Announcement of Annual Results

29 May 2007

Glencar Mining plc ("Glencar" or the "Company") today announces its
results for the year ended 31 December 2006.

Highlights from the Chairman's statement:

  * 2006 was another year of exciting exploration results for Glencar

  * Results to date from our Komana West Project continue to impress
  * Intention to drill the Komana East deposit using the extensive
    knowledge gained from the Komana West Project
  * Just completed promising exploration drilling programmes at
    Badogo-Malikila, adjacent to the Komona concession - results are
  * Exploration on the Sankarani Project also continued at a fast
  * In April 2007 a private placing of 22,600,000 new shares to
    institutional investors was completed
  * Audited results for the financial year ending December 2006 show
    a loss of $1,450,961

The Komana West Project

The year  2006 represents  a  very important  one in  your  Company's
growth and the exciting exploration  results obtained last year  have
continued through 2007 to date.  Our primary exploration focus is  on
our Komana  West deposit  in  southern Mali  where we  are  currently
completing our fourth phase of  drilling. The Komana West deposit  is
displaying evidence of very persistent, ore-grade mineralisation over
extensive widths and all  the indications to  date suggest that  this
deposit will prove to be a commercially viable orebody.

Mali is a country well endowed with profitable gold deposits, but  it
also possesses the  essential fiscal  and legal  framework to  enable
these deposits to be successfully  worked with attendant benefits  to
the State as well as the other stakeholders involved in the  Nation's
resources. Gold is Mali's primary export earner and the Government of
Mali strongly supports  the orderly and  efficient extraction of  the
natural resources  in an  environmentally responsible  way. It  is  a
country rich in  culture and  tradition, with  a young  but now  well
established democratic political system.

The results to date from our Komana West project continue to impress.
Recent intersections such as 49 metres at 6.0 grams per tonne and  86
metres at 2.73 grams per tonne indicate the presence of  considerable
widths of  ore  grade  mineralisation.  The  strike  length  of  this
mineralised zone  is  already established  at  1,100 metres  and  may
extend for at least another 500 metres further south. The drilling to
date also  suggests that  the mineralisation  is open  at depth.  The
Komana Shear Zone, within which the Komana West deposit lies, extends
throughout the entire 20 kilometre length of the Komana Licence area.
Our field mapping and sampling programmes have discovered a number of
exciting exploration targets to the south of the Komana West deposit,
such as at Kama, 9 kilometres to the south. The Komana East  deposit,
some 7  kilometres  to the  east  of  the Komana  West  deposit,  was
explored by Randgold Resources  and North Limited  in the 1990's  and
they estimated a  non-JORC compliant  resource of  280,000 ounces  of
gold  within  a  brecciated  metasediment  in  a  northeast-southwest
trending shear  zone. We  intend to  drill the  Komana East  deposit,
using the extensive knowledge we have gained from our work at  Komana
West to guide our evaluation of the deposit.

We have also recently completed an exploration drilling programme  on
a promising  target  at  Badogo-Malikila on  the  Solona  concession,
adjacent to  the Komana  concession.  Approximately 1,250  metres  of
reverse circulation drilling has been completed and assay results are

We are very pleased with  the progress of our exploration  programmes
to date.  We are  currently in  the  course of  estimating a  JORC  -
compliant resource for the Komana West  deposit, which we hope to  be
able to announce  before September. Drilling,  which will shortly  be
halted during  the rainy  season in  Mali, will  recommence there  in
early October. Intensive drilling will be carried out both to improve
resource classification and to test the depth and strike extension of
the resource.

Sankarani Project

Exploration on the Sankarani Project  also continued at a fast  pace.
We completed over 8,000  metres of drilling  on eight targets  within
the three  concessions  which  comprise  our  joint  venture  with  a
subsidiary of  Gold Fields  Limited. Significant  mineralisation  was
encountered on three of  those targets, at  Sanankoro, on the  Bokoro
licence; at Sanioumale West, on the Sanioumale licence and at  Kabaya
South, on the Farasaba licence. It is likely that drilling will  also
be continuing next season on the Sankarani Project, where targets  at
Kabaya South and Sanioumale will be drilled in follow-up  programmes,
together with additional exploration targets arising from our ongoing
exploration work. Confirmation of the proposed work programme at  the
Sankarani Project  is  awaited  following  a  review  of  exploration
results to date by the joint venture partners.

Asheba, Ghana

Our Asheba Project in Ghana has  seen a much lower level of  activity
recently due to  the increasing  call on resources  by the  intensive
activity on the exploration projects in Mali.

Other Projects

We are continuing to review  the exploration results from our  Makina
Project in southeast  Uganda. A new  airborne geophysical survey  has
been flown by the Ugandan government and results are due for  release
in mid 2007. We  are keen to  review these survey  results to see  if
they can guide our next phase of exploration in this prospective, but
underexplored part of Africa.

Despite  encountering   encouraging  technical   signatures  in   our
zinc/lead exploration programme in Co.  Laois in Ireland, we  decided
to relinquish  our  two  licences there.  A  considerable  amount  of
expensive deep drilling would be required to advance the project  and
it was felt that these funds could be spent to better effect in Mali.
Consequently, we have written off our investment in this project.

Private Placing of Shares

In April  2007, we  completed  a private  placing of  22,600,000  new
shares to institutional investors. This  funding, carried out at  the
market price  at  the  time, provides  the  Company  with  sufficient
funding to complete all anticipated drilling required to calculate  a
resource for the Komana  Project as well  as conducting drilling  for
strike and depth extensions to known mineralisation. In addition, the
funding will  allow drill  testing of  other significant  exploration
targets such as the Komana East deposit. Other targets, south of  the
Komana West deposit and on the  adjacent Solona licence will also  be
drilled. The next  drill season  in Mali is  expected to  be just  as
active and as exciting as the last.

Financial Results

The audited results for the financial year ending December 2006  show
a loss for  the period  of $1,450,961.  This loss  includes, for  the
first time,  under  new accounting  rules,  an imputed  cost  to  the
Company of the  issue of share  options to Directors  and staff.  Our
accounts are  denominated  in US  Dollar  currency and,  due  to  the
decline of  the  dollar  over  the last  year,  certain  costs  whose
underlying currency  is the  Euro, appear  as increased  costs in  US
Dollar terms.


Following  completion  of  the  recent  placing  and  the  continuing
impressive results  from  the  Komana West  Project,  in  particular,
Glencar is in  a very  strong position to  grow rapidly  in terms  of
market capitalisation  and gold  ounces per  share. We  now have  the
funding to embark on substantial drilling programmes in Mali and also
in Ghana. Clearly, however, most  of our exploration funding will  be
devoted to the  Komana West  deposit and it  is my  belief that  this
deposit will emerge as an addition to the growing list of  profitable
gold mines in this prolific region of West Africa.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff in Mali,  on
both the Yanfolila  and Sankarani Projects,  for their diligence  and
hard  work,  often  in  trying  conditions.  They  have   contributed
significantly to the success of our programmes to date.

I would also like to  thank and congratulate the executive  directors
on their excellent achievements during the past year.

Our Annual Report and  Accounts and Notice of  AGM will be posted  to
shareholders shortly.

Sean Finlay


                                                    2006         2005
                                                     US$          US$

ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES                        (630,492)    (725,654)

COST OF SHARE AWARDS                           (643,328)            -

GAIN (LOSS) ON EXCHANGE                          214,001     (19,422)
                                            ------------ ------------

OPERATING LOSS                               (1,059,819)    (745,076)

EXCEPTIONAL ITEM                               (455,198)            -

BANK INTEREST RECEIVABLE                          90,612       37,269

INTEREST PAYABLE                                (24,822)     (23,213)
                                            ------------ ------------
ACTIVITIES BEFORE TAXATION                   (1,449,227)    (731,020)

TAXATION                                         (1,734)        (892)
                                            ------------ ------------
LOSS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR                  (1,450,961)    (731,912)
                                                ========     ========

LOSS PER SHARE (CENTS)                            (0.64)       (0.39)
                                                ========     ========
DILUTED LOSS PER SHARE                            (0.62)       (0.36)
                                                ========     ========


                                                   2006          2005
                                                    US$           US$
Non current assets
Property, plant and equipment                   410,203        28,447
Intangible assets                             5,536,924     3,183,205
                                          ------------- -------------
                                              5,947,127     3,211,652
                                          ------------- -------------
Current assets
Debtors                                           9,465        18,841
Cash                                          1,635,395     1,152,402
                                          ------------- -------------
                                              1,644,860     1,171,243
                                          ------------- -------------
Total Assets                                  7,591,987     4,382,895
                                               ========      ========
Capital and reserves attributable to
the Group's
equity holders
Share capital                                 8,507,021     7,420,009
Share premium                                38,009,726    36,215,883
Capital conversion reserve fund                  82,092        82,092
Retained losses                            (40,956,434)  (40,148,801)
                                          ------------- -------------
                                              5,642,405     3,569,183

Minority Interest                             1,159,531     (112,910)
                                          ------------- -------------
Total equity                                  6,801,936     3,456,273
                                          ------------- -------------
Non current liabilities
Creditors and accrued expenses                  342,818       344,513
                                          ------------- -------------
Current liabilities
Trade  and other payables                       447,233       582,088
Current corporation tax liabilities                   -            21

                                          ------------- -------------
                                                447,233       582,109
                                          ------------- -------------
Total liabilities                               790,051       926,622
                                          ------------- -------------
Total equity and liabilities                  7,591,987     4,382,895
                                               ========      ========


                                                   2006          2005
                                                    US$           US$
Cash flows from operating activities
Cash used in operations                       (560,954)     (621,067)

Corporation tax paid                            (1,755)         (870)
                                          ------------- -------------
Net generated from operating activities       (562,709)     (621,937)
                                          ------------- -------------

Cash flows from investing activities
Purchases of property, plant and              (389,289)       (2,020)

Purchases of intangible assets              (1,113,300)     (578,422)

Interest received                                90,612        37,269
                                          ------------- -------------
Net cash used in investing activities      (1,411,977))     (543,173)
                                          ------------- -------------
Cash flows from financing activities
Proceeds from the issuance of ordinary        2,457,679     1,315,767
                                          ------------- -------------
Net cash generated from financing             2,457,679     1,315,767
                                          ------------- -------------

Net increase in cash                            482,993       150,657

Cash at beginning of the year                 1,152,402     1,001,745
                                          ------------- -------------
Cash at end of the year                       1,635,395     1,152,402
                                          ------------- -------------

The financial information contained above does not constitute the
group's full statutory accounts for the year ended 31 December 2006
but has been extracted from these accounts. The full statutory
accounts and auditor's report thereon will be sent to shareholders
shortly and filed with the Companies Office.

For further information, please contact:

Glencar Mining plc
Hugh McCullough, Managing Director
Tel:         +353 1 661 9974

Heneghan PR
Sean O'Riordain
Tel:    +353 87 2556727

Bishopsgate Communications
Maxine Barnes/Nick Rome
Tel:    +44 20 7562 3350


Copyright � Hugin ASA 2007. All rights reserved.

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