Natera Inc is operative in the healthcare field in the United States. Its core business is to offer invasive and other means of diagnosing the genetic features of a fetus. Natera's array of diagnostic services includes Panorama Non-Invasive Prenatal Test that screens for chromosomal abnormalities of...
Natera Inc is operative in the healthcare field in the United States. Its core business is to offer invasive and other means of diagnosing the genetic features of a fetus. Natera's array of diagnostic services includes Panorama Non-Invasive Prenatal Test that screens for chromosomal abnormalities of a fetus with a blood draw from the mother, Anora Products of Conception (POC) test to analyze fetal chromosomes to understand the cause of miscarriage, and Non-Invasive Paternity Testing (PAT), to determine paternity by studying the fragments of fetal deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in a pregnant mother's blood and a blood sample from the alleged father. The Company acquires its revenue by billing an insurance carrier, a clinic, or a patient for the test upon delivery of the test result.
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