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First Trust California M... (FCAL)

First Trust California Municipal High Income
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:NASDAQ:FCAL
22/12/202218:05Business WireFirst Trust Advisors L.P. Announces Distributions for Exchange-Traded FundsNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
22/02/202118:51Business WireFirst Trust Advisors L.P. Announces Distributions for Exchange-Traded FundNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
21/06/201717:20Business WireFirst Trust Launches the First Trust California Municipal High Income ETFNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
03/06/201309:57Edgar (US Regulatory)(25-NSE)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
31/05/201321:15GlobeNewswire Inc.PacWest Bancorp Announces the Completion of Its Acquisition of First California Financial GroupNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
28/05/201316:33Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Changes in Beneficial Ownership (4)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
16/05/201312:00Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Beneficial Ownership (sc 13d/a)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
14/05/201317:56GlobeNewswire Inc.PacWest Bancorp and First California Financial Group, Inc. Announce Receipt of All Regulatory Approvals and Timing for ClosingNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
10/05/201317:41Edgar (US Regulatory)Quarterly Report (10-q)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
21/03/201309:41Edgar (US Regulatory)Current Report Filing (8-k)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
18/03/201318:12Edgar (US Regulatory)Filing of Certain Prospectuses and Communications in Connection With Business Combination Transactions (425)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
18/03/201317:59Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report (10-k)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
14/02/201315:23Edgar (US Regulatory)Schedule 13gNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
14/02/201309:08Edgar (US Regulatory)Statement of Ownership (sc 13g)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
13/02/201309:03Edgar (US Regulatory)Proxy Statement - Merger or Acquistion (definitive) (defm14a)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
13/02/201309:03Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Ownership (sc 13g/a)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
31/01/201309:03Edgar (US Regulatory)Withdrawal of Registration Statement (rw)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
30/01/201320:15MarketwiredFirst California Financial Group and Premier Service Bank Terminate Merger AgreementNASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
29/11/201217:54Edgar (US Regulatory)Semi-annual Report (management Company) (nsar-a)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
29/11/201217:54Edgar (US Regulatory)Amended Statement of Beneficial Ownership (SC 13D/A)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
21/11/201219:24PR Newswire (US)SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Announces Investigation of Kayak Software Corporation (KYAK), First California Finan...NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
16/11/201219:41Edgar (US Regulatory)Definitive Materials Filed by Investment Companies. (497)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
09/11/201221:28Business WireWeissLaw LLP Investigates First California Financial Group, Inc.NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
09/11/201219:35Edgar (US Regulatory)Quarterly Report (10-Q)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
09/11/201209:27Edgar (US Regulatory)Current report filing (8-K)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
09/11/201209:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Filing of certain prospectuses and communications in connection with business combination transactions (425)NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
08/11/201220:43PR Newswire (US)SHAREHOLDER ALERT: Levi & Korsinsky, LLP Announces Investigation of First California Financial Group, Inc. (FCAL) and KBW Inc...NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
08/11/201218:51Business WireCORRECTING and REPLACING Ryan & Maniskas, LLP Announces Investigation of First California Financial Group, Inc.NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
08/11/201217:31PR Newswire (US)Pittsburgh Law Office of Alfred G. Yates Jr., P.C. Files Class Action Lawsuit On Behalf of Shareholders of OCZ Technology Gro...NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
08/11/201213:49Business WireRyan & Maniskas, LLP Announces Investigation of First California Financial Group, Inc.NASDAQ:FCALFirst Trust California Municipal High Income
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:NASDAQ:FCAL

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