RNS Number : 6386D


28 October 2015

28 October 2015

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Results for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

-- Demand at Heathrow continues to grow with traffic up 2.3% to a record 56.9 million passengers

-- Service quality well ahead of other European hubs during a record summer with five separate days where Heathrow welcomed over a quarter of a million passengers per day

-- Robust financial results with revenue up 4.1% to GBP2.1 billion and EBITDA up 4.4% to GBP1.2 billion

-- Continued focus on delivering operating efficiencies: successful consultation on pension changes has reduced costs, enabling continuation of final salary scheme

-- Strong momentum for expansion. Heathrow is ready to get on quickly to deliver economic growth and jobs for Britain

Heathrow (SP) Limited owns Heathrow airport and together with its subsidiaries is referred to as the Group. Heathrow Finance plc, referred to as Heathrow Finance, is the parent company of Heathrow (SP) Limited.

 Nine months ended 30 September           2015      2014   Change (%) 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  ----------- 
 (GBPm unless otherwise stated) 
 Revenue                                 2,068     1,986          4.1 
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)                      1,224     1,172          4.4 
 Cash generated from operations          1,156     1,112          4.0 
 Cash flow after investment and 
  interest(2)                              177      (48)          n.m 
 Pre-tax profit                            552        73          n.m 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  ----------- 
 Heathrow (SP) Limited consolidated 
  net debt(3)                           11,720    11,653          0.6 
 Heathrow Finance plc consolidated 
  net debt(3)                           12,720    12,560          1.3 
 Regulatory Asset Base(3)               14,891    14,860          0.2 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  ----------- 
 Passengers (m)(4)                        56.9      55.7          2.3 
 Net retail income per passenger 
  (4)                                     6.66      6.34          5.0 
------------------------------------  --------  --------  ----------- 

Notes (1) to (4) see page 2.

John Holland-Kaye, Chief Executive Officer of Heathrow, said:

"Expansion at Heathrow fills the gap in the UK's long-term economic plan, by connecting all of Britain to global growth.

"Today's strong set of results demonstrates that we're moving closer to our goal of giving passengers the best airport service in the world and that we're well-placed to make the private investment to fund expansion. Let's make it happen."


(1) Adjusted EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortisation, certain re-measurements and exceptional items

(2) Cash flow after investment and interest is cash generated from operations after net capital expenditure and net interest paid

(3) 2014 net debt and RAB figures at 31 December 2014. Nominal net debt excluding intra-group loans and including inflation-linked accretion

(4) Changes in passengers and net retail income per passenger are calculated using unrounded passenger data

For further information please contact

 Media enquiries       Nathan Fletcher    +44 77 3014 7892 
 Investor enquiries    Anne Hurn          +44 20 8745 9947 

A conference call will be held for creditors and credit analysts on 28 October 2015 at 3.00pm (UK time), 4.00pm (Central European time), 11.00am (Eastern Standard Time), hosted by Michael Uzielli, Chief Financial Officer.

Dial-in details: UK local/standard international: +44 (0)20 3139 4830; North America: +1 718 873 9077. Participant PIN code: 93545870#

The presentation can be viewed at the Heathrow Investor Centre at heathrow.com and online during the event, using event password: 655462 at: https://arkadin-trial.webex.com/arkadin-trial/j.php?MTID=m1300b0f341b255dcae00de7fd1ec493a


These materials contain certain statements regarding the financial condition, results of operations, business and future prospects of Heathrow. All statements, other than statements of historical fact are, or may be deemed to be, "forward-looking statements". These forward-looking statements are statements of future expectations and include, among other things, projections, forecasts, estimates of income, yield and return, pricing, industry growth, other trend projections and future performance targets. These forward-looking statements are based upon management's current assumptions (not all of which are stated), expectations and beliefs and, by their nature are subject to a number of known and unknown risks and uncertainties which may cause the actual results, prospects, events and developments of Heathrow to differ materially from those assumed, expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Future events are difficult to predict and are beyond Heathrow's control, accordingly, these forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. Accordingly, there can be no assurance that estimated returns or projections will be realised, that forward-looking statements will materialise or that actual returns or results will not be materially lower than those presented.

All forward-looking statements are based on information available at the date of this document, accordingly, except as required by any applicable law or regulation, Heathrow and its advisers expressly disclaim any obligation or undertaking to update or revise any forward-looking statements contained in these materials to reflect any changes in events, conditions or circumstances on which any such statement is based and any changes in Heathrow's assumptions, expectations and beliefs.

These materials contain certain information which has been prepared in reliance on publicly available information (the "Public Information"). Numerous assumptions may have been used in preparing the Public Information, which may or may not be reflected herein. Actual events may differ from those assumed and changes to any assumptions may have a material impact on the position or results shown by the Public Information. As such, no assurance can be given as to the Public Information's accuracy, appropriateness or completeness in any particular context, or as to whether the Public Information and/or the assumptions upon which it is based reflect present market conditions or future market performance. The Public Information should not be construed as either projections or predictions nor should any information herein be relied upon as legal, tax, financial or accounting advice. Heathrow does not make any representation or warranty as to the accuracy or completeness of the Public Information.

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Any reference to "Heathrow" means Heathrow (SP) Limited (a company registered in England and Wales, with company number 6458621) and will include its parent company, subsidiaries and subsidiary undertakings from time to time, and their respective directors, representatives or employees and/or any persons connected with them.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Consolidated results for the nine months ended 30 September 2015


   1       Key business developments 
   1.1         Passenger traffic 
   1.2         Transforming customer service 
   1.3         Beating the plan 
   1.4         Investing in Heathrow 
   1.5         Responsible Heathrow 
   1.6         Winning support for expansion 
   2       Financial review 
   2.1         Basis of presentation of financial results 
   2.2         Income statement 
   2.3         Cash flow 
   2.4         Pension scheme 
   2.5         Recent financing activity 
   2.6         Financing position 
   2.7         Outlook 

Appendix 1 - Financial information

Consolidated income statement

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

Consolidated statement of financial position

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

Consolidated statement of cash flows

General information and accounting policies

Notes to the consolidated financial information

   1     Key business developments 
   1.1     Passenger traffic 

Heathrow's passenger traffic by geographic segment for the nine months ended 30 September 2015:

 (Millions)             2015   2014   Change (%)(1) 
---------------------  -----  -----  -------------- 
 UK                      4.0    3.9             0.8 
 Europe                 23.7   22.8             4.0 
 North America          13.1   12.9             1.4 
 Asia Pacific            7.9    7.9           (0.4) 
 Middle East             4.8    4.6             5.5 
 Africa                  2.5    2.7           (6.6) 
 Latin America           0.9    0.8             8.9 
---------------------  -----  -----  -------------- 
 Total passengers(1)    56.9   55.7             2.3 
---------------------  -----  -----  -------------- 
   (1)   Calculated using unrounded data 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 28, 2015 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

For the nine months ended 30 September 2015, traffic grew 2.3% to 56.9 million passengers (2014: 55.7 million). There was a 2.0% increase in the average number of seats per aircraft to 208.1 (2014: 204.0). The average load factor was 76.9% (2014: 77.2%), reflecting the increase in seat capacity. The summer period was particularly strong and, in the three months ended 30 September 2015, 21.4 million passengers used Heathrow, a rise of 3.9% compared with the same period last year.

European traffic accounts for a significant proportion of the growth in 2015, with almost one million more passengers than in the first nine months of 2014. The increase is largely driven by British Airways' success in filling its substantially increased short haul seat capacity. Domestic traffic increased 0.8%.

Intercontinental traffic was up 1.0%, with more flights operated and on average more seats per flight. A380 long haul aircraft now account for over 20 arrivals and departures per day by eight airlines. Traffic on routes serving the Middle East grew 5.5% reflecting more flights and larger aircraft, whilst increased North American frequencies led to 1.4% more traffic. Latin American traffic grew 8.9% mainly reflecting Avianca's new route to Colombia. The slight reduction on Asia Pacific routes partly reflects the impact of competition from other international hubs, although there was significant growth on routes serving China and Hong Kong, where traffic increased 7.3%. In March, Vietnam Airlines moved its London operations from Gatwick to Heathrow, following Air China's switch last year.

Over a quarter of UK exports by value pass through Heathrow. Cargo volume passing through Heathrow was 1.1 million metric tonnes, in line with last year. Growth in cargo from routes serving North America offset reductions from the Middle East and Asia Pacific regions.

   1.2     Transforming customer service 

In 2015, Heathrow has delivered its best ever passenger service with 81% of passengers surveyed rating their overall experience as 'Excellent' or 'Very Good' (2014: 77%). For a seventh consecutive quarter Heathrow has achieved a service quality score above 4.00 whilst increasing passenger numbers. The independent Airport Service Quality (ASQ) survey directed by Airports Council International (ACI) puts Heathrow well ahead of major European hub airports. The result reflects strong overall operational performance and high levels of satisfaction across key passenger service attributes.

Heathrow continues to be recognised for its high standards, most recently receiving the '2015 Airport of the Year' award at the Independent Travel Awards. The Independent Travel Awards combined thousands of public votes and an expert panel of judges to select the winners. In March 2015, Heathrow was named 'Best Airport in Western Europe' for the first time at the Skytrax World Airport Awards. The award, voted for globally by passengers, came in addition to Terminal 5 being voted the world's 'Best Airport Terminal' for the fourth year in a row and Heathrow being voted 'Best Airport for Shopping' for the sixth consecutive year. Heathrow was also awarded ACI Europe's prestigious Best Airport Award for the second time.

Improvements have been made to ease passengers' journeys through the airport with significant capital investment in security and baggage to ease the flow of passengers and facilitate seamless transfers between terminals. In immigration, 15 new generation biometric electronic passport gates have been installed across Heathrow, enabling a more efficient and secure clearance through Border Control.

As part of the focus on increasing the resilience of operations, the first two of four new enhanced Instrument Landing Systems (eILS) have been implemented at Heathrow, the first UK airport to adopt the new system. The eILS is based on new navigation technology and provides Heathrow with the capability to increase the number of aircraft that can land in low visibility giving improved safety, resilience and punctuality to airfield operations. Heathrow is also the world's first airport to introduce a system to separate arriving aircraft by time rather than distance. This system improves the airport's performance on windy days enabling a more complete schedule, better punctuality and fewer disrupted passengers.

Heathrow has had its busiest days ever in 2015 and achieved strong levels of service performance in the first nine months of the year. In relation to individual service standards, departure punctuality (the proportion of aircraft departing within 15 minutes of schedule) was 77.2% (2014: 79.2%) and the baggage misconnect rate was 19 per 1,000 passengers (2014: 19). The main challenges for punctuality during the period were restrictions and delays in European airspace. Passengers passed through central security within the five minute period prescribed under the Service Quality Rebate scheme 97.4% of the time (2014: 95.8%) compared with a 95% service standard.

   1.3     Beating the plan 

At the same time as transforming customer service, Heathrow is focused on beating the business plan for the 2014-2018 regulatory period by delivering an ambitious programme of efficiencies and increased revenue. This programme aims to enhance Heathrow's competitive position and deliver an appropriate return for its financial stakeholders.

Heathrow has performed well in the regulatory period to date, making a fast start in implementing efficiency and revenue initiatives. By the end of 2014, Heathrow had secured cost efficiencies expected to be worth GBP280 million over the settlement period out of a target of over GBP600 million and revenue initiatives forecast to generate an additional GBP100 million over the period.

Progress has continued in 2015 including the early closure of Terminal 1, improvements to pension costs, enhancements to security productivity and initiatives to improve energy consumption. In April, Heathrow entered into a 10 year strategic partnership agreement with NATS to incentivise improved resilience, noise and punctuality performance whilst reducing costs. A voluntary severance scheme and revised new entrant pay levels within the security operations were introduced in 2015. At the end of October over 250 security officers will have left Heathrow as part of this initiative.

Following consultation, changes were implemented to the terms of the company's defined benefit pension scheme which reduce ongoing costs and enable the scheme to remain open. The changes, which apply to the scheme's active members, include introduction of an annual cap on future increases to pensionable pay, a lower benefit accrual rate and a cap on annual increases to pension payments at retirement.

Taking these initiatives into account, the cost efficiencies secured for the regulatory period are estimated to be almost GBP400 million, which is strong progress towards the GBP600 million target. However, given the pressure on revenues from the low inflation environment, Heathrow is driving for further efficiencies across all areas of its business to achieve its objective of beating the plan.

   1.4     Investing in Heathrow 

Heathrow invested GBP450 million in the first nine months of 2015 on programmes to improve the passenger experience and airport resilience, as part of the GBP650 million capital expenditure plan for 2015.

For passengers, the focus has been on delivering faster and smoother journeys through the airport. The Terminal 3 Integrated Baggage facility continues to transition airline baggage operations onto the system through to May 2016. Passengers will benefit from increased baggage connection reliability and the ability to check bags in earlier and it is a key step in moving Heathrow towards the goal of fully integrated and inter-connected baggage facilities across all terminals. Heathrow completed its introduction of parallel loading security lanes in Terminals 4 and 5 and has increased the number of body scanners. These enhancements speed up the time to pass through security.

The retail offer in Terminal 5 has been enhanced, giving passengers even greater choice, with new luxury outlets including Louis Vuitton and Bottega Veneta. This project received the award for Best Retail Architecture in London at the UK Property Awards.

On the airfield, improvements have been made to meet increased airline demand for operating A380 aircraft at Heathrow. In June, further taxiways were opened to A380 aircraft and work to widen additional taxiways to the north of the airfield is due for completion at the end of the year. This investment will drive significant improvement in taxi times and reduce emissions and congestion. A significant programme is in progress to refurbish and enhance the passenger road access tunnels into the central terminal area. Works largely take place overnight and will be complete in late 2016. The programme includes further strengthening of the tunnels as well as improved lighting and more efficient ventilation.

   1.5     Responsible Heathrow 

Responsible Heathrow 2020 sets the ambition for Heathrow to become one of the most responsible airports in the world. Heathrow has made significant progress in recent years and in June Heathrow was awarded the Eco-Innovation Award by ACI Europe. This award commended Heathrow for the progress made in reducing emissions from the airport. The award also recognises Heathrow for having the world's largest single-site car sharing scheme, the UK's first publicly accessible hydrogen refuelling site and an unrivalled public transport system linking passengers to surrounding communities and central London.

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 28, 2015 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

Heathrow's Blueprint for Reducing Emissions sets out a ten-point plan for working with partners to reduce emissions from aircraft, vehicles and buildings, as well as being a catalyst for meeting EU and UK Government air quality limits in the local area around Heathrow. Over the last five years, Heathrow has reduced total nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions by 16% and Heathrow is leading the way for the airport community by cutting emissions from its own fleet vehicles, changing diesel pool cars to full battery electric cars and installing electric vehicle infrastructure in 2015. In September 2015, Heathrow signed an open letter calling for governments to support the aviation industry approach to climate change, including improved efficiency in air traffic management, accelerating research for alternative fuels and new technology. Heathrow continues to drive down energy demand and costs through energy efficient technology and building management systems while developing innovative, high performance low cost and carbon energy supply options for Heathrow's future.

Heathrow's Blueprint for Noise Reduction sets the challenge for Heathrow and its partners to collaborate to be quieter, sooner. In 2015, over 99% of movements were operated by the quietest category of aircraft. Revenue from fines for aircraft breaching noise levels is invested in local communities via the Heathrow Community Fund. In September 2015, trials began for aircraft to operate a steeper approach angle at Heathrow. This requires no modifications to aircraft equipment or specific pilot training. The trial is approved by the CAA and is planned to run until March 2016. Recent experience at Frankfurt airport has indicated that slightly steeper approach angles may reduce noise for people living nearby.

   1.6     Winning support for expansion 

On 1 July 2015, the Airports Commission clearly and unanimously recommended Heathrow's new North West runway plan, following three years of extensive and robust consultation, evidence gathering and analysis. It recognises the unique role that Heathrow plays as Britain's only hub airport. The Commission recommended that Heathrow expansion is the only solution to help British businesses compete for global growth and support a truly national recovery built on exports, skills and investment. The Commission also confirmed that Heathrow's new plan can be delivered while reducing its local and environmental impacts. It confirmed that it can be delivered within carbon and air quality limits and with significantly fewer people impacted by aircraft noise than today.

Support for Heathrow's expansion continues to grow. More people in the twelve constituencies local to the airport (Populus August 2015) support expansion than oppose expansion, as do local authorities Spelthorne and Slough and over 100,000 members of the campaign group Back Heathrow. British business strongly supports expansion at Heathrow, including the British Chambers of Commerce, more than 30 local Chambers of Commerce from across the whole of the UK as well as high profile UK business groups including the Confederation of British Industry, Institute of Directors, CityUK, Federation of Small Business and London First.

Only Heathrow can connect the whole of the UK with the growing markets of the world. Today, Heathrow has 82 long-haul connections, one of only six airports in the world that have regular flights to over 50 long-haul destinations. With expansion, Heathrow can support up to 40 new long-haul connections to emerging growth markets around the world. The economic benefit to the UK of expanding Heathrow is up to GBP211 billion, creating 180,000 jobs nationally, 40,000 new jobs locally and double the number of apprenticeships to 10,000 opportunities.

Heathrow is by far the largest wholly-privately funded airport in the world. Heathrow has successfully attracted global investors to fund GBP11 billion of investment over the last decade and Heathrow's expansion proposal is expected to involve privately funded investment of GBP16 billion. Heathrow intends to fund the expansion as an integral part of the existing business through its established and scalable financing platform and intends to target its current investment grade credit ratings. The major funding requirement is not expected until planning consent is obtained, which is expected by 2020, with the new runway operational from 2025.

The CAA has published a note on its current thinking with respect to regulatory issues of airport expansion, reflecting the long-term nature of capacity expansion and the need to provide an appropriate degree of regulatory certainty. Following a clear indication from Government that capacity expansion will take place at Heathrow, the CAA will first seek to consult with stakeholders on any developments to the current regulatory structure, before engaging in statutory consultation on any necessary changes to provide longer term certainty.

Heathrow is preparing to deliver expansion. Local surveys of road traffic have started and the potential supply chain has been engaged to identify current and future skills requirements. Heathrow will continue to work with communities, airlines and all stakeholders to build on the Airports Commission's clear recommendation for Heathrow's expansion.

The Government is reviewing the Airports Commission's recommendation and is expected to respond by the end of the year.

   2     Financial review 
   2.1     Basis of presentation of financial results 

Heathrow (SP) Limited ('Heathrow (SP)') is the holding company of a group of companies that owns Heathrow airport and operates the Heathrow Express rail service (the 'Group').

Heathrow (SP) consolidated accounts are prepared under International Financial Reporting Standards ('IFRS'). From 1 January 2015 the Group changed its treatment of actuarial gains and losses on the Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited group's (the 'HAH Group') defined benefit pension scheme. Net actuarial gains and losses are now presented within other comprehensive income rather than as an exceptional item in the income statement. See Basis of preparation in Appendix 1 for further information.

   2.2     Income statement 
   2.2.1     Overview 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015 the Group earned a GBP419 million profit after tax (2014: GBP49 million).

                                                                   2015     2014 
 Nine months ended 30 September                                    GBPm     GBPm 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Revenue                                                          2,068    1,986 
 Operating costs before depreciation and amortisation             (844)    (814) 
 Adjusted EBITDA(1)                                               1,224    1,172 
 Exceptional items                                                  232    (111) 
 Depreciation and amortisation                                    (513)    (387) 
 Operating profit before certain re-measurements                    943      674 
 Fair value gain on investment properties 
  re-measurements)                                                   62       16 
 Operating profit                                                 1,005      690 
 Net finance costs before certain re-measurements                 (525)    (600) 
 Fair value gain/(loss) on financial instruments                     72     (17) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Net finance costs                                                (453)    (617) 
 Profit before taxation                                             552       73 
 Taxation                                                         (133)     (24) 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 
 Profit after taxation                                              419       49 
------------------------------------------------------  ---------------  ------- 

(1) Adjusted EBITDA is earnings before interest, tax, depreciation & amortisation, certain re-measurements and exceptional items

   2.2.2     Revenue 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, revenue totalled GBP2,068 million (2014: GBP1,986 million).

                                    2015    2014   Change 
 Nine months ended 30 September     GBPm    GBPm      (%) 
--------------------------------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Aeronautical income               1,299   1,261      3.0 
 Retail income                       393     371      5.9 
 Other income                        376     354      6.2 
--------------------------------  ------  ------  ------- 
 Total revenue                     2,068   1,986      4.1 
--------------------------------  ------  ------  -------    Aeronautical income 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, aeronautical income increased 3.0% to GBP1,299 million (2014: GBP1,261 million) and the average aeronautical income per passenger increased 0.7% to GBP22.82 (2014: GBP22.66).

Traffic growth contributed GBP29 million to the increase in aeronautical income and tariff changes contributed GBP16 million. The non-recurrence of the significant K factor recovery in the second half of last year largely offset the non-repeat of capital triggers and rebates in the first half of last year.

The rate of growth slowed in the third quarter reflecting the delay in tariff changes at the start of the regulatory period, which resulted in nine months of tariff changes being collected over the final six months of 2014, together with the absence of the significant K factor recovery of last year.    Retail income 

(MORE TO FOLLOW) Dow Jones Newswires

October 28, 2015 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, retail income increased 5.9% to GBP393 million (2014: GBP371 million). Net retail income ('NRI') grew 7.4% to GBP379 million (2014: GBP353 million) and NRI per passenger rose 5.0% to GBP6.66 (2014: GBP6.34).

                                   2015   2014   Change 
 Nine months ended 30 September    GBPm   GBPm      (%) 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 
 Car parking                         80     73      9.6 
 Duty and tax-free                   93     94    (1.1) 
 Airside specialist shops            75     68     10.3 
 Bureaux de change                   37     32     15.6 
 Catering                            34     29     17.2 
 Other retail income                 74     75    (1.3) 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 
 Gross retail income                393    371      5.9 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 
 Retail expenditure                (14)   (18)   (22.2) 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 
 Net retail income                  379    353      7.4 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 

Car parking has continued to perform well in 2015. The growth reflects increased car parking capacity, including the award-winning Terminal 2 multi-storey car park and the new 800-space Terminal 5 business car park which opened in February 2015. In addition, continued yield management and a broader product offering have contributed to the growth.

Growth in airside specialist shops has been strong throughout 2015, with double-digit growth in luxury store income following the successful opening of the redeveloped luxury retail stores in Terminal 5. Brands including Louis Vuitton, Cartier, Rolex, Fortnum & Mason, Bottega Veneta and Hermes further strengthen Heathrow's unrivalled airport shopping experience. Performance in duty and tax free stores was impacted in part by the store redevelopment in Terminal 5 which, now open, will deliver benefit through the remainder of 2015.

Catering has performed strongly, driven mainly by enhancements in Terminal 5 and the strong offering in Terminal 2 which includes The Perfectionists' Café, created by multi-award winning chef Heston Blumenthal, and YO! Sushi.    Other income 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, other income increased 6.2% to GBP376 million (2014: GBP354 million). The increase was driven by growth in utility charges and higher property rental income following the opening of Terminal 2. In addition, Heathrow Express is stimulating demand through an increased product range including advance purchase tickets and promotions such as 'Kids Go Free'.

   2.2.3     Adjusted operating costs 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, adjusted operating costs increased 3.7% to GBP844 million (2014: GBP814 million). Adjusted operating costs exclude depreciation, amortisation and exceptional items.

                                   2015   2014   Change 
 Nine months ended 30 September    GBPm   GBPm      (%) 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 
 Employment costs                   291    286      1.7 
 Maintenance expenditure            140    128      9.4 
 Utility costs                       69     70    (1.4) 
 Rent and rates                     104     98      6.1 
 General expenses                   226    214      5.6 
 Retail expenditure                  14     18   (22.2) 
 Total                              844    814      3.7 
--------------------------------  -----  -----  ------- 

Cost control has been strong in 2015, with a small decrease in underlying costs. Overall costs reflect around GBP46 million related to the incremental operation of Terminal 2 and the start of Terminal 3 baggage facility operations, offset by over GBP20 million of savings from the wind-down of Terminal 1. A net GBP7 million was also incurred on expansion planning activities.

Underlying performance reflects ongoing focus on employment costs, with increased productivity achieved within operations, as well as the benefit of lower overall headcount compared to last year. These efficiencies are partially offset by inflation, as well as higher pension costs which are due to reduce with the agreed changes to the defined benefit pension scheme. Maintenance and engineering costs continue to benefit from the new consolidated baggage systems operations and maintenance agreement, which is delivering substantial benefit over the regulatory period.

The downward trend in underlying costs is expected to continue as the full benefit flows through from recently completed initiatives.

   2.2.4     Operating result 

For the nine months ended 30 September 2015, the Group recorded an operating profit before certain re-measurements of GBP943 million (2014: GBP674 million).

                                                      2015     2014   Change 
 Nine months ended 30 September                       GBPm     GBPm      (%) 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                     1,224    1,172      4.4 
 Depreciation and amortisation                       (513)    (387)     32.6 
 Exceptional items                                     232    (111)     n.m. 
 Operating profit before certain re-measurements       943      674     39.9 
-------------------------------------------------  -------  -------  ------- 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, Adjusted EBITDA increased 4.4% to GBP1,224 million (2014: GBP1,172 million), resulting in an Adjusted EBITDA margin of 59.2% (2014: 59.0%).

Depreciation increased substantially to GBP513 million (2014: GBP387 million). The increase in depreciation mostly reflects the start of depreciation of Terminal 2, the new Terminal 3 Integrated Baggage facility, along with increased depreciation of Terminal 1.

   2.2.5     Exceptional items 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, there was a net exceptional credit of GBP232 million (2014: GBP111 million charge) to the income statement.

                                               2015    2014 
 Nine months ended 30 September                GBPm    GBPm 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 
 Pension scheme: changes to terms               236       - 
 Pension scheme: actuarial gains and losses       -    (93) 
 Restructuring                                  (4)       - 
 Terminal 2 operational readiness                 -    (18) 
 Exceptional pre-tax charge                     232   (111) 
--------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 

During the period, the Company agreed changes to the HAH Group's defined benefit pension scheme effective from 1 October 2015. The changes include the introduction of an annual cap of 2% on future increases to pensionable pay for active members. The change results in a one-off reduction of GBP236 million in the scheme's liabilities, as measured under IAS19, and is classified as an exceptional item in the income statement. There is no immediate cash flow impact as a result of these changes. As noted in the basis of preparation, from 1 January 2015 the Group has changed its treatment of actuarial gains and losses on the defined benefit pension scheme and no longer reports these as an exceptional item in the income statement.

   2.2.6     Taxation 

The tax charge arising on ordinary activities for the nine months ended 30 September 2015 was

GBP133 million based on a profit before tax of GBP552 million. The charge results in an effective tax rate for the period of 24.1% compared to the UK statutory rate of 20.25%. The difference is primarily due to permanent differences mainly arising from non-qualifying depreciation and non-deductible expenses.

Legislation was substantively enacted on 26 October 2015 that the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK would change from 20% to 19% with effect from 1 April 2017 and to 18% from 1 April 2020.

   2.3     Cash flow 
   2.3.1     Summary cash flow 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, there was an increase of GBP15 million in cash and cash equivalents compared with an increase in 2014 of GBP416 million.

At 30 September 2015, the Group had GBP281 million of cash and cash equivalents compared with GBP266 million at 31 December 2014, and term deposits of GBP450 million (31 December 2014: GBP170 million).

                                               2015    2014 
 Nine months ended 30 September                GBPm    GBPm 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Cash generated from operations               1,156   1,112 
 Net cash from operating activities           1,160   1,102 
-------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Purchase of property, plant and equipment 
  and other assets                            (474)   (689) 
 Net increase in term deposits                (280)       - 
 Increase in group deposits                    (27)       - 
 Disposal of Stansted airport                     -     (2) 
 Net cash used in investing activities        (781)   (691) 
 Summary cash flow continued 
 Dividends paid                                  (289)   (295) 
 Proceeds from issuance of bonds                 1,022   1,276 
 Repayment of bonds                              (619)   (513) 
 Issuance of term note                              80     100 
 Net repayment of revolving credit facilities        -    (55) 
 Repayment of facilities and other financing 
  items                                           (33)    (37) 
 Increase in amount owed to Heathrow Finance 
  plc                                              125       - 
 Settlement of accretion on index-linked 
  swaps                                          (145)       - 
 Net interest paid                               (505)   (471) 
----------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Net cash (used in)/from financing activities    (364)       5 
----------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

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 Net increase in cash and cash equivalents          15     416 
----------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 
 Cash generated from operations after capital 
  expenditure and net interest paid                177    (48) 
----------------------------------------------  ------  ------ 

The lower increase in cash and cash equivalents in part reflects a GBP280 million increase in term deposits, compared to no increase in the same period last year.

   2.3.2     Cash flow from operating activities 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, cash flow from operating activities increased 4.0% to GBP1,156 million (2014: GBP1,112 million). The following reconciles Adjusted EBITDA to cash flow from operating activities.

                                                          2015     2014 
 Nine months ended 30 September                           GBPm     GBPm 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
 Adjusted EBITDA                                         1,224    1,172 
 Exceptional: Restructuring                                (4)        - 
 Exceptional: Terminal 2 operational readiness               -     (18) 
 (Increase)/decrease in receivables                       (19)        6 
 Decrease in payables                                     (24)     (27) 
 Decrease in provisions                                    (2)      (3) 
 Difference between pension charge and contributions      (19)     (18) 
 Cash flow from operating activities                     1,156    1,112 
-----------------------------------------------------  -------  ------- 
   2.3.3     Capital expenditure 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, the cash impact of capital investment was GBP474 million (2014: GBP689 million) consistent with gross additions to fixed assets of GBP437 million (2014: GBP539 million).

   2.3.4     Restricted payments 

The financing arrangements of the Group and Heathrow Finance restrict certain payments unless specified conditions are satisfied. These restricted payments include, among other things, payments of dividends, distributions and other returns on share capital; any redemptions or repurchase of share capital; and payments of fees, interest or principal on any intercompany loans.

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, net restricted payments of GBP229 million (gross restricted payments GBP354 million) were made by the Group which principally funded GBP143 million of the GBP225 million in quarterly dividends paid to the Group's ultimate shareholders, GBP16 million of interest payments at ADI Finance 2 Limited ('ADIF2') and GBP65 million of interest payments on the debenture between Heathrow (SP) and Heathrow Finance plc (2014: GBP350 million including GBP194 million in quarterly dividends, GBP55 million of interest payments on the debenture, GBP16 million to fund interest payments at ADIF2 and GBP85 million cash retained elsewhere in the HAH Group).

   2.4     Pension scheme 

The HAH Group operates a defined benefit pension scheme, the BAA Pension Scheme, which closed to new members in June 2008. Following consultation with members in current service, changes were implemented to the terms of the scheme which reduce liabilities and enable the scheme to remain open. The changes, which only apply to the scheme's active members, include the introduction of an annual cap of 2% on future increases to pensionable pay, a change to the annual benefit accrual rate from 1/54th to 1/60th of pensionable pay and a cap of 2.5% on annual increases to pension payments at retirement.

At 30 September 2015, taking into account the above changes effective from 1 October 2015, the defined benefit pension scheme had a surplus of GBP165 million (31 December 2014: GBP199 million deficit), as measured under IAS19. The movement is principally due to a reduction of GBP236 million in past service benefit as a result of the introduction of the annual cap of 2% on future increases in pensionable pay. The remaining movement mainly reflects the scheme's receipt of a GBP50 million commutation payment following the sale of the HAH Group's non-Heathrow airports at the end of 2014 and net actuarial gains exceeding current service costs and the interest expense.

   2.5     Recent financing activity 

Heathrow continues to focus on optimising the Group's long-term cost of debt as well as building further duration, diversification and resilience into its debt financing.

Since the start of 2015 Heathrow has raised over GBP1.2 billion in term debt. In February, a EUR750 million, 15 year public bond with a fixed rate coupon of 1.5% was issued, significantly extending Heathrow's maturity profile in the Euro market. In May, a C$500 million, 10 year public bond with a fixed rate coupon of 3.25% was issued, deepening Heathrow's presence in the Canadian market.

Heathrow has also raised GBP300 million of long-term private placements. This includes GBP150 million of 15 and 20 year sterling funding, of which GBP80 million was drawn in July 2015 and GBP70 million in October 2015. At the end of 2014, Heathrow raised a GBP115 million, 21 year Class B private placement, which was drawn in September 2015. This private placement has since been increased by GBP65 million, which will be drawn during 2016. The NOK1 billion transaction completed earlier in the year, with a 12.5 year maturity and a fixed coupon of 2.65%, takes the number of currency markets Heathrow has accessed to six.

During this year, GBP100 million has been raised at Heathrow Finance, consisting of GBP50 million in a 10 year loan facility which was drawn in July 2015 and a GBP50 million loan facility to 2020, which was agreed in September and will be drawn in March 2016.

In June 2015, a GBP300 million bond and a US$500 million (GBP319 million) bond issued by Heathrow Funding Limited in 2012 matured and were repaid. Heathrow also completed a bond repurchase programme, buying back Heathrow Finance 2017 and 2019 notes with a nominal value of GBP32 million and GBP12 million respectively, at a cash cost of GBP49 million.

   2.6     Financing position 
   2.6.1     Debt and liquidity at Heathrow (SP) Limited 

The Group's nominal net debt was GBP11,720 million at 30 September 2015, an increase of 0.6% since the end of 2014 (31 December 2014: GBP11,653 million), comprising GBP11,821 million in bond issues, GBP328 million in term notes and loan facilities, GBP302 million in index-linked derivative accretion and cash at bank and term deposits of GBP731 million. Nominal net debt consisted of GBP10,050 million in senior net debt and GBP1,670 million in junior debt.

The average cost of the Group's nominal gross debt at 30 September 2015 was 4.40% (31 December 2014: 4.59%). This includes interest rate, cross-currency and index-linked hedge impacts and excludes index-linked accretion. Including index-linked accretion, the Group's average cost of debt at 30 September 2015 was 4.91% (31 December 2014: 5.70%). The reduction in the average cost of debt since the end of 2014 is mainly due to the lower cost of debt raised in 2015 and lower inflation at 30 September 2015.

Nominal debt excludes any restricted cash and the debenture between Heathrow (SP) and Heathrow Finance. It includes all the components used in calculating gearing ratios under the Group's financing agreements including index-linked accretion.

The accounting value of the Group's net debt was GBP10,782 million at 30 September 2015 (31 December 2014: GBP10,792 million). This includes GBP281 million of cash and cash equivalents and GBP450 million of term deposits, as reflected in the statement of financial position, and excludes accrued interest.

Heathrow expects to have sufficient liquidity to meet all its obligations in full up to March 2017. The obligations include forecast capital investment, debt service costs, debt maturities and distributions. The liquidity forecast takes into account nearly GBP2.3 billion in undrawn loan facilities and cash resources at 30 September 2015, GBP185 million in committed term debt financing to be drawn after 30 September 2015 and the expected operating cash flow over the period.

   2.6.2     Debt at Heathrow Finance plc 

The consolidated nominal net debt of Heathrow Finance was GBP12,720 million at 30 September 2015, an increase of 1.3% since the end of 2014 (31 December 2014: GBP12,560 million). This comprises the Group's nominal net debt of GBP11,720 million, Heathrow Finance's gross debt of GBP1,009 million and cash held at Heathrow Finance of GBP9 million.

   2.6.3     Regulatory Asset Base ('RAB') 

Heathrow's RAB at 30 September 2015 was GBP14,891 million compared to GBP14,860 million at 31 December 2014. RAB figures are used in calculating the gearing ratios under the Group's financing agreements.

   2.6.4     Net finance costs and net interest paid 

In the nine months ended 30 September 2015, the Group's net finance costs before certain re-measurements were GBP525 million (2014: GBP600 million) and net interest paid was GBP505 million (2014: GBP471 million). Reconciliation from net finance costs on the income statement to net interest paid on the cash flow statement is provided below.

                                                     2015    2014 
 Nine months ended 30 September                      GBPm    GBPm 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 
 Net finance costs before certain re-measurements     525     600 
 Amortisation of financing fees and other 
  items                                              (11)    (27) 
 Amortisation on bond redemption                        -    (61) 
 Borrowing costs capitalised                           14      80 
 Underlying net finance costs                         528     592 
 Non-cash accretion on index-linked instruments      (49)   (128) 
 Other movements                                       26       7 
 Net interest paid                                    505     471 
--------------------------------------------------  -----  ------ 

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Underlying net finance costs were GBP528 million (2014: GBP592 million) after adjusting for capitalised borrowing costs of GBP14 million (2014: GBP80 million) and non-cash amortisation of financing fees, discounts and fair value adjustments of debt of GBP11 million (2014: GBP27 million). The reduced underlying net finance costs mainly reflect lower index-linked accretion due to low inflation.

Net interest paid in the period was GBP505 million (2014: GBP471 million) of which GBP440 million (2014: GBP416 million) related to external debt. The remaining GBP65 million (2014: GBP55 million) of interest paid related to the debenture between Heathrow (SP) and Heathrow Finance.

   2.6.5     Financial ratios 

The Group and Heathrow Finance continue to operate comfortably within required financial ratios.

At 30 September 2015, the Group's senior (Class A) and junior (Class B) gearing ratios (nominal net debt to RAB) were 67.5% and 78.7% respectively (31 December 2014: 68.0% and 78.4% respectively) compared with trigger levels of 70.0% and 85.0% under its financing agreements. Heathrow Finance's gearing ratio was 85.4% (31 December 2014: 84.5%) compared to a covenant level of 90.0% under its financing agreements. The increase in Heathrow Finance gearing since 31 December 2014 principally reflects the effects of the recent low inflation environment on Heathrow's RAB.

   2.7     Outlook 

Heathrow expects EBITDA in 2015 to be GBP1.6 billion. Following the strong traffic performance in the summer, Heathrow annual traffic for 2015 is now expected to be around 75 million passengers, which would lead to a small outperformance in EBITDA performance.

Appendix 1 - Financial information

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Consolidated income statement

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

                                        Unaudited                                        Unaudited                                         Audited 
                                    Nine months ended                                Nine months ended                                   Year ended 
                                    30 September 2015                                30 September 2014                                31 December 2014 
                     -----------------------------------------------  -----------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------- 
                      Before certain             Certain               Before certain             Certain               Before certain             Certain 
                     re-measurements  re-measurements(a)       Total  re-measurements  re-measurements(a)       Total  re-measurements  re-measurements(a)       Total 
               Note             GBPm                GBPm        GBPm             GBPm                GBPm        GBPm             GBPm                GBPm        GBPm 
-------------------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
Revenue             1          2,068                   -       2,068            1,986                   -       1,986            2,692                   -       2,692 
Operating costs     2        (1,125)                   -     (1,125)          (1,312)                   -     (1,312)          (1,899)                   -     (1,899) 
Other operating 
    Fair value 
     gains on 
     properties                                       62          62                                   16          16                                   46          46 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
Operating profit                 943                  62       1,005              674                  16         690              793                  46         839 
Analysed as: 
Operating profit 
 exceptional Items               711                  62         773              785                  16         801              995                  46       1,041 
Exceptional items   3            232                   -         232            (111)                           (111)            (202)                   -       (202) 
    Finance income               178                   -         178              173                   -         173              234                   -         234 
    Finance costs              (703)                   -       (703)            (773)                   -       (773)          (1,038)                   -     (1,038) 
    Fair value 
     instruments                                      72          72                                 (17)        (17)                                (154)       (154) 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
Net finance costs   4          (525)                  72       (453)            (600)                (17)       (617)            (804)               (154)       (958) 
 before tax                      418                 134         552               74                 (1)          73             (11)               (108)       (119) 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
Taxation            5          (106)                (27)       (133)             (24)                   -        (24)                7                  14          21 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
     for the 
     operations                  312                 107         419               50                 (1)          49              (4)                (94)        (98) 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
Profit from 
 operations                        -                   -           -                3                   -           3                3                   -           3 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 
Profit/(loss) for 
 the period                      312                 107         419               53                 (1)          52              (1)                (94)        (95) 
------------------   ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ----------  ---------------  ------------------  ---------- 

(a) Certain re-measurements consist of: fair value gains and losses on investment property revaluations; gains and losses arising on the re-measurement of financial instruments, together with the associated fair value gains and losses on any underlying hedged items that are part of a fair value hedging relationship; and the associated tax impact of these and similar cumulative prior year items.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

                                            Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
                                          Nine months     Nine months 
                                                ended           ended     Year ended 
                                         30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                                 2015            2014           2014 
                                                 GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Profit/(loss) for the period                     419              52           (95) 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Items that will not be subsequently 
  reclassified to the consolidated 
  income statement: 
 Tax relating to retirement benefits             (13)               -            (4) 
 Tax relating to indexation of 
  operating land                                    -               1              1 
 Net actuarial gain on retirement 
  benefit schemes                                  65               -              - 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Items that may be subsequently 
  reclassified to the consolidated 
  income statement: 
 Cash flow hedges: 
     Loss taken to equity                       (118)           (149)          (174) 
     Transferred to income statement              148             162            163 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Other comprehensive profit/(loss) 
  for the period net of tax                        82              14           (14) 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total comprehensive profit/(loss) 
  for the period(a)                               501              66          (109) 
-------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

(a) Attributable to owners of the parent.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Consolidated statement of financial position

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as at 30 September 2015

                                           Unaudited    Unaudited(1)     Audited(1) 
                                        30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                                2015            2014           2014 
                                Note            GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
 Non-current assets 
 Property, plant and 
  equipment                                   11,287          11,386         11,349 
 Investment properties                         2,124           1,989          2,054 
 Intangible assets                               107              96            114 
 Retirement benefit                              165               -              - 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                                    164             123            172 
 Trade and other receivables                      23              34             23 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                              13,870          13,628         13,712 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Current assets 
 Inventories                                      11               9             10 
 Trade and other receivables                     296             283            290 
 Current income tax 
  assets                                           -               -             18 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                                      -               -              2 
 Term deposits                                   450             170            170 
 Cash and cash equivalents                       281             340            268 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                               1,038             802            758 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total assets                                 14,908          14,430         14,470 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Non-current liabilities 
 Borrowings                      6          (12,590)        (11,673)       (11,877) 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                                (1,247)         (1,287)        (1,328) 
 Deferred income tax 
  liabilities                                (1,120)         (1,043)        (1,023) 
 Retirement benefit                             (30)               -              - 
 Provisions                                      (2)             (1)           (10) 
 Trade and other payables                       (12)             (3)            (2) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                            (15,001)        (14,007)       (14,240) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Current liabilities 
 Borrowings                      6             (612)           (908)          (933) 
 Derivative financial 
  instruments                                   (30)            (12)            (1) 
 Current income tax                             (43)               -              - 
 Provisions(1)                                     -           (194)          (232) 
 Trade and other payables                      (400)           (378)          (454) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                             (1,085)         (1,492)        (1,620) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total liabilities                          (16,086)        (15,499)       (15,860) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Net liabilities                             (1,178)         (1,069)        (1,390) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Capital and reserves 
 Share capital                                    11              11             11 
 Share premium                                   499             499            499 
 Merger reserve                              (3,758)         (3,758)        (3,758) 
 Cash flow hedge reserve                       (291)           (297)          (321) 
 Retained earnings                             2,361           2,476          2,179 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total shareholder's 
  deficit                                    (1,178)         (1,069)        (1,390) 
-----------------------------  -----  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

(1) As explained in the basis of preparation section, liabilities or assets relating to retirement benefits are now presented as an external obligation or surplus, previously they were treated as an intercompany liability.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Consolidated statement of changes in equity

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

                                   Attributable to owners of the Company (unaudited) 
                                                             Cash flow 
                               Share      Share     Merger       hedge    Retained     Total 
                             capital    premium    reserve     reserve    earnings    equity 
                                GBPm       GBPm       GBPm        GBPm        GBPm      GBPm 
                           ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 1 January 2014                   11        499    (3,758)       (310)       2,722     (836) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Comprehensive income: 
 Profit for the period                                                          49        49 
 Other comprehensive 
     Fair value gains 
      on cash flow 
      hedges net of tax                                             13                    13 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                                            13          49        62 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Transaction with 
 Dividends paid                                                              (295)     (295) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Total transaction 
  with owners                                                                (295)     (295) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 30 September 2014                11        499    (3,758)       (297)       2,476   (1,069) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 1 January 2015                   11        499    (3,758)       (321)       2,179   (1,390) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Comprehensive income: 
 Profit for the period                                                         419       419 
 Other comprehensive 
     Fair value gains 
      on cash flow 
      hedges net of tax                                             30                    30 
 Net actuarial gains 
  on retirement benefit 
  schemes                                                                       52        52 
 Total comprehensive 
  income                                                            30         471       501 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Transaction with 
 Dividends paid                                                              (289)     (289) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 Total transaction 
  with owners                                                                (289)     (289) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 
 30 September 2015                11        499    (3,758)       (291)       2,361   (1,178) 
-------------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ----------  ----------  -------- 

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Consolidated statement of cash flows

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

                                         Unaudited      Unaudited       Audited 
                                       Nine months    Nine months 
                                             ended          ended    Year ended 
                                      30 September   30 September   31 December 
                                              2015           2014          2014 
                               Note           GBPm           GBPm          GBPm 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from operating 
 Cash generated from 
  operations                    8            1,156          1,112         1,525 
 Taxation(1)                                     4           (10)          (19) 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash from operating 
  activities                                 1,160          1,102         1,506 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from investing 
 Net capital expenditure                     (474)          (689)         (853) 
 Net increase in term 
  deposits                                   (280)              -         (170) 
 Increase in group deposits                   (27)              -             - 
 Disposal of Stansted 

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  Airport Limited                                -            (2)           (2) 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash used in investing 
  activities                                 (781)          (691)       (1,025) 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash flows from financing 
 Dividends paid                 7            (289)          (295)         (445) 
 Proceeds from issuance 
  of bonds                                   1,022          1,276         1,276 
 Repayment of bonds                          (619)          (513)         (513) 
 Issuance of term notes                         80            100           100 
 Net repayment of revolving 
  credit facilities                              -           (55)          (80) 
 Payment of facilities 
  and other items                             (33)           (37)          (54) 
 Increase in amount owed 
  to Heathrow Finance 
  plc                                          125              -           165 
 Settlement of accretion 
  on index-linked swaps                      (145)              -         (185) 
 Net interest paid                           (505)          (471)         (573) 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net cash (used in)/from 
  financing activities                       (364)              5         (309) 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Net increase in cash 
  and cash equivalents                          15            416           172 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at beginning of period                       266             94            94 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                             281            510           266 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Represented by: 
 Cash and cash equivalents                     281            510           268 
 Overdrafts                                      -              -           (2) 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 
 Cash and cash equivalents 
  at end of period                             281            510           266 
----------------------------  -----  -------------  -------------  ------------ 

(1) Includes group relief received of GBP18 million (nine months ended 30 September 2014: GBP10 million paid; year ended 31 December 2014: GBP19 million paid).

Heathrow (SP) Limited

General information and accounting policies

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

General information

The financial information set out herein does not constitute the Group's statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 or any other period. Statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 have been filed with the registrar of Companies on 20 March 2015. The annual financial information presented herein for the year ended 31 December 2014 is based on, and is consistent with, the audited consolidated financial statements of Heathrow (SP) Limited (the 'Group') for the year ended 31 December 2014. The auditors' report on the 2014 financial statements was unqualified, did not contain an emphasis of matter paragraph and did not contain any statements under section 498(2) or (3) of the Companies Act 2006.

Accounting policies

Basis of preparation

The consolidated financial statements of Heathrow (SP) Limited have been prepared in accordance with IFRS as issued by the International Accounting Standards Board ('IASB') and as adopted by the European Union ('EU') and prepared under the historical cost convention, except for investment properties, derivative financial instruments and financial liabilities that qualify as hedged items under a fair value hedge accounting system. These exceptions to the historical cost convention have been measured at fair value in accordance with IFRS and as permitted by the Fair Value Directive as implemented in the Companies Act 2006.

These interim financial reports have been prepared and approved by the directors in accordance with International Accounting Standard 34 Interim Financial Reporting ('IAS 34') as issued by the IASB and as adopted by the EU. These are the third interim financial reports in compliance with IAS 34 and therefore do not include a reconciliation of equity and reconciliation of total comprehensive income at, and for the period ending, 30 September 2014 from UK GAAP, the previous accounting regime under which the Group used to report. Reconciliations from previous GAAP to IFRS for comparative periods and as at transition are available in the consolidated financial statements of Heathrow (SP) Limited for the year ended 31 December 2014 and in the first interim financial reports in compliance with IAS 34 for the period ended 31 March 2015. The accounting policies adopted in the preparation of this consolidated financial information are consistent with those applied by the Group in its audited consolidated financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014.

Pension accounting

From 1 January 2015, the Group has changed the method of accounting for retirement benefit schemes. Before 31 December 2014, the Group recorded its share of the liability on the Heathrow Airport Holdings Limited group's (the 'HAH Group') defined benefit schemes ('the schemes'). This was recognised as a provision payable to the legal sponsor of the schemes, being LHR Airports Limited. Additionally, the Group recorded its share of the actuarial gains and losses on the schemes and presented this within exceptional items in the income statement.

Following the disposal of Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports by the HAH Group in December 2014, the directors have reassessed the Group's relationship with the legal sponsor of the schemes given that the HAH Group's sole operating business is now Heathrow. The directors have determined, after taking into account the Shared Service Agreement, employment relationships and the funding risk associated with the schemes, that the Group now acts as principal in relation to these schemes. As a result, the Group now recognises an external asset or liability, in relation to the schemes, on its statement of financial position as non-current under the caption of Retirement benefit surplus or Retirement benefit obligation and no longer records an intercompany provision to LHR Airports Limited. Additionally, it is now considered appropriate for the Group to record actuarial gains and losses on the external scheme within other comprehensive income. This differs from the prior periods where the Group recorded a share of the actuarial gains and losses, as an exceptional item in the Group's income statement. There is no impact on cash or net assets as a result of this change.

During the period, the Company agreed changes to the HAH Group's defined benefit pension scheme effective from 1 October 2015. The changes include the introduction of an annual cap of 2% on future increases to pensionable pay for active members. The changes result in a one-off reduction of GBP236 million in the scheme's liabilities, as measured under IAS19, and is classified as an exceptional item in the income statement. There is no immediate cash flow impact as a result of these changes. As noted in the basis of preparation, from 1 January 2015 the Group has changed its treatment of actuarial gains and losses on the defined benefit pension scheme and no longer reports these as an exceptional item in the income statement.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   1          Segment information 

Management has determined the reportable segments of the business based on those contained within the monthly reports reviewed and utilised by the relevant Board for allocating resources and assessing performance. These segments relate to the operations of Heathrow and Heathrow Express.

The performance of the above segments is measured on a revenue and EBITDA basis, before certain re-measurements, and both pre and post exceptional items.

The reportable segments derive their revenues from a number of sources comprising aeronautical, retail, property and facilities (including property income and utilities income), and other products and services (including rail income), and this information is also provided to the Board on a monthly basis.

Table (a) details total revenue from external customers for the nine months ended 30 September 2015 and is broken down into the reportable segments. No information in relation to inter-segmental revenue is disclosed as it is not considered material. Also detailed within table (a) is EBITDA on a pre and post exceptional basis and a reconciliation to the consolidated profit for the period.

Table (b) and table (c) detail comparative information to table (a) for the nine months ended 30 September 2014 and the year ended 31 December 2014 respectively.

Table (a)                            Segment revenue                                       EBITDA 
               -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 Nine months 
 ended                                         Property              Total          Pre    Operating         Post 
 30 September                                         &           external  exceptional  exceptional  exceptional 
 2015            Aero-nautical       Retail  facilities    Other   revenue        items        items        items 
                          GBPm         GBPm        GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
-------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

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   Heathrow              1,299          393         226       54     1,972        1,168          232        1,400 
    Express                                                   96        96           56            -           56 
 operations              1,299          393         226      150     2,068        1,224          232        1,456 
Reconciliation to statutory 
Unallocated income and 
Depreciation and amortisation                                                                               (513) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit (before certain 
 re-measurements)                                                                                             943 
Fair value gain on investment properties 
 (certain re-measurements)                                                                                     62 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit                                                                                            1,005 
Finance income                                                                                                178 
Finance costs                                                                                               (703) 
Fair value gain on financial instruments 
 (certain re-measurements)                                                                                     72 
Profit before tax                                                                                             552 
--------------------------------------  ----  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation before certain re-measurements                                                                     (106) 
Taxation (certain re-measurements)                                                                           (27) 
----------------------------------------------------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation                                                                                                    (133) 
Profit for the period                                                                                         419 
----------------------------------  --------  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   1          Segment information continued 
Table (b)                            Segment revenue                                       EBITDA 
               -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 Nine months 
 ended                                         Property              Total          Pre    Operating         Post 
 30 September                                         &           external  exceptional  exceptional  exceptional 
 2014            Aero-nautical       Retail  facilities    Other   revenue        items        items        items 
                          GBPm         GBPm        GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
-------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Heathrow              1,261          371         208       52     1,892        1,119        (111)        1,008 
    Express                                                   94        94           53            -           53 
 operations              1,261          371         208      146     1,986        1,172        (111)        1,061 
Reconciliation to statutory 
Unallocated income and 
Depreciation and amortisation                                                                               (387) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit (before certain 
 re-measurements)                                                                                             674 
Fair value gain on investment properties 
 (certain re-measurements)                                                                                     16 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit                                                                                              690 
Finance income                                                                                                173 
Finance costs                                                                                               (773) 
Fair value gain on financial instruments 
 (certain re-measurements)                                                                                   (17) 
Profit before tax                                                                                              73 
--------------------------------------  ----  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation before certain re-measurements                                                                      (24) 
Taxation (certain re-measurements)                                                                              - 
----------------------------------------------------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation                                                                                                     (24) 
Profit for the period                                                                                          49 
----------------------------------  --------  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Profit from discontinued 
 operations                                                                                                     3 
--------------------------------------------  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Consolidated profit 
 for the period                                                                                                52 
----------------------------------  --------  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   1          Segment information continued 
Table (c)                            Segment revenue                                       EBITDA 
               -----------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------- 
 Year ended                                    Property              Total          Pre    Operating         Post 
 31 December                                          &           external  exceptional  exceptional  exceptional 
 2014            Aero-nautical       Retail  facilities    Other   revenue        items        items        items 
                          GBPm         GBPm        GBPm     GBPm      GBPm         GBPm         GBPm         GBPm 
-------------  ---------------  -----------  ----------  -------  --------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
   Heathrow              1,706          503         285       69     2,563        1,493        (202)        1,291 
    Express                                                  129       129           74            -           74 
 operations              1,706          503         285      198     2,692        1,567        (202)        1,365 
Reconciliation to statutory 
Unallocated income and 
Depreciation and amortisation                                                                               (572) 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit (before certain 
 re-measurements)                                                                                             793 
Fair value gain on investment properties 
 (certain re-measurements)                                                                                     46 
--------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Operating profit                                                                                              839 
Finance income                                                                                                234 
Finance costs                                                                                             (1,038) 
Fair value loss on financial instruments 
 (certain re-measurements)                                                                                  (154) 
Loss before tax                                                                                             (119) 
--------------------------------------  ----  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation before certain re-measurements                                                                         7 
Taxation (certain re-measurements)                                                                             14 
----------------------------------------------------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Taxation                                                                                                       21 
Loss for the year - continuing operations                                                                    (98) 

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Profit from discontinued 
 operations                                                                                                     3 
--------------------------------------------  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 
Consolidated loss for 
 the year                                                                                                    (95) 
----------------------------------  --------  ------------------   -------  -----------  -----------  ----------- 

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   2          Operating costs - ordinary 
                                       Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                     Nine months     Nine months        Audited 
                                           ended           ended     Year ended 
                                    30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                            2015            2014           2014 
                                            GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Employment costs                            291             286            391 
 Maintenance expenditure                     140             128            178 
 Utility costs                                69              70             95 
 Rent and rates                              104              98            132 
 General expenses                            226             214            305 
 Retail expenditure                           14              18             24 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total adjusted operating costs              844             814          1,125 
 Depreciation and amortisation               513             387            572 
 Exceptional items (Note 3)                (232)             111            202 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total operating costs                     1,125           1,312          1,899 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
   3          Operating exceptional items 
                                         Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                       Nine months     Nine months        Audited 
                                             ended           ended     Year ended 
                                      30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                              2015            2014           2014 
                                              GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Pension credit: change to 
  terms                                      (236)               -              - 
 Pension charge: actuarial 
  losses                                         -              93            176 
 Terminal 2 operational readiness                -              18             18 
 Restructure                                     4               -              8 
 Total operating exceptional 
  items                                      (232)             111            202 
----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

Operating costs - exceptional: other

During the period, the Company agreed changes to the HAH Group's defined benefit pension scheme effective from 1 October 2015. The changes include the introduction of an annual cap of 2% on future increases to pensionable pay for active members. The changes result in a one-off reduction of GBP236 million in the scheme's liabilities, as measured under IAS19, and is classified as an exceptional item in the income statement. There is no immediate cash flow impact as a result of these changes. As noted in the basis of preparation, from 1 January 2015 the Group has changed its treatment of actuarial gains and losses on the defined benefit pension scheme and no longer reports these as an exceptional item in the income statement.

From 1 January 2015 the Group has changed its treatment of actuarial gains and losses on the Group's defined benefit pension scheme. The net actuarial gains and losses are now presented within other comprehensive income rather than as an exceptional item in the income statement, as explained in the basis of preparation.

Previously, movements in the Group's share of pension obligations were recorded as exceptional items. For the nine months ended 30 September 2014 and the year ended 31 December 2014 a non-cash pension charge was recorded of GBP93 million and GBP176 million respectively.

Operational readiness costs were associated with managing the opening of Terminal 2. Costs for the nine months ended 30 September 2014 and for the year ended 31 December 2014 were GBP18 million. These costs were primarily for familiarisation, induction and training and the ramp up of operational costs as Terminal 2 approached its opening on 4 June 2014.

Costs associated with the Group's change programmes were GBP4 million in the nine months ended 30 September 2015 and GBP8 million in the year ended 31 December 2014. The charge related to severance and pension payments associated with a restructuring programme.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   4          Financing 
                                                  Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                                Nine months     Nine months        Audited 
                                                      ended           ended     Year ended 
                                               30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                                       2015            2014           2014 
                                                       GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Finance income 
 Interest receivable on derivatives 
  not in hedge relationship                             175             171            231 
 Interest on deposits                                     3               2              3 
                                                        178             173            234 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Finance costs 
 Interest on borrowings: 
  Bonds and related hedging instruments(1)            (431)           (445)          (592) 
   Bank loans and overdrafts and 
    related hedging instruments                        (37)            (47)           (75) 
  Amortisation on bond redemption(2)                      -            (61)           (62) 
 Interest payable on derivatives 
  not in hedge relationship(3)                        (186)           (245)          (323) 
 Facility fees and other charges                        (6)            (11)           (14) 
 Net pension finance costs                              (5)             (2)            (3) 
 Interest on debenture payable 
  to Heathrow Finance plc                              (52)            (41)           (57) 
 Unwinding of discount on provisions                      -             (1)            (1) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                                      (717)           (853)        (1,127) 
 Less: capitalised borrowing 
  costs(4)                                               14              80             89 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                                      (703)           (773)        (1,038) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Net finance costs before certain 
  re-measurements                                     (525)           (600)          (804) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Fair value gain/(loss) on financial 
 Interest rate swaps: ineffective 
  portion of cash flow hedges                           (8)               2              3 
 Interest rate swaps: not in 
  hedge relationship                                      2            (74)          (196) 
 Index-linked swaps: not in hedge 
  relationship(5)                                        61              48             26 
 Cross-currency swaps: ineffective 
  portion of cash flow hedges                          (13)               4              9 
 Cross-currency swaps: ineffective 
  portion of fair value hedges                           30               2              3 
 Fair value re-measurements of 
  foreign exchange contracts and 
  currency balances                                       -               1              1 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                                         72            (17)          (154) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Net finance costs                                    (453)           (617)          (958) 
-------------------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

(1) Includes accretion of GBP6 million (nine months ended 30 September 2014: GBP18 million; year ended 31 December 2014: GBP20 million) on index-linked bonds.

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October 28, 2015 03:01 ET (07:01 GMT)

(2) Amortisation on bond redemption includes a one-off non-cash GBP61 million amortisation charge recognised at maturity of the EUR750 million bond in September 2014. The amount should have been amortised over the period since 2010 when the bond formed part of a fair value hedging relationship. A deferred tax credit of GBP12 million relating to the amortisation charge has been recognised within the tax charge.

(3) Includes accretion of GBP43 million (nine months ended 30 September 2014: GBP110 million; year ended 31 December 2014: GBP139 million) on index-linked swaps.

(4) Capitalised interest included in the cost of qualifying assets arose on the general borrowing pool and is calculated by applying an average capitalisation rate of 5.28% (nine months ended 30 September 2014: 5.89%; year ended 31 December 2014: 5.87%) to expenditure incurred on such assets.

(5) Reflects the impact on the valuation of movements in implied future inflation and interest rates and accounting adjustment in respect of accretion.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   5          Taxation 
                                       Unaudited       Unaudited 
                                     Nine months     Nine months        Audited 
                                           ended           ended     Year ended 
                                    30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                            2015            2014           2014 
                                            GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 UK corporation tax 
   Current tax at 20.25% (2014: 
    21.5%)                                  (56)             (4)             13 
 Deferred tax 
   Current year                             (77)            (20)              8 
 Taxation (charge)/credit for 
  the period                               (133)            (24)             21 
--------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 

The tax charge for the nine months ended 30 September 2015 results in an effective tax rate of 24.1%, reflecting the tax charge arising on ordinary activities of GBP133 million based on a profit before tax of GBP552 million. The effective tax rate for the period differs from the UK statutory rate of 20.25% primarily due to permanent differences mainly arising from non-qualifying depreciation and non-deductible expenses.

For the nine months ended 30 September 2014, the effective tax rate was 32.8%, reflecting the tax charge arising on ordinary activities of GBP24 million based on a profit before tax of GBP73 million. The effective tax rate for the period differs from the UK statutory rate of 21.5% primarily due to permanent differences mainly arising from non-qualifying depreciation and non-deductible expenses.

The tax credit for the year ended 31 December 2014 resulted in an effective tax rate of 17.6%, reflecting the tax credit arising on ordinary activities of GBP21 million based on a loss before tax of GBP119 million. The effective tax rate for the period differs from the UK statutory rate of 21.5% primarily due to permanent differences mainly arising from non-qualifying depreciation, non-deductible expenses and the release of a provision.

Legislation was substantively enacted on 26 October 2015 that the standard rate of corporation tax in the UK would change from 20% to 19% with effect from 1 April 2017 and to 18% from 1 April 2020. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognised at the tax rates that are expected to apply when the asset is realised or the liability is settled, based on tax rates that have been substantively enacted by the balance sheet date. The Heathrow (SP) Limited consolidated net deferred tax liabilities as at 31 December 2014 were GBP1,023 million and a 1% change in the tax rate would result in a GBP51 million reduction in this balance.

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

for the nine months ended 30 September 2015

   6          Borrowings 
                                          Unaudited       Unaudited        Audited 
                                       30 September    30 September    31 December 
                                               2015            2014           2014 
                                               GBPm            GBPm           GBPm 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Current borrowings 
 Loans                                           39              39             39 
  3.000% GBP300 million due 2015                  -             300            300 
  2.500% US$500 million due 2015                  -             308            320 
  12.450% GBP300 million due                                      -              - 
   2016                                         309 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                                348             647            659 
 Bank overdrafts                                  -               -              2 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total current (excluding interest 
  payable)                                      348             647            661 
 Interest payable - external                    257             256            251 
 Interest payable - owed to 
  group undertakings                              7               5             21 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Total current                                  612             908            933 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
 Non-current borrowings 
  12.450% GBP300 million due 
   2016                                           -             322            318 
  4.125% EUR500 million due 2016                365             381            381 
  4.375% EUR700 million due 2017                516             543            542 
  2.500% CHF400 million due 2017                271             257            257 
  4.600% EUR750 million due 2018                526             543            545 
  6.250% GBP400 million due 2018                399             398            398 
  4.000% C$400 million due 2019                 196             218            219 
  6.000% GBP400 million due 2020                397             396            397 
  9.200% GBP250 million due 2021                274             269            275 
  3.000% C$450 million due 2021                 226             243            248 
  4.875% US$1,000 million due 
   2021                                         695             630            670 
  1.650%+RPI GBP180 million due 
   2022                                         194             193            193 
  1.875% EUR600 million due 2022                453             477            485 
  5.225% GBP750 million due 2023                655             647            649 
  7.125% GBP600 million due 2024                590             589            589 
  3.250% C$500 million due 2025                 249               -              - 
  4.221% GBP155 million due 2026                154             155            155 
  6.750% GBP700 million due 2026                691             691            691 
  2.650% NOK1,000 million due                    77               -              - 
  7.075% GBP200 million due 2028                198             198            198 
  1.500% EUR750 million due 2030                508               -              - 
  6.450% GBP900 million due 2031                855             847            855 
  Zero-coupon EUR50 million due 
   January 2032                                  44              44             44 
  1.366%+RPI GBP75 million due 
   2032                                          77              76             76 
  Zero-coupon EUR50 million due 
   April 2032                                    43              43             44 
  4.171% GBP50 million due 2034                  50              50             50 
  Zero-coupon EUR50 million due 
   2034                                          38              39             39 
  1.061%+RPI GBP115 million due                 115               -              - 
  1.382%+RPI GBP50 million due 
   2039                                          51              51             51 
  3.334%+RPI GBP460 million due 
   2039                                         574             572            575 
  1.238%+RPI GBP100 million due 
   2040                                         100             100            100 
  5.875% GBP750 million due 2041                741             740            743 
  4.625% GBP750 million due 2046                742             742            742 
  1.372%+RPI GBP75 million due 
   2049                                          77              76             76 
-----------------------------------  --------------  --------------  ------------- 
                                             11,141          10,530         10,605 

Heathrow (SP) Limited

Notes to the consolidated financial information

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