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Cooper Energy (COE)

Cooper Energy Limited
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29/04/201518:52The Motley Fool3 things every Senex Energy Ltd investor must know todayASX:COECooper Energy Limited
15/05/201205:44Dow Jones News2nd UPDATE: Beach Energy Closes Australia Shale Gas Data RoomASX:COECooper Energy Limited
15/05/201202:35Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: Beach Energy Closes Australia Shale Gas Data RoomASX:COECooper Energy Limited
18/03/201105:40Dow Jones NewsUPDATE: Indonesia Awards 5 New Oil And Gas Blocks, 4 CBM BlocksASX:COECooper Energy Limited
18/03/201105:05Dow Jones NewsIndonesia Awards 5 New Oil And Gas Blocks; 4 CBM Blocks -OfficialASX:COECooper Energy Limited
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