RNS No 0979t
9th July 1998



The FAV of the SNT Capital Shares shall be calculated as  at
the  close of business on the Closing Date and shall be  the
amount  expressed  in  pence which  is  the  result  of  the
following fraction rounded to two decimal places (with 0.005
being rounded downwards):

                    (A+B+C+D+E+F) - (G+H)

where (subject as provided in the Notes hereto):

A    is  the  value of those investments of SNT  as  at  the
     close  of business on the Closing Date which are listed
     on the London Stock Exchange and traded under the Stock
     Exchange  Electronic Trading System (SETS),  calculated
     by  reference to the last recorded prices at which such
     investments  have been traded as shown in the  Official
     List  save  that,  where such prices differ  materially
     from the bid and offer prices of the investments quoted
     on  the Stock Exchange Automated Trading System  as  at
     close  of  business on the Closing Date, the  value  of
     such  investments  shall be adjusted to  reflect  their
     fair   realisable  value  as  determined  by  agreement
     between  BDBL and SNT's financial adviser (or,  failing
     such  agreement  within seven days  after  the  Closing
     Date, as determined by an independent expert);

B    is  the  value of those investments of SNT  as  at  the
     close  of business on the Closing Date which are listed
     on  the London Stock Exchange and not traded under  the
     Stock   Exchange  Electronic  Trading  System   (SETS),
     calculated by reference to the middle market quotations
     of such investments on the Closing Date as shown in the
     Official List;

C    is  the  value of those investments of SNT  as  at  the
     close of business on the Closing Date which are listed,
     quoted or dealt in on a recognised stock exchange other
     than  the  London  Stock  Exchange  and  which  have  a
     registered market maker, calculated by reference to the
     middle  market  quotations or prices at  the  close  of
     business  on the Closing Date.  The quotation or  price
     shall  be  taken from the principal stock  exchange  or
     market where the relevant investment is listed or dealt
     in  as  shown by the exchange's or market's  recognised
     method of publication of prices for such investments;

D    is  the  value of those investments of SNT  as  at  the
     close of business on the Closing Date which are listed,
     quoted or dealt in on a recognised stock exchange other
     than the London Stock Exchange but which do not have  a
     registered market maker, calculated by reference to the
     last  recorded  prices at which such  investments  were
     traded  on  the Closing Date as shown by the exchange's
     or  market's recognised method of publication of prices
     for  such  investments, provided that if no such  price
     was  shown in respect of dealing on such day  then  the
     relevant  investment shall fall to be valued  within  E
     below  and not within D.  The quotation or price  shall
     be  taken  from the principal stock exchange or  market
     where the relevant investment is listed or dealt in;

E    is the value of all other investments of SNT calculated
     as  being their fair realisable values as at the  close
     of  business  on  the  Closing Date  as  determined  by
     agreement between BDBL and SNT's financial adviser (or,
     failing  such  agreement within seven  days  after  the
     Closing Date, as determined by an independent expert);

F    is the actual amount as at the close of business on the
     Closing  Date of any sums due from debtors  (including,
     for   this  purpose,  any  dividends  or  distributions
     receivable  on  investments quoted ex-dividend  or  ex-
     distribution  on  the  Closing Date  and  any  interest
     accrued  on Government or any other debt securities  as
     at  the Closing Date, and any recoverable tax credit in
     relation   thereto,   but   excluding   any   dividend,
     distribution or interest taken into account in A  to  E
     (inclusive) above), cash and deposits with or  balances
     at   banks,  bills  receivable  and  any  money  market
     instruments  of  SNT  (together  with,  in  each  case,
     accrued  interest at that date less an accrual for  any
     associated  tax) and the fair realisable value  of  any
     other  tangible  or  intangible  assets  not  otherwise
     accounted   for  in  A  to  E  (inclusive)  above,   as
     determined  by  agreement  between  BDBL   and    SNT's
     financial  adviser (or, failing such  agreement  within
     seven days after the Closing Date, as determined by  an
     independent expert);

G    is the aggregate of:
     (i)  the  principal amount as at the close of  business
          on  the Closing Date of any outstanding borrowings
          of  SNT plus accrued interest, commitment fees and
          other  charges up to and including that  date  and
          the higher of any premiums or penalties payable on
          either early or final repayment;
     (ii) the   costs   of   termination  of  all   existing
          management  and  administrative  arrangements   in
          force  on  the  Closing Date, including,  but  not
          limited  to,  any compensation or  other  payments
          made  or  to be made to the manager, directors  or
          employees of SNT which have not been paid  by  the
          Closing Date;
     (iii)      the  costs  (inclusive of any  irrecoverable
          advance  corporation tax payable) of the  dividend
          of  4.072237p  per  SNT Stepped  Preference  Share
          payable   in  accordance  with  the  articles   of
          association of SNT on 30 September 1998,  and  all
          dividends paid on the SNT Income Shares in respect
          of  the  year  ending 30 September  1998  and  any
          amount  representing accumulated and undistributed
          revenue  reserves to which holders of such  shares
          are entitled under the articles of association  of
          SNT  and  any other dividend or other distribution
          of  SNT  declared or announced on  or  before  the
          Closing Date, so far as not previously paid;
      (iv)      all fees, costs and expenses payable by  SNT
          in relation to the Offers, any other offer(s) made
          for  any  shares  in SNT, any SNT Scheme  and  any
          other scheme or arrangement proposed in connection
          with  the winding-up of SNT, including the  amount
          of  any  professional, advisory or legal  fees  or
          advertising or other expenses incurred  (excluding
          proper  and reasonable fees and expenses  incurred
          in  relation to the determination and verification
          of   SNT's  FAV  and  any  charges  made  by   any
          independent   expert  referred   to   herein,   if
          appointed), such costs to include value added tax,
          where applicable;
     (v)  the cost of closing as at the close of business on
          the  Closing  Date  any open foreign  exchange  or
          other forward purchase or sale contracts (save  to
          the  extent  already taken into  account  in  this
     (vi) the  cost  of  terminating  as  at  the  close  of
          business  on the Closing Date any other  contracts
          or arrangements whatsoever;
     (vii)      the  aggregate amount due under the articles
          of  association of SNT on the winding-up of SNT on
          30  September  1998 in respect of  the  cumulative
          preference stock of SNT;
     (viii)     the  aggregate amount due under the articles
          of  association of SNT as at the Closing  Date  on
          the  winding-up  of  SNT on 30 September  1998  in
          respect of the SNT Stepped Preference Shares;
     (ix) the  aggregate  amount due under the  articles  of
          association of SNT as at the Closing Date  on  the
          winding-up of SNT on 30 September 1998 in  respect
          of the SNT Zeros; and
     (x)  the  aggregate  amount due under the  articles  of
          association of SNT on the winding-up of SNT on  30
          September  1998  in  respect  of  the  SNT  Income
H    is   an   amount  which  fairly  reflects   all   other
     liabilities   and   obligations  of   SNT   whatsoever,
     including   a   fair  provision  for   any   contingent
     liabilities  (including any additional  liabilities  to
     taxation, whether or not deferred) or losses (including
     disputed  claims), as at the close of business  on  the
     Closing  Date, as determined by agreement between  BDBL
     and SNT's financial adviser (or, failing such agreement
     within seven days after the Closing Date, as determined
     by an independent expert); and

I    is  the number of SNT Capital Shares in issue as at the
     close of business on the Closing Date.


1    For the purpose of the above calculation, the value  of
     any  investments, assets or liabilities denominated  in
     currencies other than sterling shall be converted  into
     sterling  at  the  closing mid-point rate  of  exchange
     between  sterling  and such other currencies in  London
     as  at  the  close of business on the Closing  Date  as
     published in the Financial Times or, failing which,  as
     determined  by  an  independent expert  (acting  as  an
     expert and not as an arbitrator).

2    In  the case of A to D (inclusive) above, if there  has
     been  any general suspension of trading on any relevant
     stock exchange, or if it was closed for business on the
     Closing  Date,  the value of the investments  shall  be
     taken  as  at  the close of business on the immediately
     preceding  date  on  which there was  trading  on  such
     exchange, provided that if any such date was seven days
     or  more  before  the Closing Date  then  the  relevant
     investment, traded option or futures contract shall  be
     deemed to come within E above and provided further that
     if  there  has  been a material adverse change  in  the
     underlying  investment since the Closing Date  (or  any
     earlier  date by reference to which its value has  been
     calculated)  a fair provision determined  by  agreement
     between  BDBL and SNT's financial adviser (or,  failing
     such  agreement  within seven days  after  the  Closing
     Date, as determined by an independent expert) shall  be
     made  to  take  account of such adverse change  in  the
     value of the relevant investment.

3    Subject  to  Note  2  above, in the  case  of  A  to  E
     (inclusive) above:

    (a)  where  no  price is quoted in respect of  any  such
          investment  or  where dealings in such  investment
          have  been  suspended on any  relevant  date,  the
          value  shall  be  determined by agreement  between
          BDBL and SNT's financial adviser (or, failing such
          agreement  within  seven days  after  the  Closing
          Date, as determined by an independent expert); and
    (b)  where  any  such  investment is, at  the  close  of
          business on the Closing Date, subject to any right
          of   any  person  to  acquire  the  same  or   any
          obligation on SNT to dispose of the same,  whether
          as  a  result of the Offers being made or becoming
          or being declared unconditional or otherwise, at a
          price  less than would otherwise be determined  in
          accordance  with A to E (inclusive), as  the  case
          may  be,  such investment shall be valued at  such
          lesser  price  unless such right or obligation  is
          unconditionally and irrevocably waived  or  lapses
          prior  to  the  calculation of the  FAV  otherwise
          being agreed or determined.

4    With  regard to E and F above, BDBL and SNT's financial
     adviser and, if appointed, any independent expert shall
     have   regard,  inter  alia,  to  the  following   when
     determining the value of any investment or other  asset
     (which  shall be calculated on the basis of a  notional
     sale  by  a willing seller to a willing buyer,  without
     regard to any additional value that might be attributed
     to  the investment or asset by any special category  of
     potential purchaser):
    (a)  the   existence  of  any  pre-emption   rights   or
          obligations in respect of such investment or asset
          or  any  other  restrictions on  the  transfer  or
          disposal of the same which may exist or may  arise
          as  a consequence of the proposed Offers or of the
          transfer  of  such  investment  to  any  party  or
    (b)  the  terms  and volumes of any recent dealings  in,
          and  marketability of, such investment  or  asset;
    (c)  the   terms   of  any  recent  dealings   in   such
          investment or asset.

5    In agreeing any fair realisable value (in the case of E
     or   F   above)  or  the  amount  of  any  liabilities,
     obligations or losses (in the case of H above),  or  in
     making any determination under Notes 2 or 3(i) above or
     Note  6  below, BDBL and SNT's financial adviser  shall
     act  as  experts and not as arbitrators  and  any  such
     agreement  or determination shall be final and  binding
     on  all persons and neither of them shall be under  any
     liability  to  any  person  by  reason  thereof  or  by
     anything  done or omitted to be done by  them  for  the
     purposes thereof or in connection therewith.

6    If  any  liability referred to in G or H above has  not
     been  determined  by the date on which the  calculation
     and  adjustments otherwise necessary to  determine  the
     FAV  have been made, there shall be included in G or  H
     (as  the  case may be) such amounts in respect of  that
     liability  as shall be considered to be an  appropriate
     estimate  by agreement between BDBL and SNT's financial
     adviser  (or, failing such agreement within seven  days
     after the Closing Date, as determined by an independent

7    In  the  event that prior to the date seven days  after
     the Closing Date any notice has been issued convening a
     general meeting of SNT to consider a resolution that it
     be  wound  up  (whether or not with  the  agreement  of
     Abpref),  then  the  amounts to be  included  within  G
     pursuant to paragraphs (vii) to (x) (inclusive) thereof
     shall be determined on the basis of a winding-up of SNT
     on the date of such meeting rather than on the basis of
     a winding-up of SNT on 30 September 1998.

8    If  the FAV would, but for this note, be more than 300p
     per  Capital  Share,  the  FAV  shall  be  adjusted  by
     including  in  F  an  amount  equal  to  the  aggregate
     subscription price of all the warrants to subscribe for
     capital  shares  of 25p each in SNT  in  issue  on  the
     Closing  Date and the number of Capital Shares included
     at I shall be increased by the number of capital shares
     of  25p each in SNT as would be allotted on exercise of
     such warrants.

9    The independent expert referred to in this Appendix III
     shall  be  a  member  of the London Investment  Banking
     Association (not connected with any of the  parties  to
     this  transaction) selected by BDBL and SNT's financial
     adviser  or,  in  default  of  such  selection   within
     fourteen  days after the Closing Date, by the  Chairman
     for  the  time  being of the London Investment  Banking
     Association on the application of either BDBL or  SNT's
     financial adviser.  Such member shall act as an  expert
     and  not  as an arbitrator and his determination  shall
     (subject  to  any  agreement to  the  contrary  between
     Abpref and SNT) be final and binding on all persons and
     such  member  shall not be under any liability  to  any
     person by reason of his appointment or by anything done
     or  omitted to be done by him for the purposes of  such
     appointment or in connection therewith.

10   The directors and auditors of SNT shall be requested to
     prepare  the calculation of the FAV of the SNT  Capital
     Shares  for  review  by Abpref's auditors  or  retained
     accountants  prior to its submission  for  approval  by
     BDBL on behalf of the Abpref Group.  In the event of  a
     dispute  regarding the calculation  of  the  FAV,  such
     dispute  shall be determined by a chartered  accountant
     selected  by agreement between Abpref and  SNT  or,  in
     default  of  such agreement within fourteen days  after
     the  Closing  Date, selected by the President  for  the
     time being of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in
     England and Wales, which chartered accountant shall act
     as  an  expert  and  not  as an  arbitrator  and  whose
     determination  shall (subject to any agreement  to  the
     contrary  between Abpref and SNT) be final and  binding
     on all persons, provided that such chartered accountant
     shall  be  (subject to any agreement to  the  contrary)
     between  Abpref  and SNT) be bound  by  any  values  of
     investments  or  other  assets  or  quantification   of
     liabilities, obligations or losses agreed between  BDBL
     and SNT's financial adviser or otherwise agreed between
     Abpref  and  SNT  or determined by a  decision  of  the
     independent expert referred to in this Appendix III  in
     respect of any investment or other asset valued by  him
     or any liability, obligation or loss quantified by him.
     In  the  absence of any such dispute, such  calculation
     approved  by, or on behalf of, Abpref, shall  be  final
     and binding on all persons.

11   Notwithstanding  Note 10 above, if the  calculation  of
     the  FAV  of  the SNT Capital Shares has  not  been  so
     prepared and delivered to BDBL for its approval by  the
     date  seven days after the Closing Date or (whether  or
     not   such   delivery  has  been  so  made)   a   final
     determination of such FAV has not been made by the date
     fourteen days after the Closing Date then, pending such
     final  determination, a provisional calculation of  the
     FAV  shall  be prepared by the Abpref and BDBL  on  the
     basis of such information as is available to them  (and
     after   making   such  assumptions  as  they   consider
     appropriate)  and  shall be arithmetically  checked  by
     Abpref's  auditors  or retained accountants.   In  this
     event, an initial consideration, equal to 85 per  cent.
     of  the  consideration  which would  be  due  were  the
     provisional  calculation  referred  to  above  correct,
     rounded  down  to  the  nearest whole  Abpref  Ordinary
     Share,  Abpref  ZDP  Share or unit  of  1p  nominal  of
     Subordinated Loan Stock (as the case may be), shall  be
     allotted  to  the  persons  entitled  thereto  on   the
     prescribed  settlement date in respect of the  relevant
     Offer  and  any balance shall be allotted within  seven
     days  after the final determination referred  to  above
     has  been agreed or determined in accordance with  Note
     10   and  such  agreement  or  determination  has  been
     notified to Abpref (but not earlier than the prescribed
     settlement date).

12   Notwithstanding  any of the above  provisions,  in  the
     event  that  the valuation of any investment  or  other
     asset of SNT in accordance with any of such provisions,
     or  the amount of any deduction made in accordance with
     G  or  H  above, is, in the opinion of BDBL  and  SNT's
     financial  adviser, incorrect or unfair  they  may,  if
     they   so   agree,  after  consultation  with  Abpref's
     auditors  or  retained accountants and SNT's  auditors,
     adopt  an alternative method of valuation or deduction,
     as the case may be.



The following definitions apply throughout this announcement
unless the context requires otherwise:

"Abpref" or the     Aberdeen  Preferred Income  Trust  PLC
"Company"           and,  if  the  context  requires,  its
"Abpref Capital     the offer to be made by BDBL on behalf
Share Offer"        of Abpref for the SNT Capital Shares
"Abpref Income      the offer to be made by BDBL on behalf
Share Offer" or     of Abpref for the SNT Income Shares
"Income Share

"Abpref Group" or   Abpref and  Abpref Securities

"Abpref Group       Abpref  Ordinary Shares,  Subordinated
Securities"         Loan Stock and Abpref ZDP Shares
"Abpref Offers"     the  Abpref Stepped Preference  Offer,
                    the  Abpref Income Share Offer and the
                    Abpref Capital Share Offer
"Abpref Ordinary    ordinary  shares of 10p  each  in  the
Shares" or          capital of Abpref
"Ordinary Shares"   

"Abpref             Aberdeen Preferred Securities PLC

"Abpref Securities  the offer to be made by BDBL on behalf
Capital Share       of   Abpref  Securities  for  the  SNT
Offer"              Capital Shares
"Abpref Securities  the    Abpref    Securities    Stepped
Offers"             Preference    Offer,    the     Abpref
                    Securities  Zero Offer and the  Abpref
                    Securities Capital Share Offer
"Abpref Securities  the offer to be made by BDBL on behalf
Stepped Preference  of   Abpref  Securities  for  the  SNT
Offer"              Stepped Preference Shares
"Abpref Securities  the offer to be made by BDBL on behalf
Zero Offer" or      of Abpref Securities for the SNT Zeros
"Zero Offer"        

"Abpref Stepped     the offer to be made by BDBL on behalf
Preference Offer"   of   Abpref   for  the   SNT   Stepped
                    Preference Shares
"Abpref ZDP         zero dividend preference shares of  5p
Shares" or "ZDP     each in the
Shares"             capital of Abpref Securities
"Act"               the Companies Act 1985, as amended
"AITC"              The  Association  of Investment  Trust
"Assumptions"       the  principal assumptions set out  in
                    PART 4
"Brewin Dolphin     Brewin Dolphin Bell Lawrie Limited
Bell Lawrie" or     

"Capital Share      the Abpref Capital Share Offer and the
Offers"             Abpref Securities Capital Share Offer
"City Code" or      the City Code on Takeovers and Mergers

"Closing Date"      in  relation to an Offer, the date  on
                    which   that   Offer  is  closed   for
"Cover"             in respect of the Abpref ZDP Shares as
                    a class, at any given date, the number
                    of   times  by  which  the  total   of
                    adjusted  share capital  and  reserves
                    (on  the basis set out in the articles
                    of  association of Abpref  Securities)
                    of   the  Abpref  Group  exceeds   the
                    aggregate amount which the holders  of
                    such  shares  would  be  entitled   to
                    receive  as  at  the Zero  Termination
                    Date on the basis of the Assumptions
"Directors"         the  directors  of Abpref  and  Abpref
"Estimated SNT      the  Terminal  Asset Value  of  a  SNT
TAV"                Capital Share estimated by BDBL on the
                    basis  of an assumption that there  is
                    no    change   in   the   assets   and
                    liabilities of SNT up to 30  September
"Form(s) of         form(s)  of  acceptance  for  use   in
Acceptance"         connection with an Offer
"Formula Asset      the  FAV  of  the  SNT Capital  Shares
Value" or "FAV"     calculated as described in PART 6
"Income Share       that  part of the investments  of  the
Portfolio"          Abpref    Group   comprising    geared
                    ordinary  income shares  (by  whatever
                    name   called)  of  other   investment
"Issue Price"       in  respect  of the Subordinated  Loan
                    Stock means 100p for every unit of  1p
                    nominal  and, in respect  of  the  new
                    Abpref  ZDP Shares and the Abpref  ZDP
                    Shares, the Placing Price
"Listing            listing  particulars to  be  published
Particulars"        relating   to   Abpref   and    Abpref
                    Securities and that will accompany the
                    Offer Document
"London Stock       London Stock Exchange Limited

"Net Asset Value"   in  relation  to  new Abpref  Ordinary
or "NAV"            Shares,  the net asset value  of  such
                    shares   including,  unless  otherwise
                    stated,  current period revenue  items
                    and  in  the  case of new  Abpref  ZDP
                    Shares, the current entitlement of the
                    holders  of such shares to participate
                    in  the assets of Abpref Securities on
                    a winding-up
"new Abpref         new  Abpref  Ordinary  Shares  to   be
Ordinary Shares"    allotted pursuant to an Offer  or  the
"new Ordinary       new  Abpref  Ordinary  Shares  to   be
Shares"             allotted pursuant to an Offer  or  the
"new Abpref Group   new Abpref Ordinary Shares, new Abpref
Securities"         ZDP Shares and new Loan Stock
"new Abpref ZDP     new  Abpref ZDP Shares to be  allotted
Shares"             pursuant   to  the  Abpref  Securities
                    Stepped  Preference Offer, the  Abpref
                    Securities  Zero  Offer,  the   Abpref
                    Securities Capital Share Offer or  the
"Offer Document"    the document to be published and which
                    will contain the Offers
"Offers"            the   Abpref  Offers  and  the  Abpref
                    Securities Offers
"Official List"     the  Daily Official List of the London
                    Stock Exchange
"Panel"             the Panel on Takeovers and Mergers
"Placing"           the  conditional placing, by  BDBL  on
                    behalf    of    Abpref   and    Abpref
                    Securities,   of  new   Abpref   Group
                    Securities as referred to in PART 2 of
                    this   announcement   including    the
                    potential   further  issues  described
                    under   the   heading  "The   Placing"
"Placing            the   agreement  dated  9  July   1998
Agreement"          between   Abpref,  Abpref  Securities,
                    Aberdeen   Asset  Managers  and   BDBL
                    relating, inter alia, to the Placing
"Placing Price"     in  respect of Abpref Ordinary  Shares
                    160p  per share, in respect of  Abpref
                    ZDP  Shares  224p  per  share  and  in
                    respect of Subordinated Loan Stock the
                    Issue Price
"Redemption Yield"  in relation to a security, the rate of
                    discount,  expressed as  a  percentage
                    per  annum,  which  when  applied   to
                    projected  future income  and  capital
                    cashflows attributable to the security
                    produces an amount equal to its  issue
                    or  market price, as the case may  be.
                    For  this  purpose  income  means  the
                    aggregate  of dividends in respect  of
                    accounting  periods to 31  March  2003
                    and   associated   tax   credits    on
                    dividends   receivable   up   to   and
                    including April 1999.
"RPI-Linked         the   5   3/8   per  cent.  RPI-Linked
Debenture" or       Debenture Stock 2007 of Abpref
"Debenture Stock"   

"SNT II"            Second Scottish National Trust PLC
"SNT II Offers"     the  offers made on behalf of  SNT  II
                    for  the  SNT Shares set  out  in  the
                    offer document dated 13 October 1997
"SNT"               The Scottish National Trust PLC
"SNT       Capital  the  existing  issued and  fully  paid
Shares"             capital  shares  of 25p  each  in  the
                    capital  of  SNT and any further  such
                    shares   which   are   unconditionally
                    allotted  or issued on or  before  the
                    Unconditional Date
"SNT        Income  the  existing  issued and  fully  paid
Shares"             income  shares  of  25p  each  in  the
                    capital  of  SNT and any further  such
                    shares   which   are   unconditionally
                    allotted  or issued on or  before  the
                    Unconditional Date
"SNT Scheme"        a  scheme  or an arrangement  (whether
                    under  section  110 of the  Insolvency
                    Act  1986  or  otherwise) proposed  in
                    connection with SNT's winding-up under
                    (a)  each  holder  of  a  SNT  Stepped
                         Preference  Share is entitled  to
                         be  sent  no later than 2 October
                         1998 in cash (either directly  or
                         on   redemption   of   securities
                         capable    of   being    redeemed
                         forthwith for cash by the issuer,
                         including,  for the avoidance  of
                         doubt, units in a unit trust  and
                         shares     in    an    open-ended
                         investment  company)  an   amount
                         equal  to that to which he  would
                         be  entitled under Article  5  of
                         the  articles  of association  of
                    (b)  each  holder  of a  SNT  Zero  is
                         entitled to be sent no later than
                         2  October  1998 in cash  (either
                         directly  or  on  redemption   of
                         securities   capable   of   being
                         redeemed  forthwith for  cash  by
                         the  issuer, including,  for  the
                         avoidance  of doubt, units  in  a
                         unit trust and shares in an open-
                         ended   investment  company)   an
                         amount equal to that to which  he
                         would be entitled under Article 5
                         of the articles of association of
                    (c)  each holder of a SNT Income Share
                         is  entitled to be sent no  later
                         than   2  October  1998  in  cash
                         (either directly or on redemption
                         of  securities capable  of  being
                         redeemed  forthwith for  cash  by
                         the  issuer, including,  for  the
                         avoidance  of doubt, units  in  a
                         unit trust and shares in an open-
                         ended   investment  company)   an
                         amount equal to that to which  he
                         would be entitled under Article 5
                         of the articles of association of
                         SNT; and
                    (d)  each  holder  of  a  SNT  Capital
                         Share  is entitled to be sent  no
                         later than 2 October 1998 in cash
                         (either directly or on redemption
                         of  securities capable  of  being
                         redeemed  forthwith for  cash  by
                         the  issuer, including,  for  the
                         avoidance  of doubt, units  in  a
                         unit trust and shares in an open-
                         ended   investment  company)   an
                         amount equal to not less than 100
                         per  cent.  of the  FAV  of  such
"SNT Shares"        SNT  Stepped  Preference Shares,  SNT,
                    Zeros,  SNT  Income  Shares  and   SNT
                    Capital Shares
"SNT Shareholder"   a holder of a SNT Share
or "Shareholder"

"SNT Stepped        the  existing  issued and  fully  paid
Preference Shares"  stepped preference shares of 25p  each
                    in  the capital of SNT and any further
                    such  shares which are unconditionally
                    allotted  or issued on or  before  the
                    Unconditional Date
"SNT Zeros"         the  existing  issued and  fully  paid
                    zero dividend preference shares of 25p
                    each  in  the capital of SNT  and  any
                    further   such   shares   which    are
                    unconditionally allotted or issued  on
                    or before the Unconditional Date
"SNT TAV",          in relation to a SNT Share, the amount
"Terminal Asset     to  which the holder of such SNT Share
Value" or "TAV"     would be entitled on the winding-up of
                    SNT on 30 September 1998
"Stepped            the  Abpref  Stepped Preference  Offer
Preference Offers"  and   the  Abpref  Securities  Stepped
                    Preference Offer
"Subordinated Loan  unsecured subordinated loan stock 2023
Stock"              of  Abpref to be issued subject to the
                    terms and conditions to be set out  in
                    the   Loan   Stock  Trust   Deed,   as
                    summarised in PART 3.
"Subordinated Loan  the  trust  deed  to be  entered  into
Stock Trust Deed"   between the Company and Royal Exchange
                    Trust   Company  Limited  which   will
                    constitute the Subordinated Loan Stock
"Unconditional      in  relation  to  a SNT  Share  or  an
Date"               Offer,  the  date on which the  Offers
                    for  that class of SNT Shares or  that
                    Offer, as the case may be, becomes  or
                    is   declared  unconditional   as   to
"United States",    the  United  States  of  America,  its
"USA" or "US"       territories and possessions, any state
                    or  the  United States of America  and
                    the District of Columbia
"Wholly             in  relation  to  a SNT  Share  or  an
Unconditional       Offer, the date on which the Offer for
Date"               that  class  of  SNT  Shares  or  that
                    Offer, as the case may be, becomes  or
                    is   declared  unconditional  in   all
"Zero Offer"        the Abpref Securities Zero Offer
"Zero  Termination  31 March 2003

The   illustrative  return  statistics  contained  in   this
announcement  are  calculated  as  at  30  September   1998.
References to the current NAV of an Abpref Group  Share  are
to the latest published unaudited NAV of that share prior to
the date of this announcement.

Brewin  Dolphin  Bell  Lawrie, which  is  regulated  by  The
Securities  and  Futures Authority Limited,  is  acting  for
Abpref  and  Abpref  Securities  and  for  no-one  else   in
connection with the Offers and the Placing and will  not  be
responsible   to  anyone  other  than  Abpref   and   Abpref
Securities   for  providing  the  protections  afforded   to
customers  of  Brewin Dolphin Bell Lawrie or  for  affording
advice in relation to the Offers or the Placing.



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