INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income $852 $879 $1,822 $1,800 Other comprehensive income (loss), net of income taxes Change in unrealized gains and (losses) on available-for-sale securities, net of hedging activities(a) (69) 63 272 112 Reclassification to earnings in respect of available-for-sale securities(b) (13) (2) (41) (27) Change in foreign currency translation gains and (losses) on investments in subsidiaries, net of hedging activities(c),(d) 470 97 239 420 Change in gains and (losses) on derivative instruments designated as cash flow hedges(e) 235 13 643 (114) Reclassification to earnings of (gains) and losses on cash flow hedges(f) (31) 3 (37) 7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Other comprehensive income for the period 592 174 1,076 398 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Comprehensive income for the period $1,444 $1,053 $2,898 $2,198 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (a) Net of income tax benefit of $96 million and income tax expense of $113 million for the three and six months ended April 30, 2008 respectively. (b) Net of income tax expense of $6 million and $16 million for the three and six months ended April 30, 2008 respectively. (c) Net of income tax benefit of $14 million for the three months ended April 30, 2008 (three months ended April 30, 2007 - tax expense of $331 million). Net of income tax benefit of $295 million for the six months ended April 30, 2008 (six months ended April 30, 2007 - tax expense of $52 million). (d) Includes $(39) million for the three months ended April 30, 2008 (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $681 million) of after-tax gains (losses) arising from hedges of the Bank's investment in foreign operations. Includes $(671) million for the six months ended April 30, 2008 (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $112 million) of after- tax gains (losses) arising from hedges of the Bank's investment in foreign operations. (e) Net of income tax expense of $108 million and $275 million for the three and six months ended April 30, 2008 respectively. (f) Net of income tax expense of $13 million and $16 million for the three and six months ended April 30, 2008 respectively. Certain comparative amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period's presentation. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. INTERIM CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS (unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from (used in) operating activities Net income $852 $879 $1,822 $1,800 Adjustments to determine net cash flows from (used in) operating activities: Provision for credit losses 232 172 487 335 Restructuring costs 48 67 48 67 Depreciation 85 93 167 175 Amortization of other intangibles 117 112 239 230 Stock options 6 4 11 8 Net securities gains (110) (102) (262) (172) Net gain on securitizations (Note 5) (38) (37) (61) (84) Equity in net income of an associated company (71) (65) (163) (130) Non-controlling interests 9 27 17 74 Future income taxes (335) 189 (53) 359 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Current income taxes payable (514) 252 (1,512) (106) Interest receivable and payable (162) 65 (114) 137 Trading securities (3,342) 9,032 672 6,527 Unrealized gains and amounts receivable on derivative contracts (1,682) (698) (1,550) 276 Unrealized losses and amounts payable on derivative contracts 1,421 821 (1,298) (194) Other 3,248 (451) (1,505) (3,189) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash used in operating activities (236) 10,360 (3,055) 6,113 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from (used in) financing activities Change in deposits 16,569 474 25,859 7,923 Securities sold under repurchase agreements (2,667) (9,275) (1,724) (7,333) Securities sold short (2,251) (1,087) (649) (1,970) Issue of subordinated notes and debentures 500 - 3,000 2,274 Liability for preferred shares and capital trust securities (21) (3) (21) 3 Translation adjustment on subordinated notes and debentures issued in a foreign currency and other 27 1 17 36 Common shares issued on exercise of options 22 19 61 51 Common shares (acquired) sold in Wholesale Banking (12) (2) (20) 28 Dividends paid in cash on common shares (451) (361) (840) (687) Issuance of preferred shares 247 - 690 - Dividends paid on preferred shares (11) (7) (19) (13) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash from financing activities 11,952 (10,241) 26,354 312 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flows from (used in) investing activities Interest-bearing deposits with banks (2,500) (1,072) (853) (1,033) Activity in available-for-sale and held-to-maturity securities: Purchases (29,180) (22,332) (38,430) (70,562) Proceeds from maturities 3,348 23,430 6,697 63,908 Proceeds from sales 26,328 2,469 31,689 7,009 Activity in lending activities: Origination and acquisitions (31,920) (33,165) (69,614) (72,661) Proceeds from maturities 21,548 22,949 51,348 57,613 Proceeds from sales 292 1,190 453 1,788 Proceeds from loan securitizations (Note 5) 1,524 3,268 3,414 6,331 Land, buildings and equipment (85) (121) (162) (218) Securities purchased under reverse repurchase agreements 1,167 6,923 (5,419) 5,527 Acquisitions and dispositions less cash and cash equivalents acquired (Note 20) (1,759) (3,713) (1,759) (4,139) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net cash used in investing activities (11,237) (174) (22,636) (6,437) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents 5 (64) 67 (13) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 484 (119) 730 (25) Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 2,036 2,113 1,790 2,019 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents at end of period, represented by cash and due from banks $2,520 $1,994 $2,520 $1,994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Supplementary disclosure of cash flow information Amount of interest paid during the period $2,607 $2,793 $5,600 $5,265 Amount of income taxes paid during the period 496 275 1,532 673 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Certain comparative amounts have been reclassified to conform to the current period's presentation. The accompanying notes are an integral part of these Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. NOTES TO INTERIM CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (unaudited) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 1: BASIS OF PRESENTATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- These Interim Consolidated Financial Statements have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) and follow the same accounting policies and methods of application as the Bank's audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended October 31, 2007, except as described in Note 2. Under GAAP, additional disclosures are required in the annual financial statements and accordingly, these Interim Consolidated Financial Statements should be read in conjunction with the audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended October 31, 2007 and the accompanying notes included on pages 82 to 121 of the Bank's 2007 Annual Report. Certain disclosures are included in the Management Discussion & Analysis (MD&A) as permitted by GAAP and as discussed on pages 21 to 27 of the MD&A in this report. These disclosures are shaded in the MD&A and form an integral part of the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. The Interim Consolidated Financial Statements include all adjustments which are, in the opinion of management, necessary for a fair presentation of the results for the periods presented. Note 2: CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital Disclosures Effective November 1, 2007, the CICA's new accounting standard, Section 1535, Capital Disclosures, was implemented, which requires the disclosure of both qualitative and quantitative information that enables users of financial statements to evaluate the entity's objectives, policies and processes for managing capital. The new guidance did not have an effect on the financial position or earnings of the Bank. Financial Instruments Disclosures and Presentation Effective November 1, 2007, the accounting and disclosure requirements of the CICA's two new accounting standards, Section 3862, Financial Instruments - Disclosures, and Section 3863, Financial Instruments - Presentation, were implemented. The new guidance did not have a material effect on the financial position or earnings of the Bank. Accounting for Transaction Costs of Financial Instruments Classified Other Than as Held For Trading Effective November 1, 2007, the Bank adopted EIC-166, Accounting Policy Choice for Transaction Costs. This abstract provided clarity around the application of accounting guidance related to transaction costs that is codified in Section 3855, Financial Instruments - Recognition and Measurement. More specifically the abstract contemplated whether an entity must make one accounting policy choice that applies to all financial assets and financial liabilities classified other than as held for trading or whether these transaction costs may be recognized in net income for certain of these financial assets and liabilities and added to the carrying amount for other financial assets and liabilities. The new guidance did not have a material effect on the financial position or earnings of the Bank. Note 3: FUTURE CHANGES IN ACCOUNTING POLICIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goodwill, Intangible Assets and Financial Statement Concepts The CICA issued a new accounting standard, Section 3064, Goodwill and Intangible Assets, which clarifies that costs can be deferred only when they relate to an item that meets the definition of an asset, and as a result, start-up costs must be expensed as incurred. Section 1000, Financial Statement Concepts, was also amended to provide consistency with the new standard. The new and amended standards are effective for the Bank beginning November 1, 2008. The Bank is currently assessing the impact of these standards on its Consolidated Financial Statements. Note 4: ALLOWANCE FOR CREDIT LOSSES, COLLATERAL AND LOANS PAST DUE BUT NOT IMPAIRED ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bank maintains an allowance which it considers adequate to absorb all credit-related losses in a portfolio of instruments which are both on and off the Consolidated Balance Sheet. Assets in the portfolio which are included on the Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet are deposits with banks, loans other than loans designated as trading under the fair value option, mortgages and acceptances. Items which are not recorded on the Interim Consolidated Balance Sheet include certain guarantees, letters of credit and undrawn lines of credit. The allowance, including the allowance for acceptances and off-balance sheet items, is deducted from loans in the Consolidated Balance Sheet. The change in the Bank's allowance for credit losses for the six months ended April 30 is shown in the table below. Allowance for Credit Losses ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2008 April 30, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------ (millions of Canadian Specific General Specific General dollars) allowance allowance Total allowance allowance Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at beginning of year $203 $1,092 $1,295 $176 $1,141 $1,317 Acquisitions of TD Banknorth (including Interchange)(1) - - - - 14 14 Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 446 41 487 337 (2) 335 Write-offs (470) - (470) (361) - (361) Recoveries 65 - 65 68 - 68 Other(2) 11 (19) (8) 11 (6) 5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Allowance for credit losses at end of period $255 $1,114 $1,369 $231 $1,147 $1,378 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) All loans acquired from Commerce were recorded at their fair value on the date of acquisition which takes into consideration the credit quality of the loans. As a result, an allowance for credit losses was not recorded on acquisition. (2) Includes foreign exchange rate changes. A loan is past due when a counterparty has failed to make a payment by the contractual due date. The following table provides aging information for loans that are past due but not impaired. A grace period has been incorporated if it is common to a product type and provided to the counterparties. The grace period represents the additional time period (e.g. 3 days) beyond the contractual due date during which a counterparty is permitted to make the payment without the loan being classified as past due. Gross Amount of Loans Past Due but not Impaired as at April 30, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of 1-30 31-60 61-89 90 days Canadian dollars) days days days or more Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential mortgages $752 $263 $48 $- $1,063 Consumer installment and other personal loans 3,112 514 113 - 3,739 Credit cards 314 59 32 - 405 Business and government 1,970 229 67 - 2,266 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $6,148 $1065 $260 $- $7,473 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at April 30, 2008, the fair value of financial collateral held against loans that were past due but not impaired was $48.1 million. The fair value of non-financial collateral is determined at the origination date of the loan. A revaluation of non-financial collateral is performed if there has been a significant change in the terms and conditions of the loan and/or the loan is considered impaired. For impaired loans, an assessment of the collateral is taken into consideration when estimating the net realizable amount of the loan. The carrying value of loans renegotiated during the six months ended April 30, 2008, that would otherwise be impaired, was $7.4 million. As at April 30, 2008, the fair value of financial assets accepted as collateral that the Bank is permitted to sell or repledge in the absence of default is $23.5 billion. The fair value of financial assets accepted as collateral that has been sold or repledged (excluding cash collateral) was $5.85 billion. These transactions are conducted under terms that are usual and customary to standard lending, and stock borrowing and lending activities. Note 5: LOAN SECURITIZATIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following tables summarize the Bank's securitization activity, for its own assets securitized, for the three and six months ended April 30. In most cases, the Bank retained responsibility for servicing the assets securitized. Securitization Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three months ended April 30, 2008 ---------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross proceeds $2,024 $1,291 $800 $- $4,115 Retained interests 50 14 6 - 70 Cash flows received on retained interests 51 25 15 1 92 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross proceeds $3,090 $1,528 $800 $218 $5,636 Retained interests 74 23 7 - 104 Cash flows received on retained interests 49 25 15 1 90 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Securitization Activity ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the six months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross proceeds $3,914 $2,744 $1,600 $- $8,258 Retained interests 99 26 12 - 137 Cash flows received on retained interests 109 52 29 1 191 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the six months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gross proceeds $5,423 $3,924 $1,600 $218 $11,165 Retained interests 122 55 15 - 192 Cash flows received on retained interests 90 53 32 1 176 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following tables summarize the impact of securitizations on the Bank's Interim Consolidated Statement of Income for the three and six months ended April 30. Securitization Gains and Income on Retained Interests ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain on sale $18 $14 $6 - $38 Income on retained interests(1) 22 6 25 - 53 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $40 $20 $31 - $91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain on sale $4 $23 $7 $3 $37 Income on retained interests(1) 32 8 20 - 60 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $36 $31 $27 $3 $97 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Securitization Gains and Income on Retained Interests ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the six months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2008 Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain on sale $23 $26 $12 - $61 Income on retained interests(1) 46 13 47 - 106 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $69 $39 $59 - $167 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the six months ended ---------------------------------------------------- April 30, 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gain on sale $11 $57 $14 $2 $84 Income on retained interests(1) 77 21 49 - 147 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $88 $78 $63 $2 $231 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Excludes income arising from changes in fair values. Unrealized gains and losses on retained interests arising from changes in fair value are included in trading income. The key assumptions used to value the retained interests are as follows: Key Assumptions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2008 ---------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepayment rate(1) 18.5% 6.1% 43.5% 8.7% Excess spread(2) 0.9 1.1 7.1 1.0 Discount rate 5.2 5.9 6.1 7.5 Expected credit losses(3) - - 2.4 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2007 ---------------------------------------------------- Residential Credit Commercial (millions of mortgage Personal card mortgage Canadian dollars) loans loans loans loans ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Prepayment rate(1) 20.0% 6.3% 42.7% 9.0% Excess spread(2) 0.8 1.1 7.0 1.0 Discount rate 6.4 6.0 6.1 6.4 Expected credit losses(3) - - 2.1 0.1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Represents monthly payment rate for secured personal and credit card loans. (2) The excess spread for credit card loans reflects the net portfolio yield, which is interest earned less funding costs and losses. (3) There are no expected credit losses for residential mortgage loans as the loans are government-guaranteed. During the three months ended April 30, 2008, there were maturities of previously securitized loans and receivables of $2,591 million (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $2,368 million). Proceeds from new securitizations were $1,524 million for the three months ended April 30, 2008 (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $3,268 million). During the six months ended April 30, 2008, there were maturities of previously securitized loans and receivables of $4,844 million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $4,834 million). Proceeds from new securitizations were $3,414 million for the six months ended April 30, 2008 (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $6,331 million). Note 6: SUBORDINATED NOTES AND DEBENTURES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Medium Term Notes On November 1, 2007, the Bank issued $2.5 billion of medium term notes constituting subordinated indebtedness pursuant to its medium term note program. The medium term notes will pay a coupon of 5.382% until November 1, 2012 and the bankers' acceptance rate plus 1.00% thereafter until maturity on November 1, 2017. The notes are redeemable at the Bank's option at par on November 1, 2012. The Bank has included the issue as Tier 2B regulatory capital. On April 2, 2008, the Bank issued $500 million of medium term notes constituting subordinated indebtedness pursuant to its medium term note program. The medium term notes will pay a coupon of 5.48% until April 2, 2015 and the bankers' acceptance rate plus 2.00% thereafter until maturity on April 2, 2020. The notes are redeemable at the Bank's option at par on April 2, 2015. The Bank has included the issue as Tier 2B regulatory capital. Note 7: LIABILITIES FOR PREFERRED SHARES AND CAPITAL TRUST SECURITIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bank's liabilities for preferred shares and capital trust securities are as follows: Liabilities ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 30, Oct. 31, (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preferred Shares Preferred shares issued by the Bank (thousands of shares): Class A - 14,000 Series M $350 $350 Class A - 8,000 Series N 200 200 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total preferred shares 550 550 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Capital Trust Securities(1) Trust units issued by TD Capital Trust (thousands of units) 900 Capital Trust Securities - Series 2009 878 899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total Capital Trust Securities 878 899 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total preferred shares and Capital Trust Securities $1,428 $1,449 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) TD Capital Trust II Securities - Series 2012-1 are issued by TD Capital Trust II (Trust II), whose voting securities are 100% owned by the Bank. Trust II is a variable interest entity. As the Bank is not the primary beneficiary of Trust II, the Bank does not consolidate it. The senior deposit note of $350 million that was issued to Trust II is reflected in deposits on the Consolidated Balance Sheet. For regulatory purposes, the $350 million issued by Trust II is considered as part of the Bank's available capital. Note 8: SHARE CAPITAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common Shares The Bank is authorized by the shareholders to issue an unlimited number of common shares, without par value, for unlimited consideration. The common shares are not redeemable or convertible. Dividends are typically declared by the Board of Directors of the Bank on a quarterly basis and the amount may vary from quarter to quarter. Shares Issued and Outstanding ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the six months ended ---------------------------------------- April 30, 2008 April 30, 2007 ---------------------------------------- (millions of shares and Number of Number of millions of Canadian dollars) shares Amount shares Amount ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Common: Balance at beginning of period 717.8 $6,577 717.4 $6,334 Issued on exercise of options 1.4 71 1.5 53 Issued as a result of dividend reinvestment plan 0.6 43 0.6 40 Impact of shares (acquired) sold for trading purposes(1) (0.2) (20) 0.4 28 Issued on the acquisition of Commerce 83.3 6,147 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at end of period - common 802.9 $12,818 719.9 $6,455 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preferred (Class A - Series O, P, Q and R): Balance at beginning of period 17.0 $425 17.0 $425 Issued during the period 28.0 700 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Balance at end of period - preferred 45.0 $1,125 17.0 $425 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Purchased by subsidiaries of the Bank, which are regulated securities entities in accordance with Regulation 92-313 under the Bank Act. Class A First Preferred Shares, Series P On November 1, 2007, the Bank issued 10 million Class A First Preferred Shares, Series P shares for gross cash consideration of $250 million. Quarterly non-cumulative cash dividends, if declared, will be paid at a per annum rate of 5.25% per Series P share. The Series P shares qualify as Tier 1 capital of the Bank. The Series P shares are redeemable by the Bank for cash, subject to regulatory consent, at a declining premium on or after November 1, 2012. Class A First Preferred Shares, Series Q On January 31, 2008, the Bank issued 8 million Class A First Preferred Shares, Series Q shares for gross cash consideration of $200 million. Quarterly non-cumulative cash dividends, if declared, will be paid at a per annum rate of 5.60% per Series Q share. The Series Q shares qualify as Tier 1 capital of the Bank. The Series Q shares are redeemable by the Bank for cash, subject to regulatory consent, at a declining premium on or after January 31, 2013. Class A First Preferred Shares, Series R On March 12, 2008, the Bank issued 10 million Class A First Preferred Shares, Series R shares for gross cash consideration of $250 million. Quarterly non-cumulative cash dividends, if declared, will be paid at a per annum rate of 5.60% per Series R share. The Series R shares qualify as Tier 1 capital of the Bank. The Series R shares are redeemable by the Bank for cash, subject to regulatory consent, at a declining premium on or after April 30, 2013. Note 9: REGULATORY CAPITAL ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bank manages its capital under guidelines established by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions Canada (OSFI). The regulatory capital guidelines measure capital in relation to credit, market and operational risks. The Bank has various capital policies, procedures and controls which it utilizes to achieve its goals and objectives. The Bank's objectives include: - Provide sufficient capital to maintain the confidence of investors and depositors, while providing the Bank's common shareholders with a satisfactory return; - Be an appropriately capitalized institution, as measured internally, defined by regulatory authorities and compared with the Bank's peers; and - Achieve the lowest overall cost of capital consistent with preserving the appropriate mix of capital elements to meet target capitalization levels. The Bank's Total capital consists of two tiers of capital approved under OSFI's regulatory capital guidelines. As at April 30, 2008, Tier 1 capital includes items such as common shares and preferred shares, retained earnings, contributed surplus, innovative capital instruments and qualifying non-controlling interests in subsidiaries. Tier 1 capital is reduced by items such as goodwill and net intangible assets (in excess of the 5% limit) and 50% of the shortfall in allowances related to the Internal Ratings Based (IRB) approach portfolios. As at April 30, 2008, Tier 2 capital includes items such as the general allowance for standardized portfolios and subordinated notes and debentures. Tier 2 capital is reduced by items such as 50% of the shortfall in allowances related to IRB approach portfolios and substantial investments. During the six months ended April 30, 2008, the Bank complied with the capital guidelines issued by OSFI under the "International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards - A Revised Framework" (Basel II). For the comparative period, the Bank complied with the capital guidelines issued by OSFI under the Basel I Capital Accord (Basel I). The Bank's regulatory capital position was as follows: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 30, Oct. 31, 2008(1) 2007(1) (millions of Canadian dollars) (Basel II) (Basel I) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tier 1 capital $16,262 $15,645 Tier 1 capital ratio(2) 9.1% 10.3% Total capital(3) $22,696 $19,794 Total capital ratio(4) 12.7% 13.0% Assets-to-capital multiple(5) 19.2 19.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) The Bank's capital positions were calculated based on Basel II as at April 30, 2008 and Basel I as at October 31, 2007, and as a result may not provide comparable information. (2) Tier 1 capital ratio is calculated as Tier 1 capital divided by risk- weighted assets (RWA). (3) Total capital includes Tier 1 and Tier 2 capital. (4) Total capital ratio is calculated as Total capital divided by RWA. (5) The assets-to-capital multiple is calculated as total assets plus off-balance sheet credit instruments, such as certain letters of credit and guarantees less investments in associated corporations, goodwill and net intangibles, divided by Total adjusted capital. OSFI's target Tier 1 and Total capital ratios for Canadian banks are 7% and 10%, respectively. Note 10: ACCUMULATED OTHER COMPREHENSIVE INCOME (LOSS) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) includes the after-tax change in unrealized gains and losses on available-for-sale securities, cash flow hedging activities and foreign currency translation adjustments. Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income (Loss), Net of Income Taxes ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at As at April 30, April 30, (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities, net of hedging activities $624 $372 Unrealized foreign currency translation losses on investments in subsidiaries, net of hedging activities (1,834) (498) Gains on derivatives designated as cash flow hedges 615 32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) balance as at April 30 $(595) $(94) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Note 11: STOCK BASED COMPENSATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table summarizes the compensation expense recognized by the Bank for stock option awards for the three and six months ended April 30. For the three For the six months ended months ended ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TD Bank $6 $4 $11 $8 TD Banknorth - 2 - 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the three months ended April 30, 2008 and April 30, 2007, there were no options granted by the Bank. During the six months ended April 30, 2008, 2.0 million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - 1.5 million) options were granted by TD Bank with a weighted average fair value of $10.80 per option (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $11.46 per option). During the six months ended April 30, 2007, 0.03 million options were granted by TD Banknorth with a weighted average fair value of $5.83 per option. On closing of the going-private transaction on April 20, 2007, TD Banknorth became a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Bank and TD Banknorth's shares were delisted from the New York Stock Exchange. As a result, there are no longer any TD Banknorth-based stock options outstanding post privatization. Effective fiscal 2008, the fair value of options granted was estimated at the date of grant using a binomial tree-based valuation model. Prior to fiscal 2008, the fair value of options granted was estimated at the date of grant using the Black-Scholes valuation model. The following assumptions were used: For the six months ended ------------------------- April 30 April 30 TD Bank 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Risk-free interest rate 3.8% 3.9% Expected option life 5.5 years 5.2 years Expected volatility 15.9% 19.5% Expected dividend yield 2.85% 2.92% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the six months ended ------------------------- April 30 April 30 TD Banknorth 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Risk-free interest rate - 4.45% Expected option life - 6 years Expected volatility - 15.07% Expected dividend yield - 2.98% ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a result of the acquisition of Commerce, 19.5 million Commerce stock options were converted into 10.8 million TD Bank stock options based on their intrinsic value on the exchange date. The fair value of the converted options was $263 million on the exchange date and is recorded in contributed surplus and was part of the purchase consideration. Note 12: EMPLOYEE FUTURE BENEFITS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bank's pension plans and principal non-pension post-retirement benefit plans expenses are as follows: Principal Pension Plan Pension Expense ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elements of pension plan expense before adjustments to recognize the long-term nature of the cost: Service cost - benefits earned $21 $16 $37 $33 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 33 28 63 56 Actual return on plan assets 110 (107) 107 (194) Plan amendments - 7 7 7 Adjustments to recognize the long-term nature of plan cost: Difference between costs arising in the period and costs recognized in the period in respect of: Return on plan assets(1) (148) 73 (183) 126 Actuarial losses(2) 5 2 5 5 Plan amendments(3) 2 (5) (2) (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $23 $14 $34 $30 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) For the three months ended April 30, 2008, includes expected return on plan assets of $38 million (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $34 million) less actual return on plan assets of $(110) million (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $107 million). For the six months ended April 30, 2008, includes expected return on plan assets of $76 million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $68 million) less actual return on plan assets of $(107) million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $194 million). (2) For the three months ended April 30, 2008, includes loss recognized of $5 million (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $2 million) less actuarial losses on projected benefit obligation of nil (three months ended April 30, 2007 - nil). For the six months ended April 30, 2008, includes loss recognized of $5 million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $5 million) less actuarial losses on projected benefit obligation of nil (six months ended April 30, 2007 - nil). (3) For the three months ended April 30, 2008, includes amortization of costs for plan amendments of $2 million (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $2 million) less actual cost amendments of nil (three months ended April 30, 2007 - $7 million). For the six months ended April 30, 2008, includes amortization of costs for plan amendments of $5 million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $4 million) less actual cost amendments of $7 million (six months ended April 30, 2007 - $7 million). Other Pension Plans' Expense ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CT defined benefit pension plan $1 $1 $2 $2 TD Banknorth defined benefit pension plans 1 1 - 3 Supplemental employee retirement plans 8 8 16 17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $10 $10 $18 $22 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principal Non-Pension Post-Retirement Benefit Plan Expense ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Elements of non-pension plan expense before adjustments to recognize the long-term nature of the cost: Service cost - benefits earned $3 $3 $6 $6 Interest cost on projected benefit obligation 5 6 11 11 Adjustments to recognize the long-term nature of plan cost: Difference between costs arising in the period and costs recognized in the period in respect of: Actuarial losses 2 2 3 3 Plan amendments (2) (2) (3) (3) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $8 $9 $17 $17 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash Flows The Bank's contributions to its pension plans and its principal non-pension post-retirement benefit plans are as follows: Pension Plan Contributions ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Principal pension plan $18 $15 $37 $32 CT defined benefit pension plan - 1 - 2 TD Banknorth defined benefit pension plan - - - 47 Supplemental employee retirement plans 3 3 7 6 Non-pension post-retirement benefit plan 2 2 4 4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total $23 $21 $48 $91 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As at April 30, 2008, the Bank expects to contribute an additional $51 million to its principal pension plan, nil to its CT defined benefit pension plan, $41 million to its TD Banknorth defined benefit pension plan, $7 million to its supplemental employee retirement plans and $4 million to its non-pension post-retirement benefit plan by the end of the year. However, future contribution amounts may change upon the Bank's review of the current contribution levels during the year. Note 13: RESTRUCTURING AND INTEGRATION CHARGES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a result of the acquisition of Commerce and related restructuring and integration initiatives undertaken during the three months ended April 30, 2008, the Bank incurred $48 million of restructuring and integration charges. Restructuring charges consisted of employee severance costs, the costs of amending certain executive employment and award agreements and the write-down of long-lived assets due to impairment. Integration charges consisted of costs related to employee retention, external professional consulting charges and marketing (including customer communication and rebranding). In the Interim Consolidated Statement of Income, the restructuring and integration charges are included in non-interest expenses. In the normal course of the Bank's financial reporting, TD Commerce Bank is consolidated on a one month lag basis. However, $48 million before-tax restructuring and integration costs incurred in April 2008 were included in the Bank's results for the three months ended April 30, 2008 because they represent material TD Commerce Bank events for the three months ended April 30, 2008. Note 14: EARNINGS PER SHARE ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bank's basic and diluted earnings per share at April 30 are as follows: Basic and Diluted Earnings per Share ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic Earnings per Share Net income available to common shares ($ millions) $841 $872 $1,803 $1,787 Average number of common shares outstanding (millions) 747.7 719.1 732.9 718.7 Basic earnings per share ($) $1.12 $1.21 $2.46 $2.49 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diluted Earnings per Share Net income available to common shares ($ millions) $841 $872 $1,803 $1,787 Average number of common shares outstanding (millions) 747.7 719.1 732.9 718.7 Stock options potentially exercisable as determined under the treasury stock method(1) 6.0 6.8 6.1 6.7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Average number of common shares outstanding - diluted (millions) 753.7 725.9 739.0 725.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Diluted earnings per share ($) $1.12 $1.20 $2.44 $2.46 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) For the six months ended April 30, 2008, the computation of diluted earnings per share excluded weighted-average options outstanding of 2,823 thousand with a weighted-average exercise price of $70.05 as the options' exercise prices were greater than the average market price of the Bank's common shares. For the six months ended April 30, 2007, the computation of diluted earnings per share excluded weighted-average options outstanding of 176 with a weighted-average exercise price of $69.69 as the options' exercise prices were greater than the average market price of the Bank's common shares. Note 15: SEGMENTED INFORMATION ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Bank's operations and activities are organized around the following operating business segments: Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking, Wealth Management, U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking and Wholesale Banking. Results for these segments for the three and six months ended April 30 are presented in the following table: Results by Business Segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Canadian Personal Personal and (millions of and Commercial Wealth Commercial Canadian dollars) Banking Management Banking(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April April April April April April 30 30 30 30 30 30 For the three months ended 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net interest income $1,402 $1,298 $82 $78 $309 $351 Other income 732 688 476 516 166 153 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total revenue 2,134 1,986 558 594 475 504 Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 191 143 - - 46 35 Non-interest expenses 1,095 1,033 387 393 294 384 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income (loss) before provision for (benefit of) income taxes 848 810 171 201 135 85 Provision for (benefit of) income taxes 266 270 56 67 35 31 Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries, net of income taxes - - - - - 31 Equity in net income of an associated company, net of income taxes - - 67 63 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income (loss) $582 $540 $182 $197 $100 $23 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets (billions of Canadian dollars) - balance sheet $159.9 $140.7 $15.6 $14.8 $120.7 $47.9 - securitized 42.0 48.0 - - - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Wholesale Canadian dollars) Banking(2) Corporate(2) Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April April April April April April 30 30 30 30 30 30 For the three months ended 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net interest income $314 $144 $(249) $(209) $1,858 $1,662 Other income 114 498 42 27 1,530 1,882 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total revenue 428 642 (207) (182) 3,388 3,544 Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 10 12 (15) (18) 232 172 Non-interest expenses 291 329 139 158 2,206 2,297 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income (loss) before provision for (benefit of) income taxes 127 301 (331) (322) 950 1,075 Provision for (benefit of) income taxes 34 84 (231) (218) 160 234 Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries, net of income taxes - - 9 (4) 9 27 Equity in net income of an associated company, net of income taxes - - 4 2 71 65 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income (loss) $93 $217 $(105) $(98) $852 $879 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total assets (billions of Canadian dollars) - balance sheet $186.5 $157.5 $20.9 $35.8 $503.6 $396.7 - securitized 3.0 - (15.0) (16.5) 30.0 31.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Results by Business Segment ------------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Canadian Personal Personal and (millions of and Commercial Wealth Commercial Canadian dollars) Banking Management Banking(1) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April April April April April April 30 30 30 30 30 30 For the six months ended 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net interest income $2,816 $2,605 $170 $155 $621 $692 Other income 1,465 1,391 958 990 306 298 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total revenue 4,281 3,996 1,128 1,145 927 990 Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 363 281 - - 72 52 Non-interest expenses 2,191 2,092 766 757 532 683 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income (loss) before provision for (benefit of) income taxes 1,727 1,623 362 388 323 255 Provision for (benefit of) income taxes 547 539 119 132 96 86 Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries, net of income taxes - - - - - 82 Equity in net income of an associated company, net of income taxes - - 155 127 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income (loss) $1,180 $1,084 $398 $383 $227 $87 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Wholesale Canadian dollars) Banking(2) Corporate(2) Total ------------------------------------------------------------------------- April April April April April April 30 30 30 30 30 30 For the six months ended 2008 2007 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net interest income $506 $347 $(467) $(466) $3,646 $3,333 Other income 530 930 87 107 3,346 3,716 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total revenue 1,036 1,277 (380) (359) 6,992 7,049 Provision for (reversal of) credit losses 66 36 (14) (34) 487 335 Non-interest expenses 612 661 333 325 4,434 4,518 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Income (loss) before provision for (benefit of) income taxes 358 580 (699) (650) 2,071 2,196 Provision for (benefit of) income taxes 102 166 (469) (471) 395 452 Non-controlling interests in subsidiaries, net of income taxes - - 17 (8) 17 74 Equity in net income of an associated company, net of income taxes - - 8 3 163 130 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Net income (loss) $256 $414 $(239) $(168) $1,822 $1,800 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (1) Commencing May 1, 2007, the results of TD Bank USA, N.A. (previously reported in the Corporate segment for the period from the second quarter 2006 to the second quarter 2007 and in Wealth Management segment prior to the second quarter of 2006) are included in the U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking segment prospectively. Prior periods have not been restated as the impact is not material. (2) The taxable equivalent basis (TEB) increase to net interest income and provision for income taxes reflected in the Wholesale Banking segment results is reversed in the Corporate segment. Note 16: DERIVATIVES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hedge accounting results were as follows: Hedge Accounting Results ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the three For the six months ended months ended --------------------------------------- April 30 April 30 April 30 April 30 (millions of Canadian dollars) 2008 2007 2008 2007 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fair value hedges Gain (loss) arising from hedge ineffectiveness $1.7 $(0.2) $8.6 $(0.6) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash flow hedges Gain arising from hedge ineffectiveness $1.7 $3.0 $1.4 $3.5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Portions of derivative gains (losses) that were excluded from the assessment of hedge effectiveness for fair value and cash flow hedging activities are included in the Consolidated Statement of Income and are not significant for the three and six months ended April 30, 2008. During the three and six months ended April 30, 2008, there were no firm commitments that no longer qualified as hedges. Over the next twelve months, the Bank expects approximately $200 million in net gains reported in other comprehensive income as at April 30, 2008 to be reclassified to net income. The maximum length of time over which the Bank is hedging its exposure to the variability in future cash flows from anticipated transactions is 18 years. During the three and six months ended April 30, 2008, there were no forecasted transactions that failed to occur. Note 17: CONTINGENCIES ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The two principal legal actions regarding Enron to which the Bank is a party are the securities class action and the bankruptcy proceeding. In 2006, the Bank settled the bankruptcy court claims in this matter for approximately $145 million (US$130 million). As at April 30, 2008, the total contingent litigation reserve for Enron-related claims was approximately $416 million (US$413 million). The Bank and its subsidiaries are involved in various other legal actions in the ordinary course of business, many of which are loan-related. In management's opinion, the ultimate disposition of these actions, individually or in the aggregate, will not have a material adverse effect on the financial condition of the Bank. Note 18: RISK MANAGEMENT ------------------------------------------------------------------------- The risk management policies and procedures of the Bank are provided in the MD&A. The shaded sections of the risk management section, included on pages 21 to 27 of the MD&A, relating to credit, market and liquidity risks are an integral part of the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements. Note 19: RELATED-PARTY TRANSACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- During the three months ended January 31, 2008, the Bank purchased certain securities with a notional value of approximately $300 million at par from a fund that is managed by the Bank. The Bank immediately recognized a securities loss of $45 million that was recorded in the Wholesale Banking segment. Note 20: ACQUISITIONS AND DISPOSITIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Commerce Bancorp, Inc. On March 31, 2008, the Bank acquired 100% of the outstanding shares of Commerce Bancorp, Inc. (Commerce) for total consideration of $8,508 million, paid in cash and common shares in the amount of $2,167 million and $6,147 million, respectively. Each share of Commerce was exchanged for 0.4142 of a Bank common share and US$10.50 in cash, resulting in the issuance of 83.3 million common shares of the Bank. The value of the 83.3 million common shares was determined based on the average market price of the Bank's common shares over the 2 day period before and after the terms of the acquisition were agreed to and announced. The acquisition was accounted for by the purchase method. The purchase price allocation is subject to finalization. The fiscal periods of the Bank and Commerce are not co-terminus. Because the transaction closed on March 31, 2008, due to the one month lag, the results of Commerce for the period from March 31, 2008 to April 30, 2008 have not been consolidated with the Bank's results for the quarter ended April 30, 2008. In the future, Commerce's results for each calendar quarter will be consolidated with the Bank's results for the fiscal quarter. Commerce, together with TD Banknorth, is referred to as "TD Commerce Bank" in these Interim Consolidated Financial Statements and reported in the U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking segment. The following table presents the estimated fair values of the assets and liabilities of Commerce as of the date of acquisition. Fair value of assets acquired ------------------------------------------------------------------------- (millions of Canadian dollars) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cash and cash equivalents $408 Securities 25,167 Loans 18,034 Intangibles Core deposit intangibles 1,504 Other identifiable intangibles 378 Land, buildings and equipment 1,898 Future income tax assets 329 Other assets 3,276 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 50,994 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Less: liabilities assumed Deposits 47,271 Obligations related to securities sold under repurchase agreements 105 Accrued restructuring costs 149 Other liabilities 1,075 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 48,600 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fair value of identifiable net assets acquired 2,394 Goodwill 6,114 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total purchase consideration $8,508 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Goodwill and indefinite life intangibles arising from the acquisition are not amortized but assessed for impairment on a periodic basis. Finite life intangible assets are amortized on an economic life basis over 4 to 15 years, based on the estimated useful lives. SHAREHOLDER AND INVESTOR INFORMATION Shareholder Services For shareholder inquiries relating to missing dividends, lost share certificates, estate questions, address changes to the share register, dividend bank account changes or the dividend reinvestment program, please contact our transfer agent: CIBC Mellon Trust Company, P.O. Box 7010, Adelaide Street Postal Station, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2W9, 1-800-387-0825 or 416-643-5500 ( or ). For all other shareholder inquiries, please contact TD Shareholder Relations at 416-944-6367 or 1-866-756-8936 or email . Internet website: Internet e-mail: Designation of Eligible Dividends The Toronto-Dominion Bank for the purposes of the Income Tax Act, Canada and any similar provincial legislation advises that the dividend declared for the quarter ending July 31, 2008 and all future dividends will be eligible dividends unless indicated otherwise. General Information Contact Corporate & Public Affairs: (416) 982-8578 Products and services: Contact TD Canada Trust, 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1-866-567-8888 French: 1-866-233-2323 Cantonese/Mandarin: 1-800-328-3698 Telephone device for the deaf: 1-800-361-1180 On-line Investor Presentation: Full quarterly report and a presentation to investors and analysts (available on May 28, 2008) are accessible on the TD Bank Financial Group website, Quarterly Earnings Conference Call: a replay of the teleconference is available from May 28, 2008 to June 28, 2008. Please call 1-877-289-8525 toll free, in Toronto (416) 640-1917, passcode 21270577 (pound key). Webcast of Call: A live audio and video internet webcast of TD Bank Financial Group's quarterly earnings conference call with investors and analysts is scheduled on May 28, 2008 at 3:30 p.m. ET. The call is webcast via the TD Bank Financial Group website at In addition, recordings of the presentations are archived on TD's website and will be available for replay for a period of approximately one month. About TD Bank Financial Group The Toronto-Dominion Bank and its subsidiaries are collectively known as TD Bank Financial Group. TD Bank Financial Group is the seventh largest bank in North America by branches and serves approximately 17 million customers in four key businesses operating in a number of locations in key financial centres around the globe: Canadian Personal and Commercial Banking, including TD Canada Trust; Wealth Management, including TD Waterhouse and an investment in TD Ameritrade; U.S. Personal and Commercial Banking through TD Banknorth and Commerce; and Wholesale Banking, including TD Securities. TD Bank Financial Group also ranks among the world's leading on-line financial services firms, with more than 5.5 million on-line customers. TD Bank Financial Group had CDN$503.6 billion in assets as of April 30, 2008. The Toronto-Dominion Bank trades on the Toronto and New York Stock Exchanges under the symbol "TD", as well as on the Tokyo Stock Exchange. DATASOURCE: TD Bank Financial Group CONTACT: PRNewswire - - 05/28/2008
