AB Science: Revenues for the first half of 2024 and update on AB
Science’s activities
Clinical development
Masitinib platform:
Ongoing re-examination by EMA and Health Canada of the marketing
authorisation application for masitinib in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis (ALS)
Update on the development of masitinib in progressive forms of
multiple sclerosis following the ECTRIMS 2024 conference
Positive results from the phase 2 study of masitinib in
Strengthening the intellectual property of masitinib in
Microtubule platform:
Update on the AB8939 microtubule program and in in particular on
the ability of AB8939 to generate a response on MECOM
- Financial and corporate
Operating deficit of 3.6 million euros as of June 30, 2024, down
59.5% compared to the first half of 2023
Cash position of 9.1 million euros as of June 30, 2023, to which is
added 5 million euros from the capital increase by private
placement announced in September 2024
Completion of the settlement and delivery of the 5 million euros
capital increase
Paris, October 10, 2024, 8.30am CET
AB Science SA (Euronext -
FR0010557264 - AB) today announces its half-year financial results
as of June 30, 2024 and provides an update on its activities.
EMA negative opinion on the marketing
authorisation application for masitinib in amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis and ongoing re-examination of the dossier by
AB Science announced that the Committee for
Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) of the European Medicines
Agency (EMA) has adopted, in line with the trend vote, a negative
opinion on the application for conditional marketing authorization
of masitinib in the treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
AB Science requested a re-examination on the
basis of:
First and foremost, the urgent need for patients to have early
access to a promising treatment.
The opportunity of having the dossier re-examined by new
rapporteurs and by a Scientific Advisory Board.
AB Science highlights the difficulty of a
conditional marketing authorization in ALS and cannot guarantee a
positive outcome following this re-examination.
The reasons which nevertheless led AB Science to
request a re-examination of the file are as follows:
Acceptable masitinib safety: First, the CHMP confirmed that the
safety of masitinib is deemed acceptable, which is a key
consideration in the context of a conditional marketing
authorization where confirmatory evidence of efficacy is
Objection concerning deviations from Good Clinical Practice: As per
EMA guidance (EMA/868942/2011), impact analyses of all protocol
deviations that could not be corrected were performed and showed no
impact, resolving Good Clinical Practice issues as per
Objection concerning the exclusion of fast progressors: The
amendment transitioning from phase 2 to phase 3 excluding fast
progressors from the primary analysis population was necessary and
well justified, in order to have a more homogenous population with
greater chance of reaching week 48 time point and minimizing
missing data. Furthermore, the amendment was implemented early
enough and while the study was blinded, removing any methodological
Objection concerning the treatment of missing data in the primary
analysis: Multiple sensitivity analysis of the primary analysis;
using non LOCF (Last Observation Carried Forward) methods for
imputation of missing data, are positive and consistent, including
two analyses previously recommended by the CHMP, demonstrating the
robustness of the primary analysis, thus resolving the objection
concerning the treatment of missing data.
Objection on the subgroup data: There was an important imbalance in
a subset of patients experiencing complete loss of function (i.e.,
ALSFRS-R score of zero) in one or more of the item scores (20% in
the masitinib arm versus 8% in the placebo arm), because ALSFRS-R
score was minimized but not stratified by category of severity. The
subgroup defined as patients prior to any complete loss of function
(i.e. excluding the overmentioned biased subset) accounted for 86%
of the population and showed extremely compelling results,
including a significant 12 months survival benefit. The subgroup
analysis is the strict application of EMA guidance
(EMA/CHMP/539146/2013), which is applicable to post hoc analysis
and to registration with single pivotal study, thus resolving the
objection regarding subgroup data.
The re-examination of the dossier by EMA is
Notice of Deficiency-Withdrawal (NOD/w)
regarding the New Drug Submission (NDS) for masitinib in the
treatment of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) in Canada and
ongoing re-examination of the dossier by Health Canada
AB Science announced in February 2024 that
Health Canada issued a Notice of Deficiency-Withdrawal (NOD/w)
regarding the New Drug Submission (NDS) for masitinib in the
treatment of ALS and indicated its intention to submit a
reconsideration request.
In April 2024, AB Science announced that Health
Canada had granted eligibility for reconsideration request. The
reconsideration process will re-examine, with new assessors, the
decision based on information that was included in the original
The re-examination is ongoing by Health
Update on the AB8939 microtubule program
and in particular on the ability of AB8939 to generate a response
on MECOM rearrangement
AB Science provided an update on the microtubule
program AB8939 and in particular the ability of AB8939 to generate
response on MECOM rearrangement.
AB8939 is a novel microtubule destabilizer
currently evaluated in phase 1 clinical trial (study AB18001,
NCT05211570) in patients with refractory and relapsed acute myeloid
leukemia (AML).
The phase 1 clinical trial of AB8939 completed
its first step, consisting in determining the maximum tolerated
dose following 3 consecutive days of AB8939 treatment, and was
authorized to proceed with the next step, consisting in determining
the maximum tolerated dose following 14 consecutive days of AB8939
The phase 1 clinical trial continues to
determine MTD and the study is now at the last cycle of the 14 days
evaluation. The next step will be to determine the MTD in the
combination of AB8939 with Vidaza® (azacitidine).
AB Science previously reported a case of
complete bone marrow response in an AML patient in failure to prior
treatment with azacitidine and presenting with a MECOM gene
rearrangement, which consists of chromosomic aberrations of EVI1
oncogene, leading to one of the worst prognostics in AML and is
associated with lack of response and resistance to conventional
New data confirm that there is a signal of
activity against MECOM, with AB8939 generating a complete response
in combination with Vidaza, as evidenced by a synergistic effect in
a patient-derived xenograft (PDX) mouse model bearing the MECOM
rearrangement. PDX are cell lines coming from patients that are
grafted to immune deficient mice to mimic as closely as possible
the human disease.
AB8939 was able to generate 50% response when used as a single
agent on MECOM cell lines ex vivo in a non-clinical setting.
In the phase 1 trial, 4 patients bore the MECOM rearrangement and
50% responded to AB8939 when used as a single agent.
In phase 1, so far, AB8939 does not appear to be toxic to bone
marrow, avoiding severe neutropenia and suggesting the possibility
to use the drug for long-term treatment.
These data taken together confirm the
opportunity to develop AB8939 in phase 2 clinical trial in MECOM as
a single agent or in combination with Vidaza.
The advantage is that a small study could be
sufficient to comply with FDA guideline on accelerated
Update on the development of masitinib
in progressive forms of multiple sclerosis following the ECTRIMS
2024 conference
AB Science provided an update on the development
of masitinib in progressive forms of multiple sclerosis (MS),
following the European Committee for Treatment and Research in
Multiple Sclerosis (ECTRIMS) 2024 conference.
The development of masitinib in progressive
forms of multiple sclerosis is based on the MAXIMS study (AB20009),
a randomized, double-blind, phase 3 study of masitinib 4.5
mg/kg/day in patients with primary progressive multiple sclerosis
(PPMS) and non-active secondary progressive multiple sclerosis
The recent results of tolebrutinib in non-active
secondary progressive MS presented at the ECTRIMS 2024 conference,
reinforce the scientific hypothesis that targeting microglia in
nSPMS is a valid approach. Tolebrutinib belongs to a class of drugs
that target microglia through an enzymatic target called BTK
(Bruton Tyrosine Kinase).
Masitinib also targets microglia but through a
different enzymatic target called M-CSFR1 (Macrophage Colony
Stimulating Factor Receptor-1) and generated positive results in
phase 2B (AB07002), which are consistent with tolebrutinib
EDSS progression confirmed at 3 months was reduced by 37% with
masitinib in study AB07002 and by 23% with tolebrutinib in the
Hercules study (although the reduction in study AB07002 did not
reach the conventional 5% p-value since the study was not powered
to detect a significant effect in this secondary endpoint, having
300 patients in the masitinib 4.5 or placebo arms as compared with
1100 patients in the Hercules trial).
EDSS progression confirmed at 6 months was reduced by 32% with
masitinib and by 31% with tolebrutinib.
Masitinib significantly improved manual dexterity measured by
9-hole Peg test, in study AB07002 (-4,28 ; p=0,0388).
Masitinib has shown the ability to decrease serum neurofilament
light chain (NfL) concentration in an animal model of MS, and by
extension therefore, possibly neuronal damage.
Masitinib not only targets microglia but also mast cells, which
play a crucial role in progressive MS and in the experimental
autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) model of MS, as shown by
numerous publications.
Masitinib benefits from a large safety database
with long-term exposure across various indications. In non-oncology
indications, around 2,200 patients have received at least one dose
of masitinib, more than 1,300 patients have received masitinib for
more than six months and close to 1,000 patients have received
masitinib for more than one year.
BTK safety profiles shows increase in liver
injury, hypertension and infections which seem to be a class
effect, leaving room for alternative drugs.
As a conclusion, masitinib represents a
potential credible alternative to BTK inhibitors in the development
of new drugs both in primary and non-active secondary progressive
Positive results from the phase 2 study
of masitinib in Covid-19
AB Science announced the results of a Phase 2
study evaluating masitinib in COVID-19. This Phase 2 study
(AB20001) was designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
masitinib plus isoquercetin in hospitalized patients with moderate
COVID-19 (WHO 7-point ordinal scale level 4) or severe COVID-19
(level 5). The study initially planned to recruit 200 patients
(over 18 years of age with no upper age limit). The primary
objective was to improve the clinical status of patients after 15
days of treatment, as measured by the WHO 7-point ordinal scale.
Following a DSMB recommendation, decision was taken to continue the
study only in level 4 patients (i.e. hospitalized patients with
oxygen supply <6 L/min with SpO2 maintained ≥92%).
The study could not recruit the planned 200
patients. The decision was therefore taken to stop inclusion after
95 patients were randomized. The objective was to detect a trending
treatment effect with 95 patients that would translate into a
significant effect when simulating the same effect with the planned
enrolment of 200 patients. If this objective was reached, then the
conclusion would be that it is worth continuing to evaluate
masitinib as an agent in the treatment of covid in patients
hospitalized with moderate need of oxygen.
The study showed an odds ratio of 2.4 in favor
of the treatment arm after 15 days of treatment, superior to the
odds ratio of 2.2 initially hypothesized, with p=0.038 simulated
with 200 patients and p=0.072 detected with 95 patients recruited.
Sensitivity analyses at day 12, 13 and 14 with 95 patients
recruited displayed a p-value of respectively p=0.016, 0.019, 0.018
and odds ratio 3.2, 3.2 and 3.4. This was due to improvement of
certain placebo patients at day 15 but not before. The safety was
in line with the known safety profile of masitinib.
Strengthening the intellectual property
of masitinib in mastocytosis
AB Science announced that the European Patent
Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for a patent relating to
methods of treating severe systemic mastocytosis (i.e. a medical
use patent) with masitinib. This new European patent provides
intellectual property protection for masitinib in this indication
until October 2036.
The same medical use patent strategy has been
successfully applied in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, with a
worldwide patent granted until 2037, and is being applied in other
indications such as multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's disease for
protection until 2041, and in prostate cancer for protection until
The operating result as of June 30, 2024
corresponds to a loss of €3,582k, compared to a loss of €8,850k as
of June 30, 2023, representing a reduction in the operating deficit
of €5,268k (59.5%).
- Operating income
consists exclusively of revenue related to the exploitation of a
veterinary medicine. Revenue is up compared to June 30, 2023 and
amounts to 560 thousand euros as of June 30, 2024 compared to 448
thousand euros as of June 30, 2023. This increase in operating
income over the period compared to the previous period is due to
the resumption of sales from May 2023, after a disruption in the
supply of Masivet between August 2022 and April 2023 following a
change in the synthesis process of the active ingredient of Masivet
which required a request for variation of the marketing file of
Masivet to the European Medicines Agency (EMA). The EMA issued a
favorable decision in April 2023, from which date the exploitation
of Masivet was able to resume.
- Research and
development expenses decreased by 65.5% between the first half of
2024 and the first half of 2023, amounting to 2,564 thousand euros
for the first half of 2024 compared to 7,213 thousand euros for the
first half of 2023. This decrease reflects the implementation of
the partnership research strategy for the continued clinical
development of masitinib.
- Marketing costs
fell by 12.8% from 218 thousand euros as of June 30, 2023 to 190
thousand euros as of June 30, 2024.
Administrative expenses decreased by 21.4% between the first half
of 2024 and the first half of 2023.
- The financial
result corresponds to a loss of 887 thousand euros for the first
half of 2024, compared to a loss of 1,569 thousand euros for the
first half of 2023. As of June 30, 2024, other financial income,
which amounted to 274 thousand euros, mainly corresponds to the
following operations:
- to late payment interest collected
with the research tax credit 2020 – 2021 – 2022 (83 thousand
- to the change in the fair value of
the BSAs linked to the EIB loan (140 thousand euros)
- to the variation in the fair value
of ADPE (49 thousand euros).
Other financial charges (55 thousand euros) are
mainly related
- to the reprocessing of rents in
IFRS 16. (9 thousand euros)
- to the change in the fair value of
the BSAs linked to the EIB loan (45 thousand euros)
These effects have no impact on cash flow.
The net loss as of June 30, 2024 amounted to
4,469 thousand euros, compared to a loss of 10,411 thousand euros
as of June 30, 2023, a decrease of 57.1% for the reasons mentioned
The following table summarizes the half-yearly
consolidated accounts for the first half of 2024 established in
accordance with standards IFRS, and comparative information with
the first half of 2023:
In thousands of euros, except for share data |
30/06/2024 |
30/06/2023 |
Net turnover |
560 |
448 |
Cost of sales and marketing expenses |
(93) |
(219) |
Marketing expenses |
(190) |
(218) |
Administrative expenses |
(1,295) |
(1,648) |
Research and development expenses |
(2,564) |
(7,213) |
Operating income |
(3,582) |
(8,850) |
Financial income |
322 |
1,042 |
Financial expenses |
(1,210) |
(2,610) |
Financial income |
(887) |
(1,569) |
Net income |
(4,469) |
(10,411) |
Other comprehensive income for the period net of
tax |
85 |
51 |
Total comprehensive income for the period |
(4,384) |
(10,360) |
Basic earnings per share - in euros |
(0.09) |
(0.22) |
Diluted earnings per share - in euros |
(0.06) |
(0.22) |
In thousands of euros |
30/06/2024 |
31/12/2023 |
Cash and cash equivalents |
9 128 |
6,006 |
Total assets |
22,982 |
25,499 |
Equity |
(24,599) |
(21,010) |
Non-current liabilities |
(30,032) |
(27,825) |
Trade payables |
(10,584) |
(11,075) |
Current liabilities |
(17,548) |
(18,683) |
Capital increase by private placement
for an amount of 5 million euros
AB Science has announced a capital increase of
5.0 million euros through the issue of 5,368,725 new ordinary
shares, each of which is attached to share subscription warrants.
This capital increase was subscribed by qualified European
The Capital Increase consisted of a private
placement pursuant to Articles L. 225-136 of the French Commercial
Code and L. 411-2 1° of the French Monetary and Financial Code and
has been carried out with a waiver of preferential subscription
rights, pursuant to the delegation of authority granted to the
Board of Directors under the 19th resolution of the Combined
General Shareholders’ Meeting of June 26, 2024. The Capital
Increase has taken the form of the issuance of 5,368,725 new
ordinary shares (the “New Shares”) to each of which are attached a
share subscription warrant (the “Warrants”).
Two tranches of New Shares have been issued:
for the first tranche of 4,294,980 New Shares, two Warrants give
right to the subscription of one ordinary share;
for the second tranche of 1,073,745 New Shares, three Warrants give
right to the subscription of one ordinary share.
The Capital Increase is made through a cash
contribution of 5.0 million euros.
All of the 5,368,725 New Shares and all of the
2,505,405 new shares that would be issued upon exercise of the
warrants, i.e. a total of 7,874,130 shares in the Company,
represent 13.3% of the Company's current share capital.
The issue price of the New Shares has been set
at 0.93132 euro (0.01 euro par value and 0,92132 euro of issue
premium) and the exercise price of the Warrants at 1.16415 euro,
representing a total fundraising of 5.0 million euros (taking into
account the exercise of the warrants, the maximum amount of the
Capital Increase could be increased to a total amount of 7.9
million euros). The issue price of the New Shares has been
calculated based on the volume-weighed average price of AB Science
shares over the last three trading days (on Euronext Paris)
preceding the price calculation, with a 10% discount.
The Warrants may be exercised from November 26,
2026 to December 31, 2028, will be immediately detached from the
New Shares upon their issuance and will not be listed.
AB Science completed the settlement and delivery
of this capital increase.
The proceeds of the Capital Increase will
provide AB Science with the additional resources necessary to
finance its activities over the next twelve months.
Subscription by Alpha Blue Ocean of a
tranche of one million shares within the framework of the Term
Capital Increase Program (PACTTM)
The PACT TM program entered into with
Alpha Blue Ocean (ABO) was renewed on April 28, 2023 for a period
of 24 months. The Board of Directors of AB Science decided to draw
down one million shares under this program, on the basis of the
17th resolution of the combined general meeting of shareholders of
June 30, 2023 (reserved cash capital increase with waiver of
preferential subscription rights). They were subscribed by Alpha
Blue Ocean at the end of March 2024 at a price of 2.5701 euros
(i.e. the volume-weighted average price of AB Science's shares on
Euronext Paris during the three trading sessions preceding the
drawdown request). AB Science received the entire proceeds from the
issue of the shares subscribed by Alpha Blue Ocean, and 80% of
these proceeds were placed in an escrow account. Alpha Blue Ocean
is now responsible for selling, in an orderly manner, the
subscribed AB Science shares. During the first half of 2024,
377,393 shares were placed. 95% of the sale proceeds (reduced by a
structuring fee equal to 3% of the issue price) is paid monthly to
AB Science, directly by Alpha Blue Ocean or by drawing on the
escrow account referred to above, after deduction of the 20%
deposit of the issue proceeds retained by AB Science. In total,
over the first half of 2024, these disposals resulted in payments
by ABO, net of commission, of 682,181 euros (including the 20% of
the issue proceeds initially retained by AB Science).
The IFRS accounting treatment of the PACT
TM program is detailed in note 13 of the appendix to the
half-yearly accounts (impact on equity and debts, cash receipts,
amount of the escrow account as of June 30).
Coverage initiation by DNA Finance and
In Extenso Finance
AB Science announced that two financial analysis
firms, DNA Finance and In Extenso Finance, have initiated the
coverage of the Company.
DNA Finance estimates that AB Science stands out
as a compelling investment opportunity in the biotech sector.
In Extenso has initiated a strong buy opinion on
the share.
These new coverages aim to strengthen the AB
Science visibility among French and international institutional
investors and to broaden its investor base. They are in addition to
the coverage by Chardan, an investment bank based in the United
States and specialized in biotechnologies and health
Partial payments of 2020, 2021 and 2022
research tax credit by the tax administration in 2024, for a total
amount of 7,913 thousand euros
Confirmation by the Paris Court of
Appeal of the acquittal of the CEO of AB Science, Alain Moussy, and
reduction of the amount of the financial penalty imposed on AB
AB Science and the Chairman of the French market
regulator (Autorité des Marchés Financiers - AMF) had filed an
appeal to the Paris Court of Appeal against the decision of the AMF
Sanctions commission, dated March 24, 2022, which acquitted Alain
Moussy, CEO of AB Science, for an alleged insider trading and
sanctioned AB Science for a failure to comply with some of its
communication obligations (as part of the assessment of conditions
for a deferral of privileged information publication), as indicated
in the AB Science press release of March 29, 2022.
The Paris Court of Appeal confirmed the fully
acquittal of Alain Moussy and reduced by 200,000 euros the amount
of the financial penalty pronounced against AB Science. This amount
of 200,000 euros will have to be reimbursed by the French Treasury,
as AB Science has paid the full financial penalty initially
pronounced by the AMF Sanctions commission on March 24, 2022.
Cancellation of category C preference
shares in March 2024
The balance of 262,704 category C preference
shares (the “ADPC”) was repurchased for a symbolic euro by AB
Science with a view to their cancellation, in application of the
financial restructuring agreement signed on April 21, 2023.
About AB Science
Founded in 2001, AB Science is a pharmaceutical company
specializing in the research, development and commercialization of
protein kinase inhibitors (PKIs), a class of targeted proteins
whose action are key in signaling pathways within cells. Our
programs target only diseases with high unmet medical needs, often
lethal with short term survival or rare or refractory to previous
line of treatment.
AB Science has developed a proprietary portfolio of molecules and
the Company’s lead compound, masitinib, has already been registered
for veterinary medicine and is developed in human medicine in
oncology, neurological diseases, inflammatory diseases and viral
diseases. The company is headquartered in Paris, France, and listed
on Euronext Paris (ticker: AB).
Further information is available on AB Science’s
Forward-looking Statements - AB
This press release contains forward-looking statements. These
statements are not historical facts. These statements include
projections and estimates as well as the assumptions on which they
are based, statements based on projects, objectives, intentions and
expectations regarding financial results, events, operations,
future services, product development and their potential or future
These forward-looking statements can often be
identified by the words "expect", "anticipate", "believe",
"intend", "estimate" or "plan" as well as other similar terms.
While AB Science believes these forward-looking statements are
reasonable, investors are cautioned that these forward-looking
statements are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that are
difficult to predict and generally beyond the control of AB Science
and which may imply that results and actual events significantly
differ from those expressed, induced or anticipated in the
forward-looking information and statements. These risks and
uncertainties include the uncertainties related to product
development of the Company which may not be successful or to the
marketing authorizations granted by competent authorities or, more
generally, any factors that may affect marketing capacity of the
products developed by AB Science, as well as those developed or
identified in the public documents published by AB Science. AB
Science disclaims any obligation or undertaking to update the
forward-looking information and statements, subject to the
applicable regulations, in particular articles 223-1 et seq. of the
AMF General Regulations.
For additional information, please contact:
AB Science
Financial Communication & Media Relations
- AB SCIENCE press release S1 2024 VENG VF
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Ab Science (EU:AB)
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