RNS Number : 1077H

Salt Lake Potash Limited

30 July 2021

 30 July 2021   AIM/ASX Code: SO4 

June 2021 Quarterly Report

Salt Lake Potash Limited (SO4 or the Company) is pleased to present its Quarterly Report for the period ending 30 June 2021. The Company is focussed on delivering the Lake Way Sulphate of Potash Project in Wiluna, Western Australia.

Construction of the Lake Way process plant was finalised with GR Engineering Services handing over the plant to SO4 operations. Each of the 34 Process Units in the plant were individually commissioned with the SO4 operations team working towards achieving 'Stage 4' commissioning - bringing the plant into continuous operation and producing SOP. Recent activities have primarily focused on calibration of the flotation circuit to achieve expected recoveries. The company continues to work with the flotation circuit vendor and Design Engineer to bring performance up to modelled targets and expects the issue to be resolved this quarter.

Part IV Environmental Approval was received for the Lake Way project covering full-scale operations, including the expanded pond footprint and required brine abstraction infrastructure to enable production of 245kt per annum of SOP.

Salt harvesting activities continued with additional harvesting taking place in Train 1 and removal of the in-cell stockpiles, which were transported to the plant. Approximately 74kt of plant feed salts have now been harvested and are ready as feedstock for the plant.

A$28m in new equity was raised at A$0.35/share to enable the final US$33m tranche of the Senior Debt Facility to be drawn. The capital raise also enabled the implementation of an A$18m guarantee facility provided by Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Income Fund (SEQI), in support of the gas pipeline constructed by APA Operations Pty Ltd (APA).

Following the period-end the Company announced it will be implementing a revised ramp-up strategy that involves suspending the initial plant feed programme, following the processing of the first 90-110kt of harvest salts. As a result forecasted SOP production in FY'22 has been reduced and the Company has determined that it will require further funding before the end of 2021 to continue operations at Lake Way. Discussions to resolve the funding shortfall have commenced and once complete and agreed will be announced to the market.

Tony Swiericzuk Chief Executive Officer

"The Lake Way Project took major strides forward during the June quarter with the hand-over of the Process Plant and the granting of EPA Part IV approval. The entire SO4 team has been working tirelessly through the harvest salt pond management system and plant commissioning challenges over the last few weeks. We are disappointed these challenges have pushed out our expected ramp up profile however the project fundamentals remain attractive. I am grateful for the support and patience of our shareholders and our lenders as we work towards delivering first SOP and positive cash flow."

For further information please visit www.so4.com.au or contact:

 Tony Swiericzuk / Richard Knights   Salt Lake Potash Limited                    Tel: +61 8 6559 5800 
 Colin Aaronson / Lukas Girzadas     Grant Thornton UK LLP (Nominated Adviser)   Tel: +44 (0) 20 7383 5100 
 Derrick Lee / Peter Lynch           Cenkos Securities plc (Broker)              Tel: +44 (0) 131 220 6939 

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Directors.

Process Plant handover and commissioning

Construction and practical completion of the Lake Way process plant has been finalised with GR Engineering Services handing over the plant to SO4 in late June. Each of the 34 process units in the plant have been individually commissioned and the SO4 operations team is now working through the 'Stage 4' load commissioning process.

The SO4 operations team have been systematically working through the plant to ensure each unit is functioning within design parameters and the plant chemistry is established.

COVID-19 related border restrictions have impacted the travel arrangements of key commissioning personnel as well as affecting the timely transport of some commissioning supply items, impacting the commissioning schedule.

The commissioning process has involved calibrating and fine tuning several mechanical components in the plant including crushers, screens, cyclones, thickeners, centrifuges, control valves, agitators and pumps as well as the electronic control systems. More recently work has focussed on the calibration of the flotation circuit to achieve the designed waste mass pull. 'Batch trials' each using 500-800t of low-grade feed salt have been run, with mass-pull performance achieving variable results. The company continues to work with the flotation circuit vendor and design engineer to bring performance up to modelled targets and expects the issue to be resolved this quarter.

Non-process infrastructure

Installation of bagging plant and equipment were progressed with the Flexicon bulk bagging plant completed and installed.

The form fill seal bagging plant installation has progressed significantly and is expected to be completed during the September quarter. The plant will bag the product into 25kg bags for export via Fremantle.

On-Lake infrastructure

The paleochannel drilling campaign continued throughout the quarter, with new production bores drilled on pads 4, 16 and 22.

Total trench length excavated remained at 65.5km, with design for the upcoming Stage 3 extension programme finalised during the period.

Salt harvesting recommenced in Train 1 with the in-cell stockpiles that were harvested during the March quarter also transported to the plant. Around 90-110kt of harvest salt harvested ready as feedstock for the plant.

Equity raise to enable final debt drawdown

In May, the Company completed a A$28 million equity capital raising by way of a placement of 79,947,858 Ordinary Shares at A$0.35 per new share (Placement).

The proceeds from the Placement will be used for general operating expenses during the ramp up of the Lake Way Project. The Placement was a key condition to enable the Company to undertake the final US$33 million drawdown under the Syndicated Facility Agreement, as well as providing for the implementation of an A$18 million guarantee facility to be provided by SEQI in support of the gas pipeline constructed by APA. The guarantee facility provided by SEQI will release A$18m in equity that will be used for general operating expenses during the ramp up of the project.

Within the Placement SO4 Directors subscribed for 2.8 million Placement Shares, including 2.5 million shares by Chairman Ian Middlemas and 250,000 by Managing Director and CEO Tony Swiericzuk, approved in a July shareholder meeting.

The issue price of A$0.35 per share represented a 12.5% discount to the last traded share price on ASX of A$0.40 and 14% to the 5-day volume weighted average share price on ASX prior to the Company entering into the Trading Halt on 21 May 2021.

Grant of Part IV EPA permit

The Company's Part IV Environmental submission was approved by the Government in April, having been recommended by the EPA with no appeals in January.

The permit enables SO4 to finalise construction of the remaining evaporation ponds as well as the trench and bore construction that will support full scale operations at Lake Way of 245kt per annum of SOP.

Revised ramp-up strategy

Following the period-end the Company announced it will be implementing a revised ramp-up strategy that involves suspending the initial plant feed programme, following the processing of the first 90-110kt of harvest salts.

Under the revised ramp-up strategy the Company plans to process 90-110kt of plant feed salts to produce SOP for initial customer sales. Plant feed will then be suspended for a period of 10-14 weeks before harvesting activities and SOP production recommence. As a result, FY'22 forecast SOP production has reduced from 165-185kt to 85-105kt.

The revised mine plan is a result of three factors.

-- A change in operating methodology for the ramp up period of the pond system has been implemented to manage salt grade variability in the harvest cells, reducing SOP production by c.63kt in FY'22: Ramp up of the ponds has followed the original modelling and expert advice, applying a continuous flow model that has resulted in brine with concentrations of less than 3.4%Mg (the concentration at which potassium salts begin to precipitate), being pumped into the harvest cells. As a result, salt formation in several harvest cells has exhibited higher grade variability than modelled, resulting in a lower average potassium and higher halite content. To rectify this issue the Company has adopted a revised operating methodology for the continued ramp up of the pond system that suspends brine transfer into all harvest cells until the chemistry reaches the required level, to minimise salt grade variability.

-- Reduction in the estimation of available plant feed salt inventory, reducing SOP production by c.12kt of SOP in FY'22: The reduction in estimated plant feed salt inventory is based on the change between the Mine Plan Inventory Model used for the previous mine plan, and newly acquired data from bulk sampling taken during and after harvesting activities in June. Prior to the opportunity to undertake bulk sampling arising from cell harvesting, only multiple single point data collection had been taken from across the cells.

-- The deferment and sterilisation of lower grade inventories determined as unsuitable for plant feed during ramp up, reducing SOP production by c.7kt of SOP in FY'22. As part of the plant modelling that was undertaken from bulk sampling results in June, the lower potassium grade threshold has been increased for the plant ramp-up period. As a result some material was sterilised (not to be used) and other deferred with the intention of being fed through the plant at a later date, once in steady state.


Summary of Mining Tenements

      Project            Status           Type of Change         License Number    Interest (%) 
                                                                                     31-Mar-21     Interest (%) 
-------------------  -------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------  -------------- 
 Western Australia 
 Lake Way 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E53/1878           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                  E53/2057           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E53/1897           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E53/2059           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E53/2060           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   L53/208           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted       Application to Granted        M53/1102           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted       Application to Granted        M53/1103           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted       Application to Granted        M53/1104           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted       Application to Granted        M53/1105           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted       Application to Granted        M53/1106           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted       Application to Granted        M53/1107           100%           100% 
  East                Application                -                  M53/1109           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E53/1862           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                  E53/1863           100%           100% 
  North               Application                -                  E53/1905           100%           100% 
  North                Withdrawn     Application to Withdrawn       E53/1952           100%            0% 
  West                Application                -                  E53/1966           100%           100% 
  North               Application                -                  E53/2049           100%           100% 
  North               Surrendered     Granted to Surrendered        P53/1637           100%            0% 
  North               Surrendered     Granted to Surrendered        P53/1642           100%            0% 
  West                  Granted                  -                  P53/1643           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                  P53/1644           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                  P53/1645           100%           100% 
  West                Surrendered     Granted to Surrendered        P53/1646           100%            0% 
  Central             Surrendered     Granted to Surrendered        P53/1666           100%            0% 
  Central             Surrendered     Granted to Surrendered        P53/1667           100%            0% 
  Central             Surrendered     Granted to Surrendered        P53/1668           100%            0% 
  North                 Granted                  -                   M53/121           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   M53/122           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   M53/123           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   M53/147           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   M53/253           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   M53/796           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   M53/797           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   M53/798           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   M53/910           100%           100% 
  West                Application           Application              L29/147            0%            100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/51            100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/207           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/211           100%           100% 
  North                 Granted                  -                   L53/212           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/214           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/215           100%           100% 
        North           Granted                  -                   L53/216           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   L53/217           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/218           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   L53/210           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   L53/219           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                   L53/225           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L53/226           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   L53/228           100%           100% 
-------------------  -------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------  -------------- 
  West                  Granted       Application to Granted         L53/229           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   L53/238           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   G53/24            100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   G53/25            100%           100% 
 Lake Wells 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E38/2710           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E38/2821           100%           100% 
  North                 Granted                  -                  E38/2824           100%           100% 
  Outer East            Granted                  -                  E38/3055           100%           100% 
  Single Block          Granted                  -                  E38/3056           100%           100% 
  Outer West            Granted                  -                  E38/3057           100%           100% 
  North West            Granted                  -                  E38/3124           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                   L38/262           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                   L38/263           100%           100% 
  South West            Granted                  -                   L38/264           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                   L38/287           100%           100% 
  South Western         Granted                  -                  E38/3247           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  M38/1278           100%           100% 
  Central             Application                -                  E38/3380           100%           100% 
    North             Application                -                  E38/3469           100%           100% 
    Central           Application                -                  E38/3470           100%           100% 
 Lake Ballard 
  West                  Granted                  -                   E29/912           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                   E29/913           100%           100% 
  North                 Granted                  -                   E29/948           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                   E29/958           100%           100% 
  South East            Granted                  -                  E29/1011           100%           100% 
  South East            Granted                  -                  E29/1020           100%           100% 
  South East            Granted                  -                  E29/1021           100%           100% 
  South East            Granted                  -                  E29/1022           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E29/1067           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E29/1068           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                  E29/1069           100%           100% 
  North                 Granted                  -                  E29/1070           100%           100% 
 Lake Irwin 
  West                  Granted                  -                  E37/1233           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E39/1892           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                  E38/3087           100%           100% 
  North                  Granted                 -                  E37/1261           100%           100% 
  Central East          Granted                  -                  E38/3113           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E39/1955           100%           100% 
  North West            Granted                  -                  E37/1260           100%           100% 
  South West            Granted                  -                  E39/1956           100%           100% 
 Lake Minigwal 
  West                  Granted                  -                  E39/1893           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                  E39/1894           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E39/1962           100%           100% 
  Central East          Granted                  -                  E39/1963           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E39/1964           100%           100% 
  South West            Granted                  -                  E39/1965           100%           100% 
 Lake Marmion 
  North                 Granted                  -                  E29/1000           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E29/1001           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E29/1002           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                  E29/1005           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                  E29/1069           100%           100% 
 Lake Noondie 
  North                 Granted                  -                  E57/1062           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                  E57/1063           100%           100% 
-------------------  -------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------  -------------- 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E57/1064           100%           100% 
  West                  Granted                  -                  E57/1065           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                   E36/932           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   E36/984           100%           100% 
  Central             Application                -                   E36/985           100%           100% 
 Lake Barlee 
  North                 Granted                  -                   E30/495           100%           100% 
  Central               Granted                  -                   E30/496           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                  E77/2441           100%           100% 
 Lake Raeside 
  North                 Granted                  -                  E37/1305           100%           100% 
 Lake Austin 
  North               Application                -                   E21/205           100%           100% 
  West                Application                -                   E21/206           100%           100% 
  East                  Granted                  -                   E58/529           100%           100% 
  South                 Granted                  -                   E58/530           100%           100% 
  South West            Granted                  -                   E58/531           100%           100% 
-------------------  -------------  --------------------------  ----------------  -------------  -------------- 

Appendix 5B

Mining exploration entity or oil and gas exploration entity

quarterly cash flow report

 Name of entity 
 Salt Lake Potash Limited 
 ABN                Quarter ended ("current quarter") 
---------------    ---------------------------------- 
 98 117 085 748     30 June 2021 
 Consolidated statement of cash                          Current quarter   Year to date 
  flows                                                                     (12 months) 
                                                              $A'000           $A'000 
               1.   Cash flows from operating 
 1.1                Receipts from customers                            -              - 
 1.2                Payments for 
                    (a) exploration & evaluation                   (105)        (1,825) 
                    (b) development                                    -              - 
                    (c) production                                     -              - 
                    (d) staff costs                                (545)        (2,149) 
                    (e) administration and corporate 
                     costs                                         (467)        (3,099) 
 1.3                Dividends received (see note                       -              - 
 1.4                Interest received                                 12             96 
                    Interest and other costs of 
 1.5                 finance paid                                  (109)          (120) 
 1.6                Income taxes paid                                  -              - 
                    Government grants and tax 
 1.7                 incentives                                        -          3,639 
                         Other (provide details if 
                          - Business Development                 (1,537)        (5,588) 
 1.8                      - Other                                      -              - 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
 1.9                 operating activities                        (2,751)        (9,046) 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 2.                      Cash flows from investing 
                         Payments to acquire or for: 
                    (a) entities                                       -              - 
                    (b) tenements                                      -          (715) 
                    (c) property, plant and equipment              (295)        (2,267) 
                    (d) exploration & evaluation                       -              - 
                    (e) investments                                    -              - 
                    (f) other non-current assets 
                     - Mine Properties in development           (51,725)      (203,048) 
 2.2                     Proceeds from the disposal 
                    (a) entities                                       -              - 
                    (b) tenements                                      -              - 
                    (c) property, plant and equipment                  -              - 
                    (d) investments                                    -              - 
                    (e) other non-current assets                       -              - 
 2.3                Cash flows from loans to other                     -              - 
 2.4                Dividends received (see note                       -              - 
 2.5                Other - (Bank Guarantee)                           -       (18,000) 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
 2.6                 investing activities                       (52,020)      (224,030) 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 3.                 Cash flows from financing 
                    Proceeds from issues of equity 
                     securities (excluding convertible 
 3.1                 debt securities)                             27,000        200,547 
 3.2                Proceeds from issue of convertible                 -              - 
                     debt securities 
 3.3                Proceeds from exercise of                          -              - 
                    Transaction costs related 
                     to issues of equity securities 
 3.4                 or convertible debt securities              (1,730)        (9,728) 
 3.5                Proceeds from borrowings                      61,279        199,535 
                    Repayment of borrowings and 
 3.6                 leases                                        (849)       (61,116) 
                    Transaction costs related 
 3.7                 to loans and borrowings                     (3,864)       (19,568) 
 3.8                Dividends paid                                     -              - 
                    Other (Cash allocation of 
                     Debt Service Reserve and Debt 
 3.9                 Prepayment Reserve)                        (14,533)       (25,069) 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
 3.10                financing activities                         67,303        284,601 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
 4.                 Net increase / (decrease) 
                     in cash and cash equivalents 
                     for the period 
                    Cash and cash equivalents 
 4.1                 at beginning of period                       46,066          7,030 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
                     operating activities (item 
 4.2                 1.9 above)                                  (2,751)        (9,046) 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
                     investing activities (item 
 4.3                 2.6 above)                                 (52,020)      (224,030) 
                    Net cash from / (used in) 
                     financing activities (item 
 4.4                 3.10 above)                                  67,303        284,601 
                    Effect of movement in exchange 
 4.5                 rates on cash held                              202            245 
                                                        ----------------  ------------- 
                    Cash and cash equivalents 
 4.6                 at end of period                             58,800         58,800 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ------------- 
               5.   Reconciliation of cash and           Current quarter   Previous quarter 
                     cash equivalents                         $A'000            $A'000 
                     at the end of the quarter 
                     (as shown in the consolidated 
                     statement of cash flows) to 
                     the related items in the accounts 
 5.1                Bank balances                                 58,750             46,016 
 5.2                Call deposits                                     50                 50 
 5.3                Bank overdrafts                                    -                  - 
 5.4                Other (provide details)                            -                  - 
                                                        ----------------  ----------------- 
                    Cash and cash equivalents 
                     at end of quarter (should 
 5.5                 equal item 4.6 above)                        58,800             46,066 
-----------------  -----------------------------------  ----------------  ----------------- 
               6.    Payments to related parties of the entity    Current quarter 
                      and their associates                             $A'000 
                     Aggregate amount of payments to related 
                      parties and their associates included in 
 6.1                  item 1                                                (223) 
 6.2                 Aggregate amount of payments to related                    - 
                      parties and their associates included in 
                      item 2 
 Note: if any amounts are shown in items 6.1 or 6.2, your quarterly 
  activity report must include a description of, and an explanation 
  for, such payments. 
               7.   Financing facilities                    Total facility      Amount drawn 
                     Note: the term "facility'             amount at quarter    at quarter end 
                     includes all forms of financing              end               $A'000 
                     arrangements available to                  $A'000 
                     the entity. Add notes as necessary 
                     for an understanding of the 
                     sources of finance available 
                     to the entity. 
 7.1                Loan facilities                                  176,909           176,909 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.2                Credit standby arrangements                            -                 - 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.3                Other (please specify)                                 -                 - 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.4                Total financing facilities                       176,909           176,909 
                                                         -------------------  ---------------- 
 7.5                Unused financing facilities available at                                 - 
                     quarter end 
 7.6                Include in the box below a description of each facility 
                     above, including the lender, interest rate, maturity date 
                     and whether it is secured or unsecured. If any additional 
                     financing facilities have been entered into or are proposed 
                     to be entered into after quarter end, include a note providing 
                     details of those facilities as well. 
-----------------  --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
                     In August 2020, the Company and its subsidiaries and Taurus 
                      Mining Finance Fund No. 2, L.P. and the Clean Energy Finance 
                      Corporation entered into the Syndicated Facility Agreement 
                      for a US$138 million debt financing package (SFA). After 
                      achieving financial close in December 2020, the Company 
                      announced its first draw down under the SFA totalling 
                      US$105 million enabling repayment of the US$45 million 
                      Stage 1 Bridge facility originally entered into in 2019. 
                      The SFA is secured and interest payable at 9.00% pa and 
                      as of June 2021 the entire $138 million has been drawn 
                      As the loan is denominated in USD, the facility amount 
                      drawn down has been converted at an FX rate of $0.7518 
                      USD/AUD, being the FX cross rate at 30 June 2021. 
                      In June 2021, the company also executed an A$18m Guarantee 
                      Facility with Sequoia Economic Infrastructure Fund (SEQI) 
                      at an interest rate of 12.00% pa. 
               8.    Estimated cash available for future operating            $A'000 
                     Net cash from / (used in) operating activities 
 8.1                  (item 1.9)                                                 (2,751) 
 8.2                 (Payments for exploration & evaluation classified                 - 
                      as investing activities) (item 2.1(d)) 
 8.3                 Total relevant outgoings (item 8.1 + item                   (2,751) 
 8.4                 Cash and cash equivalents at quarter end                     58,800 
                      (item 4.6) 
 8.5                 Unused finance facilities available at quarter                    - 
                      end (item 7.5) 
 8.6                 Total available funding (item 8.4 + item                     76,800 
 8.7                 Estimated quarters of funding available              n/a refer note 
                      (item 8.6 divided by item 8.3)                               below 
  Note: if the entity has reported positive relevant outgoings 
   (ie a net cash inflow) in item 8.3, answer item 8.7 as 
   "N/A". Otherwise, a figure for the estimated quarters 
   of funding available must be included in item 8.7. 
 8.8                 If item 8.7 is less than 2 quarters, please provide answers 
                      to the following questions: 
  8.8.1 Does the entity expect that it will continue to 
   have the current level of net operating cash flows for 
   the time being and, if not, why not? 
  Answer: The c onstruction and practical completion of 
   the Lake Way process plant was finalised in late June 
   2021 and the SO4 operations team is now working through 
   the 'Stage 4' load commissioning process of the process 
   plant. As operations are moving from construction into 
   a commissioning / production phase historical cash flows 
   are not indicative of future expenditure hence the formula 
   in 8.7 is not reflective the Company's future funding 
   availability. Refer to the June 2021 quarterly report 
   for further information on the Group's future funding 
  8.8.2 Has the entity taken any steps, or does it propose 
   to take any steps, to raise further cash to fund its operations 
   and, if so, what are those steps and how likely does it 
   believe that they will be successful? 
  Answer: Not applicable. 
  8.8.3 Does the entity expect to be able to continue its 
   operations and to meet its business objectives and, if 
   so, on what basis? 
  Answer: Not applicable. 
  Note: where item 8.7 is less than 2 quarters, all of questions 
   8.8.1, 8.8.2 and 8.8.3 above must be answered. 

Compliance statement

1 This statement has been prepared in accordance with accounting standards and policies which comply with Listing Rule 19.11A.

   2        This statement gives a true and fair view of the matters disclosed. 
   Date:                xx July 2021 

Authorised by: By the Board

(Name of body or officer authorising release - see note 4)


1. This quarterly cash flow report and the accompanying activity report provide a basis for informing the market about the entity's activities for the past quarter, how they have been financed and the effect this has had on its cash position. An entity that wishes to disclose additional information over and above the minimum required under the Listing Rules is encouraged to do so.

2. If this quarterly cash flow report has been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting Standards, the definitions in, and provisions of, AASB 6: Exploration for and Evaluation of Mineral Resources and AASB 107: Statement of Cash Flows apply to this report. If this quarterly cash flow report has been prepared in accordance with other accounting standards agreed by ASX pursuant to Listing Rule 19.11A, the corresponding equivalent standards apply to this report.

3. Dividends received may be classified either as cash flows from operating activities or cash flows from investing activities, depending on the accounting policy of the entity.

4. If this report has been authorised for release to the market by your board of directors, you can insert here: "By the board". If it has been authorised for release to the market by a committee of your board of directors, you can insert here: "By the [name of board committee - eg Audit and Risk Committee]". If it has been authorised for release to the market by a disclosure committee, you can insert here: "By the Disclosure Committee".

5. If this report has been authorised for release to the market by your board of directors and you wish to hold yourself out as complying with recommendation 4.2 of the ASX Corporate Governance Council's Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations, the board should have received a declaration from its CEO and CFO that, in their opinion, the financial records of the entity have been properly maintained, that this report complies with the appropriate accounting standards and gives a true and fair view of the cash flows of the entity, and that their opinion has been formed on the basis of a sound system of risk management and internal control which is operating effectively.

Related Party Payments

During the quarter ended 30 June 2021, the Company made payments of $223,000 to related parties and their associates. These payments relate to existing remuneration arrangements (executive salaries, director fees and superannuation).

Additional Disclosures

The information contained within this announcement is deemed to constitute inside information as stipulated under the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No. 596/2014 which is part of UK law by virtue of the European Union (withdrawal) Act 2018 . Upon the publication of this announcement, this inside information is now considered to be in the public domain.

Forward Looking Statements

This announcement includes forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are based on the Company's expectations and beliefs concerning future events. Forward-looking statements are necessarily subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside the control of the Company, which could cause actual results to differ materially from such statements. Although the Company believes that its forward-looking statements have reasonable grounds, can give no assurance that they will be achieved. They may be affected by a variety of variables and changes in underlying assumptions that are subject to risk factors associated with the nature of the Company's business (including those described in pages 25 to 29 (inclusive) of the Presentation released to ASX on 11 December 2020), which cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed herein. The Company makes no undertaking to subsequently update or revise the forward-looking statements made in this announcement, save where required by law or regulation, to reflect the circumstances or events after the date of this announcement.

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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

July 30, 2021 08:03 ET (12:03 GMT)

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