Boa empresa, nfavaro estude antes de falar, pode ate não subir no CP mas no MP E LP é òtima empresa.
Coelba ON currency: in R$ Real
Ticker CEEB3
Country BRA
Sector (Eco classif) Electric Power
Sector (NAICS classif) Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Exchange Bovespa
Prices Price Chng
Last price 0.30 1 day -3.23
Last trade date 2007.07.06 7d (1wk) 25.00
High (last 52 weeks) 0.33 30d (1mo) 30.43
Low (last 52 weeks) 0.13838 365d (1yr) 91.88
Avg $ Vol (21d) 292,922 Jul/2007 -
Statistics In 2007 51.11
Beta (60m)...
Boa empresa, nfavaro estude antes de falar, pode ate não subir no CP mas no MP E LP é òtima empresa.
Coelba ON currency: in R$ Real
Ticker CEEB3
Country BRA
Sector (Eco classif) Electric Power
Sector (NAICS classif) Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution
Exchange Bovespa
Prices Price Chng
Last price 0.30 1 day -3.23
Last trade date 2007.07.06 7d (1wk) 25.00
High (last 52 weeks) 0.33 30d (1mo) 30.43
Low (last 52 weeks) 0.13838 365d (1yr) 91.88
Avg $ Vol (21d) 292,922 Jul/2007 -
Statistics In 2007 51.11
Beta (60m) 0.24 In 2006 80.55
Correlation (60m) 0.16 In 2005 88.17
Volat % (21d) 49.06 In 2004 194.31
Index Partic 0.00 In 2003 10.41
Type Date ex-1 Last corp actions
Cash Div 2007.05.28 $0.001087
Stock Div 2005.12.22 0.95848 shares
Rights Issue 1996.04.19 0.35096 shrs at $ 0.02435
Major stockholders on 2006.12.31
Neoenergia S/A 88%
Iberdrola Energia do Brasil 8%
k = x 1.000
M = x 1.000.000
/k = / 1.000
/M = / 1.000.000
Trad Ratios (12m) 09.2004 12.2004 09.2005 2007.07.06
Price / Earnings (x) 6.22 5.05 4.64 -
Price / Book Value (x) 1.03 1.02 1.26 -
Dividend Yld (end prc) % 15.22 23.82 10.42 8.73
Market Cap (this*tot) $ 1,844M 1,734M 2,634M 5,645M
Price Sales Ratio (x) 0.70 0.66 0.99 -
Dividend Paid p/ Shr $ 0.014089 0.020732 0.013781 0.026203
Financ Ratios (12m) 09.2004 12.2004 09.2005
Earnings p/ Share $ 0.014872 0.017234 0.028502
Book Value p/ Share $ 0.090187 0.085047 0.10531
Gross Margin % 37.47 38.88 47.23
ROE (ending stck eq) % 16.49 20.26 27.06
Net Margin % 11.32 13.16 21.25
Gross Debt / Stkh Eq % 112.58 121.34 77.05
Current Ratio (x) 1.05 1.25 1.48
Fin Statmnts 09.2004 12.2004 09.2005
Total Assets 4,969M 4,939M 4,773M
Stockholders' Equity 1,797M 1,694M 2,098M
Net Operat Revenues 1,960M 2,609M 2,023M
Operating Profit EBIT 474,007k 666,602k 768,503k
Net Income 235,432k 343,356k 459,916k
Depreciation & Amortiz - 204,553k -
Period type (months) 9 12 9
Misc 09.2004 12.2004 09.2005 2007.07.06
Total Shares Calc 18,818M 18,818M 18,818M 18,818M
Filed as of date 2004.11.12 2005.03.24 2005.11.14 0000.00.00
Consolidated Yes Yes Yes Yes
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