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Ferrovial (FER)

Ferrovial SE
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:NASDAQ:FER
28/02/202516:02PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial CEO message to employees and shareholdersNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
28/02/202514:39Edgar (US Regulatory)Form S-8 - Securities to be offered to employees in employee benefit plansNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
28/02/202508:01Edgar (US Regulatory)Form IRANNOTICE - Notice of disclosure filed pursuant to Section 219 of the Iran Threat Reduction and Syria Human Rights Act of 2012 (Exchange Act Section 13(r)).NASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
27/02/202523:03PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial increased adjusted EBITDA by 38.9% in 2024NASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
26/02/202517:19Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 6-K - Report of foreign issuer [Rules 13a-16 and 15d-16]NASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
23/12/202414:17PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial recognized as a sustainability leader in Dow Jones Sustainability Index WorldNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
12/12/202416:47PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial closes the sale of a 19.75% stake in Heathrow for 2,000 million eurosNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
14/11/202416:34PR Newswire (US)András Szakonyi named CEO of Ferrovial's Digital Infrastructure DivisionNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
01/11/202409:25Edgar (US Regulatory)Form SC 13G - Statement of Beneficial Ownership by Certain InvestorsNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
29/10/202420:47PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial increased adjusted EBITDA by 50% in the first nine months of the yearNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
15/10/202412:32PR Newswire (US)10 Years of Progress: How the TEXpress Lanes are Shaping the Future of Infrastructure and GrowthNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
17/07/202413:13PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial appoints Pepe Baraja to lead its construction division for the U.S. and CanadaNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
06/06/202416:04PR Newswire (US)Frank Raha joins Ferrovial's Cintra to lead U.S. public affairsNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
17/05/202408:22PR Newswire (US)DXC Technology and Ferrovial to Co-create New Generative Artificial Intelligence PlatformNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
13/05/202418:42PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial increased adjusted EBITDA by 37.6% in the first quarterNASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
09/05/202408:30PR Newswire (US)Ferrovial Begins Trading on Nasdaq Under Symbol "FER"NASDAQ:FERFerrovial SE
23/01/201512:16DPA AFX NachrichtenIPO/ROUNDUP: Spaniens Airportbetreiber Aena geht am 11. Februar an die BörseNASDAQ:FERFERROVIAL SA
31/10/201408:04DPA AFX NachrichtenIPO: Börsengang des spanischen Flughafenbetreibers Aena verschobenNASDAQ:FERFERROVIAL SA
02/09/201404:56DPA AFX NachrichtenAus für Londoner Flughafenpläne in der ThemsemündungNASDAQ:FERFERROVIAL SA
01/11/201205:15DPA AFX NachrichtenChinas Staatsfonds kauft 10 Prozent an Londoner Flughafen HeathrowNASDAQ:FERFERROVIAL SA
20/12/201010:06DPA AFX NachrichtenFlugbetrieb in London-Heathrow wieder angelaufenNASDAQ:FERFERROVIAL SA
13/10/201011:36DPA AFX NachrichtenNiederlage vor Gericht: Flughafenbetreiber BAA muss Flughäfen verkaufenNASDAQ:FERGRUPO FERROVIAL SA
17/05/201008:18DPA AFX NachrichtenVULKAN/ROUNDUP: Asche sorgt an Londons Flughäfen wieder für ÄrgerNASDAQ:FERFerrovial Sa
17/05/201002:38DPA AFX NachrichtenAschewolke bremst Luftverkehr in Teilen EuropasNASDAQ:FERFerrovial Sa
30/12/200911:00DPA AFX NachrichtenANALYSE-FLASH: Cheuvreux belässt Ferrovial auf 'Selected List'NASDAQ:FERGrupo Ferrovial Sa
11/11/200912:39DPA AFX NachrichtenEANS Adhoc: feratel media technologies AG (deutsch)NASDAQ:FERFeratel Media Techno
14/04/200910:28DPA AFX NachrichtenEANS-Adhoc: feratel media technologies AG (deutsch)NASDAQ:FERFeratel Media Techno
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:NASDAQ:FER