PHYSIOMICS PLC - Interim Results
21 Março 2005 - 4:00AM
PR Newswire (US)
PHYSIOMICS PLC - Interim Results Physiomics plc Interim Results
Announcement for the 6 months ended 31st December 2004 Oxford, UK
21 March 2005 - Physiomics plc (`Physiomics', AIM: PYC), a European
systems biology simulation company, today publishes its interim
results for the six months ended 31st December 2004. The majority
of the financial information presented in this report relates to
the period before the Company's AIM listing on 20 December 2004.
The business of Physiomics is the development and sale of services
aimed at reducing the high cost of drug development for
pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, principally by
optimising the design of their clinical trials through the
application of computer-based simulation tools. The services have a
particular focus on cancer therapies. Highlights of the period: *
Physiomics raises �750,000 before expenses in its AIM listing on 20
December 2004 * Turnover (ex grants) rose from �30,000 in the
corresponding period last year to �96,000, an increase of over 200%
* Cancer drug development partnership with Cronos Therapeutics
signed * Major systems biology project initiated at Barcelona
University * Systems Biology expert Professor David Fell joins
Board * Formal notification from the UK Patent Office of
registration to Physiomics in the UK of European Patent 0 937 286,
which covers its SystemCell� simulation technology Dr Stephen
Parker, Chairman of Physiomics, commented: "I am delighted to
present our first set of results since Physiomics was listed on AIM
on 20 December 2004. We made significant progress in the business
over the period, culminating in the listing. The Directors
recognise the invaluable support of staff, shareholders and
advisors in achieving this important goal for the business and
thank everyone for their hard work over the period. Going forward,
we believe Physiomics is well placed to develop a strong business
based on systems biology." For further information please contact:
Physiomics plc Dr Stephen Parker (Chairman) Tel: 07771 526 785 Dr
John Savin (CEO) Tel: 01865 784 980 Northbank Communications Tel:
020 7886 8150 Emma Palmer Fiona Brown Rowan Minnion Notes to
Editors Physiomics plc Physiomics plc, founded in 2001, develops
and sells services aimed at reducing the high cost of drug
development for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies by
optimising the design of cancer clinical trials through the
application of computer-based simulations. Physiomics is also
applying its technologies to develop proprietary cancer therapy
products for out-licensing and, to this end, it has secured an
option to license two innovative molecules. Chairman's Statement
Business development The interim results show strong progress in
the development of the business, with a major collaborative
agreement with Bayer Technology Services GmbH signed in July 2004
and a drug development partnership, focused on cancer, initiated
with Cronos Therapeutics Limited in August. Clinical Response
Prediction brings together two unique strengths in systems biology
- Bayer Technology Services' PK-Sim� physiology-based
pharmacokinetic (PBPK) modelling and Physiomics' SystemCell
technology which can determine and predict optimum drug levels. In
the collaboration with Cronos, Physiomics will use its novel in
silico technology to select optimal targets for the
highly-selective GeneICE technology from Cronos. The partners will
then co-develop the lead GeneICE constructs. Physiomics gained
assignment of the UK patent to its SystemCell simulation technology
in December. Formal registration of the UK patent is expected to
strengthen the Company's commercial position, and allow Physiomics
to exploit the full potential of SystemCell. Financial results Due
to the Bayer collaboration, which includes an upfront technology
access fee spread over the contract period, sales rose from �30,000
in the corresponding period last year to �96,000, an increase of
over 200%. Turnover of �37,000 in the prior year period included
�7,000 of grants. Before one-off costs, loss at the operating level
was �236,000. This low operating loss shows the potential profit
gearing inherent in the business model of a low fixed cost base
with outsourcing on specific projects. The Company ended the period
with net assets (mainly IPO proceeds) of �540,000. Research and
development costs increased in the second quarter as a major
science project was initiated at Barcelona University with a
leading systems biology group under Professor Marta Cascante, a
member of the Physiomics Scientific Advisory Board. This has
already yielded significant data on the biochemistry of cancer cell
growth which will be invaluable in the Company's current research
programme and also in marketing activities. Board developments The
Company welcomed three new Board members in the period: Professor
David Fell, who has been associated with the Company since 2001, as
Science Director and two non executive Directors, Dr Paul Harper
and Mr John Pool. Mr Pool is Chairman of EiRx Pharma Limited, the
parent company of Physiomics, and represents EiRx Pharma Limited on
the Physiomics Board. Post period events and outlook for the second
half The Board believes that the business is well placed to benefit
from the increasing interest in systems biology and in silico
approaches to pharmaceutical drug development. The AIM listing
provides an excellent basis for further business development and
expansion. The Company is now actively, but carefully, utilising
the IPO proceeds to invest in product development and has retained
a specialist pharmaceutical business development consultancy to
drive marketing in the USA and Europe. A further highly experienced
simulation scientist, expert in modelling cell growth and division,
joined the development team from a leading German laboratory in
January. Physiomics is also fortunate to have recently recruited a
senior software expert in systems biology to further develop its
SystemCell technology. This technology is being developed to grow
populations of virtual cancer cells in order to optimise clinical
trial design. In the second half, it is expected that revenues will
be broadly in line with the first half whilst ongoing operating
expenses will rise due to listed company costs, external science
contracts and additional product development. However, apart from
controlled outsourced and marketing investment, the cost base
should then stabilise from the last quarter of the current
financial year onwards to give a solid platform for growth. Dr.
Stephen B. Parker Chairman 18th March 2005 Unaudited Profit and
Loss Account for the six months ended 31 December 2004 Notes 6
months to 6 months to 31.12.2004 31.12.2003 � 000 � 000 Turnover
(sales and grants) 96 37 Operating loss (236) (15) Loss on ordinary
activities before (236) (15) financing costs Net finance income - -
Loss on ordinary activities before (236) (15) taxation Taxation - -
Loss on ordinary activities after taxation (236) (15) Dividends - -
Retained loss (236) (15) Earnings (loss) per 1 (0.132) (0.009)
share, p Unaudited Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2004 Notes
31.12.04 31.12.03 30.06.04 � 000 � 000 � 000 Fixed assets Tangible
fixed assets 12 3 13 Intangible fixed assets 56 70 58 Current
assets Debtors 2 384 76 13 Cash at bank 3 437 - 9 821 76 22 Current
liabilities Creditors falling due within one year (349) (286) (447)
Net current assets/(liabilities) 472 (210) (425) Net
assets/(liabilities) 540 (137) (354) Capital and reserves Called up
share 4 97 67 67 capital Share premium 5 1,305 205 205 account
Profit and loss account (862) (409) (626) Total shareholders funds
540 (137) (354) Unaudited Cash Flow Statement for the six months
ended 31 December 2004 Notes 6 months to 6 months to 31.12.04
31.12.03 � 000 � 000 Cash outflow from operating activities (700)
(5) Taxation - - Purchase of tangible fixed assets (1) - Management
of liquid resources Cash held on short term deposit (400) - Cash
outflow before financing (1,101) (5) Financing Net proceeds of
share issues including IPO 1,129 - Increase/(decrease) in cash in
the period 28 (5) Notes to the financial information 1) The
calculation of (loss) per ordinary share is based on 2004 loss per
accounts of �236,000 and weighted average number of shares of
178,306,717. 2003 loss per accounts was �15,000 and the weighted
average number of shares in issue was 167,850,900. At the time of
the IPO, the existing share capital was sub-divided and each
ordinary share of 1 pence was divided into 25 ordinary shares of
0.04p. The EPS calculations show the 2003 loss per share on a
comparable basis, as though the shares had been sub-divided in 2003
2) The company achieved an AIM listing in December 2004 and raised
�750,000 gross. As at 31 December 2004, �445,000 had been received.
The remaining � 305,000 was included under debtors, and has
subsequently been received. 3) Cash at bank as at 31 December 2004
includes �400,000 held on short term deposit 4) In addition to the
new money raised, inter-company charges, creditors and loans
amounting to �618,000 were converted into equity in the period 5)
Adviser fees and other costs of the IPO process amounted to
�239,000 and the whole of this amount has been charged to the Share
Premium account The comparative figures for the year to 30 June
2004 are abridged from the accounts for that year and do not
constitute full accounts within the meaning of Section 240 of the
Companies Act 1985 (as amended). Statutory accounts for that
period, on which the auditors gave an unqualified opinion, have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies. This interim report
has been prepared in accordance with accounting policies adopted in
the most recent published accounts. The report has been neither
audited nor reviewed by Grant Thornton, our auditors. END