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Sherborne Investors (gue... (SIGC)

Sherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:SIGC
03/03/202504:00RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Net Asset Value(s)LSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
06/11/202415:19RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
04/09/202416:10Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Sherborne dividend unchanged as net asset value fallsLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
04/09/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Dividend DeclarationLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
04/09/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Half-year ReportLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
21/05/202410:51RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Result of AGMLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
09/05/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Notice of AGMLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
30/04/202414:00RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Annual Financial ReportLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
30/04/202413:54RNS Regulatory NewsSherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Final ResultsLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
25/10/202303:00UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Directorate ChangeLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
05/09/202312:14Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEARNINGS: Strip Tinning first half loss narrows; SigmaRoc profit risesLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
18/05/202313:07Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Sherborne Investors (Guernsey) C updates on NavientLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
18/05/202303:00UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Investment UpdateLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
20/04/202313:23Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTRADING UPDATES: Greatland hails gold find; Capital revenue climbsLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
18/08/202208:00Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Sherborne Investors C net asset value per share declinesLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
08/06/202203:00UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Navient Investment UpdateLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
29/04/202215:34Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTRADING UPDATES: Aurora Investment Trust beats annual benchmarkLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
19/04/202203:01UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Statement re Navient Investment UpdateLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
20/12/202109:29UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Statement re Investment in Navient CorporationLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
20/08/202113:43Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: Sherborne Investors C NAV up; searches for new target firmLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
07/05/202106:03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSherborne dumps Barclays stake after three-year battle over strategyLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
07/05/202103:00UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Statement re Investment UpdateLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
20/08/202011:12Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSherborne Investors B And C Both See Interim Net Asset Value DeclineLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
20/04/202011:40Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSherborne Investors' Electra, Barclays Vehicles See Mixed PerformanceLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
25/03/202009:08UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Second Price Monitoring ExtnLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
25/03/202009:02UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Price Monitoring ExtensionLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
30/04/201909:04Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSherborne Investors Vehicles For Electra, Barclays See Drop In ValueLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
08/08/201809:42Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSherborne Investors B & C First Half Net Asset Value DeclinesLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
18/04/201809:48Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSherborne B Net Asset Value Down After Distributions Of Electra CashLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
19/03/201804:36UK RegulatorySherborne Investors (Guernsey)C Ltd Statement re Investment in Barclays PLCLSE:SIGCSherborne Investors (guernsey) C Limited
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:SIGC