RNS Number : 1112D
  SMC Group Plc
  10 September 2008

    10th September 2008
    SMC Group Plc

    Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008

    SMC Group Plc (SMC.L), the architects and design businesses announces its Interim Results for the six months ended 30 June 2008.


    *     Turnover increased by 4.3% to �22.0m (H1 2007: �21.1m)

    *     Continued international growth - non UK business now accounts for 13% of fee income, up c200% on H1 2007 with substantial growth
and expansion of operations in Asia and in the Middle East

    *     EBITDA increased by 183% to �3.4m (H1 2007: �1.2m*) 

    *     Last Twelve Months (LTM) to 30 June 2008 EBITDA of �7.4m* (up 43% compared to FY07 �5.2m*, up 126% compared to H1 07 �1.2m*) 

    *     Strong results achieved across Group - profitability improving across all divisions

    *     H1 2008 profit before tax of �1.6m vs H1 2007 loss before tax of �4.9m 

    *     Basic earnings per share 0.5p (2007: loss per share of 9.2p)

    *     Basic adjusted earnings per share 1.0p (2007: 0.5p) 

    *     Net debt reduced by �3.6m since December 2007 to �16.7m, substantially reducing the financial leverage from 3.77x to 2.25x LTM

    *     Banking facilities renewed with improved terms following the reduction of debt via open offer

    *     Deferred consideration renegotiated and paid resulting in related liability reduced from �11.7m (December 2007) to a maximum of
�2.3m dependent on Group share price performance

    *     Defensive characteristics of general business improved - public (defence and education) sector (35%) and international work (13%)
now accounts for 48% of forward order book

    *     Record order book visibility - 90% + of pipeline confirmed for the full year and 45%+ for 2009

    *     Chris Littlemore appointed as Chief Executive, Sir Rodney Walker resumed position of non-executive Chairman

    *     Clear regional operational structure, improved management and financial control in place
    *EBITDA stated pre exceptional items

    Sir Rodney Walker, non-executive Chairman said:

    "We are delighted to have achieved strong progress in the first half of the year following the significant changes implemented during
this period and as a result of the review of the business we undertook last year.

    "We have a high visibility of revenue, with a record order book in place, a diverse client-base, sector and geographical spread and are
confident in the platform we have for growth. We have opened new offices in our Asian business and expect to achieve further benefits of
integration through cross selling and cost reduction. We remain excited about the future and the prospects for the full year."

    For further information:

    SMC Group Plc Tel: +44 (0)20 7580 0400
    Chris Littlemore/Rob Boardman

    Numis Securities Limited Tel: +44 (0)20 7260 1000
    Stuart Skinner/Brent Nabbs (Nominated Adviser)
    /James Serjeant (Corporate Broking)

    Financial Dynamics Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 3113
    Jonathon Brill/Billy Clegg/Caroline Stewart
      Chairman's Statement
    Sir Rodney Walker

    We are pleased to have achieved a solid performance in the first six months of the year, following the significant efforts made last
year to re-structure the business model. SMC is now a stable, well managed, profitable business positioned for continued growth.  

    In the first six months of this year, we have achieved year on year turnover growth of 4% and an increase in EBITDA of 183%* mainly via
cost savings, but also due to improved performance across the business. The Group's balance sheet and net debt position have been enhanced
by the raising of �13.1m via the open offer in January and the simultaneous reduction of deferred consideration liabilities by �2.5m.

    We are pleased that we have grown our revenue from an increasingly diverse client base. We are satisfied with the balance on our order
book between private and public sector clients, and although we have not seen the impact of a downturn as yet, we believe that our approach
towards growing our client base will ensure the Group's business model is defensive.

    Our international division continues to be an exciting area of growth for the business, particularly the Far East. International clients
represented 11% of sales in the first half compared to just 2.5% in same period of 2007. In August we opened offices in Malaysia and we will
establish a presence in the UAE in September.  

    We have managed to extract further integration costs of the business as a result of streamlining the business model. We are on track to
achieve at least a further �1.0m of savings to be realised over the next two financial years of which approximately one third will impact in
this financial year. These were related to the further centralisation of administrative functions, including HR and group purchasing and the
regionalisation of the business. Working capital, in particular WIP and debtors remain under close scrutiny and control by the Board and
have remained stable since the year end. Excluding the effect of the unwinding of the exceptional charges incurred in 2007 in relation to
reorganisation and aborted transactions, the business continues to be operating cash flow positive. In addition to this the appointment of
regional directors and financial controllers is ensuring that we have tighter accountability and cost control across the Group.  

    Following the action we took to take costs out of the business, refinancing the deferred consideration and reducing the levels of debt,
we announced that we have agreed new favourable funding arrangements with HBOS. These improved terms include a structured re-payment of term
and overdraft facilities over the next five years.

    We were delighted to appoint Chris Littlemore as Chief Executive at the AGM in June, following hard work and the progress he delivered
for the Group as Managing Director from 1 February. His appointment and the near completion of the re-structuring process means the business
is now in a robust shape. I therefore stepped down from my executive role and have resumed the role of non executive Chairman.

    *EBITDA pre exceptional items


    We are pleased with the management and systems we now have in place, and believe that we have solid foundations to achieve further

    Following the period end all business divisions continue to show improving levels of profitability.

    We have high visibility of revenue with a record order book in place, a diverse client base and geographical spread and are confident in
the platform we have for growth. As well as expanding rapidly in Asia, we should benefit from further benefits of integration through cross
selling and cost reduction. Although we are aware of the challenging financial climate, we remain excited about the future and the prospects
for the full year. 

    Finally I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our colleagues for their continued support and their help in achieving
these results.

    Sir Rodney Walker
    Non-executive Chairman
    10th September 2008
      Chief Executive's Review
    Chris Littlemore

    I am delighted to be reporting these results as Chief Executive. Following the re-structuring of the Group its focus on one united goal,
these results demonstrate that the business in its current form has a solid platform for growth.  

    Financial Performance for the 6 months ended 30th June

    * Turnover increased 4% from �21.1m to �22.0m
    * EBITDA increased 183% from �1.2m (pre exceptional items) to �3.4m
    * PBT turned from loss of �4.9m to profit of �1.6m
    * Significant reduction in net debt/liabilities leading to increase in net assets of �14.35m

    Operational Performance

    SMC Group is the second largest architecture group in the UK, with an exciting fast growth international division. Our strategy has been
to focus on diversifying revenue streams. We now have a good balance between public and private clients as well as different international
clients across sectors including education, health and other publicly funded sports and leisure sources. Our international business has also
expanded rapidly and we opened a new office in Kuala Lumpur and will commence operations in the UAE shortly. These developments help
underpin the defensive qualities of the business.

    The restructured business has led to improved cross-fertilisation of revenues. An example is a joint team working on a major project in
the South West of England where leisure expertise from another part of the country has been combined with our local presence to win a major
commission. We believe that organic growth from such cross-fertilisation will continue to be achieved in the second half of the year.  

    We are increasingly operating as one business in respect of mainstream core UK architectural services. This has assisted both the
acquisition and delivery of work and we believe that this will be further enhanced by the forthcoming planned rebranding process.

    Key contract wins for the Group in the first half include:

    * Infrastructure projects in Dubai
    * Retail & mixed use developments in China, Malaysia, India and Singapore
    * Major supermarket projects in UK
    * Numerous government buildings in UK
    * Eco town masterplan in UK
    * Mixed use masterplans in Manchester, Croydon and South London
    * Affordable and private residential projects in UK

    Having harmonised our employment terms and conditions for all staff we continue to recruit to maintain and enhance the quality of our
staff in the UK in a market where qualified personnel are more readily available than 12 months ago.


    Our restructuring of the Group has enabled us to create a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Post period end, we are
pleased to report that all divisions of the Group are showing increasing levels of profitability. We will continue ensure the Group
maintains the defensive benefits of a diverse revenue stream, whilst positioning it for growth. At the same time we seek to leverage off the
scale and depth of our enterprise.  

    Specifically in the second half of the year we will continue to focus our strategy on:

    -    Organic expansion through cross selling
    -    Leverage market position by exploiting scale/critical mass
    -    Targeting of large, stable projects with public or secured funding
    -    Further international growth
    -    Providing high quality service to clients
    -    Continue to extract integration benefits and cost savings

    Despite the current economic climate we have 90% revenue visibility for the remainder of 2008 and 45% for 2009. With the prospect of a
rebranding and further reorganisation benefits to be completed I believe the Group is in position to continue to grow its profitability and
market share.

    Chris Littlemore
    Chief Executive
    10th September 2008 



    We have been engaged by the company to review the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial report for the six
months ended 30 June 2008 which comprises the consolidated income statement, consolidated balance sheet, consolidated statement of changes
in equity, consolidated cash flow statement and related notes 1 to 7. We have read the other information contained in the half yearly
financial report and considered whether it contains any apparent misstatements or material inconsistencies with the information in the
condensed set of financial statements. 

    This report is made solely to the company in accordance with guidance contained in ISRE 2410 (UK and Ireland) "Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board. To the fullest extent
permitted by law, we do not accept or assume responsibility to anyone other than the company, for our work, for this report, or for the
conclusions we have formed.

    Directors' Responsibilities 

    The half-yearly financial report is the responsibility of, and has been approved by, the directors. The directors are responsible for
preparing the half-yearly financial report in accordance with the Accounting Standards Board Statement "Half-Yearly Financial Reports".

    As disclosed in note 2, the annual financial statements of the company are prepared in accordance with IFRSs as adopted by the European
Union. The condensed set of financial statements included in this half-yearly financial report has been prepared in accordance with the
Accounting Standards Board Statement "Half-Yearly Financial Reports". 

    Our Responsibility 

    Our responsibility is to express to the Company a conclusion on the condensed set of financial statements in the half-yearly financial
report based on our review. 

    Scope of Review 

    We conducted our review in accordance with International Standard on Review Engagements (UK and Ireland) 2410, "Review of Interim
Financial Information Performed by the Independent Auditor of the Entity" issued by the Auditing Practices Board for use in the United
Kingdom. A review of interim financial information consists of making enquiries, primarily of persons responsible for financial and
accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in
accordance with International Standards on Auditing (UK and Ireland) and consequently does not enable us to obtain assurance that we would
become aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Accordingly, we do not express an audit opinion. 


    Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the condensed set of financial statements in the
half-yearly financial report for the 6 months ended 30 June 2008 is not prepared, in all material respects, in accordance with the
Accounting Standards Board Statement "Half-Yearly Financial Reports". 

    Ernst & Young LLP
    10 September 2008

 Consolidated income statement

 For the six months ended 30 June 2008                   
                                                                      Unaudited             Unaudited             Audited
                                                                          Total                 Total               Total
                                                              6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30                Year
                                                                      June 2008             June 2007   ended 31 Dec 2007
                Notes                                                     �'000                 �'000               �'000
 CONTINUING OPERATIONS                                   
 REVENUE                                                                 22,008                21,106              44,169
 Cost of sales                                                         (11,364)              (10,488)            (23,063)
 GROSS PROFIT                                                            10,644                10,618              21,106
 Administrative expenses                                                (7,236)              (13,064)            (21,424)
 EBITDA*                                                                  3,408               (2,446)               (318)
                                                                          (359)                 (360)               (817)
 Amortisation of intangible assets                                        (927)                 (919)             (1,837)
 Total operating expenses                                               (8,522)              (14,343)            (24,078)
 Share of results of joint venture - post tax                                 -                     -                (30)
 OPERATING PROFIT / (LOSS)                                                2,122               (3,725)             (3,002)
 Finance revenue                                                             68                   120                 372
 Finance costs                                                            (621)               (1,281)             (2,556)
 PROFIT / (LOSS) BEFORE TAXATION                                          1,569               (4,886)             (5,186)
 Taxation                                   4                             (376)                   613               1,026
 PROFIT / (LOSS) FOR THE PERIOD                                           1,193               (4,273)             (4,160)
 EARNINGS / (LOSS) PER SHARE (IN PENCE)                  
 Basic                                      5                              0.54                (9.19)              (8.66)
 Diluted                                    5                              0.54                (9.19)              (8.66)

    *Earnings before interest, depreciation and amortisation.
    Consolidated balance sheet
    As at 30 June 2008

                                          Unaudited     Unaudited      Audited
                                       30 June 2008  30 June 2007  31 Dec 2007
                                              �'000         �'000        �'000
 Goodwill                                    20,979        23,673       20,967
 Other intangible assets                     15,006        16,844       15,925
 Property, plant and equipment                2,085         1,910        1,836
 Interests in joint venture                      35           133           35
 Other financial assets                       1,672         1,560        1,606
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS                    39,777        44,120       40,370

 Trade and other receivables                 26,104        23,118       24,393
 Cash and short term deposits                     -           598          244
 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS                        26,104        23,716       24,637
 TOTAL ASSETS                                65,881        67,836       65,007
 Trade and other payables                     9,611        10,412       11,695
 Current tax liabilities                        404         1,068          967
 Interest bearing loans and                   2,756        18,450        5,763
 Contingent consideration                        75         2,271        6,956
 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES                   12,846        32,201       25,381
 NET CURRENT ASSETS /                        13,258       (8,485)        (744)
 Trade and other payables                         9            66          125
 Interest bearing loans and                  13,913         1,476       14,529
 Contingent consideration                       445         9,385          425
 Deferred tax liabilities                     4,167         4,808        4,396
 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES               18,534        15,735       19,475
 TOTAL LIABILITIES                           31,380        47,936       44,856
 NET ASSETS                                  34,501        19,900       20,151

 Share capital                                         1,190      244      248
 Share premium                                        25,819   13,627   13,634
 Merger reserve                                        8,106    7,855    8,106
 Treasury shares                                       (158)    (158)    (158)
 Retained earnings                                     (456)  (1,668)  (1,679)
 TOTAL EQUITY                                         34,501   19,900   20,151

 Consolidated statement of changes in equity

 For the six months ended 30
 June 2008
                                                   Unaudited             Unaudited        Audited
                                           6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30           Year
                                                   June 2008             June 2007   ended 31 Dec
                                 Notes                 �'000                 �'000          �'000

 Profit / (Loss)for the period                         1,193               (4,273)        (4,160)

 Total recognised income and                           1,193               (4,273)        (4,160)
 expense for the period

 Shares issued in the period                          15,070                   583            116
 Share issue costs                                   (1,943)                     -              -
 Purchase of own shares                                    -                     -            (8)
 Arising on deferred                                       -                     -            738
 consideration for prior year
 Share-based payment                                      30                   125              -
 Dividends                                                 -                 (161)          (161)

 Net change in equity in the                          14,350               (3,726)        (3,475)

 Opening equity                                       20,151                23,626         23,626

 Closing equity                                       34,501                19,900         20,151


 Consolidated cash flow statement

 For the six months ended 30
 June 2008
                                                   Unaudited             Unaudited        Audited
                                           6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30           Year
                                                   June 2008             June 2007   ended 31 Dec
                                 Notes                 �'000                 �'000          �'000

 Operating activities
 Cash (absorbed by) / generated     7a                 (672)                 1,385          2,681
 from operations
 Tax paid                                            (1,167)                 (328)          (428)

 Net cash flow from operating                        (1,839)                 1,057          2,253

 Investing activities
 Interest received                                        68                   120            372
 Purchases of property, plant                          (609)                 (360)          (742)
 and equipment
 Acquisition of subsidiaries        7b               (6,881)               (3,631)        (2,415)

 Net cash flow used in                               (7,422)               (3,871)        (2,785)
 investing activities

 Financing activities
 Interest paid                                         (621)                 (831)        (2,056)
 Dividends paid to equity                                  -                 (161)          (161)
 holders of the parent
 New bank loans                                            -                 3,000          7,936
 Repayment of bank loans                               (469)                 (862)          (804)
 Proceeds from issue of new                           13,127                    92             89
 Redemption of loan notes                              (119)                     -        (2,323)
 Repayment of capital element                          (107)                 (126)          (179)
 finance lease obligations
 Net cash flow from financing                         11,811                 1,112          2,502
 Increase / (decrease) in cash                         2,550               (1,702)          1,970
 and cash equivalents

 Cash and cash equivalents at                        (3,221)               (5,191)        (5,191)
 beginning of the period

 Cash and cash equivalents at    7c                    (671)               (6,893)        (3,221)
 end of the period

 Notes to the financial information

 For the six months ended 30 June

 1               Basis of preparation

                 The financial information contained in this interim report does not constitute statutory accounts within the meaning of
                 240 of the Companies Act 1985. Statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2007 (prepared in accordance with
                 Financial Reporting Standards) were prepared and filed with the Registrar of Companies and received an unqualified audit
                 and did not contain a statement under section 237 (2) or (3) of the Companies Act 1985.

                 The Board of Directors regularly monitors the ability of the Group to meet its liabilities as they fall due for the
                 future against the facilities and funding options open to it. The Board of Directors adopts the going concern basis of
                 of the financial statements if in its assessment it has a reasonable expectation that the Group has adequate resources to
                 for the foreseeable future. The financial statements have been prepared on the basis of going concern.

 2                Adoption of IFRS

                   These interim financial statements for the six months ended 30 June 2008 have been prepared using accounting policies
                    with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee
                      interpretations issued and effective or issued and early adopted as at the time of preparing these statements that
                                                                                                  expect to apply in its 2008 financial

                 The IFRS standards and IFRIC interpretations that will be applicable at 31 December 2008, including those that will be an
                 basis, are not known with certainty at the time of preparing these interim financial statements. SMC has adopted all IFRS
with the
                                                     exception of IAS 34 "Interim Financial Reporting" which is not mandatory for SMC at
this time.

                 The interim financial statements have been prepared on the historical cost basis and are in accordance with the Group's
                                                         policies as set out in the annual report and accounts for the year ended 31
December 2007.

 3               Exceptional costs

                  Exceptional costs are the costs associated with making additional provisions against debtors and amounts recoverable on
                   where there has been a reassessment of the recoverability of balances relating to prior years based on further evidence
                                                                                                                           available in the

                      Exceptional costs also include the costs of rationalising the Group's activities, in particular the costs associated
with the
                                                                                         termination of employment and closure of various

 4               Taxation

                 Taxation for the six months to 30 June 2008 is based on the effective rate of taxation which is estimated to apply for the
                 ending 31 December 2008. Taxation for the year ended 31 December 2007 is based on the actual rate of taxation which applied
                 the year ended 31 December 2007. Taxation for the six months to 30 June 2007 was based on the effective rate of taxation
which was
                 estimated to apply for the year ended 31 December 2007.

 5  Earnings per share
                                                                                 Unaudited             Unaudited               Audited
                                                                         6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30                  Year
                                                                                 June 2008             June 2007     ended 31 Dec 2007

    Weighted average
    number of shares
    For basic earnings                                                             220,354                46,517                48,011
    per share
    Dilutive effect of                                                                 147                 1,313                   532
    share options

    For diluted earnings                                                           220,501                47,830                48,543
    per share

    Profits for basic
    and diluted earnings
    per share (�'000)
    Profit /(Loss)for                                                                1,193               (4,273)               (4,160)
    the period
    Add back:-
    - Exceptional costs                                                                  -                 3,614                 5,475
    - Amortisation of                                                                  927                   919                 1,837
    intangible assets
    - Share-based                                                                       30                   125                   210
    - Interest on contingent consideration                                              20                   450                   500
    - Tax impact of above adjustments                                                    -                 (613)               (1,030)

    Adjusted profit for                                                              2,170                   222                 2,832
    the period

    Earnings /(Loss) per share (pence per
    Basic                                                                             0.54                (9.19)                (8.66)
    Diluted                                                                           0.54                (9.19)                (8.66)

    Adjusted earnings per share (pence per
    Basic                                                                             0.98                  0.48                  5.90
    Diluted                                                                           0.98                  0.46                  5.64

    Adjusted earnings per share has been presented in order to allow earnings per share to reflect the earnings more directly related
    to the trading of the Group in each period. 


    There have been no dividend payments in the current financial year (an interim dividend of 0.35p per share was paid in January
    2007 for the year ended 31 December 2007).

 7  Notes to the cash flow statement
                                                                    Unaudited             Unaudited        Audited
                                                            6 months ended 30     6 months ended 30           Year
                                                                    June 2008             June 2007   ended 31 Dec
                                                                        �'000                 �'000          �'000

 a  Cash generated from/(absorbed by) operations

    Profit / (Loss) before tax                                          1,569               (4,886)        (5,086)
    Finance revenue                                                      (68)                 (120)          (372)
    Finance costs                                                         621                 1,281          2,056
    Share-based payment                                                    30                   125            210
    Share of results of joint venture - post tax                            -                     -             97
    Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                         359                   360            817
    Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment                       -                     -              -
    Amortisation of intangible assets                                     927                   919          1,837
    (Increase) / decrease in trade and other                          (1,711)                 3,551          2,277
    (Decrease) / increase in trade and other payables                 (2,399)                   155            845

    Cash generated from/(absorbed by) operations                        (672)                 1,385          2,681

 b  Acquisition of subsidiaries

    Consideration paid                                                      -                     -           (37)
    on acquisitions
    Consideration paid on prior period acquisitions                   (6,881)               (3,631)        (2,378)

    Net cash outflow for                                              (6,881)               (3,631)        (2,415)

 c  Analysis of cash and
    cash equivalents

    Cash and cash equivalents per balance sheet                             -                   598            244
    Bank overdrafts                                                     (671)               (7,491)        (3,465)

    Cash and cash equivalents per cash flow statement                   (671)               (6,893)        (3,221)

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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