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WisdomTree Europe SmallC... (DFE)

WisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
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31/12/201313:00Zacks3 Best Dividend ETFs of 2013 - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:DFEWisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
23/09/201309:02ZacksPlay a Resurgent Europe with These ETFs - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:DFEWisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
08/08/201209:01ZacksThree Impressive Small Cap Dividend ETFs - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:DFEWisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
25/05/201207:02ZacksEuro Small Cap ETFs: The Way to Play Europe? - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:DFEWisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
27/04/201208:45Zacks11 Great Dividend ETFs - ETF News And CommentaryAMEX:DFEWisdomTree Europe SmallCap Dividend Fund
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