Director Shareholding
04 Agosto 2003 - 12:31PM
UK Regulatory
RNS Number:2991O
St. Ives PLC
4 August 2003
"Director's Share Interests - Patrick Martell
The following discloses the share interests of Mr. Patrick Martell in 10p
Ordinary Shares of St Ives plc, which subsisted at the date of his appointment
on 1st August 2003.
Shares held beneficially: 6,653
Name of registered holder: S.G. Hambros Trust Company (Guernsey) Ltd
Share options subsisting at the date of appointment:
Date of Grant: Option Number of Shares Period during
Price over which options which option
are outstanding exercisable
17.10.96 468.33p 10,000 17.10.99-16.10.03
14.11.97 520.84p 10,000 14.11.00-13.11.04
17.11.98 320.84p 10,000 17.11.01-16.11.05
20.10.99 558p 10,000 28.10.02-27.10.06
30.11.02 315p 30,000 30.11.02-29.11.12
At the date of his appointment Mr. Martell also held options over a maximum of
19,959 10p Ordinary Shares in the Company under the rules of the St Ives plc
Equity Partnership Plan (EPP). These options were granted in November 2002
following the purchase by him of 6,653 shares in the Company. The exercise price
is nil and the option is exercisable between 26.11.05 and 25.05.06.
All of the above options are only exercisable to the extent that certain
performance conditions are achieved.
By virtue of his participation in the EPP together with certain other directors
and senior executives, Mr. Martell is interested in 500,000 10p Ordinary Shares
in St Ives plc held by S.G. Hambros Trust Company (Guernsey) Ltd, discretionary
trustee of the St Ives plc UK and Overseas Employee Trusts."
This information is provided by RNS
The company news service from the London Stock Exchange