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 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:USOTC:UPYY
17/10/202413:35Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 10-Q - Quarterly report [Sections 13 or 15(d)]USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
15/10/202415:57Edgar (US Regulatory)Form NT 10-Q - Notification of inability to timely file Form 10-Q or 10-QSBUSOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
11/06/202418:09Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 10-K - Annual report [Section 13 and 15(d), not S-K Item 405]USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
05/06/202418:17Edgar (US Regulatory)Form 8-K - Current reportUSOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
29/05/202414:05Edgar (US Regulatory)Form NT 10-K - Notification of inability to timely file Form 10-K 405, 10-K, 10-KSB 405, 10-KSB, 10-KT, or 10-KT405USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
17/01/202412:41Edgar (US Regulatory)Form SC 13G - Statement of acquisition of beneficial ownership by individualsUSOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
26/06/202314:58Edgar (US Regulatory)Annual Report (10-k)USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
30/05/202311:01Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification That Annual Report Will Be Submitted Late (nt 10-k)USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
02/03/202308:35Edgar (US Regulatory)Current Report Filing (8-k)USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
17/01/202317:38Edgar (US Regulatory)Notification That Quarterly Report Will Be Submitted Late (nt 10-q)USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
02/11/202208:06Edgar (US Regulatory)Small Company Offering and Sale of Securities Without Registration (d)USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
18/10/202209:07Edgar (US Regulatory)Quarterly Report (10-q)USOTC:UPYYUPAY Inc (QB)
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:USOTC:UPYY