amount equal to the earnings or loss attributable to the Liberty SiriusXM Group (if positive) for the fiscal year in which such dividend is to be paid and/or the preceding fiscal year). If dividends are paid on any series of Liberty SiriusXM common stock, an equal per share dividend will be concurrently paid on the other series of Liberty SiriusXM common stock. See Article IV, Section A.2.(c)(i) of Liberty Media’s certificate of incorporation.
Liberty Media is permitted to make (i) share distributions of (A) LSXMK to holders of all series of Liberty SiriusXM common stock, on an equal per share basis; and (B) LSXMA to holders of LSXMA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of LSXMB to holders of LSXMB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of LSXMK to holders of LSXMK; and (ii) share distributions of (A) BATRK or FWONK to holders of all series of Liberty SiriusXM common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations; and (B) BATRA or FWONA to holders of LSXMA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of BATRB or FWONB to holders of LSXMB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of BATRK or FWONK to holders of LSXMK, in each case, subject to certain limitations; and (iii) share distributions of any other class or series of Liberty Media’s securities or the securities of any other person to holders of all series of Liberty SiriusXM common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations. See Article IV,
amount equal to the earnings or loss attributable to the Formula One Group (if positive) for the fiscal year in which such dividend is to be paid and/or the preceding fiscal year). If dividends are paid on any series of Liberty Formula One common stock, an equal per share dividend will be concurrently paid on the other series of Liberty Formula One common stock. See Article IV, Section A.2.(c)(iii) of Liberty Media’s certificate of incorporation.
Liberty Media is permitted to make (i) share distributions of (A) FWONK to holders of all series of Liberty Formula One common stock, on an equal per share basis; and (B) FWONA to holders of FWONA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of FWONB to holders of FWONB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of FWONK to holders of FWONK; and (ii) share distributions of (A) LSXMK or BATRK to holders of all series of Liberty Formula One common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations; and (B) LSXMA or BATRA to holders of FWONA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of LSXMB or BATRB to holders of FWONB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of LSXMK or BATRK to holders of FWONK, in each case, subject to certain limitations; and (iii) share distributions of any other class or series of Liberty Media’s securities or the securities of any other person to holders of all series of Liberty Formula One common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain
amount equal to the earnings or loss attributable to the New Liberty SiriusXM Group (if positive) for the fiscal year in which such dividend is to be paid and/or the preceding fiscal year). If dividends are paid on any series of New Liberty SiriusXM common stock, an equal per share dividend will be concurrently paid on the other series of New Liberty SiriusXM common stock. See Article IV, Section A.2.(c)(i) of Annex C.
Liberty Media is permitted to make (i) share distributions of (A) New LSXMK to holders of all series of New Liberty SiriusXM common stock, on an equal per share basis; and (B) New LSXMA to holders of New LSXMA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New LSXMB to holders of New LSXMB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New LSXMK to holders of New LSXMK; and (ii) share distributions of (A) New FWONK or LLYVK to holders of all series of New Liberty SiriusXM common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations; and (B) New FWONA or LLYVA to holders of New LSXMA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New FWONB or LLYVB to holders of New LSXMB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New FWONK or LLYVK to holders of New LSXMK, in each case, subject to certain limitations; and (iii) share distributions of any other class or series of Liberty Media’s securities or the securities of any other person to holders of all series of New Liberty SiriusXM common stock,
amount equal to the earnings or loss attributable to the New Formula One Group (if positive) for the fiscal year in which such dividend is to be paid and/or the preceding fiscal year). If dividends are paid on any series of New Liberty Formula One common stock, an equal per share dividend will be concurrently paid on the other series of New Liberty Formula One common stock. See Article IV, Section A.2.(c)(iii) of Annex C.
Liberty Media is permitted to make (i) share distributions of (A) New FWONK to holders of all series of New Liberty Formula One common stock, on an equal per share basis; and (B) New FWONA to holders of New FWONA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New FWONB to holders of New FWONB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New FWONK to holders of New FWONK; and (ii) share distributions of (A) New LSXMK or LLYVK to holders of all series of New Liberty Formula One common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations; and (B) New LSXMA or LLYVA to holders of New FWONA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New LSXMB or LLYVB to holders of New FWONB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New LSXMK or LLYVK to holders of New FWONK, in each case, subject to certain limitations; and (iii) share distributions of any other class or series of Liberty Media’s securities or the securities of any other person to holders of all series of New Liberty Formula One common
equal to the earnings or loss attributable to the Liberty Live Group (if positive) for the fiscal year in which such dividend is to be paid and/or the preceding fiscal year). If dividends are paid on any series of Liberty Live common stock, an equal per share dividend will be concurrently paid on the other series of Liberty Live common stock. See Article IV, Section A.2.(c)(ii) of Annex C.
Liberty Media is permitted to make (i) share distributions of (A) LLYVK to holders of all series of Liberty Live common stock, on an equal per share basis; and (B) LLYVA to holders of LLYVA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of LLYVB to holders of LLYVB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of LLYVK to holders of LLYVK; and (ii) share distributions of (A) New LSXMK or New FWONK to holders of all series of Liberty Live common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations; and (B) New LSXMA or New FWONA to holders of LLYVA and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New LSXMB or New FWONB to holders of LLYVB and, on an equal per share basis, shares of New LSXMK or New FWONK to holders of LLYVK, in each case, subject to certain limitations; and (iii) share distributions of any other class or series of Liberty Media’s securities or the securities of any other person to holders of all series of Liberty Live common stock, on an equal per share basis, subject to certain limitations. See Article IV, Section A.2.(d)(ii) of Annex C.