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Gabriel Holding A/s (0HY9)

Gabriel Holding A/s
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:0HY9
29/01/202512:20UK RegulatoryMinutes of the annual general meeting on 29 January 2025LSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
08/01/202510:00UK RegulatoryNotice of annual general meeting of Gabriel Holding A/SLSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
08/01/202507:52UK RegulatoryIrregularities in the Group’s Mexican FurnMaster company influence the 2023/24 financial year negatively and lead to corrections of previous years’ figures. Revenue for the year is DKK 912 million and the operating profit (EBIT) is DKK 10.9LSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
04/12/202410:06UK RegulatoryElection of employee representative for the board of directors in Gabriel Holding A/SLSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
14/11/202409:57UK RegulatoryFinancial reporting and general meeting for 2023/24 are postponed. Expectations for the continuing operations in the 2024/25 financial year are published.LSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
24/09/202408:20UK RegulatoryGabriel Holding's Chairman of the Board, Jørgen Kjær Jacobsen, does not seek re-electionLSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
29/08/202405:11UK RegulatoryGabriel Holding A/S delivers rising revenue and operating profit (EBIT) in the third quarter of the 2023/24 financial year and maintains the upwardly adjusted expectations.LSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
05/08/202402:45UK RegulatoryGabriel launches a new growth strategy to intensify development of the Gabriel Fabrics and SampleMaster business units. Carve-out of the Group’s FurnMaster units starts at the same time.LSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
02/05/202405:25UK RegulatoryGabriel Holding A/S – first half of the 2023/24 financial yearLSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
15/04/202403:48UK RegulatoryGabriel Holding A/S upwardly adjusts its expectations for the financial year 2023/24LSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
14/02/202409:15UK RegulatoryDisclosure of transactions in the shares of Gabriel Holding A/S by persons discharging managerial responsibilities and closely related partiesLSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
08/02/202408:35UK RegulatoryGabriel Holding A/S – first quarter of the 2023/24 financial yearLSE:0HY9Gabriel Holding A/s
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:0HY9

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