RNS Number : 1428I
Juridica Investments Limited
22 November 2018
22 November 2018
Juridica Investments Limited
(the "Company")
Winding up, Delisting & Notice of General Meeting
The Company announces its proposed wind-up, de-listing and
In accordance with the AIM Rules, the Company hereby notifies
the proposed cancellation of the admission of its Ordinary Shares
to trading on AIM (the "Delisting"), subject to Shareholder
approval at a General Meeting to be held at 11 a.m. on 20 December
2018 at 11 New Street, St Peter Port, Guernsey, GY1 2PF, Channel
Islands. If the relevant resolution is passed, the expected date of
the Delisting will be 21 December 2018.
An explanatory circular (the "Circular") further detailing the
Proposals (including the Delisting and appointment of the
Liquidators) will be posted to Shareholders shortly, together with
a notice convening the General Meeting.
The Circular will set out details of the Proposals and explain
why the Directors consider the proposed liquidation and the other
Proposals to be in the best interests of the Company and
Shareholders as a whole. Such details are also set out in this
Expected timetable of principal events
Announcement of proposed winding 7.00 a.m. on 22 November
up and Delisting 2018
Publication of the Circular 28 November 2018
Latest time and date for receipt 11.00 a.m. on 18 December
of Forms of Proxy and CREST Proxy 2018
Instructions for the General Meeting
Record time for those Shareholders 6.00 p.m. on 18 December
on the Register of Members entitled 2018
to attend or vote at the General
Latest time and date for dealings Close of business on 19
in Ordinary Shares prior to cancellation December 2018
Suspension of Ordinary Shares from 8.00 a.m. on 20 December
trading on AIM 2018
General Meeting 11.00 a.m. on 20 December
Appointment of Liquidators(2) 20 December 2018
Cancellation of admission to trading 7.00 a.m. on 21 December
on AIM(2) 2018
(1) All references in this announcement are to London times
unless otherwise stated. The dates and times given are indicative
only and are based on the Company's current expectations and may be
subject to change. If any of the times and/or dates above change,
the revised times and/or dates will be notified to Shareholders by
announcement through a regulatory information service.
(2) Conditional on the passing of the Resolutions at the General Meeting.
Reasons for proposed Delisting
As announced on 6 September 2018, the Board continues to believe
that the costs to shareholders of continuing the Company in
operation and maintaining an AIM listing are now outweighed by the
benefits of winding-up, de-listing and liquidation.
The Board explained the Company's run-off strategy in its 2016
Annual Report. The Board remains committed to realising the
Company's few remaining investments in an efficient and reasonably
expeditious manner mindful that litigation investments depend on
the administrative/decision timings within court systems, and
reasonably balancing a trade-off between the speed and proceeds of
monetising illiquid investments. In the context of where the
Company's run-off strategy has now reached, the Board believes that
the costs to Shareholders of continuing the Company in its current
form and maintaining an AIM listing are now outweighed by the
benefits of completing the Delisting and operating the Company on a
reduced cost basis until the Company's remaining investments are
realised, at which point it is intended the Company would be wound
up by the Liquidators (subject to the passing of the Resolutions).
The Liquidation Resolutions are conditional on the passing of the
Delisting Resolution.
The Board has determined that the Proposals represent the most
efficient and cost-effective method of realising the Company's
assets before proceeding with a liquidation of the Company.
The cost savings achieved by the Proposals would be substantial
and would include (without limitation):
-- the investment management fee payable to the Investment
Manager being reduced (as described further below);
-- running costs being reduced following the proposed
resignation of the Chairman and John Kermit Birchfield as Directors
and the termination of the appointments of other service providers
(as described further below);
-- costs of preparing audited year end accounts (which would not
be required to comply with disclosure requirements applicable to
AIM-listed companies) being reduced;
-- the Company no longer being required to bear the costs of
maintaining a nominated adviser for the purposes of the AIM Rules;
-- the Company no longer being required to pay listing fees to
the London Stock Exchange in respect of its AIM listing.
The Proposals
The Proposals are comprised of the following principal
-- the Delisting;
-- the appointment of the Liquidators;
-- a reduction in the management fees payable to the Investment Manager;
-- the resignation of the Chairman and John Kermit Birchfield as
Directors and the termination of the appointments of the Company's
service providers (other than the Investment Manager and the
Registrar); and
-- the realisation of the Company's remaining investments before
the Company is wound up.
Rule 41 of the AIM Rules requires an AIM company that wishes to
cancel admission of its securities to trading on AIM to notify such
intended cancellation to the public and separately to inform the
London Stock Exchange of its preferred cancellation date. That rule
also requires that, unless the London Stock Exchange otherwise
agrees, the Delisting must be conditional upon the consent of not
less than 75 per cent. of votes cast by the Shareholders, given in
a general meeting.
Subject to Shareholder approval at the General Meeting, it is
expected that the admission of the Ordinary Shares to trading on
AIM will be cancelled with effect from 7.00 a.m. on 21 December
Shareholders should also be aware that trading in the Ordinary
Shares on AIM will be suspended from 8.00 a.m. on 20 December 2018,
in advance of the General Meeting, as the Company would no longer
be considered to be an appropriate company for AIM on the
commencement of a liquidation process.
The Delisting may have taxation consequences for Shareholders.
Shareholders who are in any doubt about their tax position should
consult an appropriate professional adviser.
Upon cancellation of the Ordinary Shares to trading on AIM,
Cenkos will cease to be the Company's nominated adviser and joint
broker and the Company will no longer be required to comply with
the AIM Rules.
Appointment of the Liquidators
Conditionally on the passing of the Resolutions, Linda Johnson
and Ashley Paxton of KPMG Channel Islands Limited have agreed to
act as the liquidators. The Liquidators will charge the Company on
a time cost basis estimated at GBP15,000 per annum provided that,
in the event that the engagement of the Liquidators becomes more
complex than anticipated, this amount will be greater on the basis
of the additional work to be performed.
Pursuant to their engagement, the Liquidators have agreed to do
all things necessary to facilitate the winding up of the Company,
-- to work alongside the Investment Manager to realise the
Company's residual assets and to wind down the Company's
-- to arrange for the transfer of the Company's funds to a
liquidation bank account;
-- to retain sufficient funds to discharge all known and
contingent liabilities to include the costs of the liquidation;
-- to make a final distribution to Shareholders once all assets
have been realised, all costs and liabilities have been settled and
all clearances have been obtained; and
-- to finalise and close the liquidation following the final distribution.
From the passing of the Liquidation Resolutions, the Company
will be controlled by the Liquidators.
If the Resolutions are passed by the requisite majorities, it is
proposed that the Chairman and John Kermit Birchfield will resign
as Directors. Richard Battey intends to remain as a Director until
the Company is finally wound up. The Company intends to terminate
the appointments of the Company's other service providers, in
accordance with the terms of such appointments, other than the
Investment Manager and the Registrar.
In the event that the Delisting is approved but the Liquidation
Resolutions are not approved at the General Meeting, the Board and
the Investment Manager intend to continue to manage the Company on
a reduced-cost basis until the Company's outstanding investments
are realised, following which the Board would put forward further
proposals to appoint liquidators and wind up the Company.
Reduced management fee arrangements
With effect from the appointment of the Liquidators, the Company
and the Investment Manager have agreed that the Investment Manager
will work with the Liquidators to realise the Company's residual
assets in accordance with the Company's run-off strategy.
The Company and the Investment Manager have separately agreed
that, with effect from 1 January 2019 (whether or not the
Resolutions are approved at the General Meeting), the management
fees payable to the Investment Manager will decrease from
US$125,000 per quarter to US$45,000 per quarter. The notice period
for terminating the Investment Management Agreement will also be
reduced to two days.
Investment realisations and subsequent winding up
Progress on non-litigation investments
The Company's remaining active non-litigation investments
comprise four special purpose vehicles, all of which relate to the
patent sector, with a combined fair value of US$1.0 million as at
30 June 2018. Monetisation of these non-litigation investments
continues to be actively pursued by the Investment Manager and
discussions are ongoing with a number of interested parties. These
interested parties are at various stages of the review process. The
Investment Manager intends to contact additional potential
Progress on outstanding litigation investment
The Company remains invested in only one outstanding active case
(Case 1410).
This case completed its non-jury trial during 2011 and judgment
was entered in 2012, which was positive on liability, but damages
awarded were far less than expected. Cross appeals on liability and
a plaintiffs' appeal on damages were filed after the ruling. In
early 2016, the plaintiffs' appeal received a favourable appeals
court ruling overturning the trial court's damages award and, in
early 2017, the trial court judge added punitive damages to the
award. Although the total award has increased, the plaintiffs and
their counsel still believe damages should be higher. Both parties
filed further legal appeals in 2017 and are awaiting an opinion.
Although risk remains, especially with regards to timing, the
Investment Manager believes there is the possibility of a new award
on damages.
Conclusion of two litigation investments
The Company provides the following updates on two litigation
investments which have recently concluded:
-- Case 5009-S: This case completed its trial by jury during
2015. Although the plaintiff fully won on liability, the jury only
awarded an amount of damages which will result in proceeds to the
Company of approximately US$2.0 million as compared to an
investment of approximately US$3.5 million. Both sides filed
post-trial motions for a new trial with the plaintiff requesting a
new trial on damages only and the defendant requesting a new trial
on all issues as well as dismissal of the case due to lack of
standing by the plaintiff. These motions were decided in favour of
the defendant; however, the plaintiff appealed this adverse
decision of the trial court and was successful on the lack of
standing issue.
During 2017, a request filed by the plaintiff for a new trial on
damages was denied. The plaintiff requested judgement and approval
of its revised prejudgment interest calculation and the defendant
sought a decision on a remaining issue and approval of a revised
interest calculation. The trial court denied the remaining issue of
the defendant's motion and confirmed the plaintiff's preferred
prejudgment interest calculation and judgement in favour of the
plaintiff was entered in August 2018. Case 5009-S is therefore
fully resolved, delivering a total of US$1,395,000 to the Company
in September 2018.
-- Case 2709-E: In March 2009, the Company approved this
investment to fund litigation related to three patents against
three defendants. The ultimate investment totalled US$1.9 million.
After a protracted re-examination, one patent was abandoned. During
2016, an unexpected event occurred which severely impacted one of
the remaining patents and resulted in partial settlements relating
to this patent. These proceeds were reinvested into the case to
further the legal proceedings on the remaining patent. A Markman
hearing on the remaining patent completed during 2016 with the
plaintiff prevailing on validity but losing on infringement. The
plaintiff filed an appeal which was lost during 2017. During the
year ended 31 December 2017, Case 2709-E was fully resolved and
delivered a total of US$181,000 to the Company, far below the
Company's expectation when the Company made its investment in
Escrow Reserve
The Company holds an interest in an escrow reserve of US$3.0
million held by an appointed escrow agent. The escrow was
established to cover certain potential contingencies stemming from
the Company's investment in Investment 3608-A. Proceeds from this
reserve, valued at US$1.6 million as at 30 June 2018, after
contingent payments, if any, are expected to be remitted to the
Company by, or shortly after, September 2020.
The Company currently holds a cash pool amounting to
approximately US$3.3 million.
The Board considers the Proposals and the Resolutions to be in
the best interests of Shareholders as a whole. Accordingly, the
Board recommends that Shareholders vote in favour of the
Resolutions to be proposed at the General Meeting.
AIM the AIM market operated by the
London Stock Exchange;
AIM Rules the AIM Rules for Companies published
by the London Stock Exchange,
as amended or re-issued from
time to time;
Board or Directors the board of directors of the
Cenkos Cenkos Securities plc, the Company's
nominated adviser for the purposes
of the AIM Rules;
Circular the circular shortly to be posted
to shareholders including the
Notice of General Meeting;
Company Juridica Investments Limited;
CREST the relevant system (as defined
in the CREST Regulations) in
respect of which Euroclear is
the Operator (as defined in the
CREST Regulations);
CREST Manual the CREST manual issued by Euroclear;
CREST member a person who has been admitted
by Euroclear as a system- member
(as defined in the CREST Regulations);
CREST participant a person who is, in relation
to CREST, a system participant
(as defined in the CREST Regulations);
CREST Proxy Instruction the instruction whereby CREST
members send a CREST message
appointing a proxy for the General
Meeting and instructing the proxy
how to vote and containing the
information set out in the CREST
CREST Regulations the Uncertificated Securities
Regulations 2001 (SI 2001/3755);
Delisting the proposed cancellation of
the admission of the Ordinary
Shares to trading on AIM;
Delisting Resolution the Resolution relating to the
Delisting to be proposed at the
General Meeting;
Euroclear Euroclear UK & Ireland Limited,
being the operator of CREST;
General Meeting the general meeting of the Company,
to be held at Company to be held
at 11 New Street, St Peter Port,
Guernsey, GY1 2PF, Channel Islands
on 20 December 2018 at 11.00
a.m., or any adjournment thereof,
notice of which is to be included
in the Circular;
Investment Management Agreement the investment management agreement
between the Company and the Investment
Manager originally dated 15 October
2013 and as subsequently amended;
Investment Manager Brickell Key Asset Management
Liquidation Resolutions the Resolutions relating to the
winding up of the Company, the
appointment of the Liquidators,
the fixing of the Liquidators'
remuneration and the authority
of the liquidators to distribute
the Company's assets in specie
to be proposed at the General
Liquidators Linda Johnson and Ashley Paxton
of KPMG Channel Islands Limited;
London Stock Exchange London Stock Exchange plc;
Notice of General Meeting the notice of the General Meeting
which will be included in the
Ordinary Shares the ordinary shares of no par
value each in the capital of
the Company;
Proposals the proposed appointment of the
Liquidators, the Delisting and
other matters as described in
this announcement;
Registrar Link Market Services Limited,
the Company's registrar;
Resolutions the resolutions to be proposed
at the General Meeting to approve
the Proposals, to be set out
in the Notice of General Meeting;
Shareholders holders of Ordinary Shares.
For further information, please contact:
Brickell Key Asset Management LLC - Manager +1 (866) 443
William Yuen 1080
Cenkos Securities PLC - Nominated Adviser
and Joint Broker +44 (0) 20 7397
Nicholas Wells 8900
Investec Bank PLC - Joint Broker +44 (0) 20 7597
Darren Vickers 5970
Vistra Guernsey - Company Secretary +44 01481 754
Chris Bougourd 145
This information is provided by RNS, the news service of the
London Stock Exchange. RNS is approved by the Financial Conduct
Authority to act as a Primary Information Provider in the United
Kingdom. Terms and conditions relating to the use and distribution
of this information may apply. For further information, please
contact rns@lseg.com or visit www.rns.com.
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
November 22, 2018 02:01 ET (07:01 GMT)
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