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BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust

BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust (BPT)

Fechado 15 Fevereiro 6:00PM
Após o horário de negociação: 8:29PM


StrikeOfertaVendaÚltimo PreçoPonto MédioVariação do DiaVariação do Dia %VolumeINT ABERTOÚltimo Negócio
1,000,050,050,050,050,000,00 %01.084-
2,000,000,500,000,000,000,00 %00-
3,000,000,650,000,000,000,00 %00-
4,000,000,700,000,000,000,00 %00-

Ferramentas de nível profissional para investidores individuais.


StrikeOfertaVendaÚltimo PreçoPonto MédioVariação do DiaVariação do Dia %VolumeINT ABERTOÚltimo Negócio
1,000,151,250,000,700,000,00 %00-
2,001,002,400,001,700,000,00 %00-
3,001,253,402,302,3250,000,00 %00-
4,002,204,500,003,350,000,00 %00-


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US$ 6,02
SRMSRM Entertainment Inc
US$ 0,6999
WRDWeRide Inc
US$ 31,4877
US$ 16,27
MBRXMoleculin Biotech Inc
US$ 2,1201
BLACBellevue Life Sciences Acquisition Corporation
US$ 3,08
BLACUBellevue Life Sciences Acquisition Corporation
US$ 3,36
CSAICloudastructure Inc
US$ 19,0001
NEXNNexxen International Ltd
US$ 10,30
BSLKBolt Projects Holdings Inc
US$ 0,6626
CNSPCNS Pharmaceuticals Inc
US$ 0,1415
MGOLMGO Global Inc
US$ 0,7176
SRMSRM Entertainment Inc
US$ 0,6999
INTCIntel Corporation
US$ 23,60
NVDANVIDIA Corporation
US$ 138,85
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 2 minutos atrás
According to the USGS, the United States relied 100% on cesium imports in 2019. It’s hard to get a world market price on cesium because there is no trading of this strategic metal, but according to the most recent Mineral Commodities Summary, one company offered 1-gram ampoules of 99.8% (metal basis
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 3 minutos atrás
In terms of world dominance, the “cesium standard” is the key. This is the standard by which the accurate commercially available atomic clocks measure time, and it’s vital for the data transmission infrastructure of mobile networks, GPS and the internet.
Hi_Lo Hi_Lo 4 minutos atrás
Correct. Past means nothing here.
If the pumpers here are falsely saying that GVSI only needs its most recent two years of audited financials to get SEC current, then why did Sharp say that FINRA "is concerned with acts by previous management, particularly, missing financials from that period
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 5 minutos atrás
The supreme technological war of global dominance can’t be won without these metals, so whoever controls them has the upper hand.

Cesium is described by the German Institute for Strategic Metals (ISE) as “the most electropositive of all stable elements in the periodic table”, and the
The ELTP King The ELTP King 6 minutos atrás
Literally IMPOSSIBLE to sell the company right now for any decent price.

We'd get PENNIES on the dollar:

1. Mikah still has partial ownership of the Adderalls
2. All the BE studies failed
3. Generic OxyContin uncertainty
4. Elite is trading on t
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 6 minutos atrás
But while there are only three cesium mines in the world, the potential is in new supply. Of five cesium occurrences in Canada’s Ontario province, a small-cap Canadian explorer called Power Metals Corp. (TSXV:PWM) owns 100% of three of them (West Joe, Tot Lake and Marko).

So, the focu
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 7 minutos atrás
CHINA TARIFFS DOES NOT HELP.....The only question in this game now is whether there is any chance for North America to get its hands-on new cesium of its own to get out from under a Chinese monopoly.
TrendTrade2016 TrendTrade2016 8 minutos atrás
It’s worth up to twice the price of gold, ounce for ounce, there are only three producing mines in the world, and all of them are controlled by China.
WALLnut WALLnut 8 minutos atrás
Even with a fast FDA approval, India’s trials will still be miles ahead. But what matters is once the IDE is secured, Mayo Clinic can finally put real U.S. clinical data on the table. That’s the turning point—because once that happens, the game changes entirely.

The ELTP King The ELTP King 9 minutos atrás
Nasrat knows that in order to sell Elite in early 2027, he needs SEVERAL billion dollar BE studies completed and/or these drugs launched.

We also need clarification on Generic OxyContin.

This is why Nasrat is going FULL STEAM ahead with regards to R&D.

Bull_Dolphin Bull_Dolphin 11 minutos atrás
Yep, it was a doozy! It made my day yesterday when I happened to catch it live.
The audience was not too happy. I think JD was level setting for his run towards #48. He will both demand and receive respect.

Glad you watched it because the delivery was just SO good.
jammy32 jammy32 12 minutos atrás
So now you’re happy ? You like Nasrat. Which one is it as I can’t keep track

He’s selling the company is what I heard. Someone here should be able to calculate the sell out price based on shares outstanding and future earnings. Any JP wannabe s out there
robinandthe7hoods robinandthe7hoods 13 minutos atrás
Listen to the Blue Yonder video below and you can figure out that 'Snowflake' has Genius all over it.

"VERSES Announces the First Wayfinder-Based AI Routing Agent"
StayHumble StayHumble 14 minutos atrás
$UBQU has no plans for a reverse split💹innovativeOutcomes Merger✅
"trust me bro i'm an insider too"
RealDutch RealDutch 14 minutos atrás
They did complete KYC. They are simply waiting for clearance now from the bank's compliance team. They were expecting it on friday as there are no open issues, but they haven't received it yet.

There are no twists and turns.
Huggy Bear Huggy Bear 14 minutos atrás
Saweet !!!
microcapbiotech microcapbiotech 15 minutos atrás
Despite the price that has been going down. This just reported, a tiny bit interesting, NEA increases shares by 52%,
plus 3 new large buyers, which means ????
Owner Name Date Shares Held Change (Shares) Change (%) Value (In 1,
threewheeler threewheeler 16 minutos atrás
Joshua A. CohenJoshua A. Cohen
• Following • Following
$AZRH = American Industries, Freedom Well Testing & Mountain V - Oil & Gas, Water & Land - Micro Caps / Small Caps$AZRH = American Industries, Freedom Well Testing & Mountain V - Oil & Gas, Water & Land - Micro Caps / Small Caps
PennyMillions852 PennyMillions852 18 minutos atrás
Agree, been saying this for months! Company needs to update us!
threewheeler threewheeler 18 minutos atrás
Joshua A. CohenJoshua A. Cohen
• Following • Following
$AZRH = American Industries, Freedom Well Testing & Mountain V - Oil & Gas, Water & Land - Micro Caps / Small Caps$AZRH = American Industries, Freedom Well Testing & Mountain V - Oil & Gas, Water & Land - Micro Caps / Small Caps
HenryB3 HenryB3 18 minutos atrás
Lots of kool aide drinking going on here. No uplisting. Too many obstacles and RS is death. Just a slow bleed to no where with those buyout rumors getting pushed more and more, Until somebody wakes up and realizes. There's no buyout. All while sitting at .17 cents and no bridge to buy either. Thats
The ELTP King The ELTP King 19 minutos atrás
It's the EXACT opposite.

Even though Elite is moving at QUOTE "lightning speed" with regards to R&D, Nasrat said it's STILL not fast enough.

Nasrat said R&D is SUCH a priority, his as* flew 18 HOURS to India. CRAZY!

It sounded like BE studies might not b
threewheeler threewheeler 19 minutos atrás
Joshua A. CohenJoshua A. Cohen
• Following • Following
$AZRH = American Industries, Freedom Well Testing & Mountain V - Oil & Gas, Water & Land - Micro Caps / Small Caps$AZRH = American Industries, Freedom Well Testing & Mountain V - Oil & Gas, Water & Land - Micro Caps / Small Caps
okpj okpj 19 minutos atrás
When someone posts repetitive long negative posts about a penny stock, their motivations can vary. Here are some possibilities:

Perhaps there are one or two more...

There are people that are just negative, and/or nasty. They want to tear down other's hopes or dreams,

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