Trading Symbol 
19th January 2024 
Anglesey Mining plc 
("Anglesey" or "the Company") 
Parys Mountain drilling returns strong assays including 22.0m at 3.7% CuEq 
Anglesey Mining plc (AIM:AYM), is pleased to announce that the assay results 
have been received from the recently completed drill hole NCZ001. Drill hole 
NCZ001 is the first hole from the infill drilling program of the Northern Copper 
and Garth Daniel Zones at the Company's Parys Mountain Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-Au VMS 
project on the Isle of Anglesey in North West Wales. 
Drill hole NCZ001 was designed to provide a repeat of the historical drill hole 
H34, drilled in the early 1970's, which intersected three mineralised zones that 
bulked out to 146 metres at 1.2% copper equivalent (CuEq). Due to the deviation 
of NCZ001, the intersection encountered is estimated to be approximately 75 
metres up-dip from the H34 intersection and provides a valuable infill pierce 
Garth Daniel Zone - Hole NCZ001 
  · 22.0m @ 2.3% Cu, 2.8% Zn, 1.3% Pb, 5.0g/t Ag and 0.03g/t Au (3.7% CuEq / 
9.2% ZnEq) from a depth of 559m, including 
    · 4.0m @ 5.2% Cu, 5.0g/t Ag and 0.03g/t Au (4.9% CuEq) from 569m; and, 
    · 6.0m @ 2.5% Cu, 9.9% Zn, 4.7% Pb, 10g/t Ag and 0.1g/t Au (6.1% CuEq / 
17.4% ZnEq) from 575m 
Northern Copper Zone - Hole NCZ001 
Significant intersections include: 
  · 11.0m @ 0.6% Cu, 1.4% Zn, 0.5% Pb, 9.0g/t Ag and 0.4g/t Au (1.3% CuEq / 3.6% 
ZnEq) from a depth of 503m including 
    · 4.0m at 1.1% Cu, 2.7% Zn, 1.0% Pb, 16g/t Ag and 0.7g/t Au (2.4% CuEq / 
6.9% ZnEq) from 510m 
  · 63.0m @ 0.6% Cu, 0.06% Zn, 0.03% Pb, 3g/t Ag and 0.2g/t Au (0.7% CuEq) from 
a depth of 362m including 
    · 16.0m @ 0.9% Cu, 0.05% Zn, 0.02% Pb, 3g/t Ag and 0.2g/t Au (1.0% CuEq) 
from 382m 
    · 7.0m @ 1.3% Cu, 0.11% Zn, 0.05% Pb, 5.5g/t Ag and 0.2g/t Au (1.3% CuEq) 
from 404m 
  · 13.0m @ 0.5% Cu, 0.05% Zn, 0.01% Pb, 2g/t Ag and 0.1g/t Au (0.5% CuEq) from 
a depth of 455m 
***CuEq and ZnEq grades are based on recovery factors and commodity prices as 
detailed on page 9 of this release*** 
Andrew King, Interim Chairman of Anglesey Mining, commented: "We are very 
encouraged by the broad widths encountered across both the Garth Daniel and 
Northern Copper Zones in NCZ001. In particular, we are excited to see the 
significant intersection within the Garth Daniel Zone. The 22-metre intersection 
grading 3.7% copper equivalent we believe continues to demonstrate the 
prospectivity of the Parys Mountain mineralised system." 
"Infill drilling of these mineralised zones will play a crucial role in the 
development studies for Parys Mountain. The primary target for this program is 
to provide additional pierce points to enable the current Inferred resources to 
be upgraded to the Indicated category. The second drill hole, NCZ002, is 
currently at a depth of around 360 metres with the Northern Copper Zone target 
estimated to commence at a downhole depth of around 420 metres". 
Drill hole details 
|Hole  |Co-ordinates |Elevation|Azimuth|Dip (°)|End of Hole (m)| 
|ID    |             |         |       |       |               | 
|      |        (E)  |(m)      |(°)    |       |               | 
|      |             |         |       |       |               | 
|      |             |         |       |       |               | 
|      |(N)          |         |       |       |               | 
|NCZ001|244008|390981|78.3     |165    |-75    |635            | 
Reported Assays (results >0.5 CuEq in bold) 
|Hole Number|From  |To    |Sample Length|Assays 
|           |(m)   |(m)   |(m)          |Cu  |Zn   |Pb  |Ag (g/t)|Au (g/tt)|CuEq 
|           |      |      |             |    |     |    |        |         | 
|           |      |      |             |(%) |(%)  |(%) |        |         |(%)* 
|NCZ001     |77.5  |78    |0.50         |0.27|0.19 |0.16|3.3     |<0.005 
|0.36% | 
|NCZ001     |83.4  |83.9  |0.50         |0.03|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |98.6  |99.1  |0.50         |0.08|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |99.1  |99.6  |0.50         |0.02|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |99.6  |100.1 |0.50         |0.02|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |100.1 |100.6 |0.50         |0.02|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |100.6 |101.1 |0.50         |0.03|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |101.1 |101.6 |0.50         |0.56|0.22 |0.13|9.6     |<0.005 
|0.66% | 
|NCZ001     |101.6 |102   |0.40         |0.12|0.32 |0.06|2.9     |<0.005 
|0.23% | 
|NCZ001     |102   |102.5 |0.50         |0.02|0.02 |0.05|<0.50   |<0.005 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |102.5 |103   |0.50         |0.32|0.02 |0.03|3.4     |<0.005 
|0.33% | 
|NCZ001     |131   |131.5 |0.50         |0.02|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |132.5 |133   |0.50         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |139   |139.5 |0.50         |0.01|0.02 |0.01|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |243.65|244.15|0.50         |0.00|0.27 |0.05|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.09% | 
|NCZ001     |267.8 |268.3 |0.50         |0.01|0.70 |0.07|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.22% | 
|NCZ001     |303.9 |304.4 |0.50         |0.01|0.03 |0.01|1.2     |<0.005 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |304.4 |304.9 |0.50         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |304.9 |305.4 |0.50         |0.07|0.01 |0.00|1.0     |<0.005 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |305.4 |305.9 |0.50         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |305.9 |306.4 |0.50         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |318.45|318.95|0.50         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |327.15|327.65|0.50         |0.01|0.59 |0.02|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.18% | 
|NCZ001     |351   |352   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |352   |353   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |353   |354   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |354   |355   |1.00         |0.02|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |355   |356   |1.00         |0.01|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |0.01 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |356   |357   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |357   |358   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |358   |359   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |359   |360   |1.00         |0.03|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.02 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |360   |361   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |361   |362   |1.00         |0.27|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.025 
|0.26% | 
|NCZ001     |362   |363   |1.00         |0.98|0.01 |0.01|1.7     |0.223 
|1.02% | 
|NCZ001     |363   |364   |1.00         |0.49|0.00 |0.01|0.9     |0.142 
|0.52% | 
|NCZ001     |364   |365   |1.00         |1.04|0.00 |0.04|6.5     |0.119 
|1.06% | 
|NCZ001     |365   |366   |1.00         |1.38|0.00 |0.01|3.1     |0.621 
|1.56% | 
|NCZ001     |366   |367   |1.00         |0.15|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |0.03 
|0.15% | 
|NCZ001     |367   |368   |1.00         |0.35|0.01 |0.00|0.8     |0.068 
|0.36% | 
|NCZ001     |368   |369   |1.00         |0.78|0.03 |0.01|1.7     |0.31 
|0.87% | 
|NCZ001     |369   |370   |1.00         |0.57|0.01 |0.00|0.8     |0.23 
|0.63% | 
|NCZ001     |370   |371   |1.00         |0.16|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.024 
|0.16% | 
|NCZ001     |371   |372   |1.00         |0.15|0.01 |0.01|<0.5    |0.024 
|0.16% | 
|NCZ001     |372   |373   |1.00         |0.11|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.127 
|0.16% | 
|NCZ001     |373   |374   |1.00         |0.56|0.00 |0.01|1.5     |0.464 
|0.73% | 
|NCZ001     |374   |375   |1.00         |0.45|0.01 |0.01|1.6     |0.22 
|0.52% | 
|NCZ001     |375   |376   |1.00         |0.40|0.01 |0.01|1.2     |0.376 
|0.54% | 
|NCZ001     |376   |377   |1.00         |0.59|0.02 |0.01|1.5     |0.221 
|0.65% | 
|NCZ001     |377   |378   |1.00         |0.12|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.031 
|0.12% | 
|NCZ001     |378   |379   |1.00         |0.08|0.00 |0.00|0.7     |0.048 
|0.10% | 
|NCZ001     |379   |380   |1.00         |1.58|0.02 |0.03|5.6     |1.19 
|1.99% | 
|NCZ001     |380   |381   |1.00         |0.09|0.01 |0.01|0.5     |0.115 
|0.14% | 
|NCZ001     |381   |382   |1.00         |0.03|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |0.051 
|0.06% | 
|NCZ001     |382   |383   |1.00         |0.73|0.08 |0.02|1.9     |0.219 
|0.81% | 
|NCZ001     |383   |384   |1.00         |0.95|0.04 |0.05|4.3     |0.953 
|1.31% | 
|NCZ001     |384   |385   |1.00         |2.01|0.02 |0.02|3.4     |0.04 
|1.91% | 
|NCZ001     |385   |386   |1.00         |0.31|0.03 |0.01|0.8     |0.037 
|0.32% | 
|NCZ001     |386   |387   |1.00         |0.75|0.11 |0.03|1.6     |0.056 
|0.76% | 
|NCZ001     |387   |388   |1.00         |0.06|0.02 |0.00|0.5     |0.01 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |388   |389   |1.00         |0.84|0.04 |0.01|1.5     |0.04 
|0.82% | 
|NCZ001     |389   |390   |1.00         |1.14|0.03 |0.02|3.3     |0.159 
|1.15% | 
|NCZ001     |390   |391   |1.00         |0.21|0.04 |0.01|1.1     |0.07 
|0.24% | 
|NCZ001     |391   |392   |1.00         |0.94|0.02 |0.01|2.6     |0.094 
|0.94% | 
|NCZ001     |392   |393   |1.00         |1.76|0.03 |0.04|9.6     |0.419 
|1.88% | 
|NCZ001     |393   |394   |1.00         |0.85|0.04 |0.01|2.6     |0.115 
|0.86% | 
|NCZ001     |394   |395   |1.00         |1.45|0.26 |0.04|4.2     |0.127 
|1.51% | 
|NCZ001     |395   |396   |1.00         |1.07|0.02 |0.01|2.6     |0.137 
|1.07% | 
|NCZ001     |396   |397   |1.00         |0.17|0.01 |0.02|2.3     |0.124 
|0.23% | 
|NCZ001     |397   |398   |1.00         |0.60|0.01 |0.00|1.3     |0.088 
|0.61% | 
|NCZ001     |398   |399   |1.00         |0.14|0.01 |0.00|1.8     |0.132 
|0.19% | 
|NCZ001     |399   |400   |1.00         |0.13|0.62 |0.23|3.6     |0.232 
|0.46% | 
|NCZ001     |400   |401   |1.00         |0.20|0.07 |0.03|2.9     |0.133 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |401   |402   |1.00         |0.28|0.02 |0.03|3.5     |0.157 
|0.36% | 
|NCZ001     |402   |403   |1.00         |0.19|0.04 |0.09|3.4     |0.099 
|0.27% | 
|NCZ001     |403   |404   |1.00         |0.07|0.02 |0.02|2.1     |0.235 
|0.19% | 
|NCZ001     |404   |405   |1.00         |0.66|0.06 |0.04|3.2     |0.31 
|0.78% | 
|NCZ001     |405   |406   |1.00         |1.73|0.01 |0.01|4.0     |0.305 
|1.76% | 
|NCZ001     |406   |407   |1.00         |1.80|0.01 |0.04|5.8     |0.052 
|1.74% | 
|NCZ001     |407   |408   |1.00         |0.97|0.01 |0.01|1.9     |0.057 
|0.94% | 
|NCZ001     |408   |409   |1.00         |1.35|0.37 |0.16|8.7     |0.226 
|1.53% | 
|NCZ001     |409   |410   |1.00         |1.53|0.02 |0.04|7.3     |0.142 
|1.54% | 
|NCZ001     |410   |411   |1.00         |0.98|0.30 |0.08|7.4     |0.255 
|1.16% | 
|NCZ001     |411   |412   |1.00         |0.20|0.13 |0.07|2.9     |0.101 
|0.30% | 
|NCZ001     |412   |413   |1.00         |0.45|0.40 |0.10|4.0     |0.192 
|0.65% | 
|NCZ001     |413   |414   |1.00         |0.10|0.04 |0.02|1.7     |0.139 
|0.17% | 
|NCZ001     |414   |415   |1.00         |0.21|0.02 |0.02|2.6     |0.113 
|0.27% | 
|NCZ001     |415   |416   |1.00         |0.26|0.25 |0.07|2.8     |0.092 
|0.38% | 
|NCZ001     |416   |417   |1.00         |0.33|0.03 |0.01|1.1     |0.005 
|0.33% | 
|NCZ001     |417   |418   |1.00         |0.67|0.04 |0.01|2.5     |0.014 
|0.66% | 
|NCZ001     |418   |419   |1.00         |0.60|0.03 |0.01|2.2     |0.013 
|0.58% | 
|NCZ001     |419   |420   |1.00         |0.52|0.16 |0.03|2.7     |0.031 
|0.56% | 
|NCZ001     |420   |421   |1.00         |0.38|0.06 |0.02|2.9     |0.019 
|0.40% | 
|NCZ001     |421   |422   |1.00         |0.20|0.03 |0.01|1.5     |0.012 
|0.21% | 
|NCZ001     |422   |423   |1.00         |0.46|0.06 |0.01|2.2     |0.011 
|0.46% | 
|NCZ001     |423   |424   |1.00         |0.28|0.04 |0.01|1.8     |0.022 
|0.29% | 
|NCZ001     |424   |425   |1.00         |0.52|0.04 |0.01|2.2     |0.044 
|0.53% | 
|NCZ001     |425   |426   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.01|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |426   |427   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.01|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |427   |428   |1.00         |0.03|0.05 |0.01|0.5     |0.007 
|0.05% | 
|NCZ001     |428   |429   |1.00         |0.32|0.04 |0.01|1.4     |0.019 
|0.33% | 
|NCZ001     |429   |430   |1.00         |0.06|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.007 
|0.06% | 
|NCZ001     |430   |431   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |431   |432   |1.00         |0.01|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |432   |433   |1.00         |0.65|0.03 |0.01|1.5     |0.012 
|0.63% | 
|NCZ001     |433   |434   |1.00         |0.08|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |434   |435   |1.00         |0.04|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.007 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |435   |436   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |436   |437   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |437   |438   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |438   |439   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.007 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |439   |440   |1.00         |0.03|0.06 |0.00|1.0     |0.005 
|0.05% | 
|NCZ001     |440   |441   |1.00         |0.00|0.05 |0.02|<0.5    |0.007 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |441   |442   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |442   |443   |1.00         |0.01|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |443   |444   |1.00         |0.00|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |444   |445   |1.00         |0.04|0.04 |0.01|0.7     |0.031 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |445   |446   |1.00         |0.23|0.07 |0.03|2.6     |0.061 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |446   |447   |1.00         |0.15|0.17 |0.17|4.7     |0.112 
|0.29% | 
|NCZ001     |447   |448   |1.00         |0.32|0.33 |0.15|3.9     |0.179 
|0.52% | 
|NCZ001     |448   |449   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |449   |450   |1.00         |0.08|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.09% | 
|NCZ001     |450   |451   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |451   |452   |1.00         |0.18|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.17% | 
|NCZ001     |452   |453   |1.00         |0.10|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |0.007 
|0.10% | 
|NCZ001     |453   |454   |1.00         |0.19|0.05 |0.01|0.9     |0.048 
|0.22% | 
|NCZ001     |454   |455   |1.00         |0.02|0.07 |0.00|0.5     |0.043 
|0.06% | 
|NCZ001     |455   |456   |1.00         |0.55|0.06 |0.01|2.3     |0.077 
|0.57% | 
|NCZ001     |456   |457   |1.00         |0.35|0.02 |0.00|0.9     |0.028 
|0.35% | 
|NCZ001     |457   |458   |1.00         |0.75|0.02 |0.01|1.7     |0.02 
|0.72% | 
|NCZ001     |458   |459   |1.00         |0.18|0.05 |0.02|2.3     |0.067 
|0.23% | 
|NCZ001     |459   |460   |1.00         |0.06|0.02 |0.01|1.9     |0.077 
|0.11% | 
|NCZ001     |460   |461   |1.00         |0.13|0.02 |0.00|0.9     |0.063 
|0.16% | 
|NCZ001     |461   |462   |1.00         |0.50|0.04 |0.02|3.9     |0.224 
|0.59% | 
|NCZ001     |462   |463   |1.00         |0.47|0.03 |0.02|3.0     |0.173 
|0.54% | 
|NCZ001     |463   |464   |1.00         |0.17|0.02 |0.01|2.1     |0.163 
|0.25% | 
|NCZ001     |464   |465   |1.00         |0.86|0.02 |0.02|3.8     |0.218 
|0.92% | 
|NCZ001     |465   |466   |1.00         |0.70|0.07 |0.02|3.0     |0.126 
|0.74% | 
|NCZ001     |466   |467   |1.00         |0.71|0.19 |0.02|2.3     |0.103 
|0.78% | 
|NCZ001     |467   |468   |1.00         |0.55|0.06 |0.02|1.9     |0.065 
|0.57% | 
|NCZ001     |468   |469   |1.00         |0.20|0.07 |0.02|2.5     |0.125 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |469   |470   |1.00         |0.09|0.11 |0.02|2.7     |0.106 
|0.18% | 
|NCZ001     |470   |471   |1.00         |0.19|0.05 |0.01|1.1     |0.007 
|0.21% | 
|NCZ001     |471   |472   |1.00         |0.16|0.03 |0.01|1.8     |0.039 
|0.19% | 
|NCZ001     |472   |473   |1.00         |0.07|0.10 |0.03|2.1     |0.021 
|0.12% | 
|NCZ001     |473   |474   |1.00         |0.19|0.09 |0.04|3.4     |0.119 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |474   |475   |1.00         |0.38|0.13 |0.04|2.2     |0.063 
|0.43% | 
|NCZ001     |475   |476   |1.00         |0.18|0.08 |0.01|1.5     |0.037 
|0.22% | 
|NCZ001     |476   |477   |1.00         |0.07|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |0.011 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |477   |478   |1.00         |0.20|0.03 |0.01|1.1     |0.017 
|0.21% | 
|NCZ001     |478   |479   |1.00         |0.08|0.04 |0.01|0.5     |<0.005 
|0.09% | 
|NCZ001     |479   |480   |1.00         |0.03|0.02 |0.01|<0.5    |0.007 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |480   |481   |1.00         |0.01|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |481   |482   |1.00         |0.01|0.04 |0.01|0.8     |0.007 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |482   |483   |1.00         |0.03|0.04 |0.05|0.8     |0.042 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |483   |484   |1.00         |0.09|0.08 |0.06|1.3     |0.015 
|0.14% | 
|NCZ001     |484   |485   |1.00         |0.06|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.011 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |485   |486   |1.00         |0.13|0.55 |0.30|1.7     |0.019 
|0.36% | 
|NCZ001     |486   |487   |1.00         |0.05|0.06 |0.01|0.7     |0.026 
|0.09% | 
|NCZ001     |487   |488   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.01|<0.5    |0.036 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |488   |489   |1.00         |0.01|0.10 |0.17|0.7     |0.029 
|0.09% | 
|NCZ001     |489   |490   |1.00         |0.05|0.01 |0.00|0.6     |0.03 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |490   |491   |1.00         |0.00|0.03 |0.00|<0.5    |0.009 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |491   |492   |1.00         |0.10|0.04 |0.01|0.7     |0.019 
|0.12% | 
|NCZ001     |492   |493   |1.00         |0.00|0.04 |0.02|0.6     |0.019 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |493   |494   |1.00         |0.08|2.10 |0.75|3.4     |0.022 
|0.85% | 
|NCZ001     |494   |495   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |495   |496   |1.00         |0.01|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |496   |497   |1.00         |0.03|0.01 |0.01|0.5     |0.072 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |497   |498   |1.00         |0.24|0.03 |0.02|2.1     |0.188 
|0.33% | 
|NCZ001     |498   |499   |1.00         |0.20|0.04 |0.03|1.3     |0.052 
|0.23% | 
|NCZ001     |499   |500   |1.00         |0.06|0.01 |0.01|0.5     |0.016 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |500   |501   |1.00         |0.12|0.02 |0.01|0.6     |0.021 
|0.13% | 
|NCZ001     |501   |502   |1.00         |0.11|0.07 |0.02|1.6     |0.093 
|0.17% | 
|NCZ001     |502   |503   |1.00         |0.08|0.34 |0.08|2.2     |0.096 
|0.24% | 
|NCZ001     |503   |504   |1.00         |0.23|0.69 |0.12|4.2     |0.127 
|0.51% | 
|NCZ001     |504   |505   |1.00         |0.11|0.81 |0.13|5.3     |0.187 
|0.47% | 
|NCZ001     |505   |506   |1.00         |0.22|0.57 |0.08|9.5     |0.266 
|0.55% | 
|NCZ001     |506   |507   |1.00         |0.64|0.20 |0.02|4.3     |0.19 
|0.76% | 
|NCZ001     |507   |508   |1.00         |0.23|0.38 |0.06|4.1     |0.216 
|0.45% | 
|NCZ001     |508   |509   |1.00         |0.22|0.54 |0.12|6.2     |0.235 
|0.52% | 
|NCZ001     |509   |510   |1.00         |0.27|1.11 |0.24|5.8     |0.266 
|0.76% | 
|NCZ001     |510   |511   |1.00         |0.41|1.28 |0.37|8.1     |0.425 
|1.04% | 
|NCZ001     |511   |512   |1.00         |1.19|7.34 |3.19|21.3    |0.782 
|4.27% | 
|NCZ001     |512   |513   |1.00         |2.50|2.07 |0.54|30.2    |1.41 
|3.78% | 
|NCZ001     |513   |514   |1.00         |0.45|0.06 |0.07|3.3     |0.082 
|0.51% | 
|NCZ001     |514   |515   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.008 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |515   |516   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |516   |517   |1.00         |0.14|0.07 |0.06|0.6     |0.006 
|0.17% | 
|NCZ001     |517   |518   |1.00         |0.05|0.22 |0.03|0.7     |0.016 
|0.12% | 
|NCZ001     |518   |519   |1.00         |0.02|0.06 |0.02|0.6     |0.01 
|0.05% | 
|NCZ001     |519   |520   |1.00         |0.07|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.006 
|0.07% | 
|NCZ001     |520   |521   |1.00         |0.02|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.006 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |521   |522   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |522   |523   |1.00         |1.80|0.03 |0.05|5.6     |0.029 
|1.74% | 
|NCZ001     |523   |524   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |524   |525   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |525   |526   |1.00         |0.21|0.02 |0.01|1.0     |0.011 
|0.22% | 
|NCZ001     |526   |527   |1.00         |1.23|0.02 |0.01|4.3     |0.022 
|1.18% | 
|NCZ001     |527   |528   |1.00         |0.21|0.04 |0.02|1.8     |0.041 
|0.24% | 
|NCZ001     |528   |529   |1.00         |0.01|0.08 |0.16|1.1     |0.011 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |529   |530   |1.00         |0.28|0.02 |0.02|1.0     |0.008 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |530   |531   |1.00         |0.01|0.05 |0.01|<0.5    |0.29 
|0.14% | 
|NCZ001     |531   |532   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |532   |533   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |533   |534   |1.00         |0.01|0.35 |0.59|4.5     |0.021 
|0.25% | 
|NCZ001     |534   |535   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.01|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |535   |536   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.013 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |536   |537   |1.00         |0.06|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.06% | 
|NCZ001     |537   |538   |1.00         |0.24|0.11 |0.02|0.7     |0.027 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |538   |539   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |0.02 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |539   |540   |1.00         |0.04|0.01 |0.01|0.8     |0.032 
|0.06% | 
|NCZ001     |540   |541   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |541   |542   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |542   |543   |1.00         |0.02|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |543   |544   |1.00         |0.06|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.06% | 
|NCZ001     |544   |545   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |545   |546   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |546   |547   |1.00         |0.00|0.03 |0.01|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |547   |548   |1.00         |0.07|0.02 |0.01|0.7     |<0.005 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |548   |549   |1.00         |0.04|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |549   |550   |1.00         |0.04|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |550   |551   |1.00         |0.10|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.10% | 
|NCZ001     |551   |552   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |552   |553   |1.00         |0.10|0.02 |0.01|1.1     |<0.005 
|0.11% | 
|NCZ001     |553   |554   |1.00         |0.21|0.01 |0.01|2.0     |<0.005 
|0.22% | 
|NCZ001     |554   |555   |1.00         |0.08|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.08% | 
|NCZ001     |555   |556   |1.00         |0.48|0.01 |0.01|1.4     |<0.005 
|0.46% | 
|NCZ001     |556   |557   |1.00         |0.29|0.01 |0.00|0.6     |<0.005 
|0.28% | 
|NCZ001     |557   |558   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |558   |559   |1.00         |0.13|0.04 |0.04|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.14% | 
|NCZ001     |559   |560   |1.00         |1.82|0.02 |0.01|2.8     |<0.005 
|1.71% | 
|NCZ001     |560   |561   |1.00         |0.32|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |0.009 
|0.31% | 
|NCZ001     |561   |562   |1.00         |0.49|0.02 |0.01|1.7     |0.02 
|0.48% | 
|NCZ001     |562   |563   |1.00         |1.98|0.03 |0.01|3.7     |0.021 
|1.88% | 
|NCZ001     |563   |564   |1.00         |2.77|0.02 |0.01|3.3     |0.023 
|2.61% | 
|NCZ001     |564   |565   |1.00         |3.43|0.02 |0.01|4.0     |0.045 
|3.24% | 
|NCZ001     |565   |566   |1.00         |1.02|0.02 |0.01|1.8     |0.016 
|0.97% | 
|NCZ001     |566   |567   |1.00         |0.35|0.03 |0.01|1.3     |0.015 
|0.35% | 
|NCZ001     |567   |568   |1.00         |0.02|0.02 |0.01|0.5     |0.01 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |568   |569   |1.00         |0.37|0.06 |0.02|1.4     |0.031 
|0.39% | 
|NCZ001     |569   |570   |1.00         |5.83|0.04 |0.04|5.6     |0.042 
|5.49% | 
|NCZ001     |570   |571   |1.00         |6.81|0.02 |0.00|6.4     |0.033 
|6.39% | 
|NCZ001     |571   |572   |1.00         |2.82|0.01 |0.00|2.4     |0.018 
|2.65% | 
|NCZ001     |572   |573   |1.00         |5.46|0.01 |0.00|4.8     |0.026 
|5.12% | 
|NCZ001     |573   |574   |1.00         |1.21|2.08 |0.84|3.1     |0.029 
|1.91% | 
|NCZ001     |574   |575   |1.00         |0.77|0.02 |0.02|1.0     |0.008 
|0.73% | 
|NCZ001     |575   |576   |1.00         |1.95|1.90 |0.68|3.6     |0.022 
|2.52% | 
|NCZ001     |576   |577   |1.00         |2.34|11.35|4.67|14.5    |0.141 
|6.47% | 
|NCZ001     |577   |578   |1.00         |3.29|4.19 |1.67|8.6     |0.207 
|4.72% | 
|NCZ001     |578   |579   |1.00         |2.44|14.50|6.51|11.4    |0.083 
|7.78% | 
|NCZ001     |579   |580   |1.00         |3.27|18.45|9.66|13.3    |0.075 
|NCZ001     |580   |581   |1.00         |1.45|8.70 |5.08|5.8     |0.036 
|4.86% | 
|NCZ001     |581   |582   |1.00         |0.03|0.04 |0.02|0.7     |0.01 
|0.05% | 
|NCZ001     |582   |583   |1.00         |0.01|0.04 |0.02|0.6     |0.008 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |583   |584   |1.00         |0.01|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |0.005 
|0.02% | 
|NCZ001     |584   |585   |1.00         |0.02|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |0.013 
|0.03% | 
|NCZ001     |585   |586   |1.00         |0.40|2.43 |1.42|7.7     |0.012 
|1.40% | 
|NCZ001     |586   |587   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |587   |588   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |588   |589   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |589   |590   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |590   |591   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.01|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |591   |592   |1.00         |0.00|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |592   |593   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |593   |594   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |594   |595   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |595   |596   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |596   |597   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |597   |598   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |598   |599   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |599   |600   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |600   |601   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |601   |602   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |602   |603   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |603   |604   |1.00         |0.00|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.00% | 
|NCZ001     |604   |605   |1.00         |0.01|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |605   |606   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |606   |607   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |607   |608   |1.00         |0.16|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.15% | 
|NCZ001     |608   |609   |1.00         |0.01|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |609   |610   |1.00         |0.00|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.01% | 
|NCZ001     |610   |611   |1.00         |0.10|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.10% | 
|NCZ001     |611   |612   |1.00         |0.33|0.02 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.31% | 
|NCZ001     |612   |613   |1.00         |0.58|0.03 |0.02|0.5     |<0.005 
|0.55% | 
|NCZ001     |613   |614   |1.00         |0.54|0.02 |0.01|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.51% | 
|NCZ001     |614   |615   |1.00         |0.04|0.01 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.04% | 
|NCZ001     |615   |616   |1.00         |0.05|0.00 |0.00|<0.5    |<0.005 
|0.04% | 
|Total      |      |      |276.40       |    |     |    |        |         | 
* Copper Equivalent (CuEq %) = Cu grade % * Cu Recovery + (Zn grade % * Zn 
Recovery * (Zn price $/t /Cu price $/t)) + (Pb grade % * Pb Recovery * (Pb price 
$/t /Cu price $/t)) + (Ag grade g/t / 31.103 * Ag recovery * (Ag price $/oz /Cu 
price $/t)) + (Au grade g/t / 31.103 * Au recovery * (Au price $/oz /Cu price 
Zn equivalent calculated using following commodity prices: Zn - US$3350/t, Cu - 
US$9523/t, Pb - US$2292/t, Ag - US$25.50/oz & Au - US$1850/oz 
Zn Equivalent calculated using following recovery assumptions for Northern 
Copper Zone: Zn - 82%, Cu - 93%, Pb - 78%, Ag - 72% & Au -65% 
Sample analysis and QA/QC 
All samples generated from the drilling were dispatched to ALS Loughrea, 
Samples were analysed for multi-element data analysis using their ME-ICP61 
package, which includes Ag, Cu, Pb and Zn. The samples were also assayed for 
gold using their Au-AA23 analysis package. Overlimit assays were then analysed 
using their Ag-OG62, Cu-OG62, Pb-OG62, Zn-OG62 and ME-OG62 analysis packages. 
For QA/QC purposes, Anglesey Mining used the industry standard of inserting 5% 
Certified Reference Material (CRM) samples, 2.5% Certified Blank Samples 
(Blanks) and 5% duplicate samples at source. The CRMs were sourced from Geostats 
Pty Ltd, Ore Research & Exploration Pty Ltd, OREAS and Natural Resources Canada. 
Competent Person 
The information in this announcement which relates to Drilling Results has been 
approved by Mrs. Liz de Klerk, M.Sc., Pr.Sci.Nat., FIMMM who is a professional 
registered with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professionals 
(SACNASP: 400090/08) and independent consultant to the Company. Mrs. de Klerk is 
the Senior Geologist & Managing Director of Micon International Co Limited and 
has over 20 continuous years of exploration and mining experience in a variety 
of mineral deposit styles. Mrs. de Klerk has sufficient experience which is 
relevant to the style of exploration, mineralisation and type of deposit under 
consideration and to the activity which she is undertaking to qualify as a 
Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the "Australasian Code for 
reporting of Exploration Results, Exploration Targets, Mineral Resources and Ore 
Reserves" (JORC Code). Mrs. de Klerk consents to inclusion in the announcement 
of the matters based on this information in the form and context in which it 
About Anglesey Mining plc 
Anglesey Mining is traded on the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange and 
currently has 420,093,017 ordinary shares on issue. 
Anglesey is developing its 100% owned Parys Mountain Cu-Zn-Pb-Ag-Au deposit in 
North Wales, UK with a reported resource of 5.3 million tonnes at over 4.0% 
combined base metals in the Measured and Indicated categories and 10.8 million 
tonnes at over 2.5% combined base metals in the Inferred category. 
Anglesey also holds a49.75% interest in the Grängesberg Iron project in Sweden, 
together with management rights. Anglesey also holds 12% of Labrador Iron Mines 
Holdings Limited, which through its 52% owned subsidiaries, is engaged in the 
exploration and development of direct shipping iron ore deposits in Labrador and 
For further information, please contact: 
Anglesey Mining plc 
Andrew King, Interim-Chairman - Tel: +44 (0)7825 963700 
Jo Battershill, Non-Executive Director - Tel: +44 (0)7540 366000 
Nominated Adviser & Joint Corporate Broker 
Brian Garrahy / Daragh O'Reilly - Tel: +353 1 679 6363 
WH Ireland 
Joint Corporate Broker 
Katy Mitchell / Harry Ansell - Tel: +44 (0) 207 220 1666 
LEI: 213800X8BO8EK2B4HQ71 
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(END) Dow Jones Newswires

January 19, 2024 02:00 ET (07:00 GMT)

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