102 
 Capital additions                      203           -                 8        211 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 
 Segment assets 
 Tangible and intangible 
  assets                             22,196      93,971             4,712    120,879 
 Deferred tax asset                   6,998           -                 -      6,998 
 Abandonment fund                     1,601           -                 -      1,601 
 Trade and other receivables          3,860         516             1,052      5,428 
 Inventories                            270           -                 -        270 
 Restricted cash                        380           -                54        434 
 Cash                                   986           4             4,318      5,308 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 
 Consolidated total 
  assets                             36,291      94,491            10,136    140,918 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 
 Segment liabilities 
 Trade and other payables           (9,704)     (1,049)           (1,232)   (11,985) 
 Borrowings                           (224)           -                 -      (224) 
 Deferred tax liability             (7,009)           -                 -    (7,009) 
 Lease liabilities                        -        (21)               (6)       (27) 
 Provisions                         (3,825)           -           (2,339)    (6,164) 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 
 Consolidated total 
  liabilities                      (20,762)     (1,070)           (3,577)   (25,409) 
                               ------------  ----------  ----------------  --------- 

(*) Intercompany balances and transactions between Group entities have been eliminated.

(**) Sales revenues were derived from a single customer within each of these operating countries.


 4    Intangible assets - Group 
     --------------------------------------------  ---------  -------------------------------- 
                                                    Goodwill   Exploration & evaluation assets 
                                                     $ 000's                           $ 000's 
  As at 1 January 2022                                 7,045                            96,832 
  Additions                                                -                               282 
  Reclassifications                                        -                             2,924 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
  As at 31 December 2022                               7,045                           100,038 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
  Additions                                                -                               583 
  Foreign exchange difference on translation               -                                 3 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
  As at 30 June 2023                                   7,045                           100,624 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
        Accumulated amortisation and impairment 
  As at 1 January 2022                                 2,435                             2,427 
  Amortisation                                             -                                27 
  Reclassifications                                        -                             2,924 
  As at 31 December 2022                               2,435                             5,378 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
  Amortisation                                             -                                13 
  Foreign exchange difference on translation               -                                 2 
  As at 30 June 2023                                   2,345                             5,393 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
        Net book value 
  As at 30 June 2023                                   4,610                            95,231 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
  As at 31 December 2022                               4,610                            94,660 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 
  As at 31 December 2021                               4,610                            94,405 
                                                   ---------  -------------------------------- 


 5     Tangible assets 
      ----------------------------------------  -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
                                                 Oil and gas assets     Property, plant      Decommissioning     Total 
                                                                      and equipment (*)                costs 
                                                            $ 000's             $ 000's              $ 000's   $ 000's 
       Cost or Valuation 
  As at 1 January 2022                                       28,303               2,013                2,225    32,541 
  Additions                                                     128                 498                1,307     1,933 
  Disposals                                                   (133)               (400)                    -     (533) 
  Assets held for sale                                      (7,013)                   -                (844)   (7,857) 
  Reclassifications                                          15,563               5,404                  226    21,193 
  Foreign exchange difference on 
   translation                                                    -               (146)                    -     (146) 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  As at 31 December 2022                                     36,848               7,369                2,914    47,131 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  Additions                                                       9                  28                    -        37 
  Reclassifications                                               -               (201)                    -     (201) 
  Foreign exchange difference on 
   translation                                                   15                  36                    2        53 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  As at 30 June 2023                                         36,872               7,232                2,916    47,020 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
       Accumulated depreciation and Impairment 
  At 1 January 2022                                           7,294                 751                1,748     9,793 
  Depreciation                                                1,720                 285                  230     2,335 
  Disposals                                                    (88)               (286)                    -     (374) 
  Impairment                                                  2,201                   -                   88     2,289 
  Assets held for sale                                      (6,679)                   -                (738)   (7,417) 
  Reclassifications                                          15,563               5,404                  226    21,193 
  Foreign exchange difference on 
   translation                                                    -               (145)                    1     (144) 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  At 31 December 2022                                        20,011               6,009                1,555    27,575 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  Depreciation                                                  632                 149                   60       841 
  Reclassifications                                               -               (201)                    -     (201) 
  Foreign exchange difference on 
   translation                                                  (6)                  34                    -        28 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  As at 30 June 2023                                         20,637               5,991                1,615    28,243 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
         Net book value 
  As at 30 June 2023                                         16,235               1,241                1,301    18,777 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  As at 31 December 2022                                     16,837               1,360                1,359    19,556 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 
  As at 31 December 2021                                     21,009               1,262                  477    22,748 
                                                -------------------  ------------------  -------------------  -------- 

(*) Property, plant and equipment includes leasehold improvements.


 6    Right of use assets 
     --------------------------------------------  ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
                                                    Group leased properties   Group motor vehicles   Total Group 
                                                                    $ 000's                $ 000's       $ 000's 
  As at 1 January 2022                                                  484                     32           516 
  Disposals                                                           (406)                      -         (406) 
  Reclassifications                                                      60                      -            60 
  As at 31 December 2022                                                138                     32           170 
                                                   ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
  Reclassifications                                                    (59)                      -          (59) 
      Foreign exchange difference on translation                          -                      -             - 
                                                   ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
  As at 30 June 2023                                                     79                     32           111 
      Accumulated depreciation 
  As at 1 January 2022                                                  470                     32           502 
  Depreciation                                                           14                      -            14 
  Disposals                                                           (406)                      -         (406) 
  Reclassifications                                                      60                      -            60 
  As at 31 December 2022                                                138                     32           170 
                                                   ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
  Reclassifications                                                    (59)                      -          (59) 
      Foreign exchange difference on translation                          -                      -             - 
  As at 30 June 2023                                                     79                     32           111 
      Net book value 
      As at 30 June 2023                                                  -                      -             - 
                                                   ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
      As at 31 December 2022                                              -                      -             - 
                                                   ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 
  As at 31 December 2021                                                 14                      -            14 
                                                   ------------------------  ---------------------  ------------ 


 7   Discontinued operations 
 At balance sheet date the following asset sale is considered to be active 
  and highly probable of taking place: 
  Sale of T-Rex (Cory Moruga asset): 
  On 20 December 2022 the Company announced that it had entered into a 
  binding heads of terms with Predator Oil & Gas Holdings Plc, providing 
  for the conditional sale of the Company's interest in the non-producing 
  Cory Moruga licence in Trinidad though the sale of 100% of the share 
  capital in T-Rex Resources (Trinidad) Limited (TREX), with retention 
  of 25% future back-in right (at the Company's option) based on the outcomes 
  of future drilling / EOR activity and associated future production. 
  Subsequently, on 8 March 2023 confirmed that the confirmatory due diligence 
  process was finalised and both parties had entered into fully termed 
  long form legal documentation. 
  The completion of the Transaction is conditional on consent of the Trinidadian 
  Ministry of Energy and Energy Industries ("MEEI") to a revised work 
  programme for the Cory Moruga licence and restructuring of certain licence 
  terms. The parties have agreed to work together to secure the required 
  consents and agreements with MEEI and thus achieve completion of the 
  Transaction as soon as reasonably practicable. 
  Accordingly, T-Rex Resources (Trinidad) Limited continues to form a 
  separate disposal group and has been classified as assets held of sale 
  at 30 June 2023. 
  The results for this disposal group are presented below: 
   Income statement                             $ 000's 
   Administration expenses                        (262) 
   Operating foreign exchange gains/(losses)        (2) 
   Finance costs                                    (6) 
  The major classes of assets and liabilities of the combined disposal 
  group classified as held for sale at 31 December are presented below: 
   Assets                         $ 000's 
   Trade and other receivables      1,114 
   Trade and other payables       (3,162) 
   Provisions                     (1,202) 

Sale of CREX:

During the reporting period an asset sale took place resulting in the loss of control over CREX.

On 14 February 2023 the Company announced publicly (via RNS) it had entered into and completed a transaction for the sale of its St Lucia domiciled subsidiary company, Caribbean Rex Limited (CREX) which included its associated assets and subsidiary entities. This includes (via interposed subsidiaries) CEG South Erin Trinidad Limited ("CSETL" a Trinidadian company that is party to a farm-out agreement for, and is the operator of, the South Erin field, onshore Trinidad) and West Indian Energy Group Limited (a Trinidadian service company).


 7   Discontinued operations (continued) 

Consideration was received in cash during the period. At the date of the disposal the carrying amounts of CREX net assets were as follows:

 Assets                                                     $ 000's 
 Cash and cash equivalents                                        6 
 Restricted cash                                                 89 
 Trade and other receivables                                    115 
 Property, plant and equipment and decommissioning costs        402 
 Abandonment fund                                               106 
 Deferred Tax Asset                                             201 
 Total assets                                                   919 
 Trade and other payables                                     (989) 
 Provisions                                                   (808) 
 Borrowings                                                   (181) 
 Deferred tax liability                                       (201) 
 Total liabilities                                          (2,179) 
 Total net liability                                        (1,260) 
 Total consideration received in cash                         1,200 
 Less cash and cash equivalents disposed of                     (6) 
 Net cash received                                            1,194 
 Gain on disposal*                                            2,454 
  Reconciliation to gain from discontinued operations: 
  Gain on disposal (as above)                                                             2,454 
  Less losses resulting from T-Rex Resources (Trinidad) Limited for the period            (270) 
 Less losses resulting from CREX and subsidiaries for the period up to disposal date      (250) 
 Gain after tax for the year from discontinued operations                                 1,934 

*The gain on disposal is included in the loss for the year from discontinued operations in the consolidated statement of profit or loss.

The net cash flows incurred by the combined disposal group are, as follows:

                                $ 000's 
 Operating                          289 
 Investing                        1,191 
 Financing                          (9) 
 Net cash (outflow) / inflow      1,471 


 8   Trade and other payables 
              The trade and other payables (including accruals) include dues, amounting to approximately 
               $2.5 million in aggregate, that are considered to be of a routine working capital nature, 
               and that are being settled in the ordinary course of business and / or under certain agreed 
               payment plans. The remainder of trade and other payables include: 
               i) approximately $3.2 million is in respect of taxes in Trinidad and Tobago that the Group 
               expects to settle by way of offset against tax refunds due to the Group in Trinidad and Tobago 
               ($1.4 million, included under 'Trade and other receivables'). The balance amount relates to 
               a notional estimate of penalties that apply in accordance with the tax laws in Trinidad and 
               Tobago - as at the date of this report these are notional estimates only and have not been 
               levied or assessed, and the Group does not expect that they will be levied or assessed and 
               that ultimately no cash payment will be required as the Group had claimed the benefit of a 
               tax amnesty during the 2021 tax amnesty period implemented by the Trinidad and Tobago tax 
               authorities, with the final resolution of this matter remaining pending; and 
               ii) approximately $2.6 million is in respect of various other dues comprising, i) $0.5 million 
               is in respect of potential insurance "top-up" exposure, due to the ultimate cost of the Perseverance-1 
               well in The Bahamas exceeding the initial estimated cost - however, as at the date of this 
               report, the matter remains pending resolution with the insurers, ii) $0.6 million is in respect 
               of accrued licence fee which the Group expects to offset against $0.5 million refundable advances 
               (included in trade and other receivables) resulting in no material incremental cash exposure 
               to the Group, iii) $0.4 million in advances towards a work programme undertaken by a third-party 
               for which a settlement agreement has been reached as part of the sale of Cory Moruga asset 
               (pending completion) resulting in no cash exposure to the Group, and iv) $1.1 million in relation 
               to legacy accruals recognised in the financial statements which the Group does not expect 
               to crystalise for a foreseeable future and expects to be written-back following lapse of the 
               relevant statute of limitation period. 
 9    Share capital - Group & Company 
     -----------------------------------------------------------  -------------- 
      Called up, allotted, issued            Number of   Nominal   Share premium 
       and fully paid ordinary shares           shares     value 
       of 0.0002p each 
                                                         $ 000's         $ 000's 
  At 1 January 2022                        796,522,914       218         171,734 
  Shares issued at average price 
   of 0.1p per share                       691,401,490       185             739 
  Shares issued at average price 
   of 0.1p per share                     3,480,645,475       919           3,366 
  Shares issued at average price 
   of 0.1p per share                     4,651,629,600     1,218           4,433 
   At 31 December 2022                   9,620,199,479     2,540         180,240 
  At 1 January 2023                      9,620,199,479     2,540         180,240 
  At 30 June 2023                        9,620,199,479     2,540         180,240 
                                             Number of   Nominal   Share premium 
                                                shares     value 
                                                         $ 000's         $ 000's 
  At 31 December 2021                      796,522,914       218         171,734 
                                        --------------  --------  -------------- 
  As 31 December 2022                    9,620,199,279     2,450         180,240 
                                        --------------  --------  -------------- 
  At 30 June 2023                        9,620,199,479     2,540         180,240 
                                        --------------  --------  -------------- 
       At the end of the period, the number of shares in issue comprised 
        9,620 million ordinary shares (2022: 9,620million). 
        During the prior period, transaction costs for issued share capital 
        totalled $748,777, these amounts were allocated to share premium. 
        The total authorised number of ordinary shares at 30 June 2023 was 
        50,000,000,000 shares with a par value of 0.02 pence per share (2022: 
        50,000,000,000 shares of 0.02 pence per share). All issued shares 
        of 0.02 pence are fully paid. 


 10   Share based payments 
     -----------------------  -------------------------  ----------------- 

Options and warrants

Share options have been granted to Directors, selected employees and consultants to the Company.

The Group had no legal or constructive obligation to repurchase or settle any options in cash. Movements in the number of share options and warrants outstanding during the year are as follows:

                                  Average exercise   No. Options & 
                                   price per share        Warrants 
  At 1 January 2023                          0.24p   1,388,473,911 
  Expired                                        -               - 
  Cancelled                                  0.19p   (136,000,000) 
  Granted                                        -               - 
  Exercised                                      -               - 
                                 -----------------  -------------- 
  As at 30 June 2023                         0.25p   1,252,473,911 
  Exercisable at end of period                   -               - 
                                 -----------------  -------------- 

The fair value of the warrants and options granted in the period was estimated using the Black Scholes model.

 11   Events after reporting date 
                   On 30 August 2023 the Company announced: 
                   i) the establishment of a GBP3.3 million convertible loan note 
                   funding facility of which GBP0.55 million has initially been 
                   drawn down, with future drawdown of the remainder at the Group's 
                   ii) a mutually agreed extension to the long stop date for the 
                   completion of the sale of T-Rex Resources (Trinidad) Limited 
                   (Cory Moruga asset) to 30 November 2023 to allow the parties 
                   to continue ongoing discussions with the Trinidadian Ministry 
                   of Energy and Energy Industries ("MEEI") with a view to securing 
                   MEEI's consent required for the completion of the transaction; 
                   iii) the relinquishment of the Group's Weg Naar Zee block onshore 
                   Suriname by way of an agreement with Hydrocarbon Institute, 
                   the Surinamese hydrocarbons industry regulator ("SHI"), to terminate 
                   the Suriname Weg Naar Zee Production Sharing Contract ("WNZ 
                   PSC") between Columbus Energy Resources South America B.V., 
                   a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company and Staatsolie Maatschappij 
                   Suriname N.V., the Surinamese state-owned oil & gas company 
 12   Other Information 
        The comparative financial information set out in this report 
        does not constitute the Group's statutory accounts for the period 
        ended 31 December 2022 but is derived from those accounts. 
        A copy of this interim statement is available on the Company's 
        website: www.cegplc.com 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

September 29, 2023 11:35 ET (15:35 GMT)

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