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Wh Smith (SMWH)

Wh Smith Plc
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:SMWH
22/11/202408:51RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
14/11/202406:57Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith annual profit falls as revenue growth offset by rising costsLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
14/11/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Preliminary Results AnnouncementLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
13/11/202414:38RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Transaction in Own SharesLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
31/10/202413:36RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Total Voting RightsLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
28/10/202411:37RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
04/10/202414:01RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Director DeclarationLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
23/09/202405:03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith starts new share buyback programme to reduce share capitalLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
23/09/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Commencement of share buyback programmeLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
11/09/202405:35Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTOP NEWS: WH Smith delivers strong peak trading driven by Travel unitLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
11/09/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Pre-close Trading UpdateLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
27/08/202405:35RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Block listing Interim ReviewLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
13/06/202406:05RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Board ChangesLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
05/06/202405:53Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith says trading momentum continues across travel businessesLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
05/06/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Trading updateLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
25/04/202406:28Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith in "strongest ever position" as travel retail revenue growsLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
25/04/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC INTERIM RESULTS ANNOUNCEMENTLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
15/03/202407:50Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith CFO & COO Robert Moorhead retires after 20 years with firmLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
15/03/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Chief Financial Officer AppointmentLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
29/01/202407:11RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Result of AGMLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
26/01/202405:20Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTOP NEWS: WH Smith tips "significant growth" as Travel arm leads wayLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
26/01/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsWH Smith PLC Trading StatementLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
12/12/202307:21Alliance NewsAlliance NewsUK rail watchdog calls for more competition in catering marketLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
12/12/202304:00UK RegulatoryOffice of Rail and Road More competition needed in rail station cateringLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
11/12/202306:58UK RegulatoryWH Smith PLC Annual Financial ReportLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
09/11/202308:19Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith boosts revenue and profit, claims "very positive prospects"LSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
09/11/202304:00UK RegulatoryWH Smith PLC Preliminary ResultsLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
12/09/202309:20UK RegulatoryWH Smith PLC Board ChangeLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
06/09/202306:38Alliance NewsAlliance NewsWH Smith Travel arm has strong summer holiday season, High Street flatLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
26/07/202305:28UK RegulatoryWH Smith PLC Outcome of audit tender processLSE:SMWHWh Smith Plc
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:SMWH