RNS Number : 9127Q

ASA International Group PLC

24 February 2023

Press Release

ASA International Group plc December 2022 quarterly business update

Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 24 February 2023 - ASA International, ('ASA International', the 'Company' or the 'Group'), one of the world's largest international microfinance institutions, today provides the following update on its business operations as at 31 December 2022 compared to 31 October 2022.

-- With the exception of India, all other operating subsidiaries achieved collection efficiency of more than 90% with 9 countries achieving more than 95%.

-- India collections improved from 83% in October to 87% in December. Collection efficiency, including regular and overdue collections as well as advance payments, as a percentage of the regular, realisable collections, including advance payments, increased from 98% in October to 118% in December.

-- PAR>30 for the Group, including off-book loans and excluding loans overdue more than 365 days, decreased from 6.7% in October to 5.9% in December, primarily due to improved portfolio quality and write-offs of overdue loans in Myanmar.

-- The PAR>30 for the Group's operating subsidiaries, excluding India and Myanmar, remained stable at 1.9%.

-- Excluding all loans which have been overdue for more than 180 days and, as a result, have been fully provided for, PAR>30 improved from 4.3% in October to 4.0% in December.

-- Disbursements as percentage of collections exceeded 100% in 4 countries. The drop in most countries for December was primarily due to operations closing for 6-12 days to observe the Christmas holidays. The lower percentage in India was due to the ongoing strategic decision to reduce disbursements.

-- The Group's Gross OLP increased to USD 367 million (3% higher than in October 2022 and 15% lower than in December 2021), primarily due to OLP growth in local currency in most markets and currency appreciation in Ghana.

   --    There were no moratoriums granted to clients in November and December 2022. 

Collection efficiency until 31 December 2022 (1)

 Countries                 Jul/22      Aug/22      Sep/22      Oct/22     Nov/22     Dec/22 
                         ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  --------- 
 India                       86%         84%         86%        83%        85%        87% 
 Pakistan                   100%         99%         99%        99%        99%        99% 
 Sri Lanka                   89%         88%         90%        91%        92%        93% 
 The Philippines            100%        100%        100%        99%        99%        99% 
 Myanmar                   80%(2)      84%(2)      88%(2)      92%(2)      94%        97% 
 Ghana                      100%        100%        100%        100%       100%       100% 
 Nigeria                     96%         96%         96%        96%        96%        94% 
 Sierra Leone                96%         94%         94%        93%        92%        93% 
 Tanzania                   100%        100%        100%        100%       100%       100% 
 Kenya                      100%        100%        100%        100%       100%       100% 
 Uganda                     100%        100%        100%        100%       99%        99% 
 Rwanda                      97%         97%         97%        97%        97%        97% 
 Zambia                      98%         98%         98%        98%        97%        97% 
-----------------------  ----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (1) Collection efficiency refers to actual collections from clients 
  divided by realisable collections for the period. It is calculated 
  as follows: the sum of actual regular collections, actual overdue collections 
  and actual advance payments divided by the sum of realisable regular 
  collections, actual overdue collections 
  and actual advance payments. Under this definition collection efficiency 
  cannot exceed 100%. 
  (2) Collections are impacted by the ongoing lockdowns and civil unrest 
  in some areas of our operations. 
   --    Collection efficiency increased or remained broadly stable in all countries. 

-- Adjusted collection efficiency in India, including regular and overdue collections as well as advance payments, as a percentage of the regular, realisable collections, including advance payments, improved to 118%. The substantial difference of this adjusted collection efficiency metric is related to the Group's policy that any loan instalment paid is first credited against the oldest outstanding amount overdue. This has an adverse impact on India's monthly collection efficiency, which is further aggravated by the relatively long duration of the loans disbursed in India. This adjusted collection efficiency metric illustrates that most clients in India continue to make payments on their loans due.

-- Although market conditions in both Myanmar and Sri Lanka remained volatile, collection efficiency improved in both markets.

Loan portfolio quality up to and including December 2022 (3, 4, 5)

                   Gross OLP (in USDm)            Non-overdue loans           PAR>30 less PAR>180 
               --------------------------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 
                 Oct-22   Nov-22   Dec-22    Oct-22    Nov-22     Dec-22   Oct-22    Nov-22   Dec-22 
  (total)        52        49       45        56.4%     54.8%      55.5%    21.9%     23.5%    24.1% 
 Pakistan        81        82       80        98.6%     98.8%      98.9%     0.6%      0.6%     0.6% 
 Sri Lanka       4         4        4         83.7%     86.3%      88.1%     7.0%      5.8%     5.2% 
 Philippines     46        48       50        96.7%     96.7%      98.1%     0.5%      0.6%     0.7% 
 Myanmar         17        18       17        70.8%     72.0%      79.5%     5.2%      3.7%     2.9% 
 Ghana           27        27       41        99.5%     99.6%      99.7%     0.1%      0.1%     0.1% 
 Nigeria         40        41       39        90.1%     91.2%      88.3%     3.6%      3.6%     3.9% 
  Leone          5         5        5         86.7%     85.8%      86.9%     5.5%      6.2%     7.4% 
 Tanzania        47        49       51        99.4%     99.3%      99.5%     0.3%      0.3%     0.2% 
 Kenya           21        20       17        99.0%     99.0%      99.0%     0.4%      0.3%     0.4% 
 Uganda          11        12       12        98.4%     98.2%      98.7%     0.3%      0.6%     0.8% 
 Rwanda          4         4        4         94.1%     94.2%      93.5%     2.4%      2.5%     2.6% 
 Zambia          3         3        3         94.3%     93.7%      93.3%     2.3%      2.4%     2.6% 
 Group           358       363      367       89.7%     90.1%      91.3%     4.3%      4.3%     4.0% 
                          PAR>30                       PAR>90                       PAR>180 
               --------------------------  -----------------------------  -------------------------- 
                 Oct-22   Nov-22   Dec-22    Oct-22    Nov-22     Dec-22   Oct-22    Nov-22   Dec-22 
  (total)         25.9%    27.0%    27.1%     17.0%     21.0%      21.8%     4.0%      3.5%     3.0% 
 Pakistan          0.6%     0.7%     0.7%      0.1%      0.3%       0.4%     0.0%      0.0%     0.0% 
 Sri Lanka        10.2%     8.9%     8.5%      6.0%      5.8%       5.9%     3.2%      3.1%     3.3% 
 Philippines       1.7%     1.7%     1.7%      1.5%      1.3%       1.2%     1.2%      1.1%     0.9% 
 Myanmar          28.8%    27.5%    20.4%     28.3%     27.3%      20.2%    23.6%     23.8%    17.5% 
 Ghana             0.3%     0.2%     0.2%      0.2%      0.2%       0.2%     0.1%      0.1%     0.1% 
 Nigeria           6.6%     6.6%     7.1%      4.7%      4.7%       5.1%     3.0%      3.0%     3.2% 
  Leone            9.3%     9.5%    10.7%      5.6%      6.4%       7.2%     3.8%      3.4%     3.3% 
 Tanzania          0.4%     0.4%     0.4%      0.3%      0.3%       0.3%     0.1%      0.1%     0.2% 
 Kenya             0.8%     0.7%     0.8%      0.6%      0.6%       0.7%     0.4%      0.4%     0.5% 
 Uganda            0.4%     0.7%     0.9%      0.2%      0.3%       0.3%     0.1%      0.1%     0.1% 
 Rwanda            4.4%     4.5%     4.6%      3.2%      3.2%       3.2%     1.9%      1.9%     2.0% 
 Zambia            4.0%     4.4%     5.0%      2.9%      3.2%       3.6%     1.7%      2.0%     2.4% 
 Group             6.7%     6.5%     5.9%      4.9%      5.2%       4.7%     2.4%      2.3%     1.8% 
 (3) Gross OLP includes the off-book BC and DA model, excluding interest 
  receivable and before deducting ECL provisions and modification loss. 
  (4) PAR>x is the percentage of outstanding customer loans with at 
  least one instalment payment overdue x days, excluding loans more 
  than 365 days overdue, to Gross OLP including off-book loans. Loans 
  overdue more than 365 days now comprise 2% of the Gross OLP. 
  (5) The table "PAR>30 less PAR>180" shows the percentage of outstanding 
  client loans with a PAR greater than 30 days, less those loans which 
  have been fully provided for. 

-- Due to the continuing strategic focus in India on primarily collections, Gross OLP in India further reduced to USD 45 million (14 % lower than in October 2022 and 61% lower than in December 2021).

-- PAR>30 for the Group decreased from 6.7% in October to 5.9% in December primarily due to improved portfolio quality and write-offs of overdue in Myanmar .

-- Credit exposure of the India off-book BC portfolio of USD 21.4m is capped at 5%. The included off-book DA portfolio of USD 1.2 million has no credit exposure.

Disbursements vs collections of loans until 31 December 2022 (6)

 Countries                Jul/22     Aug/22     Sep/22     Oct/22     Nov/22     Dec/22 
                        ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 India                     22%        25%        21%        10%        22%        26% 
 Pakistan                  113%       112%       115%       125%       120%       86% 
 Sri Lanka                 11%        93%        125%       147%       135%       89% 
 The Philippines           104%       104%       103%       103%       104%       106% 
 Myanmar                   84%        95%        113%       102%       115%       87% 
 Ghana                     91%        100%       110%       122%       120%       131% 
 Nigeria                   100%       104%       106%       107%       109%       82% 
 Sierra Leone              84%        80%        123%       128%       125%       94% 
 Tanzania                  106%       111%       109%       114%       117%       125% 
 Kenya                     105%       87%        120%       115%       99%        41% 
 Uganda                    97%        100%       111%       112%       112%       93% 
 Rwanda                    113%       116%       118%       113%       107%       104% 
 Zambia                    109%       110%       112%       109%       109%       95% 
----------------------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  ---------  --------- 
 (6) Disbursements vs collections refers to actual loan disbursements made 
  to clients divided by total amounts collected from clients in the period. 

-- Disbursements as percentage of collections exceeded 100% in 4 countries. The drop in most countries for December was primarily due to operations closing for 6-12 days to observe the Christmas holidays. The low percentage in India was due to the ongoing strategic decision to reduce disbursements.

Development of Clients and Outstanding Loan Portfolio until 31 December 2022

                                                                                  Gross OLP (in 
                  Clients (in thousands)                Delta                         USDm)                                Delta 
                                                                                                       Dec/21-Dec/22   Dec/21-Dec/22   Oct/22-Dec/22 
 Countries      Dec-21   Oct-22    Dec-22   Dec/21-Dec/22   Oct/22-Dec/22   Dec-21   Oct-22   Dec-22             USD           CC(7)             USD 
 India             541      337       284            -47%            -16%      114       52       45            -61%            -56%            -14% 
 Pakistan          512      605       606             18%              0%       79       81       80              1%             29%             -2% 
 Sri Lanka          53       47        47            -12%              0%        8        4        4            -52%            -14%              4% 
  Philippines      289      327       325             13%             -1%       47       46       50              7%             17%              7% 
 Myanmar           111      105        99            -11%             -5%       20       17       17            -16%             -1%             -1% 
 Ghana             158      171       178             13%              4%       49       27       41            -17%             38%             54% 
 Nigeria           254      241       222            -13%             -8%       40       40       39             -1%              7%             -3% 
 Sierra Leone       45       37        37            -18%             -1%        7        5        5            -35%              9%             -5% 
 Tanzania          174      211       217             25%              2%       35       47       51             48%             50%             10% 
 Kenya             119      140       141             19%              1%       17       21       17              2%             12%            -17% 
 Uganda             92      108       111             21%              3%       10       11       12             19%             25%              4% 
 Rwanda             18       21        21             17%              3%        3        4        4             29%             33%              3% 
 Zambia             15       21        21             43%             -2%        2        3        3             32%             43%             -9% 
 Total           2,381    2,371     2,309             -3%             -3%      431      358      367            -15%            2.5%              3% 

(7) Constant currency ('CC') implies conversion of local currency results to USD with the exchange rate from the beginning of the period.

-- The Group's Gross OLP increased to USD 367 million (3% higher than in October 2022 and 15% lower than in December 2021), primarily due to OLP growth in local currency in most markets and currency appreciation in Ghana.

Key events in January and February 2023

-- Other than the existing partial curfews in Myanmar, the Company is not aware of any further restrictions implemented in its operating countries up until 23 February 2023.



ASA International Group plc

Investor Relations

Mischa Assink ir @asa-international.com

About ASA International Group plc

ASA International Group plc (ASAI: LN) is one of the world's largest international microfinance institutions, with a strong commitment to financial inclusion and socioeconomic progress. The company provides small, socially responsible loans to low-income, financially underserved entrepreneurs, predominantly women, across South Asia, South East Asia, West and East Africa.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

February 24, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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