United States

Securities and exchange commission
washington, d.c. 20549




report of foreign private issuer
pursuant to rule 13
a-16 or 15d-16 of
the securities exchange act of 1934


For the month of May 2023

Commission File Number 1-15224


Energy Company of Minas Gerais

(Translation of Registrant’s Name into English)

Avenida Barbacena, 1200

30190-131 Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

(Address of Principal Executive Offices)

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file annual reports under cover of Form 20-F or Form 40-F.


Form 20-F   a  Form 40-F ___







Item              Description of Items

1.Notice to the Market dated March 29, 2023 – Clarifications regarding CVM Questioning
2.Notice to the Market dated April 10, 2023 – Blackrock Significant Shareholding
3.Notice to the Market dated April 17, 2023 – Conclusion of the sale of the equity interest held in Axxiom
4.Material Fact dated April 14, 2023 – Cemig GT executed Stock Purchase Agreements that regulate the sale of all equity interests it held in Retiro Baixo and Baguari
5.Earnings Release for quarter ended on March 31, 2023
6.Material Fact dated May 8, 2023 – Award in an Arbitration PUT SAAG to be paid by May 12, 2023
7.Notice to the Market dated May 16, 2023 – Cemig has filed 2022 Form 20-F
8.Notice to the Market dated May 23, 2023 - Periodic Tariff Revision (RTP) of Cemig Distribuição
9.Notice To The Market dated April 27, 2023 - Cemig requested a postponement on the deadline to file the 20-F Form
10.Notice To Shareholders dated April 27, 2023 - Dividends/Interest on Equity




Forward-Looking Statements


This report contains statements about expected future events and financial results that are forward-looking and subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially from those predicted in such forward-looking statements. Factors which may cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed herein include those risk factors set forth in our most recent Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. CEMIG undertakes no obligation to revise these forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances after the date hereof, and claims the protection of the safe harbor for forward-looking statements contained in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.





Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.







By: /s/ Leonardo George de Magalhães . Name: Leonardo George de Magalhães

Title: Chief Finance and Investor Relations Officer

Date: May 30, 2023

1.Notice to the Market dated March 29, 2023 – Clarifications regarding CVM Questioning







Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31.300.040.127



Clarifications about Official Letter 93/2023/CVM/SEP/GEA-1 of March 28, 2023


CVM Questioning


Cia. Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG

FAO Mr. Leonardo George de Magalhães

Investor Relations Officer.


Re: Request for clarification on a news article


Dear Officer,


1.In response to the news article published electronically by “Isto É Online”, in its business section on March 27, 2023, under the headline: “Cemig is getting ready to be privatized and seeks to advance this agenda before the Government,” containing the following statements made by company executives: “CEMIG, a company based in the state of Minas Gerais, is getting ready for its potential privatization, with initiatives to make it more efficient and profitable, as it works to convince the Minas Gerais State Government to urgently move forward with this agenda at the Minas Gerais State Legislative Assembly.” At a public meeting with investors and analysts this Monday, Reynaldo Passanezi, the CEO of CEMIG, and Márcio Utsch, chair of the board of directors, defended that the Minas Gerais State Government be immediately mobilized to work on the company’s privatization agenda, which still needs to be approved at the State Legislative Assembly. According to Mr. Utsch, strategic changes made in recent years, such as divestments of minority stakes in companies like Light and Renova, allowed them to ‘clear up’ CEMIG management’s agenda, opening up the way so they could dedicate more time to the privatization. “We gradually cleared up items on the agenda so that we could increasingly focus on the state of Minas Gerais, selling assets with low or even negative profitability, allowing us to focus on privatizing the company,” he added. The chair of the board of directors of CEMIG sees a more favorable scenario for the legislative approval of the privatization, being said approval likely to be granted ‘on this mandate.’ He also stated that CEMIG’s management defends that the Minas Gerais State Government immediately mobilizes the State Legislative Assembly to approve the privatization.


2.In view of the above, we request that you clarify whether the news article is true and, if so, explain the reasons why you believe that it is not a material fact, and comment on other information deemed as important on the matter.


3.It is worth noting that according to article 3 of CVM Resolution 44/21, the Investor Relations Officer is responsible for disclosing and informing the CVM and, if applicable, the stock exchange and the organized over-the-counter market entity where the Company’s securities are traded, of any material act or fact occurred or related to its business, as well as for ensuring its wide and immediate communication, simultaneously in all the markets in which such securities are traded.





CEMIG’s Response


Dear Nilza Maria Silva de Oliveira,


In response to Official Letter 93/2023/CVM/SEP/GEA-1 of March 28, 2023, Companhia Energética de Minas Gerais - CEMIG (“Cemig” or “Company”) clarifies that:


The news article published in the business section of the Isto É Online website, under the headline: “Cemig is getting ready to be privatized and seeks to advance this agenda before the Government” alludes to the 28th edition of Meeting with Investors, organized by the Company on March 27, 2023. The comments involved public explanations, in response to the market, on the Company’s major strategic direction.


It is worth noting that the topic of the news article involves an interest that has been publicly expressed on multiple occasions by the Governor of Minas Gerais State, representing the Company’s controller, i.e. the Minas Gerais State, in privatizing CEMIG.


In this sense, please check out news published during the Minas Gerais State Elections in 2018 (https://epbr.com.br/privatizacao-da-cemig-na-pauta-de-zema/) and 2022 (https://economia.uol.com.br/noticias/reuters/2022/12/28/governo-de-mg-considera-privatizar-cemig-em-modelo-de-corporation-diz-valor.htm), and (https://www.suno.com.br/noticias/cemig-cmig4-zema-privatizacao/). For this reason, there is no new act or fact leading the Company to formally disclose a material fact in this regard, even because the Company’s shareholders did not resolve on the Company’s potential privatization.


It is also worth noting that the measures required to change CEMIG’s controlling interest depend on the approval from the controlling shareholder and other agents, as per the Minas Gerais State Law.


The Company states that there is no new information to date, according to CVM Resolution 44/21, to justify the disclosure of a Material Act or Fact about the matter.


The Company reiterates its commitment to transparency and the best market disclosure practices.



Belo Horizonte/MG - March 29, 2023.





Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer





2.Notice to the Market dated April 10, 2023 – Blackrock Significant Shareholding








Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31.300.040.127





COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“Cemig or Company”), according to article 12 of CVM Resolution 44/2021, of August 23, 2021, hereby announces that it received a mail from BlackRock, Inc. (“BlackRock”), headquartered at 55 East 52nd Street, in the city and state of New York, 10022-0002, United States, informing that on April 04, 2023, its shares, in the aggregate, now retain 10.015% of the Company's total capital, of which 198,316,005 preferred shares and 22,149,447 American Depositary Receipts ("ADRs”), representing 22,149,447 preferred shares, totaling 220,465,452 (15.043%) preferred shares and 16,836,657 derivative financial instruments referenced to preferred shares with a financial settlement, accounting for approximately 1.148% of the total preferred shares issued by Cemig.

As a reference, according to the notice dated September 05, 2022, the date of the last mail received by the Company, BlackRock informed that it held 9.913% of Cemig's total capital, of which 14.89% preferred shares.

In the same mail, BlackRock, Inc. also states that:

“... the aforementioned equity interest is strictly for investment purposes, not for a change in the Company’s shareholding control or administrative structure. BlackRock did not enter into any agreements or contracts that regulate voting rights or the purchase and acquisition of securities issued by the Company”.


Belo Horizonte, April 10, 2023.


Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer





3.Notice to the Market dated April 17, 2023 – Conclusion of the sale of the equity interest held in Axxiom








Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31.300.040.127








Conclusion of the sale of the equity interest held in Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A.




COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“Cemig or Company”), a publicly held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, hereby informs the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general, further to the disclosure made through the Notice to the Market dated December 22, 2022, that it concluded, on April 14, 2023, the sale to Light S.A. (“Light”) of all equity interest (49%) it held in the capital stock of Axxiom Soluções Tecnológicas S.A. (“Axxiom”).


The value of the transaction is symbolic, R$1.00 (one real), with the settlement of Axxiom’s assets and liabilities.


The transaction is in line with the Company’s Strategic Planning, which provides for the divestment of assets that do not comply with the electricity activities of Grupo Cemig.


The Company reaffirms its commitment to keeping shareholders, the market in general, and other stakeholders duly and timely informed about the developments of the transaction, according to the applicable regulation, and in compliance with the restrictions outlined in CVM rules and other applicable laws.




Belo Horizonte, April 17, 2023.








Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer




4.Material Fact dated April 14, 2023 – Cemig GT executed Stock Purchase Agreements that regulate the sale of all equity interests it held in Retiro Baixo and Baguari







Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127




Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 06.981.176/0001-58

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300020550





COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG” or “Company”), a publicly held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, hereby informs, under CVM Resolution 44/2021, of August 23, 2021, the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general that its subsidiary CEMIG GERAÇÃO E TRANSMISSÃO S.A. (“CEMIG GT”) executed, on this date, Stock Purchase Agreements that regulate the sale of all equity interests it held in Retiro Baixo Energética S.A. (“Retiro Baixo”) and Baguari Energia S.A. (Baguari Energia”) to FURNAS Centrais Elétricas, as follows:


(i)For R$200.4 million, the interest of 49.9% held by CEMIG GT in the total Capital Stock of Retiro Baixo, which operates the Retiro Baixo Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in the State of Minas Gerais, which has an installed capacity of 81.1 MW and 34.8 MW of physical guarantee.


(ii)For R$393.0 million, the indirect interest of 34% held by CEMIG GT in the Baguari Consortium, which operates the Baguari Hydroelectric Power Plant, located in the State of Minas Gerais, which has an installed capacity of 140.0 MW and 81.9 MW of physical guarantee, accounting for 69.38% of Baguari Energia’s total Capital Stock.


The amounts will be adjusted by 100% of the CDI rate, from the reference date of December 31, 2022, to the actual payment in the closing of transactions.


The shares transfers are subjected to certain conditions precedent that are common for transactions of this nature, among which the authorization by the Brazilian Antitrust Authority (“CADE”) and the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (“ANEEL”).


These transactions are in line with the Company’s Strategic Planning, which provides for seizing opportunities in divesting minority stakes of Grupo Cemig.


CEMIG and CEMIG GT reaffirm their commitment to keeping shareholders, the market in general, and other stakeholders duly and timely informed about the developments of the transactions, according to the applicable regulation and in compliance with the restrictions set out in CVM rules and other applicable laws.


Belo Horizonte/MG - April 14, 2023.



Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer




5.Earnings Release for quarter ended on March 31, 2023













Income statement 6
Results by business segment 7
CEMIG’s electricity market 8
Number of clients, and breakdown by segment 8
Cemig D 9
Billed electricity market 9
Sources and uses of electricity – MWh 10
Client base 10
Distribution and consumption, by sector 10
The annual tariff adjustment 11
Quality indicators – DEC and FEC 11
Combating default 12
Energy losses 13
Cemig GT / Holding Company 14
Electricity market 14
Gasmig 15
Financial results 16
Consolidated operational revenue 16
Operational costs and expenses 19
Cemig D - EBITDA 23
Cemig GT – Ebitda 23
Finance income and expenses 24
Net profit 24
Investments 26
Debt 27
Covenants – Eurobonds 28
Cemig’s long-term ratings 29
ESG – Performance 30
Share performance 32
Cemig generation plants 33
RAP  –  July 2022–June 2023 cycle 34
Regulatory transmission revenues – 1Q23 34
Complementary information 35
Cemig D 35
Cemig GT 37
Cemig, Consolidated 38
Disclaimer 43







Consolidated results – 1Q23

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Ebitda by company, IFRS      
(R$ million)
Cemig D (IFRS) 775,088 654,529 18.4%
Cemig GT (IFRS) 818,897 944,545 -13.3%
Gasmig (IFRS) 257,995 181,910 41.8%
Consolidated (IFRS) 2,161,971 1,916,813 12.8%



  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Adjusted Ebitda by company      
(R$ million)
Cemig D 741,098 654,529 13.2%
Cemig GT 788,809 944,545 -16.5%
Consolidated 2,072,566 1,916,431 8.1%







Income statement


  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Profit and loss accounts      
Net Revenues 8,647 7,847 10.2%
Operating Expenses - consolidated 6,941 6,399 8.5%
Personnel 335 304 10.2%
Employees’ and managers’ profit sharing 38 37 2.7%
Forluz – Post-Retirement Employee Benefits 103 153 -32.7%
Materials 29 20 45.0%
Outsourced services 467 380 22.9%
Energy purchased for resale 3,445 3,103 11.0%
Depreciation and Amortization 303 284 6.7%
Operating Provisions 121 163 -25.8%
Charges for use of the national grid 700 869 -19.4%
Gas bought for resale 614 564 8.9%
Construction costs 703 491 43.2%
Loss due to reduction to recoverable value 46 - -
Net gain on disposal of asset held for sale -30 - -
Other Expenses 67 31 116.1%
Equity gain (loss) in subsidiaries 153 184 -16.8%
Net Finance Income (Expenses) -106 314 -133.8%
Corporate income tax -355 -491 -27.7%
Net profit for the period 1,398 1,455 -3.9%







Results by business segment











CEMIG’s electricity market


Number of clients, and breakdown by segment


In March 2023 the Cemig Group invoiced approximately 9.1 million clients – an addition of approximately 164,000 clients, or a 1.8% increase in its consumer base, in relation to March 2022.

Of this total, 9,072,744 are final consumers (including Cemig’s own consumption), and 572 are other agents in the Brazilian electricity sector.

This chart shows the breakdown of the Cemig Group’s 1Q sales to final consumers:

Sales by segment, %









Cemig D

Billed electricity market

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %

Captive clients + Distribution for Free Clients


Residential 2,984,825 2,841,768 5.0%
Industrial 5,457,071 5,304,265 2.9%
Captive market 334,141 368,760 –9.4%
Energy transport 5,122,930 4,935,505 3.8%
Commercial, services and Others 1,612,350 1,581,950 1.9%
Captive market 1,113,679 1,148,033 –3.0%
Energy transport 498,671 433,917 14.9%
Rural 528,060 552,822 –4.5%
Captive market 517,361 540,836 –4.3%
Energy transport 10,699 11,986 –10.7%
Public services 870,898 830,032 4.9%
Captive market 765,523 829,160 –7.7%
Energy transport 105,375 872 11,984.3%
Concession holders 64,686 63,562 1.8%
Energy transport 64,686 63,562 1.8%
Own consumption 7,545 9,854 –23.4%
Total 11,525,435 11,184,253 3.1%
Total, captive market 5,723,074 5,738,411 –0.3%
Total, energy transported for Free Clients 5,802,361 5,445,842 6.5%


Energy supplied to captive clients plus energy distributed for Free Clients and distributors in 1Q23 totaled 11,520 GWh, or 3.1% more than in 1Q22, mainly on higher consumption by residential consumers (increase of 143.1 GWh or 5.0%), reflecting (i) a 2.8% increase in the number of clients, plus a 2.2% increase in average consumption; with (ii) aggregate consumption by captive and Free industrial clients up 2.9% YoY (152.8 GWh).

The 3.1% growth in total energy distributed comprises: (i) an increase of 6.5% (356.5 GWh) in network service to Free Clients, and (ii) a decrease of 0.6% (15.3 GWh) in consumption by the captive market.


Energy distributed, by segment















Sources and uses of electricity – MWh

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Metered market – MWh      
Transported for distributors 64,614 65,976 -2.1%
Transported for Free Clients 5,768,677 5,450,841 5.8%
Own load + Distributed generation (1) 8,277,750 8,027,269 3.1%
Consumption by captive market 5,682,138 5,820,237 -2.4%
Distributed generation market 1,020,445 668,975 52.5%
Losses in distribution network 1,575,168 1,538,057 2.4%
Total volume carried 14,111,042 13,544,086 4.2%


Client base

In March 2023 Cemig billed 9.07 million consumers1.8% more than in March 2022.

Of this total, 2,663 were Free Clients using the distribution network of Cemig D.

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Residential 7,543,247 7,338,285 2.8%
Industrial 28,908 29,810 –3.0%
Commercial, services and Others 946,504 944,926 0.2%
Rural 458,641 502,694 –8.8%
Public authorities 69,453 67,561 2.8%
Public lighting 7,249 6,879 5.4%
Public services 13,605 13,543 0.5%
Own consumption 764 761 0.4%
  9,068,371 8,904,459 1.8%
Industrial 1,097 988 11.0%
Commercial 1,524 1,296 17.6%
Rural 14 20 –30.0%
Concession holders 8 8 0.0%
Others 20 7 185.7%
  2,663 2,319 14.8%
Total, Captive market + Free Clients 9,071,034 8,906,778 1.8%


Distribution and consumption, by sector


Industrial clients accounted for 47.3% of Cemig D’s total distribution. The greater part was energy transported for industrial Free Clients (44.4%), which was 3.8% higher in volume than in 1Q22. Volume of energy billed to captive clients was 2.9% of the total distributed, and 9.4% less than in 1Q22 – mainly due to migration of clients to the Free Market.

Residential consumption was 25.9% of total energy distributed by Cemig D, and 5.0% higher than in 1Q22. Average monthly consumption per consumer in the quarter was 2.2% higher than in 1Q22, with the number of clients 2.8% higher (an increase of 204,900 clients in 12 months), partly due to migration of 23,200 consumers from the Rural category in compliance with Aneel Resolution 1000/2020.




Commercial and services: Volume distributed to these consumers was 14.0% of the total distributed by Cemig D in 1Q23, and by volume 1.9% more than in 1Q22. This increase comprises a reduction of 3.0% in the volume of energy billed to captive clients, and an increase of 14.9% in the volume transported for Free Clients.

The number of Cemig consumers in the Free Market increase by 17.6% YoY – the effect of migration of captive clients. As well as this migration, the migration of consumers to the Micro- and Mini- Distributed Generation market contributed to the reduction of the captive market.

Rural clients consumed 4.6% of the total energy distributed in 1Q23: by volume, 4.5% less than in 1Q22, as a result of the number of consumers in the category being 8.8% lower (reduction of 44,000 clients) - due to reclassification to other categories as required by Aneel Normative Resolutions 901/2020 and 1000/2020.

Public services: The volume distributed to this category was 7.6% of the total energy distributed, with consumption 4.9% higher than in 1Q22, mainly reflecting an increase of 2.6% in the number of consumer units.


The annual tariff adjustment

Cemig D’s tariffs are adjusted in May of each year. Every five years there is the Periodic Tariff Review, also in May. The aim of the Tariff Adjustment is to pass on changes in non-manageable costs in full to the client, and to provide inflation adjustment for the manageable costs that are established in the Tariff Review. Manageable costs are adjusted by the IPCA inflation index, less a deduction factor known as the ‘X Factor’, under a system using a price-cap regulatory model.

On June 22, 2022, after an extension of the previous tariffs by 25 days, Aneel ratified the result of Cemig D’s annual tariff adjustment, in effect until May 27, 2023, in which the average effect perceived by consumers was an increase of 8.80%. For residential consumers served at low voltage, the average increase was 5.22%. The difference in revenues arising from the postponement of the increase will be adjusted by the Selic basic interest rate, and compensated for in the tariff adjustment event of 2023. An amount of R$ 2.81 billion was included in the 2022 tariff adjustment process referring to the reimbursement of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes, representing a negative variation in the tariff of 15.20%.


Average effects of the Tariff Adjustment
High Voltage 14.31%
Low voltage 6.23%
Average effect 8.80%


See more details at this link:


The result of the Periodic Tariff Review of Cemig D (which takes place every 5 years) will come into effect on May 28, 2023 – this process is currently under assessment by Aneel.


Quality indicators – DEC and FEC

The DEC indicator of average outage time per consumer (Duração Equivalente de Interrupções por Consumidor) was 9.74 hours in the moving window up to March 2023. Despite the more challenging target for the year 2023 (9.58 hours), the Company is working and investing heavily in the distribution business to provide quality service to our customers and meet the regulatory parameter.





Combating default

Cemig has maintained its high level of collection actions, achieving greater efficiency in combating default.

A good indication of this is the Billing Collection Index (‘ARFA’) posting 99.75% at the end of 1Q23 – boosted in part by growing migration of receipt of payments to digital media.

In combating default, we highlight the following activities:


§New payment channels, and online negotiation, made available in recent quarters, have contributed to increase in the volume of collection via digital channels (PIX instant payments, automatic debits, payments by card and app, etc.) to approximately 59.64% of the total collected – compared to 53.97% in 1Q22. Payments by PIX, for example, were 12.4% of the total collected in 1Q23. This change in the collection mix reduced costs by 10.0% – a saving of R$ 2 million.
§Cemig now accepts payment of overdue electricity bills by credit card – transferring the risk of receipt to the card operator.


Receivables Collection Index (‘ARFA’) – %

(Collection / Billing) – 12 month moving average







Energy losses

Energy losses were compliant with the regulatory level in the 12 months, at 11.06% (the regulatory level is 11.22%).

Among actions to combat losses, in 1Q23: (i) We made 119,000 client inspections; (ii) 97,000 obsolete meters were replaced; (iii) 6,000 conventional meters were replaced by smart meters; and (iv) 1,900 clandestine connections were regularized. In another highlight, inspections with positive results were approximately 50% of the total.





Cemig GT / Holding Company

Electricity market

The total volume of electricity sold by Cemig GT and by the Cemig holding company (‘Cemig H’), excluding sales on the wholesale power exchange (CCEE) was 7.2% higher than in 1Q22. Cemig GT sold 6,332 GWh (including quota sales) in 1Q23, 15.5% less than in 1Q22. This reduction reflects transfer of sales contracts totaling 2,998 GWh (excluding CCEE transactions) to Cemig H. These especially include contracts for sales to traders, accounting for the reduction of 26.2% in that category.

Cemig Holding posted sales of 2,998 GWh in 1Q23. Migration of contracts from Cemig GT to Cemig Holding began in 3Q21 (in that quarter the only revenue posted was from settlements in the CCEE), and has been growing gradually since then.


  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Cemig GT – MWh
Free Clients 3.843.590 4.622.307 -16,8%
    Industrial 2.883.714 3.561.728 -19,0%
    Commercial 956.466 1.055.478 -9,4%
    Rural 3.410 5.101 -33,2%
Free Market – Free contracts 1.205.196 1.632.408 -26,2%
Wholesale – Quotas and cooperatives 684.682 590.797 15,9%
Regulated Market 565.779 613.431 -7,8%
Regulated Market – Cemig D 32.607 31.307 4,2%
Total, Cemig GT 6.331.854 7.490.250 -15,5%
Cemig H – MWh      
Free Clients 1.368.672 300.840 355,0%
    Industrial 1.089.819 227.931 378,1%
    Commercial 273.315 69.565 292,9%
    Rural 5.538 3.344 65,6%
Free Market – Free contracts 1.629.701 909.809 79,1%
Total Cemig H 2.998.373 1.210.649 147,7%
Cemig GT + H 9.330.227 8.700.899 7,2%






Gasmig is the exclusive distributor of piped natural gas for the whole of the state of Minas Gerais. It serves industrial, commercial and residential users, and users of compressed natural gas and vehicle natural gas; and supplies gas as fuel for thermoelectric generation plants. Its concession expires in January 2053. Cemig owns 99.57% of Gasmig.

Gasmig’s tariff review process was completed in April 2022. The result of the review was an average reduction of 10.05% in the tariffs. Important aspects include the following:

§The WACC used (real, after taxes) was reduced from 10.02% p.a. to 8.71% p.a.
§Regulatory Ebitda for 2022 was approximately R$ 620 million.
§The Net Remuneration Base was increased significantly, to R$ 3.48 billion.
§The regulator recognized the cost of PMSO in full.
Market ( ’000 m³/day ) 2019 2020 2021 2022 1Q22 1Q23 1Q23 vs. 1Q22
Residential 21.28 25.52 29.69 31.21 26.81 30.31 13.1%
Commercial 47.70 49.14 56.24 63.34 57.39 53.67 –6.5%
Industrial 2,085.32 2,007.45 2,398.47 2,422.69 2,245.31 2,635.22 17.4%
Other 148.44 116.32 129.55 149.17 155.91 114.42 –26.6%
Total excluding thermal generation 2,302.74 2,198.43 2,613.95 2,666.41 2,485.42 2,833.62 14.0%
Thermal generation 793.94 385.52 1,177.06 104.08 422.05
Total 3,096.69 2,583.95 3,791.01 2,770.50 2,907.47 2,833.62 –2.5%


In 1Q23 the volume of gas sold by Gasmig was 2.5% lower than in 1Q22 (10.0% lower, including Free Market volume), due to zero dispatching of the thermal generation plants in 1Q23. Meanwhile, year-on-year, consumption by commercial users was down 6.5%, and industrial consumption was up 17.4% (up approximately 5.8%, if Free Market volume is included). Excluding the thermoelectric generation market, total sales volume was 14.0% higher (and approximately 4% higher including the Free Market).

The number of Gasmig’s clients increased by 14.6% from 1Q22, to a total of 84,720 in 1Q23. This growth reflects expansion of the residential client base (addition of 10,700 clients).





Financial results

Consolidated operational revenue


  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
 R$ ’000      
Revenue from supply of electricity 7,095,344 8,304,056 –14.6%
Revenue from use of distribution systems (TUSD charge) 980,398 859,444 14.1%
CVA and Other financial components in tariff adjustments 20,840 –700,107 –103.0%
Reimbursement, to consumers, of PIS, Pasep and Cofins tax credits – Realized 695,989 436,718 59.4%
Transmission Operation and Maintenance Revenue 87,740 83,787 4.7%
Transmission Construction Revenue 39,403 68,395 –42.4%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets 177,254 191,945 –7.7%
Generation Indemnity Revenue 22,476
Distribution Construction Revenue 676,448 440,565 53.5%
Adjustment to expected cash flow from indemnifiable financial assets of the distribution concession 30,844 19,732 56.3%
Gain on financial updating of Concession Grant Fee 134,766 131,595 2.4%
Settlement on CCEE 29,363 –18,670 –257.3%
Transactions in the Surpluses Sales Mechanism (MVE) –3,766 138,994 –102.7%
Revenue from sales of gas 1,123,570 956,008 17.5%
Fine for continuity indicator shortfall –38,469 –31,894 20.6%
Other operational revenues 492,015 501,358 –2.2%
Taxes and charges reported as deductions from revenue –2,917,278 –3,534,478 –17.5%
Net operational revenue 8,646,937 7,847,448 10.2%






Revenue from supply of electricity

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %  
  MWh (2) R$ ’000 Average price billed – R$/MWh (1) MWh (2) R$ ’000 Average price billed – R$/MWh MWh R$ ’000  
Residential 2,984,825 2,394,792 802.32 2,841,768 3,115,806 1,096.43 5.0% –23.1%  
Industrial 4,307,674 1,439,741 334.23 4,158,420 1,393,200 335.03 3.6% 3.3%  
Commercial, services and others 2,343,460 1,503,080 641.39 2,276,420 1,743,177 765.75 2.9% –13.8%  
Rural 526,308 392,758 746.25 545,936 489,779 897.14 –3.6% –19.8%  
Public authorities 223,654 164,544 735.71 204,191 179,314 878.17 9.5% –8.2%  
Public lighting 269,516 116,991 434.08 285,011 167,372 587.25 –5.4% –30.1%  
Public services 272,353 164,251 603.08 339,958 246,977 726.49 –19.9% –33.5%  
Subtotal 10,927,790 6,176,157 565.18 10,651,704 7,335,625 688.68 2.6% –15.8%  
Own consumption 7,545 9,854 –23.4%  
Retail supply not yet invoiced, net 13,439 77,884 –82.7%  
  10,935,335 6,189,596 10,661,558 7,413,509 2.6% –16.5%  

Wholesale supply to

other concession holders (3)

4,038,776 964,188 238.73 3,700,905 866,323 234.08 9.1% 11.3%  

Wholesale supply

not yet invoiced, net

–58,440 24,224 –341.2%  
Total 14,974,111 7,095,344 477.09 14,362,463 8,304,056 571.46 4.3% –14.6%  


(1)The calculation of average price does not include revenue from supply not yet billed.
(2)Information in MWh has not been reviewed by external auditors.
(3)Includes Regulated Market Electricity Sale Contracts (CCEARs) and ‘bilateral contracts’ with other agents.

Consolidated volume of energy sold: up 4.3% YoY




Energy sold to final consumers

Gross revenue from sales to final consumers in 1Q23 was R$ 6,189.6 million, compared to R$ 7,413.5 million in 1Q22, a reduction of 16.5% YoY, in spite of volume being 2.6% higher. The lower figure is mainly explained by the lower rate of ICMS tax, which was limited to 18% as from the second half of 2022, by Law 194 of 2022.


Revenue from wholesale supply in 1Q23 was R$ 905.7 million, compared to R$ 890.5 million In 1Q22 – and increase in volume of 9.1 – due to higher spot sales to traders in 1Q23, and new sales contracts with supply start dates as from January 2023.








  1Q23 1Q22 Change, % 
Operation and maintenance 87,740 83,787 4.7%
Construction, upgrades and improvement of infrastructure 39,403 68,395 –42.4%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets 177,254 191,945 –7.7%
 Total 304,397 344,127 –11.5%


Transmission revenue was 11.5% lower, due to the financial remuneration of the transmission contractual assets being 7.7% lower, due to the different IPCA inflation rate – the basis for the remuneration of the contract – which was 2.09% in 1Q23, compared to 3.20% in 1Q23 and lower construction revenue due to lower investments in reinforcements and improvements in the period


  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Industrial* 993,687 813,489 22.2%
Automotive 29,369 44,458 –33.9%
Commercial 25,716 22,309 15.3%
Residential 20,180 17,485 15.4%
Thermal generation* 19,908 42,435 –53.1%
Other 34,710 15,832 119.2%
 Total 1,123,570 956,008 17.5%

* Includes revenue from the Free Market.


Gross revenue from supply of gas in 1Q23 totaled R$ 1,123 million in 1Q23, versus R$ 956 million in 1Q22. The increase results from passthroughs of the adjustments made in the last 12 months to the cost of gas acquired, and to the adjustment of the margin by the IGPM inflation index in 2022, while the total volume of gas sold was 10.0% lower, as a result of the near-zero dispatching of the thermal electricity generation plants in the quarter.

Revenue from Use of Distribution Systems – The TUSD charge

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, % 
TUSD (R$ ’000) 
Use of the Electricity Distribution Systems  980,398 859,444 14.1%


Revenue from the TUSD in 1Q23 – charged to Free Consumers on their distribution of energy – was 14.1% higher year-on-year. This reflects volume of energy transported for Free Clients 6.5% higher, and an increase of 22.8% in the average tariff for Free Clients – partially offset by the lower ICMS tax rate.


  1Q23 1Q22 Change, % 
Industrial  5,122,930 4,935,505 3.8%
Commercial  498,671 433,917 14.9%
Rural  10,699 11,986 –10.7%
Public services  105,375 872 11,984.3%
Concession holders  64,686 63,562 1.8%
Total energy transported  5,802,361 5,445,842 6.5%




Operational costs and expenses

Operational costs and expenses were R$ 6.94 billion in 1Q23, compared to R$ 6.40 billion in 1Q22, mainly due to: (i) the cost of energy purchased being R$ 341 million higher YoY; (ii) the expense on gas purchased for resale being 9.0% (R$ 51 million) higher; (iii) construction cost being R$ 212 million higher; and (iv) an impairment of R$ 46.1 million on valuation of the small generation plants that have been separated for sale. See more details on costs and expenses in the pages below.

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %

 Operational costs and expenses

R$ ’000

Electricity bought for resale 3,444,067 3,103,382 11.0%
Charges for use of national grid 700,181 868,532 –19.4%
Gas purchased for resale 614,803 563,781 9.0%
Construction cost 703,281 491,262 43.2%
People 335,197 303,567 10.4%
Employees’ and managers’ profit shares 38,127 37,150 2.6%
Post-retirement obligations 103,038 153,480 –32.9%
Materials 29,233 20,252 44.3%
Outsourced services 467,446 379,749 23.1%
Depreciation and amortization 302,666 283,909 6.6%
Provisions / adjustments for operational losses 113,536 120,265 –5.6%
Impairment 46,126
Estimated loss on client default 7,926 43,092 –81.6%
Net gain on disposal of asset held for sale -30,487 - -
Other operational costs and expenses 65.533 30,551 114.5%
Total 6,940,673 6,398,972 8.5%


Electricity bought for resale

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %

Electricity bought for resale – Consolidated

R$ ’000

Acquired in Free Market 1,225,659 1,230,940 –0.4%
Electricity acquired in Regulated Market auctions 937,269 625,633 49.8%
Distributed generation 618,732 453,589 36.4%
Supply from Itaipu 262,175 394,055 –33.5%
Physical guarantee quota contracts 226,248 214,718 5.4%
Proinfa 127,894 151,414 –15.5%
Individual (‘bilateral’) contracts 125,429 110,083 13.9%
Spot market 110,319 93,764 17.7%
Quotas for Angra I and II nuclear plants 89,917 89,298 0.7%
Credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes –279,575 –260,112 7.5%
  3,444,067 3,103,382 11.0%


The expense on electricity bought for resale in 1Q23 was R$ 3.44 billion, which was R$ 340.7 million, or 11.0%, higher than in 1Q22. This arises mainly from the following items:




§Expenses on energy acquired in the Regulated Market were 49.8% higher than in 1Q23. This increase is due to lower energy costs in 2022.
§Expenses on supply from Distributed Generation were 36.4% higher than in 1Q22, arising from the increase in the number of distributed generation plants installed, and the higher quantity of energy injected into the grid (1,020 GWh in 1Q23, vs. 669 GWh in 1Q22).
§The expense on energy bought from Itaipu was 33.5% lower, due to reduction of its price from U$24.73/kW to U$16.19/kW;
§The costs of energy acquired in the Free Market, which are the Company’s highest costs of purchase of energy, were R$ 1.22 billion, practically stable (down 0.4%) YoY, in spite of the higher volume of energy purchased for resale.
§The cost of physical guarantee quota contracts was 5.4% higher, due to the annual increase in the Annual Generation Revenues (RAG – Receita Anual de Geração) of the plants operating under the quota regime, which is set by a Resolution, always in July.

Note that for Cemig D, purchased energy is a non-manageable cost: the difference between the amounts used as a reference for calculation of tariffs and the costs actually incurred is compensated for in the subsequent tariff adjustment.

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Cemig D (R$ ’000)      
Supply acquired in auctions on the Regulated Market 951,606 634,296 50.0%
Distributed generation 618,732 453,589 36.4%
Supply from Itaipu Binacional 262,175 394,055 –33.5%
Physical guarantee quota contracts      239,079 226,116 5.7%
Proinfa 127,894 151,414 –15.5%
Individual (‘bilateral’) contracts 125,429 110,083 13.9%
Quotas for Angra I and II nuclear plants 89,917 89,298 0.7%
Spot market – CCEE 72,151 63,807 13.1%
Credits of PIS, Pasep and Cofins taxes –163,169 –144,173 13.2%
  2,323,814 1,978,485 17.5%



Charges for use of the transmission network and other system charges

Charges for use of the transmission network in 1Q23 totaled R$ 700.2 million, 19.4% less than in 1Q22. The lower figure is mainly due to the almost complete elimination of costs on the System Services Charge, due to the lower level of dispatching of plants outside the merit order. This is a non-manageable cost in the distribution business: the difference between the amounts used as a reference for calculation of tariffs and the costs actually incurred is compensated for in the subsequent tariff adjustment.

Gas purchased for resale

The expense on acquisition of gas in 1Q23 was R$ 614.8 million, or 9.0% higher than in 1Q22. This reflects the increases in the price of gas over the 12-month period.

Outsourced services

Total expenses on outsourced services were 23.1% higher than in 1Q22, the main factors being: (i) expenses on maintenance and conservation of facilities and equipment R$ 33.0 million (23.1%) higher; and (ii) expenses on IT R$ 7.5 million (16.9%)higher; and (iii) R$7.2 million higher in consumer unit inspection.

Provisions for client default

The provision for expected losses in 1Q23 was R$ 7.9 million, compared to R$ 43.1 million in 1Q22, mainly due to (a) a change in the measurement of these potential losses, put in place in the second half of 2022 (but still with impact in 1Q23), so as to be more compatible with the actual performance of default by the Company’s clients in practice; and (ii) an increase in settlement of regular debts by clients.


An impairment of R$ 46.1 million was posted in 1Q23, recognizing a reduction in the recoverable value of the plants of Cemig GT that are in the process of sale. These plants – 15 Small Hydro Plants (PCHs) and Hydroelectric Generating Units (CGHs) – will be offered as a single unit in an auction scheduled to be held on August 10, 2023.




Post-retirement obligations

The impact of the Company’s post-retirement obligations on operational profit in 1Q23 was an expense of R$ 103.0 million, compared to an expense of R$ 153.5 million in 2022. The lower figure is due to remeasurement of the post-employment liability, in 1Q23, providing an accounting gain of R$ 56.9 million, reflecting the new health plan being accepted by part of the active employees.


The expense on personnel in 1Q23 was R$ 335.2 million, 10.4% higher than in1Q22, mainly reflecting the 6.46% increase in salaries under the Collective Work Agreement as from November 2022.


Cost of personnel

R$ million, excluding voluntary severance agreements


Number of employees – by company










(1) Ebitda is a non-accounting measure prepared by the Company, reconciled with its consolidated financial statements in accordance with the specifications in CVM Circular SNC/SEP 01/2007 and CVM Resolution 156 of June 23, 2022. It comprises: Net profit adjusted for the effects of: (i) Net finance income (expenses), (ii) Depreciation and amortization, and (iii) Income tax and the Social Contribution tax. Ebitda is not a measure recognized by Brazilian GAAP nor by IFRS; it does not have a standard meaning; and it may be non-comparable with measures with similar titles provided by other companies. Cemig publishes Ebitda because it uses it to measure its own performance. Ebitda should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for net profit or operational profit, nor as an indicator of operational performance or cash flow, nor to measure liquidity nor the capacity for payment of debt. (2) The Company adjusts the Ebitda calculated in accordance with CVM Instruction 156/2022, to exclude items which, by their nature, do not contribute to information on the potential for gross cash flow generation since they are extraordinary items.

Consolidated EBITDA – 1Q23
1Q23 EBITDA – R$ ’000 Generation Transmission Trading Distribution Holding co. and equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 348,395 154,910 232,593 369,533 292,775 1,398,206
Income tax and the Social Contribution tax 100,990 35,885 108,152 118,970 -8,812 355,185
Finance income (expenses) -12,517 649 -15,528 92,347 40,963 105,914
Depreciation and amortization 81,140 1 4 194,240 27,281 302,666
Ebitda as per CVM Resolution 156 518,008 191,445 325,221 775,090 352,207 2,161,971
Net profit attributed to non-controlling stockholders - - - - -668 -668
Gain on disposal (Santo Antônio plant) - - - - -55,391 -55,391
Remeasurement of post-retirement liability - Healh Plan -10,679 -6,599 -1,512 -33,990 -4,181 -56,961
Impairment of PCHs held for sale 46,126 - - - - 46,126
Other - - -22,511 - - -22,511
Adjusted Ebitda 553,455 184,846 301,198 741,100 291,967 2,072,566
Consolidated EBITDA – 1Q22
1Q22 EBITDA – R$ ’000 Generation Transmission Trading Distribution Holding co. and equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 467,733 176,404 176,374 375,926 259,134 1,455,571
Income tax and the Social Contribution tax 167,973 83,333 95,335 128,030 16,825 491,496
Finance income (expenses) -121,741 -71,502 -10,344 -24,803 -85,773 -314,163
Depreciation and amortization 81,875 1 3 175,375 26,655 283,909
Ebitda as per CVM Resolution 156 595,840 188,236 261,368 654,528 216,841 1,916,813
Net profit attributed to non-controlling stockholders - - - - -382 -382
Adjusted Ebitda 595,840 188,236 261,368 654,528 216,459 1,916,431







Cemig D - EBITDA

  1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Cemig D Ebitda – R$ ’000      
Net profit for the period 369,530 375,927 –1.7%
Income tax and Social Contribution tax 118,970 128,030 –7.1%
Net financial revenue (expenses) 92,348 –24,803 –472.3%
Amortization 194,240 175,375 10.8%
= EBITDA (1) 775,088 654,529 18.4%
Remeasurement of post-retirement liability – Health Plan –33,990
= Adjusted Ebitda (2) 741,098 654,529 13.2%


For Cemig D in 1Q23, Ebitda was R$ 775 million, and adjusted Ebitda was R$ 654 million, 13.2% higher than in 1Q23. The main effects on Ebitda in the quarter were:

§Total volume of energy distributed 3.1% higher year-on-year (distribution to the captive market 0.3% lower, and distribution to the Free Market 6.5% higher).
§Positive effect of R$ 33.9 million in 1Q23, resulting from remeasurement of post-obligation liabilities, as a result of the plan being accepted by part of the employees.
§Energy losses, at 11.06%, were below the regulatory limit (11.22%).
§Operational efficiency: regulatory Opex coverage represented 112% of the realized
§Lower provision for default on customer receivables: R$ 10.8 million in 1Q23, compared to R$ 46.0 million in 1Q22, due to (i) a lower level of default, and (2) the change in the method of measurement, put in place in 2H22, but with impact in 1Q23.


Cemig GT – Ebitda


Cemig GT: 1Q23 Ebitda          
Ebitda (R$ ’000) Generation Transmission Trading Equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 348,917 153,445 55,592 51,549 609,503
Income tax and the Social Contribution tax 100,990 35,140 16,970 –19,039 134,061
Finance income (expenses) –12,517 877 –15,528 21,356 –5,812
Depreciation and amortization 81,140 1 4 81,145
Ebitda as per CVM Resolution 156   189,463 57,038 53,866 818,897
Gain on disposal (Santo Antônio plant)   –55,391 –55,391
Remeasurement of post-retirement liability – Health Plan   –6,600 –1,512 –2,032 –20,823
Impairment – PCHs held for sale   46,126
Adjusted Ebitda 553,977 182,863 55,526 –3,557 788,809
Cemig GT:1Q22 Ebitda          
Ebitda (R$ ’000) Generation Transmission Trading Equity interests Total
Profit (loss) for the period 467,566 173,913 144,434 27,601 813,514
Income tax and the Social Contribution tax 167,972 82,058 78,882 17,123 346,035
Finance income (expenses) –121,740 –71,491 –10,344 –93,306 –296,881
Depreciation and amortization 81,873 1 3 81,877
Ebitda as per CVM Resolution 156 595,671 184,481 212,975 –48,582 944,545





The Ebitda of Cemig GT in 1Q23 was R$ 818.9 million, 13.3% lower than in 1Q22. Adjusted Ebitda was R$ 788.8 million, 16.5% lower than in 1Q22. Factors in the lower Ebitda include:

§Transfer of energy contracts to Cemig Holding, representing a total Ebitda of R$ 243 million.
§Impairment of R$ 46.1 million for the small generation plants that are in the process of disposal.
§Gain, of R$ 55.3 million, on disposal of the equity interest in Mesa – interests in the Santo Antônio plant (R$ 30.5 for the directly held interest, plus R$ 24.9 million via equity income).
§Positive effect of R$ 20.8 million in 1Q23, resulting from remeasurement of post-obligation liabilities, as a result of the health plan being accepted by part of the employees.


Finance income and expenses

 (R$ ’000) 1Q23 1Q22 Change, %
Finance income 329,784 1,109,025 –70.3%
Finance expenses –435,698 –794,862 –45.2%
Finance income (expenses) –105,914 314,163 –133.7%


For 1Q23 Cemig reports Net finance expenses of R$ 105.9 million, which compares to Net finance income of R$ 314.2 million in 1Q22. This reflects the following main factors:

§The exchange rate of the US dollar against the Real declined by 2.63% (R$ 0.137) in 1Q23, compared with a decline of 15.1% (R$ 0.843) in 1Q22, generating a gain of R$ 103.8 million in 1Q23, compared to a gain of R$ 842.7 million in 1Q22.
§The fair value of the hedge instrument that protects the Eurobond issue declined by R$ 12.7 million in 1Q23, compared to a decline of R$ 456.6 million in 1Q22. The negative variation in 1Q23 is basically the result of the yield curve moving higher, and of the Real appreciating against the dollar.
§Revenue from late payments on electricity bills were R$ 26.8 million lower in 1Q23, reflecting the lower level of default by clients this year, in turn due to increasingly intense use of collection tools, and also to bills being lower due to the reduction of the ICMS tax rate.

Eurobonds – Effects in 1Q23 and 1Q22 (R$ ’000)


  1Q23 1Q22
Effect of FX variation on the debt 103,814 842,700
Effect on the hedge –12,725 –456,647
Net effect in Finance revenue (expenses) 91,089 386,053




Net profit

Cemig reports net profit of R$ 1.398 billion in 1Q23, compared to net profit of R$ 1.456 million in 1Q22.

Adjusted net profit in 1Q23 was R$ 1.27 billion, compared to R$ 1.20 billion in 1Q22.

Factors in this result principally include:

§Growth in the trading result: Cemig’s differentiated trading strategy, higher margin and higher volume (+7% approximately) of energy sold by Cemig GT/Holding
§The profit of Gasmig was 75% higher than in 1Q22.
§Cemig D distributed 3.1% more energy in 1Q23 than in 1Q22.



§Remeasurement of post-obligation liabilities, as a result of the plan being accepted by part of the employees, resulted in a non-cash gain of R$ 38 million in 1Q23.
§Impairment on the smaller generation plants during the process of sale had an effect of R$ 30 million on profit.
§Gain of R$ 45 million on disposal of the interest in Mesa (Santo Antônio plant).
§Weaker net finance income/expenses: In 1Q23 Cemig reported Net financial expenses of R$ 106 million, compared to net financial income of R$ 394 million in 1Q22. The main component of this difference is the combined effect of the Eurobond debt and its hedge instrument – which posted a gain of R$ 91 million in 1Q23, but a gain of R$ 386 million in finance income in the same period of the previous year.



  1Q23 1Q22 Change,
R$ ’000
EQUITY INCOME (Gain/loss on equity in non-consolidated investees) – R$ ’000
Taesa 80,785 119,667 -38,882
Aliança Geração 35,165 24,252 10,913
FIP Melbourne - indirect stake in MESA (Santo Antonio Plant) 22,326 0 22,326
MESA (Santo Antônio Plant) -9,500 -9,037 -463
Guanhães Energia 16,695 36,997 -20,302
Baguari Energia 9,426 6,534 2,892
Hidrelétrica Pipoca 7,488 4,459 3,029
Retiro Baixo 4,103 3,565 538
Cemig Sim 3,377 9,904 -6,527
Hidrelétrica Cachoeirão 3,304 3,723 -419
Paracambi (formerly LightGer) -345 4,511 -4,856
Belo Monte (Aliança Norte and Amazônia Energia) -19,783 -19,477 -306
Others 0 -670 670
Total 153,041 184,428 -31,387








Total investments realized in 1Q23 was R$ 749 million. an increase of 50% compared to 1Q22. 

Cemig is currently engaged in the largest investment program in its history – which will provide updating and improved reliability of its electricity system – in line with its strategic planning of focusing on the state of Minas Gerais and the Company’s strategic businesses, and providing ever-improving service to the client.








CONSOLIDATED  – R$ ’000 Mar. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Change, %
Gross debt 10,279,317 10,579,498 –2.8%
Cash and equivalents + Securities 3,094,184 3,318,838 –6.8%
Net debt 7,185,133 7,260,660 –1.0%
Debt in foreign currency 3,964,520 3,959,805 0.1%
CEMIG GT – R$ ’000 Mar. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Change, %
 Gross debt 5,001,500 4,959,066 0.9%
 Cash and equivalents + Securities 1,622,529 1,650,444 –1.7%
 Net debt 3,378,971 3,308,622 2.1%
Debt in foreign currency 3,964,520 3,959,805 0.1%
CEMIG D – R$ ’000 Mar. 31, 2023 Dec. 31, 2022 Change, %
 Gross debt 4,224,247 4,575,998 –7.7%
 Cash and equivalents + Securities 441,107 721,469 –38.9%
 Net debt 3,783,140 3,854,529 –1.9%
Debt in foreign currency 0 0



Debt amortization timetable

R$ mn



DEBT AMORTIZED IN 1Q23 – R$ ’000  
D –428,531







* Debt in USD protected by hedge instrument, within an FX variation band – with payment of interest converted to % of Brazilian CDI rate.


Covenants – Eurobonds


Last 12 months Mar 23   2022
R$ mn GT H   GT H
 net income (loss) 1.881 4.037   2.085 4.094
 financial results net 768 1.987   477 1.567
 income tax and social contribution -94 -110   118 26
 depreciation and amortization 328 1.201   328 1.182
 minority interest result -533 -862   -519 -843
 provisions for the variation in value of put option obligations 42 42   36 36
 non-operating result (which includes any gains on asset sales and any asset write-off or impairments) 135 97   119 83
 any non-cash expenses and non-cash charges, to the extent that they are nonrecurring -56 773   -35 830
 any non-cash credits and gains increasing net income, to the extent that they are non-recurring 0 -187   0 -209
 non-cash revenues related to transmission and generation indemnification -547 -561   -561 -575
 cash dividends received from minority investments (as measured in the statement of cash flows) 258 807   258 708
 monetary updating of concession grant fees -470 -470   -467 -467
 cash inflows related to concession grant fees 317 317   309 309
 cash inflows related to transmission revenue for cost of capital coverage 636 643   601 607
Covenant EBITDA 2.665 7.714   2.749 7.348
  Mar 23   2022
Last 12 months - R$ mn GT H   GT H
 consolidated Indebtedness 5.001 10.279   4.959 10.579
Derivative financial instruments -599 -599   -612 -612
Debt contracts with Forluz 172 758   181 799
The carrying liability of any put option obligation 755 755   720 720
Consolidated cash and cash equivalents and consolidated marketable securities recorded as current assets. -1.623 -3.094   -1.650 -3.319
Covenant Net Debt 3.706 8.099   3.598 8.167
Covenant Net Debt to Covenant EBITDA Ratio 1,39 1,05   1,31 1,11
Limit Covenant Net Debt to Covenant EBITDA Ratio 2,50 3,00   2,50 3,00
Total Secured Debt - 2,0   - 2,0
Total Secured Debt to Covenant EBITDA Ratio - 0,00   - 0,00
Limit Covenant Net Debt to Covenant EBITDA Ratio - 1,75   - 0,00







Cemig’s long-term ratings

Cemig’s ratings have improved greatly in recent years and is currently at an all-time high. In 2021 the three principal rating agencies upgraded their ratings for Cemig. In April 2022, Moody’s again upgraded its rating for Cemig, this time by one notch.

More details in this table:






ESG – Performance


§As part of its new investment plan, Cemig has announced the largest expansion of investments in its history: The Company plans to invest R$ 13.4 billion in solar and wind generation plants over the period from 2023 through 2027, and an aggregate total investment of R$ 42.1 billion in all the segments of its business.
§The Veredas SoleLares floating solar generating plant is being completed, with generation capacity of 1.2MWp. It occupies an area of 11,000 m² on the lake of the Santa Marta Small Hydro Plant (PCH), in Grão Mogol, Minas Gerais. This project has been important for acquiring experience with hybrid generation technology.
§The Cemig Sim REC is a certificate that ratifies the commitment to reduction of environmental impact, through use of 100% clean, renewable energy, including traceability of its origin. At the 13th annual Hugo Werneck Environmental and Sustainability Awards, this project was recognized in the Best example in solar energy category.


§Cemig has filed a request for environmental licensing with the environmental authority Ibama for an ocean offshore wind energy generation project with planned capacity for 1.5 GW.
§As part of the Aneel Energy Efficiency Program, Cemig will invest R$ 67 million in modernization of hospitals and philanthropic entities by the end of 2024. This project has been in its second phase since July 2022, replacing electrical installations with more economic, efficient and up-to-date equipment.


§The Cemig in Schools (Cemig nas Escolas) Program has modernized the lighting of approximately 300 state schools in 443 towns and cities of Minas Gerais, by substituting older lamps with LED lamps. Its purpose is to make the school community aware of efficient use of electricity, and contribute to improvement in learning quality. It is estimated that all the 3,300 state schools of Minas Gerais will have been served by the second half of this year.
§Cemig has expanded the number of families benefited by the Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE) to 1.3 million families.


§Cemig has signed a partnership with the HubVerde (GreenHub) platform, coordinated by IEBT Innovation, to foster technological development, and evolve in terms of strategic planning. The aim is to identify market solutions linked to the Company’s needs.
§Cemig has published a tender for a public auction to sell 15 generation assets. This disposal aims to comply with the directives of the Company’s strategic planning, one component of which is optimization of its portfolio of assets, seeking to improve operational efficiency and optimize allocation of capital.

Cemig present in the leading sustainability indices














Share performance


  mar/23 2022 Change, %
Share prices (2)
CMIG4 (PN) at the close (R$/share) 11.34 10.84 4.54%
CMIG3 (ON) at the close (R$/share) 17.02 15.87 7.29%
CIG (ADR for PN shares), at close (US$/share) 2.22 1.98 11.91%
CIG.C (ADR for ON shares) at close (US$/share) 3.43 3.12 9.94%
XCMIG (Cemig PN shares on Latibex), close (€/share) 2.00 1.88 6.38%
Trading volume (ADTV)
CMIG4 (PN) (R$ mn)    119.07 120.66 -1.32%
CMIG3 (ON) (R$ mn) 4.75 9.36 -49.25%
CIG (ADR for PN shares)  (US$ mn) 9.48 14.99 -36.76%
CIG.C (ADR for ON shares)  (US$ mn) 0.13 0.25 -49.60%
IEE 74,827 78,679 -4.90%
IBOV 101,882 109,735 -7.16%
DJIA 33,274 33,147 0.38%
Market valuation at end of period, R$ mn 29,354 28,200 4.09%
Enterprise value (EV – R$ mn) (1) 36,754 34,805 5.60%
Dividend yield of CMIG4 (PN) (%) (3) 12.61 12.22 0,39 p.p
Dividend yield of CMIG3 (ON) (%) (3) 8.43 8.43 0,00 p.p


(1)EV = Market valuation ( R$/share x number of shares ) plus consolidated Net debt.
(2)Share prices adjusted for corporate action payments, including dividends.
(3)(Dividends distributed in last four quarters) / (Share price at end of the period).


Cemig’s shares, by volume (aggregate of common (ON) and preferred (PN) shares), were the third most liquid in Brazil’s electricity sector, and among the most traded in the Brazilian equity market. On the New York Stock Exchange the volume traded in ADRs for Cemig’s preferred shares (CIG) in 1Q23 was US$588 million – reflecting recognition by the investor market of Cemig as a global investment option. The Ibovespa index of the São Paulo Stock Exchange (B3) was down 7.16% in the period, while the preferred shares of Cemig outperformed this, rising 4.54% in the same period. The common shares rose 7.29%. In New York the ADRs for Cemig’s preferred shares were up 11.91%, and the ADRs for the common shares were up 9.94%.





Cemig generation plants


Power Plant  Company  Cemig Installed Capacity
 Cemig Assured Energy
Expiration of Concession Type of plant Cemig's Stake
Emborcação CEMIG GT          1,192           475 May-27 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Nova Ponte CEMIG GT             510           257 Aug-27 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Irapé CEMIG GT             399           198 Sep-37 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Três Marias CEMIG G. TRÊS MARIAS             396           227 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Salto Grande CEMIG G. SALTO GRANDE             102             74 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Queimado   CEMIG GT              87             53 Jul-34 Hydroelectric 82.5%
Sá Carvalho      Sá Carvalho S.A              78             54 Aug-26 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Rosal Rosal Energia S. A              55             28 Dec-35 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Itutinga CEMIG G. ITUTINGA              52             27 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Camargos CEMIG G. CAMARGOS              46             22 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Volta do Rio CEMIG GT              42             18 Dec-31 Wind Farm 100.0%
Poço Fundo CEMIG GT              30             17 May-52 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Praias de Parajuru CEMIG GT              29              8 Sep-32 Wind Farm 100.0%
Pai Joaquim              CEMIG PCH  S.A              23             14 Sep-32 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Piau CEMIG G. SUL              18             14 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Gafanhoto CEMIG G. OESTE              14              7 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Peti CEMIG G. LESTE                9              6 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Joasal CEMIG G. SUL                8              5 Jan-53 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Salto Voltão          Horizontes Energia                8              7 Jun-33 Hydroelectric 100.0%
Belo Monte Norte Energia          1,313           534 Jul-46 Hydroelectric 11.7%
Aimorés                       ALIANÇA             149             78 Nov-39 Hydroelectric 45.0%
Amador Aguiar I ALIANÇA              94             58 Nov-42 Hydroelectric 39.3%
Amador Aguiar II ALIANÇA              83             49 Aug-36 Hydroelectric 39.3%
Funil                        ALIANÇA              81             36 May-40 Hydroelectric 45.0%
Igarapava                   ALIANÇA              50             30 Sep-31 Hydroelectric 23.7%
Porto Estrela        ALIANÇA              34             18 Jun-35 Hydroelectric 30.0%
Gravier ALIANÇA              32             -    Aug-55 Wind Farm 45.0%
Candonga ALIANÇA              32             14 Jul-40 Hydroelectric 22.5%
Santo Inácio III ALIANÇA              13              6 Jun-46 Wind Farm 45.0%
Garrote ALIANÇA              10              5 Jun-46 Wind Farm 45.0%
Santo Inácio IV ALIANÇA              10              5 Jun-46 Wind Farm 45.0%
São Raimundo ALIANÇA              10              5 Jun-46 Wind Farm 45.0%
Baguari BAGUARI ENERGIA              48             28 Mar-46 Hydroelectric 34.0%
Cachoeirão                         Hidrelétrica Cachoeirão              13              8 Sep-33 Hydroelectric 49.0%
Pipoca Hidrelétrica Pipoca              10              6 Dec-34 Hydroelectric 49.0%
Paracambi Lightger              12             10 Jan-34 Hydroelectric 49.0%
Retiro Baixo Retiro Baixo              42             17 Mar-47 Hydroelectric 49.9%
Others               117             53      
 Total     5,251 2,469      


Note: Generation capacity and physical guarantee figures are proportional to Cemig’s holding in each plant.






RAP – July 2022–June 2023 cycle


Aneel Ratifying Resolution (REH) 3067/2022 (2022–2023 cycle)
Company  RAP (R$ ’000) % Cemig  Cemig (R$ ’000)  Expiration
Cemig 925,247 100.00% 925,247  
Cemig GT 810,629 100.00% 810,629 Dec. 2042
Cemig Itajubá 75,310 100.00% 75,310 Oct. 2030
Centroeste 30,575 100.00% 30,575 Mar. 2035
Sete Lagoas 8,734 100.00% 8,734 Jun. 2041
Taesa 3,453,500 21.68% 748,719  
TOTAL RAP – CEMIG     1,673,966  


R$ ’000 – per cycle 2020–2021 2021–2022 2022–2023 From 2023-2024, to 2027-2028
Economic 144,375 144,375 144,375 60,158
Financial 332,489 88,662 129,953 275,556
TOTAL 476,864 233,038 274,328 335,714

* RAP including amounts of the Adjustment Portion.

** The figures for indemnity of National Grid components are included in the RAP of Cemig (first table).



Regulatory transmission revenues – 1Q23

Regulatory Transmission revenue – 1Q23  
           R$ ’000 GT Centroeste Sete Lagoas
REVENUE 345,161 7,452 2,397
  Revenue from transactions in electricity 345,161 7,452 2,397
Taxes on revenue -29,691 -272 -222
  PIS and Pasep taxes -5,294 -48 -40
  Cofins tax -24,384 -224 -182
  ISS tax -13 - -
Sector charges -84,818 -222 -98
  Research and Development (R&D) -2,119 -61 -18
  Global Reversion Reserve (RGR) - -125 -70
  Energy Development Account (CDE) -65,907 -8 -2
  Electricity Services Inspection Charge (TFSEE) -884 -28 -8
  Others -15,908 - -
Net revenue 230,652 6,958 2,077







Complementary information

Cemig D

CEMIG D Market
Quarter Captive
 1Q21 6,157 5,461 11,618 34.1
 2Q21 6,147 5,350 11,497 34.5
 3Q21 6,098 5,592 11,689 35.5
 4Q21 6,116 5,629 11,746 35.2
 1Q22 6,013 5,612 11,626 36.1
 2Q22 5,738 5,397 11,136 36.2
 3Q22 6,050 5,853 11,904 36.7
 4Q22 5,942 5,790 11,733 34.7
1Q23 5,723 5,566 11,289 38.0
1. Refers to the quantity of electricity for calculation of the regulatory charges charged to free consumer clients ("Portion A")
2. Total electricity distributed      
3. Sum of the demand on which the TUSD is invoiced, according to demand contracted ("Portion B").  


Cemig D 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
Operating Revenues (R$ million) 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Revenue from supply of energy 4,722 4,241 5,993 11.3% -21.2%
Reimbursement of PIS/Pasep and Cofins credits to customers 696 718 437 -3.1% 59.4%
Revenue from Use of Distribution Systems (the TUSD charge) 988 935 868 5.7% 13.8%
CVA and Other financial components in tariff adjustment 21 221 -700 -90.6% -
Construction revenue 658 1,030 430 -36.2% 53.1%
Adjustment to expectation of cash flow from indemnifiable financial assets of distribution concession 31 11 20 181.2% 56.3%
Others 395 529 519 -25.3% -23.9%
Subtotal 7,510 7,685 7,566 -2.3% -0.7%
Deductions 2,133 1,612 2,818 32.3% -24.3%
Net Revenues 5,377 6,073 4,748 -11.5% 13.2%







  1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
 Cemig D - Expenses 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Personnel 225 248 200 -9.3% 12.3%
Employees' and managers' profit sharing 25 -22 24 - 2.6%
Forluz – Post-retirement obligations 73 106 103 -30.8% -28.6%
Materials 25 49 16 -48.5% 55.8%
Outsourced services 401 429 324 -6.5% 24.0%
Amortization 194 196 175 -0.8% 10.9%
Operating provisions 67 152 105 -56.0% -36.2%
Charges for Use of Basic Transmission Network 729 682 889 6.9% -18.0%
Energy purchased for resale 2,324 2,475 1,978 -6.1% 17.5%
Construction Cost 658 1,030 429 -36.1% 53.4%
Other Expenses 75 124 27 -39.5% 177.8%
Total 4,796 5,469 4,269 -12.3% 12.3%


Cemig D 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
Statement of Results 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Net Revenue 5,377 6,073 4,748 -11.5% 13.2%
Operating Expenses 4,796 5,469 4,269 -12.3% 12.3%
EBIT 581 604 479 -3.9% 21.3%
EBITDA 775 801 655 -3.2% 18.3%
Financial Result -92 11 25 - -
Provision for Income Taxes, Social Cont & Deferred Income Tax -119 -154 -128 -22.7% -7.0%
Net Income 370 461 376 -19.8% -1.6%





Cemig GT

Cemig GT - Operating Revenues 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
(R$ million)       1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Sales to end consumers         1,105       1,291       1,366 -14.4% -19.1%
Supply           475         563          652 -15.6% -27.1%
Revenues from Trans. Network              174         182          152 -4.4% 14.5%
Gain on monetary updating of Concession Grant Fee           135         114          132 18.4% 2.3%
Transactions in the CCEE             23           49            23 -53.1% 0.0%
Construction revenue             39         137            68 -71.5% -42.6%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets           175         126          189 38.9% -7.4%
Others             49           64            35 -23.4% 40.0%
Subtotal         2,175       2,526       2,617 -13.9% -16.9%
Deductions           419         471          493 -11.0% -15.0%
Net Revenues         1,756       2,055       2,124 -14.5% -17.3%


Cemig GT - Operating Expenses 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
(R$ million)       1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Personnel 86 89 81 -3.6% 6.2%
Employees' and managers' profit sharing 9 5 9 95.7% 0.0%
Forluz – Post-retirement obligations 12 33 32 -63.4% -62.5%
Materials 3 11 4 -73.6% -25.0%
Outsourced services 53 73 45 -27.9% 17.8%
Depreciation and Amortization 81 82 82 -1.1% -1.2%
Operating provisions 9 19 15 -51.9% -40.0%
Charges for Use of Basic Transmission Network 63 64 58 -2.2% 8.6%
Energy purchased for resale 682 1,050 907 -35.1% -24.8%
Construction Cost 27 93 51 -70.9% -47.1%
Gain in disposal of asset held for sale -30 - - - -
Other Expenses 93 -12 34 - 173.5%
Total 1,088 1,507 1,318 -27.8% -17.5%







Cemig GT - Statement of Results 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
(R$ million)       1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Net Revenue 1,756 2,055 2,124 -14.5% -17.3%
Operating Expenses 1,088 1,507 1,318 -27.8% -17.5%
EBIT 668 548 806 22.0% -17.1%
Equity gain in subsidiaries 70 71 56 -1.4% 25.0%
EBITDA 819 700 944 16.9% -13.2%
Financial Result 6 -92 297 - -
Provision for Income Taxes, Social Cont & Deferred Income Tax -134 -95 -345 41.1% -
Net Income 610 432 814 41.4% -25.1%



Cemig, Consolidated


Energy Sales 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
(in GWh)       1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Residential 2,985 2,901 2,842 2.9% 5.0%
Industrial 4,308 4,714 4,158 -8.6% 3.6%
Commercial 2,343 2,248 2,276 4.2% 2.9%
Rural 526 774.041 546 -32.0% -3.7%
Others 766 855.638 829 -10.5% -7.6%
Subtotal 10,928 11,493 10,651 -4.9% 2.6%
Own Consumption 7 7 10 0.0% -30.0%
Supply 4039 4585 3701 -11.9% 9.1%
TOTAL 14,974 16,085 14,362 -6.9% 4.3%


Revenue from supply of electricity 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 chg. % chg. %
(R$ million)       1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
Residential 2,395 2,214 3,116 8.2% -23.1%
Industrial 1,439 1,529 1,393 -5.9% 3.3%
Commercial 1,503 1,416 1,743 6.1% -13.8%
Rural 393 477.177 489 -17.6% -19.6%
Others 446 452.075 595 -1.3% -25.0%
Subtotal 6,176 6,089 7,336 1.4% -15.8%
Unbilled supply 13 -300.852 78 -104.3% -83.3%
Supply 906 1116.291 890 -18.8% 1.8%
TOTAL 7,095 6,904 8,304 2.8% -14.6%








Operating Revenues - consolidated 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
(R$ million)          
Sales to end consumers 6,189 5,788 7,414 6.9% -16.5%
Supply 906 1,116 890 -18.8% 1.8%
TUSD 980 927 859 5.7% 14.1%
CVA and Other financial components in tariff adjustment 20 221 -700 -91.0% -
Reimbursement of PIS/Pasep and Cofins over ICMS credits to customers 696 718 437 -3.1% 59.3%
Transmission revenue plus RTP 88 97 84 -9.4% 4.8%
Financial remuneration of transmission contractual assets 177 129 192 37.6% -7.8%
Transactions in the CCEE 29 50 -18 -41.7% -
Gas supply 1,124 1,242 956 -9.5% 17.6%
Construction revenue 715 1,183 509 -39.6% 40.5%
Others 640 739 758 -13.4% -15.6%
Subtotal 11,564 12,210 11,381 -5.3% 1.6%
Deductions 2,917 2,457 3,534 18.7% -17.5%
Net Revenues 8,647 9,753 7,847 -11.3% 10.2%



Operating Expenses - consolidated 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
(R$ million)          
Personnel 335 368 304 -9.0% 10.2%
Employees’ and managers’ profit sharing 38 -15 37 -353.3% 2.7%
Forluz – Post-Retirement Employee Benefits 103 157 153 - -32.7%
Materials 29 61 20 -52.5% 45.0%
Outsourced services 467 524 380 -10.9% 22.9%
Energy purchased for resale 3445 3939 3103 -12.5% 11.0%
Depreciation and Amortization 303 313 284 -3.2% 6.7%
Operating Provisions 121 186 163 -34.9% -25.8%
Charges for use of the national grid 700 654 869 7.0% -19.4%
Gas bought for resale 614 697 564 -11.9% 8.9%
Construction costs 703 1139 491 -38.3% 43.2%
Loss due to reduction to recoverable value 46 -37 - - -
Gain in disposal of asset held for sale -30 - - - 0.0%
Other Expenses 67 227 31 -70.5% 116.1%
Total 6,941 8,213 6,399 -15.5% 8.5%









Financial Result Breakdown 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
(R$ million)          
Income from cash investments 98 153 74 -35.9% 32.4%
Arrears fees on sale of energy 69 65 95 6.2% -27.4%
Monetary variations – CVA 27 36 52 -25.0% -48.1%
Monetary updating on Court escrow deposits 15 26 15 -42.3% 0.0%
Pasep and Cofins charged on finance income -43 -32 -24 34.4% 79.2%
Exchange 104 164 842 -36.6% -87.6%
Others 60 67 55 -10.4% 9.1%
  330 479 1,109 -31.1% -70.2%
Costs of loans and financings 242 235 224 3.0% 8.0%
Foreign exchange variations 0 0 0 - -
Monetary updating – loans and financings 72 34 65 111.8% 10.8%
Charges and monetary updating on post-retirement obligation 8 6 14 33.3% -42.9%
Negative effect on financial instruments - Hedge 13 136 457 -90.4% -97.2%
  0 58 0   -
Others 101 80 35 26.3% 188.6%
  436 549 795 -20.6% -45.2%
NET FINANCE INCOME (EXPENSES) -106 -70 314 51.4% -



Statement of Results 1Q23 4Q22 1Q22 1Q/4Q 1Q/1Q
(R$ million)          
Net Revenue 8,647 9,753 7,847 -11.3% 10.2%
Operating Expenses 6,941 8,213 6,399 -15.5% 8.5%
EBIT 1,706 1,540 1,448 10.8% 17.8%
Equity gain (loss) in subsidiaries 153 74 184 106.8% -16.8%
Result of Periodic Tariff Review and RBSE reprofiling 0 0 0 - -
Result of business combination 0 -3 0 - -
EBITDA 2,162 1,924 1,916 12.4% 12.8%
Financial Result -106 -70 314 - -
Provision for Income Taxes, Social Cont & Deferred Income Tax -355 -180 -490 - -
Net profit for the period 1,398 1,361 1,456 2.7% -4.0%









Cash Flow Statement 1Q23 1Q22
(R$ million)    
Cash at beginning of period 1,441 825
Cash generated by operations 957 977
 Net income for the period from going concern operations 1,398 1,455
 Tributos compensáveis -105 259
 Depreciation and amortization 303 283
 CVA and other financial components -21 700
 Equity gain (loss) in subsidiaries   -153 -184
 Provisions (reversals) for operational losses 119 163
 Dividends receivable 0 0
 Interest paid on loans and financings -98 -141
 Result of Periodic tariff review 0 0
 Net gain on derivative instruments at fair value through profit or loss 13 457
 Interest and monetary variation -104 -843
 PIS/Pasep and Cofins Credits -696 -437
 Escrow deposits 17 -26
 Others 284 -709
Investment activity -353 455
 Securities - Financial Investment 348 913
 Financial assets 30 0
 Fixed and Intangible assets/distribution and gas infrastructure -731 -458
Financing activities -445 -848
 Lease payments -16 -19
 Payments of loans and financings -429 -829
 Interest on Equity, and dividends 0 0
 Proceeds from Loans, financings and debentures 0 0
Cash at end of period 1,600 1,409


(R$ million)    
 Cash and cash equivalents   1,600 1,441
 Marketable securities 1,357 1,745
 Customers, traders, concession holders and Transport of energy 4,911 4,769
 Concession financial assets 1,029 1,055
 Concession contract assets 759 728
 Tax offsetable   1,530 1,917
 Income tax and Social Contribution tax recoverable 778 775
 Dividends receivable 157 146
 Public lighting contribution 225 207
 Refund tariff subsidies 97 97
 Other credits 695 584
 TOTAL CURRENT 13,138 13,465




 Securities   137 134
 Consumers and traders   46 43
 Tax offsetable   1,402 1,358
 Income tax and Social Contribution tax recoverable 144 173
 Deferred income tax and Social Contribution tax 3,132 3,120
 Escrow deposits in legal actions   1,205 1,207
 Derivative financial instruments – Swaps   709 703
 Accounts receivable from the State of Minas Gerais 13 13
 Financial assets of the concession 5,156 4,937
 Contractual assets 6,370 5,976
 Investments   5,124 5,106
 Property, plant and equipment 2,408 2,409
 Intangible assets   14,644 14,622
 Leasing – rights of use 377 329
 Other credits 80 76
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 40,947 40,206
TOTAL ASSETS 54,085 53,671



(R$ million)    
 Suppliers 2,448 2,832
 Regulatory charges 531 510
 Profit sharing 147 105
 Taxes 909 885
 Income tax and Social Contribution tax 254 240
 Interest on Equity, and dividends, payable   2,247 1,863
 Loans and financings   1,091 955
 Payroll and related charges 232 260
 Public Lighting Contribution 330 312
 Accounts payable related to energy generated by consumers 563 455
 Post-retirement liabilities   399 388
 PIS/Pasep and Cofins taxes to be reimbursed to customers 459 1,155
 Derivative financial instruments   110 91
 Derivative financial instruments - options 705 672
 Leasing operations 72 57
 Other obligations 525 423
TOTAL CURRENT 11,022 11,205




 Regulatory charges 47 65
 Loans and financings 9,188 9,624
 Income tax and Social Contribution tax   370 370
 Deferred Income tax and Social Contribution tax   916 932
 Provisions 2,060 2,029
 Post-retirement liabilities   5,223 5,304
 PASEP / COFINS to be returned to consumers 1,873 1,808
 Leasing operations 334 297
 Others 255 253
TOTAL NON-CURRENT 20,266 20,682
 Share capital 11,007 11,007
 Capital reserves 2,250 2,250
 Profit reserves 10,395 10,395
 Equity valuation adjustments -1,837 -1,873
 Profit reserves 976 0
 Non-Controlling Interests 6 5
TOTAL EQUITY 22,797 21,784




Certain statements and estimates in this material may represent expectations about future events or results which are subject to risks and uncertainties that may be known or unknown. There is no guarantee that events or results will occur as referred to in these expectations.

These expectations are based on the present assumptions and analyses from the point of view of our management, in accordance with their experience and other factors such as the macroeconomic environment, market conditions in the electricity sector, and expected future results, many of which are not under our control.

Important factors that could lead to significant differences between actual results and the projections about future events or results include Cemig’s business strategy, Brazilian and international economic conditions, technology, our financial strategy, changes in the electricity sector, hydrological conditions, conditions in the financial and energy markets, uncertainty on our results from future operations, plans and objectives, and other factors. Due to these and other factors, our results may differ significantly from those indicated in or implied by such statements.

The information and opinions herein should not be understood as a recommendation to potential investors, and no investment decision should be based on the veracity, currentness or completeness of this information or these opinions. None of our staff nor any party related to any of them or their representatives shall have any responsibility for any losses that may arise as a result of use of the content of this presentation.

To evaluate the risks and uncertainties as they relate to Cemig, and to obtain additional information about factors that could give rise to different results from those estimated by Cemig, please consult the section Risk Factors included in the Reference Form filed with the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM) – and in the 20-F Form filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).








6.Material Fact dated May 8, 2023 – Award in an Arbitration PUT SAAG to be paid by May 12, 2023






Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127




Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 06.981.176/0001-58

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300020550







COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG” or “Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, and CEMIG GERAÇÃO E TRANSMISSÃO S.A. (“CEMIG GT”), a publicly-held company and wholly-owned subsidiary of CEMIG, pursuant to CVM Resolution 44/2021, of August 23, 2021, hereby announces to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission - CVM, B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general that, further to the Material Fact disclosed by the Company on February 10, 2023, an Agreement (“Agreement”), between Cemig GT and Private Pension Foundations (“Foundations”) participating in the investment structure in the Santo Antônio Plant, through SAAG (structure composed of FIP Melbourne, Parma Participações S.A., and FIP Malbec, jointly referred to as “Investment Structure”), has been signed today.


The Agreement ends the arbitration proceeding instituted in the Brazil-Canada Chamber of Commerce to discuss the value of the put options exercised by the Foundations related to their share in the Investment Structure.


The total value of the Agreement is R$781 million, to be paid by Cemig GT until May 12, 2023. Considering the provision that has already been recorded, the additional effects to be recorded in the financial statements for the second quarter of 2023 will correspond to the approximate value of R$26 million.


With the acquisition of the shares then held by the Foundations in the Investment Structure, Cemig GT will be the holder of the correlated assets totaling about R$50 million.


The Company reaffirms its commitment to keep shareholders and the market in general duly and timely informed, according to the applicable legislation, in compliance with the restrictions of CVM rules and other applicable laws.


Belo Horizonte, May 8, 2023.


Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer





7.Notice to the Market dated May 16, 2023 – Cemig has filed 2022 Form 20-F








Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127





A COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG”), a publicly held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York and Madrid, hereby informs the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”) and the market in general that it has filed on May 16, 2023, Form 20-F for the 2022 fiscal year (“2022 Form 20-F”) with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”).


2022 Form 20-F can be accessed on SEC’s website, at www.sec.gov, or the Company’s

Investor Relations website, at http://ri.cemig.com.br.


Shareholders who wish to receive a free printed copy of the report, including the financial statements for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2022, shall send an email to ri@cemig.com.br.



Belo Horizonte, May 16, 2023.





Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer






8.Notice to the Market dated May 23, 2023 - Periodic Tariff Revision (RTP) of Cemig Distribuição






Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300040127




Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 06.981.180/0001-16

Company Registry (NIRE): 31300020568




Periodic Tariff Revision (RTP) of Cemig Distribuição


COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG or Company”), a publicly-held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid hereby informs to the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM), B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general that the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency (ANEEL) has approved today the result of the Periodic Tariff Revision of CEMIG DISTRIBUIÇÃO S.A. (“CEMIG D”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Cemig. The Periodic Tariff Revision will become effective on May 28, 2023.


The approved tariff adjustment index is shown below:


Voltage Level Average Consumer Effect
High Voltage 8.94%
Low Voltage 15.55%
Total 13.27%


The main items associated with the electricity distribution service – which is the object of said tariff revision process – have been approved by ANEEL, as shown in the table below:


Reevaluated Items 2023 Revision
Gross Base (R$ million) 25,587
Net Base (R$ million) 15,200
WACC 7.43%
Depreciation Rate 3.95%
Technical Losses 8.01%
Non-technical losses 6.41%


  2023 Revision
(R$ thousand)
Operating Costs 3,546,068
CAIMI (Annual Cost of Movable and Immovable Facilities) 484,105
Remuneration on Equity 1,704,245
Remuneration on Special Operations 272,746
Depreciation 1,007,249
Portion B adjustment associated with the SCEE (Electricity Compensation System) 137,625
PORTION B 7,152,039









Detailed information about Cemig Distribuição’s tariff revision process is available in Technical Note No. 12/2023 at www.gov.br/aneel.






Belo Horizonte, May 23, 2023.



Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer




9.Notice To The Market dated April 27, 2023 - Cemig requested a postponement on the deadline to file the 20-F Form








Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ): 17.155.730/0001-64

Company Registry (NIRE): 31.300.040.127




COMPANHIA ENERGÉTICA DE MINAS GERAIS – CEMIG (“CEMIG”), a publicly held company with shares traded on the stock exchanges of São Paulo, New York, and Madrid, hereby informs the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission – CVM, B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (“B3”), and the market in general, under the regulatory prerogatives of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - SEC, that it requested a postponement on the deadline to file the 20-F Form, as it has not yet concluded the preparation of said form, but will do so before May 16, 2023.



Belo Horizonte, April 27, 2023.





Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer






10.Notice To Shareholders dated April 27, 2023 - Dividends/Interest on Equity








Corporate Taxpayer’s ID (CNPJ) 17.155.730/0001-64




We hereby inform our shareholders that the Annual and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting (AESM) held on April 27, 2023, resolved on the following:




a)to the net income for 2022, totaling R$4,092,313 thousand, R$2,232,463 thousand be allocated as minimum mandatory dividends to the Company’s shareholders, as follows:


ü  Ratify R$1,983,650 thousand as Interest on Equity (“IoE”), already declared as follows:

• R$245,000 thousand, equivalent to R$0.14473821881 per common/preferred share, declared on March 28, 2022, paid on December 30, 2022.

• R$353,000 thousand, equivalent to R$0.16041629900 per common/preferred share, declared on June 24, 2022, to be paid in two equal installments: 50% by June 30, 2023, and 50% by December 30, 2023.

• R$471,529 thousand, equivalent to R$0.21428027494 per common/preferred share, declared on September 23, 2022, to be paid in two equal installments: 50% by June 30, 2023, and 50% by December 30, 2023.

• R$398,607 thousand, equivalent to R$0.18114181218 per common/preferred share, declared on December 21, 2022, to be paid in two equal installments: 50% by June 30, 2023, and 50% by December 30, 2023.

• R$515,514 thousand, equivalent to R$0.23426869112 per common/preferred share, declared on December 27, 2022, to be paid in two equal installments: 50% by June 30, 2023, and 50% by December 30, 2023.


ü  Declare R$248,813 thousand as dividends for 2002, corresponding to R$0.11306986008 per common/preferred share, payable to shareholders registered in the Book of Registry of Registered Shares on the date of the holding of the AESM, that is, April 27, 2022, to be paid in two equal installments: 50% by June 30, 2023, and 50% by December 30, 2023. The shares will be traded “ex-rights” starting April 28, 2023.


Shareholders whose shares are not held in custody at CBLC (Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia) and whose registration data is outdated are advised to go to a branch of Banco Itaú Unibanco S.A. (the institution administering CEMIG’s System of Registered Shares) bearing their personal documents for the due update of their registration data.


Belo Horizonte, April 27, 2023.


Leonardo George de Magalhães

Chief Financial and Investor Relations Officer

Av. Barbacena, 1200 - Santo Agostinho - CEP 30190-131

Belo Horizonte - MG - Brazil - Phone: (0XX31) 3506-5024 - Fax (0XX31) 3506-5025



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