RNS Number : 2183Y 
J & E Davy 
28 August 2009 
   FORM 8.1(a)&(b)(i) 
Disclosure Under Rule 8.1(a) AND (b)(i) of the Irish Takeover Panel Act 1997, 
Takeover Rules, 2007 (As Amended) 
Dealings by Offerors, Offerees or their associates for 
themselves or for Discretionary clients 
| Name of person dealing  (Note 1)   | J & E Davy                                           | 
| Company dealt in                   | Glencar Mining Plc                                   | 
| Class of relevant security to      | Ordinary Shares                                      | 
| which the dealings being disclosed |                                                      | 
| relate (Note 2)                    |                                                      | 
| Date of dealing                    | 27th August 2009                                     | 
(a)Interests and short positions (following dealing) in the class of relevant 
security dealt in (Note 3) 
|                                    |           Long            |            Short            | 
|                                    | Number      | (%)         | Number       | (%)          | 
| (1) Relevant securities            | 4,686,744   | 1.55%       |              |              | 
|                                    |             |             |              |              | 
| (2) Derivatives (other than        | N/A         |             |              |              | 
| options)                           |             |             |              |              | 
|                                    |             |             |              |              | 
| (3) Options and agreements to      | N/A         |             |              |              | 
| purchase/sell                      |             |             |              |              | 
|                                    |             |             |              |              | 
| Total                              | 4,686,744   | 1.55%       |              |              | 
|                                    |             |             |              |              | 
(b)Interests and short positions in relevant securities of the company, other 
than the class dealt in (Note 3) 
| Class of relevant security:        |          Long            |           Short            | 
|                                    |                          |                            | 
|                                    | Number    (%)            | Number    (%)              | 
| (1) Relevant securities            |                          |                            | 
|                                    |                          |                            | 
| (2) Derivatives (other than        |                          |                            | 
| options)                           |                          |                            | 
|                                    |                          |                            | 
| (3) Options and agreements to      |                          |                            | 
| purchase/sell                      |                          |                            | 
|                                    |                          |                            | 
| Total                              |                          |                            | 
|                                    |                          |                            | 
3.    DEALINGS (Note 4) 
(a)Purchases and sales 
| Purchase/sale                | Number of securities        | Price per unit (Note 5)       | 
|                              |                             |                               | 
| Bgt                          | 21,000                      | EUR0.10                         | 
(b)Derivatives transactions (other than option transactions) 
| Product name,   | Long/short (Note   | Number of securities (Note | Price per unit (Note 5) | 
| e.g. CFD        | 6)                 | 7)                         |                         | 
| N/A             |                    |                            |                         | 
(c)    Options transactions in respect of existing securities 
(i)Writing, selling, purchasing or varying 
| Product name,   | Writing,     | Number of       | Exercise | Type, e.g. | Expiry  | Option money  | 
| e.g. call       | selling,     | securities to   | price    | American,  | date    | paid/received | 
| option          | purchasing,  | which the       |          | European   |         | per unit      | 
|                 | varying etc. | option relates  |          | etc.       |         | (Note 5)      | 
|                 |              | (Note 7)        |          |            |         |               | 
| N/A             |              |                 |          |            |         |               | 
| Product name, e.g. call      | Number of securities        | Exercise price per unit (Note | 
| option                       |                             | 5)                            | 
|                              |                             |                               | 
| N/A                          |                             |                               | 
(d)Other dealings (including new securities) (Note 4) 
| Nature of transaction (Note  | Details                     | Price per unit (if            | 
| 8)                           |                             | applicable) (Note 5)          | 
|                              |                             |                               | 
| N/A                          |                             |                               | 
Agreements, arrangements or understandings relating to options or derivatives 
| Full details of any agreement, arrangement or understanding between the person           | 
| disclosing and any other person relating to the voting rights of any relevant securities | 
| under any option referred to on this form or relating to the voting rights or future     | 
| acquisition or disposal of any relevant securities to which any derivative referred to   | 
| on this form is referenced. If none, this should be stated.                              | 
| None                                                                                     | 
|                                                                                          | 
Is a Supplemental Form 8 attached? (Note 9)NO 
| Date of disclosure                                | 28th August 2009                      | 
| Contact name                                      | Mark Smyth                            | 
| Telephone number                                  | 01-6149063                            | 
| If a connected EFM, name of offeree/offeror with  | N/A                                   | 
| which connected                                   |                                       | 
| If a connected EFM, state nature of connection    | N/A                                   | 
| (Note 10)                                         |                                       | 
This announcement has been issued through the Companies Announcement Service of 
the Irish Stock Exchange. 
This information is provided by RNS 
            The company news service from the London Stock Exchange 

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