RNS Number : 2361W

Anglo Asian Mining PLC

11 December 2023

11 December 2023

Anglo Asian Mining plc

Gilar maiden JORC (2012) Mineral Resource completed

Anglo Asian Mining plc ("Anglo Asian" or the "Company"), the AIM-listed gold, copper and silver producer focused on Azerbaijan, is pleased to announce the completion of a maiden JORC (2012) Mineral Resource for its Gilar polymetallic deposit (the "Gilar deposit") prepared by Mining Plus UK. The Gilar deposit was confirmed to have 6.10 million tonnes of mineralisation with average grades of 0.88 per cent. for copper and 1.30 grammes of gold per tonne.

Gilar deposit highlights

-- 6.10 million tonnes of mineralisation with average grades of 0.88 per cent. copper, 0.75 per cent. zinc and 1.30 grammes of gold per tonne

   --    5.90 million tonnes of mineralisation within the Measured plus Indicated JORC categories 

-- In-situ Mineral Resource of 54,000 tonnes of copper, 255,000 ounces of gold and 46,000 tonnes of zinc

-- 135 drill holes (117 vertical and 18 inclined) with a total length of 42,821 metres used for the maiden Mineral Resource estimate

   --    145 drill holes were completed for a total length of 46,409 metres 

Mineral Resource estimate for the Gilar deposit at 30 November 2023

Reporting cut-off: >= 0.5 grammes per tonne of gold equivalent*

                          Tonnage           In-situ grades                 Contained metal 
                                       Gold      Copper      Zinc      Gold      Copper     Zinc 
                                       (g/t)      (per       (per      (koz)      (kt)      (kt) 
                                                 cent.)     cent.) 
======================  ==========  ========  =========  =========  ========  =========  ======= 
 Measured                  3.88       1.49       1.08       0.91     186.06     42.09     35.43 
                        ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Indicated                 2.02       1.00       0.56       0.48      64.80     11.30      9.77 
                        ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Measured + Indicated      5.90       1.32       0.90       0.77     250.86     53.39     45.20 
                        ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Inferred                  0.20       0.70       0.26       0.26      4.38       0.50      0.51 
                        ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ------- 
 Total                     6.10       1.30       0.88       0.75     255.24     53.89     45.72 
                        ----------  --------  ---------  ---------  --------  ---------  ------- 

Note that all tonnages reported are dry metric tonnes. Totals may not add due to rounding.

*Gold equivalent calculation = Gold grammes per tonne + (copper %*1.49) +(zinc*0.46). The metal price assumptions used were Gold - $1,675 per ounce; Copper - $8,000 per tonne; Zinc - $2,500 per tonne.

Interactive presentation on the Gilar deposit

An interactive 3-D presentation on the Gilar deposit including details of its maiden JORC Mineral Resource is available at https://gilar-jorc-mre-2023nov.jalnext.com/ . This presentation also includes various depictions of the local topology of the Gilar deposit, details of drill holes, block and shell models and the location of the decline.

Reza Vaziri, CEO of Anglo Asian, commented :

"We are proud to present the maiden mineral resource estimate for the Gilar deposit under the JORC reporting code, which marks a significant milestone for the asset and reflects our commitment to international best practice. It is a great step forward in understanding its geo-positioning, mineralisation geometry and importantly the significant value opportunity it offers our stakeholders."

Stephen Westhead, Vice-President of Anglo Asian, commented:

"This maiden mineral resource estimate under the JORC reporting code is now very robust given the quantity of drilling that provided confidence in the mineral continuity. Tunnelling to access the mineralisation is progressing. To complement future underground drilling, further surface drilling will test the extension of the upper zones upon completing the ongoing geophysical investigation.

"The Gilar mine will be an important contributor to the future production of the Company given its high grades of both gold and copper. The mine's production will be critical to bridge the gap between declining grades at our existing mines at Gedabek and our larger, new concessions entering production in the medium-term."

Mineral Resource estimation and current work at the Gilar deposit

Further details about the Gilar deposit, the mineral resource estimation and the current work being carried out at Gilar can be found below.

Market Abuse Regulation (MAR) Disclosure

Certain information contained in this announcement would have been deemed inside information for the purposes of Article 7 of Regulation (EU) No 596/2014, which was incorporated into UK law by the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, until the release of this announcement.

For further information please contact:

 Anglo Asian Mining plc 
                                             Tel: +994 12 596 
 Reza Vaziri, Chief Executive Officer         3350 
                                             Tel: +994 502 910 
 Bill Morgan, Chief Financial Officer         400 
                                             Tel: +994 502 916 
 Stephen Westhead, Vice President             894 
 SP Angel Corporate Finance LLP (Nominated   Tel: +44 (0) 20 
  Adviser and Broker)                         3470 0470 
  Ewan Leggat 
  Adam Cowl 
 Hudson Sandler (Financial PR)               Tel: +44 (0) 20 
  Charlie Jack                                7796 4133 
  Harry Griffiths 

Gilar deposit

The detailed JORC ('Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves (JORC Code) 2012 Edition') "JORC" Mineral Resource estimate for the Gilar deposit has been published on the Company's website and is available at:

https://wp-angloasianmining-2020.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/media/2023/12/UPG12006_GILAR_MRE_REPORT_FINAL.pdf .

The Table One report accompanying the JORC Mineral Resource estimate is available at:

https://wp-angloasianmining-2020.s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/media/2023/12/UPG12006_GILAR_JORC_TABLE1_FINAL.pdf .

The initial announcement about the Gilar deposit, dated 8 December 2022 - " Significant mineralisation in Gilar drill results " which gives the background to the Gilar property is available on the Company's website.

Current work at the Gilar deposit

The development of the Gilar deposit is now well under way. Both the primary transport decline tunnel for accessing the mineralisation and a ventilation tunnel are being constructed. 561 metres of the main decline and 150 metres of the ventilation tunnel have been completed, with 900 metres and 383 metres respectively remaining to be constructed.

Infrastructure development is ongoing with the construction of a heavy earthworks equipment workshop, mine office facilities and technical support and services offices. Security and safety fencing, mine entrance area and power generator set foundations are under construction.

Land has been identified for the haul road from the Gilar portal to the Gedabek processing plant and permission applied for the appropriate government departments to provide the required access.

There is no immediate surface exploration drilling planned. F urther surface drilling will be carried out in the future to test the extension of the upper zones. This will be undertaken once the results of the ongoing geophysical investigation data acquired are interpreted and targets defined for both extensions of the known mineralisation and new targets. The geophysical work includes electrical (induced polarisation) and gravity methods. These data will be used in conjunction with existing satellite data and ZTEM electromagnetic and magnetic data.

It is further planned to drill from underground to investigate the extension potential of the lower Zone 4, identified by two surface drillholes as an extension to the lower Zone 4 once the tunnelling reaches the mineralisation. Mining options and design and operational mine parameters will now be assessed as the maiden JORC mineral resource is complete.

The underground haulage mining fleet for the Gilar mine has now arrived at the Gedabek site. The equipment is being supplied by Caterpillar as notified in the announcement of 22 February 2023. This will be the first Caterpillar underground equipment to be deployed in Azerbaijan. A ceremony will be held at Gedabek on the afternoon of Monday 11 December 2023 to mark the arrival of the equipment.

Gilar mineral resources - supporting work and independent expert opinion

The Company contracted Mining Plus UK Ltd (Mining Plus) to estimate the Mineral Resource of the Gilar deposit. This report incorporated all the data from the most recent drilling campaign and was designed to increase resource confidence in the deposit with the aim to convert the majority of mineralised material to or above an Indicated classification under the JORC (2012) code, alongside using inclined holes to better understand the ore body geometry.

Competent Person Statement

The information in the announcement that relates to exploration results and Mineral Resources is based on information compiled by Sean Lapham, who is a full-time employee of Mining Plus UK Ltd with the position of Senior Geology Consultant. Mr Lapham is a registered member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (AUSIMM number 318874) and the Geological Society of London (Fellowship number 1030350).

Sean Lapham has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Sean Lapham consents to the inclusion in the announcement of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears.

Sean Lapham has extensive experience, relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity that he is undertaking, to qualify as a "competent person" as defined by the AIM rules. Sean Lapham has reviewed the Mineral Resources included in this announcement.

Notes to Editors:

Anglo Asian Mining plc (AIM:AAZ) is a gold, copper and silver producer with a high-quality portfolio of production and exploration assets in Azerbaijan. The Company produced 57,618 gold equivalent ounces ("GEOs") for the year ended 31 December 2022.

On 30 March 2023, the Company published its strategic plan for growth which shows a clearly defined path for the Company to transition to a multi-asset, mid-tier copper and gold producer by 2028, by which time copper will be the principal product of the Company, with forecast production of around 36,000 copper equivalent tonnes. It plans to achieve this growth by bringing into production four new mines during the period 2024 to 2028 at Zafar, Gilar, Xarxar and Garadag.

The Company owns approximately 17.4 per cent. of Libero Copper & Gold Corporation ("Libero"). Libero is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange in Canada and owns, or has the option to acquire, several copper exploration properties in North and South America, including Mocoa in Colombia, one of the world's largest undeveloped copper-molybdenum resources.




The following definitions are extracted from the JORC Code, 2012 Edition

 Indicated Mineral Resource         An 'Indicated Mineral Resource' 
                                     is that part of a Mineral Resource 
                                     for which quantity, grade (or 
                                     quality), densities, shape and 
                                     physical characteristics are 
                                     estimated with sufficient confidence 
                                     to allow the application of 
                                     Modifying Factors in sufficient 
                                     detail to support mine planning 
                                     and evaluation of the economic 
                                     viability of the deposit. Geological 
                                     evidence is derived from adequately 
                                     detailed and reliable exploration, 
                                     sampling and testing gathered 
                                     through appropriate techniques 
                                     from locations such as outcrops, 
                                     trenches, pits, workings and 
                                     drill holes, and is sufficient 
                                     to assume geological and grade 
                                     (or quality) continuity between 
                                     points of observation where 
                                     data and samples are gathered. 
                                     An Indicated Mineral Resource 
                                     has a lower level of confidence 
                                     than that applying to a Measured 
                                     Mineral Resource and may only 
                                     be converted to a Probable Ore 
 Inferred Mineral Resource          An 'Inferred Mineral Resource' 
                                     is that part of a Mineral Resource 
                                     for which quantity and grade 
                                     (or quality) are estimated on 
                                     the basis of limited geological 
                                     evidence and sampling. Geological 
                                     evidence is sufficient to imply 
                                     but not verify geological and 
                                     grade (or quality) continuity. 
                                     It is based on exploration, 
                                     sampling and testing information 
                                     gathered through appropriate 
                                     techniques from locations such 
                                     as outcrops, trenches, pits, 
                                     workings and drill holes. An 
                                     Inferred Mineral Resource has 
                                     a lower level of confidence 
                                     than that applying to an Indicated 
                                     Mineral Resource and must not 
                                     be converted to an Ore Reserve. 
                                     It is reasonably expected that 
                                     the majority of Inferred Mineral 
                                     Resources could be upgraded 
                                     to Indicated Mineral Resources 
                                     with continued exploration. 
 JORC                               JORC stands for Australasian 
                                     Joint Ore Reserves Committee 
                                     (JORC). The Code for Reporting 
                                     of Exploration Results, Mineral 
                                     Resources and Ore Reserves (the 
                                     JORC Code) is widely accepted 
                                     as the definitive standard for 
                                     the reporting of a company's 
                                     resources and reserves. The 
                                     latest JORC Code is the 2012 
 Measured Mineral Resource          A 'Measured Mineral Resource' 
                                     is that part of a Mineral Resource 
                                     for which quantity, grade (or 
                                     quality), densities, shape, 
                                     and physical characteristics 
                                     are estimated with confidence 
                                     sufficient to allow the application 
                                     of Modifying Factors to support 
                                     detailed mine planning and final 
                                     evaluation of the economic viability 
                                     of the deposit. Geological evidence 
                                     is derived from detailed and 
                                     reliable exploration, sampling 
                                     and testing gathered through 
                                     appropriate techniques from 
                                     locations such as outcrops, 
                                     trenches, pits, workings and 
                                     drill holes, and is sufficient 
                                     to confirm geological and grade 
                                     (or quality) continuity between 
                                     points of observation where 
                                     data and samples are gathered. 
                                     A Measured Mineral Resource 
                                     has a higher level of confidence 
                                     than that applying to either 
                                     an Indicated Mineral Resource 
                                     or an Inferred Mineral Resource. 
                                     It may be converted to a Proved 
                                     Ore Reserve or under certain 
                                     circumstances to a Probable 
                                     Ore Reserve 
 Mineral Reserves or Ore Reserves   An 'Ore Reserve' is the economically 
                                     mineable part of a Measured 
                                     and/or Indicated Mineral Resource. 
                                     It includes diluting materials 
                                     and allowances for losses, which 
                                     may occur when the material 
                                     is mined or extracted and is 
                                     defined by studies at Pre-Feasibility 
                                     or Feasibility level as appropriate 
                                     that include application of 
                                     Modifying Factors. Such studies 
                                     demonstrate that, at the time 
                                     of reporting, extraction could 
                                     reasonably be justified. 
 Mineral Resource                   A 'Mineral Resource' is a concentration 
                                     or occurrence of solid material 
                                     of economic interest in or on 
                                     the Earth's crust in such form, 
                                     grade (or quality), and quantity 
                                     that there are reasonable prospects 
                                     for eventual economic extraction. 
                                     The location, quantity, grade 
                                     (or quality), continuity and 
                                     other geological characteristics 
                                     of a Mineral Resource are known, 
                                     estimated or interpreted from 
                                     specific geological evidence 
                                     and knowledge, including sampling. 
                                     Mineral Resources are sub-divided, 
                                     in order of increasing geological 
                                     confidence, into Inferred, Indicated 
                                     and Measured categories. 

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

December 11, 2023 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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