RNS Number:2494N
Marlborough Stirling PLC
07 July 2003

For immediate release                                              7th July 2003

Marlborough Stirling plc

Directors' shareholdings

Since the flotation of the company, the beneficial shareholdings of Huw Evans,
David Gales and Christopher Ryland, all directors of the company, have been
disclosed on the basis of including in each director's shareholding
approximately one third of the 5,492,000 shares held by a trust, the JM Deane
1999 Settlement.

This was because it had been anticipated that if the shares in the trust were
distributed, they would be transferred in equal amounts to Huw Evans, David
Gales and Christopher Ryland although the beneficiaries of the trust potentially
included all employees of the group.

The company has been informed that the trustees of the JM Deane 1999 Settlement
have now appointed 90% of the shares in the trust (4,942,800 shares) to another
trust in which each of the aforementioned directors continue to be potentially
interested. It is expected that the remaining 10% of the shares (549,200 shares)
will be retained by the JM Deane 1999 Settlement for the benefit of employees of
the group other than the three directors.

As a result of the arrangements outlined above, that did not involve any value
being realised by the relevant directors, the underlying beneficial
shareholdings of Huw Evans, David Gales and Christopher Ryland have changed as
set out below.

Director                             Previous shareholding                 New shareholding
                                       Number of shares         %          Number of shares         %

Huw Evans                                    17,586,389       7.8                17,403,322       7.6
David Gales                                  17,395,710       7.7                17,212,643       7.6
Christopher Ryland                           17,586,389       7.8                17,403,323       7.7

The full disclosures relating to the changes in shareholdings set out above, set
out as required by Schedule 11 to the Listing Rules of the UK Listing Authority,
are detailed below.

No changes in other executive directors' shareholdings are detailed in this
announcement although it should be noted that, as employees of the group, they
are all potential beneficiaries of the remaining 549,200 shares held by the JM
Deane 1999 Settlement.


All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

1.    Name of company                                2.   Name of director

      MARLBOROUGH STIRLING PLC                            HUW EVANS

3.    Please state whether notification indicates    4.   Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than
      that it is in respect of holding of the             one holder, the number of shares held by each of
      shareholder named in 2 above or in respect of       them (if notified)
      a non-beneficial interest or in the case of an
      individual holder if it is a holding of that
      person's spouse or children under the age of
      18 or in respect of an non-beneficial interest      JM DEANE 1999 SETTLEMENT


5.    Please state whether notification relates to a 6.   Please state the nature of the transaction. For PEP
      person(s) connected with the director named in      transactions please indicate whether general/single
      2 above and identify the connected person(s)        co PEP and if discretionary/non discretionary /non

                                                          TRANSFER OF SHARES FROM JM DEANE 1999 SETTLEMENT TO
                                                          A NEW TRUST IN WHICH THE DIRECTOR IS A BENEFICIARY

7.    Number of shares/    8.   Percentage of issued 9.   Number of shares/      10. Percentage of issued
      amount of stock           class                     amount of stock            class
      acquired                                            disposed

      1,647,600                                           1,830,667


  11. Class of security    12.  Price per share      13.   Date of transaction   14.  Date company informed

      1P ORDINARY               n/a                        5TH  JULY 2003             7TH JULY 2003

15.   Total holding following this notification      16.   Total percentage holding of issued class following
                                                           this notification


If a director  has been granted options by the company please complete the following boxes.

17.   Date of grant                                  18.  Period during which or date on which exercisable

      n/a                                                 n/a

19.   Total amount paid (if any) for grant of the    20.  Description of shares or debentures involved: class,
      option                                              number

      n/a                                                 n/a

21.   Exercise price (if fixed at time of grant) or  22.  Total number of shares or debentures over which
      indication that price is to be fixed at time        options held following this notification
      of exercise


23.   Any additional information                     24.  Name of contact and telephone number for queries

      n/a                                                 Julie Nevin, Company Secretarial Assistant - 01242

25.   Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification

      Andrew Fritchie, Company Secretary

Date of notification  7th July 2003


All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

1.    Name of company                                2.   Name of director


3.    Please state whether notification indicates    4.   Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than
      that it is in respect of holding of the             one holder, the number of shares held by each of
      shareholder named in 2 above or in respect of       them (if notified)
      a non-beneficial interest or in the case of an
      individual holder if it is a holding of that
      person's spouse or children under the age of
      18 or in respect of an non-beneficial interest      JM DEANE 1999 SETTLEMENT


5.    Please state whether notification relates to a 6.   Please state the nature of the transaction. For PEP
      person(s) connected with the director named in      transactions please indicate whether general/single
      2 above and identify the connected person(s)        co PEP and if discretionary/non discretionary /non

                                                          TRANSFER OF SHARES FROM JM DEANE 1999 SETTLEMENT TO
                                                          A NEW TRUST IN WHICH THE DIRECTOR IS A BENEFICIARY

7.    Number of shares/    8.   Percentage of issued 9.   Number of shares/      10. Percentage of issued
      amount of stock           class                     amount of stock            class
      acquired                                            disposed

      1,647,600                                           1,830,666


  11. Class of security    12.  Price per share      13.   Date of transaction   14.  Date company informed

      1P ORDINARY               n/a                        5TH JULY 2003              7TH JULY 2003

15.   Total holding following this notification      16.   Total percentage holding of issued class following
                                                           this notification


If a director  has been granted options by the company please complete the following boxes.

17.   Date of grant                                  18.  Period during which or date on which exercisable

      n/a                                                 n/a

19.   Total amount paid (if any) for grant of the    20.  Description of shares or debentures involved: class,
      option                                              number

      n/a                                                 n/a

21.   Exercise price (if fixed at time of grant) or  22.  Total number of shares or debentures over which
      indication that price is to be fixed at time        options held following this notification
      of exercise


23.   Any additional information                     24.  Name of contact and telephone number for queries

      n/a                                                 Julie Nevin, Company Secretarial Assistant - 01242

25.   Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification

      Andrew Fritchie, Company Secretary

Date of notification  7th July 2003


All relevant boxes should be completed in block capital letters.

1.    Name of company                                2.   Name of director

      MARLBOROUGH STIRLING PLC                            DAVID GALES

3.    Please state whether notification indicates    4.   Name of the registered holder(s) and, if more than
      that it is in respect of holding of the             one holder, the number of shares held by each of
      shareholder named in 2 above or in respect of       them (if notified)
      a non-beneficial interest or in the case of an
      individual holder if it is a holding of that
      person's spouse or children under the age of
      18 or in respect of an non-beneficial interest      JM DEANE 1999 SETTLEMENT


5.    Please state whether notification relates to a 6.   Please state the nature of the transaction. For PEP
      person(s) connected with the director named in      transactions please indicate whether general/single
      2 above and identify the connected person(s)        co PEP and if discretionary/non discretionary /non

                                                          TRANSFER OF SHARES FROM JM DEANE 1999 SETTLEMENT TO
                                                          A NEW TRUST IN WHICH THE DIRECTOR IS A BENEFICIARY

7.    Number of shares/    8.   Percentage of issued 9.   Number of shares/      10. Percentage of issued
      amount of stock           class                     amount of stock            class
      acquired                                            disposed

      1,647,600                                           1,830,667


  11. Class of security    12.  Price per share      13.   Date of transaction   14.  Date company informed

      1P ORDINARY               n/a                        5TH JULY 2003              7TH JULY 2003

15.   Total holding following this notification      16.   Total percentage holding of issued class following
                                                           this notification


If a director  has been granted options by the company please complete the following boxes.

17.   Date of grant                                  18.  Period during which or date on which exercisable

      n/a                                                 n/a

19.   Total amount paid (if any) for grant of the    20.  Description of shares or debentures involved: class,
      option                                              number

      n/a                                                 n/a

21.   Exercise price (if fixed at time of grant) or  22.  Total number of shares or debentures over which
      indication that price is to be fixed at time        options held following this notification
      of exercise


23.   Any additional information                     24.  Name of contact and telephone number for queries

      n/a                                                 Julie Nevin, Company Secretarial Assistant - 01242

25.   Name and signature of authorised company official responsible for making this notification

      Andrew Fritchie, Company Secretary

Date of notification  7th July 2003

                      This information is provided by RNS
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange