RNS Number : 0770A

BHP Group Limited

18 January 2024

  18 January 2024 

Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Strong H1 in copper, iron ore and energy coal. Challenging half in metallurgical coal.

Tragically, a team member from BEP Engineering & Maintenance, a contracting partner to BMA, was fatally injured in an incident at BMA's Saraji mine earlier this week. Our deepest sympathies are with their family, friends and colleagues at this difficult time. We are committed to learning from this tragedy and investigations into the incident are underway.

Operationally, BHP has had a solid first half. WA Iron Ore production was up 5% quarter-on-quarter, while first half copper production rose 7% reflecting a record half at Spence and ongoing strong performance and additional tonnes at Copper South Australia. NSW Energy Coal had its best first half in five years, while BMA had a tough six months following significant planned maintenance and low starting inventories. At Nickel West, we are evaluating options to mitigate the impacts of the sharp fall in nickel prices.

We progressed our growth agenda during the quarter with ongoing construction of the Jansen mine in Canada and the sanction of Jansen Stage 2, which doubles our planned potash production capacity. In South Australia, we successfully integrated our Copper SA business and significant exploration drilling beneath Olympic Dam has identified attractive copper mineralisation above 1% grade along a 2 km strike, with areas above 2%.

Mike Henry

BHP Chief Executive Officer


Operational performance               Portfolio 
Production guidance unchanged,        Enhancing the quality of our portfolio 
except at BMA 
FY24 production guidance ranges       We are investing in growth with the approval of US$4.9 bn in Jansen Stage 2 . 
remain unchanged for all assets,      We continued 
with the exception of BMA             our strategic focus on higher quality metallurgical coal with the planned 
which has been lowered to between 23  divestment of BMA's 
and 25 Mt (46 - 50 Mt at 100%) excl.  Blackwater and Daunia mines for cash consideration of up to US$4.1 bn (100% 
Blackwater and Daunia                 basis). We have 
from the expected sale completion     undertaken 62 km of exploratory drilling beneath Olympic Dam (OD Deeps), 
date of 2 April 2024.                 which has shown 
Copper production increased(1) 7%,    extensive mineralisation continuity, with attractive copper grades of above 1% 
including a record quarter at         along more 
Carrapateena, and energy              than 2 km in strike and more than 1 km in depth. Results are included in 
coal production increased 36%, with   Appendix 3 . 
its FY24 production now expected to 
be in the upper end 
of the guidance range. 
------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 
Financial performance                 Leadership 
Unit cost guidance                    Executive Leadership Team update 
WAIO, Escondida and Spence are        In December, we announced a number of changes to our Executive Leadership 
expected to be within their           Team, effective 
respective unit cost guidance ranges  1 March 2024, including that Catherine Raw will join BHP from SSE plc as Chief 
at FY24, with BMA unit cost guidance  Development 
for FY24 increasing to between        Officer effective 29 April 2024. 
US$110/t and US$116/t 
as a result of the lowered 
production guidance. 
Production             Quarter performance             YTD performance              FY24 production guidance 
                  Q2 FY24  v Q1 FY24    v Q2 FY23            HY24    v HY23       Previous        Current 
--------------  ---------  ---------  -----------  --------------  --------  -------------  -------------  --------- 
Copper (kt)         437.4       (4%)           3%           894.4        7%  1,720 - 1,910  1,720 - 1,910 
  (kt)              254.6       (7%)         (1%)           527.9        3%  1,080 - 1,180  1,080 - 1,180  Unchanged 
 Pampa Norte 
  (kt)               59.8      (24%)        (22%)           138.1      (6%)   210 - 250(i)   210 - 250(i)  Unchanged 
 Copper South 
  (kt)               82.0        14%          51%           153.7       48%      310 - 340      310 - 340  Unchanged 
 Antamina (kt)       39.2        21%          11%            71.7      (1%)      120 - 140      120 - 140  Unchanged 
  (kt)                1.8        50%                          3.0                        -              -          - 
Iron ore (Mt)        65.8         4%         (2%)           129.0      (2%)    254 - 264.5    254 - 264.5 
 WAIO (Mt)           64.5         4%         (2%)           126.5      (3%)      250 - 260      250 - 260  Unchanged 
 WAIO (100% 
  basis) (Mt)        72.7         5%         (2%)           142.1      (3%)      282 - 294      282 - 294  Unchanged 
 Samarco (Mt)         1.3         6%          19%             2.5       13%        4 - 4.5        4 - 4.5  Unchanged 
 coal - BMA 
 (Mt)                 5.7         2%        (18%)            11.3     (17%)        28 - 31        23 - 25    Lowered 
 BMA (100% 
  basis) (Mt)        11.4         2%        (18%)            22.6     (17%)        56 - 62        46 - 50    Lowered 
Energy coal - 
 NSWEC (Mt)           3.9         7%          35%             7.5       36%        13 - 15        13 - 15  Upper end 
Nickel - 
 Nickel West 
 (kt)                19.6       (3%)          11%            39.8        4%        77 - 87        77 - 87  Unchanged 

i Production guidance for FY24 is for Spence only and excludes Cerro Colorado which produced 11 kt before ceasing production on 9 November 2023.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Summary of disclosures

BHP expects its financial results for the half year ended 31 December 2023 (HY24) to reflect certain items summarised in the table below. The table does not provide a comprehensive list of all items impacting the period. The financial statements are the subject of ongoing work that will not be finalised until the release of the financial results on 20 February 2024. Accordingly, the information in the table below contains preliminary information that is subject to update and finalisation.

                                                                               H1 impact(i) 
 Description                                                                         (US$M)         Classification(ii) 
---------------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------  ------------------------- 
    Unit costs (at guidance FX)(iii) 
    At HY24, unit costs at WAIO and Escondida are expected to be 
    within their respective guidance 
    ranges, while Spence is expected to be in the lower half of its 
    guidance range. Unit costs 
    at BMA are expected to be substantially higher than the revised 
    guidance range due to the 
    lower volumes                                                                         -            Operating costs 
    For FY24, unit cost guidance for WAIO, Escondida and Spence 
    remains unchanged. Unit cost guidance 
    for BMA has been increased to between US$110/t and US$116/t as a 
    result of the decrease in 
    expected production, and excludes Blackwater and Daunia from the 
    expected date of completion 
    of the divestment                                                                     -            Operating costs 
    Note: weaker Australian dollar and Chilean peso than guidance 
    rates were realised in the period                                   Refer footnote(iii) 
    Income statement 
    The Group's adjusted effective tax rate for HY24 is expected to 
    be in the lower half of the 
    guidance range of 30 - 35%                                                            -           Taxation expense 
    Cash flow statement 
    Working capital movements including net price impacts, closure 
    and rehabilitation payments 
    and other movements                                                      1,500 - 1,700     Up Operating cash flow 
    Cash tax paid                                                            3,500 - 3,600   Down Operating cash flow 
    Dividends received from equity-accounted investments                               200     Up Operating cash flow 
    Dividends paid to non-controlling interests                                        600   Down Financing cash flow 
    Payment of the H2 FY23 dividend                                                  4,000   Down Financing cash flow 
    Balance sheet 
    The Group's net debt balance at 31 December 2023 is expected to 
    be between $12.5 and $13.0 
    bn                                                                                    -                   Net debt 
    Exceptional items 
    Financial impact on BHP Brasil of the Samarco dam failure 
    The financial impact is expected to primarily relate to 
    amortisation of discounting on the 
    provision and the impact of foreign exchange                         Refer footnote(iv)           Exceptional item 
   i        Numbers are not tax effected, unless otherwise noted. 

ii There will be a corresponding balance sheet, cash flow and/or income statement impact as relevant, unless otherwise noted.

iii Average exchange rates for HY24 of AUD/USD 0.65 (guidance rate AUD/USD 0.67) and USD/CLP 874 (guidance rate USD/CLP 810).

iv Financial impact is the subject of ongoing work and is not yet finalised. See Iron ore section for further information on Samarco operations.

   Further information in Appendix 1 
    Detailed production and sales information for all operations in Appendix 2 
    Detailed drilling results for Olympic Dam Deeps Appendix 3 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Segment and asset performance | FY24 YTD v FY23 YTD


Production            Total copper production increased by 7% to 894 kt. 
 894 kt Up 7%          Copper guidance for FY24 remains unchanged at between 
 HY23 834 kt           1,720 and 1,910 kt. 
 FY24e 1,720 - 1,910   Escondida 528 kt Up 3 % (100% basis) 
 kt                    Increased production was primarily due to higher concentrator 
                       feed grade of 0. 81 %, compared to 0. 79 % in HY23 
 Average realised      and higher concentrator throughput. Concentrator feed 
 price                 grade is expected to be between 0.85% and 0.90% for 
 US$3.66/lb Down       FY24. Production guidance for FY24 remains unchanged 
 5%                    at between 1,080 and 1,180 kt. 
 HY23 US$3.49/lb       Pampa Norte 138 kt Down 6 % 
                       Production at Spence increased 4% to a half year record 
                       of 127 kt, driven by improved concentrator throughput. 
                       Record concentrate production was partially offset 
                       by lower cathode production, in line with an expected 
                       decline in stacked feed grade. The concentrator plant 
                       modifications which commenced in August 2022 are expected 
                       to be completed in FY24. 
                       We approved an incremental US$570 m in sustaining 
                       capital to progress remediation of previously identified 
                       anomalies in the Spence Tailings Storage Facility 
                       (TSF). These plans have been developed with the Engineer 
                       of Record, Independent Tailings Review Board and expert 
                       consultants. This is the first stage to remediate 
                       the TSF. Production guidance for Spence for FY24 remains 
                       unchanged at between 210 and 250 kt and remains subject 
                       to successful remediation of the TSF anomalies. 
                       Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance 
                       in December 2023, after producing 11 kt for the period. 
                       Copper South Australia 154 kt Up 48 % 
                       Production increased by 51 kt due to the additional 
                       volumes from Prominent Hill and Carrapateena. Successful 
                       integration of the Copper South Australia asset has 
                       resulted in strong underlying operational performance, 
                       including record quarterly copper production at Carrapateena 
                       in Q2. Strong smelter performance at Olympic Dam was 
                       supported by increased transfers of concentrate from 
                       Prominent Hill for processing to higher margin cathode. 
                       Olympic Dam also delivered record half year gold production 
                       and sales. 
                       Production guidance for FY24 remains unchanged at 
                       between 310 and 340 kt. 
                       Crusher 2 at Carrapateena remains on track to come 
                       online in Q3 FY24 and to ramp up in Q4 FY24. We have 
                       also had continued success with exploration drilling 
                       across the asset. Drilling to date beneath the known 
                       Olympic Dam ore body (OD Deeps) confirms attractive 
                       mineralisation continuity at above 1% copper grade 
                       (refer to Appendix 3 ). At Oak Dam, there are 12 active 
                       drill rigs (up from 10) and the accommodation camp 
                       is nearing completion. 
                       Other copper 
                       At Antamina, copper production decreased by 1% to 
                       72 kt, while zinc production was 10% higher at 69 
                       kt, both in line with planned concentrator feed grades. 
                       Production guidance at Antamina remains unchanged 
                       for FY24 with expected copper production of between 
                       120 to 140 kt and zinc production of between 85 and 
                       105 kt. 
                       Carajás produced 3.0 kt of copper and 2.1 troy 
                       koz of gold. Operations were stopped in August due 
                       to a geotechnical event, and gradually restarted in 
                       October. In Q3 FY24 operations will continue to ramp 
                       back up with shipments also expected to resume. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Iron ore

Production               Total iron ore production decreased by 2% to 129 Mt. Guidance for FY24 remains unchanged at 
 129 Mt Down 2 %         between 254 and 264.5 Mt. 
 HY23 132 Mt             WAIO 126 Mt Down 3 % | 142 Mt (100% basis) 
 FY24e 254 - 264.5 Mt    Lower production due to the continued tie-in activity for the Rail Technology Programme 
 Average realised price  and the impacts of the ongoing ramp up of the Central Pilbara hub (South Flank and Mining 
 US$103.70/wmt Up 21%    Area C). 
 HY23 US$85.46/wmt       South Flank is on track to ramp up to full production capacity of 80 Mtpa (100% basis) by 
                         the end of FY24. The planned tie-in of the Port Debottlenecking Project (PDP1) is on track 
                         to be completed in CY24, following commissioning on 7 December 2023. 
                         Production guidance for FY24 remains unchanged at between 250 and 260 Mt (282 and 294 Mt on 
                         a 100% basis). 
                         Samarco 2. 5 Mt Up 13 % | 5.1 Mt (100% basis) 
                         Production increased as a result of higher concentrator throughput. Production guidance for 
                         FY24 remains unchanged at between 4 and 4.5 Mt. 
                         In December 2023, BHP Brasil approved up to US$925 m in further financial support for the 
                         Renova Foundation. The funding is for CY24 and will be deducted from the Group's provision 
                         for the Samarco dam failure. 
-----------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 


Metallurgical coal

Production               BMA 11.3 Mt Down 17 % | 22.6 Mt (100% basis) 
 11.3 Mt Down 17 %       On 15 January, a team member from BEP Engineering & Maintenance, a contracting partner to 
 HY23 13.6 Mt            BMA, was fatally injured in a vehicle incident at Saraji mine. Investigations are underway 
 FY24e 23 - 25 Mt        and we are working closely with the relevant authorities. Operations at Saraji were suspended 
                         and are expected to progressively restart over the coming days. 
 Average realised price  In the period, lower production was a result of a significant increase in planned maintenance 
 US$266.43/t Down 1%     across the asset, the extended longwall move, and geotechnical faulting which impacted 
 HY23 US$268.73/t        underground 
                         operations at Broadmeadow until early November. Production was also impacted by an increase 
                         in prime stripping to improve value chain stability following depleted inventory positions 
                         arising from extended weather impacts and labour constraints over recent years. 
                         Full year production guidance is now expected to be between 23 and 25 Mt (46 and 50 Mt on 
                         a 100% basis). This guidance excludes Blackwater and Daunia from the date of completion of 
                         the divestment which is expected to occur on 2 April 2024. This has been lowered from 28 - 
                         31 Mt (56 and 62 Mt on a 100% basis), inclusive of Blackwater and Daunia. 

Energy coal

Production         NSWEC 7.5 Mt Up 36 % 
 7.5 Mt Up 36%      Increased production as a result of strong operating 
 HY23 5.5 Mt        performance as eased labour constraints and improved 
 FY24e 13 - 15 Mt   weather conditions enabled an uplift in truck productivity, 
                    with record annualised truck hours for the half. Domestic 
 Average realised   sales under the NSW Government Coal Market Price Emergency 
 price              (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice commenced in Q4 
 US$123.29/t Up     FY23, which resulted in a lower proportion of washed 
 65%                coal and contributed to the higher volumes. 
 HY23 US$354.30/t   Production guidance for FY24 is expected to be at the 
                    upper end of the range of between 13 and 15 Mt. 
                    We submitted a modification request to the NSW Government 
                    to extend mining approval to 30 June 2030 in support 
                    of the 2030 closure plan. The modification submission 
                    went on public exhibition for four weeks in November 
                    2023. The approval process will continue through FY24. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Group & Unallocated


Production         Nickel West 40 kt Up 4% 
 40 kt Up 4%        Production increased due to improved performance, 
 HY23 38 kt         and a shorter shutdown period at the Kalgoorlie Smelter 
 FY24e 7 7 - 87     offsetting downtime at the Kwinana Refinery. 
 kt                 Production guidance remains unchanged at between 77 
                    and 87 kt for FY24. 
 Average realised   The nickel industry is undergoing a number of structural 
 price              changes and is at a cyclical low in realised pricing. 
 US$18,602/t Down   Nickel West is not immune to these challenges. Operations 
 24%                are being actively optimised, and options are being 
 HY23 US$24,362/t   evaluated to mitigate the impacts of the sharp fall 
                    in nickel prices. Given the market conditions, a carrying 
                    value assessment of the Group's nickel assets is ongoing, 
                    and a further update will be provided with the release 
                    of the financial results on 20 February 2024. 

Quarterly performance | Q2 FY24 v Q1 FY24

Copper                                        Iron ore 
437 kt Down   Lower concentrator grade        66 Mt Up 4%   Increased production 
 4%            at Escondida and concentrator   Q1 FY24 63    at WAIO as a result 
 Q1 FY24 457   throughput at Spence,           Mt            of the Q1 impacts of 
 kt            partially offset by                           the RTP1 integration, 
               higher volumes at Copper                      planned equipment maintenance 
               South Australia following                     and Central Pilbara 
               planned maintenance                           hub ramp up. 
               in Q1 . 
------------  ------------------------------  ------------  ------------------------------- 
Metallurgical coal                            Energy coal 
5.7 Mt Up     Production increased            3.9 Mt Up 7%  Higher production as 
 2 %           due to the lower planned        Q1 FY24 3.6   a result of strong performance 
 Q1 FY24 5.6   wash plant maintenance,         Mt            across the value chain, 
 Mt            the ramp up of the longwall                   largely driven by strong 
               at Broadmeadow, and                           Q1 stripping performance, 
               improved strip ratio.                         and the opportune draw 
               This was partially offset                     down of raw coal. 
               by significantly increased 
------------  ------------------------------  ------------  ------------------------------- 
20 kt Down    Lower volumes due to 
 3%            downtime at the Kwinana 
 Q1 FY24 20    Refinery. 
------------  ------------------------------  ------------  ------------------------------- 

The following footnotes apply to this Operational Review:

1 Prior year comparatives do not include production volumes for the operations acquired from OZL on 2 May 2023.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Appendix 1

Average realised prices(1)

                                                       Q2 FY24 v    HY24 v  HY24 v 
                                     Q2 FY24     HY24    Q1 FY24   H2 FY23    HY23 
-----------------------------------  -------  -------  ---------  --------  ------ 
Copper (US$/lb)(2,3,4)                  3.68     3.66         1%      (4%)      5% 
Iron ore (US$/wmt, FOB)(5)            109.47   103.70        12%        4%     21% 
Metallurgical coal (US$/t)(6)         293.21   266.43        24%      (2%)    (1%) 
       Hard coking coal (US$/t)(7)    305.69   274.99        26%        0%      2% 
       Weak coking coal (US$/t)(7)    214.26   204.55        12%     (18%)   (19%) 
Thermal coal (US$/t)(6,8)             121.35   123.29       (3%)     (22%)   (65%) 
Nickel metal (US$/t)                  16,812   18,602      (17%)     (21%)   (24%) 

1 Based on provisional, unaudited estimates. Prices exclude sales from equity accounted investments, third party product and internal sales, and represent the weighted average of various sales terms (for example: FOB, CIF and CFR), unless otherwise noted. Includes the impact of provisional pricing and finalisation adjustments.

2 At 31 December 2023, the Group had 356 kt of outstanding copper sales that were revalued at a weighted average price of US$3.87/lb. The final price of these sales will be determined over the remainder of FY24. In addition, 342 kt of copper sales from FY23 were subject to a finalisation adjustment in the current period. The displayed prices include the impact of these provisional pricing and finalisation adjustments.

3 The large majority of copper cathodes sales were linked to index price for quotation periods one month after month of shipment, and three to four months after month of shipment for copper concentrates sales with price differentials applied for location and treatment costs.

   4       Does not include sales from assets acquired through the purchase of OZL. 

5 The large majority of iron ore shipments were linked to index pricing for the month of shipment, with price differentials predominantly a reflection of market fundamentals and product quality. Iron ore sales for HY24 and Q2 FY24 were based on an average moisture rate of 6.7% (HY23: 6.8%).

6 The large majority of metallurgical coal and energy coal exports were linked to index pricing for the month of scheduled shipment or priced on the spot market at fixed or index-linked prices, with price differentials reflecting product quality.

7 Hard coking coal (HCC) refers generally to those metallurgical coals with a Coke Strength after Reaction (CSR) of 35 and above, which includes coals across the spectrum from Premium Coking to Semi Hard Coking coals, while weak coking coal (WCC) refers generally to those metallurgical coals with a CSR below 35.

   8       Export sales only. Includes thermal coal sales from metallurgical coal mines. 

Current year unit cost guidance

                                          Previous           Current 
                                  FY24 guidance(1)  FY24 guidance(1) 
--------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------  --------- 
Escondida unit cost (US$/lb)(2)        1.40 - 1.70       1.40 - 1.70  Unchanged 
Spence unit cost (US$/lb)              2.00 - 2.30       2.00 - 2.30  Unchanged 
WAIO unit cost (US$/t)               17.40 - 18.90     17.40 - 18.90  Unchanged 
BMA unit cost (US$/t)                     95 - 105         110 - 116  Increased 
   1       FY2 4 unit cost guidance is based on exchange rates of AUD/USD 0.67 and USD/CLP 810. 
   2       Escondida unit costs for FY24 onwards exclude revenue-based government royalties. 

Medium term guidance

                         Production              Unit cost 
                           guidance            guidance(1) 
-----------------  ----------------  --------------------- 
Escondida(2)       1,200 - 1,300 kt  US$1.30 - $1.60/lb(3) 
Spence(4)                   250 kt 
WAIO (100% basis)           >305 Mt               <US$17/t 
   1       Medium term unit cost guidance is based on exchange rates of AUD/USD 0.67 and USD/CLP 810. 
   2       Medium term refers to FY25 and FY26. 
   3       Escondida unit costs for FY24 onwards exclude revenue-based government royalties. 

4 Average of 250 ktpa over five years on the basis that remediation of the previously identified TSF anomalies does not impact operations.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Major projects

                                                                                                                            Capital  production 
           Project and                                                                                                  expenditure      target 
Commodity  ownership       Project scope / capacity                                                                            US$M        date                         Progress 
---------  --------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  -----------  ----------  ------------------------------- 
Potash     Jansen Stage 1  Design, engineering and construction of an underground potash mine and surface infrastructu        5,723    End-CY26         Project is 3 8% complete 
                           with capacity to produce 4.15 Mtpa. 
Potash     Jansen Stage 2  Development of additional mining districts, completion of the second shaft hoist infrastruc        4,859        FY29  Approval announced October 2023 
                           expansion of processing facilities and addition of rail cars to facilitate production of an 
                           incremental 4.36 Mtpa. 

The operating expenditure related to Potash for HY24 is expected to be US$130 m.


Minerals exploration and evaluation expenditure was US$199 m for HY24 (HY23: US$156 m) of which US$170 m was expensed (HY23: US$127 m).


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Appendix 2

                                                                   Production                                                              Sales 
                                       -------------------------------------------------------------------  ------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Quarter ended                      Year to date                      Quarter ended                      Year to date 
                                       ------------------------------------------  -----------------------  ------------------------------------------  ----------------------- 
                                        Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Dec      Dec      Dec     Var    Dec      Mar      Jun      Sep      Dec      Dec      Dec     Var 
                                        2022    2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2022      %     2022    2023     2023     2023     2023     2023     2022      % 
                                       ------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  -------  ----- 
Group production and sales summary 
By commodity 
Metals production is payable metal unless otherwise noted. 
Throughout this report figures in italics indicate that this figure 
 has been adjusted since it was previously reported. 
                Payable metal 
Copper           concentrate   kt       276.0    262.4    310.7    317.3    308.7    626.0    544.8    15%   272.7    268.4    323.1    298.0    316.5    614.5    533.0    15% 
 Escondida      kt                      208.3    200.8    220.5    221.3    207.7    429.0    411.4     4%   216.0    197.3    220.3    209.5    211.7    421.2    412.7     2% 
 Pampa Norte    kt                       32.5     32.0     32.2     38.8     32.6     71.4     61.1    17%    22.0     38.7     38.6     31.3     34.9     66.2     48.0    38% 
 Copper South 
  Australia     kt                                         19.9     23.5     27.4     50.9                                      27.6     22.2     31.6     53.8 
 Antamina       kt                       35.2     29.6     36.5     32.5     39.2     71.7     72.3   (1)%    34.7     32.4     34.5     32.8     38.3     71.1     72.3   (2)% 
 Carajás   kt                                          1.6      1.2      1.8      3.0                                       2.1      2.2        -      2.2 
 Cathode        kt                      148.3    143.5    165.5    139.7    128.7    268.4    289.6   (7)%   155.9    130.3    179.9    131.9    137.6    269.5    290.1   (7)% 
 Escondida      kt                       49.7     50.8     72.5     52.0     46.9     98.9     99.3     0%    53.5     43.8     78.0     49.2     52.2    101.4     99.4     2% 
 Pampa Norte    kt                       44.2     41.0     36.3     39.5     27.2     66.7     86.2  (23)%    45.6     36.0     42.4     36.6     31.1     67.7     88.0  (23)% 
 Copper South 
  Australia     kt                       54.4     51.7     56.7     48.2     54.6    102.8    104.1   (1)%    56.8     50.5     59.5     46.1     54.3    100.4    102.7   (2)% 
 Total          kt                      424.3    405.9    476.2    457.0    437.4    894.4    834.4     7%   428.6    398.7    503.0    429.9    454.1    884.0    823.1     7% 
                Payable metal 
Lead             concentrate   t          114      169      146       96      105      201      342  (41)%      91      181      143      154       91      245      221    11% 
 Antamina       t                         114      169      146       96      105      201      342  (41)%      91      181      143      154       91      245      221    11% 
                Payable metal 
Zinc             concentrate   t       29,929   23,612   38,822   35,669   33,475   69,144   62,614    10%  29,127   25,851   37,629   33,912   37,092   71,004   62,947    13% 
 Antamina       t                      29,929   23,612   38,822   35,669   33,475   69,144   62,614    10%  29,127   25,851   37,629   33,912   37,092   71,004   62,947    13% 
                Payable metal 
                 in            troy 
Gold             concentrate    oz     52,277   57,106   96,655   89,024   94,794  183,818   96,034    91%  52,277   57,106  108,552   87,703   98,969  186,672   96,034    94% 
 Escondida       oz                    48,402   48,954   53,503   48,063   48,633   96,696   86,638    12%  48,402   48,954   53,503   48,063   48,633   96,696   86,638    12% 
 Pampa Norte     oz                     3,875    8,152    9,263    3,931    2,854    6,785    9,396  (28)%   3,875    8,152    9,263    3,931    2,854    6,785    9,396  (28)% 
 Copper South   troy 
  Australia      oz                                      32,736   36,228   42,051   78,279                                    44,098   34,176   47,482   81,658 
 Carajás    oz                                       1,153      802    1,256    2,058                                     1,688    1,533        -    1,533 
 Refined gold    oz                    43,280   49,086   46,479   53,028   55,828  108,856   90,464    20%  41,900   47,300   49,182   54,036   55,349  109,385   91,442    20% 
 Copper South   troy 
  Australia      oz                    43,280   49,086   46,479   53,028   55,828  108,856   90,464    20%  41,900   47,300   49,182   54,036   55,349  109,385   91,442    20% 
 Total           oz                    95,557  106,192  143,134  142,052  150,622  292,674  186,498    57%  94,177  104,406  157,734  141,739  154,318  296,057  187,476    58% 
                Payable metal 
                 in            troy 
Silver           concentrate    koz     2,678    2,556    2,592    2,582    3,074    5,656    5,330     6%   2,605    2,523    2,409    2,527    2,938    5,465    5,082     8% 
 Escondida       koz                    1,510    1,346    1,008    1,168    1,401    2,569    2,720   (6)%   1,510    1,346    1,008    1,168    1,401    2,569    2,720   (6)% 
 Pampa Norte     koz                      245      409      412      356      388      744      497    50%     245      409      412      356      388      744      497    50% 
 Copper South   troy 
  Australia      koz                                        201      260      310      570                                       242      258      364      622 
 Antamina        koz                      923      801      971      798      975    1,773    2,113  (16)%     850      768      747      745      785    1,530    1,865  (18)% 
 Refined        troy 
  silver         koz                      261      277      256      261      221      482      556  (13)%     233      307      270      219      222      441      553  (20)% 
 Copper South   troy 
  Australia      koz                      261      277      256      261      221      482      556  (13)%     233      307      270      219      222      441      553  (20)% 
 Total           koz                    2,939    2,833    2,848    2,843    3,295    6,138    5,886     4%   2,838    2,830    2,679    2,746    3,160   11,371   10,717     6% 
                Payable metal 
Uranium          concentrate   t          943      833      813      825      986    1,811    1,760     3%   1,127      683    1,275      481      895    1,376    1,399   (2)% 
 Copper South 
  Australia     t                         943      833      813      825      986    1,811    1,760     3%   1,127      683    1,275      481      895    1,376    1,399   (2)% 
                Payable metal 
Molybdenum       concentrate   t          564      636      666      612      481    1,093      860    27%     514      789      594      564      468    1,032      789    31% 
 Pampa Norte    t                         216      407      333      329      145      474      250    90%     216      492      367      303      162      465      241    93% 
 Antamina       t                         348      229      333      283      336      619      610     1%     298      297      227      261      306      567      548     3% 
                 Iron Ore 
Iron ore         (WAIO)        kt      65,807   58,725   64,074   62,004   64,460  126,464  129,732   (3)%  64,496   59,204   62,926   64,180   62,606  126,786  126,753     0% 
 Samarco        kt                      1,095    1,048    1,221    1,231    1,302    2,533    2,243    13%   1,097    1,111    1,160    1,136    1,329    2,465    2,243    10% 
 Total          kt                     66,902   59,773   65,295   63,235   65,762  128,997  131,975   (2)%  65,593   60,315   64,086   65,316   63,935  129,251  128,996     0% 
Metallurgical    Alliance 
 coal(1)         (BMA)         kt       6,952    6,929    8,477    5,601    5,717   11,318   13,614  (17)%   7,027    6,186    8,876    5,325    5,706   11,031   13,509  (18)% 
                NSW Energy 
Energy           Coal 
 coal            (NSWEC)       kt       2,851    3,934    4,765    3,613    3,855    7,468    5,473    36%   2,862    3,667    4,894    3,307    4,250    7,557    5,303    43% 
Nickel          Nickel West    kt        17.7     19.6     22.0     20.2     19.6     39.8     38.4     4%    18.4     19.6     23.4     18.9     20.0     38.9     39.1   (1)% 
Cobalt          Nickel West    t           93      175      246      192      182      374      331    13%      93      175      246      192      110      302      331   (9)% 
1 Includes BMA thermal 
 coal sales. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

                                                                Production                                                              Sales 
                                        ----------------------------------------------------------          ------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Quarter ended                      Year to date                    Quarter ended                   Year to date 
                                        ----------------------------------------  ------------------------  --------------------------------------  --------------------- 
                                          Dec      Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec      Dec      Dec     Var     Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec     Dec     Dec     Var 
                                         2022     2023     2023    2023    2023    2023     2022      %      2022    2023    2023    2023    2023    2023    2022     % 
                                        -------  -------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ----- 
Production and sales 
By asset 
Metals production is payable 
 metal unless otherwise noted. 
Escondida,                      BHP interest 
 Chile(1)                        57.5% 
               Material mined   kt      101,987  106,170  95,451  87,462  95,168  182,630  212,235   (14)% 
                throughput      kt       33,911   33,309  30,750  33,332  34,752   68,084   66,805      2% 
               Average copper 
                - concentrator  %         0.76%    0.78%   0.93%   0.85%   0.78%    0.81%    0.79%      2% 
               Production ex 
                mill            kt        212.8    210.0   228.9   225.7   217.6    443.3    427.4      4% 
               Payable copper   kt        208.3    200.8   220.5   221.3   207.7    429.0    411.4      4%   216.0   197.3   220.3   209.5   211.7   421.2   412.7     2% 
               Copper cathode 
                (EW)            kt         49.7     50.8    72.5    52.0    46.9     98.9     99.3      0%    53.5    43.8    78.0    49.2    52.2   101.4    99.4     2% 
                Oxide leach     kt         17.6     14.7    29.3    17.5    17.0     34.5     32.8      5% 
                Sulphide leach  kt         32.1     36.1    43.2    34.5    29.9     64.4     66.5    (3)% 
               Total copper     kt        258.0    251.6   293.0   273.3   254.6    527.9    510.7      3%   269.5   241.1   298.3   258.7   263.9   522.6   512.1     2% 
               Payable gold     troy 
                concentrate      oz      48,402   48,954  53,503  48,063  48,633   96,696   86,638     12%  48,402  48,954  53,503  48,063  48,633  96,696  86,638    12% 
               Payable silver   troy 
                concentrate      koz      1,510    1,346   1,008   1,168   1,401    2,569    2,720    (6)%   1,510   1,346   1,008   1,168   1,401   2,569   2,720   (6)% 
1 Shown on a 100% basis. 
Pampa                           BHP interest 
 Norte,                          100% 
               Payable metal 
Copper          concentrate     kt         32.5     32.0    32.2    38.8    32.6     71.4     61.1     17%    22.0    38.7    38.6    31.3    34.9    66.2    48.0    38% 
               Cathode          kt         44.2     41.0    36.3    39.5    27.2     66.7     86.2   (23)%    45.6    36.0    42.4    36.6    31.1    67.7    88.0  (23)% 
               Total copper     kt         76.7     73.0    68.5    78.3    59.8    138.1    147.3    (6)%    67.6    74.7    81.0    67.9    66.0   133.9   136.0   (2)% 
Gold                             oz       3,875    8,152   9,263   3,931   2,854    6,785    9,396   (28)%   3,875   8,152   9,263   3,931   2,854   6,785   9,396  (28)% 
Silver                           koz        245      409     412     356     388      744      497     50%     245     409     412     356     388     744     497    50% 
Molybdenum                      t           216      407     333     329     145      474      250     90%     216     492     367     303     162     465     241    93% 
               Material mined   kt          583      172     145       -       -        -    3,762  (100)% 
               Ore stacked      kt        4,119    3,567   3,928     154       -      154    8,492   (98)% 
               Average copper 
                - stacked       %         0.56%    0.57%   0.53%   0.58%       -    0.58%    0.55%      6% 
               Copper cathode 
                (EW)            kt         12.2     12.0    12.2     9.5     1.6     11.1     25.0   (56)%    12.2    10.9    14.1     8.8     3.7    12.5    25.5  (51)% 
               Material mined   kt       26,980   24,858  25,622  27,654  25,973   53,627   53,936    (1)% 
               Ore stacked      kt        5,155    4,947   5,625   5,113   4,744    9,857   10,732    (8)% 
               Average copper 
                - stacked       %         0.66%    0.60%   0.58%   0.60%   0.59%    0.60%    0.68%   (13)% 
                throughput      kt        7,602    7,290   6,927   8,473   7,151   15,624   14,035     11% 
               Average copper 
                - concentrator  %         0.60%    0.61%   0.61%   0.64%   0.65%    0.64%    0.61%      5% 
               Payable copper   kt         32.5     32.0    32.2    38.8    32.6     71.4     61.1     17%    22.0    38.7    38.6    31.3    34.9    66.2    48.0    38% 
               Copper cathode 
                (EW)            kt         32.0     29.0    24.1    30.0    25.6     55.6     61.2    (9)%    33.4    25.1    28.3    27.8    27.4    55.2    62.5  (12)% 
               Total copper     kt         64.5     61.0    56.3    68.8    58.2    127.0    122.3      4%    55.4    63.8    66.9    59.1    62.3   121.4   110.5    10% 
               Payable gold     troy 
                concentrate      oz       3,875    8,152   9,263   3,931   2,854    6,785    9,396   (28)%   3,875   8,152   9,263   3,931   2,854   6,785   9,396  (28)% 
               Payable silver   troy 
                concentrate      koz        245      409     412     356     388      744      497     50%     245     409     412     356     388     744     497    50% 
                molybdenum      t           216      407     333     329     145      474      250     90%     216     492     367     303     162     465     241    93% 
1 Cerro Colorado entered temporary care and maintenance in December 2023. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

                                                                   Production                                                           Sales 
                                        -----------------------------------------------------------------  --------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                     Quarter ended                     Year to date                     Quarter ended                    Year to date 
                                        ----------------------------------------  -----------------------  ---------------------------------------  ---------------------- 
                                         Dec     Mar     Jun      Sep      Dec      Dec      Dec     Var    Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep      Dec      Dec     Dec     Var 
                                         2022    2023    2023    2023     2023      2023     2022     %     2022    2023    2023    2023    2023     2023     2022     % 
                                        ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  --------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  ------  ----- 
Copper (continued) 
Copper South Australia,         BHP interest 
 Australia                       100% 
                   metal in 
Copper             concentrate  kt                        19.9     26.2     30.6      56.8                                   27.6    22.2     31.6     53.8 
 Cathode       kt                         54.4    51.7    56.7     48.2     54.6     102.8   104.1   (1)%    56.8    50.5    59.5    46.1     54.3    100.4   102.7   (2)% 
 Total copper  kt                         54.4    51.7    76.6     74.4     85.2     159.6   104.1    53%    56.8    50.5    87.1    68.3     85.9    154.2   102.7    50% 
  metal in 
  to Olympic 
  Dam(1)       kt                                            -    (2.7)    (3.2)     (5.9) 
 Net copper    kt                         54.4    51.7    76.6     71.7     82.0     153.7   104.1    48% 
                   metal in     troy 
Gold               concentrate   oz                     32,736   41,424   48,051    89,475                                 44,098  34,176   47,482   81,658 
 Refined gold   oz                      43,280  49,086  46,479   53,028   55,828   108,856  90,464    20%  41,900  47,300  49,182  54,036   55,349  109,385  91,442    20% 
 Total gold     oz                      43,280  49,086  79,215   94,452  103,879   198,331  90,464   119%  41,900  47,300  93,280  88,212  102,831  191,043  91,442   109% 
  metal in 
  to Olympic   troy 
  Dam(1)        oz                                           -  (5,196)  (6,000)  (11,196) 
 Net gold       oz                      43,280  49,086  79,215   89,256   97,879   187,135  90,464   107% 
                   metal in     troy 
Silver             concentrate   koz                       201      271      323       594                                    242     258      364      622 
 Refined       troy 
  silver        koz                        261     277     256      261      221       482     556  (13)%     233     307     270     219      222      441     553  (20)% 
 Total silver   koz                        261     277     457      532      544     1,076     556    94%     233     307     512     477      586    1,063     553    92% 
  metal in 
  to Olympic   troy 
  Dam(1)        koz                                          -     (11)     (13)      (24) 
 Net silver     koz                        261     277     457      521      531     1,052     556    89% 
Uranium                          t          943     833     813      825      986     1,811   1,760     3%   1,127     683   1,275     481      895    1,376   1,399   (2)% 
  mined        kt                        2,264   2,317   2,356    2,655    2,537     5,192   4,676    11% 
 Ore milled    kt                        2,687   2,433   2,755    2,596    2,634     5,230   5,257   (1)% 
  grade        %                         2.08%   1.95%   2.00%    1.96%    2.12%     2.04%   2.10%   (3)% 
  grade        kg/t                       0.58    0.59    0.55     0.56     0.62      0.59    0.58     2% 
  cathode (ER 
  and EW)      kt                         54.4    51.7    56.7     48.2     54.6     102.8   104.1   (1)%    56.8    50.5    59.5    46.1     54.3    100.4   102.7   (2)% 
 Refined gold   oz                      43,280  49,086  46,479   53,028   55,828   108,856  90,464    20%  41,900  47,300  49,182  54,036   55,349  109,385  91,442    20% 
 Refined       troy 
  silver        koz                        261     277     256      261      221       482     556  (13)%     233     307     270     219      222      441     553  (20)% 
  uranium      t                           943     833     813      825      986     1,811   1,760     3%   1,127     683   1,275     481      895    1,376   1,399   (2)% 
  mined        kt                                          661    1,110    1,125     2,235 
 Ore milled    kt                                        1,228    1,652    1,800     3,452 
  grade        %                                         0.77%    0.85%    0.83%     0.84% 
  ex mill      kt                                         16.3     23.8     23.6      47.4 
  copper       kt                                          8.2     12.1     12.9      25.0                                   15.7     8.4     10.6     19.0 
 Payable gold  troy 
  concentrate   oz                                      17,432   22,031   25,779    47,810                                 28,856  15,524   20,045   35,569 
  silver       troy 
  concentrate   koz                                         44       63       65       128                                     87      53       59      112 
  mined        kt                                          880    1,201    1,310     2,511 
 Ore milled    kt                                          856    1,230    1,307     2,537 
  grade        %                                         1.52%    1.29%    1.52%     1.41% 
  ex mill      kt                                         30.1     37.6     49.2      86.8 
  copper       kt                                         11.7     14.1     17.7      31.8                                   11.9    13.8     21.0     34.8 
 Payable gold  troy 
  concentrate   oz                                      15,304   19,393   22,272    41,665                                 15,242  18,652   27,437   46,089 
  silver       troy 
  concentrate   koz                                        157      208      258       466                                    155     205      305      510 
1 Excludes prior year production previously reported and transferred during the period. 
2 Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition of OZL on 2 May 2023. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

                                                                         Production                                                               Sales 
                                            --------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                        Quarter ended                       Year to date                           Quarter ended                       Year to date 
                                            --------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -----------------------------------------------  --------------------- 
                                             Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec      Dec      Dec       Var           Dec         Mar     Jun     Sep      Dec     Dec     Dec     Var 
                                             2022    2023    2023    2023    2023    2023     2022        %            2022        2023    2023    2023    2023     2023    2022     % 
                                            ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  ----------  --------------  ------  ------  ------  -------  ------  ------  ----- 
Antamina,                        BHP interest 
 Peru                             33.75% 
 Material mined   kt                        68,750  57,939  62,894  63,310  61,539  124,849  132,615        (6)% 
  throughput      kt                        14,272  12,349  13,897  14,246  14,824   29,070   28,130          3% 
 Average head 
  - copper        %                          0.86%   0.88%   0.88%   0.83%   0.90%    0.87%    0.89%        (3)% 
 Average head 
  - zinc          %                          0.99%   1.06%   1.25%   1.17%   1.03%    1.10%    1.04%          6% 
 Payable copper   kt                          35.2    29.6    36.5    32.5    39.2     71.7     72.3        (1)%            34.7    32.4    34.5    32.8     38.3    71.1    72.3   (2)% 
 Payable zinc     t                         29,929  23,612  38,822  35,669  33,475   69,144   62,614         10%          29,127  25,851  37,629  33,912   37,092  71,004  62,947    13% 
 Payable silver   koz                          923     801     971     798     975    1,773    2,113       (16)%             850     768     747     745      785   1,530   1,865  (18)% 
 Payable lead     t                            114     169     146      96     105      201      342       (41)%              91     181     143     154       91     245     221    11% 
  molybdenum      t                            348     229     333     283     336      619      610          1%             298     297     227     261      306     567     548     3% 
Carajás,                    BHP interest 
 Brazil(1)                        100% 
 Material mined   kt                                           103      74     115      189 
 Ore milled       kt                                           100      70     119      189 
 Average copper 
  grade           %                                          1.71%   1.91%   1.69%    1.77% 
 Production ex 
  mill            kt                                           6.6     5.2     7.6     12.8 
 Payable copper   kt                                           1.6     1.2     1.8      3.0                                                  2.1     2.2        -     2.2 
 Payable gold     troy 
  concentrate     oz                                         1,153     802   1,256    2,058                                                1,688   1,533        -   1,533 
1 Production and sales included from 1 May 2023, following the acquisition 
 of OZL on 2 May 2023. 
                                                                         Production                                                               Sales 
                                            --------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                        Quarter ended                       Year to date                      Quarter ended                        Year to date 
                                            --------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                             Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec      Dec      Dec       Var       Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec      Dec         Dec         Var 
                                             2022    2023    2023    2023    2023    2023     2022        %        2022    2023    2023    2023    2023    2023         2022     % 
                                            ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -------  -------  ----------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Iron ore 
Iron ore production and 
 sales are reported on 
 a wet tonnes basis. 
WAIO,                             BHP interest 
 Australia                         85% 
                 Newman           kt        16,172  11,925  14,795  13,234  15,468   28,702   30,225        (5)% 
                 Area C Joint 
                  Venture         kt        26,302  25,284  28,818  25,804  26,074   51,878   53,273        (3)% 
                 Yandi Joint 
                  Venture         kt         5,613   4,941   5,359   3,150   4,978    8,128   11,110       (27)% 
                 Jimblebar(1)     kt        17,720  16,575  15,102  19,816  17,940   37,756   35,124          7% 
                 Total            kt        65,807  58,725  64,074  62,004  64,460  126,464  129,732        (3)% 
                 Total (100%)     kt        74,292  66,163  72,717  69,448  72,670  142,118  146,427        (3)% 
                 Lump             kt                                                                              20,375  18,021  20,022  20,969  19,176   40,145          39,936     1% 
                 Fines            kt                                                                              44,121  41,183  42,904  43,211  43,430   86,641          86,817     0% 
                 Total            kt                                                                              64,496  59,204  62,926  64,180  62,606  126,786         126,753     0% 
                 Total (100%)     kt                                                                              72,688  66,580  71,172  71,748  70,340  142,088         142,964   (1)% 
1 Shown on a 100% basis. 
 BHP interest in saleable 
 production is 85%. 
                                                                         Production                                                               Sales 
                                            --------------------------------------------------------------------  ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                                                        Quarter ended                       Year to date                      Quarter ended                            Year to date 
                                            --------------------------------------  ----------------------------  -------------------------------------- 
                                Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec     Dec     Dec     Var    Dec     Mar     Jun     Sep     Dec     Dec     Dec     Var 
                                2022    2023    2023    2023    2023    2023    2022     %     2022    2023    2023    2023    2023    2023    2022     % 
                               ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------  -----  ------  ------  ------  ------  ------ 
Samarco,                 BHP interest 
 Brazil                   50% 
 Total        kt                1,095   1,048   1,221   1,231   1,302   2,533   2,243    13%   1,097   1,111   1,160   1,136   1,329   2,465   2,243    10% 
Coal production is 
on the basis of 
BMA,                     BHP interest 
Australia                 50% 
 Blackwater   kt                1,160   1,107   1,505   1,295   1,182   2,477   2,443     1% 
 Goonyella    kt                1,997   2,185   2,348     827   1,736   2,563   3,777  (32)% 
 Peak Downs   kt                1,480   1,251   1,424   1,121     846   1,967   2,805  (30)% 
 Saraji       kt                1,243   1,007   1,326   1,010     701   1,711   2,263  (24)% 
 Daunia       kt                  441     607     617     545     431     976     765    28% 
 Caval Ridge  kt                  631     772   1,257     803     821   1,624   1,561     4% 
 Total(1)     kt                6,952   6,929   8,477   5,601   5,717  11,318  13,614  (17)% 
  (100%)      kt               13,904  13,858  16,954  11,202  11,434  22,636  27,228  (17)% 
 Coking coal  kt                                                                               5,872   5,372   7,448   4,497   4,756   9,253  11,487  (19)% 
 Weak coking 
  coal        kt                                                                                 727     710   1,064     529     752   1,281   1,327   (3)% 
  coal        kt                                                                                 428     104     364     299     198     497     695  (28)% 
 Total        kt                                                                               7,027   6,186   8,876   5,325   5,706  11,031  13,509  (18)% 
  (100%)      kt                                                                              14,054  12,372  17,752  10,650  11,412  22,062  27,018  (18)% 
1 Production figures 
 some thermal coal. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

                                                          Production                                                Sales 
                                    ------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
                                              Quarter ended               Year to date                Quarter ended               Year to date 
                                    ---------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------- 
                                     Dec    Mar    Jun    Sep    Dec    Dec    Dec    Var    Dec    Mar    Jun    Sep    Dec    Dec    Dec   Var 
                                    2022   2023   2023   2023   2023   2023   2022     %    2022   2023   2023   2023   2023   2023   2022    % 
                                    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
NSWEC,                       BHP interest 
 Australia                    100% 
 Export           kt                                                                        2,862  3,667  4,693  3,087  3,942  7,029  5,303   33% 
 Domestic(1)      kt                                                                                       201     220    308    528 
 Total            kt                2,851  3,934  4,765  3,613  3,855  7,468  5,473    36%  2,862  3,667  4,894  3,307  4,250  7,557  5,303   43% 
1 Domestic sales are made under the NSW 
 Government Coal Market Price Emergency 
 (Directions for Coal Mines) Notice 2023. 
                                                          Production                                                Sales 
                                    ------------------------------------------------------  ----------------------------------------------------- 
                                              Quarter ended               Year to date                Quarter ended               Year to date 
                                    ---------------------------------  -------------------  --------------------------------- 
                                     Dec    Mar    Jun    Sep    Dec    Dec    Dec    Var    Dec    Mar    Jun    Sep    Dec    Dec    Dec   Var 
                                    2022   2023   2023   2023   2023   2023   2022     %    2022   2023   2023   2023   2023   2023   2022 % 
                                    -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  -----  ----- 
Nickel production is 
on the basis of saleable 
Nickel West, Australia       BHP interest 
Mt Keith     concentrate     kt      39.6   38.8   44.5   42.7   43.8   86.5   82.2     5% 
 Average nickel 
  grade           %                  15.5   16.5   16.2   16.7   16.8   16.8   16.3     3% 
Leinster     concentrate     kt      47.9   68.4   71.1   66.0   63.4  129.4  114.7    13% 
 Average nickel 
  grade           %                   9.4    8.6    8.5    8.1    8.0    8.1    9.7  (17)% 
  nickel(1)       kt                 10.8   13.2   13.1   13.8   12.6   26.4   28.3   (7)%   10.2   13.0   13.1   13.2   13.0   26.2   28.3  (7)% 
  sulphate(2)     kt                  0.4    0.9    0.7    0.9    0.7    1.6    1.6     0%    0.5    0.9    0.8    0.8    0.7    1.5    1.3   15% 
  by-products(3)  kt                  6.5    5.5    8.2    5.5    6.3   11.8    8.5    39%    7.7    5.7    9.5    4.9    6.3   11.2    9.5   18% 
 Total nickel     kt                 17.7   19.6   22.0   20.2   19.6   39.8   38.4     4%   18.4   19.6   23.4   18.9   20.0   38.9   39.1  (1)% 
  by-products     t                    93    175    246    192    182    374    331    13%     93    175    246    192    110    302    331  (9)% 
1 High quality refined 
 metal, including 
 and powder. 
2 Nickel sulphate crystals 
 produced from nickel 
3 Nickel contained in matte 
 and by-product streams. 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Appendix 3

Explanatory Notes and JORC Table 1

Project status update - Olympic Dam "Deeps" (OD Deeps)

In 2006-07, three deep holes were drilled below known Olympic Dam mineralisation, testing a modelled density anomaly, and subsequently intersected mineralisation. These holes, RD1988, RD2786A and RD2785 returned mineralised intercepts.

Table 1 . Historic deep drilling below Olympic Dam from 2006-07.

Hole ID   Depth from  Depth to  Interval     Cu  U(3) O(8)       Au       Ag       Density 
                 (m)       (m)       (m)    (%)      (ppm)    (g/t)    (g/t)    (g/cm(3) ) 
--------  ----------  --------  --------  -----  ---------  -------  -------  ------------ 
RD1988           922    1897.9     975.9   1.53        266     0.98     4.24          3.73 
RD2786A         1771      1847        76   1.36        279     0.92     4.67          3.82 
     and        1925      2027       102   1.52        288     0.74     5.92          3.57 
RD2785          2058      2184       126   0.86        228     0.49     2.61          3.05 

In 2020-21 BHP Olympic Dam geologists reviewed mineralisation potential at depth and commenced exploration drilling in 2022. As of 9(th) September 2023, total drilling of the OD Deeps mineralisation, including historic drilling, was approximately 62 km, with nominal drill space ranging from 160 m to 320 m. All holes completed to target depth intersected mineralisation and have outlined a mineralisation extending more than 2 km along strike, and more than 1 km in depth. Mineralisation continues to be open along strike and at depth.

The iron oxide copper gold (IOCG) mineralisation style of the OD Deeps appears similar to the main body of Olympic Dam (refer to Section 2-Reporting of Exploration Results). Mineralisation is dominantly chalcopyrite with some areas of bornite. To date, and noting wide spaced drilling, continuity continues to appear favourable above 1% copper grade. The absolute extent of mineralisation has not been discovered. However, along strike there are geological indications of decreasing brecciation as well as decreasing iron content. These suggest a diminishing system along strike.

Figure 1 describes the location of the new drilling and Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 show the new drilling on cross section(s), long section, and level plan. Mineralised intercepts provided in Table 2 and drilling collar location is provided in Table 3.

This release reflects progress in our exploration activities at Olympic Dam. Further work will be required to enable an estimate of Mineral Resources.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Table 2 . Length and density-weighted mineralised intercepts reported as down hole lengths.

Hole ID        Depth from    Depth to  Interval     Cu  U(3) O(8)       Au       Ag       Density 
                      (m)         (m)       (m)    (%)      (ppm)    (g/t)    (g/t)    (g/cm(3) ) 
-------------  ----------  ----------  --------  -----  ---------  -------  -------  ------------ 
RU50-12091            516  1096 (EOH)       580   2.22        473     0.93     4.87          3.77 
    including         522         648       126   4.41        945     0.99     7.13          3.90 
RD4552A              1608        2050       442   1.38        350     0.65     2.98          3.49 
    including        1790        1912       122   2.15        506     0.89     4.20          3.88 
RD4552AW2            1862        2252       390   1.38        396     0.65     2.43          3.35 
    including        2124        2176        52   1.72        483     0.63     1.33          3.55 
RD4577W1             2022        2322       300   1.53        426     0.72     4.16          3.52 
RU50-17932            718  1000 (EOH)       282   1.46        340     0.88     3.66          3.70 
    including         718         744        26   3.34        876     0.93     2.04          3.98 
RD4552AW3            2101        2401       300   1.50        330     1.04     5.81          3.60 
    including        2101        2143        42   2.09        327     1.39    12.52          3.71 
RU48-14098W1       1807.5        1985     177.5   1.54        402     0.87    11.22          3.54 
    including      1912.5        1985      72.5   2.29        422     1.31    21.60          3.86 
RU48-14099           1388      1587.5     199.5   1.68        357     0.80     6.37          3.63 
    including        1388        1462        74   2.35        534     0.73     6.42          3.69 
RD4551               1298        1486       188   1.17        325     0.52     5.57          3.38 
RD4551W1             1474        1646       172   1.52        348     0.65     7.91          3.61 
    including        1596        1646        50   2.03        355     0.83     9.11          3.82 
RD4551W2A            1320        1390        70   1.33        327     0.73     5.09          3.76 
RD4554W2             1917        1971        54   1.99        386     1.32    13.37          3.89 
          and        2123        2307       184   1.38        340     0.76     5.63          3.53 
RD4554W3             1560        1662       102   1.74        468     0.95     2.62          3.85 
          and        1698        1734        36   1.67        415     0.66     1.30          3.87 
RD4568W1             1384        1580       196   1.12        292     0.76     5.08          3.67 
          and        1626        1696        70   1.62        290     0.88     7.87          3.74 
          and        1816        1836        20   2.04        244     0.22     3.52          3.19 
RD4554W1             1691        1911       220   1.09        293     0.77     5.69          3.50 
    including        1691        1713        22   1.68        456     0.91    12.02          3.50 
          and        2001        2041        40   2.32        439     0.57     9.20          3.36 
          and        2187        2211        24   1.18        464     0.24     1.50          3.06 
RD4561W4             1772        1810        38   2.42        799     0.16     0.91          3.50 
RU48-14097           1148        1198        50   1.25        328     0.27     0.59          3.26 
          and        1392        1426        34   2.37        224     0.73     8.97          3.76 
          and        1516        1580        64   1.38        254     0.93     5.46          3.80 
RU50-12093W1        539.2         644     104.8   1.23        409     0.92     4.24          3.42 
          and         770         834        64   1.29        335     0.62     3.33          3.28 
RU50-17930            618         782       164   1.02        306     0.61     3.93          3.41 
RU48-14098           1604        1632        28   1.09        309     0.45     1.17          3.16 
          and        1690      1737.5      47.5   1.41        433     0.70     1.90          3.45 
          and        1760      1812.5      52.5   2.08        335     1.03     8.53          3.52 
RU48-17326           1126        1192        66   1.36        264     0.25     <1.0          3.08 
          and        1332        1378        46   1.38        438     0.67     2.45          3.62 
          and        1524        1574        50   1.41        378     0.64     7.04          3.38 
RD4573W1             1348        1380        32   1.47        340     0.20     1.07          3.00 
          and        1574        1680       106   1.32        331     0.75     5.71          3.94 
RD4574W1             1459        1523        64   1.14        619     0.50     0.42          3.34 
RD4575               1380        1390        10   1.39        349     0.31     1.15          3.04 
          and        1434        1494        60   1.07        511     0.38     0.75          3.29 
RU50-17931            424         448        24   1.62        482     0.98     7.81          3.67 
RD4561               1294        1334        40   1.31        348     0.73     5.39          3.87 
RD4578A              1872        1886        14   1.03       1797     0.15     0.58          4.04 
RD4571               1610        1628        18   1.08        989     0.26     4.20          3.63 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Figure 1. New drill hole traces shown against all Olympic Dam drilling. Reference sections provides for cross sections and long section.

Figure 2. Representative cross-section (A-A' from Figure 1) showing simplified geology and down hole Cu assays.

Figure 3. Representative cross-section (B-B' from Figure 1) showing simplified geology and down hole Cu assays.

Figure 4. Representative composite long-section (C-C' and D-D' from Figure 1) showing simplified geology and significant intercepts.

Figure 5. Representative level plan at -1300mRL, with deeps drilling projects to level.

Section 1 Sampling Techniques and Data

Sampling techniques

-- Drilling included oriented diamond drilling from surface and available underground locations.

   --      Diamond core was sampled at either 2 m or 2.5 m intervals in mineralisation. 

Drilling techniques

-- Surface parent holes were collared in PQ3 diameter (83 mm) in the overburden and continued in HQ3 (61.1 mm) or HQ (63.5 mm). Wedge (child) holes were drilled in NQ2 (50.6 mm). Navigational drilling was completed on surface drilling and select underground drilling, and also used parent holes and subsequent wedges.

-- Underground parent holes were collared in HQ (63.5 mm) to a depth of approximately 500 m, continued in NQ2 (50.6 mm) to a depth of approximately 1,700 m, and drilling completed in BQ (36.5 mm) when required.

-- All down hole surveys used a north-seeking gyroscope to end of hole. The core was oriented using the Reflect ACT III tool. At the end of each run, the low side of the core was marked by the drillers and this was used as the reference for marking the whole drill core.

Drill sample recovery

   --      Sample recoveries were visually estimated to be greater than 99%. 

-- The style of mineralisation and drilling methods employed lead to very high sample recovery, so no further effort was considered necessary to increase core recovery. In general for drill core, there is no clear relationship between sample recovery and grade, and no significant bias is expected from preferential loss or gain of fine or coarse material.


   --      Drill holes were logged in qualitative detail below the post mineral cover. 

-- Logging included, but was not limited to, lithology composition and texture, alteration minerals, sulphide distribution and geotechnical logging for rock-mass qualification. Drill holes were logged to a level of detail that would support future studies.

   --      Structural measurements were recorded from oriented core. 
   --      Core was photographed dry. 

Sub-sampling techniques and sample preparation

-- Diamond core was split by core saw, with half core submitted for assay and the other half stored in trays at Olympic Dam. Samples are submitted as 2 m or 2.5 m intervals.

-- Approximately 4-8 kg samples were submitted to an analytical laboratory for final drying, staged crushing to 2 mm, splitting to approximately 2-3 kg portion, followed by pulverisation to 90% passing 75 micron particle size pulp.

-- Duplicate samples were collected at each preparation stage where a reduction in sample mass occurred.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

-- Bulk dry density measurements were collected on all assayed samples using water immersion method.

   --      Sample sizes are considered appropriate for the style of the mineralisation. 

Quality of assay data and laboratory tests

-- All samples were submitted to Intertek Group Plc (Intertek), Adelaide Laboratory, South Australia.

-- Drill hole results reported here were analysed for either the routine Olympic Dam multi-element suite or an expanded Olympic Dam multi-element suite. The routine suite includes Cu, Ag, Co, Ni, Pb, Zn (3-acid digest, measured via IOC-OES) and Li-borate fusion measured via ICP-OES/MS (Al, As, Ba, Bi, Ca, Ce, Cr, Fe, K, La, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, P, Sb, Sc, Si, Sr, Ti, U, V, Y, Zr). The expanded suite includes 4-acid digest measured via ICP-OES/MS (Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Co, Ge, In, Li, Re, Se, Te, Tl) and Li-borate fusion measured via ICP-OES/MS (Al, Ba, Be, Ca, Ce, Cr, Cs, Dy, Er, Eu, Fe, Ga, Gd, Hf, Ho, K, La, Lu, Mg, Mn, Mo, Na, Nb, Nd, P, Pr, Rb, Sb, Sc, Si, Sm, Sn, Sr, Ta, Tb, Th, Ti, Tm, U, V, W, Y, Yb, Zr) and loss-on-ignition. All samples were assayed for Au (via 25-g FA with ICP-OES finish), and C and S (via induction furnace combustion, measured by infrared analyser).

-- Comparative analysis between the 4- and 3-acid digest methods demonstrates equal accuracy and precision within the Olympic Dam mineral system. The 4-acid digest is used to expand the geochemical suite of elements when initially characterising new parts of the deposit. Drill holes (Table 3) assayed via the 3-acid method were RD4552A, RD4554, RD45554W1, RD4554W2, RD4554W3, RU48-14097, RU48-14098, RU48-14098W1, RU48-14099, RU48-17326. The remainder were assayed via the 4-acid method.

-- Quality control samples consisted of duplicates (1:25), analytical blanks (1:50) and certified standards (1:25).

-- Quality control results were reviewed when received. All performed within acceptable accuracy and precision limits.

Verification of sampling and assaying

-- BHP has robust QAQC standards and procedures relating to sampling and assay quality control.

-- Significant intersections were compiled by BHP staff members, and were verified by the Competent Person.

-- There were no adjustments to the assay data. Data is electronically uploaded to the database from the external laboratory.

-- All drill hole data is managed internally via a SQL server hosted database with strict validation rules.

   --      No twinned holes have been drilled. 

Location of data points

-- All surface drill hole collar locations (historic and recent) have been surveyed with Leica GS16 Rover and manually entered into acQuire database. Underground drill holes collar locations have been surveyed using Leica TS16 Total Station.

-- All coordinates are provided in Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94 Zone 53), and all surface collars correlate well with the Olympic Dam topographic model, and all underground drill collars correlate well with underground development.

Table 3 . Collar Dip and Azimuths as presented may not reflect the variation of deep directional drilling effect at depth as per section A-A' in Figure 3.

Hole ID     Type     Collar location   Easting   Northing    RL  End of Hole     Dip  Azimuth 
                                           (m)        (m)   (m)          (m)   (deg)    (deg) 
----------  -------  ----------------  -------  ---------  ----  -----------  ------  ------- 
RD4551      parent   surface           682,771  6,628,552   100       2262.8     -76      335 
RD4551W1    wedge    surface           682,771  6,628,552   100       2260.3     -76      335 
RD4551W2A   wedge    surface           682,771  6,628,552   100       2257.5     -76      335 
RD4552A     parent   surface           681,234  6,628,589    99       2337.6     -75      337 
RD4552AW2   wedge    surface           681,234  6,628,589    99       2445.3     -75      337 
RD4552AW3   wedge    surface           681,234  6,628,589    99       2523.7     -75      337 
RD4554      parent   surface           681,885  6,628,678    98       1419.3     -76      327 
RD4554W1    wedge    surface           681,885  6,628,678    98       2346.8     -76      327 
RD4554W2    wedge    surface           681,885  6,628,678    98       2565.8     -76      327 
RD4554W3    wedge    surface           681,885  6,628,678    98       2231.3     -76      327 


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Hole ID        Type     Collar location   Easting   Northing    RL  End of Hole     Dip  Azimuth 
                                              (m)        (m)   (m)          (m)   (deg)    (deg) 
-------------  -------  ----------------  -------  ---------  ----  -----------  ------  ------- 
RD4561         parent   surface           682,257  6,628,686   101       1609.1     -74      353 
RD4561W4       wedge    surface           682,257  6,628,686   101       1867.0     -74      353 
RD4568W1       wedge    surface           682,257  6,628,681   101       2145.5     -76      319 
RD4571         parent   surface           683,123  6,630,335   105       2554.9     -59      152 
RD4572W1       wedge    surface           683,364  6,630,263   103       2661.9     -63      148 
RD4573W1       wedge    surface           682,628  6,630,057   102       2320.0     -69      158 
RD4574W1       wedge    surface           683,142  6,628,612    99       2667.0     -60      334 
RD4575         parent   surface           683,444  6,628,602   102       1614.8     -61      336 
RD4577         parent   surface           681,226  6,628,588    99        691.4     -77      326 
RD4577W1       wedge    surface           681,226  6,628,588    99       2511.7     -79      330 
RD4578A        parent   surface           683,439  6,628,607   102       2449.1     -65      352 
RU48-14097     parent   underground       681,942  6,630,450  -474       2254.4     -55      165 
RU48-14098     parent   underground       681,942  6,630,451  -474       1982.5     -62      143 
RU48-14098W1   wedge    underground       681,942  6,630,451  -474       2388.4     -62      143 
RU48-14099     parent   underground       681,837  6,630,515  -472       2073.9     -52      174 
RU48-17326     parent   underground       681,942  6,630,449  -474       1801.1     -42      155 
RU50-12091     parent   underground       681,581  6,629,753  -462       1100.0      65      229 
RU50-12093W1   wedge    underground       681,587  6,629,752  -461        900.0     -59      189 
RU50-17930     parent   underground       681,587  6,629,751  -461        867.5     -54      154 
RU50-17931     parent   underground       681,586  6,629,751  -461        896.4     -45      190 
RU50-17932     parent   underground       681,587  6,629,752  -462       1000.0     -69      198 

Data spacing and distribution

   --      Drilling from surface, and some underground, used parent and wedge-styled drilling. 
   --      Nominal drill space ranging from 160 m to 320 m. 
   --      Sample length was 2 m to 2.5m in length. No compositing was undertaken for reporting. 

-- Drilling is perpendicular to the interpreted orebody orientation. The current drilling does not provide sufficient information for estimation of a Mineral Resource.

Orientation of data in relation to geological structure

-- Drilling at Olympic Dam is designed to intersect nominally perpendicular to the strike of the mineralisation.

-- Drill holes were angled approximately north-south and were designed to drill from outside the hydrothermal system, inwards towards mineralisation.

Sample security

-- Core trays are transported by BHP contractors from the drill rigs to the core processing facility at Olympic Dam, Roxby Downs. Samples in calico bags are transported from Olympic Dam via road on trucks to Intertek, Adelaide, South Australia.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

-- Calico bag numbers are automatically generated. Intertek is informed of the sample number ranges for each pending shipment and are recorded in their management system. Intertek use these to create barcode labels for Kraft geochemical bags used for storing the pulverised samples. On sample receipt, Intertek manually checks the submitted sample list against all samples in the shipment. Once the samples are pulverised, all further steps are tracked using the bar codes. BHP is informed of any discrepancies.

-- BHP has internal governance and standards related to sample security and data management. BHP undertakes routine verification of these practices.

Audits or reviews

   --      OD Deeps exploration results have not been externally audited. 

-- BHP routinely reviews standards, procedures and results from external laboratories. No issues have been noted from any BHP review.

Section 2 Reporting of Exploration Results

Mineral tenement and land tenure status

-- The Roxby Downs (Indenture Ratification) Act 1982 (SA) provides statutory authority for an agreement (Indenture) between BHP and the State of South Australia. The Indenture establishes the legal framework for existing and future operations at Olympic Dam and defines the roles and responsibilities of the South Australian Government and BHP. Part of the Indenture provides for the grant of Olympic Dam's special mining lease (SML).

-- The indenture confers continuous mining rights (via the SML) to BHP until the deposit is economically depleted. The lease is granted for 50 years, with extension rights for a further 50 years. Additional extensions can be requested. The current 50-year period ends in 2036. All agreements are in place as part of the normal operating practices.

Exploration done by other parties

-- The project has a long exploration history, dating back to 1975 by Western Mining Corporation (prior to their acquisition by BHP in 2005) and BHP.


-- The geology of the Olympic Dam iron-oxide copper uranium gold and silver (IOCG) deposit is described comprehensively in numerous publications. In summary, the deposit occurs entirely within the Olympic Dam Breccia Complex (ODBC) (see Figure 6), hosted within the 1,593.28 +/- 0.26 Ma Roxby Downs Granite (RDG). The ODBC, which contains the mineralised rock volume, has an overall areal extent of around 50 km(2) . It is approximately 6 km long and 3 km wide, and typically extends to depths of 900 m and up to 2,300 m beneath the surface locally.

The ODBC is unconformably overlain by approximately 350 m of unaltered, unmineralized Neoproterozoic to Cambrian flat-lying sedimentary rocks. The primary host rock within the ODBC is the RDG. Lesser, yet significant bedded clastic facies, clasts of 1594.63 +/- 0.71 Ma Gawler Range Volcanic felsic feldspar-phyric lavas in hematite-rich breccias and dykes, and mafic-ultramafic lavas/dykes (MDY) which are pre-, syn- and post-mineralisation, are an integral part of the Olympic Dam ore-forming system. The ODBC and surrounding unbrecciated RDG are intruded by the regionally extensive ca 825 Ma Gairdner Dyke Swarm (dolerite). The host rocks for mineralisation consist of RDG and other lithologies (bedded clastic facies, felsic lavas, mafic-ultramafic lavas, sills and dykes, and a subvolcanic quartz-phyric rhyolite), all of which have been weakly to intensely brecciated (via tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal processes). These are variably replaced by iron oxides forming a compositional continuum from recognisable lithologies to iron oxide breccias, where the primary lithology texture is obliterated by iron oxide alteration. Lithological contacts are typically obscured by faulting and brecciation.

There are more than 125 minerals within the deposit, 15 of which account for more than 98 per cent of the rock mass. The most common gangue minerals are hematite, quartz, muscovite, K-feldspar, chlorite, fluorite, siderite and barite. The dominant sul de minerals within the deposit are chalcocite/digenite/djurleite (referred to here as chalcocite), bornite, chalcopyrite and pyrite, with lesser concentrations of sphalerite, galena, molybdenite, tennantite-tetrahedrite and trace amounts of native copper. The sul des typically occur as disseminated grains in the breccia matrix and clasts. The grain size varies from <20 <MU> m up to several millimetres, with an average size of 100 <MU> m. Sul des occur rarely as veins in granite-dominated breccias.

The Cu +/- Fe sul des display a distinct upwards and inwards deposit scale zonation, from pyrite -> chalcopyrite-pyrite -> chalcopyrite exsolution lamellae in brown bornite -> purple bornite-chalcocite symplectites -> digenite lamellae in chalcocite.

Figure 6. Simplified geological plan of the Olympic Dam deposit, approximately 350 m below surface.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Drill hole information

-- Table 1 provides historic hole information for context. Tables 2 and 3, as well as Figures 1 and 5 provide details of new drill hole coordinates, orientations and locations, lengths and mineralised intercepts for the OD Deeps exploration drilling. Figures 2 and 3 provide representative cross sections. Figure 4 provides a representative long section.

Data aggregation methods

-- All reported intersections are length and density weighted with reported intersection in Table 2.

-- Intervals in Table 2 have more than 1% Cu with no more than 10 consecutive metres of less than 0.5% Cu, with an average internal waste of no more than 3 m. Two exceptions, due drilling orientation, to this are RD4552A (442 m mineralised interval reported) and RU48-14098W1 (177.5 m mineralised interval reported) which have single instances of 14m and 18m, respectively, internal waste <0.5%Cu.

Relationship between mineralisation widths and intercept lengths

   --      Intersections are presented as apparent (downhole) lengths. True width is unknown. 


   --      Figures in the main body text provide details of drill hole location and context. 

Balanced reporting

-- All exploration results from the OD Deeps exploration program to 9 September 2023 have been included.

Other substantive exploration data

-- Representative magnetic susceptibility measurements are recorded at 1 m intervals within mineralisation.

-- 2D and pseudo 3D seismic data acquisition was undertaken in July 2022. In June-August 2023 BHP acquired 3D seismic data, with processing underway.

Further work

-- BHP will consider future drilling to test lateral and depth extents, as well as grade continuity.

Competent Person statement

The information in the report to which this statement is attached that relates to Exploration Results is based on information compiled by Dr Kathy Ehrig, a Competent Person who is a Member of The Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (FAusIMM(CP)). Dr Ehrig is a full-time employee of BHP. Dr Ehrig has sufficient experience that is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaken to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. Dr Ehrig consents to the inclusion in the report of the matters based on her information in the form and context in which it appears.


BHP | Operational review for the half year ended 31 December 2023

Variance analysis relates to the relative performance of BHP and/or its operations during the six months ended December 2023 compared with the six months ended December 2022, unless otherwise noted. Production volumes, sales volumes and capital and exploration expenditure from subsidiaries are reported on a 100% basis; production and sales volumes from equity accounted investments and other operations are reported on a proportionate consolidation basis. Numbers presented may not add up precisely to the totals provided due to rounding.

The following abbreviations may have be en used throughout this report: billion tonnes (Bt); cost and freight (CFR); cost, insurance and freight (CIF), carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2-e), dry metric tonne unit (dmtu); free on board (FOB); giga litres (GL); greenhouse gas (GHG); grams per cubic centimeter (g/cm3), grams per tonne (g/t); high-potential injury (HPI); kilograms per tonne (kg/t); kilometre (km); million ounces per annum (Mozpa); metres (m), million pounds (Mlb); million tonnes (Mt); million tonnes per annum (Mtpa); ounces (oz); OZ Minerals Limited (OZL); part per million (ppm), pounds (lb); thousand ounces (koz); thousand ounces per annum (kozpa); thousand tonnes (kt); thousand tonnes per annum (ktpa); thousand tonnes per day (ktpd); tonnes (t); total recordable injury frequency (TRIF); wet metric tonnes (wmt); and year to date (YTD).

In this release, the terms 'BHP', the 'Group', 'BHP Group', 'we', 'us', 'our' and 'ourselves' are used to refer to BHP Group Limited and, except where the context otherwise requires, our subsidiaries. Refer to note 30 'Subsidiaries' of the Financial Statements in BHP's 30 June 2023 Annual Report for a list of our significant subsidiaries. Those terms do not include non-operated assets. Notwithstanding that this release may include production, financial and other information from non-operated assets, non-operated assets are not included in the BHP Group and, as a result, statements regarding our operations, assets and values apply only to our operated assets unless stated otherwise. Our non-operated assets include Antamina and Samarco. BHP Group cautions against undue reliance on any forward-looking statement or guidance in this release. These forward-looking statements are based on information available as at the date of this release and are not guarantees or predictions of future performance and involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are beyond our control and which may cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed in the statements contained in this release.

Further information on BHP can be found at bhp.com

Authorised for lodgement by:

Stefanie Wilkinson

Group Company Secretary

Media Relations                       Investor Relations 
 Email: media.relations@bhp.com        Email: investor.relations@bhp.com 
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 Gabrielle Notley                      John-Paul Santamaria 
 Tel: +61 3 9609 3830 Mobile:          Mobile: +61 499 006 018 
 +61 411 071 715 
                                       Europe, Middle East and Africa 
 Europe, Middle East and Africa 
                                       James Bell 
 Neil Burrows                          Tel: +44 20 7802 7144 Mobile: 
 Tel: +44 20 7802 7484 Mobile:         +44 7961 636 432 
 +44 7786 661 683 
                                       Monica Nettleton 
 Renata Fernandez                      Mobile: +1 416 518 6293 
 Mobile: +56 9 8229 5357 
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 18, 2024 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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