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Sse (SSE)

Sse Plc
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:SSE
13/11/202405:55Alliance NewsAlliance NewsTOP NEWS: SSE lifts dividend as renewable energy underpins profit riseLSE:SSESse Plc
13/11/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Chief Executive SuccessionLSE:SSESse Plc
13/11/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Half-year ReportLSE:SSESse Plc
08/11/202413:09RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:SSESse Plc
01/11/202409:35Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: SSE hires former Unilever executive to be senior directorLSE:SSESse Plc
01/11/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Directorate ChangeLSE:SSESse Plc
01/11/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Total Voting RightsLSE:SSESse Plc
24/10/202414:30Alliance NewsAlliance NewsIN BRIEF: SSE enters new GBP3 billion revolving credit facilityLSE:SSESse Plc
24/10/202410:06RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC New Sustainability Linked Credit FacilitiesLSE:SSESse Plc
17/10/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Transaction in Own Shares & Completion of BuybackLSE:SSESse Plc
16/10/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Transaction in Own SharesLSE:SSESse Plc
03/10/202406:42Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSSE and National Grid provide half-year guidance; SSE renewables upLSE:SSESse Plc
03/10/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Notification of Closed PeriodLSE:SSESse Plc
30/09/202406:03RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Non-Discretionary Share Buyback ProgrammeLSE:SSESse Plc
17/09/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Additional ListingLSE:SSESse Plc
04/09/202410:02Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSSE celebrates low-carbon power contract win for Cloiche wind farmLSE:SSESse Plc
03/09/202404:25RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC UK Contracts for Difference Allocation Round 6LSE:SSESse Plc
30/08/202406:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Block Listing Six Monthly ReturnLSE:SSESse Plc
29/08/202408:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Scrip AlternativeLSE:SSESse Plc
28/08/202413:12RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Issuance of Green BondLSE:SSESse Plc
01/08/202407:32RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Scrip Dividend SchemeLSE:SSESse Plc
30/07/202411:41RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:SSESse Plc
18/07/202412:16RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Result of AGMLSE:SSESse Plc
18/07/202406:37Alliance NewsAlliance NewsNational Grid welcomes Ofgem price framework but SSE warns on risksLSE:SSESse Plc
18/07/202403:31RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Ofgem RIIO-3 Sector Specific Methodology DecisionLSE:SSESse Plc
18/07/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Q1 Trading StatementLSE:SSESse Plc
16/07/202405:14Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSSE and TotalEnergies to launch 6,000 electric vehicle charge pointsLSE:SSESse Plc
09/07/202405:03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsSSE awarded rights to develop major Dutch offshore wind farmLSE:SSESse Plc
09/07/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC SSE & partners advance 2GW offshore windfarm in NLLSE:SSESse Plc
14/06/202409:00RNS Regulatory NewsSSE PLC Annual Financial ReportLSE:SSESse Plc
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:SSE