RNS Number:2328I
KBC Advanced Technologies PLC
04 March 2003

Press release
Embargoed until 07.00                         4 March 2003

              KBC Advanced Technologies plc
          ("KBC", "the Company" or "the Group")

 Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                  2002      2001    Change

Turnover                         #38.2m    #42.0m       -9%
Operating profit                  #1.5m*    #4.2m*     -64%
Profit before tax                 #1.8m*    #4.9m*     -63%
Earnings per share                3.33p*    6.46p*     -48%
Dividend per share  - final        2.8p      2.8p
                    - total        4.1p      4.1p

* before exceptional items and goodwill amortisation

+ Short-term performance affected by worsening economic and political situation
+ Lengthening in sales order cycle during second half leading to reduced order 
+ However, clear signs of long-term demand
+ Strong momentum in South America, with multi-refinery Profit Improvement
  Program ("PIP"), worth over $15m
+ Focus on geographic expansion and market diversification
  - PIPs completed in China, Japan, Kazakhstan and the Americas
  - First PIP in Russia and second chemical PIP win
+ Two strategic acquisitions integrated successfully and profit-making:
  - Petroleum  Economics, a leading UK energy economics consultancy
  - Linnhoff March, a leading energy conservation technology company
+ Strong  growth  in  Reliability  and  Maintenance business

Commenting on the results, Don Romano, Chief Executive of KBC, said:
"2002  was  a  difficult year for KBC with tough  trading
conditions. Uncertainties in global markets, particularly
the Middle East, are likely to limit opportunities in the
short  term. However, the Board is confident that  demand
for  the Group's services in the longer term will  remain
strong.  The reorganisation put in place has improved the
business  structure and will enable the Group's resources
to be focused effectively."

                        - Ends -

KBC Advanced Technologies plc  4 March 2003: 020 7067 0700
Nicholas Stone, Finance Director  Thereafter: 01932 236314

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                  020 7067 0745
Christian Taylor-Wilkinson

Notes  to  Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies  plc  is  a
leading  independent  process  engineering  group   which
provides  consulting  services and implemented  solutions
worldwide  to owners and operators of oil refineries  and
other  clients in the process industries.   KBC  analyses
plant   operations  and  management  systems,  recommends
changes that deliver material and measurable improvements
in  profitability and offers implementation  services  to
assist   clients   in   realising  measurable   financial
improvements.   It  also  offers  economic  and   pricing
studies  focused  on  the  future  outlook  for  the  oil
industry.   KBC works with its clients both to  implement
its  recommendations  and  to  realise  and  monitor  the
resulting improvements in profits on a continuing  basis.
In  carrying out this work its consultants make extensive
use  of  the process simulation software tools which  KBC
has developed.

                  CHAIRMAN'S STATEMENT

2002  was  a  difficult year for KBC with  tough  trading
conditions throughout the period. Despite some  signs  of
improvement in the second quarter, the sales order  cycle
lengthened  during  the second half of  the  year.  As  a
consequence contract awards and revenue for the year fell
well short of planned levels. Consultant utilisation, and
hence   operating   margin,  also  fell   and   financial
performance suffered accordingly.

The  software  dispute and arbitration process  with  AEA
Technology  PLC ("AEA") and related legal action  against
Aspen   Technology  Inc  ("Aspen")  have  impacted  KBC's
ability  to  sell  an  integrated services  and  software
package.  This  has disappointed customers  in  what  was
already  a challenging environment in which to  sell  our
products and contributed to the poor sales performance.

Total turnover was down year on year by 9% from #42.0m to
#38.2m.  Operating profit prior to exceptional  operating
income and charges and goodwill amortisation fell by  64%
from  #4.2m  to  #1.5m  and  earnings  per  share  on   a
comparable basis fell by 48% from 6.46p to 3.33p.

The  proposed  final dividend is held at 2.8p  per  share
(2001:  2.8p  per  share)  and,  subject  to  shareholder
approval,  will  be  paid  on  29  April  2003  to  those
shareholders on the register at 11 April 2003.  The total
dividend  for the year will, therefore, amount  to  4.1p,
unchanged  from  last year. The Directors recognise  that
the  dividend for the year is not covered by earnings but
have  decided to maintain its level in the light  of  the
relative  strength of KBC's cash position  and  the  good
longer term prospects for the business.

Business Reorganisation
With   effect  from  1  December  2002,  the   management
structure   of  KBC  was  reorganised  to  address   more
effectively the challenges of securing contract awards in
a  demanding global economic and political climate. Sales
and  operations resources have been brought under  common
management  within the main geographic regions  in  which
KBC  operates. At the same time staff numbers  and  costs
have  been  reduced  in  order to  match  resources  more
closely with the current levels of work and revenue.   An
exceptional operating charge of #1.0m has been  taken  in
2002 for the costs of this reorganisation.

As  a consequence of the reorganisation Wayne Hutchinson,
who  was President of Worldwide Sales and Marketing, left
KBC  with effect from 31 December 2002 and resigned  from
the Board on 14 January 2003.

Software Dispute
The  hearing of an arbitration, which was started against
AEA   in   2002  concerning  the  joint  development   of
HYSYS.Refinery, was held in early 2003.   The  arbitrator
is  expected to give his ruling before the end  of  March
but  it  is unlikely to have an immediate impact  on  the
Group's revenue.

Legal   proceedings  were  served  on   Aspen   and   its
subsidiary, Hyprotech Limited, in the US in 2002 and,  if
they run their full course, may continue for much of  the
current  year  and possibly even into  2004.   Aspen  has
recently issued a counter claim that will be heard in the
US  courts  as  part of the same process.  Provision  has
been  made for the costs up to the balance sheet date  of
both   of   these  actions,  resulting  in  an  operating
exceptional charge of #1.6m.


During  2002  KBC  completed successful  PIPs  in  China,
Kazakhstan,  Japan  and  the  Americas,  which  have  all
converted into second year Implementation Services. Early
implementation has become a standard part  of  KBC's  PIP
proposals  to ensure that value derived from the  Group's
work  is  delivered to the customer as early as possible.
The  re-engagement of previous PIP customers with  follow
up  work has also been successful, particularly in  North

The  most successful business line within KBC during 2002
was  Reliability  and Maintenance where revenue  grew  by
more  than  20% and high manhour utilisation and  margins
were  maintained. In addition, a material  proportion  of
this  revenue  came  from  the  non-refining  sectors  of
chemicals  and  upstream  oil.  Prospects  for  continued
growth are good and some of the lessons learned from this
success in 2002 are being applied elsewhere in the  Group
as we seek to diversify our skills into new areas.

Sales and Marketing
Petroleum refinery margins have been falling for over two
years,  with  product demand remaining  low  due  to  the
global  economic slowdown. This is at a time  when  crude
oil  prices  have  been inflated by a political  premium.
These  conditions have forced tight budgetary constraints
on  KBC's  traditional customer base.  While new  markets
have  proved difficult to break into, several significant
contracts  were  won  during  the  middle  of  the   year
including a multi-refinery PIP contract in South  America
worth in excess of $15.0m, KBC's first PIP in Russia  and
its second chemical PIP.

Success  was also evident in some of the smaller business
lines,  where  closer  integration  of  KBC's  sales  and
operations functions allowed for a more flexible approach
to  sales  of additional services according to customers'
needs.  The  reorganisation  ensures  that  KBC's   sales
activity  is more responsive to its customers by  drawing
on  the  consultants  working with those  customers.  The
business lines  within KBC  which demonstrated  the  most
success during  2002 were  those that used an  integrated
approach to sales and operations.

The  traditional  KBC software business of  process  unit
model  sales and maintenance held up in 2002 despite  the
dispute  in  relation  to  the  development  of  the  new
HYSYS.Refinery software. Revenues were down  by  5%  from
2001  but  few resources were allocated in  the  year  to
promote  licence and maintenance support agreement  sales
in  anticipation of the launch of the new product. In the
continuing  absence  of  the  new  generation   software,
additional  resource will be focused  on  increasing  the
models  revenue  in  2003 to ensure  that  KBC's  current
market position in this business is maintained.

Office Consolidation
The office consolidation that began in 2001 continued  in
2002  with  the move during the last quarter into  a  new
building in Houston, which additionally accommodates  the
software  personnel  from  the Thousand  Oaks  office  in
California  who  relocated in  January  2003.  This  move
allows  greater  integration of the KBC  models  business
with  other  parts of the Group.  The New  Jersey  office
also  relocated in the last quarter of 2002 to a  smaller
and lower cost office facility.

Cost Savings
KBC's  staffing levels have been cut by 15%, with  around
one third of that reduction coming from natural attrition
and  the  balance from redundancy programmes.  Annualised
savings  as  a  result  of these  and  other  fixed  cost
reductions are #3.8m, slightly higher than anticipated in
our   November  statement.   Of  this  total,  #1.0m  was
realised  in 2002 with a further #0.6m to be realised  in
2004.    The benefit in 2003 in comparison to 2002, after
taking into account inflation in other areas, is expected
to be #1.7m.

The two companies acquired during February 2002 have both
been   successfully  integrated  into  KBC's  operations.
Petroleum  Economics moved into the Walton office  during
March  2002  and its employees are working alongside  the
existing  Planning Services team. KBC's  Energy  business
has merged with the Linnhoff March business in Manchester
from where the combined business is now managed. In 2002,
these  businesses delivered a combined turnover of  #2.9m
and  operating  profit of #0.5m before integration  costs
and goodwill amortisation.


The  political  situation  in the  Middle  East  and  the
prospect of war in the region exerts further pressure, on
both sales and operations, as we start the year.  In  the
short  term the prospects for revenue growth do not  look
promising  and  an immediate resolution of  the  software
dispute is unlikely.  The order book brought forward from
2002  was low compared with recent years and as a  result
the  outlook  for 2003 remains uncertain.   However,  the
reorganisation and cost saving measures place  KBC  in  a
stronger  position to withstand the continuing challenges
of the current economic environment.

Whilst  this  reorganisation should enhance  the  Group's
efficiency  and  sales performance, cost  savings  beyond
those  achieved  during 2002 will  not  be  easy  without
impacting  KBC's  ability to deliver its services  across
the  current breadth of locations and disciplines.  Hence
decisions  to  make further headcount cuts in  the  short
term,  if  contract awards and revenue continue to  fall,
will have to be measured against the resultant impairment
of future capability.

In  the longer term it is clear that there is significant
demand  for  KBC's services.  Considerable  interest  has
been  shown  in many parts of the world, including  areas
where  we have not done significant work in the past,  as
evidenced  by the contracts in 2002 in Russia and  China.
The  scale  of  work now being executed in South  America
shows how momentum can build in a region once KBC becomes
established  there.  The outlook for longer  term  growth
remains  good  once  the current economic  and  political
uncertainties can be put behind us.

                        - Ends -
KBC Advanced Technologies plc  4 March 2003: 020 7067 0700
Nicholas Stone, Finance Director  Thereafter: 01932 236314

Weber Shandwick Square Mile                  020 7067 0745
Christian Taylor-Wilkinson

Notes  to  Editors: KBC Advanced Technologies  plc  is  a
leading  independent  process  engineering  group   which
provides  consulting  services and implemented  solutions
worldwide  to owners and operators of oil refineries  and
other  clients in the process industries.   KBC  analyses
plant   operations  and  management  systems,  recommends
changes that deliver material and measurable improvements
in  profitability and offers implementation  services  to
assist   clients   in   realising  measurable   financial
improvements.   It  also  offers  economic  and   pricing
studies  focused  on  the  future  outlook  for  the  oil
industry.   KBC works with its clients both to  implement
its  recommendations  and  to  realise  and  monitor  the
resulting improvements in profits on a continuing  basis.
In  carrying out this work its consultants make extensive
use  of  the process simulation software tools which  KBC
has developed.

KBC Advanced Technologies plc
Group profit and loss account
for the year ended 31 December 2002

                                               charges & Exceptional
                                                goodwill     charges     Goodwill    Total     Total
                                            amortisation    (note 2) amortisation     2002      2001
                                                    #000        #000         #000     #000      #000

Ongoing                                           35,302           -            -   35,302    42,000
Acquisitions                                       2,891           -            -    2,891         -

                                                  38,193           -            -   38,193    42,000

Staff costs                                      (18,984)     (1,044)           -  (20,028)  (17,398)

Depreciation and amortisation                     (1,066)          -         (467)  (1,533)   (1,235)

Other operating charges                          (16,656)     (1,967)           -  (18,623)  (19,209)

Other operating income - exceptional item                          -            -        -     7,414
Operating (loss)/profit
Ongoing                                            1,026      (2,612)           -   (1,586)   11,572
Acquisitions                                         461        (399)        (467)    (405)        -

                                                   1,487      (3,011)        (467)  (1,991)   11,572

Interest receivable                                  318           -            -      318       713
Amounts written off fixed
asset investments                            3         -      (1,451)           -   (1,451)        -

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
before taxation                                    1,805      (4,462)        (467)  (3,124)   12,285
Taxation on (loss)/profit on
ordinary activities                          4      (197)        870            -      673    (3,972)

(Loss)/profit on ordinary activities
after taxation                                     1,608      (3,592)        (467)  (2,451)    8,313
Dividends - equity interests                                                        (1,938)   (2,002)

Retained (loss)/profit for the period                                               (4,389)    6,311


(Loss)/earnings per share (pence) - basic    6                                       (5.08)    17.20
                                  - diluted  6                                       (5.08)    17.09

Basic earnings per share (pence) before
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation  6                                        3.33      6.46


Group statement of total recognised gains and losses
for the year ended 31 December 2002
                                                                                      2002      2001
                                                                                      #000      #000

(Loss)/profit attributable to shareholders of the Group                             (2,451)    8,313
Exchange difference on retranslation of net assets of subsidiary undertakings         (563)       70

Total recognised gains and losses for the year                                      (3,014)    8,383

KBC Advanced Technologies plc
Group balance sheet
at 31 December 2002
                                                          2002                    2001
                                                    ________________        _______________
                                                     #000      #000          #000     #000


Fixed assets
Intangible assets                                             5,464                  1,222
Tangible assets                                               2,537                  2,577
Investments                                                   1,287                  2,138
                                                              9,288                  5,937
Current assets
Debtors                                             12,745                 11,972
Investments                                            300                      -
Cash at bank and in hand                             7,623                 18,218
                                                    20,668                 30,190
Creditors: amounts falling due within one year      (5,824)                (7,186)


Net current assets                                           14,844                 23,004

Total assets less current liabilities                        24,132                 28,941
Creditors: amounts falling due after one year                  (600)                     -
Provision for liabilities and charges                          (965)                  (775)

                                                             22,567                 28,166
Capital and reserves
Called up share capital                                       1,202                  1,251
Share premium account                                         6,038                  6,008
Capital redemption reserve                                       79                     24
Merger reserve                                                  147                    147
Profit and loss account                                      15,101                 20,736


Shareholders' funds: equity interests                        22,567                 28,166

KBC Advanced Technologies plc
Group statement of cash flows
for the year to 31 December 2002                                  2002        2001
                                                                  #000        #000

Net cash (outflow)/inflows from operations                        (765)     12,849

Returns on investments and servicing of finance
Interest received                                                  318         713

Taxation                                                        (1,847)     (3,176)

Capital expenditure and financial investment
Payments to acquire tangible fixed assets                         (799)     (2,166)

Purchase of subsidiary undertakings including costs             (4,290)          -
Funds placed on deposit in respect of loan notes                  (900)          -
Net funds acquired with subsidiary undertakings                    452           -

Net cash outflow from acquisitions                              (4,738)          -

Equity dividends paid                                           (1,994)     (1,893)

Management of liquid resources
Increase/(decrease) in short term deposits                       9,867      (6,843)

Shares issued                                                       36         127
Redemption of shares                                              (683)          -

Net cash (outflow)/inflow from financing                          (647)        127

Decrease in cash in the period                                    (605)       (389)

Reconciliation of net cash flows to movements in net funds

Decrease in cash in the period                                    (605)       (389)
Cash used to (decrease)/increase liquid resources               (9,867)      6,843

Change in net funds resulting from cash flow                   (10,472)      6,454

Loan notes                                                      (1,310)          -
Translation difference                                            (123)          6

Movement in net funds in the period                            (11,905)      6,460
Net funds at start of period                                    18,218      11,758

Net funds at end of period                                       6,313      18,218



1 Basis of preparation
The  above  financial  information  does  not  constitute
statutory  accounts  as defined by  section  240  of  the
Companies  Act 1985.  The results for the year  ended  31
December  2002  and the balance sheet at  that  date  are
extracted  from  the  statutory accounts  (on  which  the
auditors  have given an unqualified opinion), which  will
be  filed  with the Registrar of Companies. The  accounts
have  been  prepared  in  accordance  with  UK  generally
accepted  accounting  principles  on  a  basis  which  is
consistent  with those applied in previous  periods.  The
comparative financial information is extracted  from  the
statutory  accounts for the year ended 31  December  2001
(on  which  the  auditors gave an  unqualified  opinion),
which  have already been sent to shareholders  and  filed
with the Registrar of Companies.

2 Exceptional items
Staff related reorganization costs
The exceptional staff costs of #1.0 million represent the
costs   incurred   as  a  result  of  a  fourth   quarter
reorganisation  and  redundancy  programme,  as  well  as
additional  staff costs which resulted from non-recurring
acquisition  integration activities. Amounts paid  during
the  year  related to this item were #0.6 million.  These
exceptional  costs  decreased profit after  tax  by  #0.7

Other operating charges
Other operating charges comprise the following items:

- Legal costs
  Legal  costs have been incurred in respect of  entering
  an  arbitration process concerning a joint  development
  agreement and in respect of legal proceedings initiated
  by the Company in the USA.

- Office move
  The Group executed a significant office rationalisation
  programme  during  the second half of  the  year  which
  resulted  in  non-recurring  costs  related  to  office

- Acquisition integration costs
  The  Group  incurred non-recurring costs in respect  of
  the  integration of two newly acquired  companies  into
  the KBC Group.

These   exceptional  other  operating  charges  decreased
profit before tax by #2.0 million and profit after tax by
#1.4  million.  Amounts paid during the year  related  to
these charges were #1.4 million.

3 Amounts written off fixed asset investments
A  #1.5m  charge  has been recorded  in  respect  of  the
investment  in  KBC's  shares held in  the  KBC  Advanced
Technologies  plc  Employee  Trust,  writing   down   the
investment  from its average cost of #1.35 per  share  to
the  mid market price at the balance sheet date of  43.5p
per share.

4 Tax on profit on ordinary activities
The  Group's effective rate of current tax is  influenced
by  three  major  factors: (a) the charge  against  fixed
asset investments and group goodwill amortisation are not
deductible  for  tax  purposes, and  hence  increase  the
effective  rate; (b) higher rates of overseas  tax  which
tend to increase the effective rate; and (c) under new US
tax legislation a five year loss carryback claim has been
filed reducing the Group's effective rate.

5 Litigation
In  March  2002  the  Company  entered  into  arbitration
proceedings with AEA Technology PLC (with whom it has  an
alliance for joint development of a software product)  on
the  interpretation  of the joint development  agreement.
The  main  subjects of the arbitration are the definition
of the product developed and its completion and delivery.
The   arbitration  hearing  took  place  in  January  and
February  2003  and the arbitrator is  expected  to  rule
before  the end of March 2003.  Full provision  has  been
made  for  the Group's legal costs associated with  these
proceedings up to the balance sheet date as described  in
note 2 above. The arbitrator may award costs against  the
unsuccessful party, although no provision has  been  made
for costs being awarded against either party.

On 11 September 2002 the Company served legal proceedings
in  Houston,  Texas,  on  Aspen Technology  Inc  and  its
subsidiary,   Hyprotech  Ltd  (formerly  owned   by   AEA
Technology PLC), as an additional measure to protect  its
intellectual  property  rights. The  proceedings  relate,
amongst  other things, to claims arising from Hyprotech's
and   Aspen's  responsibility  for  the  delay   in   the
commercialization of the HYSYS. Refinery software  product
to  the  detriment  of  the Group.  The  Company's  claim
relates  to  the consequences flowing from these  delays,
including the loss of significant software and associated
consulting  services contracts. Aspen and Hyprotech  have
asserted  various  counterclaims against  the  Group  but
these  counterclaims do not contain sufficient detail  to
enable  an  assessment to be made of  the  likelihood  of
success or to estimate any award that might be made as  a
consequence,  and in any event will be strongly  defended
by  the  Group. The case is expected to be heard  in  the
autumn of 2003.

This  US  litigation  may lead to  an  award  of  damages
against Aspen Technology Inc and its subsidiary Hyprotech
Ltd.  Full provision for the Group's legal costs of  this
action  up  to the balance sheet date has been made,  but
account  has not been taken of any damages that might  be
awarded to either party as a result.

6 Earnings per share
The  calculation of basic loss per share is based upon  a
loss  of #2,451,000 (2001: profit of #8,313,000)  and  on
48,203,000 (2001: 48,343,000) ordinary shares, being  the
weighted  average  number  of ordinary  shares  in  issue
during the period after excluding shares owned by the KBC
Advanced Technologies plc Employee Trust.

The  calculation of diluted loss/earnings  per  share  is
based  upon  a  loss  of #2,451,000  (2001:  earnings  of
#8,313,000) and on 48,203,000 (2001: 48,648,000) ordinary
shares  allowing  for  the full exercise  of  outstanding
options over new shares.

The  calculation  of  basic  earnings  per  share  before
exceptional items and goodwill amortisation is based upon
earnings of #1,608,000 (2001: #3,123,000, being profit on
ordinary  activities after taxation  of  #8,313,000  less
exceptional  income  of #7,414,000 less  tax  thereon  of
#2,224,000) and on 48,203,000 (2001: 48,343,000) ordinary
shares,  being  the weighted average number  of  ordinary
shares  in  issue during the period after  excluding  the
shares  owned  by  the  KBC  Advanced  Technologies   plc
Employee Trust.

7 Acquisitions
On 7 February 2002 the Company acquired the share capital
of  PEL  Group  Ltd,  the  parent  company  of  Petroleum
Economics  Ltd, a UK-based energy economics  consultancy.
The consideration comprised of loan notes totalling #2.0m
maturing over three years.

On 27 February 2002 a subsidiary undertaking acquired the
share capital of Linnhoff March International Ltd, a  UK-
based   energy  consultancy.  The  consideration  was   a
combination of cash and loan notes totalling #3.3m.

Goodwill  on  both  acquisitions has been  calculated  as
follows and is being amortised over 10 years.

Consideration                                      5,269
Expenses                                             331
Fair value of net assets acquired                   (691)

Goodwill                                           4,909

Cash placed on deposit to support loan note guarantees is
included  under fixed asset investments or current  asset
investments  according to the redemption  period  of  the
loan notes.

8   Copies  of  the  Annual  Report  will  be   sent   to
shareholders.   Further copies may be obtained  from  the
Company  Secretary,  KBC Advanced Technologies  plc,  KBC
House, 42-50 Hersham Road, Walton-on-Thames, Surrey  KT12

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange