RNS Number : 5867G

BHP Group Limited

20 July 2023

A version of this document with the diagram related to the Oak Dam Exploration Target referred to as Figure 1 in Appendix 1 is available at https://data.fca.org.uk/#/nsm/nationalstoragemechanism

Release Time     IMMEDIATE 
Date             20 July 2023 
Release Number   13/23 



-- There were two fatalities during the financial year. We are committed to sharing the learnings from these tragic events and remain resolute in our commitment to eliminating fatalities and serious injuries at BHP.

-- Full year production guidance was achieved for copper, iron ore, metallurgical coal and energy coal. Nickel achieved revised guidance and finished in line with the lower end of original guidance.

-- Annual production records at Western Australia Iron Ore (WAIO) of 285 Mt (100% basis), Spence of 240 kt, and Olympic Dam for both copper of 212 kt and refined gold of 186 troy koz.

-- Full year unit cost guidance(1) is expected to be achieved at Escondida, WAIO and New South Wales Energy Coal (NSWEC). BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA) is expected to be marginally above its revised guidance range.

-- Average realised prices for copper, iron ore and metallurgical coal products were lower in the 2023 financial year compared to the prior year. Nickel prices remained stable, while thermal coal prices were stronger, predominantly in the first half.

   --      BHP completed the acquisition of OZ Minerals Ltd (OZL) on 2 May 2023 (2) . 

-- BHP has continued to make strong progress at Oak Dam in South Australia. We have defined an Exploration Target(3) and plan to increase the number of exploration drills from nine to eleven by the end of the 2023 calendar year.

-- In Australia, BHP released its sixth Reconciliation Action Plan, which was awarded Elevate status.

BHP Chief Executive Officer, Mike Henry:

"The financial year was marked by the deaths of Jody Byrne and Nathan Scholz. These tragic events underscore the absolute importance of safety and we are resolute in our commitment to eliminating fatalities and serious injuries at BHP.

"BHP finished the year with a strong fourth quarter, increasing annual production across the board and achieving annual records at WAIO, Olympic Dam and Spence. WAIO shipped record volumes on the back of productivity in its supply chain, rail network and car dumpers, while South Flank completed its deployment of autonomous haul trucks in May and is on track to ramp up to full production in the next 12 months. Olympic Dam's improved reliability and productivity delivered record annual output in copper, gold and silver, and the integration of OZ Minerals into our South Australian copper business is expected to lift production to between 310 and 340 kt in FY24. At Escondida, the team managed through operational challenges to deliver solid production and position the asset to increase output further in FY24. Our Queensland coal operations achieved strong underlying performance including the transition to autonomous fleets at Goonyella Riverside and Daunia, offsetting the impact of significant wet weather.


"Inflationary pressures impacted our business in the year, and we remain laser focused on safety and productivity to remain competitive. Competitiveness will be ever more important as we enter the new financial year and at a time when there are new challenges and opportunities to resource development and global economic volatility.

"BHP's portfolio is geared towards high quality steelmaking and growth options in future facing commodities. The Jansen potash project in Canada remains ahead of plan and studies for Stage 2 are progressing. Through the year, BHP made strategic investments and exploration progress in copper and nickel prospects globally, including Kabanga in Tanzania, Oak Dam in Australia, Filo Mining with the Filo del Sol Project in Argentina and Chile, and Ocelot in the United States, as well as Serbia and Peru."


Operational performance

Production and guidance are summarised below.

                                                     FY23   Jun Q23   Jun Q23 
                                               Jun     vs        vs        vs            FY24          FY24e 
Production                             FY23    Q23   FY22   Jun Q22   Mar Q23        guidance        vs FY23 
----------------------------------  -------  -----  -----  --------  --------  --------------  ------------- 
Copper (kt) (i)                     1,716.5  476.2     9%        3%       17%   1,720 - 1,910       0% - 11% 
 Escondida (kt)                      1055.3  293.0     5%        1%       16%   1,080 - 1,180       2% - 12% 
 Pampa Norte (kt)                     288.8   68.5     3%     (11%)      (6%)  210 - 250 (ii)  (27%) - (13%) 
 Copper South Australia (kt)(iii)     232.4   76.6    68%       38%       48%       310 - 340      33% - 46% 
 Antamina (kt)                        138.4   36.5   (8%)      (8%)       23%       120 - 140     (13%) - 1% 
 Carajás (kt)                      1.6    1.6      -         -         -               -              - 
Iron ore (Mt)                         257.0   65.3     1%        2%        9%     254 - 264.5      (1%) - 3% 
 WAIO (Mt)                            252.5   64.1     1%        1%        9%       250 - 260      (1%) - 3% 
 WAIO (100% basis) (Mt)               285.3   72.7     1%        1%       10%       282 - 294      (1%) - 3% 
 Samarco (Mt)                           4.5    1.2    11%       22%       17%         4 - 4.5     (11%) - 0% 
Metallurgical coal - BMA (Mt)          29.0    8.5     0%        4%       22%         28 - 31      (4%) - 7% 
 BMA (100% basis) (Mt)                 58.0   17.0     0%        4%       22%         56 - 62      (4%) - 7% 
Energy coal - NSWEC (Mt)               14.2    4.8     3%       22%       21%         13 - 15      (8%) - 6% 
Nickel (kt)                            80.0   22.0     4%       17%       12%         77 - 87      (4%) - 9% 
   i.       Includes contribution of 21.5 kt from operations acquired from OZL(2) . 

ii. Production guidance for FY24 is provided for Spence only. Cerro Colorado is expected to produce 9 kt as it transitions to closure by 31 December 2023.

iii. Comprised of Olympic Dam, Prominent Hill and Carrapateena. Refer to the production and sales report for more details.


                                            Jun Q23 
                                FY23   (vs Mar Q23) 
Production                 (vs FY22)                 Jun Q23 vs Mar Q23 commentary 
-----------------------  -----------  -------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
Copper (kt)                  1,716.5          476.2  Higher concentrate volumes at Escondida reflect the higher concentrate feed grade of 0.93 
                                                     per cent, and higher volumes at Copper South Australia resulted in a BHP record for quarter 
                                                     production from the refinery at Olympic Dam, and reflect the addition of Prominent Hill and 
                                  9%            17% 
Iron ore (Mt)                  257.0           65.3  Increased production at WAIO, despite unfavourable impacts from Tropical Cyclone Ilsa, due 
                                                     to strong supply chain performance and the prior period impacts from the temporary shutdown 
                                                     of operations following the fatality, as well as the tie-in activity of the Port Debottlene 
                                                     Project 1 (PDP1). 
                                  1%             9% 
Metallurgical coal (Mt)         29.0            8.5  Increased production driven by increased yield, improved truck productivity and favourable 
                                                     weather conditions, partially offset by the commencement of a second longwall move at Broad 
                                  0%            22% 
Energy coal (Mt)                14.2            4.8  Higher volumes as a result of additional stripping volumes, decreased proportion of washed 
                                                     coal, favourable weather conditions, and improvement in truck productivity with record quar 
                                                     annualised truck hours. 
                                  3%            21% 
Nickel (kt)                     80.0           22.0  Higher volumes due to improved mining performance at Mt Keith, increased third party purcha 
                                                     and inventory drawdowns enabling increased concentrate production, partially offset by a he 
                                                     rain event in April 2023. 
                                  4%            12% 

Summary of disclosures

BHP expects its financial results for the second half of the 2023 financial year to reflect certain items summarised in the table below. The table does not provide a comprehensive list of all items impacting the period. The financial statements are the subject of ongoing work that will not be finalised until the release of the financial results on 22 August 2023. Accordingly, the table below contains preliminary information that is subject to update and finalisation.

                                                                  H2 FY23 
Description                                                       US$M(i)                           Classification(ii) 
-------------------------------------------------------------  ----------  ------------------------------------------- 
For the 2023 financial year, unit costs at Escondida and WAIO           -                              Operating costs 
are expected to be towards the 
upper end of guidance ranges, and unit costs at NSWEC are 
expected to be in line with the 
revised guidance range (at guidance exchange rates) 
Unit costs at BMA are expected to be marginally above the 
revised guidance range (at guidance 
exchange rates) 
Note: Australian dollar and Chilean peso were weaker than 
guidance rates in the period(iii) 
Unit costs will not include any costs relating to the review 
of employee entitlements and 
Review of employee entitlements and allowances                       280      Operating costs - Group and Unallocated 
Transaction and integration costs associated with the OZL      100 - 150      Operating costs - Group and Unallocated 
Increase to depreciation and amortisation expense relative to  100 - 200   Depreciation, amortisation and impairments 
H1 FY23, predominantly at WAIO, 
and includes the contribution of the OZL assets acquired 
during the period 


The Group's adjusted effective tax rate for the 2023 financial year is                          -     Taxation expense 
expected to be in the 
lower half of the guidance range of 30 to 35 per cent 
Working capital decrease relating to net price impacts, and provisions                950 - 1,050  Operating cash flow 
relating to employee 
entitlements and allowances 
Decrease in cash tax paid relative to H1 FY23                                       1,600 - 1,700  Operating cash flow 
Gross dividends received from equity-accounted investments                                   250  Investing cash flow 
Capital and exploration spend is expected to be approximately US$7.1 bn,                        -  Investing cash flow 
below full year guidance 
of approximately US$7.6 bn, primarily driven by favourable FX 
Gross dividends paid to non-controlling interests                                            650  Financing cash flow 
Payment of the H1 FY23 dividend                                                            4,600  Financing cash flow 
Acquisition of OZL                                                                         6,000  Investing cash flow 
Net debt acquired through OZL acquisition                                                  1,000             Net debt 
The Group's net debt balance at 30 June 2023 is expected to be between US$11                    -             Net debt 
and US$11.5 bn 
and is expected to remain towards the upper end of our target range of US$5 
to US$15 bn in 
the near term 
Financial impact on BHP Brasil of the Samarco dam failure                      Refer footnote(iv)     Exceptional item 
The financial impact is expected to primarily relate to amortisation of 
discounting on the 
provision and the impact of foreign exchange 
Revaluation of deferred tax balances following the substantive enactment of         250 - 300(v)     Exceptional item 
the Chilean Royalty 

i Numbers are not tax effected and comparisons are against the 31 December 2022 financial results, unless otherwise noted.

ii There will be a corresponding balance sheet, cash flow and/or income statement impact as relevant, unless otherwise noted.

iii Average exchange rates for FY23 of AUD/USD 0.67 (guidance rate AUD/USD 0.72) and USD/CLP 864 (guidance rate USD/CLP 830).

iv Financial impact is the subject of ongoing work and is not yet finalised. See Iron ore section for further information on Samarco.

   v       To reflect an increase to the mining tax rates in Chile. 

Average realised prices

The average realised prices achieved for our major commodities are summarised below.

                                                                       FY23   H2 FY23   H2 FY23 
                                                                         vs        vs        vs 
Average realised pricesi            H2 FY23  H1 FY23    FY23    FY22   FY22   H2 FY22   H1 FY23 
----------------------------------  -------  -------  ------  ------  -----  --------  -------- 
Copper (US$/lb)(ii)                    3.80     3.49    3.65    4.16  (12%)      (5%)        9% 
Iron ore (US$/wmt, FOB)               99.88    85.46   92.54  113.10  (18%)     (11%)       17% 
Metallurgical coal (US$/t)           273.08   268.73  271.05  347.10  (22%)     (36%)        2% 
    Hard coking coal (US$/t)(iii)    276.22   270.65  273.59  366.82  (25%)     (37%)        2% 
    Weak coking coal (US$/t)(iii)    250.38   252.12  251.13  296.51  (15%)     (35%)      (1%) 
Thermal coal (US$/t)(iv)             157.21   354.30  236.51  216.78     9%     (48%)     (56%) 
Nickel metal (US$/t)                 23,652   24,362  24,021  23,275     3%     (14%)      (3%) 

i Based on provisional, unaudited estimates. Prices exclude sales from equity accounted investments, third party product and internal sales, and represent the weighted average of various sales terms (for example: FOB, CIF and CFR), unless otherwise noted. Includes the impact of provisional pricing and finalisation adjustments.

   ii       Does not include sales from assets acquired through the purchase of OZL. 

iii Hard coking coal (HCC) refers generally to those metallurgical coals with a Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR) of 35 and above, which includes coals across the spectrum from Premium Coking to Semi Hard Coking coals, while weak coking coal (WCC) refers generally to those metallurgical coals with a CSR below 35.

   iv      Export sales only. Includes thermal coal sales from metallurgical coal mines. 


The large majority of iron ore shipments were linked to index pricing for the month of shipment, with price differentials predominantly a reflection of market fundamentals and product quality. Iron ore sales for the June 2023 half year were based on an average moisture rate of 6.6 per cent. The large majority of metallurgical coal and energy coal exports were linked to index pricing for the month of scheduled shipment or priced on the spot market at fixed or index-linked prices, with price differentials reflecting product quality. The large majority of copper cathodes sales were linked to index price for quotation periods one month after month of shipment, and three to four months after month of shipment for copper concentrates sales with price differentials applied for location and treatment costs.

At 30 June 2023, the Group had 342 kt of outstanding copper sales that were revalued at a weighted average price of US$3.77 per pound. The final price of these sales will be determined in the 2024 financial year.

In addition, 354 kt of copper sales from the 2022 financial year were subject to a finalisation adjustment in the 2023 financial year. The provisional pricing and finalisation adjustments will decrease Underlying EBITDA by US$243 million in the 2023 financial year and are included in the average realised copper price in the above table.

Corporate update

BHP released its sixth Reconciliation Action Plan in June 2023, which has been recognised with 'Elevate' status from Reconciliation Australia. Some examples of the commitments made in the plan include increasing Indigenous representation across our Australian workforce to a target of 9.7 per cent by the end of the 2027 financial year, and a target to achieve an A$1.5 billion spend with Traditional Owner and Indigenous businesses in aggregate across our Australian assets.


On 2 May 2023, BHP announced the completion of the OZL acquisition . The acquisition strengthens BHP's portfolio in copper, nickel and uranium and is in line with our strategy to pursue value adding growth in future facing commodities. The cash payment by BHP was funded using a combination of BHP's existing cash reserves and the proceeds of a debt facility.

In June 2023, BHP agreed to invest an additional C$30 million in Filo Mining Corp via a private placement. The proceeds from BHP's investment will be used by Filo for exploration and development of the Filo del Sol project, located in San Juan Province, Argentina and adjacent Region III in Chile, and for working capital and general corporate purposes.


In the June 2023 quarter, BHP held a briefing updating on its progress and plans to achieve its medium and long-term operational decarbonisation target and goal and released two Prospects updates on the Pathways to decarbonisation which are available on the BHP website: The many, many roads to Paris and the electric smelting furnace .



                                FY23   Jun Q23   Jun Q23 
                                  vs      vs        vs 
               FY23    Jun Q23   FY22   Jun Q22   Mar Q23 
              -------  -------  -----  --------  -------- 
Copper (kt)   1,716.5    476.2     9%        3%       17% 
Zinc (t)      125,048   38,822     1%       41%       64% 
Uranium (t)     3,406      813    43%        5%      (2%) 

Copper - Total copper production increased by nine per cent to 1,717 kt. Production for the 2024 financial year is expected to be between 1,720 and 1,910 kt.


Escondida copper production increased by five per cent to 1,055 kt primarily due to higher concentrator feed grade of 0.82 per cent, compared to 0.78 per cent in the 2022 financial year. The positive impact of the higher grade was partially offset by the impact of road blockades across Chile in the December 2022 quarter, which reduced availability of some key mine supplies. Full year production came in at the low end of revised guidance largely as a result of measures implemented to manage geotechnical events in a high grade section of the Escondida pit. These included a resequencing of the mine plan, resulting in lower than anticipated volumes of mined ore and increased processing of lower grade stockpiles through the concentrators. Production is expected to increase to between 1,080 and 1,180 kt for the 2024 financial year and reflects both an expected increase in concentrator feed grade and an expected increase in concentrator throughput compared to the 2023 financial year.

Pampa Norte copper production increased by three per cent to 289 kt including a record 240 kt at Spence and 49 kt at Cerro Colorado. This was largely a result of higher concentrator throughput at the Spence Growth Option (SGO), partially offset by lower production at Cerro Colorado as it transitions towards closure. The concentrator plant modifications, which commenced in August 2022, remain on track to be completed in the 2023 calendar year. Expected capital expenditure for the concentrator modification works remains unchanged at approximately US$100 million. Production for Spence is expected to be between 210 and 250 kt for the 2024 financial year, with planned higher concentrator grade and concentrator throughput but lower stacking grade for cathodes. Cerro Colorado continues to transition towards planned closure by December 2023, with production for the six months until closure expected to be approximately 9 kt. We are continuing to closely monitor previously identified Spence Tailings Storage Facility anomalies.

Following the completion of the acquisition of OZL, we have established the Copper South Australia business. Production from Copper South Australia was 232 kt, comprised of full year production from Olympic Dam of 212 kt and two months of production(2) from Prominent Hill and Carrapateena of 8 kt and 12 kt respectively. Olympic Dam delivered record BHP copper production as a result of continued strong concentrator and smelter performance following the major smelter maintenance campaign (SCM21) in the prior year. Record annual gold and silver production was also achieved following the implementation of debottlenecking initiatives in the prior year, 27 per cent higher than the previous gold production record.

Integration activity is underway, including the transfer of small volumes of copper concentrate from Prominent Hill to Olympic Dam for processing. Copper South Australia production of between 310 and 340 kt is expected for the 2024 financial year.

Antamina copper production decreased by eight per cent to 138 kt reflecting the expected lower copper feed grades, partially offset by higher throughput. Zinc production was one per cent higher at 125 kt, reflecting higher throughput. Copper production of 120 to 140 kt and zinc production of between 85 and 105 kt is expected for the 2024 financial year.

Following the acquisition of OZL, Carajás produced 1.6 kt of copper and 1.2 troy koz of gold(2) .

Iron ore


                                  FY23   Jun Q23   Jun Q23 
                                    vs      vs        vs 
                 FY23    Jun Q23   FY22   Jun Q22   Mar Q23 
                -------  -------  -----  --------  -------- 
Iron ore (kt)   257,043   65,295     1%        2%        9% 

Iron ore - Total iron ore production increased by one per cent to 257 Mt. Production for the 2024 financial year is expected to be between 254 and 264.5 Mt.


WAIO achieved record production of 253 Mt (285 Mt on a 100 per cent basis), reflecting continued strong supply chain performance, including improved rail performance and increased car dumper utilisation. This was partially offset by the temporary suspension of operations following the fatality in February, unfavourable weather impacts from Tropical Cyclone Ilsa in the June 2023 quarter and the ongoing planned tie-in of PDP1, which remains on track to be completed in the 2024 calendar year.

South Flank remains on track to ramp up to full production capacity of 80 Mtpa (100 per cent basis) by the end of the 2024 financial year. Current year performance has contributed to record annual production at the Mining Area C hub and record WAIO lump sales. Additionally, the deployment of autonomous haul trucks at South Flank was completed in May 2023.

WAIO also achieved record shipments for the year, which was inclusive of sales of of 249 Mt (281 Mt on a 100 per cent basis) and inventory in China of almost 4 Mt for portside sales.

WAIO production is expected to increase to between 250 and 260 Mt (282 and 294 Mt on a 100 per cent basis) in the 2024 financial year.

Samarco production increased by 11 per cent to 4.5 Mt (BHP share), as a result of higher concentrator throughput. Production for the 2024 financial year is expected to be between 4 and 4.5 Mt (BHP share).

In May 2023, Samarco announced it had agreed with its shareholders and a group of Samarco's financial creditors to a restructure of the company's financial debts. The agreement was entered into following a 2-month court-supervised settlement process. The proposed terms are subject to approval by a majority of Samarco's creditors, ratification by the Judicial Reorganisation Court and the entry into definitive debt restructure documents. Samarco, BHP Brasil, Vale, and creditors are working together to implement the restructure terms to resolve Samarco's judicial reorganisation process.



                                           FY23   Jun Q23   Jun Q23 
                                             vs      vs        vs 
                           FY23   Jun Q23   FY22   Jun Q22   Mar Q23 
                          ------  -------  -----  --------  -------- 
Metallurgical coal (kt)   29,020    8,477     0%        4%       22% 
Energy coal (kt)          14,172    4,765     3%       22%       21% 

Metallurgical coal - BMA production of 29 Mt (58 Mt on a 100 per cent basis) was in line with the prior period. The significant wet weather experienced in the first three quarters(4) was offset by strong underlying operational performance, in particular, continued improvement in truck productivity at Goonyella and Daunia following the completion of their transitions to autonomous fleet. Production for the period was further supported by a drawdown of raw coal inventory and improved labour availability compared to the prior period.

Production for the 2024 financial year is expected to be between 28 and 31 Mt (56 and 62 Mt on a 100 per cent basis).

The near tripling of top end royalties by the Queensland Government makes Queensland the highest coal taxing regime in the world. Given the negative impact this has on investment economics and the increase in sovereign risk, we will not be investing in any further growth in Queensland, however we will sustain and optimise our existing operations.


Energy coal - NSWEC production increased by three per cent to 14.2 Mt driven by an improvement in weather conditions in the second half of the year and an uplift in truck productivity compared to the prior year. Additional deployed capacity into a new mining area also resulted in an uplift in prime stripping volumes. Production for the 2024 financial year is expected to be between 13 and 15 Mt.

Higher quality products made up 77 per cent of sales, compared to 89 per cent in the prior period, reflecting the impacts of the change in export market conditions and the commencement of domestic sales under the NSW Government Coal Market Price Emergency (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice in the June 2023 quarter. The reservation allocation for the 2024 financial year is expected to be 0.7 Mt in line with the Directions.


Nickel production

                             FY23   Jun Q23   Jun Q23 
                               vs      vs        vs 
              FY23  Jun Q23   FY22   Jun Q22   Mar Q23 
              ----  -------  -----  --------  -------- 
Nickel (kt)   80.0     22.0     4%       17%       12% 

Nickel - Nickel West production increased by four per cent to 80 kt due to an increased proportion of concentrate and matte products and inventory drawdowns. This was partially offset by the slower than planned ramp up of the refinery following planned maintenance in the December 2022 quarter and a heavy rain event at the Mt Keith operations in early April 2023 impacting mine progression.

During the year, Nickel West has experienced ongoing issues with the quality and volume of ore deliveries from Mincor Resources containing high levels of arsenic, and in March advised that it would no longer accept off-specification product. In the second half, Nickel West purchased more third-party products compared to the first half, including higher cost third party concentrate to offset the impact of the ore supply issues.

Production is expected to be between 77 and 87 kt for the 2024 financial year, weighted to the second half of the year due to planned refinery maintenance in the first half.

The West Musgrave nickel project in Western Australia is in early stages of execution following the final investment decision by OZL in September 2022 (prior to the acquisition by BHP).

Potash - Our major potash project under development at Jansen is tracking to the accelerated plan with first production still targeted for the end of the 2026 calendar year, compared to the initial target of the 2027 calendar year. In the June 2023 quarter, we completed all piling activities for the mill and storage facilities. During the 2024 financial year, we will transition from civil works into steel and equipment installation on the surface and underground, as well as continuing with equipment procurement. Port construction will also continue. The feasibility study for Jansen Stage 2 continues to progress and is on track to be completed during the 2024 financial year.


                Capital      production 
Project and    expenditure     target 
 ownership        US$M          date     Capacity                           Progress 
------------  ------------  -----------  ---------------------------------  -------------- 
Jansen Stage         5,723     End-CY26  Design, engineering                Project is 26% 
 1                                        and construction of                complete 
                                          an underground potash 
                                          mine and surface infrastructure, 
                                          with capacity to produce 
                                          4.35 Mtpa. 


Minerals exploration

Minerals exploration and evaluation expenditure increased by 37 per cent for the year ended 30 June 2023 to US$350 million, of which US$294 million was expensed.

At BHP's recently identified copper porphyry mineralised system, Ocelot, located in the Miami-Globe copper district of the United States, the final hole of a 6-hole program was completed in May 2023. The project remains at an early exploration stage and data from the recent drill program will be used to update the overall resource range estimation at Ocelot.

At Oak Dam in South Australia, we have defined an Exploration Target(3) (refer to Appendix 1) and commenced the next phase of drilling as we work towards defining a first Mineral Resource(5) . In line with the environmental approvals received in March 2023, we plan to increase from nine drill rigs to eleven and to establish core processing facilities and an accommodation camp of up to 150 rooms by the end of the 2023 calendar year. We are continuing community and stakeholder engagement in preparation for submission of our application to convert the Oak Dam tenement from an exploration licence to a retention lease, enabling progression of an early access decline.

In addition, we have commenced exploratory drilling beneath the Olympic Dam mine, at depths between 900m and 1,500m, with nine surface exploration rigs.

In June 2023, BHP signed a Sales and Purchase Agreement to acquire 100 per cent of Ragnar Metals Sweden AB, for a cash payment of A$9.8 million. Ragnar's assets include the Granmuren Nickel project, an early-stage nickel-copper tenement package located 110 km north-west of Stockholm, Sweden. BHP intends to undertake additional drilling to determine whether the known mineralisation has continuous high grade nickel sulphide and to test additional targets.

The inaugural BHP Xplor accelerator program was completed, with a number of the early-stage mineral exploration companies selected for further investment. Applications for the program's second year will open at the end of August 2023.

Elsewhere, we continue to progress exploration activities in Australia, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, Serbia and the United States.


Variance analysis relates to the relative performance of BHP and/or its operations during the 12 months ended June 2023 compared with the 12 months ended June 2022, unless otherwise noted. Production volumes, sales volumes and capital and exploration expenditure from subsidiaries are reported on a 100 per cent basis; production and sales volumes from equity accounted investments and other operations are reported on a proportionate consolidation basis. Numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided due to rounding.

The following footnotes apply to this Operational Review:

1 2023 financial year unit cost guidance: Escondida US$1.25-1.45/lb, WAIO US$18-19/t, BMA US$100-105/t and NSWEC US$84-91/t; based on exchange rates of AUD/USD 0.72 and USD/CLP 830.

2 Throughout this report, production volumes for the operations acquired from OZL are for the period of 1 May to 30 June 2023, whilst the acquisition completion date was 2 May 2023.

3 An Exploration Target is a statement or estimate of the exploration potential of a mineral deposit in a defined geological setting where the statement or estimate, quoted as a range of tonnes and a range of grade (or quality), relates to mineralisation for which there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource.

4 803mm of rainfall recorded at Moranbah for the year ended 30 June 2023 compared to 648mm in the prior year.

5 The potential quantity and grade of an Exploration Target is conceptual in nature and as such there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource, and it is uncertain if further exploration or analysis will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource.

The following abbreviations may have been used throughout this report: cost and freight (CFR); cost, insurance and freight (CIF); dry metric tonne unit (dmtu); free on board (FOB); grams per tonne (g/t); kilograms per tonne (kg/t); kilometre (km); megawatt (MW); metre (m); millimetre (mm); million tonnes (Mt); million tonnes per annum (Mtpa); ounces (oz); pounds (lb); thousand ounces (koz); thousand tonnes (kt); thousand tonnes per annum (ktpa); thousand tonnes per day (ktpd); tonnes (t); and wet metric tonnes (wmt).

In this release, the terms 'BHP', the 'Group', 'BHP Group', 'we', 'us', 'our' and 'ourselves' are used to refer to BHP Group Limited and, except where the context otherwise requires, our subsidiaries. Refer to note 28 'Subsidiaries' of the Financial Statements in BHP's 30 June 2022 Appendix 4E for a list of our significant subsidiaries. Those terms do not include non-operated assets. On and from 2 May, the BHP Group includes OZ Minerals Limited and its subsidiaries referred to in note 17 of their Financial Statements in its Annual Report for the year ended 30 December 2022. Notwithstanding that this release may include production, financial and other information from non-operated assets, non-operated assets are not included in the BHP Group and, as a result, statements regarding our operations, assets and values apply only to our operated assets unless stated otherwise. Our non-operated assets include Antamina and Samarco. BHP Group cautions against undue reliance on any forward-looking statement or guidance in this release, particularly in light of the current economic climate and significant volatility, uncertainty and disruption arising in connection with COVID-19. These forward-looking statements are based on information available as at the date of this release and are not guarantees or predictions of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond our control and which may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the statements contained in this release.

Further information on BHP can be found at: bhp.com


Authorised for lodgement by:

Stefanie Wilkinson

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 171 Collins Street 
 Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia 
 Tel +61 1300 55 4757 Fax +61 
 3 9609 3015 
BHP Group is headquartered in Australia 
 Follow us on social media 


Production summary

                                                           Quarter ended                     Year to date 
                                           ---------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
                                   BHP       Jun      Sep      Dec       Mar       Jun       Jun       Jun 
                                 interest    2022     2022     2022      2023      2023      2023      2022 
                                           -------  -------  -------  --------  --------  --------  -------- 
 Copper (1) 
 Payable metal in 
  concentrate (kt) 
 Escondida (2)                      57.5%    233.5    203.1    208.3     200.8     220.5     832.7     802.6 
 Pampa Norte (3)                     100%     28.2     28.6     32.5      32.0      32.2     125.3     111.2 
 Copper South Australia(4)           100%                                           19.9      19.9 
 Antamina                           33.8%     39.6     37.1     35.2      29.6      36.5     138.4     149.9 
 Carajas(5)                          100%                                            1.6       1.6 
 Total                                       301.3    268.8    276.0     262.4     310.7   1,117.9   1,063.7 
 Cathode (kt) 
 Escondida (2)                      57.5%     55.8     49.6     49.7      50.8      72.5     222.6     201.4 
 Pampa Norte (3)                     100%     49.0     42.0     44.2      41.0      36.3     163.5     170.0 
 Copper South Australia(4)           100%     55.7     49.7     54.4      51.7      56.7     212.5     138.4 
 Total                                       160.5    141.3    148.3     143.5     165.5     598.6     509.8 
 Total copper (kt)                           461.8    410.1    424.3     405.9     476.2   1,716.5   1,573.5 
 Payable metal in 
  concentrate (t) 
 Antamina                           33.8%      181      228      114       169       146       657     1,118 
 Total                                         181      228      114       169       146       657     1,118 
 Payable metal in 
  concentrate (t) 
 Antamina                           33.8%   27,576   32,685   29,929    23,612    38,822   125,048   123,200 
 Total                                      27,576   32,685   29,929    23,612    38,822   125,048   123,200 
 Payable metal in 
  concentrate (troy 
 Escondida (2)                      57.5%   45,770   38,236   48,402    48,954    53,503   189,095   166,972 
 Pampa Norte (3)                     100%    8,198    5,521    3,875     8,152     9,263    26,811    28,870 
 Copper South Australia(4)           100%                                         32,736    32,736 
 Carajas(5)                          100%                                          1,153     1,153 
 Total                                      53,968   43,757   52,277    57,106    96,655   249,795   195,842 
 Refined gold (troy 
 Copper South Australia(4)           100%   26,080   47,184   43,280    49,086    46,479   186,029   119,517 
 Total                                      26,080   47,184   43,280    49,086    46,479   186,029   119,517 
 Total gold (troy 
  oz)                                       80,048   90,941   95,557   106,192   143,134   435,824   315,359 
 Payable metal in 
  concentrate (troy 
 Escondida (2)                      57.5%    1,311    1,210    1,510     1,346     1,008     5,074     5,334 
 Pampa Norte (3)                     100%      262      252      245       409       412     1,318     1,011 
 Copper South Australia(4)           100%                                            201       201 
 Antamina                           33.8%    1,212    1,190      923       801       971     3,885     5,078 
 Total                                       2,785    2,652    2,678     2,556     2,592    10,478    11,423 
 Refined silver (troy 
 Copper South Australia(4)           100%      145      295      261       277       256     1,089       743 
 Total                                         145      295      261       277       256     1,089       743 
 Total silver (troy 
  koz)                                       2,930    2,947    2,939     2,833     2,848    11,567    12,166 
Payable metal in concentrate 
  Copper South Australia(4)          100%      776      817      943       833       813     3,406     2,375 
  Total                                        776      817      943       833       813     3,406     2,375 
Payable metal in concentrate 
  Pampa Norte(3)                     100%       71       34      216       407       333       990        71 
  Antamina                          33.8%      249      262      348       229       333     1,172       798 
  Total                                        320      296      564       636       666     2,162       869 


Production summary

                                                       Quarter ended                    Year to date 
                                        -------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
                                BHP       Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun       Jun       Jun 
                              interest    2022     2022     2022     2023     2023      2023      2022 
                                        -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -------- 
 Iron Ore 
 Iron Ore 
 Production (kt) (6) 
 Newman                            85%   14,063   14,053   16,172   11,925   14,795    56,945    57,041 
 Area C Joint Venture              85%   27,685   26,971   26,302   25,284   28,818   107,375    94,431 
 Yandi Joint Venture               85%    6,409    5,497    5,613    4,941    5,359    21,410    38,922 
 Jimblebar (7)                     85%   15,005   17,404   17,720   16,575   15,102    66,801    58,782 
 Samarco                           50%    1,000    1,148    1,095    1,048    1,221     4,512     4,071 
 Total                                   64,162   65,073   66,902   59,773   65,295   257,043   253,247 
 Metallurgical coal 
 Production (kt) (8) 
 BHP Mitsubishi Alliance 
  (BMA)                            50%    8,183    6,662    6,952    6,929    8,477    29,020    29,142 
 Total                                    8,183    6,662    6,952    6,929    8,477    29,020    29,142 
 Energy coal 
 Production (kt) 
 NSW Energy Coal                  100%    3,919    2,622    2,851    3,934    4,765    14,172    13,701 
 Total                                    3,919    2,622    2,851    3,934    4,765    14,172    13,701 
 Saleable production 
 Nickel West                      100%     18.8     20.7     17.7     19.6     22.0      80.0      76.8 
 Total                                     18.8     20.7     17.7     19.6     22.0      80.0      76.8 
 Saleable production 
 Nickel West                      100%      110      238       93      175      246       752       632 
 Total                                      110      238       93      175      246       752       632 
   1      Metal production is reported on the basis of payable metal. 
   2      Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 57.5%. 

3 Includes Spence and Cerro Colorado. Refer to the Production and Sales Report for more details.

4 Includes Olympic Dam and two months of production from Prominent Hill and Carrapateena from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023. Refer to the Production and Sales Report for more details.

5 Includes two months of production from 1 May 2023, following the acquisiton of OZL on 2 May 2023.

   6      Iron ore production is reported on a wet tonnes basis. 
   7      Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 85%. 

8 Metallurgical coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product. Production figures may include some thermal coal.

Throughout this report figures in italics indicate that this figure has been adjusted since it was previously reported.


Production and sales report

                                                                                                Year to 
                                                           Quarter ended                          date 
                                         -----------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
                                            Jun       Sep       Dec       Mar      Jun       Jun       Jun 
                                            2022      2022      2022      2023     2023      2023      2022 
                                         --------  --------  --------  --------  -------  --------  -------- 
 Metals production is payable metal 
  unless otherwise stated. 
 Escondida, Chile 
 Material mined                  (kt)     115,409   110,248   101,987   106,170   95,451   413,856   454,243 
 Concentrator throughput         (kt)      34,318    32,894    33,911    33,309   30,750   130,864   133,868 
 Average copper grade 
  - concentrator                 (%)        0.88%     0.83%     0.76%     0.78%    0.93%     0.82%     0.78% 
 Production ex mill              (kt)       239.5     214.6     212.8     210.0    228.9     866.3     835.8 
 Payable copper                  (kt)       233.5     203.1     208.3     200.8    220.5     832.7     802.6 
 Copper cathode (EW)             (kt)        55.8      49.6      49.7      50.8     72.5     222.6     201.4 
  - Oxide leach                  (kt)        17.5      15.2      17.6      14.7     29.3      76.8      57.6 
  - Sulphide leach               (kt)        38.3      34.4      32.1      36.1     43.2     145.8     143.8 
 Total copper                    (kt)       289.3     252.7     258.0     251.6    293.0   1,055.3   1,004.0 
 Payable gold concentrate         oz)      45,770    38,236    48,402    48,954   53,503   189,095   166,972 
 Payable silver concentrate       koz)      1,311     1,210     1,510     1,346    1,008     5,074     5,334 
 Payable copper                  (kt)       230.4     196.7     216.0     197.3    220.3     830.3     798.1 
 Copper cathode (EW)             (kt)        58.9      45.9      53.5      43.8     78.0     221.2     202.5 
 Payable gold concentrate         oz)      45,770    38,236    48,402    48,954   53,503   189,095   166,972 
 Payable silver concentrate       koz)      1,311     1,210     1,510     1,346    1,008     5,074     5,334 
       1     Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 57.5%. 


Production and sales report

                                                     Quarter ended                     Year to date 
                                     -------------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
                                       Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun         Jun         Jun 
                                       2022     2022     2022     2023     2023        2023        2022 
                                     -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------------  ------- 
 Pampa Norte, Chile 
 Cerro Colorado 
 Material mined              (kt)      3,604    3,179      583      172      145          4,079     17,280 
 Ore stacked                 (kt)      4,259    4,373    4,119    3,567    3,928         15,987     15,035 
 Average copper 
  grade - stacked            (%)       0.55%    0.54%    0.56%    0.57%    0.53%          0.55%      0.58% 
 Copper cathode 
  (EW)                       (kt)       14.7     12.8     12.2     12.0     12.2           49.2       55.0 
 Copper cathode 
  (EW)                       (kt)       16.2     13.3     12.2     10.9     14.1           50.5       54.8 
 Material mined              (kt)     26,749   26,956   26,980   24,858   25,622        104,416     95,968 
 Ore stacked                 (kt)      5,099    5,577    5,155    4,947    5,625         21,304     20,483 
 Average copper 
  grade - stacked            (%)       0.66%    0.70%    0.66%    0.60%    0.58%          0.64%      0.66% 
 Concentrator throughput     (kt)      6,311    6,433    7,602    7,290    6,927         28,252     24,843 
 Average copper 
  grade - concentrator       (%)       0.66%    0.63%    0.60%    0.61%    0.61%          0.61%      0.64% 
 Payable copper              (kt)       28.2     28.6     32.5     32.0     32.2          125.3      111.2 
 Copper cathode 
  (EW)                       (kt)       34.3     29.2     32.0     29.0     24.1          114.3      115.0 
 Total copper                (kt)       62.5     57.8     64.5     61.0     56.3          239.6      226.2 
 Payable gold concentrate     oz)      8,198    5,521    3,875    8,152    9,263         26,811     28,870 
 Payable silver              (troy 
  concentrate                 koz)       262      252      245      409      412          1,318      1,011 
 Payable molybdenum          (t)          71       34      216      407      333            990         71 
 Payable copper              (kt)       28.1     26.0     22.0     38.7     38.6          125.3      109.5 
 Copper cathode 
  (EW)                       (kt)       35.4     29.1     33.4     25.1     28.3          115.9      114.5 
 Payable gold concentrate     oz)      8,198    5,521    3,875    8,152    9,263         26,811     28,870 
 Payable silver              (troy 
  concentrate                 koz)       262      252      245      409      412          1,318      1,011 
 Payable molybdenum          (t)          25       25      216      492      367          1,100         25 


Production and sales report

                                                                                                   Year to 
                                                                 Quarter ended                       date 
                                                 -------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                                   Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun 
                                                   2022     2022     2022     2023     2023     2023     2022 
                                                 -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Copper (continued) 
 Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise stated. 
 Copper South Australia 
 Olympic Dam 
 Material mined (1)                     (kt)       2,477    2,412    2,264    2,317    2,356    9,349    8,834 
 Ore milled                             (kt)       2,436    2,570    2,687    2,433    2,755   10,445    7,687 
 Average copper grade                   (%)        2.15%    2.13%    2.08%    1.95%    2.00%    2.04%    2.14% 
 Average uranium grade                  (kg/t)      0.56     0.58     0.58     0.59     0.55     0.58     0.57 
 Copper cathode (ER 
  and EW)                               (kt)        55.7     49.7     54.4     51.7     56.7    212.5    138.4 
 Payable uranium                        (t)          776      817      943      833      813    3,406    2,375 
 Refined gold                            oz)      26,080   47,184   43,280   49,086   46,479  186,029  119,517 
 Refined silver                          koz)        145      295      261      277      256    1,089      743 
 Copper cathode (ER 
  and EW)                               (kt)        55.8     45.9     56.8     50.5     59.5    212.7    139.1 
 Payable uranium                        (t)        1,031      272    1,127      683    1,275    3,357    2,344 
 Refined gold                            oz)      24,622   49,542   41,900   47,300   49,182  187,924  118,979 
 Refined silver                          koz)         87      320      233      307      270    1,130      685 
 Prominent Hill(2) 
 Material mined                         (kt)                                             661      661 
 Ore milled                             (kt)                                           1,228    1,228 
 Average copper grade                   (%)                                            0.77%    0.77% 
 Production ex mill                     (kt)                                            16.3     16.3 
 Payable copper                         (kt)                                             8.2      8.2 
 Payable gold concentrate                oz)                                          17,432   17,432 
 Payable silver concentrate              koz)                                             44       44 
 Payable copper                         (kt)                                            15.7     15.7 
 Payable gold concentrate                oz)                                          28,856   28,856 
 Payable silver concentrate              koz)                                             87       87 
 Material mined                         (kt)                                             880      880 
 Ore milled                             (kt)                                             856      856 
 Average copper grade                   (%)                                            1.52%    1.52% 
 Production ex mill                     (kt)                                            30.1     30.1 
 Payable copper                         (kt)                                            11.7     11.7 
 Payable gold concentrate                oz)                                          15,304   15,304 
 Payable silver concentrate              koz)                                            157      157 
 Payable copper                         (kt)                                            11.9     11.9 
 Payable gold concentrate                oz)                                          15,242   15,242 
 Payable silver concentrate              koz)                                            155      155 
   1   Material mined refers to underground ore mined, subsequently hoisted or trucked to surface. 

2 Includes two months of production and sales from 1 May 2023, following the acquisiton of OZL on 2 May 2023.


Production and sales report

                                                       Quarter ended                   Year to date 
                                       -------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
                                         Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun       Jun       Jun 
                                         2022     2022     2022     2023     2023      2023      2022 
                                       -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -------- 
 Copper (continued) 
 Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise stated. 
 Antamina, Peru 
 Material mined 
  (100%)                       (kt)     64,026   63,865   68,750   57,939   62,894   253,448   246,904 
 Concentrator throughput 
  (100%)                       (kt)     13,131   13,858   14,272   12,349   13,897    54,376    52,496 
 Average head grades 
  - Copper                     (%)       1.02%    0.93%    0.86%    0.88%    0.88%     0.89%     0.98% 
  - Zinc                       (%)       1.05%    1.09%    0.99%    1.06%    1.25%     1.10%     1.11% 
 Payable copper                (kt)       39.6     37.1     35.2     29.6     36.5     138.4     149.9 
 Payable zinc                  (t)      27,576   32,685   29,929   23,612   38,822   125,048   123,200 
 Payable silver                 koz)     1,212    1,190      923      801      971     3,885     5,078 
 Payable lead                  (t)         181      228      114      169      146       657     1,118 
 Payable molybdenum            (t)         249      262      348      229      333     1,172       798 
 Payable copper                (kt)       40.7     37.6     34.7     32.4     34.5     139.2     148.2 
 Payable zinc                  (t)      30,847   33,820   29,127   25,851   37,629   126,427   125,915 
 Payable silver                 koz)     1,230    1,015      850      768      747     3,380     4,816 
 Payable lead                  (t)         363      130       91      181      143       545     1,208 
 Payable molybdenum            (t)         205      250      298      297      227     1,072       660 
 Carajas, Brazil(1) 
 Material mined                (kt)                                            103       103 
 Ore milled                    (kt)                                            100       100 
 Average copper 
  grade                        (%)                                           1.71%     1.71% 
 Production ex mill            (kt)                                            6.6       6.6 
 Payable copper                (kt)                                            1.6       1.6 
 Payable gold concentrate       oz)                                          1,153     1,153 
 Payable copper                (kt)                                            2.1       2.1 
 Payable gold concentrate       oz)                                          1,688     1,688 

1 Includes two months of production and sales from 1 May 2023, following the acquisiton of OZL on 2 May 2023.


Production and sales report

                                                   Quarter ended                   Year to date 
                                   -------------------------------------------  ------------------ 
                                     Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun       Jun       Jun 
                                     2022     2022     2022     2023     2023      2023      2022 
                                   -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  --------  -------- 
 Iron Ore 
 Iron ore production and sales are reported on a wet tonnes basis. 
 Western Australia 
  Iron Ore, Australia 
 Newman                     (kt)    14,063   14,053   16,172   11,925   14,795    56,945    57,041 
 Area C Joint Venture       (kt)    27,685   26,971   26,302   25,284   28,818   107,375    94,431 
 Yandi Joint Venture        (kt)     6,409    5,497    5,613    4,941    5,359    21,410    38,922 
 Jimblebar (1)              (kt)    15,005   17,404   17,720   16,575   15,102    66,801    58,782 
 Wheelarra                  (kt)         -        -        -        -        -         -         - 
 Total production           (kt)    63,162   63,925   65,807   58,725   64,074   252,531   249,176 
 Total production (100%)    (kt)    71,660   72,135   74,292   66,163   72,717   285,307   282,773 
 Lump                       (kt)    20,006   19,561   20,375   18,021   20,022    77,979    72,345 
 Fines                      (kt)    44,308   42,696   44,121   41,183   42,904   170,904   178,343 
 Total                      (kt)    64,314   62,257   64,496   59,204   62,926   248,883   250,688 
 Total sales (100%)         (kt)    72,796   70,276   72,688   66,580   71,172   280,716   283,943 

1 Shown on a 100% basis. BHP interest in saleable production is 85%.

 Samarco, Brazil 
 Production         (kt)    1,000   1,148   1,095   1,048   1,221   4,512   4,071 
 Sales              (kt)      991   1,146   1,097   1,111   1,160   4,514   3,995 


Production and sales report

                                               Quarter ended                  Year to date 
                               -------------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                 Jun      Sep      Dec      Mar      Jun      Jun      Jun 
                                 2022     2022     2022     2023     2023     2023     2022 
                               -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ------- 
 Coal production is reported on the basis of saleable product. 
 BHP Mitsubishi Alliance (BMA), Australia 
 Production (1) 
 Blackwater             (kt)     1,751    1,283    1,160    1,107    1,505    5,055    5,834 
 Goonyella              (kt)     2,429    1,780    1,997    2,185    2,348    8,310    8,360 
 Peak Downs             (kt)     1,366    1,325    1,480    1,251    1,424    5,480    4,944 
 Saraji                 (kt)     1,168    1,020    1,243    1,007    1,326    4,596    4,614 
 Daunia                 (kt)       472      324      441      607      617    1,989    1,491 
 Caval Ridge            (kt)       997      930      631      772    1,257    3,590    3,899 
 Total production       (kt)     8,183    6,662    6,952    6,929    8,477   29,020   29,142 
 Total production 
  (100%)                (kt)    16,366   13,324   13,904   13,858   16,954   58,040   58,284 
 Coking coal            (kt)     6,734    5,615    5,872    5,372    7,448   24,307   23,358 
 Weak coking coal       (kt)     1,118      600      727      710    1,064    3,101    3,411 
 Thermal coal           (kt)       765      267      428      104      364    1,163    2,280 
 Total sales            (kt)     8,617    6,482    7,027    6,186    8,876   28,571   29,049 
 Total sales (100%)     (kt)    17,234   12,964   14,054   12,372   17,752   57,142   58,098 
   1                      Production figures include some thermal coal. 


Production and sales report

                                                                                     Year to 
                                                     Quarter ended                     date 
                                        --------------------------------------  ---------------- 
                                          Jun     Sep     Dec     Mar     Jun     Jun      Jun 
                                          2022    2022   2022     2023    2023    2023     2022 
                                        ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------- 
 NSW Energy Coal, Australia 
 Production                      (kt)    3,919   2,622   2,851   3,934   4,765   14,172   13,701 
 Export                          (kt)    3,923   2,441   2,862   3,667   4,693   13,663   14,124 
 Domestic(1)                     (kt)        -       -       -       -     201      201        - 
 Total                           (kt)    3,923   2,441   2,862   3,667   4,894   13,864   14,124 
                                        ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------- 

1 The domestic sales are made under the NSW Government Coal Market Price Emergency (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice 2023.

                                                                                  Year to 
                                                   Quarter ended                    date 
                                      --------------------------------------  -------------- 
                                        Jun     Sep     Dec     Mar     Jun     Jun     Jun 
                                        2022    2022    2022    2023    2023    2023    2022 
                                      ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
 Nickel production is reported 
  on the basis of saleable product 
 Nickel West, Australia 
 Mt Keith 
 Nickel concentrate            (kt)     48.0    42.6    39.6    38.8    44.5   165.5   195.8 
 Average nickel grade          (%)      16.1    17.0    15.5    16.5    16.2    16.3    14.6 
 Nickel concentrate            (kt)     76.0    66.8    47.9    68.4    71.1   254.2   305.2 
 Average nickel grade          (%)      10.3     9.9     9.4     8.6     8.5     9.1     9.3 
 Saleable production 
 Refined nickel(1)             (kt)     11.7    17.5    10.8    13.2    13.1    54.6    57.6 
 Nickel sulphate(2)            (kt)      0.5     1.2     0.4     0.9     0.7     3.2     1.6 
 Intermediates and nickel 
 by-products(3)                (kt)      6.6     2.0     6.5     5.5     8.2    22.2    17.6 
 Total nickel                  (kt)     18.8    20.7    17.7    19.6    22.0    80.0    76.8 
 Cobalt by-products            (t)       110     238      93     175     246     752     632 
 Refined nickel(1)             (kt)     11.7    18.1    10.2    13.0    13.1    54.4    57.7 
 Nickel sulphate(2)            (kt)      0.5     0.8     0.5     0.9     0.8     3.0     1.3 
 Intermediates and nickel 
 by-products(3)                (kt)      6.4     1.8     7.7     5.7     9.5    24.7    16.1 
 Total nickel                  (kt)     18.6    20.7    18.4    19.6    23.4    82.1    75.1 
 Cobalt by-products            (t)       110     238      93     175     246     752     632 

1 High quality refined nickel metal, including briquettes and powder.

2 Nickel sulphate crystals produced from nickel powder.

3 Nickel contained in matte and by-product streams.


Appendix 1

The Oak Dam Exploration Target, shown in Table 1, was determined using the BHP internal process of Range Analysis based on 49 drill roles (61km of drilling). Refer to " BHP Results for the half year ended 31 December 2022, Appendix 1 - Explanatory Notes and JORC table 1 " for previously reported Exploration Results.

Table 1: Oak Dam Exploration Target.

                 Low    High 
                ----  ------ 
 Tonnes ( Mt)    500   1,700 
 Grade ( Cu%)    0.8     1.1 

The potential quantity and grade of an Exploration Target is conceptual in nature and as such there has been insufficient exploration to estimate a Mineral Resource. It is uncertain if further exploration or analysis will result in the estimation of a Mineral Resource.

The target is interpreted as IOGC style of mineralisation based on exploration results from the Oak Dam project. Currently, drilling is at varying degrees of spacing.

Target ranges were compiled within a facilitated process called Range Analysis, in which potential volumes and grades are determined over a range of assumptions on continuity and extension that are consistent with available data and genetic models of IOCG copper style of mineralisation.

The target remains open at depth, to the south, and west of "Hardy Hill fault" as per cross section on figure 1 below.

Figure 1: Oak Dam geology schematic W-E cross section looking north showing mineralisation is open to the west of Hardy Hill fault, at depth and to the south.

Intended activities for exploration target testing

BHP is currently running nine drill rigs at Oak Dam, with eleven rigs expected by November 2023.

A 150-room camp, including a drilling core processing facility, will be constructed on the tenement in 2023 to support the drilling program.

Competent Person s Statement

The information in this report that relates to Exploration Targets is based on information compiled by Dr. Kathy Ehrig, a Competent Person who is a Fellow of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy and a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists.

Dr. Kathy Ehrig has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results. Dr. Kathy Ehrig consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on her information in the form and context in which it appears.


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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 20, 2023 02:00 ET (06:00 GMT)

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