RNS Number : 5827O 
Johnson Service Group PLC 
10 March 2009 

10 March 2009 
Johnson Service Group PLC 
Statement for the Financial Year to 31 December 2008 
Johnson Service Group PLC, the textile services and facilities management Group 
announces its preliminary results for the financial year ending 31 December 
  *  Resilient trading performance in difficult environment 
  *  Three cash generative businesses with strong market positions and growth 
  *  Net debt reduced to GBP78.5 million from GBP168.5 million 
  *  Continuing adjusted operating profit* at GBP17.4m 
  *  Adjusted fully diluted earnings per share** of 3.0p 
Financial Summary 
|                                               |        2008  |      2007  | 
|                                               |        GBPm  |      GBPm  | 
| Revenue                                       |       263.3  |     316.8  | 
| Revenue (excluding costs recharged to         |       253.6  |     275.7  | 
| customers)                                    |              |            | 
| Operating Profit / (Loss)                     |         5.5  |     (33.1) | 
| Adjusted Operating Profit*                    |        17.4  |      18.1  | 
| Exceptional Items                             |        (8.7) |     (39.9) | 
| Loss Before Tax                               |        (6.3) |     (47.4) | 
| Adjusted Profit Before Tax**                  |         6.5  |       6.5  | 
* Before intangibles amortisation and impairment (excluding software 
amortisation) and exceptional items 
**   Before intangibles amortisation and impairment (excluding software 
amortisation), exceptional items and exceptional finance costs 
John Talbot, Executive Chairman of Johnson Service Group, commented: 
"The trading performance overall for 2008 has been satisfactory, given a 
deteriorating UK economy.  Johnsons Apparelmaster has had an extremely 
successful year despite challenging market conditions. I am delighted with the 
return to profitability of Stalbridge Linen Services in the second half of the 
Drycleaning will continue to be affected by the lack of confidence in the high 
street. However, the actions taken towards the end of 2008 have resulted in a 
reduction in the weekly costs of the business of GBP4.0 million (6.0%), on an 
annualised basis, at present levels of activity. 
Our FM division has had a very successful year. We anticipate that the 
profitability of this division will continue to grow notwithstanding market 
The Board's current intention is to resume dividend payments as soon as 
appropriate and it intends, subject to continued satisfactory trading, to 
declare a 2009 interim dividend. 
Following the significant progress made during 2008 we now have three market 
leading divisions which are well placed to meet the difficulties presented by 
the current economic climate. Overall, the Board expects to achieve a 
satisfactory result for 2009." 
| Johnson      | Hudson        | 
| Service      | Sandler       | 
| Group        |               | 
| PLC          |               | 
| John         | Michael       | 
| Talbot,      | Sandler       | 
| Executive    |               | 
| Chairman     |               | 
| Yvonne       | Wendy         | 
| Monaghan,    | Baker         | 
| Finance      |               | 
| Director     |               | 
| Tel:         | Fran          | 
| 020          | Read          | 
| 7796         |               | 
| 4133         |               | 
| (on          |               | 
| the          |               | 
| day)         |               | 
| Tel:         | Telephone:    | 
| 01928        | 020 7796 4133 | 
| 704600       |               | 
| (thereafter) |               | 
  Chairman's Statement 
During the year to December 2008 the Group was restructured. A key focus was to 
reduce borrowings through a combination of strategic disposals, equity raising 
and resilient trading performance. As a result net debt reduced by GBP90.0 
million during the year from GBP168.5 million to GBP78.5 million at 31 December 
The trading performance overall for 2008 has been satisfactory, given a 
deteriorating UK economy. 
The Divisional Directors for the three main divisions have joined the Board as 
Executive Directors. 
Group Results 
Throughout this statement "Continuing adjusted operating profit" refers to 
continuing operating profit before amortisation and impairment of intangibles 
(excluding software amortisation) and exceptional items. "Adjusted profit before 
tax" refers to continuing adjusted operating profit less finance costs, 
excluding exceptional finance costs in relation to bank fees. References to 
"continuing" exclude the results of the Corporatewear division which was 
disposed of in April 2008. 
Total continuing revenue for the year reduced to GBP263.3 million (2007: 
GBP316.8 million), while revenue, excluding costs recharged to customers, fell 
to GBP253.6 million (2007: GBP275.7 million). Continuing adjusted operating 
profit was GBP17.4 million (2007: GBP18.1 million). This is explained more fully 
in the Divisional Operating Review. 
Amortisation and impairment of intangibles (excluding software amortisation) on 
continuing operations amounted to GBP3.2 million (2007: GBP11.3 million). 
Adjusted profit before tax on a continuing basis, excluding amortisation and 
impairment of intangibles (excluding software amortisation) and exceptional 
items and exceptional finance costs, was GBP6.5 million (2007: GBP6.5 million). 
Net exceptional costs from continuing operations for the year of GBP8.7 million 
(2007: GBP39.9 million) included restructuring costs of GBP3.4 million (2007: 
GBP15.6 million) and professional fees of GBP6.7 million (2007: GBP2.4 million) 
incurred in connection with the bank debt restructuring process and move to the 
Alternative Investment Market (AIM). 
Net finance costs in 2008 were GBP11.8 million (2007: GBP14.3 million) 
comprising exceptional finance costs in relation to bank fees of GBP0.9 million 
(2007: GBP2.7 million) and GBP10.9 million of other net finance costs (2007: 
GBP11.6 million). The reduction in other net finance costs reflects lower 
average borrowings during the period offset by higher margins paid on the new 
bank facilities. 
After the exceptional costs and amortisation and impairment of intangibles 
(excluding software amortisation) noted above, the pre-tax loss from continuing 
operations was GBP6.3 million (2007: loss GBP47.4 million). Adjusted fully 
diluted earnings per share from continuing operations were 3.0p (2007: 3.9p) 
while continuing earnings per share after exceptional items and amortisation and 
impairment of intangibles (excluding software amortisation) were a loss of 3.2p 
(2007: loss 64.7p). 
Total net debt at the end of 2008 was significantly reduced to GBP78.5 million 
(December 2007: GBP168.5 million). This reduction reflects the net receipt of 
GBP71.7 million from the sale of Corporatewear and garment sourcing businesses 
and GBP35.0 million from the net proceeds of the Placing of Shares and 
subsequent Open Offer of shares offset by restructuring costs and bank fees. 
Interest cover based on continuing adjusted operating profit was 1.6 times 
(2007: 1.6 times). As all but GBP20 million of the Group's bank debt is drawn at 
rates linked to LIBOR, the interest cost in 2009 will benefit from the current 
reduction in LIBOR rates. Margins over LIBOR applicable to the facility are 4% 
on GBP20 million and 2.5% on the remaining GBP87.5 million. Facility repayments 
of GBP8.5 million are due in 2009. 
On 31 December 2008, GBP2.5 million of the bank facility was repaid leaving a 
facility of GBP107.5 million in place. The existing facility, which runs to 
December 2010, is significantly in excess of the anticipated level of borrowings 
for the foreseeable future. 
Disposal of Corporatewear 
The disposal of Corporatewear was completed on 28 April 2008 for a total 
consideration of GBP84.4 million net of expenses, on a debt free, cash free 
basis, but before a payment into the pension scheme and the de-grouping charge 
mentioned below. The pre-tax gain on disposal of GBP11.9 million, less the 
estimated de-grouping tax charge arising on the disposal in the sum of GBP13.2 
million, together with the profit after tax arising from the business in the 
four months prior to disposal, has been shown as a loss on discontinued 
The net proceeds of the disposal were principally used to repay debt. 
Pension Deficit 
The recorded net deficit after tax for all post retirement benefit obligations 
has increased from GBP11.0 million at December 2007 to GBP14.6 million at 
December 2008. The value of assets, as with many other pension schemes, has been 
impacted by the fall in equity markets during recent months. 
Although the reported deficit will continue to be impacted by movements in 
assumptions and actual discount rates, both of which are outside the control of 
the Group, we are working closely with the Trustees of all of our schemes to 
ensure that the Group's interests are protected. We are in the process of 
reviewing the investment principles of the scheme in order to maximise the 
potential return on assets at an appropriate level of risk. In addition we are 
continuing to explore ways of reducing the valuation of past service liabilities 
in the schemes whilst at the same time protecting members' interests. 
Agreement has been reached with the Trustees of the three defined benefit 
pension schemes that the additional contributions into the schemes will be 
GBP1.5 million in 2009. 
No final dividend has been declared for 2008. The Board's current intention is 
to resume dividend payments as soon as appropriate and it intends, subject to 
continued satisfactory trading, to declare a 2009 interim dividend. 
Operating Reviews 
Textile Rental 
The performance of our Textile Rental Division, which combines Johnsons 
Apparelmaster and Stalbridge Linen Services, exceeded our expectations for 2008. 
Although the revenue for the division reduced by 5.0% to GBP122.6 million (2007: 
GBP129.0 million) this was largely as a result of a pre-determined disposal of 
high volume, low margin hotel linen contracts within Stalbridge in the first 
half of the year. As a result of the disposal of Corporatewear the intra-Group 
trading results have been reclassified from the Corporatewear segment to Textile 
Rental for 2007. After this adjustment, adjusted operating profit increased by 
23.3% to GBP14.3 million (2007: GBP11.6 million). 
Johnsons Apparelmaster, the market leading laundry and workwear rental business, 
increased revenue by 1.9% to GBP94.4 million, although the core garment rental 
and laundry revenue achieved 2.4% growth in a market which continues to remain 
very competitive. Adjusted operating profit increased by 9.5% to GBP13.8 million 
(2007: GBP12.6 million) giving a margin of 14.6% (2007: 13.6%). 
The increase in revenue largely reflected a high level of customer retention, 
particularly during the first nine months of the year, and an increased level of 
new business wins, up 30% on the previous year, which generated revenue in the 
second half. These achievements were offset, to some degree, by increased 
customer losses in the last three months of the year resulting from higher 
levels of business closures and downsizing within retained accounts. 
In April 2008 the business completed the installation of a new GBP0.9 million 
central computer suite in its Fulwood head office and this has delivered much 
improved IT facilities with capacity for further bespoke development in the 
future. The operating cost of the IT infrastructure has been reduced during 2008 
and has provided an opportunity for sharing IT resources with the Stalbridge 
In December, the business successfully commissioned a new workwear facility at 
Logix Park in Hinckley which had been vacated by the Stalbridge operation. The 
new facility, which utilises less energy and labour, has allowed us to close the 
existing nearby laundry and demonstrates our commitment to investment in the 
business for the medium to long term. 
Stalbridge Linen Services continues to make significant improvements and is 
beginning to return to its former market position as the premium quality 
provider of linen, chefswear, kitchen and restaurant linen to hotels, 
restaurants, contract catering and corporate hospitality kitchens. 
Total revenue reduced in line with our strategy to GBP28.2 million (2007: 
GBP36.4 million) with an adjusted operating loss of GBP0.5 million (2007: GBP2.0 
million loss). The business generated a modest profit in the second half despite 
increased energy costs and tougher trading conditions experienced in the hotel 
and restaurant sectors and remains on track to return to profitability for the 
year as a whole in 2009. 
In April 2008 we continued our capital investment programme by installing modern 
and efficient washing and processing equipment at our Shaftesbury location which 
now has improved production efficiencies, quality and operating costs. 
As outlined in the half year statement, the financial accounting function was 
transferred to the Apparelmaster headquarters in Fulwood along with the 
previously outsourced computer hosting and maintenance facilities. A dedicated 
project team is currently developing new computer software programmes to replace 
the existing SAP system which has proved to be disproportionately expensive. 
This is due to be completed in the final quarter of 2009 with cost savings being 
achieved in 2010. 
Our retail drycleaning division consists of Johnson Cleaners and Jeeves of 
Belgravia together with Alex Reid, a leading supplier to the drycleaning 
Johnson Cleaners is recognised as the UK's number one drycleaner by both volume 
and value. It is a trusted national brand that cleans over 15 million garments 
per annum. 
Total revenue of the division decreased by 3.3% to GBP91.5 million from GBP94.6 
million in 2007 and adjusted operating profit decreased to GBP4.4 million from 
GBP6.0 million in 2007. 
The slowdown in the global economy, the sharp decline of spending in the high 
street and the rising costs of oil based products throughout the majority of 
2008 affected the results of the division. 
Johnson Cleaners and Jeeves of Belgravia revenue decreased by 3.2% on a like for 
like basis to GBP79.3 million (2007: GBP82.8 million) and adjusted operating 
profit to GBP4.2 million (2007: GBP6.6 million). 
The like for like sales for the first half decreased by 2.5%. Although it was 
anticipated that, the deficit would reduce in the second half of the year, the 
deterioration of the whole UK economy and in particular a significant slowdown 
on the high street resulted in like for like sales down by 3.9% in the second 
half, giving a decrease of 3.2% for the year as a whole. 
Management have taken measures to address both the decline in consumer spending 
and increased operating costs through a programme of cost control initiatives 
and adapting their strategy to expand and promote additional services. 
The repositioning of the Johnson Cleaners portfolio to convenient locations is a 
key strand to the business strategy and in the year seven new locations were 
opened in Sainsbury's and Waitrose stores and one new drive-in was opened in 
Dunfermline in Scotland. 
The new site pipeline for 2009 is looking strong with three new openings planned 
for the first half and many new opportunities coming to market following a 
recent national campaign to identify potential sites. 
In line with estate management strategies, 23 locations closed in the year at 
the end of their lease. This resulted in the portfolio consisting of 523 
branches at the end of 2008. 
Our commitment to GreenEarth  continues with the installation of 21 machines in 
2008; this has taken the number of branches offering GreenEarth  cleaning to 
some 50% of the portfolio with further installations planned for 2009. A 10 year 
license extension has been agreed with GreenEarth  Inc. and an environmental 
brand manager appointed to oversee the promotion of the benefits of the process. 
As part of our store refurbishment programme we have completed 10 locations 
where our "Green Credentials" are widely publicised through exterior and 
interior designs and messaging. This format is being rolled out more widely as a 
consequence of the improved results from the stores. 
Our newly introduced executive service has now been extended to 280 stores 
following a successful 50 store trial and sales continue to grow on this 
service. Our priority club membership has been maintained at around 520,000 
members despite a net reduction of 14 branches. A 70% like for like increase in 
sales of laundry and ironing services was also achieved through revitalised 
offerings across the portfolio. 
Johnsons Fabric Restoration, the specialist operation providing fire and flood 
damaged fabric restoration solutions to the insurance sector, has continued to 
develop strongly during 2008. Additional satellite facilities have been 
established at Plymouth and Sleaford and a new 17,000 sq ft site was opened in 
Glasgow during November, which increases both the business capacity and ability 
to provide a national service. Business development continues to grow with a 
sole supply agreement established with Homeserve/ChemDry and strong ongoing 
relationships with other contractors. 
The barriers to entering the drycleaning market are increasing, not only due to 
more stringent environmental regulations through enforcement of the Solvent 
Emissions Directive, but also through higher operational costs due to the 
increased costs of oil based products and new machines sourced from Europe. 
Through the investment in GreenEarth  technology and upgrading our machine 
population over the last five years we are well placed to take advantage of any 
reduction in the number of competitor sites. 
Jeeves of Belgravia has grown both sales and profit during 2008 and plans are 
now well advanced to embark on a refit programme commencing with the Flagship 
store at Pont Street, West London. Extension of the brand has resulted in 
relationships being nurtured with luxury fashion houses and provision of new 
services such as garment storage. 
During 2008 the Jeeves International business has been re-established with 
successful development of the existing franchise network in New York, Istanbul, 
Jakarta and Hong Kong and a new franchise in Kuala Lumpur. 
Alex Reid our specialist drycleaning supplies business, traded disappointingly 
in the first half of 2008, operating at break even (2007: loss GBP0.1 million). 
With renewed focus on this business in the second half of the year the operating 
profit result for the full year improved to GBP0.2 million (2007: loss of GBP0.6 
million) on total revenue of GBP12.2 million (2007: GBP11.8 million). 
Facilities Management 
The Facilities Management division comprises SGP Property & Facilities 
Management (SGP) and Workplace Engineering. As reported in September's interim 
statement a major customer took its property management in house with effect 
from the beginning of 2008, reducing the reported revenue and adjusted operating 
profit within the division. Revenue for the division was GBP49.2 million (2007: 
GBP93.2 million) whilst revenue excluding costs recharged to customers was 
GBP39.5 million (2007: GBP52.1 million). Adjusted operating profit reduced to 
GBP3.6 million (2007: GBP5.9 million). 
SGP, formerly Johnson Facilities Management, which provides property management 
services to the public sector and to retail, financial and commercial office 
markets, has produced an adjusted operating profit of GBP3.1 million (2007: 
GBP5.6 million). 
Revenue, excluding costs recharged to customers reduced from GBP40.5 million to 
GBP28.5 million while total revenue, including recharges, decreased to GBP38.2 
million (2007: GBP81.6 million). Revenue and contribution in 2007 from the 
contract referred to above was GBP12.8 million and GBP2.9 million respectively. 
If the contract referred to above is excluded from the comparative figures, the 
operating profit would show an increase of 14.8%. 
During the year the business was re-branded under the SGP banner, encompassing 
four main revenue streams, and has won a number of significant new customers 
particularly in the retail sector where it serves around a quarter of the total 
number of large high street retailers with chains of over 100 outlets. In the 
second half of 2008, SGP signed contracts with two well-known fast food 
retailers and a fashion chain, obtained letters of intent, now contractually 
confirmed, from a leading distributor of building materials and motorway service 
stations to provide helpdesk services. The benefits of these contracts will 
begin to be seen in 2009. SGP is also in the process of retaining and extending 
its major retail helpdesk contracts, and current indications are that we will 
achieve a high degree of success in this respect. Our conventional FM business 
has performed extremely well in 2008 with the expansion of additional services 
into our existing customer base along with the mobilisation and start up of many 
new contracts during the year. 
The project and property agency area of the business has, as highlighted in the 
pre close statement, experienced very challenging conditions in 2008 as many of 
our customers in the retail sector have delayed or cancelled capital projects 
that are managed by our staff. As a consequence, revenue from projects was down 
by 73% on 2007. Whilst this is likely to continue throughout 2009, the larger 
helpdesk and FM business streams are expected to benefit from the downturn as 
more businesses look to SGP for their cost saving solutions via outsourcing. 
Although it is anticipated that difficult high street trading conditions will 
continue and affect businesses in 2009, this is not expected to have a major 
impact on SGP overall, given the significant percentage of Public Sector income 
included in its customer base. As a consequence, 2009 is expected to be a growth 
year, with SGP's business streams now well positioned in their respective 
markets to take advantage of any future upturn. 
Workplace Engineering, which provides electrical engineering and fit out 
services reported revenue of GBP11.0 million (2007: GBP11.6 million) and 
adjusted operating profit of GBP0.5 million (2007: GBP0.5 million). This was a 
very credible performance given that the business was affected by the loss of 
the major contract referred to above which was the major contributor to revenue 
and profit in 2007. The business has a number of potential new contracts in the 
pipeline together with a growing number of maintenance contracts which provide a 
predictable revenue stream. 
Group Costs 
Group costs have reduced from GBP5.4 million in 2007 to GBP4.9 million in 2008. 
Part of the costs in 2008 related to support for the SAP computer system which 
is now being withdrawn. These costs will reduce during the current year, and 
this together with other efficiencies, will result in lower ongoing central 
I would like to thank employees at all levels for the tremendous support and 
commitment that they have given the Group during the past year. 
Within the Textile Rental division, Johnsons Apparelmaster has had an extremely 
successful year despite challenging market conditions. We expect markets to 
remain difficult throughout 2009 as the UK economy suffers from increased 
business closures and customers remain more cautious with their spending. I am 
delighted with the return to profitability of Stalbridge Linen Services in the 
second half of the year and anticipate that this business will be profitable in 
2009, which will be a major landmark for the Group. 
Drycleaning will continue to be affected by the lack of confidence in the high 
street. Sales in the first two months of 2009 have remained in line with 
expectations. The actions taken towards the end of 2008 have resulted in a 
reduction in the weekly costs of the business of GBP4.0 million (6.0%), on an 
annualised basis, at present levels of activity. Despite unfavourable trading 
conditions we are investing to further improve the quality of our estate and we 
intend to open more supermarket and drive in locations during 2009. We shall 
also continue to expand our promotion of the environmentally friendly GreenEarth 
 cleaning process. 
Our FM division has had a very successful year. When a major contract, which was 
taken back in-house by the customer at the end of 2007, is excluded from the 
comparatives the profitability of the division grew despite a significant 
decline in the project work from our retail customers which generated over 
GBP1.0 million of contribution in 2007. The major reasons for this achievement 
are the profitability of our long term facility management contracts and the 
outstanding success of our 'help desk' concept utilised by the owners of major 
property estates. Many new customers have seen our help desk services as a way 
to control successfully their own costs. We anticipate that the profitability of 
this division will continue to grow notwithstanding market conditions and it 
will be exceptionally well placed to benefit from any increase in discretionary 
spending by its customers. 
Following the significant progress made during 2008 we now have three market 
leading divisions which are well placed to meet the difficulties presented by 
the current economic climate. Overall, the Board expects to achieve a 
satisfactory result for 2009. 
  Consolidated Income Statement 
|        |                                                                |     Year |     Year | 
|        |                                                                |    ended |    ended | 
|        |                                                                |       31 |       31 | 
|        |                                                                | December | December | 
|        |                                                                |     2008 |     2007 | 
|  Note  |                                                                |     GBPm |     GBPm | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   2    | REVENUE                                                        |   263.3  |   316.8  | 
|        | FROM                                                           |          |          | 
|        | CONTINUING                                                     |          |          | 
|        | OPERATIONS                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Costs                                                          |    (9.7) |   (41.1) | 
|        | recharged                                                      |          |          | 
|        | to                                                             |          |          | 
|        | customers                                                      |          |          | 
|   2    | Revenue                                                        |    253.6 |   275.7  | 
|        | excluding                                                      |          |          | 
|        | costs                                                          |          |          | 
|        | recharged                                                      |          |          | 
|        | to                                                             |          |          | 
|        | customers                                                      |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   2    | OPERATING                                                      |      5.5 |   (33.1) | 
|        | PROFIT /                                                       |          |          | 
|        | (LOSS)                                                         |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   2    | OPERATING                                                      |     17.4 |    18.1  | 
|        | PROFIT                                                         |          |          | 
|        | BEFORE                                                         |          |          | 
|        | INTANGIBLES                                                    |          |          | 
|        | AMORTISATION                                                   |          |          | 
|        | AND                                                            |          |          | 
|        | IMPAIRMENT                                                     |          |          | 
|        | (EXCLUDING                                                     |          |          | 
|        | SOFTWARE                                                       |          |          | 
|        | AMORTISATION)                                                  |          |          | 
|        | AND                                                            |          |          | 
|        | EXCEPTIONAL                                                    |          |          | 
|        | ITEMS                                                          |          |          | 
|        | Amortisation                                                   |    (3.2) |   (11.3) | 
|        | and                                                            |          |          | 
|        | impairment                                                     |          |          | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | intangible                                                     |          |          | 
|        | assets                                                         |          |          | 
|        | (excluding                                                     |          |          | 
|        | software                                                       |          |          | 
|        | amortisation)                                                  |          |          | 
|   3    | Exceptional                                                    |          |          | 
|        | items                                                          |          |          | 
|        | -                                                              |    (9.6) |   (42.0) | 
|        | Restructuring                                                  |          |          | 
|        | and other                                                      |          |          | 
|        | costs                                                          |          |          | 
|        | -                                                              |      0.9 |     2.1  | 
|        | Profit                                                         |          |          | 
|        | on                                                             |          |          | 
|        | disposal                                                       |          |          | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | property                                                       |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   2    | OPERATING                                                      |      5.5 |   (33.1) | 
|        | PROFIT /                                                       |          |          | 
|        | (LOSS)                                                         |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   5    | Finance                                                        |   (11.8) |   (12.7) | 
|        | costs -                                                        |          |          | 
|        | Ordinary                                                       |          |          | 
|        | finance                                                        |          |          | 
|        | costs                                                          |          |          | 
|        |                                                    -           |    (0.9) |    (2.7) | 
|        |                                                    Exceptional |          |          | 
|        |                                                    finance     |          |          | 
|        |                                                    costs       |          |          | 
|   5    | Finance                                                        |      0.9 |     1.1  | 
|        | income                                                         |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | LOSS                                                           |    (6.3) |   (47.4) | 
|        | BEFORE                                                         |          |          | 
|        | TAXATION                                                       |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   6    | Taxation                                                       |      1.7 |     9.0  | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | LOSS                                                           |    (4.6) |   (38.4) | 
|        | FOR                                                            |          |          | 
|        | THE                                                            |          |          | 
|        | YEAR                                                           |          |          | 
|        | FROM                                                           |          |          | 
|        | CONTINUING                                                     |          |          | 
|        | OPERATIONS                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | DISCONTINUED                                                   |          |          | 
|        | OPERATIONS:                                                    |          |          | 
|  10    | LOSS                                                           |    (1.5) |    (6.5) | 
|        | FOR                                                            |          |          | 
|        | THE                                                            |          |          | 
|        | YEAR                                                           |          |          | 
|        | FROM                                                           |          |          | 
|        | DISCONTINUED                                                   |          |          | 
|        | OPERATIONS                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | LOSS                                                           |    (6.1) |   (44.9) | 
|        | FOR                                                            |          |          | 
|        | THE                                                            |          |          | 
|        | YEAR                                                           |          |          | 
|        | ATTRIBUTABLE                                                   |          |          | 
|        | TO EQUITY                                                      |          |          | 
|        | HOLDERS                                                        |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|   8    | EARNINGS                                                       |          |          | 
|        | PER                                                            |          |          | 
|        | SHARE *                                                        |          |          | 
|        | Basic                                                          |          |          | 
|        | earnings                                                       |          |          | 
|        | per                                                            |          |          | 
|        | Share                                                          |          |          | 
|        | From                                                           |   (3.2p) |  (64.7p) | 
|        | continuing                                                     |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        | From                                                           |   (1.0p) |  (11.1p) | 
|        | discontinued                                                   |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        | From                                                           |   (4.2p) |  (75.8p) | 
|        | continuing                                                     |          |          | 
|        | and                                                            |          |          | 
|        | discontinued                                                   |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | Fully                                                          |          |          | 
|        | diluted                                                        |          |          | 
|        | earnings                                                       |          |          | 
|        | per                                                            |          |          | 
|        | Share                                                          |          |          | 
|        | From                                                           |   (3.2p) |  (64.7p) | 
|        | continuing                                                     |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        | From                                                           |   (1.0p) |  (11.1p) | 
|        | discontinued                                                   |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        | From                                                           |   (4.2p) |  (75.8p) | 
|        | continuing                                                     |          |          | 
|        | and                                                            |          |          | 
|        | discontinued                                                   |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
* Adjusted earnings per share (before intangibles amortisation and 
impairment (excluding software amortisation), exceptional items  and exceptional 
finance costs), are shown in note 8. 
  Consolidated Statement of Recognised Income and Expense 
|        |                 |     Year |     Year | 
|        |                 |    ended |    ended | 
|        |                 |       31 |       31 | 
|        |                 | December | December | 
|        |                 |     2008 |     2007 | 
|        |                 |     GBPm |     GBPm | 
|        |                 |          |          | 
|   9    | Actuarial       |   (11.0) |    10.4  | 
|        | (loss) /        |          |          | 
|        | gain on         |          |          | 
|        | defined         |          |          | 
|        | benefit         |          |          | 
|        | pension         |          |          | 
|        | schemes         |          |          | 
|        | Taxation        |      3.1 |    (3.1) | 
|        | in              |          |          | 
|        | respect         |          |          | 
|        | of              |          |          | 
|        | actuarial       |          |          | 
|        | loss /          |          |          | 
|        | (gain)          |          |          | 
|        | Net             |    (7.9) |     7.3  | 
|        | movement        |          |          | 
|        | on              |          |          | 
|        | reserves        |          |          | 
|        | in              |          |          | 
|        | respect         |          |          | 
|        | of              |          |          | 
|        | defined         |          |          | 
|        | benefit         |          |          | 
|        | actuarial       |          |          | 
|        | gains and       |          |          | 
|        | losses          |          |          | 
|        | Cash            |    (0.3) |    (0.6) | 
|        | flow            |          |          | 
|        | hedges          |          |          | 
|        | (net            |          |          | 
|        | of              |          |          | 
|        | taxation)- fair |          |          | 
|        | value losses    |          |          | 
|        |  - transfers    |        - |     0.3  | 
|        | to inventory    |          |          | 
|        |  - transfers    |    (0.1) |    (0.2) | 
|        | to interest     |          |          | 
|        | NET (EXPENSE)   |    (8.3) |     6.8  | 
|        | / INCOME        |          |          | 
|        | RECOGNISED      |          |          | 
|        | DIRECTLY IN     |          |          | 
|        | EQUITY          |          |          | 
|        | Loss            |    (6.1) |   (44.9) | 
|        | for             |          |          | 
|        | the             |          |          | 
|        | year            |          |          | 
|        | TOTAL           |   (14.4) |   (38.1) | 
|        | RECOGNISED      |          |          | 
|        | EXPENSE         |          |          | 
|        | FOR THE         |          |          | 
|        | YEAR            |          |          | 
  Consolidated Balance Sheet 
|        |               |    As at |    As at | 
|        |               |       31 |       31 | 
|        |               | December | December | 
|        |               |     2008 |     2007 | 
|  Note  |               |     GBPm |     GBPm | 
|        | ASSETS        |          |          | 
|        | NON-CURRENT   |          |          | 
|        | ASSETS        |          |          | 
|        | Goodwill      |     89.2 |   117.7  | 
|        | Intangible    |     11.9 |    32.9  | 
|        | assets        |          |          | 
|        | Property,     |     45.4 |    48.4  | 
|        | plant and     |          |          | 
|        | equipment     |          |          | 
|        | Textile       |     22.2 |    23.1  | 
|        | rental        |          |          | 
|        | items         |          |          | 
|        | Deferred      |     12.5 |    13.8  | 
|        | income        |          |          | 
|        | tax           |          |          | 
|        | assets        |          |          | 
|        |               |    181.2 |   235.9  | 
|        |               |          |          | 
|        | CURRENT       |          |          | 
|        | ASSETS        |          |          | 
|        | Inventories   |      4.4 |    30.5  | 
|        | Trade         |     48.6 |    69.0  | 
|        | and           |          |          | 
|        | other         |          |          | 
|        | receivables   |          |          | 
|        | Derivative    |        - |     0.6  | 
|        | financial     |          |          | 
|        | assets        |          |          | 
|        | Cash          |      5.2 |    16.3  | 
|        | and           |          |          | 
|        | cash          |          |          | 
|        | equivalents   |          |          | 
|        |               |     58.2 |   116.4  | 
|        |               |          |          | 
|        | LIABILITIES   |          |          | 
|        | CURRENT       |          |          | 
|        | LIABILITIES   |          |          | 
|        | Trade         |     15.6 |    27.7  | 
|        | and           |          |          | 
|        | other         |          |          | 
|        | payables      |          |          | 
|        | Other         |     31.1 |    49.5  | 
|        | creditors     |          |          | 
|        | and           |          |          | 
|        | accruals      |          |          | 
|        | Current       |      4.1 |     0.3  | 
|        | income        |          |          | 
|        | tax           |          |          | 
|        | liabilities   |          |          | 
|        | Borrowings    |      3.8 |   107.8  | 
|        | Derivative    |        - |     0.8  | 
|        | financial     |          |          | 
|        | liabilities   |          |          | 
|        | Provisions    |      2.8 |     7.1  | 
|        |               |     57.4 |   193.2  | 
|        | NET           |      0.8 |   (76.8) | 
|        | CURRENT       |          |          | 
|        | ASSETS        |          |          | 
|        | /             |          |          | 
|        | (LIABILITIES) |          |          | 
|        |               |          |          | 
|        | NON-CURRENT   |          |          | 
|        | LIABILITIES   |          |          | 
|   9    | Retirement    |     20.6 |    15.8  | 
|        | benefit       |          |          | 
|        | obligations   |          |          | 
|        | Deferred      |      2.5 |     7.9  | 
|        | income        |          |          | 
|        | tax           |          |          | 
|        | liabilities   |          |          | 
|        | Other         |      1.3 |     1.5  | 
|        | non-current   |          |          | 
|        | liabilities   |          |          | 
|        | Borrowings    |     79.9 |    77.0  | 
|        | Derivative    |      0.8 |     0.3  | 
|        | financial     |          |          | 
|        | liabilities   |          |          | 
|        | Provisions    |      8.8 |     9.8  | 
|        |               |    113.9 |   112.3  | 
|        | NET           |     68.1 |    46.8  | 
|        | ASSETS        |          |          | 
|        |               |          |          | 
|        | EQUITY        |          |          | 
|        | CAPITAL AND              |          | 
|        | RESERVES                 |          | 
|        | ATTRIBUTABLE TO          |          | 
|        | THE COMPANY'S            |          | 
|        | EQUITY HOLDERS           |          | 
|        | Called        |     24.9 |     5.9  | 
|        | up            |          |          | 
|        | share         |          |          | 
|        | capital       |          |          | 
|        | Share         |     13.7 |    13.7  | 
|        | premium       |          |          | 
|        | Other         |      1.7 |     1.9  | 
|        | reserves      |          |          | 
|        | Retained      |     27.8 |    25.3  | 
|        | earnings      |          |          | 
|        | TOTAL         |     68.1 |    46.8  | 
|        | EQUITY        |          |          | 
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement 
|        |                                                                |     Year |     Year | 
|        |                                                                |    ended |    ended | 
|        |                                                                |       31 |       31 | 
|        |                                                                | December | December | 
|        |                                                                |     2008 |     2007 | 
|  Note  |                                                                |     GBPm |     GBPm | 
|        | CASH                                                           |          |          | 
|        | FLOWS                                                          |          |          | 
|        | FROM                                                           |          |          | 
|        | OPERATING                                                      |          |          | 
|        | ACTIVITIES                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Loss                                                           |    (6.1) |   (44.9) | 
|        | for                                                            |          |          | 
|        | the                                                            |          |          | 
|        | year                                                           |          |          | 
|        | Adjustments                                                    |          |          | 
|        | for:                                                           |          |          | 
|        |               Income                                           |    (1.7) |    (9.0) | 
|        |               tax -                                            |          |          | 
|        |               continuing                                       |          |          | 
|        |               operations                                       |          |          | 
|        |                                                   -            |     14.0 |      1.5 | 
|        |                                                   discontinued |          |          | 
|        |                                                   operations   |          |          | 
|        |               Finance                                          |     11.8 |     14.3 | 
|        |               income                                           |          |          | 
|        |               and                                              |          |          | 
|        |               expense                                          |          |          | 
|        |               Depreciation                                     |     21.4 |     28.6 | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        |               Amortisation                                     |      4.5 |      7.5 | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               intangible                                       |          |          | 
|        |               assets                                           |          |          | 
|        |               Impairment                                       |        - |     21.2 | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               goodwill                                         |          |          | 
|        |               Impairment                                       |        - |     17.0 | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               intangible                                       |          |          | 
|        |               assets                                           |          |          | 
|        |               Write-off                                        |        - |      3.6 | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               textile                                          |          |          | 
|        |               rental                                           |          |          | 
|        |               items                                            |          |          | 
|        |               Increase                                         |    (2.5) |    (1.0) | 
|        |               in                                               |          |          | 
|        |               inventories                                      |          |          | 
|        |               Decrease                                         |     10.6 |      0.8 | 
|        |               in trade                                         |          |          | 
|        |               and                                              |          |          | 
|        |               other                                            |          |          | 
|        |               receivables                                      |          |          | 
|        |               Decrease                                         |   (18.4) |   (10.9) | 
|        |               in trade                                         |          |          | 
|        |               and                                              |          |          | 
|        |               other                                            |          |          | 
|        |               payables                                         |          |          | 
|        |               (Profit)                                         |    (0.6) |      6.2 | 
|        |               / loss                                           |          |          | 
|        |               on sale                                          |          |          | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               property,                                        |          |          | 
|        |               plant and                                        |          |          | 
|        |               equipment                                        |          |          | 
|        |               Loss                                             |        - |      0.7 | 
|        |               on                                               |          |          | 
|        |               disposal                                         |          |          | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               intangible                                       |          |          | 
|        |               assets                                           |          |          | 
|        |               Pre-tax                                          |   (11.9) |        - | 
|        |               gain on                                          |          |          | 
|        |               disposal                                         |          |          | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               subsidiaries                                     |          |          | 
|   9    |               Additional                                       |    (2.6) |    (3.5) | 
|        |               contribution                                     |          |          | 
|        |               to defined                                       |          |          | 
|        |               benefit                                          |          |          | 
|        |               pension                                          |          |          | 
|        |               schemes                                          |          |          | 
|        |               Share-based                                      |      0.4 |      0.2 | 
|        |               payments                                         |          |          | 
|        |               Fair                                             |       -  |    (0.2) | 
|        |               value                                            |          |          | 
|        |               of                                               |          |          | 
|        |               financial                                        |          |          | 
|        |               instruments                                      |          |          | 
|        |               Retirement                                       |    (0.3) |    (0.2) | 
|        |               benefit                                          |          |          | 
|        |               obligations                                      |          |          | 
|        |               Provisions                                       |    (5.4) |    (0.2) | 
|        | Cash                                                           |     13.2 |     31.7 | 
|        | generated                                                      |          |          | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | operations                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Interest                                                       |   (15.1) |   (15.0) | 
|        | paid                                                           |          |          | 
|        | Taxation                                                       |      1.4 |      0.5 | 
|        | received                                                       |          |          | 
|        | Net                                                            |    (0.5) |     17.2 | 
|        | cash                                                           |          |          | 
|        | flows                                                          |          |          | 
|        | (used                                                          |          |          | 
|        | in) /                                                          |          |          | 
|        | generated                                                      |          |          | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | operating                                                      |          |          | 
|        | activities                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | CASH                                                           |          |          | 
|        | FLOWS                                                          |          |          | 
|        | FROM                                                           |          |          | 
|        | INVESTING                                                      |          |          | 
|        | ACTIVITIES                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Acquisition                                                    |        - |    (7.1) | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | subsidiary                                                     |          |          | 
|        | (net of                                                        |          |          | 
|        | cash                                                           |          |          | 
|        | acquired)                                                      |          |          | 
|  10    | Proceeds                                                       |     71.7 |       -  | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | sale of                                                        |          |          | 
|        | subsidiary                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Purchase                                                       |    (7.6) |   (12.5) | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | property,                                                      |          |          | 
|        | plant and                                                      |          |          | 
|        | equipment                                                      |          |          | 
|        | Proceeds                                                       |      1.5 |     5.7  | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | sale of                                                        |          |          | 
|        | property,                                                      |          |          | 
|        | plant and                                                      |          |          | 
|        | equipment                                                      |          |          | 
|        | Purchase                                                       |    (0.6) |    (6.3) | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | intangible                                                     |          |          | 
|        | assets                                                         |          |          | 
|        | Purchase                                                       |   (14.8) |   (19.4) | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | textile                                                        |          |          | 
|        | rental                                                         |          |          | 
|        | items                                                          |          |          | 
|        | Proceeds                                                       |      4.2 |     3.6  | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | sale of                                                        |          |          | 
|        | textile                                                        |          |          | 
|        | rental                                                         |          |          | 
|        | items                                                          |          |          | 
|        | Interest                                                       |      0.5 |     1.1  | 
|        | received                                                       |          |          | 
|        | Net                                                            |     54.9 |   (34.9) | 
|        | cash                                                           |          |          | 
|        | generated                                                      |          |          | 
|        | from /                                                         |          |          | 
|        | (used in)                                                      |          |          | 
|        | investing                                                      |          |          | 
|        | activities                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|        | CASH                                                           |          |          | 
|        | FLOWS                                                          |          |          | 
|        | FROM                                                           |          |          | 
|        | FINANCING                                                      |          |          | 
|        | ACTIVITIES                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Proceeds                                                       |    197.0 |     63.0 | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | borrowings                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Repayments                                                     |  (296.5) |   (31.0) | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | borrowings                                                     |          |          | 
|        | Capital                                                        |    (1.0) |    (1.4) | 
|        | element                                                        |          |          | 
|        | of                                                             |          |          | 
|        | finance                                                        |          |          | 
|        | leases                                                         |          |          | 
|        | Net                                                            |     35.0 |    1.0   | 
|        | proceeds                                                       |          |          | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | issue of                                                       |          |          | 
|        | Ordinary                                                       |          |          | 
|        | shares                                                         |          |          | 
|        | Dividends                                                      |        - |    (8.9) | 
|        | paid to                                                        |          |          | 
|        | company                                                        |          |          | 
|        | Shareholders                                                   |          |          | 
|        | Net                                                            |   (65.5) |    22.7  | 
|        | cash                                                           |          |          | 
|        | (used                                                          |          |          | 
|        | in) /                                                          |          |          | 
|        | generated                                                      |          |          | 
|        | from                                                           |          |          | 
|        | financing                                                      |          |          | 
|        | activities                                                     |          |          | 
|        |                                                                |          |          | 
|  11    | Net                                                            |   (11.1) |     5.0  | 
|        | (decrease)                                                     |          |          | 
|        | / increase                                                     |          |          | 
|        | in cash                                                        |          |          | 
|        | and cash                                                       |          |          | 
|        | equivalents                                                    |          |          | 
|        | Cash                                                           |     16.3 |    11.3  | 
|        | and                                                            |          |          | 
|        | cash                                                           |          |          | 
|        | equivalents                                                    |          |          | 
|        | at                                                             |          |          | 
|        | beginning                                                      |          |          | 
|        | of period                                                      |          |          | 
|  12    | Cash                                                           |      5.2 |    16.3  | 
|        | and                                                            |          |          | 
|        | cash                                                           |          |          | 
|        | equivalents                                                    |          |          | 
|        | at end of                                                      |          |          | 
|        | period                                                         |          |          | 
1.  Basis of Preparation 
The financial information contained within this report has been prepared in 
accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as adopted by 
the European Union (IFRSs as adopted by the EU), IFRIC Interpretations and the 
Companies Act 1985 applicable to companies reporting under IFRS. 
The financial information has been prepared using accounting policies consistent 
with those set out in the 2007 Annual Report. 
2.Sement Information - Analysis of Revenue, Operating Profit Before Exceptional 
Items and Intangibles Amortisation and Impairment (excluding software 
amortisation) and Profit Before Taxation 
Segment information is presented in respect of the Group's business segments, 
which are based on the Group's management and internal reporting structure as at 
31st December 2008. 
The segment analysis shows the unallocated central overheads separately. The 
exceptional items have been included within the appropriate business segment as 
shown on pages 16 to 17. 
Revenue from continuing operations originates in the United Kingdom. There is no 
material difference between revenue by origin and by destination. 
Facilities management revenue comprises fees receivable and costs recharged to 
customers where the relationship with the supplier of services is that of 
principal. The element of revenue which comprises supplier costs recharged to 
customers has been shown separately on the income statement to aid 
interpretation of the business. 
Inter-segment pricing is determined on an arm's length basis. 
Segment results, assets and liabilities include items directly attributable to a 
segment as well as those that can be allocated on a reasonable basis, for 
  *  Rental income received by the property company is allocated to segments based 
  upon rents paid during the year; and 
  *  Costs of the Internal Audit function are allocated to segments based upon 
  revenue during the year. 
Unallocated items comprise mainly income-earning assets and revenue, 
interest-bearing loans, borrowings and expenses, and corporate assets and 
The Textile Rental Services results for 2007 have been re-presented for the 
changed treatment of intra-Group trading to reflect the disposal of 
Segment assets consist primarily of property, plant and equipment, intangible 
assets, inventories, derivatives designated as hedges of future commercial 
transactions, receivables and operating cash. They exclude taxation, investments 
and derivatives designated as hedges of borrowings. 
Segment liabilities comprise operating liabilities (including derivatives 
designated as hedges of future transactions). They exclude taxation and 
corporate borrowings and related hedging derivatives. 
Segment capital expenditure is the total cost incurred during the period to 
acquire segment assets that are expected to be used for more than one period. 
Capital expenditure comprises additions to property, plant and equipment, 
textile rental items and intangible assets, excluding additions resulting from 
acquisitions through business combinations. 
Geographical segments 
Revenue originates wholly within the United Kingdom and as a result, no 
geographical segments are presented within this announcement. 
Business segments 
The Group comprises the following main business segments: 
  *  Textile Rental Services - workwear rental supply and laundering and linen rental 
  for the premium hotel, catering and corporate hospitality markets; 
  *  Drycleaning - with over 520 stores nationwide, provides drycleaning, laundry and 
  ironing services, carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, wedding dress cleaning 
  and suede & leather cleaning and the supply of drycleaning consumables; and 
  *  Facilities Management - delivering building, facilities and property management 
  services and specialist engineering services to public, commercial and retail 
  organisations throughout the UK. 
2.  Segment Information - Analysis of Revenue, Operating Profit Before 
Exceptional Items and Intangibles Amortisation and Impairment (excluding 
software amortisation) and Profit Before Taxation /continued... 
| Year ended 31 December 2008                     |          |             |            |             |        | 
|                                        |        |  Textile | Drycleaning | Facilities | Unallocated |  Total | 
|                                        |        |   Rental |             | Management |             |        | 
|                                        |        | Services |             |            |             |        | 
|                                        |        |     GBPm |        GBPm |       GBPm |        GBPm |   GBPm | 
| REVENUE                                |        |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Revenue                                |        |    122.6 |        91.5 |       49.7 |           - |  263.8 | 
| Inter-segment revenue                  |        |        - |           - |      (0.5) |           - |  (0.5) | 
| REVENUE - CONTINUING                   |        |    122.6 |        91.5 |       49.2 |           - |  263.3 | 
| Revenue - Discontinued                 |        |          |             |            |             |   25.7 | 
| Total revenue                          |        |          |             |            |             |  289.0 | 
| REVENUE EXCLUDING COSTS                         |          |             |            |             |        | 
| RECHARGED TO CUSTOMERS                          |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Revenue                                |        |    122.6 |        91.5 |       40.0 |           - |  254.1 | 
| Inter-segment revenue                  |        |        - |           - |      (0.5) |           - |  (0.5) | 
| REVENUE EXCLUDING COSTS                         |    122.6 |        91.5 |       39.5 |           - |  253.6 | 
| RECHARGED TO CUSTOMERS - CONTINUING             |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Revenue       |                                 |          |             |            |             |   25.7 | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Discontinued  |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Total revenue excluding costs recharged         |          |             |            |             |  279.3 | 
| to customers                                    |          |             |            |             |        | 
|               |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| RESULT        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Operating profit before intangibles             |     14.3 |         4.4 |        3.6 |       (4.9) |   17.4 | 
| amortisation and impairment (excluding          |          |             |            |             |        | 
| software amortisation) and exceptional          |          |             |            |             |        | 
| items                                           |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Amortisation and impairment of                  |    (1.3) |           - |      (1.9) |           - |  (3.2) | 
| intangible assets                               |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Exceptional   |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| items         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |    (2.0) |       (0.4) |          - |       (7.2) |  (9.6) | 
| Restructuring |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| and other     |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |        - |           - |          - |         0.9 |    0.9 | 
| Profit        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| on            |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| disposal      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| of            |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| property      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
|               |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Operating     |                                 |     11.0 |         4.0 |        1.7 |      (11.2) |    5.5 | 
| profit /      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| (loss)        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
|               |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             | (11.8) | 
| Ordinary      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             |  (0.9) | 
| Exceptional   |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |    0.9 | 
| income        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Loss          |                                 |          |             |            |             |  (6.3) | 
| before        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| taxation      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Taxation      |                                 |          |             |            |             |    1.7 | 
| Loss          |                                 |          |             |            |             |  (4.6) | 
| for           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| the           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| period        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Continuing    |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Discontinued operations - Corporatewear         |          |             |            |             |  (1.5) | 
| Loss          |                                 |          |             |            |             |  (6.1) | 
| for           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| the           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| period        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
|                         |  Discontinued |  Textile | Drycleaning | Facilities | Unallocated |   Total | 
|                         |    Operations |   Rental |             | Management |             |         | 
|                         |               | Services |             |            |             |         | 
|                               |    GBPm |     GBPm |        GBPm |       GBPm |        GBPm |    GBPm | 
| OTHER INFORMATION             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| Capital expenditure           |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Property, plant    |     0.3 |     4.3  |        2.2  |       0.5  |          -  |    7.3  | 
|          and equipment        |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Textile rental     |       - |    17.5  |          -  |         -  |          -  |   17.5  | 
|          items                |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Intangible         |     0.1 |       -  |        0.1  |       0.4  |          -  |    0.6  | 
|          software             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| Depreciation and amortisation |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| expense                       |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Property, plant    |     0.2 |     3.7  |        2.5  |       0.4  |        0.4  |    7.2  | 
|          and equipment        |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Textile rental     |       - |    14.2  |          -  |         -  |          -  |   14.2  | 
|          items                |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Intangible         |     0.1 |       -  |        0.1  |       0.2  |        0.1  |    0.5  | 
|          software             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Intangibles        |     0.8 |     1.3  |          -  |       1.9  |          -  |    4.0  | 
|          (excluding software) |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|                               |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION     |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| Segment assets                |       - |   109.8  |       37.6  |      53.7  |       38.3  |  239.4  | 
| Segment liabilities           |       - |   (26.9) |      (18.6) |      (9.9) |     (115.9) | (171.3) | 
2.  Segment Information - Analysis of Revenue, Operating Profit Before 
Exceptional Items and Intangibles Amortisation and Impairment (excluding 
software amortisation) and Profit Before Taxation /continued... 
| Year ended 31 December 2007                     |          |             |            |             |        | 
|                                        |        |  Textile | Drycleaning | Facilities | Unallocated |  Total | 
|                                        |        |   Rental |             | Management |             |        | 
|                                        |        | Services |             |            |             |        | 
|                                        |        |     GBPm |        GBPm |       GBPm |        GBPm |   GBPm | 
| REVENUE                                |        |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Revenue                                |        |    129.0 |        94.6 |       94.4 |           - |  318.0 | 
| Inter-segment revenue                  |        |        - |           - |      (1.2) |           - |  (1.2) | 
| REVENUE - CONTINUING                   |        |    129.0 |        94.6 |       93.2 |           - |  316.8 | 
| Revenue - Discontinued                 |        |          |             |            |             |   89.3 | 
| Total revenue                          |        |          |             |            |             |  406.1 | 
| REVENUE EXCLUDING COSTS                         |          |             |            |             |        | 
| RECHARGED TO CUSTOMERS                          |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Revenue                                |        |    129.0 |        94.6 |       53.3 |           - |  276.9 | 
| Inter-segment revenue                  |        |        - |           - |      (1.2) |           - |  (1.2) | 
| REVENUE EXCLUDING COSTS                         |    129.0 |        94.6 |       52.1 |           - |  275.7 | 
| RECHARGED TO CUSTOMERS - CONTINUING             |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Revenue       |                                 |          |             |            |             |   89.3 | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Discontinued  |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Total revenue excluding costs recharged         |          |             |            |             |  365.0 | 
| to customers                                    |          |             |            |             |        | 
|               |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| RESULT        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Operating profit before intangibles             |     11.6 |         6.0 |        5.9 |       (5.4) |   18.1 | 
| amortisation and impairment (excluding          |          |             |            |             |        | 
| software amortisation) and exceptional          |          |             |            |             |        | 
| items                                           |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Amortisation and impairment of                  |    (1.3) |       (1.4) |      (8.6) |           - | (11.3) | 
| intangible assets                               |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Exceptional   |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| items         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |   (13.1) |       (0.1) |      (1.5) |      (27.3) | (42.0) | 
| Restructuring |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| and other     |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |      0.9 |         1.2 |          - |           - |    2.1 | 
| Profit        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| on            |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| disposal      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| of            |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| property      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
|               |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Operating     |                                 |    (1.9) |         5.7 |      (4.2) |      (32.7) | (33.1) | 
| profit /      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| (loss)        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
|               |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             | (12.7) | 
| Ordinary      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             |  (2.7) | 
| Exceptional   |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| costs         |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Finance       |                                 |          |             |            |             |    1.1 | 
| income        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Loss          |                                 |          |             |            |             | (47.4) | 
| before        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| taxation      |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Taxation      |                                 |          |             |            |             |    9.0 | 
| Loss          |                                 |          |             |            |             | (38.4) | 
| for           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| the           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| period        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| -             |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Continuing    |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| Discontinued operations - Corporatewear         |          |             |            |             |  (6.5) | 
| Loss          |                                 |          |             |            |             | (44.9) | 
| for           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| the           |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
| period        |                                 |          |             |            |             |        | 
|                         |  Discontinued |  Textile | Drycleaning | Facilities | Unallocated |   Total | 
|                         |    Operations |   Rental |             | Management |             |         | 
|                         |               | Services |             |            |             |         | 
|                               |    GBPm |     GBPm |        GBPm |       GBPm |        GBPm |    GBPm | 
| OTHER INFORMATION             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| Capital expenditure           |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Property, plant    |     1.8 |      3.6 |         1.9 |        0.9 |         0.4 |     8.6 | 
|          and equipment        |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Textile rental     |       - |     18.5 |           - |          - |           - |    18.5 | 
|          items                |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Intangible         |     0.7 |        - |         0.1 |        0.6 |         3.2 |     4.6 | 
|          software             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| Depreciation and amortisation |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| expense                       |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Property, plant    |     0.7 |      4.1 |         2.9 |        3.7 |         0.5 |    11.9 | 
|          and equipment        |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Textile rental     |       - |     16.7 |           - |          - |           - |    16.7 | 
|          items                |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Intangible         |     0.3 |        - |         0.1 |        0.2 |         0.9 |     1.5 | 
|          software             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Intangibles        |     2.7 |      1.3 |           - |        2.1 |           - |     6.1 | 
|          (excluding software) |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|          - Impairment of      |    13.2 |        - |         1.4 |        6.5 |           - |    21.1 | 
|          goodwill             |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
|                               |         |          |             |            |             |         | 
| BALANCE SHEET INFORMATION                                                                             | 
| Segment assets                |   95.2  |   116.8  |       36.4  |      57.2  |       46.7  |  352.3  | 
| Segment liabilities           |  (19.6) |   (32.0) |      (21.1) |     (12.2) |     (220.6) | (305.5) | 
3.Exceptional Items 
|                                                                                     |   2008 |        |   2007 | 
|                                                                                     |   GBPm |        |  GBPm  | 
|                                                                                     |        |        |        | 
| Restructuring                                                                       |  (2.6) |        |  (9.5) | 
| costs -                                                                             |        |        |        | 
| Textile                                                                             |        |        |        | 
| Rental                                                                              |        |        |        | 
| Services                                                                            |        |        |        | 
|                                                                         -           |  (0.3) |        |  (0.1) | 
|                                                                         Drycleaning |        |        |        | 
|                                                                         -           |      - |        |  (1.5) | 
|                                                                         Facilities  |        |        |        | 
|                                                                         Management  |        |        |        | 
|                                                                         -           |  (0.5) |        |  (4.5) | 
|                                                                         Unallocated |        |        |        | 
|                                                                         -           |  (3.4) |        | (15.6) | 
|                                                                         Total       |        |        |        | 
|                                                                                     |        |        |        | 
| Professional                                                                        |  (6.4) |        |  (2.4) | 
| fees                                                                                |        |        |        | 
| associated                                                                          |        |        |        | 
| with bank                                                                           |        |        |        | 
| restructuring                                                                       |        |        |        | 
| process                                                                             |        |        |        | 
| Professional                                                                        |  (0.3) |        |      - | 
| fees                                                                                |        |        |        | 
| associated                                                                          |        |        |        | 
| with moving                                                                         |        |        |        | 
| to AIM                                                                              |        |        |        | 
| Onerous                                                                             |  (0.7) |        |  (3.7) | 
| lease                                                                               |        |        |        | 
| and                                                                                 |        |        |        | 
| environmental                                                                       |        |        |        | 
| costs                                                                               |        |        |        | 
| Write-off                                                                           |      - |        |  (3.6) | 
| of rental                                                                           |        |        |        | 
| stock                                                                               |        |        |        | 
| Write-off                                                                           |      - |        | (16.7) | 
| of ERP                                                                              |        |        |        | 
| system                                                                              |        |        |        | 
| (software                                                                           |        |        |        | 
| and                                                                                 |        |        |        | 
| hardware)                                                                           |        |        |        | 
| Uninsured                                                                           |    1.2 |        |     -  | 
| losses                                                                              |        |        |        | 
| Total                                                                               |  (9.6) |        | (42.0) | 
| restructuring                                                                       |        |        |        | 
| and other                                                                           |        |        |        | 
| costs                                                                               |        |        |        | 
| Property                                                                            |    0.9 |        |   2.1  | 
| disposals                                                                           |        |        |        | 
| Total                                                                               |  (8.7) |        | (39.9) | 
| Exceptional                                                                         |        |        |        | 
| Items                                                                               |        |        |        | 
Exceptional items in relation to discontinued operations have been included 
within the result from discontinued operations. 
In addition to the items above, the Group recognised exceptional finance costs 
of GBP0.9m (2007: GBP2.7m), further details of which are disclosed within note 
Restructuring costs within the Textile Rental Services division largely relate 
to the new processing facility in Hinckley and include redundancy costs and dual 
processing costs incurred during the transfer of processing facilities. 
Drycleaning and unallocated restructuring costs relate largely to the 
termination costs of staff. 
Professional fees associated with the bank restructuring process include the 
cost of an Independent Business Review, legal fees and other advisory fees. 
Onerous lease and environmental costs represent a reassessment of expected 
future costs arising from significant changes in circumstances on specific 
The uninsured losses credit arises as a result of a legal claim against the 
Group being settled for an amount less than that previously estimated. 
Property disposals in 2008 relate to the sale of a former textile rental plant. 
4.Adjusted Profit Before and After Taxation 
The reconciliation of profit before taxation from continuing operations and 
adjusted profit before taxation from continuing operations is as follows: 
|               |        |  2008  |  2007  | 
|               |        |  GBPm  | GBPm   | 
|               |        |        |        | 
| Loss          |        |  (6.3) | (47.4) | 
| before        |        |        |        | 
| taxation      |        |        |        | 
| Intangibles   |        |   3.2  |  11.3  | 
| amortisation  |        |        |        | 
| and           |        |        |        | 
| impairment    |        |        |        | 
| (excluding    |        |        |        | 
| software      |        |        |        | 
| amortisation) |        |        |        | 
| Restructuring |        |   9.6  |  42.0  | 
| and other     |        |        |        | 
| costs         |        |        |        | 
| Profit        |        |  (0.9) |  (2.1) | 
| on            |        |        |        | 
| disposal      |        |        |        | 
| of            |        |        |        | 
| property      |        |        |        | 
| Exceptional   |        |   0.9  |   2.7  | 
| finance       |        |        |        | 
| costs in      |        |        |        | 
| respect of    |        |        |        | 
| bank fees     |        |        |        | 
| Adjusted      |        |   6.5  |   6.5  | 
| profit        |        |        |        | 
| before        |        |        |        | 
| taxation      |        |        |        | 
| Taxation      |        |  (2.1) |  (4.2) | 
| on            |        |        |        | 
| adjusted      |        |        |        | 
| profit        |        |        |        | 
| Adjusted      |        |   4.4  |   2.3  | 
| profit        |        |        |        | 
| after         |        |        |        | 
| taxation      |        |        |        | 
| attributable  |        |        |        | 
| to            |        |        |        | 
| continuing    |        |        |        | 
| operations    |        |        |        | 
5.Finance Costs and Income 
|              |   2008 |        |   2007 | 
|              |   GBPm |        |   GBPm | 
|              |        |        |        | 
| Interest     | (11.7) |        | (12.7) | 
| payable      |        |        |        | 
| on bank      |        |        |        | 
| loans        |        |        |        | 
| and          |        |        |        | 
| overdrafts   |        |        |        | 
| Amortisation |  (0.5) |        |  (0.4) | 
| of bank loan |        |        |        | 
| issue costs  |        |        |        | 
| Interest     |  (0.1) |        |  (0.2) | 
| payable      |        |        |        | 
| on           |        |        |        | 
| obligations  |        |        |        | 
| under        |        |        |        | 
| finance      |        |        |        | 
| leases       |        |        |        | 
| Other        |  (0.2) |        |      - | 
| finance      |        |        |        | 
| costs        |        |        |        | 
|              | (12.5) |        | (13.3) | 
| Change       |     -  |        |  (0.2) | 
| in           |        |        |        | 
| fair         |        |        |        | 
| value        |        |        |        | 
| of           |        |        |        | 
| financial    |        |        |        | 
| derivatives  |        |        |        | 
| not          |        |        |        | 
| qualifying   |        |        |        | 
| for hedge    |        |        |        | 
| accounting   |        |        |        | 
| Finance      | (12.5) |        | (13.5) | 
| costs        |        |        |        | 
| before       |        |        |        | 
| notional     |        |        |        | 
| interest     |        |        |        | 
| on           |        |        |        | 
| defined      |        |        |        | 
| benefit      |        |        |        | 
| liabilities  |        |        |        | 
| and assets   |        |        |        | 
|              |        |        |        | 
| Notional     |        |        |        | 
| interest     |        |        |        | 
| on           |        |        |        | 
| defined      |        |        |        | 
| benefit      |        |        |        | 
| obligations: |        |        |        | 
| -            | (10.7) |        |  (9.8) | 
| Interest     |        |        |        | 
| cost on      |        |        |        | 
| pension      |        |        |        | 
| scheme       |        |        |        | 
| liabilities  |        |        |        | 
| -            |  11.5  |        |  10.7  | 
| Expected     |        |        |        | 
| return       |        |        |        | 
| on           |        |        |        | 
| pension      |        |        |        | 
| scheme       |        |        |        | 
| assets       |        |        |        | 
| -            |  (0.1) |        |  (0.1) | 
| Private      |        |        |        | 
| healthcare   |        |        |        | 
| Ordinary     | (11.8) |        | (12.7) | 
| finance      |        |        |        | 
| costs        |        |        |        | 
|              |        |        |        | 
| Exceptional  |  (0.9) |        |  (2.7) | 
| finance      |        |        |        | 
| costs        |        |        |        | 
| relating to  |        |        |        | 
| bank fees    |        |        |        | 
| Finance      | (12.7) |        | (15.4) | 
| Costs        |        |        |        | 
|              |        |        |        | 
| Gain         |     -  |        |   0.8  | 
| on           |        |        |        | 
| interest     |        |        |        | 
| rate         |        |        |        | 
| swap         |        |        |        | 
| Other        |   0.9  |        |   0.3  | 
| finance      |        |        |        | 
| income       |        |        |        | 
| Finance      |   0.9  |        |   1.1  | 
| income       |        |        |        | 
| Net          | (11.8) |        | (14.3) | 
| finance      |        |        |        | 
| expense      |        |        |        | 
The exceptional finance costs during the year relate to the write-off of bank 
fees on that part of the new bank facility which was repaid during the period. 
The exceptional finance costs in 2007 relate to a fee of GBP1.5 million which 
the Group was required to pay to its bankers as part of the negotiations of a 
covenant waiver ahead of the December 2007 covenant test together with the 
write-off of the remaining GBP1.2 million unamortised fees paid in respect of 
the previous facility. 
|              |   2008 |        |   2007 | 
|              |   GBPm |        |  GBPm  | 
| CURRENT      |        |        |        | 
| TAX          |        |        |        | 
| UK           |  (3.2) |        |  (3.3) | 
| corporation  |        |        |        | 
| tax credit   |        |        |        | 
| for the      |        |        |        | 
| year         |        |        |        | 
| Adjustment   |  (1.4) |        |   1.0  | 
| in           |        |        |        | 
| relation     |        |        |        | 
| to           |        |        |        | 
| previous     |        |        |        | 
| years        |        |        |        | 
| Current      |  (4.6) |        |  (2.3) | 
| tax          |        |        |        | 
| credit       |        |        |        | 
| for the      |        |        |        | 
| year         |        |        |        | 
|              |        |        |        | 
| DEFERRED     |        |        |        | 
| TAX          |        |        |        | 
| Origination  |   3.3  |        |  (6.8) | 
| and          |        |        |        | 
| reversal of  |        |        |        | 
| timing       |        |        |        | 
| differences  |        |        |        | 
| Adjustment   |  (0.4) |        |   0.1  | 
| in           |        |        |        | 
| relation     |        |        |        | 
| to           |        |        |        | 
| previous     |        |        |        | 
| years        |        |        |        | 
| Deferred     |   2.9  |        |  (6.7) | 
| tax          |        |        |        | 
| charge /     |        |        |        | 
| (credit)     |        |        |        | 
| for the      |        |        |        | 
| year         |        |        |        | 
| Total        |  (1.7) |        |  (9.0) | 
| credit       |        |        |        | 
| for          |        |        |        | 
| taxation     |        |        |        | 
| included in  |        |        |        | 
| the Income   |        |        |        | 
| Statement    |        |        |        | 
The taxation numbers above relate to continuing operations. 
The tax credit for the period is lower (2007: lower) than the weighted average 
standard rate of corporation tax in the UK of 28.5% (2007: 30%). The differences 
are explained below: 
|                                                  |         2008 |  |       2007 | 
|                                                  |         GBPm |  |       GBPm | 
|                                                  |              |  |            | 
| Loss before taxation per the Income Statement    |        (6.3) |  |     (47.4) | 
| Loss before taxation multiplied by the weighted  |        (1.8) |  |     (14.2) | 
| average standard rate of                         |              |  |            | 
| corporation tax in the UK of 28.5% (2007: 30%)   |              |  |            | 
| Factors affecting charge for the year:           |              |  |            | 
| Tax effect of expenses not deductible for tax    |         0.2  |  |       3.4  | 
| purposes                                         |              |  |            | 
| Tax effect of non-taxable income                 |        (0.3) |  |      (0.2) | 
| Reduction of deferred tax due to rate change     |           -  |  |       0.9  | 
| Tax effect of future abolition of IBAs           |         2.0  |  |         -  | 
| Adjustments to tax in respect of prior periods   |        (1.8) |  |       1.1  | 
| Total credit for taxation included in the Income |        (1.7) |  |      (9.0) | 
| Statement                                        |              |  |            | 
Taxation on the restructuring and other costs, including exceptional finance 
costs, in the current year has reduced the charge for taxation by GBP2.9 million 
(2007: GBP12.6 million). Tax relief on intangibles amortisation and impairment 
(excluding software amortisation) has reduced the charge for taxation by GBP0.9 
million (2007: GBP1.0 million). There was no tax effect during the year in 
respect of the property disposals (2007: GBP0.4 million increase). 
The Directors do not propose the payment of a dividend in respect of the year 
ended 31 December 2008 (2007: nil). 
8.Earnings Per Share 
|                                                                         |   2008 |        |        2007 | 
|                                                                         |   GBPm |        |       GBPm  | 
|                                                                         |        |        |             | 
| Loss for the financial year from continuing operations                  |  (4.6) |        |      (38.4) | 
| attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                                   |        |        |             | 
| Loss for the financial year from discontinued                           |  (1.5) |        |      (6.5)  | 
| operations attributable to Ordinary Shareholders                        |        |        |             | 
| Intangibles amortisation and impairment from continuing                 |   2.3  |        |       10.3  | 
| operations (net of taxation)                                            |        |        |             | 
| Intangibles amortisation and impairment from                            |   0.6  |        |       15.1  | 
| discontinued operations (net of taxation)                               |        |        |             | 
| Exceptional costs from continuing operations (net of                    |   6.0  |        |       28.5  | 
| taxation)                                                               |        |        |             | 
| Exceptional costs from discontinued operations (net of                  |   1.3  |        |        0.8  | 
| taxation)                                                               |        |        |             | 
| Exceptional finance costs in respect of bank fees from                  |   0.7  |        |        1.9  | 
| continuing operations (net of taxation)                                 |        |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                    4.8  |        |       11.7  | 
| profit                 |                                                         |        |             | 
| attributable           |                                                         |        |             | 
| to Ordinary            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Shareholders           |                                                         |        |             | 
|                        |                                                         |        |             | 
| Weighted               |                                            143,564,940  |        | 59,295,914  | 
| average                |                                                         |        |             | 
| number                 |                                                         |        |             | 
| of                     |                                                         |        |             | 
| Ordinary               |                                                         |        |             | 
| shares                 |                                                         |        |             | 
| Dilutive               |                                              2,488,233  |        |     56,055  | 
| potential              |                                                         |        |             | 
| Ordinary               |                                                         |        |             | 
| shares *               |                                                         |        |             | 
| Fully                  |                                            146,053,173  |        | 59,351,969  | 
| diluted                |                                                         |        |             | 
| number                 |                                                         |        |             | 
| of                     |                                                         |        |             | 
| Ordinary               |                                                         |        |             | 
| shares                 |                                                         |        |             | 
|                        |                                                         |        |             | 
| Basic                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| From                   |                                                  (3.2p) |        |     (64.7p) | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| From                   |                                                  (1.0p) |        |     (11.1p) | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| From                   |                                                  (4.2p) |        |     (75.8p) | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   1.6p  |        |      17.3p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| intangibles            |                                                         |        |             | 
| amortisation           |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| impairment (continuing |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   0.4p  |        |       25.6p | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| intangibles            |                                                         |        |             | 
| amortisation           |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| impairment             |                                                         |        |             | 
| (discontinued          |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   4.2p  |        |      48.1p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| exceptional            |                                                         |        |             | 
| costs                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| (continuing            |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   0.9p  |        |       1.3p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| exceptional            |                                                         |        |             | 
| costs                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| (discontinued          |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   0.4p  |        |       3.2p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| exceptional            |                                                         |        |             | 
| finance                |                                                         |        |             | 
| costs in               |                                                         |        |             | 
| respect of             |                                                         |        |             | 
| bank fees              |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                   3.0p  |        |       3.9p  | 
| basic                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| from                   |                                                         |        |             | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                   0.3p  |        |      15.8p  | 
| basic                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| from                   |                                                         |        |             | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                   3.3p  |        |      19.7p  | 
| basic                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| from                   |                                                         |        |             | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
|                        |                                                         |        |             | 
| Diluted                |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| From                   |                                                  (3.2p) |        |     (64.7p) | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| From                   |                                                  (1.0p) |        |    (11.1p)  | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| From                   |                                                  (4.2p) |        |     (75.8p) | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   1.6p  |        |      17.3p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| intangibles            |                                                         |        |             | 
| amortisation           |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| impairment (continuing |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   0.4p  |        |      25.6p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| intangibles            |                                                         |        |             | 
| amortisation           |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| impairment             |                                                         |        |             | 
| (discontinued          |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   4.2p  |        |      48.1p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| exceptional            |                                                         |        |             | 
| costs                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| (continuing            |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   0.9p  |        |       1.3p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| exceptional            |                                                         |        |             | 
| costs                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| (discontinued          |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations)            |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjustment             |                                                   0.4p  |        |       3.2p  | 
| for                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| exceptional            |                                                         |        |             | 
| finance                |                                                         |        |             | 
| costs in               |                                                         |        |             | 
| respect of             |                                                         |        |             | 
| bank fees              |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                   3.0p  |        |       3.9p  | 
| diluted                |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| from                   |                                                         |        |             | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                   0.3p  |        |      15.8p  | 
| diluted                |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| from                   |                                                         |        |             | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
| Adjusted               |                                                   3.3p  |        |      19.7p  | 
| diluted                |                                                         |        |             | 
| earnings               |                                                         |        |             | 
| per                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| share                  |                                                         |        |             | 
| from                   |                                                         |        |             | 
| continuing             |                                                         |        |             | 
| and                    |                                                         |        |             | 
| discontinued           |                                                         |        |             | 
| operations             |                                                         |        |             | 
* Includes outstanding share options granted to employees and warrants issued to 
the Company's banks. 
Basic earnings per share is calculated using the weighted average number of 
shares in issue during the year, excluding those held by the ESOP, based on the 
profit for the year attributable to Ordinary Shareholders. Note that the 
weighted average number of shares in issue during the year for 2009 will, as a 
minimum, be equal to the current number of issued shares i.e. 249,302,482. 
Adjusted earnings per share figures are given to exclude the effects of 
intangibles amortisation and impairment (excluding software amortisation), 
exceptional items and exceptional finance costs, all net of taxation, and are 
considered to show the underlying results of the Group. 
For diluted earnings per share, the weighted average number of Ordinary shares 
in issue is adjusted to assume conversion of all dilutive potential Ordinary 
shares. The Company has dilutive potential Ordinary shares arising from warrants 
issued to the Company's bankers and share options granted to employees where the 
exercise price is less than the average market price of the Company's Ordinary 
shares during the year. 
8.Earnings Per Share /continued... 
Potential Ordinary shares are dilutive at the profit from continuing operations 
level when their conversion to Ordinary shares would decrease earnings per share 
or increase loss per share from continuing operations. For the years ending 31st 
December 2008 and 31st December 2007, potential Ordinary shares are 
antidilutive, as their inclusion in the diluted earnings per share calculation 
would reduce the loss from continuing operations, and hence have been excluded. 
Other than for the grant of 7,479,074 share options under the Long Term Growth 
Plan, there were no events occurring after the Balance Sheet date that would 
have changed significantly the number of Ordinary shares or potential Ordinary 
shares outstanding at the Balance Sheet date, if those transactions had occurred 
before the end of the reporting period. 
9.Retirement Benefit Obligations 
The Group has applied the requirements of IAS 19 Employee Benefits (revised 
December 2004) to its employee pension schemes and post-retirement healthcare 
As part of the Group's objective to reduce its overall pension liability, 
additional contributions of GBP2.4 million and GBP0.2 million (2007: GBP2.8 
million and GBP0.6 million) were paid to the Johnson Group Staff Pension Scheme 
and the WML Final Salary Pension Scheme respectively, during the period to 31st 
December 2008.  No additional contributions were paid to the Semara Augmented 
Pension Plan (2007: GBP0.1 million). In addition, following the disposal of the 
Corporatewear division in April 2008, GBP2.1 million was paid into the Johnson 
Group Staff Pension Scheme. 
Following discussions with the Group's appointed actuary it has been identified 
that an actuarial loss of GBP11.0 million (2007: GBP10.4 million gain) should be 
recognised in the year to 31st December 2008. This is as a result of the scheme 
assets and liabilities performing differently to previous assumptions and 
changes to the assumptions used in calculating scheme liabilities. 
The gross retirement benefit liability and associated deferred tax asset 
thereon, together with the net liability is shown below: 
|            |   2008 |        |   2007 | 
|            |   GBPm |        |   GBPm | 
|            |        |        |        | 
| Gross      | (20.6) |        | (15.8) | 
| retirement |        |        |        | 
| benefit    |        |        |        | 
| liability  |        |        |        | 
| Deferred   |    6.0 |        |   4.8  | 
| tax        |        |        |        | 
| asset      |        |        |        | 
| thereon    |        |        |        | 
| Net        | (14.6) |        | (11.0) | 
| liability  |        |        |        | 
On 19th March 2008 Johnson Clothing Limited, the Group's Corporatewear business 
disposed of assets including stock, certain supply contracts and associated 
goodwill relating to CCM, the company's garment sourcing business, to its fellow 
subsidiary Johnsons Apparelmaster Limited. The CCM business was then immediately 
sold to a third party for a total cash consideration, before costs, of GBP2.8 
On 28th April 2008, the Group sold the entire share capital of Johnson Clothing 
Limited on a debt free cash free basis. The revenue and profit after tax of 
Johnson Clothing Limited in the period to the date of disposal, the post-tax 
loss on disposal together with the net assets of Johnson Clothing Limited as at 
the date of disposal were as follows: 
|                                                    |       2008 |  |      2007 | 
|                                                    |       GBPm |  |      GBPm | 
|                                                    |            |  |           | 
| Revenue from discontinued operations               |      25.7  |  |     89.3  | 
|                                                    |            |  |           | 
| Profit / (loss) before taxation from discontinued  |       0.6  |  |     (5.0) | 
| operations                                         |            |  |           | 
| Taxation                                           |      (0.8) |  |     (1.5) | 
| Loss for the period                                |      (0.2) |  |     (6.5) | 
|                                                    |            |  |           | 
| Consideration (net of disposal costs)              |      84.4  |  |        -  | 
| Total net assets disposed of                       |     (72.5) |  |        -  | 
| Pre-tax gain on disposal                           |      11.9  |  |        -  | 
| Taxation                                           |     (13.2) |  |        -  | 
| Loss on disposal                                   |      (1.3) |  |        -  | 
|                                                    |            |  |           | 
| Retained loss from discontinued operations         |      (1.5) |  |    (6.5)  | 
10.Disposals /continued... 
Total Net Assets disposed of 
|                                                    |       2008 |  |      2007 | 
|                                                    |       GBPm |  |      GBPm | 
|                                                    |            |  |           | 
| Goodwill                                           |      28.5  |  |        -  | 
| Intangible assets                                  |      17.0  |  |        -  | 
| Property, plant and equipment                      |       2.2  |  |        -  | 
| Stock                                              |      26.4  |  |        -  | 
| Trade and other receivables                        |      16.3  |  |        -  | 
| Trade and other payables                           |     (17.9) |  |        -  | 
|                                                    |      72.5  |  |        -  | 
Cash Received for Disposals 
|                                                    |           2008 |  |      2007 | 
|                                                    |           GBPm |  |      GBPm | 
|                                                    |                |  |           | 
| Cash consideration                                 |          87.1  |  |         - | 
|                                                    |                |  |           | 
| Costs                                              |          (2.7) |  |         - | 
| Tax liability                                      |         (13.2) |  |         - | 
| Pension contribution                               |          (2.1) |  |         - | 
|                                                    |                |  |           | 
| Net cash received in the year from the disposal of |          69.1  |  |         - | 
| Johnson Clothing Limited                           |                |  |           | 
| Net cash received in the year from the disposal of |           2.6  |  |         - | 
| CCM                                                |                |  |           | 
| Net cash received in respect of disposals                 |   71.7  |  |         - | 
| included within the Cash Flow Statement                   |         |  |           | 
The cash flows (excluding proceeds from disposal) from discontinued operations 
included within the consolidated Cash Flow Statement are as follows: 
|                                                    |       2008 |  |      2007 | 
|                                                    |       GBPm |  |      GBPm | 
|                                                    |            |  |           | 
| Net cash (used in) / generated from operating      |      (5.4) |  |      0.9  | 
| activities                                         |            |  |           | 
| Net cash generated from / (used in) investing      |       2.1  |  |     (1.5) | 
| activities                                         |            |  |           | 
| Net cash flow                                      |      (3.3) |  |     (0.6) | 
11.Reconciliation Of Net Cash Inflow To Movement In Net Debt 
|             |    2008 |        |    2007 | 
|             |    GBPm |        |    GBPm | 
|             |         |        |         | 
| (Decrease)  |  (11.1) |        |    5.0  | 
| / increase  |         |        |         | 
| in cash in  |         |        |         | 
| year        |         |        |         | 
| Cash        |  100.5  |        |  (30.6) | 
| outflow     |         |        |         | 
| /  (inflow) |         |        |         | 
| on change   |         |        |         | 
| in debt and |         |        |         | 
| lease       |         |        |         | 
| financing   |         |        |         | 
| Change      |   89.4  |        |  (25.6) | 
| in net      |         |        |         | 
| debt        |         |        |         | 
| resulting   |         |        |         | 
| from cash   |         |        |         | 
| flows       |         |        |         | 
|             |         |        |         | 
| Movement    |    0.6  |        |   (0.4) | 
| in          |         |        |         | 
| unamortised |         |        |         | 
| issue costs |         |        |         | 
| of bank     |         |        |         | 
| loans       |         |        |         | 
| Movement    |   90.0  |        |  (26.0) | 
| in net      |         |        |         | 
| debt in     |         |        |         | 
| year        |         |        |         | 
| Opening     | (168.5) |        | (142.5) | 
| net         |         |        |         | 
| debt        |         |        |         | 
| Closing     |  (78.5) |        | (168.5) | 
| net         |         |        |         | 
| debt        |         |        |         | 
12.Analysis of Net Debt 
Net debt is calculated as total borrowings less cash and cash equivalents, less 
unamortised facility fees. 
|             |      At |   Cash |    Other |       At | 
|             |       1 |   Flow | Non-cash |       31 | 
|             | January |   GBPm |  Changes | December | 
|             |    2008 |        |     GBPm |     2008 | 
|             |    GBPm |        |          |     GBPm | 
|             |         |        |          |          | 
| Cash        |   16.3  | (11.1) |        - |     5.2  | 
| and         |         |        |          |          | 
| cash        |         |        |          |          | 
| equivalents |         |        |          |          | 
| Debt        | (106.8) | 103.5  |      0.2 |    (3.1) | 
| due         |         |        |          |          | 
| within      |         |        |          |          | 
| one         |         |        |          |          | 
| year        |         |        |          |          | 
| Debt        |  (75.0) |  (4.0) |      0.4 |   (78.6) | 
| due         |         |        |          |          | 
| after       |         |        |          |          | 
| more        |         |        |          |          | 
| than        |         |        |          |          | 
| one         |         |        |          |          | 
| year        |         |        |          |          | 
| Finance     |   (3.0) |   1.0  |        - |    (2.0) | 
| leases      |         |        |          |          | 
|             | (168.5) |  89.4  |      0.6 |   (78.5) | 
Non-cash changes represent the effects of amortising issue costs relating to 
bank loans. 
13.Abridged Accounts 
The financial information set out above does not constitute the Company's 
statutory accounts for the years ended 31st December 2008 or 31st December 2007 
within the meaning of Section 240 of the Companies Act 1985, but is derived from 
those accounts. 
Statutory accounts for 2007 have been delivered to the Registrar of Companies, 
and those for 2008 will be delivered as soon as practicable but not later than 
30th April 2009. The Auditors have reported on those accounts; their reports 
were unqualified and did not contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) of the 
Companies Act 1985. 
14.Preliminary Announcement 
A copy of this Preliminary Announcement is available on request to all 
Shareholders by post from The Company Secretary, Johnson Service Group PLC, 
Johnson House, Abbots Park, Monks Way, Preston Brook, Cheshire WA7 3GH.  The 
Announcement can also be accessed on the Internet at www.johnsonplc.com. 
The Annual Report will be posted to Shareholders on or before the 25th March 
The Preliminary Announcement was approved by the Board of Directors on 
10th March 2009. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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