RNS Number : 5049E
  i-mate plc
  29 September 2008

 For Immediate Results  29 September 2008

    i-mate plc
    ("i-mate" or the "Company")

    Preliminary results for the year ended 31 March 2008

    i-mate plc (London AIM:IMTE), the specialist in Microsoft Windows Mobile� devices and software, today announces its Preliminary Results
for the year ended 31st March 2008.

    For further information please contact:

 Buchanan Communications
 Mark Edwards/Jeremy Garcia      Tel: 020 7466 5000

 i-mate plc
 Jim Morrison                 Tel: 00 971 4360 1989
      Chairman's Statement

    It is difficult to express how painful this year has been for the company and for all of us. About everything that can happen to a young
high-tech company did. The $134.5m drop in revenue and the $61.6m loss from ordinary activities after net non-recurring charges of $27.1m
speak for themselves and are extremely disappointing. 

    We had set ourselves some tough objectives at the start of the year. However, our ability to deliver on those objectives was hit early
on through poor quality control by some of our suppliers, product that was delivered late and therefore lagged market requirement, the
necessity of taking after sales management in-house, time and cost dealing with litigation with our former after market supplier and
patent-related delays beyond our control due to major litigation between significant suppliers to the industry. At the time all of these
issues were hitting us, the industry experienced a significant downturn in our market segment and a resulting decline particularly in
corporate volumes. The effect of all this was that revenues throughout the year were significantly below plan, costs were increased by
non-recurring write-offs, claims and reorganisation expense and, most recently, the upturn in sales we had expected in the 4th quarter just
did not happen sufficiently even though we had a good line-up of phones with great features. 

    We reacted to these events by restructuring even further, cutting costs dramatically and very much going back to the Group's roots. The
key now is to maintain and deliver on core operations.  We must manage costs very strictly, concentrate on markets where the brand still has
good presence, deliver our new product over the coming 12 months on time and in line with our absolute quality standards, set ourselves
reasonable and appropriate goals and deliver a sustainable and robust performance against those goals. Whatever we do needs to be based on
cautious assumptions, uncompromised quality and diligent execution. 

    There is a product pipe-line to drive the Group forward and we continue to envision and develop new and exciting devices. Execution will
be the key. All ventures carry risk, but we believe that our market position and our talented people continue to generate opportunity for

    With all the challenges and pressures faced by the business, together with the focus on completing the strategic review, the
reorganisation and the establishment of new operational and financial processes for the future, we have taken more time to produce the
year-end results. We will seek to ensure such delays do not happen again. Clearly with a loss of this magnitude, we have spent time
reviewing our cash position and our ability to deliver our plans for the business in this challenging period. Based on reasonable
projections and with our reduced cost base, we believe that we will have adequate working capital for the Group's requirements for at least
the forthcoming 12 months. 

    As Jim has said in his statement the Company must consider the merits of maintaining its listing on AIM going forward, and we must
balance the cost and benefits of listing.

    With a very difficult year behind us in every aspect of our business, and the uncertainty that all companies are now facing in the
current economic environment, we have taken the necessary actions to redress costs, to establish the right team and to implement the right
business strategy. Those actions, together with the positive response we have had from those who have seen some of our new product pipeline,
mean that we look forward to the new challenges and opportunities of the future. 

    Bernard Cragg

    27 September 2008

      Chief Executive's Statement

    The last 12 months have been extremely difficult for i-mate and have resulted in a very poor year, with losses actually exceeding sales
due to significant non-recurring costs. However, we have taken the difficult actions to restructure and we are now in a position to go
forward as a business.  

    Based on the key objectives set out last year, we detail below the progress - or conversely our failure - in achieving our stated

    Develop our own unique, exclusive products which are technically superior to other Windows Mobile� devices in the marketplace 

    i-mate now has 6 devices in the market - Jama 101, Jama 201, Ultimate 6150, 8150, 8502 and 9502. All are in the top of their class in
terms of speed, output video quality and probably the best non-failure rate of any set of devices. The high-end Ultimate devices in
particular have been well received by customers and industry specialists alike.

    These were, however, all delivered late, and mainly due to the high quality bar that we set which caused us to have a shortage of
product to sell.  Going forward we have a pipeline of new products into 2010 and the early market response from established customers has
been very encouraging. Quality and a full test program by manufacturers before we accept product is being integrated into our procurement

    Deliver an outstanding out of box experience, top class support and remote security by enhancing our suite of services

    i-mate customers are now able to automatically configure their devices as soon as their SIM card is inserted. It also allows users to
customize settings through the Club i-mate website as well as manage their device remotely. This has resulted in a major decline in the
volume of support calls we have needed to handle. As a result we will be able to decrease the number of customer support calls for all new
devices going forward and can pass the cost saving through to the price of the device.

    We stated in our interim report that the management of our after-market support service would be moved in-house to improve quality which
we have done quite successfully. However, as a result, a legal dispute with the previous service supplier has resulted in an out-of-court
settlement and legal fees together totalling $6.5m which have been dealt with as a non-recurring item.

    Leverage our channels to market to provide global reach for our exclusive products 

    We failed to achieve this objective due to delays in the delivery of the devices, as well as the non availability of devices in some
regions. As we could not supply our new devices into our distribution channels for several months, we lost some momentum in several markets
which unfortunately is taking a while to re-establish. In addition we were unable to supply our QWERTY keyboard devices into the US market
due to an IP infringement by our radio chip suppliers. 

    Technology companies operating within the USA market are being strangled by the USA Patent system. We are seriously considering pulling
out of this market as we get about three IP license demands each month based on unsubstantiated patent awards to companies whose whole
business is chasing companies they think operate in the USA.  This will not substantially curtail our plans for the business but is a
significant decision that may be imposed upon us.

    Given these external factors, our focus in the first instance is now on our established markets and market channels, in the Middle East
and Australasia, as well as the new emerging markets in Russia and India where there is significant opportunity for us.  

      Chief Executive's Statement (Continued)

    Implement an operating model structured around four key sales and marketing regions supported by centres of technical excellence and
expertise in product development, software development and research

    This was achieved but subsequently reversed due to the reorganization. Since our statement to the market in January regarding a
strategic review, i-mate has shed its software development team, its centralised QA team (pushing QA responsibility to our suppliers), the
entire senior management team other than Michael Cavey, General Manager Australasia and all of the staff acquired through the acquisition of
A Living Picture. We acknowledge that this acquisition did not achieve the objectives we had set ourselves and resulted in the write off of
the goodwill and some residual stock of Momentos.

    In total we have reduced salary costs from $18 Million to $8 million and eliminated a lot of our expenses costs. We have 114 staff in
the Group, down from 248.  We now have a lean and focused operating model, and a reduced cost base, that fits the strategy and market
opportunity for the business going forward.

    Given the events and the performance of the Group it was concluded that the strategic review should also look at the cash recoverable
value of the Group if it were to be closed down. The announcement of a strategic review gave rise to press speculation that the Company was
"up for sale" although this did not give rise to any approaches. The exercise completed gave a closing down value of +5p to -5p based on
worst case and best case scenarios and in the light of this we proceeded to restructure the Group with a view to trading out of the problems
and reducing costs to a minimum.  This is what we have done and we are now confident about the Group's position for the future.

    Transform from a single supplier model with geographical restrictions to an OEM with ability to sell globally

    This has been achieved but with some major delays from some of the suppliers. However the ability to sell globally has been curtailed by
IP infringement rulings on our suppliers as stated earlier.  In that context our strategy is to develop and deliver quality OEM product
effectively into those established and new emerging geographic markets where the opportunity and risk profile will allow the Group to
realize most value.  

    Financial Update

    The Group has recorded a severe curtailment of sales as a result of product supply and quality issues. These issues have delayed new
products to market which in turn affected the Group's ability to achieve forecasted revenue and profit levels.

    Revenue during the year declined from $195 million to $61 million. This 69% decrease resulted from a combination of many factors, the
most significant being supply limitations for legacy products, product quality issues from new suppliers, complications in target market
specification requirements, and delayed consumer acceptance of some of the new product ranges.  

    The Group recorded a loss of $61.6 million in the year ended 31 March 2008 after non-recurring items totalling $27.1 million. The loss
in 2007 was $2.9 million with $nil non-recurring items.

    Management's focus during the last nine months has been to reduce costs, which has been carried out without any compromise. At our
review it was planned that the effect of new devices coming to market and cutting costs would result in the Group breaking into profit on a
monthly basis by March or April 2008. 

    We achieved this in April and May, although since then we have seen a worldwide fall-off in the market. This has followed a general
decline in both subsidised and non-subsidised high-end handset sales and, as we see this continuing until 2009, we have decided to hold off
on launching our new Windows based products and instead update our existing products and retain a close control on costs. We have several
devices in development which we plan to launch at Mobile World Congress in February. At the current date we have $15.4 million in cash and
$9.2 million in stock. After restructuring, our monthly running costs are about $1.3 million per month and capital expenditure will be
around $5 million for the next year.

      Chief Executive's Statement (Continued)

    Microsoft update

    We have had to write-off $7 million in un-used Microsoft licenses as we had committed to purchase these licenses on legacy product but
did not achieve the sales. However, we now have a new agreement with Microsoft where we do not have to pre-order our licenses but simply pay
for licenses used, substantially reducing the risk and cost of volume shortfalls to the Group. We have been looking at other operating
systems utilizing embedded Microsoft software for our low-end phones although no decision has been reached yet. Microsoft will continue to
be the major supplier of our operating system.


    We have reduced the number of staff significantly over the last year and top management has been completely reorganized. The employees
that have remained with me, in addition to new employees, have been working in tough and uncertain times. I am extremely happy with the team
that we now have in place. The Company feels reborn and very similar to how it was when we were moving fast and growing quickly. There is a
very positive optimism within the Group and I look forward to a fast pace of change in fortunes. To the team we have I say thank you for
sticking with us or joining us during this tough time and may the adventure continue.


    In summary, we have had a disastrous year with huge losses. The next 12 months is looking a lot better, reflecting our revised market
strategy, our established product range and new product pipeline as well as our leaner, more fit-for-purpose operating model and cost base.
But difficult market conditions are hitting everyone in the first half of the year.  We will focus on controlling our costs and making sure
that our new products are world beating and, therefore, despite the current market conditions, are confident in the Group's continued

    We do need to look at the purpose and value of being a publicly quoted company. The cost of being on AIM is about $2 million per year.
Our NOMAD, Cazanove, has indicated that it wishes to resign. We have a new NOMAD lined up and will appoint them later in the year at a cost
of $100K if we decide to remain listed.

    Jim Morrison
    27 September 2008

    Group Income Statement
     for the year ended 31 March 2008 

                                 Note                                                        2007
                                                       2008             2008                $000 
                                       Before non-recurring    Non-recurring
                                                      items            items
                                                       $000         (Note 5)
                                                                        $000      2008

 Revenue                         4                   61,020                -    61,020    195,481
 Cost of sales                                     (53,933)         (10,047)  (63,980)  (159,161)

 Gross (loss)/profit                                  7,087         (10,047)   (2,960)     36,320

 Distribution costs                                 (2,049)                -   (2,049)    (4,930)
 Administrative expenses                           (40,838)         (17,017)  (57,855)   (36,793)

 Operating loss                   4                (35,800)         (27,064)  (62,864)    (5,403)

 Finance revenue                  6                   1,820                -     1,820      3,335

 Loss before taxation                              (33,980)         (27,064)  (61,044)    (2,068)

 Taxation                         7                   (568)                -     (568)      (820)

 Loss for the financial year                       (34,548)         (27,064)  (61,612)    (2,888)

 Attributable to:

 Equity holders of the parent                                                 (60,613)    (3,366)

 Minority interest                                                               (999)        478

                                                                              (61,612)    (2,888)

 Earnings per share                 8
 Basic                                                                        (50.63c)    (2.83c)
 Diluted                                                                      (50.63c)    (2.83c)

    Revenue and operating loss are all derived from continuing operations.

    There is no difference between the results stated above and their historical cost equivalents.

    Group Statement of Changes in Equity
    for the year ended 31 March 2008

                                                           Share based payment           
                                   Share   Share   Merger                        Retained  Exchange Reserve            Minority
                                 Capital  Premiu  Reserve                        Earnings              $000            Interest
                                    $000       m     $000                            $000                       Total      $000     Total
                                            $000                                                                 $000                $000

 Opening balances                 10,549  65,735  (8,663)                 1,892    31,796             (354)   100,955     1,915   102,870

 Shares issued                         -       -        -                     -         -                 -         -         -         -
 Currency differences on               -       -        -                     -         -               913       913         -       913
 foreign currency net
 Share based payment provision         -       -        -                    27         -                 -        27         -        27
 Loss for the period                   -       -        -                     -  (60,613)                 -  (60,613)     (999)  (61,612)

 Equity at end of the year        10,549  65,735  (8,663)                 1,919  (28,817)               559    41,282       916    42,198

    for the year ended 31 March 2007

                                                           Share based payment
                                                                  Reserve $000

                                  Share   Share   Merger                         Retained  Exchange Reserve           Minority
                                 Capita  Premiu  Reserve                         Earnings              $000           Interest
                                      l       m     $000                             $000                      Total      $000    Total
                                   $000    $000                                                                 $000               $000
 Opening balances                10,430  62,120  (8,663)                   591     35,162             (889)   98,751     1,437  100,188

 Shares issued                      119   3,615        -                     -          -                 -    3,734         -    3,734
 Currency differences on              -       -        -                     -          -               535      535         -      535
 foreign currency net
 Share based payment provision        -       -        -                 1,301          -                 -    1,301         -    1,301
 Profit for the period                -       -        -                     -    (3,366)                 -  (3,366)       478  (2,888)

 Equity at end of the year       10,549  65,735  (8,663)                 1,892     31,796             (354)  100,955     1,915  102,870

      Group Balance Sheet
    as at 31 March 2008

                                                       Note      2008     2007
                                                                 $000     $000
 Non current assets
 Goodwill                                                           -    4,325
 Other intangible assets                                  9     5,003    7,532
 Property, plant and equipment                                  2,902    3,253

                                                                7,905   15,110

 Current assets
 Inventories                                                    8,707   11,373
 Trade and other receivables                             10    23,438   36,720
 Tax recievables                                                   20        -
 Cash and cash equivalents                                     26,933   65,815

                                                               59,098  113,908

 Total assets                                                  67,003  129,018

 Current liabilities
 Trade and other payables                                11    22,058   25,737
 Tax liabilities                                                    -      411

                                                               22,058   26,148

 Net current assets                                            37,040   87,760

 Non-current liabilities
 Long term provisions                                           2,747        -

 Total liabilities                                             24,805   26,148

 Net assets                                                    42,198  102,870

 Share capital                                           19    10,549   10,549
 Share premium account                                         65,735   65,735
 Merger reserve                                               (8,663)  (8,663)
 Exchange reserve                                                 559    (354)
 Share based payment reserve                                    1,919    1,892
 Retained earnings                                           (28,817)   31,796

 Equity attributable to equity holders of the                  41,282  100,955

 Minority interest                                                916    1,915

 Total equity                                                  42,198  102,870

    Group Cash Flow Statement
    for the year ended 31 March 2008

                                                                 2008    2007 
                                                                 $000     $000

 Net cash (used in)/from operating activities            13  (36,702)    2,893

 Investing activities
 Interest received                                              1,820    3,335
 Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment              -       56
 Proceeds on disposal of investment                               115        -
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment                      (212)  (2,772)
 Expenditure on intangible assets                             (4,861)  (5,317)
 Acquisition of subsidiary                                          -  (2,451)

 Net cash used in investing activities                        (3,138)  (7,149)

 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents                   (39,840)  (4,256)

 Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year                65,815   69,343

 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes                          958      728

 Cash and cash equivalents at end of year                      26,933   65,815

    For the year ended 31 March 2008

    1.    General information
    The financial information set out in the announcement does not constitute the Company's statutory accounts for the years ended 31 March
2008 or 2007.  The financial information for the year ended 31 March 2007 is derived from the statutory accounts for that year which have
been delivered to the Registrar of Companies.  The auditors have reported on those accounts; their report was unqualified and did not
contain a statement under s237(2) or (3) Companies Act 1985.  The statutory accounts for the year ended 31 March 2008 will be finalised on
the basis of the financial information presented by the directors in this preliminary announcement and will be delivered to the Registrar of
Companies following the Company's annual general meeting.

    While the financial information included in this preliminary announcement has been prepared in accordance with the recognition and
measurement criteria of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs), this announcement does not itself contain sufficient
information to comply with IFRSs. The Company expects to publish full financial statements that comply with IFRSs in October 2007.

    The financial information set out in this announcement, has been prepared on the basis of the accounting policies as stated in the
previous year's financial statements, and is consistent with the current year's full financial statements which are yet to be published

    2. Significant accounting policies
    Basis of accounting
    The financial statements have been prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) adopted for use in the
European Union.
    The financial statements have been prepared under the historical cost convention. The principal accounting policies are set out below.
    The financial information consolidates the Company and entities controlled by the Company (its subsidiaries). Control is achieved where
the Company has the power to govern the financial and operating policies of an investee entity so as to obtain benefits from its
    On acquisition, the assets and liabilities and contingent liabilities of a subsidiary are measured at their fair value at the date of
acquisition. Any excess of the cost of acquisition over the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired is recognised as goodwill.
Any deficiency of the cost of acquisition below the fair values of the identifiable net assets acquired (i.e. discount on acquisition) is
credited to the income statement in the period of acquisition. The interest of minority shareholders is stated at the minority's proportion
of the fair values of the assets and liabilities recognised. Subsequently, any losses applicable to the minority interest in excess of the
minority interest are allocated against the interests of the parent. 
    The results of subsidiaries acquired or disposed of during a period are included in the consolidated income statement from the effective
date of acquisition or up to the effective date of disposal, as appropriate.
    Where necessary, adjustments are made to the financial statements of subsidiaries to bring the accounting policies used into line with
those used by the Group.
    All intra-group transactions, balances, income and expenses are eliminated on consolidation.
    During the period ended 30 September 2005, the Group carried out a corporate restructuring, including the introduction of a new holding
company. The restructuring represented a change in the identity of the holding company rather than an acquisition of the underlying
businesses. Consequently, the restructuring was accounted for using merger accounting principles. In accordance with sections 131 and 133 of
the Companies Act 1985, the Company took no account of any premium on the shares issued and recorded the cost of investment at the nominal
value of the shares issued. The resulting difference on consolidation was debited to a merger reserve.
    Goodwill arising on businesses acquired represents the excess of the fair value of the cost of acquisition over the Group's interest in
the fair value of the identifiable assets and liabilities of a subsidiary at the date of acquisition. 
    Goodwill is initially recognised as an asset at cost and subsequently measured at cost less any accumulated impairment losses. Goodwill
which is recognised as an asset is reviewed for impairment annually; any impairment is recognised immediately in the income statement and is
not subsequently reversed.
    The acquired intangible assets were tested for impairment and have been fully written off in accordance with IAS 38, predominantly due
to the assessment of the degree of certainty regarding future commercial revenue streams.
    On disposal of a subsidiary, the attributable amount of goodwill is included in the determination of the profit or loss on disposal.
    Revenue recognition
    Revenue is measured at the fair value of the consideration received or receivable and represents amounts receivable for goods and
services provided in the normal course of business, net of discounts, VAT and other sales related taxes.
    Sales of goods are recognised when goods are delivered and title has passed. Sales in respect of services and licences are recognised on
completion of contractual performance.
    Finance income is recognised as it arises.
             Foreign currencies
    The individual financial statements of each Group company are presented in the currency of the primary economic environment in which it
operates (its functional currency). For the purpose of consolidated financial statements, the results and financial position of each Group
company are expressed in U.S. Dollars, which is the functional currency of the Group and the presentation currency for the consolidated
financial statements.
    In preparing the financial statements of the individual companies, transactions in currencies other than the entity's functional
currency are recorded at the rates of exchange prevailing on the dates of the transactions. At each balance sheet date, monetary assets and
liabilities that are denominated in foreign currencies are retranslated at the rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Non-monetary
items carried at fair value that are denominated in foreign currencies are translated at the rates prevailing at the date when the fair
value was determined. Non-monetary items that are measured in terms of historic cost in a foreign currency are not retranslated.
    Exchange differences arising on the settlement of monetary items and on the retranslation of non-monetary items carried at fair value
are included in the income statement for the period except for differences arising on the retranslation of non-monetary items in respect of
which gains and losses are recognised directly in equity.
    On consolidation, the assets and liabilities of the Group's subsidiaries whose functional currency is not U.S. Dollars are translated at
exchange rates prevailing on the balance sheet date. Income and expense items are translated at the average exchange rates for the period.
Exchange differences arising, if any, are classified as equity and transferred to the Group's retained earnings. Such translation
differences are recognised as income or as expenses in the period in which the operation is disposed of.
    Goodwill and fair value adjustments arising on the acquisition of a foreign entity are treated as assets and liabilities of the foreign
entity and translated at the closing rate.
    The share capital and share premium of the Company is Sterling denominated and is translated at actual historic rates.

    Property, plant and equipment
    Property, plant and equipment balances are stated at cost, net of depreciation and any provision for impairment.
    Depreciation is provided on all property, plant and equipment in equal annual instalments over the estimated useful lives of the assets.
The rates of depreciation are as follows:
 Buildings                                        2.5% per annum
 Equipment, fixtures and fittings  Between 33% and 50% per annum
 Motor vehicles                                    33% per annum
    The gain or loss arising on the disposal or retirement of an asset is determined as the difference between the sales proceeds and the
carrying amount of the asset and is recognised in the income statement in the period of disposal.
    Research and development
    Research expenditure is written off as incurred. This includes preliminary costs in developing device concepts up to viable commercial
prototype stage.
    Development expenditure relating to identifiable projects is capitalised provided it is probable that the project will generate future
economic benefits and the development cost of the project can be measured reliably. In such cases, the identifiable expenditure is
capitalised over the period during which the Group is expected to benefit. All other development expenditure is written off as incurred. The
value of development expenditure capitalised during the year was $4,861,000 (2007: $5,317,000).
    Any capitalised development costs are amortised over the life of the products from the date of launch. Where products are discontinued,
all remaining capitalised development costs are written off in the period of discontinuance.
    Impairment of tangible and intangible assets excluding goodwill
    At each balance sheet date, the Group reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there is
any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. If any such indication exists, a formal impairment test based on a
discounted cash-flow approach is performed and the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to quantify any impairment loss.
Any impairment loss is recognised as an expense immediately.
    Inventories are stated at the lower of cost and net realisable value, measured on a FIFO basis. Cost comprises all costs in bringing the
inventories to their present location and condition. Net realisable value is based on estimated selling price less further costs expected to
be incurred to completion and disposal. Provision is made for obsolete, slow moving or defective items where appropriate.  
    Operating lease rentals are charged to the income statements in equal annual amounts over the lease term.
    Financial instruments
    Financial assets and financial liabilities are recognised on the Group's balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual
provisions of the instrument.
    The Group's activities give rise to some exposure to the financial risks of changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange
rates. The Group has no borrowings and is principally funded by equity, maintaining all its funds in bank accounts. Surplus funds are placed
in risk free cash deposits. The Group's exposure to foreign currency exchange rates arising from its net investment in currencies other than
the U.S. Dollar is unhedged as this exposure is currently not viewed as material. The Group does not use derivative financial instruments
for speculative purposes.
    Trade receivables
    Trade receivables in the normal course of trade do not carry any interest and are stated at their nominal value as reduced by
appropriate allowances for irrecoverable amounts. An allowance for impairment is made where there is an identified loss event which, based
on previous experience, is evidence of a reduction in the recoverability of the cash flows. Other trade receivables are provided for on an
individual basis where there is evidence that an amount is no longer recoverable.
    Trade payables
    Trade payables in the normal course of trade are not interest bearing and are stated at their nominal value.
    The tax expense represents the sum of the tax currently payable and deferred tax.
    The tax currently payable is based on taxable profit for the year. Taxable profit differs from the net profit as reported in the income
statement because it excludes items of income or expense that are taxable or deductible in other years and it further excludes items that
are never taxable or deductible. The Group's liability for current tax is calculated using tax rates that have been enacted or subsequently
enacted by the balance sheet date.
    Deferred tax is the tax expected to be payable or recoverable on differences between the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in
the financial statements and the corresponding tax bases used in the computation of taxable profit, and is accounted for using the balance
sheet liability method. Deferred tax liabilities are generally recognised for all taxable temporary differences and deferred tax assets are
recognised to the extent that it is probable that taxable profits will be available against which deductible temporary differences can be
utilised. Such assets and liabilities are not recognised if the temporary difference arises from goodwill or from the initial recognition of
other assets and liabilities in a transaction that affects neither the tax profit nor the accounting profit.
    Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that are expected to apply in the period when the liability is settled or the asset is
realised. Deferred tax is charged or credited in the income statement, except when it relates to items charged or credited directly to
equity, in which case the deferred tax is also dealt with in equity.
    Carrier Devices Middle East FZ LLC and i-Mate Middle East FZ LLC, subsidiary companies, operate in a tax free zone; profits are
therefore not subject to corporation tax.
    Provisions are recognised when the Group has a present obligation as a result of a past event and it is probable that the Group will be
required to settle that obligation. Provisions are measured at the Directors' best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the
obligation at the balance sheet date and are discounted to present value where the effect is material.
    Share based payments
    The Group issues equity-settled share based benefits to employees. These share based payments are measured at their fair value at the
date of grant and the fair value of expected shares is expensed on a straight-line basis over the vesting period. Fair value is measured
using the Black Scholes Model.
    Dividends payable to the Company's shareholders are recorded as a liability in the period in which the dividends are approved. No
dividends have been paid by the Company to date and none are proposed for the current year.
    Non-recurring items
    Non-recurring items, as disclosed on the face of the income statement, are items which due to their materiality and non-recurring nature
have been classified separately in order to draw them to the attention of the reader of the financial statements and to highlight the impact
of non-recurring items on the results of the Group.
    3.    Critical accounting judgements and key sources of estimation uncertainty
    In the process of applying the Group's accounting policies, as described in note 2, management has made the following judgements that
have the most significant effect on the amounts recognised in the financial information.
    Valuation of share based payments to employees
    The Group estimates the expected value of share based payments to employees and this is charged through the income statement over the
vesting period of the relevant payments. The cost is estimated using the Black Scholes valuation model which requires a number of
assumptions to be made such as levels of share vesting, time of exercise, expected length of service and employee turnover and share price
volatility. This method of estimating the value of share based payments is intended to ensure that the actual value transferred to employees
is provided for by the time such payments are made.
    Trade receivables and inventory allowances
    The trade receivables balances recorded in the Group's balance sheet comprise a relatively small number of large balances. A full
line-by-line review of aged trade receivables is carried out at the end of each month. Similarly the aged inventory records are reviewed at
the end of each month. Where appropriate, an allowance is provided for impairment of the related receivables or inventory balance. Whilst
every attempt is made to ensure that the trade receivables and inventory allowances are as accurate as possible, there remains a risk that
the allowance do not match the level of receivables which ultimately prove to be uncollectible and the inventory which ultimately proves not
to be sellable above its carrying value.

    Under the structure of the Group, the principal operating companies, i-mate Middle East FZ-LLC and Carrier Devices Middle East FZ-LLC,
operate in a tax free zone and accordingly profits from these companies are not subject to tax. No deferred tax has been provided on the
accumulated un-remitted earnings of these companies as it is assumed that no dividend will be paid to the parent Company for the currently
foreseeable future.
    Warranty provision  
    The Group provides for the expected future costs of future warranty claims by estimating the annual failure rate per individual device
and the average cost per repair. A review is performed quarterly of the carrying value of this provision. However there remains a risk that
the provision does not match the level of actual failures and costs incurred to repair those faults.

    Development costs
    Capitalised development expenditure relating to identifiable projects is capitalised provided it is probable that the project will
generate future economic benefits. There remains a risk that costs previously capitalised relate to projects that are subsequently
considered uneconomic or technically inadequate, at which time the unamortized capitalized costs would be expensed immediately.
    In the current period, as set out in Note 5 and 12, development costs on a product discontinued in the period have been written-off in
full. In addition, the remaining economic life of development costs in respect of software has been revised from 36 months to 18 months and
for certain devices to the end of the period that they are expected to generate commercial revenues. This change in estimate has resulted in
an additional amortization charge in the period of $2.13 million.
    Revenue recognition
    Rebates due from manufacturing partners are recognised in the income statement only once a product has commenced commercial production
and purchases are occurring in order to match the rebates with the relating product purchase.  
    4.    Segmental information
    For management purposes, the Group's primary segment is geographical. The directors consider that the business operates in a single
business segment, being hardware. In previous periods, software was identified as a secondary business segment although no separate
disclosure was provided due to immateriality of software revenues and assets. 
    (a) Segmental revenue by source
                          2008                         2007
                          Inter                        Inter
                        Segment    Total             Segment      Total

                Sales     Sales  Revenue    Sales      Sales    Revenue
                 $000     $000      $000     $000      $000        $000

 Middle East   83,297  (58,435)   24,862  180,119   (69,902)    110,217
 Australasia   26,149         -   26,149   61,797          -     61,797
 Italy          9,230         -    9,230   19,291          -     19,291
 UK               779         -      779    4,176          -      4,176

              119,455  (58,435)   61,020  265,383   (69,902)    195,481

    Inter segment sales are charged on an agreed transfer pricing basis and are eliminated on consolidation of the Group trading results.
      (b) Segmental result (including non-recurring items)
                                                          2008       2007
                                                          $000       $000

                     Middle East                      (52,469)    (4,774)
                     Australasia                       (3,043)      1,299
                        Italy                          (2,099)       (64)

                         UK                            (4,952)    (2,055)
                    North America                        (301)        191

   Operating loss (including non-recurring items)     (62,864)    (5,403)

                  Finance revenues                       1,820      3,335
                      Taxation                           (568)      (820)

 Loss after taxation (including non-recurring items)  (61,612)    (2,888)

    (c) Additional information
    Sales by destination
                   2008     2007
                   $000     $000

  Middle East    17,206   61,291
  Australasia    26,412   61,583
     Africa       1,901   19,935
     Italy        7,902   19,292
       UK             -   12,406
 Rest of Europe       -    8,961
 North America    1,336    4,501
      Asia        6,263    7,512

                 61,020  195,481

    5. Non-recurring items

                              2008  2007
                              $000  $000

    a. Prepaid licenses      7,157     -
  b. Inventory impairment
 Legacy products             1,674     -
 Digital picture frames      1,216     -

       Cost of sales        10,047     -

  c. Reorganisation costs
 Redundancy costs            1,042     -
 Urban write-off             1,168     -
  d. Goodwill impairment     4,325     -
     e. AMS provision        8,671     -
 f. Receivables impairment   1,811

  Administrative expenses   17,017     -

 Total non-recurring items  27,064     -

    5.             Non-recurring items (continued)

a.      Prepaid licenses
    During the year a non-recurring charge of $1,800,000 was incurred to extend existing licensing arrangements. Prepayments associated with
these licensing arrangements have been assessed for recoverability based on projected sales to the end of the current arrangements. As a
result a non-recurring charge of $5,357,000 has been recorded to write the prepayment down to its estimated recoverable value. A new license
agreement has been concluded under which licenses will be paid on a call-off basis going forward.

b.      Inventory impairment
    During the year non-recurring inventory allowances totalling $2,890,000 were recorded. Allowances totalling $1,674,000 were made in
relation to legacy products which are considered to be reaching the end of their product life. In addition, a $1,216,000 allowance has been
made against inventories held of digital picture frames, which, as a result of the strategic review and restructuring are considered not to
be core to the business going forward. As such an allowance has been recorded to write these inventories down to their estimated realisable

          c.   Reorganisation costs
    In April 2007 the Group initiated a restructuring, resulting in the operations being split into four geographic regions - Europe, the
Americas, Australasia & Asia, and the Middle East including Africa and the Indian subcontinent. The reorganisation resulted in redundancy
costs of $1,042,000 being incurred.  

    Following the restructuring, a further review of new product development was undertaken. As a result it was concluded that the Urban
range of devices would not meet the Group's stringent quality standards in time to penetrate their intended target markets. The Urban range
was therefore abandoned, resulting in development costs of $1,168,000 being expensed immediately.

         d.    Goodwill Impairment
    During the year management completed an impairment review of goodwill. The goodwill relates solely to the acquisition of A Living
Picture plc. As a result of the impairment review, an impairment charge of $4,325,000 has been recorded during the year (Note 11).

         e.    After market services provision
    As set out in Note 23 the Group has had to establish an in-house function for the management of after market services, based in Dubai,
following the termination of the contract with the previous third party provider and the withdrawal of that contractor from all historic
warranty obligations. Non-recurring costs totalling $8,671,000 have been incurred in the year for the additional warranty costs assumed by
the Group, the costs associated with the establishment of the in-house function and the costs incurred in settling the dispute with the
former contractor including associated legal fees.
f.      Receivables impairment
    Receivables have been hit by a non-recurring allowance of $1,811,000 in relation to technical issues on a superseded product.

    6.    Finance revenue    
                                   2008    2007
                                    $000   $000

 Bank interest receivable          1,820  2,779
 Trade debtor interest receivable      -    556
                                   1,820  3,335

      7.  Taxation

                             2008  2007
                             $000  $000

 The tax charge comprises:
 UK corporation tax           104   120
 Foreign tax                  464   700

 Total current tax            568   820

    The actual tax charges for the year differs from the standard rate applicable in the UK of 30% (2007: 30%) for the reasons set out in
the following reconciliation:

                                                                 2008    2007 
                                                                 $000     $000

 Loss on ordinary activities before tax                      (61,044)  (2,068)

 Tax at 30% thereon                                          (18,313)    (620)
 Factors affecting charge for the year:
 Profits/(losses) arising in territories where no tax is       18,109      499
 Losses on which group relief not available                         -      664
 Capital allowances in excess of depreciation                       -        -
 Utilisation of brought forward losses                          (135)        -
 Interest imputed on inter-company loans                          374        -
 Non deductible expenses                                          440      139
 Higher tax rates on overseas earnings                             93       52
 Adjustment to prior year tax charge                                -       86

 Current tax charge for the year                                  568      820

    Taxation for other jurisdictions is calculated at the rates prevailing in the respective jurisdictions. Carrier Devices Middle East
FZ-LLC and I-Mate Middle East FZ-LLC, subsidiary companies, operate in a tax free zone; profits from these companies, therefore, are not
subject to corporation tax.
    At 31 March 2008 the Group had unused tax losses of $6,212,000 (2007: $6,516,000) available for offset against future taxable profits
arising in the UK. No deferred tax asset has been recognised due to the uncertainy of future profit streams in the UK.

    8.    Earnings per share
Basic and diluted earnings per share are calculated on the loss of the Group attributable to equity holders of the parent of $60,613,000
(2007: $3,366,000 loss) and on 119,722,916 (2007: 118,926,503) equity shares, being the weighted average number of shares in issue during
the year.
    9. Intangible fixed assets
 Group                                         Development              Total
                                                     Costs               $000
                                                      $000  Softwar
 At 1 April 2006                                     1,609      220     1,829
 Additions                                           5,317        -     5,317
 Acquisition of subsidiary                           1,646        -     1,646

 At 1 April 2007                                     8,572      220     8,792
 Additions                                           4,861        -     4,861
 Write-off for discontinued products (Note 5)      (1,168)        -   (1,168)

 At 31 March 2008                                   12,265      220    12,485

 At 1 April 2006                                         -      158       158
 Charge for the year                                 1,040       62     1,102

 At 1 April 2007                                     1,040      220     1,260
 Charge for the year                                 6,222        -     6,222

 At 31 March 2008                                    7,262      220     7,482

 Net book value
 At 31 March 2008                                    5,003        -     5,003

 At 31 March 2007                                    7,532        -     7,532

    Intangible fixed assets at 31 March 2008 comprises capitalised development expenditure during the year in respect of devices and i-mate*
Suite.  The amortisation period for development costs incurred on devices is normally around 18 months. This has been revised during the
current period (Note 3).  

    10.    Trade and other receivables

                                   2008    2007
                                   $000    $000
 Trade receivables               14,041  31,419
 Other debtors                      208     212
 Prepayments and accrued income   9,189   5,089

                                 23,438  36,720

    The Group's credit risk is primarily attributable to its trade receivables. The amounts presented in the balance sheet are net of
allowances for doubtful debtors. An allowance for impairment is made where there is an identified loss event which, based on previous
experience, is evidence of a reduction in the recoverability of the cash flows. An allowance has been made for the estimated irrecoverable
amounts from the sale of goods of $2,319,000 (2007: $104,000). The average credit period taken on sales is 45 days (2007: 40 days). No
interest is charged on receivables in the normal terms of business. Credit risk attributable to trade receivables is mitigated through the
use of letters of credit and credit insurance where possible.

      10.    Trade and other receivables (continued)
    The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade and other receivables approximates their fair value.
    The Group's principal financial assets are bank balances and cash, and trade and other receivables. 
    The credit risk on liquid funds is limited because the counterparties are all banks with high credit ratings assigned by international
credit rating agencies.  
    11.    Trade and other payables
                                     2008    2007
                                     $000     $000
 Trade creditors                   10,476    18,925
 Accruals and deferred income      11,083     6,271
 Social security and other taxes      250       407
 Other creditors                      249       134

                                   22,058    25,737

    Trade creditors and accruals principally comprise amounts outstanding for trade purchases and ongoing costs. The average credit period
taken for trade purchases is 52 days (2007: 47) days.  The Directors consider that the carrying amount of trade payables approximates their
fair value

    12. Share capital

                                            2008     2007 
                                            $000      $000

               i-mate plc
 200,000,000 ordinary shares of 5p each   17,600    17,600
 (translated at historic rate of $1.76)

   Allotted, issued, and fully paid:
 i-mate plc
 118,528,297 ordinary shares of 5p each
 (translated at historic rate of $1.76)   10,430    10,430

 1,194,619 ordinary shares of 5p each
 (translated at historic rate of $1.98)      119       119

                                          10,549    10,549

    The Company has one class of ordinary shares which carry no right to fixed income.

    13.    Notes to the cash flow statement

                                                              2008        2007
                                                               $000       $000

 Operating loss                                            (62,864)    (5,403)
 Amortisation of intangible costs                             6,222      1,102
 Depreciation of property, plant and equipment                  772        766
 Loss/(profit) on disposal of property, plant and                25       (19)
 Share based payment provision                                   27      1,301
 Impairment of goodwill (Note 11)                             4,325          -
 Impairment of development costs (Note 12)                    1,168          -

 Operating cash flows before movements in working capital  (50,325)    (2,253)

 Decrease in inventories                                      2,905     10,491
 Decrease in receivables                                     13,684        573
 (Decrease) in payables                                     (1,930)    (4,592)

 Cash (used in)/generated from operations                  (35,666)      4,219

 Income taxes paid                                          (1,036)    (1,326)

 Net cash (used in)/generated from operating activities    (36,702)      2,893

    Cash and cash equivalents (which are presented as a single class of assets on the face of the balance sheet) comprise cash held by the
Group with an original maturity of three months or less. The carrying amount of these assets approximates their fair value.

    14. Post balance sheet events

    During the period a former contractor who provided management, administration and repair services for products in and out of warranty,
terminated their agreement with the Group and, in breach of that agreement, ceased all historic warranty cover. As a result the Group
assumed responsibility for all historic warranty obligations and established an in-house management function for after market services. The
contractor also pursued a number of claims against the Group. An out-of-court settlement was reached subsequent to the year-end and payment
was made that released the Group from all further actions by that contractor. The costs associated with the historic warranty obligations,
the establishment of the after-market service function and the out-of-court settlement, together with related legal expenses, have been
provided in the year ended 31 March 2008 and are disclosed in Note 5 regarding non-recurring items.  

This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange

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