RNS No 8859t
9th April 1998

Pex plc Preliminary Audited Results Announcement

Pex  plc,  the  UK's  largest  maker of children's  socks  and  tights  and  a
manufacturer of outdoor leisure socks, announces its preliminary  results  for
the year ending 31 December 1997.

Highlights are as follows:

- Turnover            #14.5 million (#10.2 million)
- Profit before tax   #263,000 (#507,000)
- Earnings per share  0.17p (0.6p)
- Dividend            0.1p (nil)

Commenting  on  the  results, chairman Andrea Cattaneo Della  Volta  said:  "A
Particularly  mild  autumn  and early winter have  hit  sales  throughout  the
clothing  industry and Pex was no exception.  Profits were also undermined  by
weaknesses  in production, which have been addressed by the appointment  of  a
new  head of production.  Meanwhile, the company has broadened its range,  and
strengthened  its  marketing, its reliability and product  innovation  all  of
which are expected to strengthen the group during 1998.  Since the year end we
have  made a significant acquisition in Sockwise, taking us into adult  socks,
and  have  raised additional capital in a one-for-four rights issue.   Current
trading is above budget and, as a mark of confidence for the future, the board
is pleased to recommend a return to the dividend list".

Chairman's Statement

It  is  my  pleasure to report my second year on the Board of Pex plc  and  to
present a set of results for 1997 that reflects the continuing changes in  the

In  the  Chairman's interim statement for the first half of 1997 it was stated
that  the  Company was making progress year on year.  However, the results  of
the  second half of the year demonstrated that the qualities that we  believed
your  Company had achieved, were not yet sufficient to guarantee  the  desired
increase in profits.

Trading Review

Particularly due to the mild weather, (a factor that has had a major impact on
the  whole  clothing industry) sales in October, November  and  December  were
lower than expected. Your Company made a pre-tax profit of #263,000 against  a
profit  in the 11 months period to the 31 December 1996 of #507,000.  Turnover
(including  for  the  first time the full contribution of our  new  subsidiary
Bridgedale 2000 Ltd.) has reached #14,497,000 up from #10,240,000.

Disappointing   sales  were  not  the  only  reason  for  declining   profits.
Shortcomings  on the production side created excessive costs compared  to  the
budget, the dye house and packaging of socks and tights.


Consolidated sales increased by 41.57% from #10.240m to #14.497m.   Bridgedale
realised a turnover of #4.085m and Pex #10.412m.


The  consolidated profit before interest and taxes decreased 14%  to  #0.645m.
The consolidated profit before taxes and dividends was #0.263m or c. 0.17p per

One  of  the major constituents of cost of sales has been the cost of  dyeing.
This  increased  considerably in the year and the management  team  is  taking
steps  to  bring  this area of expenditure back into line.  Conversely,  as  a
result  of better negotiation and the strength of the pound, the cost  of  raw
materials has fallen by some 27%.

Bought  in finished goods and such constructed work increased respectively  by
18.82% and 24.28%.

The financial charges of the group amounted to #0.382m against #0.243m in 1996
and the exceptional reorganisation costs and costs incurred in the analysis of
new targets amounted to #0.3m.  The net profit after taxes is #0.220m.

The  strong pound had a negative effect on our results.  The Company  incurred
some #0.127m negative exchange difference.

In  Pex the overhead costs in 1997 were more than 49% of sales.  The target of
your  Board  is  to decrease those to 25% over a period of 3 years.   For  the
group  these  amounted to, on average, 25% this demonstrates that acquisitions
such as Bridgedale have a positive impact on the spread of overhead costs  and
improve our competitiveness.

The new computer system that has been installed in the finance department will
enable  the  Company to have a tighter financial control, and  promote  better
service  to  the  customer through simplified invoices,  fewer  credit  notes,
better picking lists, and shorter delivery periods.

The year 2000 problem has been addressed and the software has the facility  to
deal with this and the Euro currency.

Capital expenditure

During the year the group spent over #1m (excluding the purchase of the assets
of Bridgedale) on the purchase of new machinery.

The  Company  will  continue to improve productivity and quality  through  the
replacement of machinery where and when needed.

Markets of the Enlarged Group

Pex  plc  operated during 1997 in two areas of sock manufacture.   The  first,
children's,  is the historic activity of your company.  In this area  we  have
experienced the reduction of sales, to which I have already referred.

Your Company is now perceived by the major customers in the United Kingdom for
our  products  in  the British Isles' market as a reliable  supplier  of  good
products.  Generally, the main reason for concern by big retailers in  Britain
is  reliability of delivery time and quality control and we have achieved  the
recognition as one of the lowest risk suppliers in the industry.

In the branded sector your Company has finalised - within an economical budget
- the complete redesign of the Pex children socks logo.

The second area in which your Company operates is the area of making technical
outdoor  and  leisure socks.  In January 1997 we have made an important  entry
into  this  new activity through the acquisition of the business of Bridgedale
from The Hartstone Group Plc.

Bridgedale  has  progressed well and turned round from losses varying  between
#300,000 - #400,000 in the last four years, to an operating profit of  #91,000
for  the  first 6 months and a net profit of #32,000 before taxation  for  the
full year 1997.

The  recent launch of a complete new range of ski and hiking socks shows  that
Bridgedale  is now emerging as a leading European producer of most  innovative
sports socks.

Post Balance Sheet Events

During  the  month  of  August 1997 we started negotiations  to  purchase  the
business of Sockwise Ltd, an 80% owned subsidiary of Towles PLC (at that  time
Towles being in receivership), a textiles group.

As  described in the circular mailed to shareholders on 25 February 1998,  and
the  subsequent  EGM  held  on 13 March 1998, where various  resolutions  were
passed, the acquisition of Sockwise's assets has been completed.

As shareholders are aware, we also launched an increase of capital by way of a
1  for 4 right issue of 33,478,961 ordinary shares at 3p each which received a
majority vote, at the EGM on 13 March 1998.

During  February 1998 we sold our premises at 577 Aylestone Road for  #750,000
but  at the same time signed a lease contract with the new owner allowing Pex,
from  the date of completion, to rent part of the premises for a period of  up
to  3  years.  This allows time to gradually transfer Pex's operations to  new
premises  with  the  aim  of ultimately transferring all  sites  to  a  single
location.  The only exception is Bridgedale, which will continue to operate in
Northern Ireland.

Future Strategy

Today  the  group has the capacity to produce 20 million pairs of socks  p.a.,
including  high  quality  outdoor and leisure socks at  Bridgedale,  baby  and
children's  socks  and  tights at Pex and now men's  and  women's  socks  with

Your Company aims to be the socks and hosiery leader in the United Kingdom and
eventually Europe.

This  is  not  a short term strategy; this involves broadening  our  range  of
products  and winning market share, which your board believes is now  well  in

The  first step has been to broaden our range of products.  The arrival of new
management and the existing qualities of our commercial product permit  us  to
consider entering new areas of the hosiery market.

The  variety  of  management  skills within the Company  roof  permits  us  to
consider  broadening  our activity to the production and  the  outsourcing  of
socks  from  low  cost  overseas locations.  We still produce  better  quality
products  than  Eastern European and Asian countries,  but  they  are  getting
better  every day.  To keep ahead of them we should pay a lot of attention  to
the  quality of our products, to service and to productivity.  These  are  the
main targets for the coming year.

In  addition, your Board also believes that we should have the opportunity  to
exploit  our technical know-how and the business opportunities offered through
the   trading  of  sock  making  machines  and  related  equipment   presents.
Consequently,  your  Board  considers  extending  its  activities   into   the
manufacture  of  the machines for our industry, through the acquisition  of  a
participation in an existing machine producer.

The  recent acquisition of Sockwise brings new products into the group,  men's
and women's socks.

The  acquisition  of Sockwise was achieved with negative goodwill  which  will
give rise to a profit of #0.9m over a period of three years.

The  year 1997 was as expected, a year where the reorganisation of the Company
was continued.  The production organisation was changed towards the end of the
year, a new logo and modern packaging were launched at year-end giving rise to
additional "on-off" costs.

Board Changes

During the period under review, the Board was strengthened on 13 October  1997
by  the  appointment  of  Ian  Reeves  as Non-executive  Director  and  Deputy
Chairman.  Mr Reeves, aged 53, is Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive of High-
Point  Rendel Group PLC and a past Chairman of the London Regional Council  of
the Confederation of British Industry.

As  Nigel  Graham Maw retired as Chairman on 14 October 1997, I took over  the
role of the Chairman combining it with that of Chief Executive.

David Paget resigned as Production Director and General Manager on 25 November
1997,  and  a  few days later Mr Keith Warwick, a sock specialist  from  Coats
Viyella's sock division, joined our management team as Head of Production.

The  Board intends to appoint further non-executive Directors as soon  as  the
appropriate  candidates, who we believe can add value to your  business,  have
been identified.

Corporate Governance

The  Board  supports the principles embodied in the Cadbury Code ("the  Code")
and  recognises that the prime responsibility for implementing the  Code  lies
with  the  Board and that shareholders are entitled to information as  to  the
extent  to which it has not yet complied and, to what is being done to redress
the areas where there is not yet full compliance.

During  the  period  under  review the Board of Directors  included  two  non-
executive  directors  ("NEDs") (Nigel Graham Maw and  Ian  Reeves),  and  four
executive  Directors (Mq Andrea Cattaneo Della Volta, Yves De  Poorter,  David
Paget, who resigned on 25 November 1997, and Shane Bray).  However, since  the
appointment of Ian Reeves coincided with the resignation of Nigel  Graham  Maw
(the two events being totally unrelated), there is and has been throughout the
year one NED at Pex.

We  realise the need to make further NED appointments to comply with the  Code
and  accordingly  steps  have  been taken.  We  have  conducted  a  number  of
interviews and several approaches have been made.  We will continue our active
search for further NEDs and hope to be able to announce an appointment in  the
near future.

Whilst  the  Hampel  Report and the Combined Code are not applicable  for  the
period  under review, we acknowledge the recommendations of the Hampel  Report
and  the  proposal to implement the Combined Code.  Consequently, the  Company
and the Board in particular will consider a review of its corporate governance
framework and procedures in the light of the adoption of the Combined Code and
report accordingly in next year's Reports and Accounts.


Your  Company's continued success and further progress depend upon the  skills
and  commitment  of the Directors and the management team and  staff,  whom  I
would like to thank for their efforts.

In the current year, we will continue to focus our energy on:

a)  increasing our market share which is principally dependant on  reliability
and product innovation;
b) continuously improving production capacity and productivity;
c) maintaining our sound financial position pursuing our corporate development
strategy  with  the objective of becoming the European leader  and  delivering
strong growth over the medium term in profits and earnings per share.

I  am  particularly  proud to announce the return to  the  dividend  list,  by
recommending the payment of a modest 0.08p per share (equivalent  to  a  gross
dividend of 0.1p per share).  This shows our progress and our determination to
satisfy shareholders.

Mq Andrea Cattaneo Della Volta
Chairman and Chief Executive


Mq Andrea Cattaneo Della Volta
Pex plc
Tel: 0116 283 3461



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