Meikles Limited 
                   (FORMERLY Kingdom Meikles Africa Limited) 
                       (FORMERLY Meikles Africa Limited) 
   (A public company incorporated in the Republic of Zimbabwe in 1937 under 
                       company registration number 1/37) 
  Directors: F. Rwodzi (Non-executive Chairman), B. Beaumont (Chief Executive 
Officer)*, O. Makamba (Finance and Administration)*, T. Cameron*, B. Chimhini*, 
            R. Meiring* A. Mills*, M. Wood*, R. Chidembo, K. Ncube. 
     Address: 6th Floor Thomas Meikle Centre 99 Jason Moyo Avenue, Harare 
                     and an abridged Pre-Listing Statement 
                           Group Financial Advisors 
                       Imara Corporate Finance Zimbabwe 
                               (Private) Limited 
           Sponsoring Broker                        Legal Advisors 
       Imara Edwards Securities                  Scanlen & Holderness 
           (Private) Limited                       Legal Practioners 
  Auditors and Independent Reporting    Share Transfer Secretaries in Zimbabwe 
           Deloitte & Touche                    ZB Transfer Secretaries 
   Chartered Accountants (Zimbabwe)                (Private) Limited 
                   PART1: Chairman's Letter to shareholders 
1. Introduction 
This Abridged Circular presents the salient information in relation to the 
Proposed transaction or the demerger of Kingdom Financial Holdings Limited 
("KFHL") from Meikles Limited ("Meikles" or "the Group"), the detailed terms 
and conditions of which are more fully set out in the Circular to shareholders 
("the Circular"). The Circular should accordingly be read in its entirety for a 
full appreciation of the rationale for, and the implications of the Proposed 
transaction, as well as with regard to determining the action required by 
Meikles shareholders with respect to the corporate actions outlined in this 
Abridged Circular to shareholders. 
2. Details and rationale for the demerger 
At the extraordinary general meeting ("EGM") of Meikles held on 22nd June 2009 
shareholders passed certain resolutions authorising the Board of director of 
Meikles to demerge KFHL from Meikles. To date the demerger has not been 
implemented both due to the issues Meikles faced at the end of 2009 and early 
2010 and due to the non-fulfilment of all of the demerger's conditions 
precedent. These issues are largely resolved and the Board now proposes that 
the demerger takes place. In order to give effect to the administrative 
requirements of the demerger, it is necessary to rescind certain resolutions 
passed at the 22nd June 2009 extraordinary general meeting and to pass the 
Resolutions proposed by the Board. 
Shareholders are however advised that in the event that an offer acceptable to 
the Board for the purchase of the Meikles' shares in KFHL is received prior to 
the date of the EGM being the 13th of October 2010, an amended EGM Notice 
incorporating a resolution so that shareholders can vote on the offer, together 
with details of such offer, a recommendation from the Board, and a new form of 
proxy will be sent to shareholders. In the event that there is insufficient 
time between the EGM date and the date the amended EGM Notice is sent, the 
Chairman will propose the meeting be adjourned to enable shareholders to 
consider the amended EGM Notice and in particular such offer. 
The Proposed transaction will upon implementation result in the demerger of 
KFHL from Meikles by way of a dividend in specie to Meikles shareholders of all 
shares held by Meikles in KFHL. Post demerger, shareholders may resolve to list 
KFHL on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Meikles Shareholders registered as such on 
the Record Date will receive KFHL shares in terms of the Distribution Ratio, 
being two (2) shares in KFHL for every one (1) existing Meikles Share already 
held as at the Record Date. 
There are a number of reasons for the Proposed transaction, but the principal 
ones are: 
  * To establish KFHL as a dedicated stand-alone business attractive to 
    investors and able to pursue business ventures within the banking and 
    financial services sector in Zimbabwe; 
  * To enable the two companies to raise funding with conditions suitable for 
    the type of businesses they are in; 
  * To enable Meikles and KFHL to report independently to the public and be 
    judged correctly when compared to similar businesses; and 
  * To unlock shareholder value and allow the two businesses to expand and grow 
    on their own merits. 
2.1 Withholding Tax 
According to the Income Tax Act (Chapter 23:06) withholding tax is payable on 
dividends paid by listed companies. Meikles will withhold 10% of the number of 
the shares of KFHL to pay withholding tax to ZIMRA, from the relevant 
3. Meikles Extra ordinary General Meeting 
To give effect to the Proposed transaction, Meikles shareholders are being 
asked to attend the EGM, to be held at 9:00 hours on the 13th of October 2010 
in the Mirabelle Room, Meikles Hotel, Corner of Third Street and Jason Moyo 
Avenue, to approve the Resolutions, details of which are set out in the Notice 
appearing in Part 3 of the Circular to shareholders which will be sent out 
The Resolutions are ordinary resolutions, requiring 51% of the vote for 
approval by the Meikles shareholders present or represented by proxy at the 
4. Terms of the Proposed Transaction and its effect on Meikles Share Capital 
Salient terms of the Proposed transaction are as follows: 
Nominal value of Ordinary shares                                       US$ 0,01 
Current number of Meikles authorised Ordinary                       400,000,000 
Current number of Meikles Ordinary Shares under the                 154,625,209 
control of the Directors 
Current number of Meikles Ordinary Shares in issue                  245,374,791 
and held by Shareholders before the Proposed 
Distribution ratio                                    2 KFHL shares for every 1 
                                                                  Meikles share 
Number of KFHL shares to be declared as a dividend                  490,749,582 
in specie by Meikles to Meikles shareholders 
pursuant to the Proposed transaction 
5. Conditions Precedent 
The implementation of the demerger transaction is conditional upon KFHL (i) 
meeting the requirements of both KFHL's Memorandum and Articles of Association 
and the Companies Act (Chapter 24:03) for the reduction of KFHL's share capital 
by the amount of US$22,500,000 and (ii) the successful implementation of the 
aforementioned reduction of KFHL's share capital so as to regularize the 
transfer from KFHL to Meikles of the KFHL debt. The demerger transaction shall 
be of no force or effect unless such condition precedent is satisfied. 
The demerger transaction is subject to all necessary regulatory approvals. 
6. Summary Historical Financial Information on meikles Limited 
Meikles Limited Financial Highlights               30 June 2010    30 June 2009 
                                                      Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                            US$             US$ 
Continuing Operations 
Revenue                                             114,265,338      40,067,572 
Operating loss                                      (1,239,306)       (720,782) 
Loss before tax                                     (2,879,362)       (413,572) 
Loss for the period from continuing operations      (1,916,026)       (432,223) 
after tax 
Disposal Group 
Profit for the period from disposal group             2,240,798       1,012,413 
(Loss)/Profit for the period                            324,772         580,190 
Other Comprehensive (loss)/income for the           (1,315,036)       2,119,482 
period net of tax 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income for the             (990,264)       2,699,672 
Profit/(loss) attributable to: 
Equity owners of the parent                             574,969         658,616 
Non-controlling interests                             (250,197)        (78,426) 
                                                        324,772         580,190 
Total comprehensive (loss)/income attributable 
Equity owners of the parent                           (740,067)       2,778,098 
Non-controlling interests                             (250,197)        (78,426) 
                                                      (990,264)       2,699,672 
Earnings per share from continued and                      0.23            0.27 
discontinued operations (US cents) 
Dividend per share                                            -               - 
Dividend cover                                                -               - 
7. Pro-Forma Financial Information 
The information set out in this paragraph should be read in conjunction with 
the report of the Independent Reporting Accountants on the Unaudited Pro forma 
Financial Information of Meikles in APPENDIX 2 of the Circular. The pro forma 
financial information presented below is for illustrative purposes only and due 
to its nature, cannot give a complete picture of the financial position of the 
Group after the Proposed transaction. 
8. Pro forma statement of Financial Position as at 30 June 2010 
MEIKLES LIMITED                                      INTERIM          PRO-FORMA 
                                                    PROPOSED           PROPOSED 
POSITION                                         TRANSACTION        TRANSACTION 
AT 30 JUNE 2010                                          US$                US$ 
Non-current assets 
Property, plant and equipment                     80,715,469         80,715,469 
Investment property                                   71,434             71,434 
Biological assets                                  4,322,780          4,322,780 
Other financial assets and investments             4,553,468          4,553,468 
Intangible assets - trademarks                       309,157            309,157 
Deferred tax                                         796,329            796,329 
Balances with the Reserve Bank of                 12,861,885         35,361,885 
Total non-current assets                         103,630,522        126,130,522 
Current assets 
Inventories                                       26,856,910         26,856,910 
Trade and other receivables                        8,775,124          9,187,687 
Other financial assets                               770,755            770,755 
Cash and cash equivalents                          5,618,099          5,618,099 
Assets classified as held for sale or            171,557,722         38,834,902 
Total current assets                             213,578,610         81,268,353 
Total assets                                     317,209,132        207,398,875 
Capital and reserves 
Share capital                                              1                  1 
Non-distributable reserves                       106,315,270         57,815,270 
(Accumulated loss)/Retained earnings            (21,993,037)         49,006,963 
Capital and reserves relating to assets 
classified as held for 
sale or distribution                              51,338,124         15,833,867 
Equity attributable to equity holders of         135,660,358        122,656,101 
Non-controlling interests                          1,075,585          1,075,585 
Total equity                                     136,735,943        123,731,686 
Non-current liabilities 
Borrowings                                           845,173            845,173 
Deferred tax                                      13,769,769         13,769,769 
Total non-current liabilities                     14,614,942         14,614,942 
Current liabilities 
Trade and other payables                          22,603,323         24,750,807 
Other financial liabilities                          432,171            432,171 
Short term borrowings                             27,021,302         27,021,302 
Liabilities relating to assets 
classified as held for sale or 
distribution                                     115,801,451         16,847,967 
Total current liabilities                        165,858,247         69,052,247 
Total liabilities                                180,473,189         83,667,189 
Total equity and liabilities                     317,209,132        207,398,875 
Net asset value per share                               0.56               0.50 
1. Assumptions for preparation of pro-forma accounts 
The pro-forma statement of financial position was prepared on the basis of 
unaudited financial information for Meikles and for KFHL at 30 June 2010 
assuming that the entities demerged at that date. 
The demerger process is based on the declaration of a distribution-in-specie of 
Meikles total shareholding in KFHL. This would result in Meikles shareholders 
owning KFHL shares directly. 
2. KFHL consolidated statement of financial position 
The summarised statement of financial position for KFHL is as follows: 
                                                  BEFORE THE          AFTER THE 
                                                    TRANSFER           TRANSFER 
                                               OF THE $22,5M      OF THE $22,5M 
                                                         US$                US$ 
Total assets before Group eliminations           134,891,568        112,391,568 
Group eliminations                               (2,168,748)        (2,168,748) 
Total assets                                     132,722,820        110,222,820 
Total liabilities before Group                    99,366,047         99,366,047 
Group eliminations                                 (412,563)          (412,563) 
Total liabilities                                 98,953,484         98,953,484 
Net assets                                        33,769,336         11,269,336 
Equity before Group eliminations                  35,525,521         13,025,321 
Group eliminations                                  (21,265)           (21,265) 
Total equity                                      35,504,256         13,004,256 
2.1 The US$22,500,000 currently vests in KFHL. The statement of financial 
position after the demerger transaction assumes the condition precedent in 
paragraph 5 has been fulfilled and that all the processes and procedures 
required to effect the return of the US$22,500,000 that was invested by Meikles 
to recapitalise KFHL in 2008 are satisfied. 
2.2 The statement also assumes that ordinary resolution number 4 as set out in 
the Circular in respect of the transfer of US$71,000,000 from the Group's non 
distributable reserves to the Group's distributable reserves is passed. 
9. FUTURE PROSPECTS for the group 
Post demerger, Meikles will comprise of its remaining subsidiaries comprising 
TM Supermarkets (Private) Limited, Meikles Africa Hotels, Tanganda Tea Company 
and Thomas Meikle Stores (Private) Limited. Meikles continues to recover from 
the negative effects of the past two years and is optimistic with regards to 
trading for the remainder of the year 2010, where it hopes that all companies 
and divisions will return to profitability. 
10. Recent Acquisitions and Disposals 
Apart from its intention to dispose of the Cape Grace Hotel, Meikles has not 
made any recent disposal or acquisitions. 
11. Material Changes 
Other than the effect to the financial performance of the Group resulting from 
the disposals outlined in paragraph 10 of this document, there have been no 
material changes in the trading and financial position of Meikles and its 
subsidiaries since the end of the first half of the financial year, ended 30 
June 2010. 
12. Facts and events which may have a Material Adverse Effect on Meikles 
As an investment holding company operating in the current economic climate in 
Zimbabwe, Meikles is exposed to the particular set of challenges that prevail. 
These include, but are not limited to: 
Adjustment to dollarisation and the associated cost increments resulting from 
Foreign exchange rate movements with regard to the South African Rand; 
Changes in the levels of disposable incomes and spending patterns in Zimbabwe; 
The level of business and tourist arrivals into Zimbabwe. 
13. Directors Interests 
As at 20 September 2010, (being the Last Practicable Date before the 
publication of this document), the Directors, directly and/or indirectly, held 
beneficial interests aggregating approximately 6,941,248 Meikles shares 
representing approximately 2.83% of the issued share capital of the Group. 
Details of the direct and indirect interests held by the Meikles Directors in 
Meikles shares are set out below: 
Director                         Number of shares held Share options held under 
                               directly and indirectly   Meikles Share Purchase 
                                                 as at   Scheme at 20 September 
                                     20 September 2010 
F. Rwodzi                                            -                        - 
B. Beaumont                                          -                        - 
O. Makamba                                     278,353                        - 
B. Chimhini                                     10,703                        - 
T. Cameron                                     468,614                        - 
R. Meiring                                     600,601                        - 
A. Mills                                       129,149                        - 
M. Wood                                        840,782                        - 
K. Ncube                                             -                        - 
R. Chidembo                                  4,613,046                        - 
Total                                        6,941,248                        - 
Meikles historic dividend policy has been 3 to 3½ times cover of operating cash 
flows. However such policy is reviewed from time to time to take into account 
various economic and operating factors. Dividends are payable when the 
directors of the Group deem it fit to do so. 
15. Authorisation and approvals for the Proposed Transaction 
Authorisation for the Proposed demerger will be sought from Shareholders at the 
EGM scheduled for 13 October 2010. Any regulatory approvals required for the 
demerger will be sought by the Board. Naturally, the Proposed transaction can 
only be implemented once those approvals have been obtained. 
16. Other Listings 
Meikles has a secondary listing on the LSE where 4,556,899 shares are listed on 
the main board. The suspension of trading in Meikles shares on the bourse was 
still in effect as at the Last Practicable Date. 
17. Adequacy of Capital 
The Directors are of the opinion that the Group's share capital and working 
capital are adequate for the foreseeable future. 
18. Working Capital and Cash Flow 
The Directors are of the opinion that the available working capital is 
sufficient to cover the cash flow requirements of the Group. 
19. Major Shareholders 
According to the information received by the Directors, the following table 
details the shareholders beneficially holding directly or indirectly at 20 
September 2010 being the Last Practicable Date in excess of 5% of the share 
capital of the Group: 
Shareholder                                          Shares At       % of Total 
                                             20 September 2010 
EW Capital Holdings (Private) Limited               25,899,448            10.56 
JRTM Investments (Private) Limited                  21,337,915             8.70 
ASH Investments (Private) Limited                   21,115,769             8.60 
FPS Investments (Private) Limited                   20,980,949             8.55 
ACM Investments (Private) Limited                   20,958,030             8.54 
APWM Investments (Private) Limited                  20,958,030             8.54 
Old Mutual Assurance Company Zimbabwe               16,929,486             6.90 
Total                                              148,179,627            60.39 
EW Capital Holdings (Private) Limited entered into an option agreement to sell 
its shareholding to a consortium chaired by R. Chidembo with an effective date 
of 1 October 2009. Mr. R. Chidembo is a Non-executive Director of the Group. 
20. Litigation Statement 
During the past twelve months the Group has settled litigation proceedings 
against a representative of the Group's major shareholders, Mr. John Moxon, and 
a related entity, Coolboy Investments (Proprietary) Limited and against Mentor 
Holdings Limited 
There has been interaction with the RBZ on the purported exchange control 
violations raised by the RBZ from its investigation of the Group in 2008. Going 
forward it is anticipated that these purported issues will be resolved. 
Save for the cases mentioned above, the Group is not involved in any litigation 
or arbitration proceedings which may have, or which have had, during the 12 
months preceding the date of the Circular to shareholders, a significant effect 
on the financial position of the Group, nor is the Group aware that any such 
proceedings are pending or threatening 
21. Action to be taken by Meikles Limited Shareholders 
Attend the EGM to approve the Resolutions. 
Meikles Limited Shareholders who are unable to attend the EGM, but who wish to 
be represented thereat, should complete and sign the Proxy Form included with 
this Document and ensure it is either returned or posted to ZB Transfer 
Secretaries, Central Scrip Administration, 1st Floor ZB Centre, 1st Street, 
Harare, or Computershare Services Plc P.O. Box 82, The Pavilions, Bridgewater, 
Bristol BS99 7NH, Bristol, or the registered offices of the Group being, 6th 
Floor 99 Jason Moyo Avenue Harare so that it is received by the Share Transfer 
Secretaries no later than 9:00 hours on 11 October 2010. 
Meikles Limited Shareholders may attend the meeting in person, notwithstanding 
the completion and return of a Proxy Form. In order to attend the EGM, persons 
who have recently acquired Meikles shares which have not been registered in 
their names should ensure that such registration is effected on or before the 
close of business being 16:30 hours on 11 October 2010. 
22. Important dates 
Important Dates 
Notice of EGM published                                             6 September 
Salient features of the Proposed Demerger published                23 September 
Document posted                                                    24 September 
Last day for registering for voting at the EGM                       11 October 
Last day for lodging Proxy Forms for the EGM (by 9:00 hours)         11 October 
Meikles EGM (at 9:00 hours)                                          13 October 
Announcement and publication of the results of the EGM and Record    15 October 
Record Date (Meikles share register closed at 16:30 hours)           29 October 
Meikles share register re-opens, shares trade ex-dividend            1 November 
The above dates are subject to change and any amendments will be published in 
the press. 
23. Experts Consents 
The Group Financial Advisers, Sponsoring Brokers, Legal Advisers, Auditors and 
Independent Reporting Accountants and Transfer Secretaries have submitted their 
written consents to act in the capacities stated and to their names being 
stated in the Circular, and these consents have not been withdrawn as at 20 
September 2010. 
Between 27 September 2010 and 11 October 2010, copies of the following 
documents will be available for inspection, during normal working hours, at the 
Zimbabwean office of the Group, as well as ZB Transfer Secretaries (Private) 
Limited, at their respective company addresses set out in the Circular to 
The Memorandum and Articles of Association of Meikles; 
The written consents detailed in paragraph 23 of this press announcement; 
Significant contracts of the company; 
Latest valuations of immovable property of the group; 
The audited financial statements of Meikles referred to in the Independent 
Reporting Accountants Report, for the year ended 31 December 2009; 
The Independent Accountants Report on the financial information of Meikles for 
the six month period ending 30 June 2010; and 
The Independent Reporting Accountants Reports on the interim and pro forma 
financial information on Meikles. 
25. Delivery/Collection of Circular to Shareholders 
Shareholders are advised that the Circular to Shareholders will be posted from 
Friday 24 September 2010. Shareholders may also contact the transfer 
secretaries, ZB Transfer Secretaries (Private) Limited regarding the Circular. 
26. Queries 
If you have any questions on any aspects of this Document, please contact your 
stockbroker, accountant, banker, legal practitioner or other professional 
advisor, or Nicholas Ralph at Imara, Block Two, Tendeseka Office Park, Samora 
Machel Avenue, Harare, Zimbabwe; Telephone number +263 4 701320; Fax +263 4 
701319; E-mail: nickr@imaracapital.com 
27. Opinions and Voting Recommendations 
The Directors consider the transaction to be fair and reasonable so far as the 
Shareholders of Meikles are concerned and to be the best interests of the 
Group. Accordingly the Directors unanimously recommend that Shareholders vote 
in favour of the proposed transaction 
Yours faithfully, 
Farai Rwodzi 
Non-executive Chairman of the Board 

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