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Rws (RWS)

Rws Holdings Plc
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:RWS
12/12/202409:03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS climbs as it increases dividend after swing to profit on AI growthLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/12/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Final ResultsLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
02/12/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Total Voting RightsLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
26/11/202408:33Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS appoints European tech heavyweight Benjamin Faes as CEOLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
26/11/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Directorate ChangeLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
31/10/202407:12RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Director/PDMR ShareholdingLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
29/10/202408:52Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS Holdings shares drop on worsened annual performanceLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
29/10/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Trading StatementLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
02/10/202409:35Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEXECUTIVE CHANGES: Dar Global chair exits; new CFOs at Kistos, HansardLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
13/08/202407:15RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Holding(s) in CompanyLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
18/06/202406:40Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS Holdings progresses sustainability commitment with SBTi approvalLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
18/06/202403:00RNS Non-RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC SBTi validates commitment to emission reductionLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/06/202407:49Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS Holdings shares rise as company sees early signs of recoveryLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/06/202403:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Half-year ReportLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
23/05/202413:03Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS expects chief executive officer to leave company in early 2025LSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
23/04/202405:42Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS Holdings expects interim profit decline as certain segments weakenLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
22/02/202410:01RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Result of AGMLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
22/02/202409:05Alliance NewsAlliance NewsEARNINGS AND TRADING: Galliford wins deals; Sylvania profit downLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
22/02/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Closing of Share Repurchase ProgrammeLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
22/02/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC AGM StatementLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
21/02/202404:00RNS Regulatory NewsRWS Holdings PLC Transaction in Own SharesLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
22/01/202406:00UK RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC Publication of Annual Report and Notice of AGMLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/01/202404:00UK RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC Non-executive Director ResignationLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
29/12/202308:20UK RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC AIM Rule 17 UpdateLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
14/12/202304:00UK RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC Appointment of Non-executive DirectorsLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/12/202308:30Alliance NewsAlliance NewsCORRECT: RWS swings to annual loss on impairments; ups dividendLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/12/202305:59Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRSW swings to annual loss on impairments; ups dividendLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
12/12/202304:00UK RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC Annual Financial ReportLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
03/11/202309:54UK RegulatoryRWS Holdings PLC Transaction in Own Shares - ReplacementLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
25/10/202307:31Alliance NewsAlliance NewsRWS shares fall as expects adjusted profit to fall on-yearLSE:RWSRws Holdings Plc
 Apresentando as notícias mais relevantes sobre:LSE:RWS

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